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Acts and Legislations

Mohammed Asrar
Muhammed Ali Alhan
Nithish kumar
- UNESCO adopted a convention on the protection of the World's

Cultural and National Heritage on November 16, 1972.

- It is also called World Heritage Convention


- States are obliged under Article 49 of the Indian

Constitution,19 51 to protect monuments and
places and objects of national importance.
- It is the duty of every citizen of India under Article
51A(f) of lndia Constitution, 1951 to value and
preserve the rich heritage of our composite culure
Sanchi at the time of discovery

19th century discovery' of

'monuments and beginnings Sanchi after Conservation
of legislation
Sarnath after excavation and conservation
- The first ever antiquarian legislation in India is known as
Bengal Regulation XIX of 1810.

- This was soon followed by another legislation called as Madras

Regulation VII of 1817. Both these regulations vested the Government
with a power to intervene whenever the public buildings were under
threat of misuse. However, both the Acts were silent on the buildings
under the private ownership.

- The Act XX of 1863, was therefore enacted to empower the

Government to prevent injury to and preserve buildings remarkable for
their antiquity or for their historical or Architectural value.
19th Century
- The Indian Treasure Trove Act,
1878 (Act No. VI of 1878) was
promulgated to protect and
preserve treasure found
accidentally but had the
archaeological and historical
- This Act was enacted to protect
and preserve such treasures and
their lawful disposal.
19th Century

In a landmark development in
1886, James Burgess, the then
Director General succeeded in
prevailing upon the Government for
issuing directions: forbidding any
person or agency to undertake
excavation without prior consent of
the Archaeological Survey and
debarring officers from disposing of
antiquities found or acquired
without the permission of the
20th Century
- The Anciant Monuments Preservation Act, 1904 (Act No. VII of
1904), provided effective preservation and authority over the
monument particularly those which were under the custody of
individual or private ownership. As this Act has not been
repealed, it is deemed to be in force.
- Next Act was The Antiquitles Export Control Act, 1947 (Act
No. XXXI of 1947) and Rules thereto which provided a
regulation over the export of antiquities under a licence
issued by the Director General and empowering him to decide
whether any article, object or thing is or is not an antiquity for
the purpose of the act and his decision was final.
20th century
- In 1951. The Ancient and Historical Monuments and
Archaeological Sites and Remains (Declaration of National
Importance) Act, 1951 (No LXXI of 1951) was enacted.
- Consequently, all the ancient and historical monuments and
archaeological sites and remains protected earlier under 'The
Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 1904' (Act No. VII of 1904)
were re-declared as monuments and archaeological sites of
national importance under this Act.
- Another four hundred and fifty monuments and sites of Part 'B
States were also added.
- Some more monuments and archaeological sites were also
declared as of national importance under Section 126 of the
States Reorganization Act, 1956.
20th century
- In order to bring the Act on par with constitutional provisions and providing better and
effective preservation to the archaeological wealth of the country. The Ancient Monuments
and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958 (No 24 of 1958) was enacted on 28th
August 1958.

- This Act provides for the preservation of ancient and historical monuments and
archaeological sites and remains of national importance for the regulation of
archaeological excavations and for the protection of sculptures, carvings and other like

- Subsequently. The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules 1959
were framed. The Act along with Rules came into force with effect from 15 October 1959.

- This Act repealed The Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and
Remains (Declaration of National Importance) Act, 1951.
20th century
- The Anticulties and Art Treasures Act 1972 (No. 52 of 1972) is the latest Act
enacted on 9th September 1972 for effective control over the moveable
cultural property consisting of antiquities and art treasures.
- The Act is to regulate the export trade in antiquities and art treasures, to
provide for the prevention of smuggling of, and fraudulent dealings in,
antiquities, to provide for the compulsory acquisition of antiquities and act
treasures for preservation in public places and to provide for certain other
matters connected therewith or incidental or ancillary thereto
- This Act was also supplemented with The Antiquities and Art Treasure Rules
1973. The Act and Rules have been in force with effect from 5th April 1976.
- This legislation repealed The Antiquities Export Control Act, 1947 (Act No.
XXXI of 1947)
21st Century

- Central Government proposed National Commission for Heritage Sites Bill in

2009 to comply with the World Heritage Convention.

- This commission will recommend short term, long term policies to the state
and central government. conduct research and studies, publish periodically
heritage maps, make list of heritage sited for nominations, make periodical
reports etc.

- Present bill was withdrawn in 2015 after having recommendations of various

committees and stakeholders
21st Century

- The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act,


- Establishment of National Monuments Authority on 11th Nov 2011

- Redefinition of 100m as prohibited zone & 100-300m as regulated area

around the monument.

- Categorization of monuments into 8 categories

- Framing of heritage bye-laws for each of the centrally protected


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