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Davao Doctors College, Inc.

College of Allied Health Sciences

Nursing Program

NRG103: Human Anatomy & Physiology

All a Nurse Needs to Know about Human Anatomy & Physiology

Getting to Know the Course Instructor

Hello! I am _____________________________,
your clinical instructor, and I’d like to welcome you to your
fourth module for NRG103: Human Anatomy &
Physiology. I, on behalf of the Nursing Program, am
looking forward to guiding you in learning this course well.
For you to learn this course better, it is important that you
get to know me well. Here is my contact information:

Name of Instructor: ______________________

Contact No: ____________________________
Facebook account: _______________________
E-mail address: _________________________
Consultation hours: ______________________

Introduction to the Course

This course deals with the physiologic concepts, principles, and basic anatomical structure. It
covers the basics of human anatomy and physiology, including anatomical terminology, basic
biochemistry, cells, and tissues, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine,
cardiovascular, lymphatic/immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. It
also introduces common human disease processes. In this course, you are expected to relate the
concepts of anatomy and physiology in the practice of nursing.

Course Number: NRG 103

Course Credits 5 units (3 units Lecture, 2 units Lab)

No of Hours
102 hours

Placement: First year, First Semester

Prerequisite: -

Please refer to the class schedule presented in your AIMS

Schedule: Account. You may also ask this information from your

Please check the class codes in our DDC Nursing Commons

Classroom: cloud storage. You may also ask this information from your

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

Requirements in Completing the LAB Activities

Since most of our sessions for this semester will be delivered through distance/blended learning
activities, the submissions will also be done online. To do this, you need to have access to the
following applications:

1. Microsoft Office/Google Docs

2. Google Classroom (or Quipper; will depend on the instructor in-charge)
3. Google Meet (or any other teleconferencing app, duly agreed by the whole class)
4. Internet connectivity

Access to a printer and/or scanner is also a plus, but not a requirement.

Now that you are done acquainting yourself with the instructor and the course itself, please
proceed to Worksheet 4: Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System.

Instructions: The worksheet should be handwritten. However, this must be done by group.
You may print the worksheet and write your answers on the printed sheets. You may
also write your answers on a clean bond paper. Observe pagination. Do not forget to place
the names, year level and section, and name of instructor on all of the sheets. Once done,
send the compilation of your group’s answers to your clinical instructor.

After the submission, prepare a PPT presentation for your presentation. Each member of the
group is expected to present during the worksheet answer presentations.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Be apprised with the different parts of the cardiovascular and lymphatic system of the
2. Demonstrate how to take your central and peripheral pulses using your fingerpads and
stethoscope (if available).

As you start with this module, you are free to consult and coordinate with your assigned clinical
instructor. Be sure to get his/her email address and contact number for collaboration and
assistance. Just keep going, you can do it!

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

Hello, future nurse!

Welcome to your fourth worksheet. This worksheet will help you learn the parts of the
cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, including their functions and relevance in the human body.
This time let’s learn the basics of these systems before you perform the performance task for the
week. Please follow the instructions listed under each activity:

I. Blood

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

II. Anatomy of the Heart

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

III. Anatomy of the Blood Vessels

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

Note: Use an arrow to separate your answers when tracing. You may also draw your tracing on
a separate sheet.

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

IV. Human Cardiovascular Physiology – Blood Pressure and Pulse Determinations

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

V. Lymphatic System

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program

You are almost done with our worksheet 4! Here’s your last dive, a performance task on
how to check your central and peripheral pulses using your finger pads and stethoscope (if
available). Produce a small video clip, presenting your demonstrations for the following

1. Temporal 5. Radial
2. Carotid 6. Popliteal
3. Apical – use stethoscope (if available) 7. Dorsalis pedis
4. Brachial 8. Posterior tibial

• All members of the group must be present in the clip. The clip should not be more than
15 minutes. You have a freedom on how you are going to direct the video for the
demonstration. Be creative
• Femoral artery was purposively not included in this activity.
• You may read the Skill 29-2: Assessing a Peripheral Pulse, Skill 29-3: Assessing an Apical
Pulse, and Skill 29-4: Assessing an Apical-Radial Pulse of Kozier and Erb’s
Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice 10e for guidance on
how to locate the pulses and perform the aforementioned procedures.

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program


Congratulations! You have completed this module. Prepare your PPT for your presentation next
week. Your video clip will also be shown to the rest of the class. Please wait for further instructions
(if any) from you instructor

Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing: Concepts,
process, and practice (10th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Marieb, E., & Keller, S. (2017). Essentials of human anatomy & physiology (12th ed.).

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