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QP CODE-1463
No Lower cognitive Higher KNOW
cognitive Higher cognitive
Anatomy of Mention the Describe the importance Mention the parts of the
female structure of of pelvic fascia (5) fallopion tube(3)
reproductive Obstetrical perineum
1 organ (3) List the Describe the functions
structures in pelvic of pelvic floor(5)
floor (3) Discuss
the changes in uterus Describe the structure of
with age (3) ovary(5) Describe the
supports of uterus(5)
Congenital Mention the uterine Describe the clinical List the treatment for
malformation anomalies & its features of uterine uterine anomalies (3).
of female types (3) Mention anomalies(5) Explain complete
genital organs the various vaginal Discuss the diagnosis Atresia(3)
abnormalities(3) of uterine anomalies(3) Discuss the clinical
Discuss features of Hymen
the clinical feature of abnormality(3)
vaginal abnormalities(5)
Development Describe the sources &
of genital descent of ovary(3)
Define puberty & Describe the Tanner’s Differentiate between
Puberty & list genital organ classification of puberty delayed & Artificial
Menopause changes occurring at (5) menopause (3)
2 puberty (5) Define Define precocious Define delayed
delayed puberty & puberty & its causes(5) menopause & its causes
its causes (3) (3).
Compare Define List the diagnosis of
premature thelarche, Menopause & discuss precocious puberty(3)
menarche & the clinical features of Define
puberche (3). menopause (5) puberty menorrhagia &
Compare Explain secondary discuss its causes (5)
climacteric period & sexual characters(5)
Menopause(3) List
the diagnosis of Discuss menopausal
menopause(5) syndrome(5)
Neuro- List the ovarian Describe the functions Describe the importance
endocrinology harmones(3) of oestrogen(5) of Hypothalomo-pituitary
in reproduction Distinguish ovarian axis during fetal-
between Inhibin & Describe the functions life, puberty, pregnancy
Relaxin(3) of Progestrone(5) & menopause.(3)
the functions of FSH &
Mention the
functions of Oxytocin &
Menstruation Define ovulation.(3) Describe the uterine & Describe the formation &
Define ovarian changes at maturation of graafian
menstruation(3) various stages of follicle(5)
Define corpus menstruation(5) Discuss
luteum & types(3) the formation of corpus
Discuss the physiology luteum(3)
of menstruation(5) Define LH
surge & mention its
Explain An-ovular importance(3)
Examination of List the indications Discuss the indications List the indications of
3 gynaecology of culdoscopy(3) of laparoscopy(5) speculum examination(3)
patient List 3 Mention the importance
indications of Discuss the indications of colposcopy(3)
hysteroscopy(3) of Ultra-sonography in Mention the indications
List the gynaecology(5) of TVS(Transvaginal
various Imaging Discuss the sonography) (3)
techniques in indications for D&C(5)

List the instruments

used in D&C(5)

Inter-sex Define Klienfelter’s List the clinical features

syndrome(3) of female inter-sex(3)
Define Inter- Explain Turner’s
sex(3) syndrome(3)
Discuss True
Hermaphrodites &
mention types(3)
Discuss the male Inter-
Define Genital Describe the causes & Mention the symptoms of
4 Displacement prolapse, its clinical clinical features of Fixed retroversion(3)
of uterus types(3) ) Mention 3 mobile retroverted Discuss the prevention &
indications of uterus(5) management of
pessary(3) retroversion(5)
Mention the Discuss the aetiology, Mention D/D of
degrees of uterine clinical feature cystocele(3)
prolapse(3) diagnosis & prevention
of genital prolapse(10)

List the D/D of uterine

prolapse (5)
Write the
signs & symptoms of

Define retroversion of
uterus, mention its
degrees & D/D(5)
Explain Elisa test(3) Describe the aetiology, Compare the clinical
5 Pelvic Define PID & clinical features, & features of Acute
Infections mention its types(3) investigations of PID. salphingitis from
(10) Disturbed Ectopic(5)
List the Mention the
differential diagnosis Immediate & Late Mention the preventive
of Acute PID(3) complications of PID(5) treatment of acute pelvic
List 5 complications Discuss the causative Mention the
of acute pelvic organism, mode of clinical features of
infection(3) spread & clinical feature cervical TB(3)
Define & D/D of Acute pelvic Differentiate between
chronic pelvic infection following gonococcal & pyogenic
infection & mention delivery/abortion(10) salphingitis(5)
its causes(3) Describe
the clinical features,
investigations &
differential diagnosis of
chronic pelvic
the mode of spread,
clinical features &
investigations of genital
Enumerate the
diagnosis of genital TB.
Enlist the D/D
of genital TB (3)
Sexually Mention 3 STD & Describe the clinical Define Chancroid, its
transmitted their causative features, complications clinical features &
disease agents(3) Discuss & preventive treatment diagnosis(5)
the clinical features of Acute Discuss the clinical
of chronic gonorrhoea(10) feature & risk factor
gonorrhoea(3) Discuss clinical involved in Herpes
Define features & diagnosis of Genitilis (5)
AIDS & its mode of syphilis.(5) Mention the aetiology,
transmission(3) clinical feature &
Mention 4 risk Describe clinical complication of
factors for AIDS(3) features, causative chlamydial infection(5)
organism, diagnosis of
AIDS(10) Explain clinical features
Mention 3 of granuloma
preventive treatment for inguinale(3)
Infections of Define Classify Vulval Discuss the aetio-
individual Trichomoniasis & infections(5) Define pathology & clinical
pelvic organs Monoliasis & Acute Bartholinitis & feature of Bartholin
mention the mention its clinical cyst(5)
causative features(5) Describe Define senile
organisms(3) Define Bartholin abscess, its vaginitis with its clinical
cervicitis & clinical features & features(5) Define
classify(3) treatment(5) Discuss hydrosalpinx & mention
aetiology, clinical 3 complication(3)
Define pyometra & features & investigation Mention D/D of
write its causation(3) of vulvo-vaginitis in acute salphingitis(3)
Define Acute Describe Differentiate hydro-
salphingitis & the mode of spread, salphinx from pyo-
mention 2 causes(3) clinical features & salphynix(5)
diagnosis of Discuss the
Define Oophritis & trichomoniasis(10) comparative features of
mention the route of Discuss the Gonococcal from
spread(3) pathology & clinical Pyogenic salphingitis(5)
Mention the feature of monoliasis(5)
aetiology of para- Describe
metritis(3) pathology, clinical
Define pelvic feature & treatment of
abscess & mention 2 chronic cervicitis(10)
causes(3) Mention
the clinical feature Describe, clinical
of chronic feature, investigation &
salphingitis (3) diagnosis of pelvic
Define Endometritis Discuss the causes &
& mention its clinical feature of Acute
aetiology(5) cervicitis(5) Discuss the
predisposing factors &
clinical features of
Monolial vaginitis(5)

Describe the clinical

feature & investigation
of endometritis(5)
Dysmenorrhoe Define Describe the aetiology, Define ovarian
6 a & Disorders dysmenorrhoea & clinical features & dysmenorrhoea &
of Menstrual mention its types(3) management of mention 2 causes(3)
cycle Define membranous spasmodic
dysmenorrhoea & dysmenorrhoea(10) Define
write its causes(3) Discuss the aetiology, Mittelschmerzs
clinical feature syndrome & mention 2
Differentiate congestive causes(3)
primary from dysmenorrhoea (5) Define Sheehan’s
secondary Describe syndrome & mention 2
dysmenorrhoea(3) causes & clinical causes(3)
Define features of
premenstrual premenstrual tension(5)
syndrome with its
specific criteria(3) Discuss the clinical
feature & diagnosis of
Abnormal Define &write 2 Define & list the causes Mention the common
menstrual causes of epi- of menorrhagia(5) causes of abnormal
bleeding menorrhoea(3) vaginal bleeding(3)
Define & write the Define & mention Mention the
causes of oligo- the causes of importance of uterine
menorrhoea(3) metrorrhagia(5) curettage in cases of
Define & classify DUB(3)
DUB(3) Describe the clinical
feature, special
Define secondary investigation &general
DUB & mention its management of primary
causes(3) Define DUB(10)
ovular & an-ovular Explain
bleeding(3) Define metropathia
hypomenorrhoea & hemorrhagica, its
mention its clinical features &
causes(3) diagnosis(5)
Amenorrhoea Define Amenorrhoea Describe the causes of Discuss causes & clinical
& mention the primary amenorrhoea(5) feature of crypto-
clinical types(3) menorrhoea(5)
Describe the diagnosis Mention the
Define crypto- of primary amenorrhoea management for
menorrhoea (3) based on clinical secondary
Define examination(5) amenorrhoea(3)
lactation- Describe Explain the causes &
Amenorrhoea(3) the aetiology,-pathology clinical features of
Define & investigation of Asherman’s syndrome(3)
primary & secondary
secondary amenorrhoea(10)
amenorrhoea(3) Define
aetio-pathology, clinical
features & investigation
of PCOD(10)
7 Infertility Define Infertility & Describe the causes of List the methods of ART
mention the male infertility(5) (Assisted reproductive
physiological causes techniques)in
of infertility(3) Describe the infertility(3)
Mention the specific causes of female Mention the indications
investigations in infertility & combined of IVF(3)
male infertility(3) factors of infertility (10) Mention advantage &
Explain safe disadvantage of HSG
period(3) Define Discuss BBT (basal (Hystero-salphigography)
sterility & mention 2 body temp) & write its (3)
causes(3) clinical importance(5) Discuss tubal patency
Mention the indications Define artificial
of PAP smear(3) insemination (3)
Explain Explain post-coital
Fern test(5)) test(3)
Explain semen
Discuss the tests to
detect ovulation(5)
Benign lesions Mention the vulval &
8 of vulva & vaginal cysts(3)
vagina Mention 3 types of
vulval ulcers(3)
bacterial vaginosis(3)
Mention the
differential diagnosis of
vaginal ulcers(3)
Benign lesion Define cervical Describe aetiology, Mention the types of
of cervix erosion & mention clinical features & cervical cysts(3)
its types(3) diagnosis of cervical Discuss the management
erosion(10) of cervical erosion(5)
Explain Explain Endometriotic
Nabothian cyst(3) cyst(5)
Benign lesion Define fibroid & Describe the clinical Discuss the secondary
of uterus mention its types(3) feature, investigation & changes occurring in
management of fibroid(5)
Mention the symptomatic fibroid(10) Mention the life
complications of Enlist threatening complication
uterine fibroid(5) the differential of fibroid(3)
diagnosis of fibroid(5) Define uterine
polyps & mention its
Discuss the treatment & types(3)
management of Explain the symptoms
asymptomatic fibroid(5) of cervical fibroid(3)

Describe the causes

of uterine fibroid(5)
Benign lesion Explain Corpus- Discuss the features of Classify the ovarian
of ovary luteum cyst(3) follicular cyst(3) tumors(5)
Discuss the Explain serous cyst
Define Lutein clinical features of Adenoma(3)
cyst(3) Benign ovarian Define Mucinous
tumor(5) cyst adenoma(3)
List any 2 Benign & Describe Mention the
Malignant ovarian the origin & clinical complication of Benign
tumors(3) features of Dermoid Ovarian tumor(3)
Define cyst(5) Discuss the
Brenner’s tumor(3) D/D Ovarian tumor(5)

Explain the non-

neoplastic causes of
ovarian enlargement &
Mention the features of
functional cyst (5)
between Benign &
Malignant ovarian
tumors (5)

Endometriosis Define Describe the clinical Discuss the pathogenesis

9 & adenomyosis Endometriosis & features, diagnosis of & theories of
mention the sites(3) Endometriosis(5) Endometriosis(5)
Mention any 4 Discuss the Explain serum
commonest sites of complications of marker-125(3)
Endometriosis(3) Endometriosis(5)
Define & mention
the causes of Enlist the D/D of
Adenomyosis(3) Endometriosis(3)
Discuss the
clinical features of
Enlist the causes of Define leucorrhoea, Distinguish between
10 Special topics Abnormal vaginal discuss the causes & causes of vaginitis &
discharge(3) diagnosis of abnormal vaginal
Define pelvic leucorrhoea(5) discharge(5)
pain & mention its Define Mention the causes
types(3) Pruritus vulvae & its of Low Backache pain(5)
Define post- causation(5) Define
menopausal bleeding Describe Hirsuitism & mention 2
& mention 2 causes the causes & causes(3)
(3) investigations of Post- Define Galactorrhoea &
Define menopausal bleeding(5) write the content in the
Vaginismus & secretion(3)
mention its types(3) Define
Mention 3 Dyspareunia & write its
indications of causes in male &
Mammography(3) female(5)
11 Genital Mention the Describe the mode of Describe FIGO staging
malignancy complications of Ca spread, pre-disposing of Endometrial Ca(5)
cervix(5) risk factors & diagnosis Mention the
Enlist the D/D of Ca Cervix(10) preventive treatment for
of Ca cervix(3) Describe the clinical Ca Endometrium(3)
features of Ca Cervix(5)
Mention 3 causes of Define Androblastoma
death in Ca cervix(3) Discuss the Primary & & write its clinical
Secondary preventive features(3)
management of Ca Describe FIGO staging
cervix(5) of Ca cervix(5)
Discuss Differentiate
the aetiology of between Cervical erosion
endometrial cancer(5) & Ca Cervix(5)
Discuss the clinical
features & diagnosis of
Endometrial Cancer(5)

Discuss the clinical

features of Granulosa
cell tumor of the
the differential diagnosis
of Ca Endometrium(5)

12 Urinary Define Urge Discuss the clinical Discuss the physiology

problems in Incontinence & feature, investigation of of micturition(5)
Gynaecology mention its types(3) GSI(5) Differentiate
between stress Define dysuria &
Define GSI(Genuine incontinence & Urge mention 2 causes(3)
stress incontinence incontinence(5) Define
& mention 2 cystitis & mention its
causes(3)) Define Define sensory urge clinical features(3)
dysuria & mention 2 incontinence with its Define urethral
causes(3) symptoms& list the caruncle & mention
Define causes of sensory urge clinical features of
enuresis(3) incontinence(5) caruncle(5)

Define the causes &

management of
retention of urine(5)
predisposing factors, &
clinical presentation of
UTI(urinary tract
Genital fistulae Define genital fistula Describe the causes & Define Recto-vaginal
& mention its clinical features of fistula & its causes(5)
types(3) Define vesico-vaginal fistula(5) Discuss
Vesico-vaginal the diagnosis of vesico-
fistula & mention its Differentiate between vaginal fistula(5)
types(3) the causes of Recto-
vaginal fistula from
vesico-vaginal fistula(5)

Genital tract Define complete Discuss the aetiology, Enlist the different coital
injuries perineal tear(3) clinical feature of injuries(3)
Discuss the Mention the causes of
prevention for CPT(5) cervical tear(3)

13 Contraception Define contraception Describe the different Discuss the advantages &
& list the methods of methods of disadvantages of
contraception(3) contraception(5) laparoscopic
Define sterilization(5)
vasectomy(3) Discuss the indications
Mention the types of of vasectomy(5)
Cu-T (3) Discuss
the advantages of
Define Barrier methods(3)
sterilization & list
the permanent Mention the advantages
methods of & disadvantages of
sterilization(5) condoms(5) Discuss
Mention 3 indication natural contraception(5)
of female Discuss the types &
sterilization(3) advantages of
the types of vasectomy
& its complications(5)

Describe the advantages

of sterilization(5)
Radio-therapy Mention the reactions of
in gynaecology radio-therapy(3)
Define Tumor
marker & its
Operative Define radical Discuss the indications Explain 2 types of
Gynaecology hysterectomy(3) of hysterectomy(5) cervical biopsy(3)
Mention 2 Mention the
indications of total Describe the types of indications of
hysterectomy(3) hysterectomy(5) conisation(3)


No Lower cognitive Higher cognitive KNOW
Higher cognitive
1 Puberty & Enlist the Discuss the indications of Discuss the
Menopause indications of Calc- Menopausal syndrome in indications of
carb in precocious Lachesis & Nat-mur(5) Camphor & Lachesis
puberty(3) Compare the in menopausal
Mention the indications of Ignatia &Nat- syndrome(5)
indication of Murex mur in menopause(5)
in post-menopausal Compare the
bleeding(3) indications of Kali-carb &
List the Lachesis in premenstrual
indications of Calc- syndrome(5)
p in precocious Discuss the
puberty(3) indication of Graphites &
Kali-carb in menopause(5)

Discuss the indication of

caust & Puls in delayed first
Menstruation Mention any 3 Compare the indications of Discuss the
indication of Graphites & Puls in Anovular indication of Amm-
Bryonia in vicarious menstruation(5) carb & cyclamen in
menstruation(3) Discuss the scanty menses(3)
indication of suppression of
menses in Ignatia &
Discuss the indication of
Kreosote & Sabina in
offensive menses(5)
4 Displacement List 3 indications of Describe the indications of Mention the
of uterus Aloe-Soc in Retroversion of uterus in indication of Arnica
prolapse(3) Bell, Nat-mur, puls &Kali- in uterine prolapse.
Mention carb (10) (3) Discuss
the indication of Describe the indications of the indications of
Podophyllum in Graphites, Sec-cor, Opium & Causticum & Nat-
prolapse.(3) Nat-mur in genital mur in cystocele(3)
Mention prolapse(10) Mention the
the indication of Describe the indications of indication of
Aloe in rectocele(3) Lil-tig, Sepia, Murex & Helonius & Rhus-tox
Helonius in prolapse(10) in retroversion(5)
the indications of Med &
Lycopodium in
Discuss the indication
of Puls & Calc-flour in acute

5 Pelvic List the indication Discuss the indications of Discuss the

infections of Graphites in Kreosote & Nitric-acid in indication of
salphingitis (3) PID(5) Lachesis & Apis-m
Mention Discuss the in pelvic cellulitis(3)
important indications of Bryonia & Discuss the
indications of Silicea in Pelvic abscess(5) indications of Kali-
Lachesis in pelvic bich & Hydrastis in
infection(3) Compare & contrast the cervicitis(5 )
Enlist 3 indication indication of Sepia & Nitric- Describe the
of Hepar-sulph in acid in pelvic infections(5) indications Calc-
pelvic abscess(3) Compare the indication of sulph & Pyrogenium
Mer-sol & Rhus-tox in in pyometra(5)
List the indication Oophritis(5) Describe the Discuss the
of Alumina in indications of Mer-sol, Sepia, indication of
PID(3) Lachesis & Carbolic-acid in Carbolic-acid &
pelvic infection(10) Discuss Borax in vaginitis(5)
the indication of Ars & Tub
in salphingitis(5)
STD List the 3 important Discuss the indications of Mention the
indications of Silicea & Syphillinum in indication of
Medorrhinum in gonorrhoea (5) Gonorrhoea in Can-
gonorrhoea (3) Discuss the sativa(3)
Discuss indications of Apis & Silicea Discuss the
the indication of in gonorrhoea (5) Discuss the indication of Mer-cor
Thuja & in STD(3). indication of Mer-sol & & Med in veneral
Nitric-acid in syphilis (5). disease(5)
the indication of Ars-alb,
Tuberculinum, Phos & Ars-
Iodide in TB of genital
tract(10) Discuss the
indication of Baptisia &
Kreosote in Gonorrhoea(5)
Infections of List 3 indication of Discuss the indications of Discuss the
individual Belladonna in Mag-phos & Apis in Chronic indications of
organs Salphingitis(3) salphingitis(5) Hydrocotyle &
List Discuss the Belladonna in
the important indications of Ars-Iod cervicitis(5)
indication of &Tuberculinum in Compare
Staphy-sagria in Tubercular salphingitis(5) & contrast the
cystitis(3) Discuss the indications of Kali-
Enlist the indication of Arsenic-alb & bich & Nat-mur in
characteristic Kali-carb in vaginitis(5) Salphingitis(5).
feature of Acute Discuss the
vulvitis in Merc-sol Discuss the indications of indication of
(3) Arnica & Apis-M in Syphyllinum &
List the endometritis(5) Baptisia in
indication of- Describe the indications of Trichomoniasis(5
Kreosote in Mer-sol, Sepia, Cann-S & Discuss the
monolial vulvo-vaginitis(10) indication of Rhus-
infection(3) Compare the tox & Merc-sol in
Mention indications of Merc-sol & Oophritis(5)
the indication of Lachesis in Acute Mention the
Nitric-acid in salphingitis (5) indication of Cann-
vaginitis(3) Compare the indications of Indica in Cystitis(3)
List Cantharis &
the indications of trichomoniasis(5)
Alumina in Para-
metritis (3)
List the
indications of
Ferrum-met in

6 Dysmenorrh- Mention 3 salient Discuss the indications of Discuss the

oea & other indications of Sepia & cyclamen in indications of
disorders Belladonna, in congestive dysmenorrhoea(5) Chamamilla &
dysmenorrhoea(3) Colocy in
Mention the Discuss the indications of membranous
indication of Sabina & Caulophyllum in dysmenorrhoea (5).
cimicifuga in Congestive Discuss the salient
dysmenorrhoea(3) dysmenorrhoea(5) features of Borax &
Mention the Compare the indications of Viburnum in
indications of Kreosote & & Puls in dysmenorrhoea (5).
Erigeron in spasmodic dysmenorrhoea Mention the
membranous (5) indication of
dysmenorrhoea(3) Discuss the indications of Bromium in
Mention the Mag-phos, cimicifuga, Bell membranous
indication of & Gels in spasmodic dysmenorrhoea(3)
Pulsatilla in dysmenorrhoea (10)
Premenstrual Discuss the indication of
tension(3) Colocynth & Cyclamen in
Mention the membranous
indication of dysmenorrhoea(5)
Ammonium-carb in Describe the indications of
dysmenorrhoea(3) Viburnum, ustilago, Thlapsi-
bursae & Kreosote in dys
menorrhoea (10)
Discuss the
indication of Bovista &
Ipecac in spasmodic
Abnormal Mention the Discuss the indications of Mention the
menstrual indications of Puls Helonius, Trillium, Thlaspi-B indication of Ficus-R
bleeding in oligo- & Erigeron in DUB(10) & Crot-Hor in DUB
menorrhoe(3) Describe the (5)
Mention the indications of Erigeron, Discuss the
indications of China Hamamelis, Phos & indications of Thuja
in DUB(3) Millefolium in DUB(10) & Bell in
Mention 3 Compare Metropathia
indications of the indications of Sec-cor & Haemorrhagica(5).
Millefolium in Carb-animalis in Mention the
menorrhagia(3) metrorrhagia(5) indication of Ipecac
Mention the Discuss the indications in Menorrhagia(3)
indications of of Sepia & Nat-mur in oligo- Mention the
Thlapsi-B in menorrhoea.(5) indication of Kali-
metrorrhagia(3) Discuss the in indication of Brom in DUB(3)
Mention the Lil-tig & Sabina in DUB(5)
indication of Calc- Compare the Mention the
carb in indications of Nux-vom, indication of
menorrhagia(3) Phos Helonius, & Sec-cor in Crotalus-H in
List 3 Metrorrhagia(10) Menorrhagia(3)
indications of Compare Phos &
Belladonna in Thlaspi in menorrhagia(5)
Menorrhagia(3) Describe the
indications of Bovista &
Trillium in metrorrhagia(5)
Discuss the indication of
Ustilago & Fraxinus
Americana in DUB(5)

Amenorrhoea Mention the Describe the indications of Discuss the

indications of Nat- Kali-sulph, Sep, Helonius & indications of
mur & Puls in Baryta-c in Amenorrhoea Cyclamen & Senecia
primary (10) Describe the aurens in
amenorrhoea(5) indications of Sepia, puls, amenorrhoea(5)
Mention 3 Calc-carb & Kali-carb in Discuss the
indications of Kali- secondary amenorrhoea(10) indications of
carb in Discuss the Cimicifuga &Lyco in
amenorrhoea(3) indications of Sabina & Primary
Graphites in Amenorrhoea(5) amenorrhoea(5)
Discuss the Mention the
indications of Thuja,& indication of
Aconite in secondary Oophrinum in
Amenorrhoea(5) PCOD(3)
Discuss the salient Discuss the
features of Nat-mur & Puls in indications of J-
PCOD(5) Compare the Asoka & Mag-mur in
indications of Aconite & Amenorrhoea(5)
Ignatia in Amenorrhoea(5)

7 Infertility Mention the Describe the indications of Mention the

indication of Agnus-c, Lycop, Nux-mosch indication of
conium in sterility & Caladium in male Natrum-carb in
(3) infertility (10) infertility(3)
List the indication Discuss the indication of Mention the
of Arnica in Puls & Borax in infertility(5) indications of Oligo-
primary infertility Discuss spermia in Spongia
(3). the indications of Nat-mur & toasta.(3)
List 3 Actea-racemosa Primary Mention the
indications of Nux- infertility(5). indication of
vom in male Compare the Lycopodium in male
infertility(3) indications of Phos-acid & infertility(3)
Flour-acid in impotency (5).
Discuss the
indications of Sepia, &
Lachesis in female
Describe the
indications of Selenium &
Kali-carb in infertility(5)
8 Benign lesions List the indications Discuss the indications of Mention the
of vulva & of Graphites in Calc-sulph & Merc-sol in indication of Vaginal
vagina herpetic eruption of vulval polyp (5) thrush in Borax &
vulva(3) Describe Nat-mur & Canthari(5)
Mention the Hydrastis in Nabothilin List the
indications of Merc- cyst(5) indication in herpetic
sol in Bartholin Discuss the indications of eruptions of vulva in
cyst(3) Muratic-acid & Nitric-acid in Petroleum(3) List the
Mention 3 Bartholinitis(5) indications of Lyco
indications of calc- Discuss the in dryness of
flour in vaginal indications of Sepia & vagina(3)
cyst(3) Mention the Tuberculinum in Vulvitis(5).
indications of Calc-
c in vulval- Describe Hydrastis &
vaginitis(3) Cantharis in Acute
Discuss the indications
of Sepia & Apis-m in Senile

Benign lesions List the indications Discuss the indications of Mention the
of cervix of Kreosote in Graphites & Arg-nit in indication of
erosion of cervix(3) cervical erosion.(5) Carbolic-acid in
Discuss the cervical erosion(3)
Mention the indication of Ledum-pal & Mention 3 indication
indication of Thuja Arnica in cervical erosion(5) of Carbo-Animalis in
in cervical polyp(3) cervical cyst(3)

Benign lesions Mention the Describe the indications of Discuss the

of uterus indication of Calc- Fraxinus, Phyt, Aur-mur-nat indication of
carb in uterine &Calc-flour in uterine Carbolic-acid &
fibroid (3) fibroid(10) Fraxinus-A fibroid(5)
Mention Discuss the indication of Discuss
3 indications of Graphites, & Thuja in the indications of
phytolacca in uterine fibroid(5). Aur-Met & Medor in
fibroid(3) Discuss the fibroid(5)
indication of Hydrastis &
Sabina in sub-serous fibroid
Compare the indications of
Ustilago & Phosphorous in
sub-mucus fibroid (5)
Discuss the
indications of Sepia &Nitric-
Acid in fibroid (5).

Benign lesions Mention the Discuss the indications of Discuss the

of ovary indication of Colocynth & Apis-mel in indication of Nitric-
Bryonia in Ovarian Ovarian cyst (5) acid, Lil-tig in
cyst(3) Discuss the ovarian tumors(5)
Mention the indications of Ars-alb & Med Mention
indications of Thuja in unilateral ovarian cyst(5) the indication of
in ovarian cyst(3) Aletris-F in Dermoid
Describe the indications of. cyst(3) Mention the
Lycop & Iodum in ovarian indication of
affections(5) Oophrinum in
Describe the ovarian cyst(3)
indications of Hepar-S &
Belladonna in Tubo-ovarian
Discuss the indication of
Silicea & Calc-phos in
Dermoid cyst(5)
9 Endometriosis Mention the Discuss the indications of
& indications of Thuja Sepia & Nat-mur in
Adenomyosis in Adenomyosis(3) endometriosis(5) Mention the
indication of Arnica in
10 Special topics Mnetion 3 Discuss the indications of Mention the
indications of Calc- Agnus & Caladium in indication of
P in leucorrhoea(3) pruritus vulvae(5) Kreosote in Post-
Mention the Discuss menopausal
indication of platina the indications of bleeding(3)
in vaginismus(3) Syphyllinum & Borax in Discuss
Discuss the leucorrhoea(5) the indications of
indications of Discuss the Asteria-Rubens &
Conium & indications of Sul & Silicea in Ca
phytollaca in Ca Medorrhinum in Breast(5)
breast(5). Mention leucorrhoea(5) Discuss the Mention the
the indications of indications of Kreosote & indications of Picric-
Bovista & Ambra- Arsenic in pruritus vulvae(5) acid in pruritus
grasia in vulvae(3)
leucorrhoea.(5) Discuss the indications of Mention the
Mention the Arnica & Bellodonna in indications of
indications of Vaginismus (5) Collinsonia in
Bovista & Ambra-G Discuss the indications of Pruritus vulvae(3)
in pruritus Staphysagria & platina in
vulvae(5) Mention Dyspareunia(5). Discuss the
the indication of Compare & indications of crot-
Conium in Ca mention the indications of horridus & Hydrastis
breast(3) Puls & Calc-carb in in leucorrhoea(5).
leucorrhoea(5) Discuss Arg-nit &
Describe the indications Nit-acid in
of Argentum-nitricum & dysparuenia(5)
nitric-acid in Dysparuenia(5) Mention the
Discuss indication of
the indications of Graphites Fagopyrum in
& Sepia in Pruritus pruritus vulvae(3)
Discuss the indication
of Lyco & Nat-mur in
dryness of vagina(5)
11 Genital Mention the Describe the indications of Mention the
malignancy indications of Carcinosin & Sec-cor in indication of Merc-
Carbolic-acid in Ca endometrial Ca (5) sol & Nitric-acid in
Cervix(3) Describe the Ca Cervix(3)
Mention the indications of Phos, Lachesis, Mention the main
characteristic Thuja & Conium in Ca indication of
indication of Cervix(10). Condurango in Ca
Phosphorous in Ca Describe the vulva(3)
Cervix(3) indications of Kreosote, carb-
animalis & Graph, Nat-carb
in Ca Cervix(10).
Discuss the
indication of Kreosote in
endometrial Cancer(3)
the indications of Bismuth &
Mer-cor in malignancy of
12 Urinary Mention Stress Discuss the indications of Discuss the
problems in incontinence in cantharis & Causticum in indication of Con &
gynaecology staphysagria(3) urge incontinence(5) Gels in retention of
Discuss the indication of urine(5)
Cantharis & Apis in Mention the
retention of urine(5) indication of Opium
Discuss the in retention of
indications of Lyc & Sabal-S urine(3) Differentiate
in stress incontinence(5) between the
Compare the indications of indications of Cann-I
Staphys & Arnica in & Cann-Sat in
retention of urine(5) urinary disorders(5)
the indications of Bryonia &
Sulphur in urethral
Genital fistula Mention 3 Discuss the indications of Discuss the
indications of Calc- Sanguinaria & Medorrhinum indications of
flour in genital in genital fistula(5) Benzoic-acid &
fistula(3) Compare the indications of Staphys in genital
Hepar-S & Pyr in fistula(5) fistula(5)
Discuss the indication of
Silicea &
Nitric-acid in vesico-vaginal
Discuss the indication of
Calc-sulph & Alumina in
urinary fistula
Genital tract Mention the Discuss the indications of
injuries indications of Silicea & Ledum in genital
Staphysagria in tract injury(3)
genital injuries(3) Describe the
indications of Arnica &
Hyper in genital injuries(5)

Discuss the importance of

Calendula & Bellis-P in
injury to vulva & vagina(5)
13 Contraception Mention the indications of
Nat-mur in Oral
contraception (3)
Safe Mention the Describe the indications in
motherhood & indications of Ferr- Infections causing peri-natal
Obstetric care met &Calc-phos in mortality of Sec-cor & Actea
maternal racemosa(5)
No Lower cognitive Higher cognitive KNOW
Higher cognitive
Fundamentals Define ovulation(3) Describe the mechanism Explain
1 of Define Morula(3) & harmones of implantation(3)
Reproduction Define chorion(3) ovulation(5)
Define deciduas & List the stages of
decidual reaction.(3) oogenesis(5)
Mention 2 List the stages of
differences between spermatogenesis(5)
male & female Mention the stages of
pelvis(3) Define implantation.(3)
fertilization(3) Mention the layers
of decidua & list 3
The placenta & Define intervillous Describe fetal Lists the parts of
the membranes space.(3) circulation(5) placental barrier(3)
Mention the sources Illustrate placental Mention the
of amniotic fluid(3) surfaces & margins.(5) composition of
Define placenta Enumerate placental amniotic fluid.(3)
accreta(3) functions in detail.(5) Explain placental
Define placenta Explain the functions of circulation(3)
circumvallate & amniotic fluid during
placenta marginata. pregnancy & labour(5)
Physiological Mention the Describe the Explain weight gain
changes during physiological physiological changes in pregnancy(3)
pregnancy changes occurring in occurring in uterus during
genital tract during pregnancy.(5) Describe
pregnancy(3) the cutaneous changes
occurring at pregnancy(3)
Endocrinology Describe the functions of Explain the formation
in relation to oestrogen & progesterone & maturation of
reproduction during pregnancy.(5) corpus luteum.(5)
Discuss the functions of Explain the formation
HCG(human chorionic & maturation of
gonado-trophin) graafian follicle(5)

Fetus in utero Define engagement Discuss the diagnosis & Define Hasee;s
& its significance(3) clinical importance of rule(3)
Define LIE & Engagement (5) Mention the
define Attitude of Explain the difference importance of anterior
foetus(3) between false & true knot frontanalle (3)
Define Denominator Explain obstetrics
& its position(3) grips(5) Define
Define obstetric presentation & explain
conjugate (3). the presenting part(5
Fetal skull & Mention the sutures Discuss the importance of
maternal pelvis of fetal skull(3) Anterior fontanelle(5)
Define caput
succedaneum & explain
its importance(5).
Differentiate between
True & False pelvis(5)
Lists the symptoms Enumerate the subjective Mention the various
2 Diagnosis of of last trimester & objective symptoms in methods of
pregnancy pregnancy(3) 1st trimester pregnancy. calculation of( EDD)
Define Jacquemier’s (10) (3)
sign(3) Describe the signs & Explain Nagele;s
Define quickening symptoms of 2nd trimester formula(3)
(3) pregnancy.(10)
Define pseudocyosis Explain the differential
Explain linea- diagnosis of pregnancy.
albicans(3). (5)
Explain Braxton- Mention the signs of 3rd
Hicks contraction(3) trimester pregnancy(5)
Diagramatically represent
fundal height during
Explain ballotments(5)

Discuss the importance of

Antenatal care Define ante-natal Antenatal care(5)
care & 2 aims of Explain the antenatal
ANC (3) advice given to the
Mention the aims &
objective of ANC(5)
Define normal Describe the mechanism Enumerate the
Normal labour labour & abnormal of labour.(10) functions of HCG (5)
labour(3) Explain placental Describe the
List the stages of separation.(5) management of 1st
labour(3) Differentiate caput- stage of labour(3)
List 3 succedaeum from Mention the events in
causes of onset of cephalo-haematoma(5) 1st stage of labour(3)
labour(3) Differentiate true labour Discuss the
Mention the pains from false labour management of 3rd
features of pre- pains(5) stage labour.(5)
labour(3) Define asynclitism &
Define crowning(3) Define restitution.(3)
Mention the
importance of
Lower uterine

Define lochia & Mention the Aims & Discuss the

Normal colostrum(3) objectives of postnatal physiology of
puerperium Define normal care(5) lactation(5)
puerperium & its Explain clinical features Describe the
duration(3) & physiological changes management normal
occurring in normal puerperium(3)
Discuss the composition
& clinical importance of

3 Care of new Define New born Describe 5 physical Discuss the contra-
born & new infant(3) features of new born indications of Breast
born infant Explain infant at birth(5) feeding(5)
weaning of infant(3) Explain Describe
immediate care of new indications of
born(5) Artificial feeding (3)
Mention the advantages
of Breast feeding(5
Discuss the difficulties
faced during breast
feeding due to mother &
Explain aetiology & Mention the
4 Vomiting in Define hyperemesis clinical features of investigation of
pregnancy gravidarum(3) Hyperemesis hyperemesis
Define simple gravidarum(5). gravidarum(5)
vomiting in Discuss clinical features
pregnancy (3) & management of simple
Explain the
complications of
hyperemesis during

Induction of Define induction of Discuss the indications of Mention the methods

labour labour(3) induction of labour(5) of artificial rupture of
Mention the contra- membranes(3)
induction of induction of

Define Abortion & Describe the Aetiology of List the investigations

5 Haemorrhage classify(3) abortion(10) for diagnosis of tubal
in early Define Describe the clinical ectopic pregnancy (5)
pregnancy incomplete & feature, investigation, Mention the
complete abortion(3) prevention & general complications of
management of septic
Define carneous hydatidiform mole (5)
mole Discuss the clinical feature
List the
Define ectopic & complications of missed investigations in
pregnancy & abortion(5) molar pregnancy (3).
mention the sites Discuss signs & symptoms, Discuss the
(3). investigations and prognosis immediate
Define septic of threatened abortion (5). complications of
abortion & write its Define inevitable abortion MTP(3)
causative & mention its clinical Differentiate
organism(3) feature and management(5) between
Define Discuss differential salpingectomy &
culdocentesis(3) diagnosis of Sub acute salphingostomy(3)
Mention the ectopic pregnancy(5) List the D/D
complication of Discuss of molar
septic abortion(5) the clinical features of pregnancy(3)
Define hydatidiform acute & chronic ectopic Discuss the
mole & mention 2 pregnancy(5) causes of cervical
causes(3) Describe the causes incompetence(5)
Define of Ectopic pregnancy(5) Discuss the
induction of Discuss the causes, indications of
labour(3) diagnosis & termination of
List the investigations of pregnancy under
signs & symptoms recurrent abortion(10) MTP Act(5)
of unruptured Describe the clinical
ectopic feature & investigation of
pregnancy(3) hydatidiform mole(5)
Define pre- Discuss the aetiology & Discuss the maternal
Hypertensive eclampsia(3) signs & symptoms of complication of
disorders in Define gestational eclampsia(5). Eclampsia.(5)
pregnancy hypertension(3) Discuss the aetiology, Discuss the
Classify pre- types & clinical features management of pre-
eclampsia(3) of pre-eclampsia(10) eclampsia(3)
Mention any 3 risk Describe the Define
factors for pre- complications of pre- HELLP syndrome(3)
eclampsia(3) eclampsia.(5)
Differentiate pre-
eclampsia from essential

Multiple Define battle-dore Describe the aetiology, Discuss the

pregnancy & placenta(3) diagnosis & complication investigation in twin
Hydramnios Define hydramnia(3) of twin pregnancy(10) pregnancy(3)
Explain the varieties Describe the clinical Mention the
of twin pregnancy features & D/D of prognosis of twin
(3). chronic poly-hydramnios pregnancy(3)
Define Olig0- (5) Illustrate the signs of
hydramnia & list the Discuss the diagnosis & acute hydramnia(5)
aetiology of oligo- complication of oligo- Mention diagnosis of
hydramnia(3) hydramnia(5) twin pregnancy(3)
Define acute Discuss the maternal Define placenta
hydramnia & list its & foetal complications of succenturiata &
signs(3) poly-hydramnia(5) mention its
Discuss the aetiology of significance(3)
Poly-hydramnia (5)
Discuss the maternal &
foetal complication in
twin pregnancy(5)

Enlist the clinical Discuss the aetiology, Discuss the prognosis

classification of clinical features & of abruptio
APH abruptio placenta(3) prognosis of abruptio placenta(3)
Define Abruptio- placenta (10). Mention the
placenta &.illustrate Describe the aetiology, preventive
the varieties (3) clinical features & management of
Define placenta diagnosis of placenta abruptio placent(3)
previa & mention its praevia(5) Discuss the
types(3) Describe the maternal & preventive
Define APH & foetal complications of management of
explain the causes placenta previa(5) placenta previa(3)
(3) Mention any 3 measures Define type-3
to prevent placenta placenta previa at
previa(3) term(3)
Explain the
distinguishing features of
placenta previa &
abruptio placenta.(5)
Discuss the complications
of Abruptio-placenta(5)
Abnormalities Define puerperal Describe the mode of Discuss the
of Puerperium pyrexia & list its spread, C/F investigation prophylaxis for
causes (5) of puerperal sepsis(10) puerperal pyrexia (3
Define Mastitis Discuss the clinical Discuss the causes &
(3) Define puerperal feature & complication of treatment of cracked
sepsis & list any 3 acute mastitis(5) nipples (3).
predisposing Define sub-
factors(3) involution & discuss
its clinical features(5)
Medical illness Classify anaemia in Describe the causes & Discuss the compli-
6 complicating pregnancy (5) clinical features of iron cation of anaemia in
pregnancy List the causes deficiency anaemia in pregnancy (5).
of retention of urine pregnancy (5). Discuss the
during pregnancy(5) Discuss the effect of management of
diabetes on mother diabetes during
foetus(5) Discuss the pregnancy.(3)
complication of diabetes
during labour(5)
Gynaecological Discuss the clinical
disorders features & diagnosis of
complicating fibroid in pregnancy(5)
Define pre-term Discuss the aetiology of Mention 2
7 Pre-term, post- labour(3) intra-uterine foetal (IUD) investigations in
maturity & Define post- death(5) intra-uterine death (3)
IUD maturity, mention 2 Discuss the signs Discuss the diagnosis
causes (3) & symptoms if IUD(3) & prevention of pre-
Define intra uterine Define PROM & discuss term labour(3) )
foetal death (3). the aetiology of Discuss the
Explain spalding premature rupture of complication of post-
sign (3). membranes (3). term pregnancy(3)
Explain the aetiology of
pre-term labour(5)
Discuss the signs &
complication of
IUD(intrauterine death)
Describe the aetiology &
diagnosis of post
Special cases Define elderly Discuss the complications List the complications
primi-gravida & of pregnancy in Elderly- of labour in grand
mention the 2 primi-gravida(5) multipara (3)
groups (3) Discuss the Define hydrophs
Define Bad complications of –fetalis (3).
Obstetrics history pregnancy in grand
(BOS) multipara (5)

Contracted Define contracted Explain the aetiology of Explain pelvimetry(3)

pelvis pelvis.(3) contracted pelvis(3) Mention the
Define Describe the methods of indications & contra-
Disproportion & diagnosis of (CPD) indications of
differentiate it from cephalo-pelvic caesarian in CPD(3)
CPD(3) disproportion(5) Describe Munro-kerr
Explain premature Define trial labour & classification of
induction of labour mention its indications contracted pelvis(5)
& its indication(3) (5).

Abnormal Define abnormal Explain any 5 differences Describe cervical

8 uterine action uterine between constriction ring dystocia & its
contraction(3) & retraction ring(5) types(3) Define
Define Discuss the cause precipitate labour &
constriction ring(3) & diagnosis of mention its risk on
constriction ring(5) mother & foetus(5)
Enlist 5 causes for
abnormal uterine Discuss the clinical
contraction.(5) features of Retraction
Mal-position, Define compound Explain the types, Discuss the aetiology
mal- presentation(3) aetiology of Breech & diagnosis of
presentation & Define breech presentation(10) compound
cord prolapse presentation & Discuss the diagnosis of presentation(5)
mention its clinical complete breech(5) Mention the
varieties(3) Explain the mechanism of engaging diameters in
Mention the clinical labour in Breech(5) face & brow
types of cord presentation(3)
unstable lie(3)

Prolonged, Define prolonged Discuss the effects of Mention the

obstructed labour(3) prolonged labour on prevention of
labour & Define Obstructed mother & foetus(5) obstructed labour(3)
dystocia labour & mention Enumerate the causes of
the causes(5) prolonged labour in
1st&2nd stages of
Discuss the effect of
obstructed labour on
mother & foetus(5)
Define PPH & Discuss the aetiology, Explain the
9 Complication classify PPH(3) diagnosis & prevention of management of 3rd
of 3rd stage Define secondary Primary (PPH)post stage bleeding (5).
labour PPH(3) partum haemorrhage (10) Define & mention 2
Define Retained Discuss the aetiology of causes of Placenta-
placenta & list the Secondary PPH(5). accreta(3)
risk involved in Discuss the 5 steps for Discuss the cause
prolonged retention management of True of Inversion of
of placenta (3) PPH(5) uterus(3).
Define the Inversion Discuss the aetiology of
of uterus & list the Retained placenta (5).
varieties (3).
Injuries to the Define rupture of Discuss the causes &
Birth-canal uterus(3) degrees of injuries to the
Low birth Define low birth Describe 5 complications Discuss the features
10 weight baby weight baby & of pre-term baby(5) of Symmetrical &
classify (3) Discuss Asymmetrical growth
Define pre- the causes of IUGR (5 ) retardation(3)
term baby(3)
Define Discuss the
IUGR & mention its complications of
types(3) IUGR(5)
Diseases of the Define Asphyxia Discuss Apgar scoring(5) Mention birth injuries
foetus & New neo-natorum(3) Discuss the causes of in new born(3)
born Mention the causes pathological neonatal Discuss the
of physiological jaundice(5) causes of birth
neonatal jaundice(3) Define injuries in new
ophthalmia neonatorum born(5)
& mention its causes(3) Explain
Down’s syndrome(3)
11 Population Define contraception Discuss the Aims & Describe the
dynamics & & mention the objectives of family advantages &
control of temporary planning(5) disadvantages of
conception methods(3) Mention Describe the IUCD(5)
the advantages of Barrier methods of Mention 5
CuT(3) contraception(5) Mention adverse effects of
the natural methods of combined oral
contraception & its contraceptives(3)

Medico-legal Mention the areas of legal

aspects of threat in obstetrics(3)
obstetrics Discuss the methods to
minimise the medico-
legal problems(5)
Prenatal Discuss the importance of
diagnostic prohibition of sex
techniques selection act before or
after conception (5)
the indications to conduct
the prenatal diagnostic
test on mother (3)
12 Operative Mention the Define suction evacuation Define forceps &
Obstetrics indications of & mention its explain the varieties
D&E(3) Define indications(3) Define of forceps(3)
hysterotomy & episiotomy, mention Distinguish
mention 2 types & its advantages(5) between classical &
indications(3) Describe LSCS (3)
Define the absolute & relative Mention 3
version & mention indications of caesarean maternal
the types(3) Define section(5) complication of
caesarean & caesarean section(3)
mention the types(3)

Safe Define still birth & Discuss safe mother- Define maternal
motherhood & mention 2 causes(3) hood(5) mortality & mention
obstetrics Define neonatal Discuss maternal any 3 causes(5)
deaths(3) morbidity(5)

Reproductive Define perinatal

& child health mortality & mention
care its causes(3)
Mention the
prevention of
perinatal mortality(3)
Special topics Define foetal Explain the causes of
in obstetrics distress(3) foetal distress(5)
Define High Describe the
risk pregnancy(3) causes of High risk



No Lower cognitive Higher cognitive KNOW
Higher cognitive
1 Endocrinology Discuss the
in relation to indications of Calc-
reproduction carb & Puls in
3indications of
Thyroidinum in
Mention the Discuss the indication of
2 Diagnosis of indication of Caulophyllum & Sec-cor in
pregnancy Pulsatilla in reduced foetal movement
abnormal foetal (5).
movement(3) Discuss the indications of
fetal movement of Silicea
& Crocus-sat(5)

Mention the Discuss the indications of Discuss the

Antenatal care indication of Bry, Mag-phos, Nux-vom, indication of Ruta
Colchicum & Nux- Ferr-phos & Colchicum in & Bryonia in
vom in simple Antenatal care(10) backache during
vomiting during Define ANC & pregnancy(5)
pregnancy(5) Mention its indication in Discuss the
Mention the Nat-sulph, Plumbum, Nux- indication of
indication of Gels in v & Phos (10) Chammamilla &
giddiness of Discuss the Coffea in toothache
pregnancy(3) indications of Glonine & during
Mention indications Gels in Headache during pregnancy(5)
of Collinsonia & pregnancy(5) Mention the
Nux-Vom in Discuss the indications indication of Mag-
Hemorrhoids during of Aloe & Aesculus in phos in
pregnancy(5) constipation during toothache(3)
Mention the pregnancy(5)
indication of Arg-nit Compare the
in sleeplessness indications of Merc &
during pregnancy(3) Kreosote in Tooth-ache
during pregnancy (5)
Discuss the indications of
Chelid & Phosphorous in
Jaundice during pregnancy
(5) Discuss the
indications of Anacardium
& Kali-mur in gastritis(5)

Discuss the indication of

Kreosote & Kali-bich in
Discuss the
indication of Anacardium
& Kali-mur in gastritis
during pregnancy(5)
Discuss the indication of
Nux-v & Alumina in
constipation of

List the indications Define delayed labour & Discuss Mag-phos

Normal labour of Caulophyllum in discuss the indications of & Cup-met in after
normal labour(3) Caulophyllum, Sabina, Gels labour pains(5)
& Actea recemosa(10) Discuss the
Describe the indication of aActea
indications of Actea- R & Gels in false
racemosa, Puls, Cham & labour pains(5)
Bell in normal labour(10).
Compare &
contrast Gels & Nat-mur in
Discuss the indication of
Calc, Dioscorea, Sepia &
Caulop in false labour (10)

List indications of Indicate Caulophyllum in Describe the

Normal Arnica in 1st stage of labour(3) indications of Lac-
puerperium puerperium(3) Compare & can & Agnus castus
Discuss indications contrast Arnica & in
of Calendula & Calendula in puerperium(5) agalactorrhoea(5)
Hypericum in Describe Mention iht
episiotomy the Indications Calendula, indication of
wound(5) List 3 Phyto, Silicea, Baptisia & Pyrogenium in
indications of Staphys in puerperium (10) puerperium(3)
Baptisia in lochia(3) Mention the
Mention the Discuss the indications of indications of Pyrog
indication of Sec-cor , Cantharis, Cham in lochia.
Asafoetida in Sabina & Actea in
deficiet lactation(3) involution of uterus(10)

Describe the indications of

Kreos, Carb-an, Sec-cor &
Ustilago in Lochia(10)
Discuss Lac-can &
Ricinnus-com in
Discuss the indication of
Agnus & Calc-carb in

3 Care of new Discuss the indication of

born Cham & Bell in new born
during weaning (5)
Compare the
indication of aethusa & ant-
crud in vomiting after
nursing (5). Discuss the
indication of Calc-p &
Silicea in refusing breast
Discuss the indications of Mention the
4 Vomiting in List the indications Ars-al &Colchicum in indication of
pregnancy of Hyperemesis vomiting of pregnancy(5) Cocculus in
gravidarum of Compare hyperemesis(3)
Ipecac & Arsenic- Nux-vom & Phosphorous Compare & contrast
alb(5) in vomiting during cocculuc & Nux in
pregnancy(5) hyperemesis (5)
Compare the indications of Mention the
Sepia & Kreosote in indication of
vomiting during pregnancy Symphocarpus-R in
5) vomiting during
Discuss the Morning pregnancy(3)
sickness of Phos &
Colchicum(5) Discuss the
indication of Bryonia &
Puls in hyperemesis

Induction of Discuss the indication of

labour pains Puls & Caulophyllum in
induction of labour pains(5)

List the indications Discuss the indications of Discuss the

5 Haemorrhage in of Secale-cor in Habitual Abortion in indication of Cactus
early pregnancy missed abortion(3) Caulophyllum & Secale- & Gels in cervical
cor(5) incompetence(5)
List the indications Compare the Mention the
of Sabina in indications of Sepia & Nat- indication of Silicea
habitual abortion(3) mur in Recurrent in missed
abortion(5) abortion(3)
Describe the
indications of Kali-carb,
Sabina, pulsatilla
pyrogenium in threatened
abortion (10)
Discuss the
indication of Sabina & Puls
in threatened abortion(5)
Mention the Discuss the indications of Discusss the
Hypertensive indication of Gels & Cicuta-virosa & Bufo in indication of
disorders in Lycop in pre-eclampsia(5) Cantharis &
pregnancy hypertension during Describe Apocynaum & Terbenthina in
pregnancy (5) Mer-cor in PET(5). Albuminuria of
Mention the pregnancy(5)
Indications of Apis Describe the indications of
in PET(3) Bell, Glonine , Gels & nat-
Mention the mur in PET (10)
indication of Discuss the
Rawolfia in indications of Cicuta-v &
hypertension during Cup-met in eclampsia (5)
Discuss Glonine & Bell in

Multiple Mention the Describe the indications of Mention the

pregnancy & indication of Indications of indication of
Hydramnios caulophyllum, Sabina, Unstable lie Puls(3)
Apocynum in abrotanum & puls in breech
poly-hydramnia(3) presentation(10) Describe
the indication of Sepia &
Nat-mur in Oligo-

List the indications Compare & contrast Discuss the

of Millefolium in Trillium & Ipecac in prognosis of
APH placenta-praevia(3) APH(5) abruptio
Discuss the indications of Abruptio-placenta
Ipecac, Trillium, Sec-cor & in Hammemelis(3)
Arnica in placenta Mention the
praevia(10) indication of
Compare the Mellilotus in
indications of Erigeron & placenta praevia(3)
Veratrum in placenta
Describe the indication of
Thlapsi-B & Carbo-veg in

Abnormalities Define puerperal Compare Conium & Discuss the

of Puerperium pyrexia & list 2 Phytolacca in breast indications of
indications of complication after delivery Bryonia & Phyto in
Pyrogeneum(5). (5) puerperal
List Compare the Puerperial mastitis(5)
the indications of mania of Hyos & Mention the
Ars-alb & Sulph in Stramonium (5) indication of
Puerperial fever (5) Compare the Puerperial pyrexia
indications of Baptisia & in Sec-cor(3).
Mention the Kreosote in puerperial Indicate sangunaria
indication of Hepar- pyrexia(5) in post natal
sulph & Silicea in Discuss the indications of headache (3).
Breast abscess(5) Ars & Arnica in retention Mention the ind
of urine after delivery(5) ication of Cimic in
List the indication Compare the puerperial mania
of Conium in indications of Rhus-tox & (3).
mastitis(3) Mention Bell in puerperal sepsis(5) Mention the
the indication of indicarion of Calc-
Asafoetida in Compare & contrast the sulph in breast
deficiet lactation(3) indications of Bryonia & abscess(3)
Veratrum-V in puerperal Discuss the
fever(5) . indication of Ignatia
Discuss the & Nat-mur in
indications of Phytolocca & puerperal
Conium in breast psychosis(5)

Medical illness List 3 indications of Describe the indications of List the indications
6 complicating Ferrr-met in of Aletens in iron
pregnancy anaemia of Syz jamb, Acid-phos in deficiency
pregnancy (3) diabetes during anaemia(3 Mention
List 3 pregnancy(5) Compare the the indication of
indications of Acid- indications of Uranium-Nit Calc-flour in
phos in Glycosuria & Phos in diabetes during varicose veins
in pregnancy (3)- pregnancy(5) ofpregnancy(3)
Compare Discuss the
Mention the Baryta-mur & Rawalfia, in indication of
indication of China gestational hypertension(5) Digitalis & Bell in
in Iron deficiency cardiac diseases(5)
anaemia at Discuss the indication of
pregnancy(3) Hamamellis & Puls in
varicose veins of
Mention the pregnancu(5)
indication of Calc- Discuss the indication
phos in anaemia(3) of Calc-iod & Thyroidinum
Mention the in hypothyroidism(5)
indication of Describe the
Cantharis in UTI(3) indication of Bell & Nat-
mur in gestational
Gynaecological Mention the Compare & contrast the Discuss the
disorders indications of Med indications of Aur-mur-nat indications of
complicating & Thuja in chronic & Nat-mur in fibroid Ustilago & Calc –c
pregnancy gonorrhoea(5) during pregnancy(5) in fibroids at
Describe pregnancy(5)
the indications of Med &
Aur-met in Syphilis in
Compare the
indications of Mercurius &
Nit-acid in syphilis during
Compare the
indications of Calc-flour &
Sepia in fibroid during
pregnancy (5).
7 Contracted Mention the Discuss Arnica & Mention the
pelvis indication of Bell in Pyrogenium in effects after indication of
Rigid Os (3) MTP Describe the Caulophyllum in
indications of Cactus & rigid Os(3)
Gels in cervical
Abnormal Define abnormal Describe the indications of Mention the
8 uterine action uterine & mention A tonic uterus in Bell & indications ofActea
its indication in Puls(5) racemosa in
Caulophyllum(3) Discuss the cervical
indications of Opium & dystocia(5).
Chamamilla in deficiet
uterine contraction(5)
Mal-position, Discuss the indication of Mention the
mal- Puls & Nat-mur in mal- indication of Puls in
presentation & presentation (5) breech
cord prolapse presentation(3)
Prolonged, Mention the Discuss the indications of Define prolonged
obstructed indication of Gels in Sec-cor & Caulo in labour &mention
labour & prolonged labour(3) prolonged labour(5) the cause in
dystocia spongia(3)
Define PPH & & Define Retained placenta & Compare the
9 Complication indicate Bell & discuss its indication in indications of
of 3rd stage Arnica(5) Caulop & Cantharis (5) Trillium & Sec-cor
labour Mention the Compare the in revealed &
indication of Sabina indications of Ferrum & concealed
in retained placenta Nitric acid in PPH (5) haemorrhage(5)
Discuss the
indications of Thlapsi-bursa
& Sec-cor in retained
Describe the indications of
Cyclamen, Actea, Sec-cor
& Actea-R in PPH(10)
Discuss the indications of
Erigeron, Secale-cor,
Trillium & Ustilago in post
partum bleeding(10)

Injuries to the Discusst the Discuss the indication of

Birth-canal indications of Calendula & Hypericum in
Arnica & Hepar in perineal tear(5)
perineal tear(5) Indicate S taphysagria &
Cal-sulph in injury to
Compare Bellis-P &
Calendula in injury to
Low birth Mention the Compares the indication of
10 weight baby indication of Acetic Abrotanum & Lyco in low
acid in Premature birth weight baby(5)
baby(3) (3)
Diseases of the Define Asphyxia & Compare the indications of Describe the
foetus & New indicate Ant-tart & Nat-sulph, & Chelidonium indications of
born Carbo-veg in new Jaundice in new-born(5)- Helleborous & Led-
born (5) pal in infantile
Mention the Discuss the indications of convulsions(5)
indication of Mag-carb & Aethusa in Mention the
Sanicula in infantile diarrhoea (5) indication of
vomiting of New Describe the indications of Camphor in
born (3) Mention Arg-nit & Opium in asphyxia neonate
the indication of Asphyxia neonatrum (5) (3)
Chamamilla in Discuss Mention the
neonate the indications of China & indication of
diarrhoea(3) Podophyllum in neonatal Argentum-nitricum
Mention diarrhoea(5) in ophthalmia
the indication of Compare the indications neonatrum (3)
Euphrasia in of Mag-mur & Mag-carb in Mention the
ophthalmia neonatal jaundice(5) indication of Bell in
neonatrum (3) Compare the vomiting hydrocephalus(3)
of Aethusa & Ipecac in new
born infant(5)
12 Operative Mention the Discuss the indications of Define forceps &
Obstetrics indication of Rhus- Staphysagria & Calendula mention the
tox & Arnica in in Caesarien section(5) indication of
episiotomy (5) Discuss the Ledum –pal(3)
indications of Bellis-p &
Hypericum in
Special topics Discuss the indications of
in Obstetrics Digitalis & Cicuta-v in
High risk cases(5)

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