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and the absence of high-quality evidence describing their efficacy in mg/kg/dose IV q4h × three doses.12 It is recommended that ado-
combination with a 5-HT3 antagonist dissuaded the guideline panel lescents 17–18 years of age receive the licensed adult palonosetron
from recommending their use. dose.44–46
Recommendations 2.2–2.4 are weak recommendations because The palonosetron dose recommended for patients 17 years of
uncertainty exists regarding the extent of the improvement in CIV con- age and older is based on a dose-finding study that concluded that
trol that can be achieved with the implementation of these recommen- 0.003 mg/kg was the lowest effective dose in adults.34 It is notable
dations due to the lack of direct supporting evidence. that adults weighing less than 83 kg who receive the approved adult
palonosetron dose (0.25 mg IV) receive more than 0.003 mg/kg.
The pediatric palonosetron dose approved by the FDA and
3.3 What doses of aprepitant and palonosetron are
EMA44,46 is six times greater than the recommended adult dose. Since
known to be effective in children receiving
pediatric dosing is often calculated to approximate the dose intensity
(e.g., area under the curve from time 0 to infinity [AUC0-inf ], maximum
Recommendation 3.1: We suggest the following aprepitant dose for chil- concentration, and time above a threshold concentration) achieved
dren 6 months older: day 1: 3 mg/kg (maximum: 125 mg) PO × 1; days in adults, a systematic review of studies that describe palonosetron
2 and 3: 2 mg/kg (maximum: 80 mg) PO once daily. Weak recommen- pharmacokinetic disposition in adults and children was undertaken.
dation; moderate quality evidence. Findings from this review confirmed that when single palonosetron
Change from 2013: Inclusion of a dose for children 6 months to 12 years doses of 0.02 mg/kg are given to children, the dose intensity achieved
old. Change in dose recommended for children 12 years of age and older. exceeds that achieved when palonosetron 0.003 mg/kg doses are given
to adults (Supplementary Table S12).
No true aprepitant dose-finding pediatric studies have been pub-
No palonosetron pharmacokinetic parameter is predictive of CINV
lished. Information provided within a randomized controlled trial7
outcomes in adults.47 However, a logistical regression exposure–
was primarily considered in the development of this recommenda-
relationship model developed using pediatric data noted increased CIV
tion (Supplementary Tables S2–S5). The aprepitant dose used in this
control (no emetic episode and no use of rescue medication during the
trial was derived using data from phase I and phase III pediatric stud-
first 24 hr after the start of emetogenic chemotherapy) with increasing
ies and designed to achieve similar values of pharmacokinetic param-
palonosetron AUC0-inf . This effect plateaued at an AUC0-inf of approx-
eters in children as those achieved in adults after administration of
imately 100 𝜇g h/L, which approximates the AUC0-inf achieved after
recommended aprepitant doses. An aprepitant oral liquid was not
administration of 0.02 mg/kg/dose in children.48 Since the emetogenic-
administered in most other pediatric aprepitant studies; thus, doses
ity of the chemotherapy received by the patients included in the model
were often assigned based on weight categories to accommodate the
was not reported, it is not possible to determine if the association
available capsule strengths (125, 80, and 40 mg). When converted to
between CIV control and palonosetron AUC applies to both MEC and
mg/kg dosing, aprepitant doses of 2–5.3 mg/kg/day on day 1 and 1.2–
5.3 mg/kg/day on days 2 and 3 were given in one such trial.10
Flat or nonweight-based palonosetron doses have been shown to
Summary: This recommendation places a high value on the dose
be effective in children (Supplementary Table S14). In two pediatric
simulation information discussed within a pediatric randomized con-
randomized controlled trials that evaluated single IV palonosetron
trol trial7 and on evidence that this dose improves CIV control in
doses of 0.25 mg, it was possible to calculate the weight-based
children during the first 24 hr after the receipt of HEC or MEC.
palonosetron dosing range.16,17 One trial found acute CIV control to
The recommended dose is in agreement with the aprepitant dose
be comparable between patients receiving palonosetron (dose range:
approved for pediatric use by the US Food and Drug Administra-
0.03–0.09 mg/kg) and those receiving ondansetron (70 vs 65%;
tion (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).42,43 Ques-
p=0.633).17 In the other trial, CIV control in the palonosetron arm
tions, however, remain regarding the optimal aprepitant dose in
(dose range: 0.003–0.019 mg/kg/dose) was superior to that in the
children receiving multiple-day chemotherapy and whether a sin-
ondansetron study arm (92 vs. 72%; P = 0.0092).16 Another pedi-
gle aprepitant dose would be sufficient for children receiving single-
atric randomized trial14 and three single-arm studies13,15,18 evalu-
day chemotherapy. As a result of these uncertainties, this is a weak
ated a single palonosetron dose of 0.005 mg/kg. The randomized trial
noted similar CIV control rates in patients receiving HEC or MEC and
Recommendation 3.2: We suggest the following palonosetron dose
palonosetron or ondansetron (70 vs. 75%; P = 0.479).14 The three
for children: 1 month to less than 17 years: 0.02 mg/kg IV once (maxi-
single-arm studies reported CIV control rates ranging from 68 to
mum: 1.5 mg/dose) pre-chemotherapy; 17 years or older: 0.25 mg/dose
IV or 0.5 mg/dose PO once prechemotherapy. Weak recommendation;
Summary: This recommendation places value on the results
moderate quality evidence.
of a large randomized trial demonstrating the noninferiority of
Change from 2013: Inclusion of palonosetron dosing.
ondansetron and palonosetron 0.02 mg/kg,12 the current pediatric IV
No pediatric palonosetron dose-finding studies are available. The palonosetron dose licensed by the FDA and EMA, and the current adult
palonosetron dose recommended for children less than 17 years oral palonosetron dose licensed by Health Canada.44,46 While a 0.02
old is based on the trial that demonstrated the noninferiority mg/kg dose is safe and effective, it may be unnecessarily high. Since
of palonosetron 0.02 mg/kg IV compared with ondansetron 0.15 other pediatric studies have demonstrated significant CIV control

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