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JTG D20—2006

Design Specification for Highway


Issued on: July 7,2006 Implemented on: October 1, 2006

Issued by Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China


Design Specification for Highway
JTG D20-2006

Chief Development Organization: China Communications First Highway Survey, Design and
Research Institute
Approval Department: Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China
Implementation Date: October 1,2006

Beijing 2006
Announcement of the Ministry of Communications of the
People's Republic of China
2006 No.18

Notice on publishing the "Design Specifications for Highway Alignment"

It is hereby proclaimed that

The "Design Specifications for Highway Alignment" (JTG D20-2006) has been issued and
shall be implemented since October I, 2006; the original "Design Specifications for Highway
Route" (JTJ 011-1994) shall be abolished simultaneously.

In the "Design Specifications for Highway Alignment" (JTG D20-2006), Items 6.6.1,
6.6.2,6.7.2,7.9.1, and 12.2.6 are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly. The
compulsory provisions specified in the "Compulsory Provision of Engineering Construction
Standards" (Highway Engineering) (Edition 2002) related to the "Design Specifications for
Highway Route" (JTJ 011-1994) shall be abolished simultaneously.

Ministry of Communications is in charge of the administration and the explanation of the

"Design Specifications for Highway Alignment" (JTG D20-2006). The chief development
organization- China Communications First Highway Survey, Design and Research Institute is
responsible for the routine explanation and supervisory work.

All relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up and accumulate your experiences in
actual practices. The relevant modification opinions and advice, whenever necessary, can be
posted or passed on to China Communications First Highway Survey, Design and Research
Institute (address: No.2, Keji ErJu Road, High- and New-tech Development West District, Xi'an
City, Shaan'xi Province, 710075, China; Tel: +86-29-88322888) with a view to being referred in
next revision.

Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China

July 7, 2006

Keywords: Highway, specifications, publishing, announcement

General Office of the Ministry of Communications

Printed and distributed on July 10, 2006

According to the requirements of Document Jiao Gonglu Fa [1999] No. 82 issued by

Ministry of Communications-"Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of
Engineering Construction Standards, specifications and quota in 1998", this specification is the
revision of "Design Specifications for Highway Route" (JTJ 011-94).

In the revision procedure, the Ministry of Communications has just decided to revise the
"Technical Standard of Highway Engineering" (JTJ 001-97) on April, 2001, and required the
development organizations to revise the "Design Specifications for Highway Route" (JTJ 011 -94)
at the same time cooperating with the standard revision.

The "Technical Standard of Highway Engineering" (JTG B01-2003) has already been issued
and implemented on March I, 2004, and this specification hereby has completed the revision on
"Design Specifications for Highway Alignment" (JTJ 011-94).

Currently, China is at a large-scale construction period of highway, how to learn and sum up
the home and abroad experiences and lessons on highway construction, inherit the past and usher
in the future, carry forward the tradition, make the highway construction in China not only meet
the traffic demand of human, supply safe and comfortable traffic mode, but also make the
highway, natural environment and social environment be in harmony, satisfy the sustainable
development demand of future generations, realize the sustainable development, which all require
to realize the great-leap forward development in design and philosophy. Therefore, this edition is
supplemented and perfected in accordance with the highway design philosophy established on
meeting of survey and design of nationwide highway in 2004. Thereafter, principles and opinions
are separately compiled according to the design specifications and design details issued by
Department of Highway Ministry of Communications, this edition is readjusted and modified, and
the contents in the design specifications on such aspects as "two to do" are deleted.

The main contents in "Design Specifications for Highway Alignment" (JTJ 011-94) that are
revised cover:

1. According to those specified in "Technical Standard of Highway Engineering" (JTG B01-

2003), the class of highway and the design road speed are correspondingly revised, design
philosophies such as the highway functions and adopting different design speed according to
design sections are stressed.

2. In the chapter of "highway capacity", such contents on traffic volume, traffic capacity,
vehicle referring factor and service level are newly added.

3. This specification is modified and perfected in accordance with that the highway
construction must comply with the principle of "safety, environmental protection, and sustainable
development" and the highway design philosophy.

4. The inspection method by adopting "operating velocity" and "safety assessment" and the
"full lifetime" design philosophy are introduced.

5. In the chapter of "highway and highway grade crossing", the traffic control mode is newly
added, the signal crossing is introduced, and the key technical indexes on non-channelization
crossing, channelization crossing, and roundabout crossing are supplemented and perfected.

6. The chapter of "highway and highway over crossing" is supplemented and perfected with
the related key technical indexes.

All relevant organizations are kindly requested during the process of implementing this code
to post or pass on the relevant problems and advice, whenever discovered to the China
Communications First Highway Survey, Design and Research Institute (address: No. 63, Keji Erlu
Road, High- and New-tech Development West District, Xi'an City, Shaan'xi Province, 7) 0075,
China) with a view to being referred in the next revision.

Chief Development Organization:

China Communications First Highway Survey, Design and Research Institute

Participating Development Organization:

Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Communications

Shanxi Provincial Communications Planning, Survey and Design Institute

Chief Drafting Staffs:

Chen Yongyao, Wang Shuangjie, Ge Qihua, Yu Chuanxuan, Xing Huichen,

Zhou Ronggui, Ren Hualin, Feng Zixian, and Wen Xuejun

1 General Provisions.........................................................................................................................1

2 Highway Grading and Grade Adoption.......................................................................................3

2.1 Highway grading...................................................................................................................3

2.2 The adoption of highway grade and design speed................................................................4

2.3 Control of egress and ingress................................................................................................6

3 Highway Capacity..........................................................................................................................8

3.1 General Provisions................................................................................................................8

3.2 Traffic Capacity of Freeway................................................................................................11

3.3 Traffic capacity of arterial highway....................................................................................14

3.4 Traffic capacity of the secondary highway and tertiary highway.......................................16

4 Overall Design..............................................................................................................................19

4.1 General Provisions..............................................................................................................19

4.2 Keys of overall design.........................................................................................................20

5 Route Selection.............................................................................................................................22

6 Highway Cross·section.................................................................................................................24

6.1 General Provisions..............................................................................................................24

6.2 Lane.....................................................................................................................................26

6.3 Intermediate zone................................................................................................................27

6.4 Shoulder..............................................................................................................................28

6.5 Crown Slope........................................................................................................................30

6.6 Highway Construction Limit..............................................................................................31

6.7 Scope of Highway Land......................................................................................................34

7 Highway Plane..............................................................................................................................35

7.1 General Provisions..............................................................................................................35

7.2 Straight Line........................................................................................................................35

7.3 Circular curve......................................................................................................................35

7.4 Circling Line.......................................................................................................................36

7.5 Super-elevation of Circular Curve......................................................................................37

7.6 Widening of Circular Curve................................................................................................39

7.7 Transition Section of Super-elevation and Widening.........................................................40

7.8 Length of Horizontal Curve................................................................................................41

7.9 Sight distance......................................................................................................................41

7.10 Hairpin Curve....................................................................................................................43

8 Highway Vertical Section.............................................................................................................44

8.1 General Provisions..............................................................................................................44

8.2 Longitudinal Slope..............................................................................................................45

8.3 Slope length.........................................................................................................................46

8.4 Climbing lane......................................................................................................................47

8.5 Composite gradient.............................................................................................................48

8.6 Vertical curve.......................................................................................................................49

9 Geometric Design.........................................................................................................................50

9.1 General Provisions..............................................................................................................50

9.2 Plan alignment design.........................................................................................................51

9.3 The longitudinal alignment design......................................................................................53

9.4 Cross section design............................................................................................................55

9.5 Alignment combinational design........................................................................................56

9.6 The coordination of alignment and bridge/tunnel...............................................................57

9.7 The conjugation of alignment and along- facilities............................................................58

9.8 The harmonization of alignment and environment.............................................................58

10 Highway and highway grade crossing......................................................................................60

10.1 General requirements........................................................................................................60

10.2 Alignment of road at the grade crossing...........................................................................62

10.3 Sight distance....................................................................................................................63

10.4 Turning design...................................................................................................................64

10.5 Auxiliary lanes and traffic island......................................................................................65

10.6 The reconstruction of the grade intersection.....................................................................68

11 Highway and Highway over Crossing......................................................................................70

11.1 General Provisions............................................................................................................70

11.2 Sight Distance....................................................................................................................73

11.3 Ramp Design.....................................................................................................................74

11.4 Quantity of Basic Lanes and Equalization of Lane Quantity...........................................85

11.5 Bifurcation and Converging of Mainline and Diverging and Converging among Ramps

11.6 Grade Crossing in Traffic Interchange..............................................................................90

11.7 Separate Grade Separation................................................................................................91

12 Intersections between Highways and Railways/country roads/pipelines.............................94

12.1 General Provisions............................................................................................................94

12.2 Highway and Railway Interchange...................................................................................94

12.3 Highway and Railroad Grade Crossing............................................................................97

12.4 Highway and Country Road Intersection..........................................................................98

12.5 Highway and Pipeline Intersection.................................................................................100

Explanation of Wording in The Code.............................................................................................102

1 General Provisions
1 . 0 . 1T h i s c o d e i s e s p e c i a l l y f o r m u l a t e d w i t h a v i e w t o e x a c t l y a p p l y
S t a n d a r d o f H i g h w a y E n g i0n1-e2e0r 0i 3n )g "a n( dJ T rGe aBs o n a b l y d e t e r m i n i n
highway classification, construction scale and the key technical indexes.

1 . 0 . 2T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n i s c o m p i l e d a c c o r d i n g t o t h e f u n d a m e n t a l r u l
technical indexes on the highway classification, control factors, path and
specified in "Technical Standard of Highway Engineering" (JTG B01- 2003).

1.0.3 This specification applicable to path and path cross-over design of the constructed and
renovated highways'.

1.0.4The highway design shall reasonably determine the highway classification and
path direction and corridor according to the highway functions, tasks and its actions in road
net, and also considering the relation of the transportation modes such as railway, waterway,
aviation and pipeline with the town and farm planning.

1.0.5 Based on the selected corridor zone and principal control points, the route schem
shall have the layout and overall design, reasonably apply the technology indexes, compare
and s elect
a t fmong r she easible
t d t oute
d s chemes
W a o etermine
different design road speeds, technology indexes or design sc
difference in engineering costs, natural environment and socioeconomic performanc
technical and economic demonstration of same depth shall be carried out.

1 . 0 . 6T h e s e l e c t i o n o f r o u t e s h a l l s e l e c t t h e r o u t e p o s i t i o n a n d m a i n
longitudinal technology indexes according to the torography and ground object conditions
b a s e d o n t h e a d e q u a t e s u r v e y o n e n g i n e e r i n g g e o l o g y, h y d r o l o g i c a l g e o l o g y, a n d
disaster at mountains, road materials, ecological environment and natural landscapes.

1 . 0 . 7T h e r o u t e d e s i g n m u s t g o t h r o u g h w i t h t h e f u n d a m e n t a l n a
strengthening the environmental protection and rationally using the land resources; in
design o d f etermining
t s s i he tructural
p o s m
hapes, s nstallation
a o
s ubgra de, paveme nt, bridge, tunnel, interc ros sing, tra ffic e ngine ering a nd on-line fac ilities ,
soil collecting and dumping ground, and the requisition of land, the influence on the on-line
ecological e nvironment
c b t h c aused s y b r he ighway
c w onstruction
the landscaping or adopting corresponding engineering measures to coordinate and improve
the cooperation between manual structures and on-line natural landscapes, and improve the
environmental quality of highway.

1.0.8 The geometric design shall comprehensively consider the relations among the plane,
vertical section and cross section of the highway to achieve the straight plan
vertical section and reasonable cross section. And the highway perspective drawing may be
adopted for analyzing and assessment if necessary.

1.0.9 T heh ighways

o d c f s ifferent
l s o g lasses d hall
t m t ay b tress n e
able to guide the visual line visually, make people feel
and safe mentally, and

shall keep the linear continuity and be coordinated with on-line environment. The connected
position of sections with different speeds or the sections with geomet
restricted for the restriction of conditions should adopt the operating velocity for inspection
w i t h a v i e w t o i m pr o vi ng t he h or i z o nt a l a nd l on gi t ud i na l t e c h no l og y i nd e xe s o r s h ou l d b e
adopted with necessary traffic safety technology and control measures.

1.0.10 The expressway and arterial highway after completion of design, or after operation
and in reconstruction should have the safety assessment with a view to improving the safety
of travelling.

1 . 0 . 1W
1 h e n a d o p t i n g t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n s c h e m e b y s t a g e s , t h
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n p l a n m u s t b e w o r k e d o u t b a s e d o n
demons tration. The const ruc tion de sign by sta ge s shall be able to make the enginee ring in
preliminary stagebe still able to fully used at later stages, and shall leave space and creation
advantages for the engineering in later stages.

According t f s o a actors
r n p uch o t s v oad t eet lanning
s r raffic
be c onstructed
b a t ly doptings he
o a ongitudinal
t t c mubsections r
of engineering projects by stages. The section with integral subgrad
expressway shall not adopt the transverse framing staged construction.

1.0.12 The reconstructed highway shall reasonably and fully used the original engineering
conforming to the principle of combination of utilization and renovation according to t
specified technology index of highway classification.

With using the sections of the original highway, when the improvement of design road
speed m i ay e nduce g ngineering
d t p s eologic
m m iseases,
t i his artial
of the original design through justification. As for the relocation of sections,
implemented according to the standards of newly-built highway.

1 . 0 . 1 3I n t h e s u r v e y a n d d e s i g n o f h i g h w a y e n g i n e e r i n g , s u c h a s p
classification, key technical indexes, route design, and route cross-over design shall not only
comply w t sith his b apecification,
s c w t ut
s lsoi t rhall s omply ith
current compulsory standards.

2 Highway Grading and Grade Adoption

2.1 Highway grading

2.1.1 The highway may be divided into 5 grades according to the functions and adaptive
traffic capacity.

(1) The expressway is a multi-lanes highway which provides directional separation for
automobile and divided-Jane driving, and all passed vehicles are controlled.

The expressway offour lanes shall be able to seasoned with conversing different kinds
of vehicle i 2 5000~55000units
nto o a f a nnual d t verage
c o s aily p raffic apacity

The expressway of six lanes shall be able to season with conversing different kinds of
ve hi c le i nt o 45000- 80000 uni ts of a nnua l a ver a ge da i ly tr a ff i c c a pa ci t y of s m al l pa s s enge r

The expressway of eight lanes shall be able to seasoned with conversing different kinds
of vehicle into 60000-100000 units of annual average daily traffi
passenger car.

(2) The arterial highway is a multiple lane highway which p

separation for automobile and divided lane driving; all in-and-out
controlled as required.

The arterial highway of four lanes shall be able to seasoned with conversing different
kinds of vehicle into 15000-30000 units of annual average daily traffic capacity of s
passenger car;

The arterial highway of six lanes shall be able to seasoned with conversing different
kinds of vehicle into 25000-55000 units of annual average daily traffic capacity of s
passenger car.

(3) The tertiary highway is a double lane highway for vehicle travelling.

The secondary highway of double lane shall be able to seasoned with

different kinds of vehicle into 5000-15000 units of annual average daily traffic capacity of
small passenger car.

(4) The tertiary highway is a double lane highway for vehicle travelling.

The tertiary highway of double lane shall be able to seasoned with conversing different
kinds of vehicle into 2000-6000 units of annual average daily traffic capac
passenger car.

(5) The fourth-grade highway is a double lane or single-lane highway


The fourth-grade highway of double lanes shall be able to seasoned with conversing

different kinds of vehicle into 2000 and less units of annual average daily traffic capacity of
small passenger car;

The fourth-grade highway of one lane shall be able to seasoned wi

differentkinds of vehicle into 400 and less units of annual average daily traffic capacity of
small passenger car.

2.1.2 Designed vehicle

See Table 2.1.2 for the provisions of overall dimension of designed vehicle adopted in
the geometric design of highway route and route intersection.

Table 2.1.2 Overall dimension of designed vehicle

2.1.3 Designed speed

See Table 2.1.3 for the provisions of designed speed of highway of all grades.

Table 2.1.3 Designed speed

2.2 The adoption of highway grade and design speed.

2.2.1 The forecast of traffic capacity of highway design of all grades.

(1) The d esign

t c raffic
o e apacity
a a hf xpressway
( t f nd rterial
shall be forecasted according a time of 20 years; The design traffic capacity
highway with distribution function, secondary highway as well as tertiary highway shall be
forecasted according a time of 15 years; the fourth-grade highway ma
according to practical situation.

(2) The initial year of design traffic capacity shall be the planned year of opening to
traffic in the project feasibility research report.

( 3 ) T h e f u t u r e s o c i e t y, e x p a n d i n g e c o n o m y / l a y o u t a n d c o o r d i n a t e d
system in the corridor scale shall be considered fully for the forecast of


2.2.2 Adoption of highway grade

(1) The adoption of highway grade shall be demonstrated and determined according to
t h e h i gh w ay fun ct i o n, ro ad -ne t l ay ou t , t raffi c ca pa ci t y, a nd t he fa
transportation system and social economic of the seat of project shall be considered fully.

(2) Different highway grades may be adopted in a same highway, and different design
speed may be adopted in different sections on a same highway grade. The transit
highway section of different highway grades and different design speed shall be optimal, the
connection requires strong coordination.

(3) When the planned highway traffic capacity is between the arterial highwa
e x p r e s s w a y , i t s h a l l b e d e m o n s t r a t e d
li k e s e c u r pi teyr ,s p e c t i v e d e v e l o p m e n t . W h e n t h e p l a n n e d h i g h w a y i s a t r u n k
e x p r e s s w a y s h o ubled a d o p t e d ; w h e n t h e p l a n n e d h i g h w a y i s a c o l l e c t o r h i g h w a y, a r t e r i a l
highway should be adopted.

(4) As for the trunk highway, the secondary highway and above should be adopted.

(5) When the secondary highway standard is adopted for the trun
measures of augmenting at-grade intersection spacing, main-road tr
canalization at grade intersection shall be adopted in order to reduce transverse interference;
the at-grade intersection spacing shall not be less than 500m.

( 6 ) W h e n t h e s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y s t a n d a r d i s a d o p t e d f o r c o l l e c t o r h i g h w a y, f o
s e c t i o n w i t h o u t l a rg e v e h i c l e t r a ff i c c a p a c i t y, t h e m e a s u r e s o f s e t t i n g s l
control mode of main-road priority or signal, at-grade intersection of canalization shall be
adopted in order to reduce vertical and transverse interference, the at-grade
spacing shall not be less than 300m.

(7) The tertiary highway and fourth-grade highway may be adopted for the
highway or local highway, different kinds of vehicles is allowed to run on the lane.

2.2.3 Adoption of design speed

(1) The highway design speed of all grades shall be demonstrated and de
according to the function, grade and traffic capacity of highway, and the combined condition
of terrain and geology along the line.

(2) The high design speed shall be adopted for the expressway according to the traffic
capacity and terrain.

The expressway with a less traffic capacity, located in a mount

c o m p l i c a t e d n a t u r a l c o n d i t i o n s o f t e r r a i n a n d g e o l o g y, t h e d e s i g n s p e e d m a y b e
according to a demonstration.

(3) When the arterial highway is served as trunk highway, and

transverse interference is less, the design speed should be 100km/h or 80km/h.

When the arterial highway is served as collector highway, the design speed should be
60km/h o 8 r a 0km/h t t f ccording
o m t co he a actors
a i f ixed raffic
spacing, and so on.

(4) When the secondary highway is served as a trunk highway the design speed should
be 80km/h.

When the secondary highway is served as collector highway, for the section with larger
mixed traffic capacity and at-grade intersection spacing, the design speed should be 60km/h.

When the secondary highway is located in a mountainous area with complicated natural
conditions o t a f g errain t d nds oeology,
t s m heb 4 esigna peed
t f he
the demonstration.

(5) When the tertiary highway is served as brand highway, the design speed should be
40km/h; f t s or whe c ection n cith omplicated
o t a g t atural
d onditions
speed may be 30km/h.

(6) As for the mountainous area with complicated natural conditions of ter
geology, or the section with a less of traffic capacity, the fourth-grade highway whose design
speed is 20km/h may be adopted.

2.3 Control of egress and ingress

2 . 3 . 1O n t h e e x p r e s s w a y , a l l t h e e g r e s s a n d i n g r e s s a r e c o n t r o l l e d , o
equipment o s if elected
h o ntersected
u h o e ighwaya p r w rban ighway
egress and ingress connection; on the intersections of highway, urban highway, village way,
railway a p lnd t ipe f c ine, s he b s lyover
a t i rossing
f a r hall e et, nd
to prevent from the entrance of passerby, vehicle and livestock, etc ..

2 . 3 . 2W h e n t h e a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y i s s e r v e d a s a t r u n k h i g h w a y, t h e s e c u r i t y a n d f
flowing shall be guaranteed for the vehicle travelling on the main highway; according to the
physical circumstances along the line and need, the measures of controlling
ingress and s etting
i f solation
s b a acility
a i i s hall t m e l dopted, h nd t s
a nd v i l l a g e w a y by ut i l i z i n g r o a d - ne t i n o r d e r t o r e d uc e a t - g r a d e i n t e r s e c t i on . On l y on t he
sectiow n i t h a n e c u m e n i c t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y, a n d w h e n t h e d e s i g n h o u r l y t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y
c r os s e dh i gh w a y i s l e s s t h a n 60 un i t / h, t h e a t - gr a de i nt e r s e c t i on i s a l l ow t o be s e t , b ut t he
s p a c i n g aotf- g r a d e i n t e r s e c t i o n s h a l l n o t b e J e s s t h a n 2 0 0 0 m . I f n e c e s s a r y , t h
crossing shall be adopted to exclude the transverse interference.

When t a he h rteriali s aighway

ac h s erved
t l d s s ollector
s ighway
be adopted to improve the security and service level; the section without a larg
capacity should be set with a slow lane, side- separator, and the measures of giving first rank
to the main-highway or signal shall be adopted in order to reduce
interference; the spacing of at-grade intersection shall not be less than 500m.

2.3.3When the egress-and-ingress measure control is adopted, the conditions of s

isolation facility are:

(1) As for the isolation facility, the multi ways offence and hedge enter forbidden may
be adopted. The isolation facility shall be set at the following positions:

① Boundary section of highway acreage on the both sides of egres

control section;

② The boundary sections of facilities like traffic interchange, serving area, p

area, bus station;

③ W h e n t h e s l o w l a n e i s s e t o n t h e a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y, t h e s e p a r a t i o n s e c t i o n o f m a i n
line and slow lane;

④ The at-grade intersection of egress and ingress section of arterial highway whe
required t b c o e t e ontrolled,
s 1 f o t ixtend s inglyt t i 50m rom he
highway direction;

⑤ The position with special purpose on the egress-and-ingress control section.

( 2 ) A s f o r t h e s e c t i o n w h e r e v e h i c l e , pa s s e r by a nd l i v e s t o c k a r e di ff i c ul t t o e n t e r, t h e
isolation facility may be not set.

(3) The terminal offence enter forbidden, passageway:

① For the reason of terrain or structure, the section where must not be set with fence-
enter forbidden serially may be served as the terminal of fence-enter forbidden.

② Owing to the demand of servicing and management, the passageway for personnel
passes in and out shall be set on the appropriate position of fence-enter-forbidden.

2.3.4 Emergency exit

As for the highway controlled egress-and-ingress, the handy emergency exit should be
set on the section where is able to provide emergency rescue, fire control a
treatment conditions.

The position of emergency exit shall be on the section with well seeing, and connects
with exterior highway expediently.

The exterior highway connects with the emergency exit should be a highway of tertiary
highway and above.

3 Highway Capacity
3.1 General Provisions

3.1.1 In the highway planning and design, the analysis and evaluation of the traffic capacity
and service level shall be carried out.

(1) The analysis and evaluation of the traffic capacity must be respectively carried out
f o r s e c t i o n s o f t h e f r e e w a y s / a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y s , r a m p s a n
interchanges in order to maintain the service level of the full line in

(2) As for sections of the secondary/tertiary highways and at-grade intersection of the
a r t e r i a l hi g hw a ys , a na l ys i s a n d e va l ua t i on of t h e t r a ff i c c a p a c i t y a n d s e r v i c e l e ve l s h a l l b e
carried out.

(3) As for at-grade intersections of the secondary highways and tertiary

analysis and evaluation of the traffic capacity and service level shoul
according to their significance level.

3 . 1 . 2T h e s e r v i c e l e v e l o f h i g h w a y i s c l a s s i f i e d i n t o f o u r l e v e l s . T h e s e r v i c e
highways at all levels are specified in Table 3.1.2-1, Table 3.1.2-2 and Table 3.1.2-3.

Table 3.1.2-1 Service Level Classifications of Freeway

Note: V/C is the ratio of the maximum service traffic volume to the basic traffic capacity in ideal condition. The
b a s i ct r a f f i c c a p a c i t y r e f e r s t o t h e m a x i m u m h o u r l y t r a f f i c v o l u m e o f t h e u p p e r h a l f o f t h e f o u r -
monthly service level.

3.1.3 Freeway and arterial highway shall be designed according to Grade II service level;
secondary and tertiary highways shall be designed according to grade III service level; and
class IV highways shall be determined according to the requirements.

Table 3.1.2-2 Service Level Classifications of Arterial Highways

Note: V/C is the ratio of the maximum service traffic volume to the basic traffic capacity in ideal condition. The
b a s t i rc a f f i c c a p a c i t y r e f e r s t o t h e m a x i m u m h o u r l y
of the four-level service level.

Table 3.1.2-3 Service Level Classifications of Second aryl tertiary Highways

Note: 1 When the design road speeds are 80kmlh, 60kmlh and 40kmlh, and the pavement width is 9m, the road
basic traffic capacity is respectively 2500pcu/h, 2300pculh and 2100pculh.

2 V/C is the ratio of the maximum service traffic volume to the basic traffic capacity in ideal condition.
T h e b at sr ia cf f i c c a p a c i t y r e f e r s t o t h e m a x i m u m h o u r l y t r a f f i c v o
of the four-level service level.

3 Delay rate is the percentage of quantity of vehicles whose time headway is less than or equal to 5s
accounting for the total traffic volume.

3.1.4 Roadside Interference Factors

Such i nfluencing
f a t actors
b r vs ractors,
r p ranch
p oad ehicles,
non-motor vehicles and streetization degree are taken as the interference factors, which are

classified into 6 types and 5 classes according to their influence, as is specified in T

Table 3.1.4-1 Roadside Interference Grading

Substitute the roadside interference level values in formula (3.1.4), then the roadsid
interference class (FRlC) may be calculated and obtained.

FRlC=Int (0.25×TRA+0.2×EEV+0.l8×PSV+0.15×PED+0.12×SMV+0.l0×LU+0.5) (3.1.4)

FRlC is specified in Table 3.1.4-2.

Table 3.1.4-2 FRIC

3.1.5 Design Hourly Volume

As for the highway design hourly volume, the annual thirtieth hourly traffic volum
should be adopted. In addition, the most economic and rational traffic volume between the
annual twentieth- fortieth hourly volume also may be adopted according to the var
characteristics local highway hourly volume.

The design hourly volume shall be calculated according to formula (3.1.5):

DDHV=AADT×D×K (3.1.5)

Where DDHV——Unidirectional design hourly volume (veh/h);

AADT——Annual average daily traffic of the forecasted year (veh/d);

D— —D i r e c t i o n a l u n e v e n c o e f f i c i e n t ( % ) , w h i c h s h o u l d b e i n a r a
50%-60% and also may be determined according to the observational
data of the local traffic volume;

K——Design hourly volume coefficient (%), which is the ratio of the hourly
traffic volume of the selected hour to the annual average daily traffic.

3.1.6 Design hourly volume coefficient

(1) T h e d e s i g n h o u r l y v o l u m e c o e f f i c i e n t o f t h e n e w h i g h w a y m a y b e d e
according to the observation data of highways with similar conditions such a
functions, traffic volume, local climate and torography.

(2) In those areas where is short of observation data, the design

coefficient may be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.1.6.

Table 3.1.6 Design Hourly Volume Coefficient of Various Regions (%)

3.2 Traffic Capacity of Freeway

3.2.1 Design traffic capacity of freeway sections

(1) When the freeway is in the class II service level and under different running speeds,
the design traffic capacity of one lane is specified as shown in Table 3.2.1-1.

Table 3.2.1-1 Design Traffic Capacity of One Freeway Lane

(2) Impact of Jane and roadside on design road speed

① Impact of lane width and roadside width on the design road speed is shown in Table

Table 3.2.J-2 Correction of Lane/roadside Width to Design Road Speed

② Impact of lane quantity on the design road speed is shown in Table 3.2.1-3.

Table 3.2.1-3 Correction of Lane Quantity to Design Road Speed

③ The actual running speed on the freeway sections may be determined calcul
according to the local observational data or be calculated according to formula (3.2.1).

υR =υD+ΔυW+ΔυN (3.2.1)

W h e r e υR— —A c t u a l r u n n i n g s p e e d o n t h e f r e e w a y s e c t i o n s u n d e r c l a s s ] ] s e r v i c e

υD——Design road speed (km/h);

Δ υW——C or r e c t e d v a l ue of l a ne / r oa ds i de wi dt h t o t h e d e s i g n r oa d s p e e d ( k m / h) ,

which may be determined according to the local observational data or be
adopted according to those specified in Table 3.2.1-2;

ΔυN——Correctedvalue of lane number to the design speed (km/h), adopted from

Table 3.2.1-3.

( 3 ) T h e t r a ff i c c a p a c i t y o f e x p r e s s w a y s e c t i o n i s i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e l a n e n u m b e r, l a n e
width a r nd w oadside A f t d idth. t c s oore he sesign t d raffic apacity
traffic c apacity
v s i alue
T 3 pecified s b c n a able t t .2.1-1 r d hall e o

3.2.2 The real traffic capacity of expressway section

The real traffic capacity of expressway section shall be calculated accordin

Formula (3.2.2 - 1):

Cr=Cd×fHV×fN×fP (3.2.2-1)

Where Cr——Real traffic capacity of the expressway section [veh/(h . In)];

Cd— —D e s i g n t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y o f e x p r e s s w a y s e c t i o n c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o
driving speed [pcu/(h . In)];

fHV——Correction factor of the highway vehicle composition, calculated according

to the Formula (3.2.2- 2);

f HV  (3.2.2-2)
1  Pi ( Ei  1)

Pi— —P e r c e n t a g e o f t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y o f m e d i u m v e h i c l e s , l a
trailers (i) in the total traffic capacity;

Ei— —Ve h i c l e c o n v e r s i o n f a c t o r o f m e d i u m v e h i c l e s , l a r g e v e h i c l e s a n d t r a i
(i), adopted from Table 3.2.2;

fN— —L a n e n u m b e r c o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r o f 6 - l a n e e x p r e s s w a y ( o r
0.98 ~0.99;

fP— —C o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r o f d r i v e r ' s i n t e g r a l c h a r a c t e r
survey, generally 0.95-1.00.

Table 3.2.2 The vehicle conversion factor of traffic capacity analysis of expressway and arterial highway

3.2.3 Traffic capacity of interchange

(1) The traffic capacity of interchange shall be determined according to

capacity of ramp, passageway terminal of ramp and weaving section.

(2) When the toll-gate is set on the ramp of interchange, the ramp capacity shall b
determined according to the traffic capacity of the toll-gate.

(3) When the toll-gate is set on the ramp of interchange, the ramp capacity shall b
determined according to the traffic capacity of the at-grade intersection of the connect
between the ramp and crossed highway.

(4) The weaving section traffic capacity of interchange shall be determined according
to the main line design speed, lane number, weaving type, weaving flow ratio and weaving
section length.

3.2.4 The analysis and valuation of expressway traffic capacity

T h e t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y o f s e c t i o n o f e x p r e s s w a y, r a m p o f i n t e r c h a n g e a n d i t s w
s e c t i o n s h a l l b e a n a l y z e d r e s p e c t i v e l y, i n o r d e r t o e v a l u a t e t h e " b o t t l e n e c k " s e c t i o n w h i c
likely caused by traffic capacity, and put forward the improving strategy.

3.3 Traffic capacity of arterial highway

3.3.1 The design traffic capacity of the arterial highway

(1) A s f o r t h e a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y , t h e d e s i g n t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y o f a l a
accordance with the requirements in Table 3.3.1 under the Level 2 of service and different
driving speed.

Table 3.3.1 The design traffic capacity of a lane on the arterial highway

(2) The influence of lane and road on design speed

① T he i nf l ue n c e of l a ne wi dt h a nd r o a d- s i d e w i dt h on de s i g n s pe e d m a y b e a d op t e d
according to Table 3.2.1-2.

② The influence of lane number on design speed may be adopted according to Table

③ The real driving speed of the arterial highway section may be determined according
to the local observational data or calculated according to the Formula (3.2.1).

( 3 ) T h e t r a ff i c c a p a c i t y o f a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y s e c t i o n i s i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e l a n e n u m b e r,
lane width and road-side width. As for the design traffic capacity of the arterial highw
section of under the conditions of Grade 2 of service and different driving speed, the design
traffic capacity specified in Table 3.3.1 shall be corrected and determined according to the
real driving speed.

3.3.2 The real traffic capacity of the arterial highway section

The real traffic capacity of the arterial highway section shall be calculated according to
the Formula (3.3.2):

Cr=Cd×fHV×fN×fP×fj×ff (3.3.2)

Where Cr——Real traffic capacity of the arterial highway section [veh/(h' In)];

Cd——Design traffic capacity of the arterial highway section corresponding to the

real driving speed [pcu/(h . In)];

fH V— —C o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r o f h i g h w a y v e h i c l e , c a l c u l a t e d a c c o r d i n g

fN——Correction factor of lane number, adopted 0.95-0.97;

fP——Correction f o d actori cf river's i ntegral

t s haracteristic,
generally 0.95-1.00;

fj— —C o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r o f a t - g r a d e i n t e r s e c t i o n ; w h e n t h e t
at-grade i ntersection
o a h i nf a rterial s t ighway
c s ot na
factor of at-grade intersection may be adopted according to Table 3.3.2-1.

Table 3.3.2-1 The correction factor of at-grade intersection

ff— —C o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r o f r o a d - s i d e i n t e r f e r e n c e , a d o p t e d a c c o r d

Table 3.3.2-2 The correction factor of road-side interference

3.4 Traffic capacity of the secondary highway and tertiary highway

3 . 4 . 1T h e d e s i g n t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y o f s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y a n d t e r t i a r y h
The design traffic capacity of the secondary highway and tertiary highway sect
be adopted from Table 3.4.1 according to the design speed and no-overtaking area scale of

Table3.4.1 The design traffic capacity of the secondary highway and tertiary highway

3.4.2 The real traffic capacity of the secondary highway and tertiary highway

The real traffic capacity of the secondary highway and tertiary highway section shall be
calculated according to the Formal (3.4.2):

Cr=Cd×fHV×fd×fw×ff (3.4.2)

Where Cr——Real traffic capacity [veh/(h . In)];

Cd— —D e s i gt nr a f f i c c a p a c i t y o f t h e s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y a n d t e r t
section corresponding to the real driving speed [pcu/(h . In)];

fHV——Correction factor of heavy vehicle, calculated according to formula (3.2.2-2)

and Table 3.4.2-1 ;

Table 3.4.2-1 The vehicles correction factor of the traffic capacity analysis of the secondary highway and
tertiary highway

fd——Correction factor of direction distribution, taking value from Table 3.4.2-2;

Table 3.4.2-2 The correction factor of direction distribution

fw——Cor re c t ion fa c t or of l ane wi dth a nd s houl der wi dth, t a king va lue f r om Ta bl e


Table 3.4.2-3 The correction factor of lane width and shoulder width

ff— —C o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r o f r o a d - s i d e i n t e r f e r e n c e , t a k i n g v a l u e a c c o r d i n g t o
3.4.2- 4.

Table 3.4.2-4 The correction factor of road-side interference

4 Overall Design
4.1 General Provisions

4.1.1 In the overall design, the relation among various disciplines in or out the highwa
engineering project shall be coordinated, and the technical standard, construction scale, key
technical i a ndexes
d p ond t p esigna i s roject s f b dhe roject
i nd ts
order to make it become a systematic engineering, meet the overall
environmental protection and sustainable development, keep security
improve the service quality of highway traffic.

4.1.2 The overall design of all levels of highways shall be made according to the highway
function, highway level and its effect in road-net. As for the expres
h i g h w atyh, e o v e r a l l d e s i g n s h a l l b e m a d e t h r o u g h t h e c o m p r e h e n s i v e c o n s i d
d i f f e r e n t k ionfd fs a c t o r s ; t h e o v e r a l l d e s i g n o f t h e s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y s h o u l d b e
according to the correlation factors; according to the significance level, the overall design of
tertiary highway and fourth-grade highway may be implemented in reference.

4.1.3 The factors considered in the overall design

(1) A c c o r d i n g t o t h e p o s i t i o n a n d f u n c t i o n s o f r o u t e i n t h e r o a d - n e t , t o d e t e r m i n e t h e
or i gin- de st i nat i on, ma j or c ontr ol poi nt, a s w e ll a s t he j oin r el a ti on wi th the proj e ct s w hic h
parallels and crosses with the said according to give the comprehensive consideration to the
f u r t h e r s o c i e t y, e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t i n r o u t e c o r r i d o r z o n e , t h e a c t u a l i t y a n d l a y o
industrial and mining establishment, the layout of railway, waterway, aviation and pipe, and
natural resources conditions, etc.

( 2 ) To d e t e r m i n e t h e t e c h n i c a l s t a n d a r d i n s c i e n c e , a p p l y t h e q u a l i f i c a t i o n i n r e a s
consider the local characteristic and difference, make the line design with meticulous care; if
necessary, the security evaluation is required, in order to insure the travelling crane security.
As for the section which adopted upper limit (or lower limit) technical criteria value as the
reason of limited by the conditions or with difficulty on alignment combinational design, the
o p e r a t i n g v e l o c i t y s h a l l b e a d o p t e d t o i n s p e c t , a n d
countermeasures shall be adopted.

(3) The route project or the relations between engineering construction and ecological
environment/resource utilization shall be research seriously base on founding the conditions
of natural environment, terrain, geology of route corridor zo
combination of technical measures like project protection and zoology protection to reduce
the ecological impact, strengthen the resilience and protect the environment farthest.

( 4 ) To h a r m o n i z e a n d c o o p e r a t e t h e i n t e g r a t e d t r a n s p
conservancy construction and urban layout, make the most of route-position resource, and
determine the construction scale in reason, protect the farmland faithfully with a purpose to
make t m heo t ost n r f he o c atural z a esources
e t h f c orridor one,
be in a sustainable development.

(5) T h o armonize
r t r oundly
i t v dhe elations
o h e n he aried isci
a dja cent indus tries and socie ty public, the design inter face , sca rf and othe rs s hal l meet t he
requirements or provisions of relative law, standard and code, and the society public opinion
shall be considered.

(6) As for the route project ratio, all stages of design, construction
running, management shall be demonstrated in full life cycle co
a c c o r d i nt og t h e s e c u r i t y , e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n , s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t l o
adopt the design proposal of best comprehensive benefit and service quality.

4.2 Keys of overall design

4. 2.1 The s ta r ti ng poi nt a nd t e rm i nal of the rout e s ha ll me e t the re qui r em e nts of r oad- ne t
layout. At the time of mounted the origin-destination, the connection scheme with a certain
length s b hall
r f e t eserved
n p o t ors he
o a iext rojects,
i d r o tudy

4 . 2 . 2T h e h i g h w a y c l a s s , d e s i g n s p e e d a n d d e s i g n s e c t i o n s h a l l b e d e m o
determined according to the highway function, design hourly volume, terrain along the line
and natural conditions, etc .. To select the connecting point for different design sections, the
transition of connecting point and the geometric design in certain before and behind length
scale shall be connected well.

4 . 2 . 3T h e l a n e n u m b e r o f t h e e x p r e s s w a y a n d a r t e r i a l r o a d s h a l l b e d e m o n s t r
determined according to the design hourly volume; as for the arterial road and secondar
highway with distribution function, the setting conditions of slow lane shall be demonstrated
according to the mixed traffic and its traffic composition, also its setting mode, cross section
type and width shall be determined according to the said condition.

4 . 2 . 4U n d e r t h e g e n e r a l s i t u a t i o n , t h e i n t e g r a l t y p e r o a d b e d s h o u l d b e a d o p t e
expressway and arterial road; in the hill and mountainous areas, the feasibility of adopting
separate t r ype s boadbed
d ahall t et cemonstratedo t g ccording o
condition as well as the layout of bridge and bridge.

4.2.5 In the route design, the height of road embankment shall be determined in reason, the
influence o e n e cological a t l nvironment
s b r t d longo p he ine hall
drainage, soil borrow and spoiled shall be made, the erosion protection and environ
protection are required in order to make the highway engineering construction integrate with
the nature. Under the conditions of high-fill and deep-cut, it is required to compare
bridge and tunnel construction layout and demonstrated.

4 . 2 . 6F i n d o u t t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f e n g i n e e r i n g g e o l o g y , h y d r o l o g i c r e g i m e ,
disaster, geology disease from surface to zone (corridor zone), from zone to line(along the
line), and its incidence to the engineering, then demonstrate and determine the layout and
strategy of passing, preventing collision or disease regulation.

4.2.7 To de termine the connec ting position a nd connecting type of t he c ity, industria l and

mining establishment, outsize bridge, super-long tunnel which served as control point.

4 . 2 . 8 A s f o r t h e t o l l h i g h w a y, t h e c h a r g e m o d e , m a i n l i n e t o l l - g a t e p o s i t i o n a n d i t s c r o s s
mode with crossed highway shall be determined base on the demonstrated toll mode.

4.2.9 Study out the important facilities position, scale and spacing of interchange, serving
a r e a , p a r k i n g a r e a , b u s s t a t i o n s y n t h e t i c a l l y, i n o r d e r t o m e e t t h e r e q u i r e d m i n i m u m
maximum) distance of function, security and service.

4.2.10Determine the construction scale and technical standard of traffic engineering and
along-line facilities.

4.2.11 As for the project planned to build by stages, the period built layout must be made
and the corresponding design shall be worked out base on the overall design which is made
according to the further programming technical standard.

5 Route Selection
5.0.1 The route selecting shall include the overall process of determining the fundamental
trend of route, the corridor zone of route, the route scheme and the position of route.

5.0.2 Control point of route

(1) T h e s t a r t i n g a n d e n d p o i n t s o f r o u t e m u s t b e t h e p o s i t i o n s c o n n e c t i n g t h e t o w n s ,
industrial and mining enterprises as well as the specific outsized bridge, and s
tunnels, and shall be the control point of the fundamental trend of route.

(2) The positions of large bridge, long tunnel, traffic interchange and railway crossing
shall b t ec hep ontrol
o r t aoints b fs outet t f rend, t nd o r hall e ubject
in principle.

(3) The positions of the middle and small culverts, middle and short tunnels as well as
general structures shall subject to the route trend.

5.0.3 In different design stage, the contents of the route selecting work shall have different
emphasis, the next stage is the continuation and deepening of the previous stage, and t
r o u ts ec h e m e i n p r e v i o u s s t a g e s h a l l b e r e - i n s p e c t e d a n d o p t i m
development of survey and design work to make the location of route much more perfect.

5.0.4 Principle of route selection

(1) A s f o r t h e e c o l o g i c a l e n v i r o n m e n t , t o r o g r a p h y, a n d g e o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n
difference o t s f whe t ections r p b i here s c he o outesa j assf y, t hall
plane t z o f one, z t l romf s one t d o a ine, f o rom t s hallow a o eep nd
to t hep lanned
c p Wontrols f oints. r s hen a a everal i t s easible oute
be t we e n s a m e s ta r ti ng a nd e nd poi nts , t he se de si gn s c he m es s hal l be c om pa re d wi th s am e

(2) The factors influencing the selection of control points are of large number and are
interlocked a i ndi s nteracted,
c c t hall a d omprehensively
b p onsider
and s econdary,
m t r anage
b t he o elation
a t p s etween a r he
a verall n
the influence of relational translation resulted from the breakthrough of partial difficulty.

(3) The engineering geology and hydrological geology in the regions, corridor zone
that route passing by and along the route line shall be deeply checked and researched, and
investigate a a nd
t i scertain d o theirh nfluence
e T segree w n he ighw
p o o r e n g i n e e r i n g g e o l o g y s u c h a s w i t h s l i d e , c o l l a p s e , r o c k p i l e , d e b r i s f l o w, k
g r o u n d a n d s l o u g h s h a l l b e t r e a t e d c a r e f u l l y, a n d t h e s c h e m e s f o r r o u n d i n g , a v o i d i n g a
wearing shall be separately justified and selected according to the influence degree on route.
When the route must passing through, the good place shall be selected
penetration scope and adopt feasible engineering measures.

(4) Taking full advantage of construction land and strictly protecting the cultivated land
for agriculture.

( 5 ) T he na t i on a l c u l t u r a l r e l i c s a r e n on r e n e w a b l e c ul t u r e r e s o ur c e s , t h e r o ut e s h a l l l e t
by the immovable cultural relics as much as possible.

(6) Protecting the ecological environment and making it be coordinated with the local
natural landscape.

(7) When the expressway and the arterial highway with trunk functions are connected
with t t he t owns a u a that r re
c sed
p i ss hec oute
w t lontroll o oints, t
city or adopt branch joint, and shall be coordinated with the urban development scheme.

The n ewly-built
s h econdary
a t h ighway
s a p nd t ertiary
t ighway
town by combining with the road net laying around the town.

(8) The route design is the three-dimensional geometric design, and the combinatio
and reasonable cooperation among the level, longitudinal, horizontal planes shall be taken
into consideration in the route selection.

5.0.5 Route selection method

(1) The route selection may adopt paper location or field location.

The expressway and arterial highway shall adopt the method of paper location and field

The secondary highway, tertiary highway and fourth highway may adopt field location,
and may also adopt paper location or paper location moving and field checking method.

(2) The route selection shall be deeply checked and researched based on the extensive
collecting the scheme, planning, and statistical data related to the route schem
topographical maps and information on geology and meteorology of the related departments,
and s uch
n t ew a echnologies
r s a s s Gemote a d ensing,
t s erial urvey,
be applied to ensure the broadness, depth and quality of surveying work in case missing any
valuable alternative schemes.

6 Highway Cross·section
6.1 General Provisions

6.1.1 Standard cross-section composition of the highway subgrade

(1) The standard cross-section of the subgrades of expressway and arterial highway is
classified into integral subgrade and separated subgrade.

The standard cross-section of integral subgrade shall be composed of such parts as lane,
intermediate z ( sone a l median s t trip
s ( nd eft-side
h s a ide rip), ho
earth shoulder).

The standard cross-section of separated subgrade shall be composed of such parts as

lane, shoulder (right-side hard shoulder, left-side hard shoulder and earth shoulder).

(2) T she tandard

c o t ross-section
s o s h f hes bubgrade
c f econdary
of such parts as lane, shoulder (right-side hard shoulder and earth shoulder).

(3) The standard cross-section of the subgrades of tertiary highway and fourth highway
shall be composed of such parts as lane and shoulder.

6.1.2 Subgrade width

The width of integral subgrade is specified as the Table 6.1.2-1.

Table 6.1.2-1 Width of Integral Subgrade

Note: T " he v general

r t t value"a aefers
n c o he a alue
t " dopted
v r tt t ormal onditions;

value that may be adopted when the condition is limited.

The w idth
o t s f she eparated
o e a ubgrades
a h i sf xpressway
a nd
the Table 6.1.2-2.

Table 6.1.2-2 Width of the Separated Subgrades of Expressway and Arterial Highway

Note: 1 If the width of the lane at inner side of eigh

t lanes adopts 3.50m, the corresponding subgrade width may
be decreased by 0.25m.

2 The "general value" listed in Table refers to the value adopted at nomlal conditions; and the "minimum
value" refers to the value adopted when the condition is limited.

(1) The width of highway subgrade shall be the sum of lane width and shoulder width.
When setting with intermediate zone, climbing lane, acceleration (deceleration) lan
turnout lane, the width of these parts shall also be counted in.

( 2 ) T h e e x p r e s s w a y w i t h d e s i g n e d s p e e d s o f 1 2 10 0k 0m
km/ h/ ha nmd a y b e s e t w i t h
bidirectional four lanes, six lanes, and eight lanes and be adopted wi
subgrade width according to the demand traffic capacity.

(3) The four-lane expressway with designed speed of 120km/h s

subgrade width in 28.00m. When being restricted by the topographic conditions and other
exceptional cases, the subgrade width of26.00m may be adopted.

(4) The arterial highway with designed speed100km/h

of and 80km/h may be set with
bidirectional four lanes or six lanes and be adopted with corresponding subg
according to the demand of traffic capacity.

( 5 ) T h e f o u r - l a n e a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y w i t h d e s i g n e1d0 0skpm
e e/ hd sohf o u l d a d o p t t h e
subgrade w o 2 idth w tf f 6.00m t v hen a he orecasted
t t h l o raffic olum
the adapTable traffic volume.

(6) The sections of arterial highway with distribution function that are set with slo
lanes may adopt the width of hard shoulder and the earth shoulder (width may be added if
their w iidth
i s a nsufficient)
t s l a t i s hef lows b ane,
s b ndt he solation
lanes and slow lane.

(7) In the secondary highway with distribution function and designed speed of 80km/h,
the s ectiont n t hat
b s weedss l o m ea et 15.0mith o s low
f ubgrade
w ane t ay idth dopted hrou
technical and economic demonstration, and the reinforced shoulder shall be adopted as the
slow lane with lines marked between the lane and slow lane for separation.

(8) In the secondary road with distribution function and the designed speed of 60km/h,
the section that needs to be set with slow lane may adopt 12.0m of subgrade width through
technical and economic demonstration, and the reinforced shoulder shall be adopted as the
slow lane with lines marked between the lane and slow lane for separation.

(9) The fourth highway should a dopt the subgrade width of 6.50m. The se ctions with
s m a l l t r a ff i c v o l u m e b u t s p e c i a l a r d u o u s e n g i n e e r i n g m a y b e s i n g l e l a n e a n d t h e s u b g r a d e
width of 4.50m.

(10) When determining the roadway width, the "general value" and "minimum value"
of t he
w o idth
m s f s edian
t a s trip, s b ide
a wrip, t s nd t houlder
T hall
subgrade width of the sixth and eighth lanes on expressway and arterial highway shall not
adopt the similar terms of "minimum value" added.

6.2 Lane

6.2.1 Lane width

The lane width shall be specified as the Table 6.2.1 according to the designed speed.

Table 6.2.1 Lane Width

Note: 1 When the designed speed is 20km/h and is of single lane, the lane width shall adopt 350m.

2 When the expressway is of eight lanes, the lane width at inner side may adopt 3.50m.

6.2.2 Quantity of lane

( 1) The quant i ty of la ne s a t e a c h s e c ti on of e xpre s s wa y a nd a rt e ri a l highw a y s ha ll be

determined according to the forecasted traffic volume and service level
quantity of lane is more than four, the quantity of lane shall be increased by even numbers.

(2) The secondary road and tertiary highway shall be of double lanes.

(3) The fourth highway should adopt double lanes, and the sections with small traffic
volume but arduous engineering may adopt single lane.

6.2.3 Climbing lane

(1) When the expressway and arterial highway as well as the secondary highway are
set with climbing lane at the continuous upward slope, the width of climbing lane shall be

(2) The climbing Janes of expressway and arterial highway shall be abut against th
outside of lane, the width of hard shoulder may be adopted, and the outer side of climbing
lane shaJ I be set with side trip and earth shoulder.

(3) The cl imbing lane of secondary road shall be set abut against the outer side of lane,
the width of hard shoulder may be adopted. When it is required to reserve the hard shoulder
originally supplied for non-automobile traffic, this hard shoulder shall be moved to the outer
side of climbing Jane.

6.2.4 Acceleration lane and deceleration lane

The p wart t there i he sraffic a pnterchange,

a b s m ervice rea, arki
and maintenance facilities and the main line of expressway and arterial highway shall be set
with a cceleration
l a d anel Tnd w eceleration
o t a ( ane. l he idth f
shall be 3.50m.

6.2.5 Turnout lane

When t w he o t idth s o f f he h ubgrade a 4 ft t ourth l s ighway doptin

be set at the good site with the distance no larger then 300m and make the drivers are able to
see the vehicles at adjacent two turnout lanes. The width of the subgrade at section where is
set w tith l urnout
s n b Jane t 6hall a t ot e e l ess s han n b l .5m, t nd he

6.2.6 Emergency lane

In order to reducing the loss of the out-of-control vehicle or avoiding endangering the
s a f e t y o f t h i r d p a r t y, t h e e m e r g e n c y l a n e s h o u l d b e s e t a t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p o
favorable sight distance at right side of the long and steep downgrade sections, the widt
shall not be less than 4.50m.

6.3 Intermediate zone

6.3.1 The width of the intermediate zone of integral subgrade

The i ntegral
s o eubgrades a a f h xpressway
m b s w i nd rterial ighway
zone, and the intermediate zone shall be composed of two left-side side trips and the central
dividing strip. The width of intermediate zone is specified as Table 6.3.1.

Table 6.3.1 Width of lntermediate Zone

6.3.2 Minimum distance among separated subgrades

(1) After the integral subgrade is transferred into separated subgrade, the traffic la
shall b s w
e l et s ith a t eftl s houlder
( h st he a efte s ide including
a ar
the minimum distance among separated subgrades shall not be less those specified in Table

(2) The space between the road ways of separated subgrade may not be with equivalent
width or equivalent altitude, and may be cooperated with the variation in topography and the
surrounding landscape. When one way of separated subgrade is piled over the other way in
bridge mode, the minimum distance shall not be limited by this.

6.3.3 Opening of median strip

(1) T h e o p e n i n g o f m e d i a n s t r i p s h a l l b e s e t b e f o r e a n d a f t e r t h e t r a f f i c i n t e r c h a n g
tunnel, outsized bridge, and facilities in service area as well as the separation Uointing) part
of integral subgrade and separated subgrade.

(2) The space between openings of median strips shall be determined according to the
demand and the minimum distance shall not be less than 2km.

(3) The length of the ope ning of median strip should not be la rge r tha n 40m; a nd the
length at the opening of eight-lane expressway may be appropriately increased, but shall not
be larger than 50m. The movable rails shall be set at the opening of median strip.

(4) The opening of median strip shall be set at the sections with good intervisibility, if
the opening is set at the curve section, the super-elevation value of the diameter
circular curve should not be larger than 3%.

(5) Shape at head end of the opening of median strip: Hemicycle may be adopted when
t he w idt h of m e dia n s tr ip i s le s s t ha n 3. 0m; and wa r he ad s ha pe m ay be a dopt ed whe n the
width of median strip is larger than or equal to 3.0m.

6.3.4 The separated subgrade shall be set with transverse connecting way for maintenance,

repair or salvage.

6.4 Shoulder

6.4.1 The width of the shoulder at right side of all class of highways is specified as Table

Table 6.4.1 Width of Shoulder at Right Side

Note: The "general value" listed in the Table is the value adopted at nonnal conditions; and the "minimum value"
is the value that may be adopted when the condition is limited.

( 1 ) T h e f o u r - l a n e e x p r e s s w a y w i t h d e s i g n e d
s h o uld e r a tr i g h t s i d e s h o u l d a d o p t 3 . 5 0 m ; t h e s i x - l a n e a n d e i g h t - l a n e e x p r e s s w a y s h o u l
adopt 3.00m.

(2) The right-side side trip shall be set within the width of hard shoulder at right side of
expressway and arterial highway, and the width is 0.50m.

( 3 ) T he ha r d s h ou l d e r o f s e c on da r y h i gh w a y m a y b e u s e d f o r no n- a ut o m ob i l e t r a ff i c .
The sections with large traffic volume of non-automobiles may also adopt the full pavement
mode to be taken fu II advantage.

( 4 ) T h e s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y, t e r t i a r y h i g h w a y, a n d f o u r t h h i g h w a y s h a l l b e s
marks a s nd oafeguards
s w i n houlders
i t b o h ithout c nvading nto
otherwise, the shoulder shall be widen.

6.4.2 Shoulder at left side

The separated subgrades of expressway and arterial highw

shoulder at left side, and the width is specified as Table 6.4.2. The hard shoulder at left side
s h a l l i t nh c e l us di ed e t r i p a t l e f t s i d e ; t h e w i d t h

Table 6.4.2 Shoulder Width at Left Side of the Separated Subgrades of Expressway and Arterial Highway

6.4.3 Emergency parking zone

(1) When the width of hard shoulder at right side of expressway and arterial highway is
less than 2.50m, the emergency parking zone shall be set. The space among eme

parking zones should not be larger than 2km, the width generally is 5.00m; the effec
length generally is 50m, the transition sections about 100m and 150m shall also be set.

( 2 ) T h e s u p e r- l o n g b r i d g e a n d t u n n e l o f e x p r e s s w a y a n d a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y m a y b e s e t
with emergency parking zone as required, and their space should not be larger than 750m.

( 3) The se c onda r y hi ghwa y m a y be s et w it h em e rge nc y par ki ng z one a s re qui re d and

the space shall be determined according to practical situation.

6.5 Crown Slope

6.5.1 The crown of the integral subgrade of expressway and arterial highway should adopt
bidirectional crown slope and shall be inclined towards both sides from the highway center.
I n t h e r e g i o n s o f w i t h r a i n f a l l o f m o d e r a t e i n t e n s i t y, t h e c r o w n s l o p e s h o u l d i s 2 % ; i n t h e
regions with rainfall of large intensity, the crown slope may be appropriately increased.

6.5.2 The crown of the separated subgrade of expressway and arterial highway should adopt
one -way cross s lope and s hal l be i ncli ned towa rds the outer s ide of subgrade, or may als o
adopt t b he idirectional
c s I t s rown c a f lope. r n t heb now over nd
crown slope should be adopted.

6.5.3 The six-lane and eight-lane expressway and the six-lane arterial highway may be set
with t c wo w rowns t c s hena t s he rown t lopes i t e he uper-elevation

6.5.4 The crowns of s econdary highwa y, tert iary highway and four th highway sha ll adopt
bidir ectiona l crown s lope whi ch s ha ll be incl ined towa rds both s ide s from the roa d c ent er.
The crown slope shall be determined according to the pavement type and the local natural
conditions, but shall not be less than 1.5%.

6.5.5 Cross slope of hard shoulder and earth shoulder

(1) T h e h a r d s h o u l d e r a t t h e s t r a i g h t s e c t i o n s s h a l l b e s e t w i t h o u t w a r d - d i p p i n g c r o s s
slope; its ratio of slope shall be same as the cross slope value of lane. When the longitudinal
slope of route is smooth and the impound strap is set, the cross slope value should adop

(2) Value and direction of the cross slope of hard shoulder at inner and outer sides of
curve s ection:
t c s he
v a ross
d lope
s b s alue a t onda irection
l w hall e
the banked crown on curves is less than 5%; and the cross slope value is not larger than 5%
when banked crown on curves is larger than 5%, but the direction is same.

(3) The cross slope of hard shoulder shall be transited with t

neighboring lane, the longitudinal transition ratio of the transition section shall be controlled
be less than 1/150 and larger than 1/330.

(4) Cross s lope of ear th shoulder: When the ear th shoulder is a t inner s ide of s traight
section and curve section and the cross slope value of lane or hard shoulder is larger than or
equal t 3 ot c %, s heo e ross s slope b s f a tarthc s houlder
v o l o hall e ame

hard shoulder; when it is less than 3%, the cross slope of earth shoulder shall be larger than
that of lane or hard shoulder by 1% or 2%. The cross slope of earth shoulder ay outer side of
curve section shall be reverse cross slope value of 3% or 4%.

(5) The cross slope value of the hard shoulders at large and middle-scale bridge and
tunnel sections shall be same as that of lane.

6.6 Highway Construction Limit

6. 6.1 T he hi ghway c ons tr uc t i on l im i t is in or de r t o e ns ure t he nor mal op er at ion and

s a f e t y o f t h e s p e c i f i e d v e h i c l e o n h i g h w a y, a n d n o i m p e d i m e n t s h a l l i n v a d e i n t o
spacial scale within certain width and altitude range.

In the design of highway cross-section, any part such as the highway markings,
guardrail, illumination light column, pole, pipeline, landscaping, street tree as well as
the beam bottom, abutment and bridge pier of the connecting bridge shall not invade
into the highway construction limit.

6.6.2The construction limit of the highway of different class is specified as Fig


( 1 ) W h e n s e t t i n g a c c e l e r a t i o n ( d e c e l e r a t i o n ) l a n e , c l i
emergency p z arking
a t l onet c nd urnout
l s i ane,
t w he onstruction
of these parts.

(2) When the eight-lane or above expressway of integral is set with hard shoulder
at l eft
s t ide,
c he l onstruction
s i t w oimit
c hall p ncludes he idth
as Figure 6.6.2b).

Figure 6.6.2 Construction Limit (Dimensional unit: m)

a) E xpressway a a h nd ( rterialt b Eighway a a integralh ype); )

(separated type);c) Secondary, tertiary and fourth highway; d) Highway tunnel W-Width of
traffic l L1ane;
—Width o h sf ard a l houlder
side; L2—Width o t h eftsf ard a r houlder
s t ight
S1—Width of left-side side trip; S2—Widlh of side trip at right side; L—Lateralwidth: The
l a t e r a l w i d t h o f e x p r e s s w a y a n d a r t e r i a l h i g h w a y i s
(L1 or L2); The lateral width of secondary tertiary and fourth highway is the shoulder width
subtracted by0.25m; the width of tunnel at inner side Lleft( or Lright) shall comply with those
s p e c i f i e d i n Ta b l e 6 .C—0.
6 . 2 ; 5 m w h e n t h e d e s i g n e d s p e e d i s l a r g0.e5r mt h, ains 0 . 2 5 m
w h e n t h ed e s i g n e d s p e e d i s e q u a l t o l e s s1 0t h0kamn / h ;M1—Wi d t h o f i n t e r m e d i a t e z o n e ;
M2—Wi d t h o f m e d i a n s t J—Wi r i p ; d t h o f t hoev e r h a u l i n g c h a n n e l i n t uR—Winnel; dth of
s i d e w a l k id—H
n et ui gn hn te l o; f o v e r h a u l i n g c h a n n e l o r
E—Width of construction limit at vertex angle: E=L when L≤1m; E=lm whenL>lm; H—
Clearance height

(3) Minimum lateral width of tunnel is specified as Table 6.6.2.

Table 6.6.2 Minimum Lateral Width of Tunnel

(4) When the bridge and tunnel are set with overhauling channel, the construction
limit shall include the width of corresponding part.

(5) When the overhauling channel, sidewalk and traffic lane are set separately, the
clear height is 2.50m.

(6) The clear height of expressway, arterial highway and secondary highway shall
be 5.00m; and the clear height of tertiary highway and fourth highway shall be 4.50m.

6 . 6. 3 T he bo un da r y l i n e d e f i n i ng of t he hi g hw a y c o ns t r uc t i on l i m i t i s s pe c i f i e d a s F i gu r e

(1) The boundary line of the upper margin of construction limit:

Figure 6.6.3 Boundary Line Defining of Construction Lim it

a) General crown section; b) Sening super-elevation section

① Without setting the superelevation section, the boundary line at upper margin shall
be the horizontal Line;

② Setting the superelevation section, the boundary line at upper ma

parallel to the superelevation cross slope.

(2) The boundary lines at both sides of the construction limit:

① Without setting the superelevation section, the boundary lines at both sides shall be
perpendicular to the horizontal line;

② Setting the superelevation section, the boundary lines at b

perpendicular to the superelevation cross slope of the pavement.

6.6.4 Clear opening and reserving

(1) According to the status and position of highway in road net, one highway
adopt same clearance height.

(2) When the pavement of tertiary highway and fourth highway adopt
penetration, asphalt macadam, asphalt topdressing or sand-gravel pavement, the cleara
height should reserve 20cm.

( 3 ) W h e n t h e m e d i a n s t r i p o r s h o u l d e r a r e s e t w i t h b r i d g e p i e r, s i g n u p r i g h t c o l u m n ,
their rising edge shall not only not invade out of the highway construction limit, but also not
b e s e t c l o s e l y c l i n g i n g t o t h e b u i l d i n g , a n d t h e s u r p l u s w i d t h f o r b u ff e r i n g d e f o r m a t i o n o f
guardrail shall be reserved.

(4) When over-line structures are set over the vertical sag curve, the clear height shall
comply with the requirement on effective clear height of saddle train, showed as figure 6.6.4.

Figure 6.6.4 Effective Clearance Height above Vertical Sag Curve

(5) When highway is passed with overline structure of large width or s

bellow it, the clear height from the pavement to any point at the bottom edge of overline
structure shall comply with those specified on corresponding clearance height.

6.7 Scope of Highway Land

6.7.1 The highway land shall conform to the principle of protecting and developing land
resources, rationally using land, practically protecting the cultivated land fa
social economy and sustainable development, reasonably study out the scale and technology
index of highway construction, design the construction scheme, and determine the scope of
highway land.

6.7.2 Scope of highway land

(1) As for the land within 1m scope outside of the external rim (is the basal slope
of road embankment or bankette when there is no drain ditch) of drain ditches at both
sides of highway embankment or outside of the external rim of the catch drain at top of
cutting, in the sections with conditions, the land within the scope not less than 3m for at
expressway and arterial highway and not less than 2m for the secondary highway shall
be the land scope of highway subgrade.

(2) When the sections of special geology such as sandstorm or snow disasters are
r e q u i r e d t o b e s e t w i t h s u c h f a c i l i t i e s a s p ro t e c t i o n f o r e s t , s a n d b i n d e r, s a n d o r s n o w
fence as well as back berms, their land scope shall be determined according to actual

(3) The land scope of bridge, tunnel, traffic interchange, separ

c ros s ing, gr ade c ros s i ng, tr af f ic saf e t y de vi ce , s e r vic e fac i li ti e s , man agem e nt f ac il it i e s,
landscaping as well as stock yard and nursery shall be determined according to actual

(4) Sections where the condition permits or the environmental protection requires

to planting multi-row of tree belts shall be determined with the land scope according to
practical situations.

( 5) Th e re con st r uc t ed hi ghway m ay be im pl em e nt e d ac c or di ng t o t hos e s pe c i fi e d

in the newly-built scope of highway land.

7 Highway Plane
7.1 General Provisions

7.1.1 The plane alignment of expressway, arterial highway, secondary highway and tertiary
highway shall be composed of with three factors such as straight line, circular curve, and
circling line.

The plane alignment of fourth highway shall be composed of two factor

straight line and circular curve.

7.1.2 T hep alane mlignment

b c w ustt e l oordinated
a e ith orography,
the c ontinuance a p ndo a roportionality
s b s a t sf tlignment
a s hall e
be interacted with vertical section and cross section.

7.2 Straight Line

7 . 2 . 1T h e s t r a i g h t l i n e s h o u l d n o t b e o v e r l o n g . W h e n a d o p t i n g l o n g s t r a i
r e s tr ic t e d by topogr a phic c ondit ion or ot her exc e pt iona l c a s es , t he c or re s pondi ng t e chni c a l
measures shall be adopted by combining with the physical circumstances along the line.

7.2.2 When circular curves adopting radial connection with straight line, the straight line
should not be over-short.

(1) W hent d he s esigned

i l t 6 peed t minimum
s argers ltraight
han among
ength he
cocurrent circular curves (calculated in m) should be not less th
designed speed (calculated in km/h); The minimum straight length among reverse circular
curves (calculated in m) should be not less than two times of designed speed (calculated in

(2) When the designed speed is less than or equal to 40km/h, it shall be implemented
by referring to the aforementioned provisions.

7.3 Circular curve

7.3.1 The highway plane of all levels shall be set with circular curve no matter the size of
outer c orner.
W a hen
r o c dopting
c i s adius
b c f ircular
t t d urve, t ha

7.3.2 The minimum radius of circular curve shall be as the Table 7.3.2 according to those
specified on designed speed.

7.3.3 The maximum radius value of circular curve should not exceed 10000m.

Table 7.3.2 Minimum Radius of Circular Curve

N ot e : T he " ge ne ra l va l u e " re f e r s t o t he va lu e a do pt ed a t n or ma l c on di ti on s; an d t he " li mi t v al ue " re fe rs to th e
value adopted when the condition is limited.

7.4 Circling Line

7.4.1 The connection parts of the straight lines of expressway, arterial highway secondary
highway and ter tiary highwa y with the minimum radius of circular cur ve that doe s not se t
with superelevation specified in Table 7.4.1 shall be set with circling line.

Table 7.4.1 Minimum Radius of Circular Curve without Setting Superelevation

The connection parts of the straight line of fourth highway with the minimum radius of
circular curve without superelevation that is less than Table 7
superelevation and be widened with their transition section.

7.4.2 The radial connection part of the cocurrent circular curves with different radius shall
be set with circling line. But the circling line may not be set when the following conditions
are met:

(1) When the radius of small circle is larger than that specified in Table 7.4.1.

(2) The radius of small circle is larger than that specified in Table 7.4.2, and one of the
following conditions is complied with:

Table 7.4.2 Radius of Small Critical Circle Curve in Compound Curve

① When the small circle is set with circling line according to the length of minimum
circling l w ine,
t d hen b he t i ifference v o l etween
c a s hec ngression
is less than 0.10m;

② When designed speed is larger than or equal to 80km/h and the ratio between radius
of large circle (R1) and the radius of small circle (R2) is less than;

③ When the designed speed is less than 80km/h and the ratio between radius of large
circle (R1) and radius of small circle (R2) is less than 2.

7.4.3 The minimum length of circling line is specified as Table 7.4.3.

Table 7.4.3 Minimum Length of Circling Line

Note: That of fourth highway is the length of super-elevation and widened transition section.

The length of circling line shall be increased along with the increasing of the radius of
circular curve.

When the circular curve requires setting with super-elevation as required, the length of
circling line shall be larger than the length of super-elevation transition section.

7.5 Super-elevation of Circular Curve

7 . 5 . 1W h e n r a d i u s o f c i r c u l a r c u r v e i s l e s s t h a n t h e m i n i m u m r a d i u s o f c i r c u l a
without s uper-elevation
s i t T 7 pecified
t s n s he b s able o c .4.1, he u
The super-elevated cross slope shall be determined according to such condi
designed speed, radius of circular curve, pavement type, natural conditions and the vehicle
composition, and shall be recalculated according to the operating velocity if necessary.

(l) The maximal super-elevation value of the highway circular curves of all levels i
showed as Table 7.5.1.

Table 7.5.1 Maximal Super-elevation Value of Highway Circular Curve of All Levels

Note: The expressway and arterial highway adopts 8% at normal conditions; and may adopt 10% wh
proportion of small passenger cars in the traffic composition is high.

(2) The minimum super-elevation value of all levels of highways at the circular curve
part shall be accorded with the cross slope of normal crown at straight part of this highway.

7.5.2 When secondary highway, tertiary highway and fourth highway approach to the towns
and the sections with large mixed traffic volume, the maximal super-elevation value may be
implemented according to Table 7.5.2 when the vehicle velocity is restricted.

Table 7.5.2 Maximal Super-elevation Value with Vehicle Velocity Limited

7.5.3 The super- elevation value of eac h c ircular c urve ra dius shall be deter mine d through
calculation of designed speed, radius of circular curve, highway conditi

7.5.4 Super-elevation transition section

The cross sections of bidirectional crown in straight segment are graded into the full
super-elevation unidirection cross section of the circular curve sect
elevation transition section must be set in this process. The gra
super-elevation is specified as Table 7.5.4 according to the position of rotation axis.

7.5.5 Transient mode of super-elevation

(l) Highway without intermediate zone

Table 7.5.4 Gradual Change Ratio of Super-elevation

① When the super-elevation cross slope is equal to the crown slope, the curb lane shall
rotate around the midline of the highway till to the cross slope value of super-elevation.

② When the cross slope of super-elevation is larger than crown slope, the following
three kinds of transient mode shall be separately adopted:

a. Rotating around the lane edge at inner side: The new construction should adopt this
kind of mode.

b. Rotating around the midline of highway: The reconstruction engineering may adopt
this kind of mode.

c. Rotating around the edge of curb lane: This kind of mode may be adopted when the
elevation a o mt outers argin
i l o t f e ubgrade
a o sh imitedi w r he sthet
special requirement.

(2) Highway with intermediate zone

① Rotating the central line of intermediate zone: The hig

intermediate zone less than or equal to 4.5m may adopt this mode.

② Rotating around the edge of median strip: The highways with intermediate zone in
all kinds of width all may adopt this mode.

③ Separately rotating around the lane midline: The highway with quantity
larger than 4 may adopt this mode.

(3) Highway with separated subgrade

The super-elevation transient mode of highway with separated subgrad

separately transited according to the highway without intermediate zone.

7 . 5 . 6T h e t r a n s i t i o n o f s u p e r - e l e v a t i o n s h a l l b e c a r r i e d o u t w i t h i n t h e o v e r a
circling line. When the circling line is long, the transition of super-elevation may adopt the
following mode:

(1) The super-elevation transition section may be set within one section of circling line,
t h e l o n g i t u d i n a l g r a d u a l c h a n g e r a t i o o f s u p e r- e l e v a t i o n t r a n s i t i o n s e c t i o n s h a l l n o t b e l e s s
than 1/330, and the full super-elevation cross section should be set at the point of tangent to
spiral, TS or point of curve to spiral, CS.

(2) The six-lane or above highway should be set with crown line in addition.

7.5.7 The super-elevation of transition of fourth highway shall be carried out within
overall length of super-elevation transition section.

7.5.8 The highway with high geometric design requirement shall be inserted on one section
of second-degree parabola at the starting and end points of super-elevation transition section
to make to the connection smooth and natural.

7.5.9 When the longitudinal slope of expressway and arterial highway is large, the up and
down lanes may adopt different super-elevation value.

7.5.10 Super-elevation mode of hard shoulder

(1) When the super-e levation values of ha rd s houlder a nd adjace nt la ne a re s ame, the
s u p e r- e l e v a t i o n t r a n s i t i o n s e c t i o n s h a l l b e s a m e a s t h a t o f t h e l a n e a n d t h e s u p e r- e l e v a t i o n
gradual change ratio same as that of the lane shall be adopted.

(2) When the super-elevation value of hard shoulder is less than that of the adjacen
lane, t c he s ross o h s lope i t f ard
i t shoulder
a t c ss ransited
o l a nto he
then be transited together with lane till the hard shoulder reaches i
elevation slope value.

7.6 Widening of Circular Curve

7 . 6 . 1 W h e n t h e r a d i u s o f t h e c i r c u l a r c u r v e o f s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y, t e r t i a r y h i g h w a y a
fourth highway is less than or equal to 250m, the circular curve shall be wide
widening value of the double-lane highway pavement is specified as Table 7.6.1.

Table 7.6.1 Widening Value of Double-lane Pavement

Note: The widening value of the pavement of single-lane highway shall be half of the specified value in Table

The widening type of circular curve shall be determined accordin

composition of this highway. When the secondary highways as well as the tertiary highway
with d esigned
s o 4 peed
a p bf c 0km/h s re t t assedt o wy ontainer em
value s b hall
a w
e tdopted;
c s hen d nhe p ontainer
b f t semitrailer oes
type of widening value shall be adopted.

The fourth highway and the tertiary highway with designed speed of 30km/h may adopt
the first type of widening value.

7.6.2 The pavement widening on the circular curve shall be set at inner side of the circular

After the pavements of all class of highways are widened, the subgrade shall also be
widened correspondingly.

7.6.3 When the sections of double lane highway adopting compulsive measures to exercise
traffic by directions, and the radius of circular curve is small, the widening value of the lane
at inner s s ide b l hallt t e o t arger
c l han
a t d hat if t hed urb
s b ane, nd
determined through calculation.

7.6.4 Widening transition section

( 1 ) W h e n s e t t i n g licni er col ri nsgu p e r - e l e v a it oin o ns e tc rt ai no sn i, t t h e l e n g t h o f

transition section of widening shall adopt the value same as the length of circling line
super-elevation transition section.

(2) When not setting the circling line or super-elevation transition section, the length of
transition section of widening shall be set according to the gradual change ratio of I: 15 and
the requirement the length not less than 10m.

7.6.5 Transiting mode of widening

The setting of the widening transition section of secondary highway, tertiary highway
and f ourth
h s ighway
a t m hall
o i dopt
i p he a ode t t f l ncreasing n

within the overall length of corresponding circling line or super-elevation an
transition section.

7.7 Transition Section of Super-elevation and Widening

7. 7.1 The ra di a l c onnec t ion pa rt of the st r a ight l ine of f ourt h hi ghwa y wi th the mi nim um
radius of circular curve without setting with super-elevation that is less than that of the Table
7.4.1 and the radial connection part with the circular curve with radius less than or equal to
250m shall be set with transition section of super-elevation and widening.

7 . 7 . 2T h e l e n g t h o f t h e s u p e r e l e v a t i o n a n d w i d e n i n g t r a n s i t i o n s e c t i o n o f f o u r
h i g h w a y s h a l l b e c a l c u l a t e d r e s p e c t i v e l y a c c o r d i n g
superelevation and widening, the longer value shall be adopted, but the shortest valu
l e n g t h s h a l l b e c o m p l y w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t t h
1:15 and the length is not less than 10m.

7.7.3 The superelevation and widening transition sections of four class of highway shall be
set at the straight line closely upon the starting and end points of circular curv
restricted by orographic condition or other exceptional cases, one part of the superelevation
a nd widening tra nsi tion sec tions s hall be a llowe d to ins erte d into the curve, but the length
inserting into curve shall not exceed one half of the length of superelevation and widening
transition sections.

As for the compound curve composed with the radial connection of cocurrent circular
curves in different radius, the widening transition section shall be set at both sides of t
connecting part symmetrically.

7.7.4 On the fourth class of highway with manual structures, when the sharp turning occurs
at the inner side edge at the starting and end points of circular curve caused by
superelevation and widening transition sections, the turning may be eliminated by adopting
the tangential method of the widening edge line of pavement and the circular arc at edge of
the widened pavement on circular curve.

7.8 Length of Horizontal Curve

7.8.1 The minimum length of horizontal curve is specified as Table 7.8.1.

Table 7.8.1 Minimum Length of Horizontal Curve

Note: T " he v general

r t t value"a aefers
n c o he a alue
t " dopted
v r tt t ormal onditions;
value adopted when the condition is limited.

7.8.2 When the corner of route is equal to or less than 7°, long horizontal curve shall be set

and its length is specified as Table 7.8.2.

Table 7.8.2 Length of Horizontal Curve when Corner of Highway is Equal to or Less than 7°

Note: In the Table, Δis the corner value of route (°), Δ=2°when Δ<2°.

7.9 Sight distance

7.9.1 The non-passing sight distance of each lane on all class of highways
specified as Table 7.9.1

Table 7.9.1 Non-passing Sight Distance

7.9.2 The sight distance of expressway and arterial highway adopt the non-passing sigh

T h e s i g h t d i s t a n c e o f s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y, t e r t i a r y h i g h w a y, a n d f o u r t h h i g h w a y s h a
comply w t r ith he o v equirement s d n a ehicle-passing
i l s n b l ight istan
than two times of the non-passing sight distance. The sections adopting split tacks measures
restricted by the topographic condition or other exceptional cases may adopt the non-passing
sight distance.

7.9.3 The expressway and arterial highway as well as the decline section of the secondary
and t ertiary
h w ighways
h p o lith v igh s iroportion
t r s f arge ehicles
by adopting the wagon non-passing sight distance at decline section. The wagon non-passing
sight distance at decline section shall be specified as Table 7.9.3.

Table 7.9.3 Wagon Non-passing Sight Distance at Decline Section (m)

7 . 9 . T4 h e p a s s i n g s i g h t d i s t a n c e s o f s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y , t e r t i a r y h
highway are specified as Table 7.9.4.

Table 7.9.4 Passing Sight Distance

Note: T " he v general

r t t value"a aefers
n c o he a alue
t " dopted
v r tt t ormal onditions;
value adopted when the condition is limited.

7 . 9 . 5T h e s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y w i t h t r u n k f u n c t i o n s s h o u l d b e s u p p l i e d w i t h t h e p a
section for satisfying the requirement of one passing sight distance within 3min of running
t im e . Ot he r double - l ane highw a ys ma y be s e t wi th s e ct i ons wi t h pa s s ing si ght di s ta nc e by
intervals according to circumstances.

7.9.6 The sight distance shall be inspected and recalculated when setting manual structures
at inner side of horizontal curve or the excavated side slope at inner side of horizontal curve
disturbing the sight, or setting the anti-dazzling facilities at intermediate zone. W
requirements are failed to be met, the shoulder or intermediate zone may be widened or the
structure may be moved backward or traffic safety devices may be set.

7.10 Hairpin Curve

7.10.1 Mountain route shall with its route developed naturally and avoids setting the hairpin
curve. When the tertiary highway and fourth highway are unable to reach t
distance to overcome the height difference or the natural route development c
adopted limited by torographic and geologic conditions, the hairpin curve may be adopted.

7.10.2 Enough distance shall exist between two adjacent hairpin curves. When the designed
speed is 40km/h, 30km/h or 20km/h, the distance from the end point of one hairpin curve to
the starting point of another hairpin curve shall separately not be less than 200m, 150m or

7.10.3 The technology index of each part of hairpin curve is specified as Table 7.10.3.

Table 7.10.3 Technology Index of Hairpin Curve

The h ighway
w d sith o 4 esignedm a t peed
h c f w0km/h
d ay dopt
speed of 35km/h or 30km/h according to the topographic conditions.

7.10.4 The alignment before and after hairpin curve shall be continuous, uniform and with
good intervisibility, and integrated curve should be set at both ends and the speed limit signs
and traffic safety devices shall be set.

8 Highway Vertical Section
8.1 General Provisions

8 . 1 . 1T h e d e s i g n e l e v a t i o n o f v e r t i c a l s e c t i o n , n a m e l y t h e r o a d b e d
provisions are given below:

(1) R oa db e d d e s i gn e l e v a t i o n o f c o ns t r u c t i o n h i gh w a y: T h e ou t s i d e e dg e e l e va t i on of
me dia n st rip s hould be adopte d on the e xpress way a nd arte rial highway; the roa dbed edge
e l e v a t i o n s h o u l d b e a d o p t e d o n t h e s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y, t e r t i a r y h i g h w a y a n d f o u r t h - g r a d
highway; the edge elevation is required before the construction at the section where needs to
set with superelevation and widening.

(2) The roadbed design elevation of reconstruct highway: It is suitable to implemen

according to the provisions of construction highway and the median strip midline or lan
midline elevation may be adopted according to the physical circumstances.

8.1.2 The flood frequency provisions of roadbed design are given in Table 8.1.2.

Table 8.1.2 Flood frequency of roadbed design

(1) A s f o r t h e s e c t i o n a l o n g t h e r i v e r a n d l i k e l y s t e e p e d i n w a t e r ,
side-roadbed e e dge
c levation
r f t dalculated
e s bespond
h t rom he
the flood frequency computation water level plus backwater height, wave-induced erosion
height and safety height of 0.50m specified in Table 8.1.2.

(2) As for the highway section along the upstream shore of th

influences as the raised groundwater level in case of the raised reservoir level, the rai
backwater c a r urve w h nd i caisedo t r ave r eight
s n s aseb f he aised
considered for the minimum side-roadbed edge elevation calculated according to the design
elevation; in the cold region, the influence of ice jam backwater to the water level rise also
shall be considered properly.

(3) The minimum side roadbed edge elevation calculated according

elevation of bridge approach of large and medium bridge (in the inundation scale) shall be
0.50m b anked-up w h t atert d igher
f l ohan
t b he a l esignt m lood evel f
side-roadbed e e dge
c levation
a t t d alculated
e n t ccording
s b o he e
and culvert shall be higher0.50m than the banked-up water of bridge (culvert) at least (with
no view of wave height).

8.2 Longitudinal Slope

8.2.1 See Table 8.2.1 for the provisions of maximum longitudinal slope of highway

Table 8.2.1 The maximum longitudinal slope

(1) As for the expressway whose design speed is 120km/h, 100km/h and 80krnlh, the
maximum longitudinal slope may be added 1% according to the technical and econo
proof when it is limited by terrain condition or other special conditions.

(2) As for the highway whose design speed is 40km/h, 30krnlh and
maximum longitudinal slope may be added 1% according to the technical and econo
proof in the section of the quondam highway used in reconstructed project.

(3) When the fourth-grade highway is located in the section whose elevation is 2000m
and more or the frost area, the maximum longitudinal slope shall not be large tan 8%.

8.2.2 As for the highway whose design speed is less than or equal to 80km/h and located in
the plateau section with a 3000m elevation and more, the maximum longitudinal slope shall
be reduced according to the provisions in Table 8.2.2. If the maximum longitudinal grade is
less tan 4% after reduced, then the 4% shall be adopted.

Table 8.2.2 The reduction value of Tableland longitudinal slope

8 . 2 . 3A s f o r t h e u n f r e e - t r a n s v e r s e d r a i n a g e s e c t i o n a n d t h e l o n g - c u t s e c t i o n
longitudinal slope with a slope of 0% or less than 0.3% is adopted, the longitudinal drainage
shall be designed for the side ditch.

8.2.4 The longitudinal slope on the bridge and bridgehead route

(l) The longitudinal slope on the small bridge and culvert shall be designed in response
to the route longitudinal slope.

(2) The plane, vertical and horizontal technical criteria of bridge and approach shall be
harmonize with the route integral layout, each technical criteria shall meet the requirements
ofroute layout. The longitudinal slope of large bridge should not be less tha
longitudinal slope of bridge approach should not be less than 5%, the alignment of approach
connects with the bridgehead shall matched with the alignment on the bridge.

(3) As for the highway section which closes to the town and without a large automobile
traffic, the longitudinal slope on the bridge and bridge approach shall not be large than 3%.

8.2.5 Longitudinal slope of tunnel and tunnel-opening route

(1) The longitudinal slope in the tunnel shall be large than 0.3% and less than 3%, but
the tunnel whose length is less than 100m are free from the limit.

(2) As for the middle and short tunnel on the expressway

longitudinal grade may be increased and limited in 4% according to the t
economic proof when it is limited in conditions.

( 3 ) T he l on gi t u di n a l s l op e o f t un ne l s h ou l d b e o ne - wa y s l op e ; t h e g a bl e s l o pe s ho ul d
be adopted for the groundwater budding tunnel, supper-long tunnel and long tunnel.

8.2.6 As for the section that closes to the town and its vehicle traffic capacity is larger, its
longitudinal slope may be slow according to specific circumstances.

8.2.7 Average longitudinal slope

As for the highway section crosses the mountain and slope continuously of secondary
highway, t h ertiary a f ighway h t nd a ourth-grade
l s s ighway,
n he
be large than when the relative height difference is 200-500m; the average longitudinal slope
s hal l not be large than 5% whe n the re lative height differ enc e is l arge tha n 500m; and the
average longitudinal slope of any 3m continuous section shall not be large than 5.5%.

8.3 Slope length

8.3.1 See T able

8 f t .3.1
r or o m
he equirements
s l o h lf inimum lope

Table 8.3.1 The minimum slope length

8 . 3 . 2 S e e Ta b l e 8 . 3 . 2 f o r t h e m a x i m u m s l o p e l e n g t h r e q u i r e m e n t s o f d i f f e r e n t h i
longitudinal slope.

Table 8.3.2 Tradiushe maximum slope length of different longitudinal slope (m)

8.3.3 At for the continuous upgrade or downgrade of highway, the transition grading section

s h a l l b e s e t w i t h i n t h e l o n g i t u d i n a l s l o p e l e n g t h s p e c i f i e d i n Ta b l e 8 . 3 . 2 . T h e l o n g i t u d i n
slope of transition grading zone shall not be large than 3%, its length
requirements of the minimum slope length specified in Table 8.3.1.

8.4 Climbing lane

8 . 4 . 1A s f o r t h e c o n t i n u o u s u p g r a d e s e c t i o n o f f o u r - J a n e e x p r e s s w a y , f o u r - l a n
h i g h w a y a n d s e c o n d a r y h i g h w a y, t h e c l i m b i n g l a n e s h o u l d b e b u i l t o n t h e r i g h
upgrade direction lane for the one which meets one of the following conditions.

(1) W h e n t h e d r i v i n g s p e e d o f a u t o t r u c k a l o n g t h e c o n t i n u o u s u p g r a d e d i r e
reduced to the allowable minimum speed specified in Table 8.4.1.

Table 8.4.1 The allowable minimum speed of upgrade direction

(2) When the de sign tra ffic c apa city of upgrade s ection i s les s than the desi gn hourly
traffic capacity.

(3) At the time of proofing according to the economic and technic

between settings climbing lane and ameliorating main line longitudi
climbing lane), the benefit-cost ratio of setting climbing lane and traveling security is good.

8.4.2 S eet s he uperelevation

s r o c lope l equirements
i T 8 T r f limbing
axis of superelevation transverse slope is the inside edge line of climbing lane.

Table 8.4.2 The superelevation value of climbing lane

8.4.3 The curve widening of climbing lane shall be implemented according to a lane curve
widening requirements.

8.4.4 W hent c he l limbing l o e ane a ength

a h f i lxpressway
t 5 nd rteria
the emergency cut-off zone shall be set on the right side as required.

8.4.5 The staring point, terminal and degree of climbing lane

(1) A s f o r t h e s t a r t i n g p o i n t o f c l i m b i n g l a n e , t h e d r i v i n g s p e e d o f a u t o t r u c k o n t
steep gradient section shall be lower than the Allowable Minimum Speed specified in Table

(2) The terminal of climbing lane shall be set on the place where autotruck restores to
the A llowableM S inimum
a c t s peed o t t fter o o lamed a he lope, r
length of steep gradient section. See Table 8.4.1 for the outspread additional length of slope


Table 8.4.5-1 Outspread additional length of steep gradient section

(3) When two adjacent climbing lanes are close, they should be connected directly.

(4) As for the transition section of distributary and confluence shall be

staring point and terminal of climbing lane, see Table 8.4.5-2 for the length requirement.

Table 8.4.5-2 Transition section length of distributary and confluence of climbing lane

8.5 Composite gradient

8 . 5 . 1S e e T a b l e 8 . 5 . I f o r r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e m a x i m u m c o m p o s i t e g r a d i e n

Table 8.5.1 The maximum composite gradient of highway

8.5.2 When the steep gradient is overlapping with the circular curve of minor radius, the
lesser composite gradient should be adopted. Especially the under mentioned conditions, its
composite gradient must be less than 8%.

(1) In winter, the region with the snow-accumulated and frozen pavement;

(2) The hill side highway section with steep nature transverse slope;

(3) The highway section without larger automobile traffic capacity.

8.5.3 In the transition change section of superelevation, the composite gradient shall not be

designed a 0 W s t %. c heng ihel t omposite
0 t c radient
d m s ess han
shall be adopted in order to guarantee the passage clear of pavement drain.

8.6 Vertical curve

8.6.1 T hev ertical

c s b urve
s o t l hall se et
c ns he o h ongitudinal
t lope
vertical c s urveb c hould
c S Te 8ircularf t r urve; o v ee c able .6.1 or
minimum radius and vertical curve length.

Table 8.6.1 The vertical curve minimum radius and vertical curve length

Note: The "general value" is an accepted value in the normal condition; "ultimate value" and "minimum value" is
the adoptable value when the condition is limited.

9 Geometric Design
9.1 General Provisions

9.1.1 T heh ighway

a i t lignment s a s ridimensional
A f t g d olid lignment.
the combination of highway plane, vertical section and cross section shall be done well, and
it shall be harmonize with the natural environment.

9.1.2 Except the driving mechanics requirements, the vision, the requirements of lane-user
of psychology and physiological aspect shall be meet in alignment design
improve the security, amenity and economy of vehicle traveling.

9.1.3The requirement and contents of alignment design shall be with special emp
according to the different of highway function and design speed.

(1) As for the expressway, the arterial and secondary highway with trunk function, it is
required t l s o o ay t s tress g nd hei g olid ap eometric
o a c esign, n et
indices b alanced,
v b l ision u est,
s a andscapec I t dnisonous, s afe n
i s h i g h e r, t h e n t h e c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e a l i g n m e n t d e s i g n c o m b i n a t i o n s h a l l b e e v e n m
prudential, so as to improve the service quality.

(2) As for the arterial and secondary highway with distribution function, the disposition
design of highway cross section shall be determined according
information, and the alignment design on the route cross section and others shall be pa
attention to, so as to insure a good intervisibility and safe/free driving.

(3) As for the double lane highway whose design speed is equal to or less than 40km/h,
the specified value (large contents, and the minimum value) of alignment element shall be
adopted exactly on the precondition of insuring a safe driving; to combine all the alignment
e l e m e n t s r e a s o n a b l y, o r a d o p t t e c h n i c a l m e a s u r e s o f s e t t i
engineering facilities, so as to yield the maximum investment benefit.

(4) Follow the principle of determining highway class and design speed according to
the d esignh s ighway t l o ection,
d h he
s ength
s n b ft sesigna ighway
the technical criteria of alignment shall be kept for a relative equilibrium.

(5) As for the plane, vertical and horizontal technical criteria before and behin
connection section of different design highway section, it shall be changed in response to the
design road speed from high to low ( or contrarily) and gradually from large to small, as to
make the driving speed transitive naturally. The minimum or maxim
t e c h n i c a l c r i t e r i a v a l u e o f t h e s e c t i o n d e s i g n s p e e d
circumambience of connection point.

9.1.4The fore-and-aft alignment of solid cross shall be provided with higher plane
vertical technical criteria, so as to make it with a better sighting condition.

9.1.5 As for the plane and longitudinal alignment combinational design of route, it may be
appraised in route stenograph.

9 . 1. 6 A s f or t h e s e c t i o n o f a l l c l a s s e s of h i gh w a y s w i t h a l a rg e - c ha ng e pl a ne a n d v e r t i c a l
technical criteria, or the section which is provided with plane and vertical technical criteria
maximum value (or minimum value) when the condition is limited, or the sec
contentious plane and longitudinal alignment combination, or the section where real driving
speed goes beyond (or under) the design road speed, they shall be inspected in trave

9.2 Plan alignment design

9.2.1 General Requirement

(1) T h e p l a n a l i g n m e n t s h a l l b e s t r a i g h t , c o n t i n u o u s a n d b a l a n c e d , a n d
seasoned with terrain and harmonized with the surrounding environment.

( 2 ) Wi t h o u t r e f e r e n c e t o t h e s i z e o f c o r n e r, t h e c u r v e s h a l l b e l a i d o n a l l c l a s s e
highway, and larger circular curve radius should be adopted. When the corner is undersize,
the plan alignment shall be adjusted. When the corner (less than 7°) is set unavoidably, the
long enough curves shall be set as required.

(3) The long enough beeline shall be set between two homodromous circular curves, or
the alignment setting shall be adjusted into a simple curve or a compound curve.

(4) The short line segment shall not be set between two reverse circular curves, or the
alignment setting shall be adjusted into a sigmoidal curve,

(5) The expressway with 6 lanes and above, the beeline leng
homodromous require or reverse circular curves, and the requirements of supe
transition gradual change rate of roadbed outside edge shall be met.

(6) As for the double lane highway whose design speed is equal to or less than 40km/h,
it m ayb c e w
t i n s hen ohere
t a s rot cuperelevation
c f w
when the widening changeover portion with a 10m or longer length shall be set at a n
superelevation and widening- exist condition; the beeline length on the section with difficult
terrain condition is request not to less than 15m when there is a supereJevation exists in two
adjacent reverse circular curves.

(7) As for the double lane highway whose design speed is equal to or less than 40km/h,
the c ontinuous s a harp
s b a lignmentW t t hall
c ei d voided.
a i hen he
is set unavoidably, the stated beeline length or convolution line shall be inserted between the

9.2.2 The application of beeline

(1) T h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f b e e l i n e s h a l l b e h a r m o n i z e d a n d m a t c h e d w i t h t h e t e r r a i n a n d
environment. When the beeline alignment is adopted, its length should not be over length.

(2) At the time of giving priority to the beeline in the layout of fiat reg
faubourg with structured farmlands, rivers and ditches, the beeline alignmen

(3) As for the se ction where t he s truc tur es like s upper-l ong, long tunne l or the bridge
with special structure located, and the fore-and-aft section of route intersection, the beeline
alignment should be adopted.

( 4 ) T h e s e c t i o n p r o v i d e d f o r t h e o v e r t a k i n g u s e o n d o u b l e l a n e h i g h w a y, t h e b e e l i n
alignment should be adopted.

9.2.3 The application of circular curve

(I) The circular curve shall be matched with the terrain when it is set; it is sui Table to
adopt circular curve radius with a 2%- 4% superelevations.

( 2) W he n t he c ondi ti on i s l im i te d, t he " ge ner a l va lue " whi c h i s l arge t ha n or c l os e t o

the circular curve minimum radius may be adopted; when the terrain condi
imperative special-difficult condition, then the "ultimate value" of circular curve minimum
radius may be adopted.

(3) At the time of setting circular curve, it is required to harmonize with the plane and
vertical alignment of connected section, as to make it form a continuous and balanced curve
alignment, and avoid the concurrent alignment of minor radius circular curve

9.2.4 The application of convolution line

(1) When the design speed is large than or equal to 60km/h, the convolution line shall
be adopted as one of the alignment elements. The length of convolution line, circular curve
a n d c o n v o l u t i o n l i n e s h o u l d b e c o n t i g u o u s a p p r o x i m a t e l y. T h e p a r a m e t e r v a
convolution lines may be designed into a dissymmetrical curve according to
condition, but, A1 : A2 shall not be large than 2.0.

(2) The parameter of convolution line should be determined according to the terr
condition and alignment requirement, and it shall be harmonized with the circula

① When R is less than 100m, A should be large than or equal to R.

② When R approaches to 100m, A should be equal to R.

③ When R is larger or approaches to 3000m, A should equal to R/3.

④ When R is large than 3000m, A should be less than R/3.

(3) When two reverse circular curves are connected or the inserted beeline is deficient,
the convolution line may be adopted to connect two reverse circular curves into a sigmoid

① Two convolution line parameters of sigmoid of A1 and A2 should be equal.

② W h e n d i f f e r e n t c o n v o l u t i o n l i n e s p a r a m e t
A1 a nd A2 s h a l l b e l e s s t h a n 2 . 0; po s s i b l y, t h e p a r a m e t e r w h i c h i s l e s s t h a n 1. 5 i s t h e b e s t .
When A2≤200, the ratio of A I to A z shall be less than 1.5.

③ T h e r a t i o o f t w o c i r c u l a r c u r v e r a
R1/R2≤2 is appropriate.(R1 is the orthodrome curve radius; R2 is roundlet curve radius.)

(4) When two homodromous circular curves are connected or the inserted beeline
deficient, the convolution line may be adopted to connect two homodromous circular curves
into an oval curve.

① The R2/2≤A≤R2 S h o u l dbe adopted for the convolution line parameter of oval curve
(R2 is the roundlet curve radius).

② As for the ratio of two circular curve radius, R2/R1=0.1~0.8 is appropriate.

③ As for the distance of two circular curves,

D/R2=0.003~0.03 is appropriate D( is the
minimum distance between two circular curves)

(5) When it is limited in terrain condition, two homodromous convolution lines may be
connected in the section where the curvature is same, then combine it into a crest curve.

The c crest m urve

b a o ay w et r dopted
i l b tnly t hen
s a he oute s
the curvatures at the connecting point are sizable.

① As for the convolution line parameter of crest curve and its c

connecting point, they shall meet the requirements of minimum allowa
parameter and circular curve minimum radius respectively.

② In the 0.3v length scale closes to the connecting point (calculated in m; v is design
speed, it is calculated in km/h), the camber transverse slope determined according t
curve radius of connecting point.

(6) When it is limited in terrain condition, at the connecting joint of long radius section
circular curve and minor radius circular curve, two or more homodromous convolution line
may be connected on the same-curvature section and combined into a compound
Two convolution line parameters ratio of compound curve should be less than 1.5.

When t c he compound
i l i t urvec s t imited
r d on i errain ondition,
may be adopted.

(7) When it is limited in terrain condition or other special conditions, the convolution
line curvature of two homodromous circular curve may be connected in the zero connecting
point and combined into a C-form curve.

C-form curve is limited to the difficult terrain condition; it may be adopted only when
the route is limited strictly.

9.3 The longitudinal alignment design

9.3.1 General requirement

(1) The longitudinal alignment shall be flat, smooth, and the vision shall be continuous,
and it shall be seasoned with terrain and harmonized with the surrounding environment.

(2) As for the longitudinal slope design, the fill-digging balance shall be considered
and the earth excavation shall be serviced as fill nearby, as to reduce the influence to natural
earth transverse slope and environment.

(3) When the algebr aic diffe rence of adjac ent l ongitudinal s lope is s mall, la rge radius
of the vertical curve shall be adopted.

(4) As for the longitudinal slope design of continuous upgrade section, be

upgrade direction shall meet the stated technical criteria of average grade, maximal slo
l e n g t h o f d i ff e r e n t l o n g i t u d i n a l s l o p e , t h e d r i v i n g s e c u r i t y o f d o w n g r a d e d i r e c t i o n s h a l l b e
considered. O t s nce t he c pecific a o echnical
r t t m riteria
v t pproaches
continuous traffic capacity of upgrade direction and the travelling security of dow
direction shall be inspected in running speed according to combine the
criterion setting conditions of fore-and-aft section.

(5) The fore-and-aft longitudinal slope of route infall shall be subdued.

(6) As for the highway on the snow-accumulated or frost area, the adoption of steep
slope shall be avoided.

9.3.2 Application of longitudinal slope value

(1) The maximum longitudinal slope value and different longitudinal slope max
slope length value shall be avoided to adopt in all classes of highways; and they can
adopted only at the time of trying for high-utilization of advantage ground or avoiding the
difficult project section.

(2) The longitudinal slope should be flat and subdued, but the minimum longitudinal
slope s hould
n b l t ot0 eW ess t s han o h .3%. s (hen o l he ection f o
slope which is less than 0.3% is adopted, a special drain design is required.

9.3.3 Requirement of longitudinal slope design

(1) The longitudinal slope of plain terrain shall be even and subdued.

(2) In the longitudinal slope of mountainous terrain, the over- indulging of terrain shall
be avoided lest the welter is oversize.

(3) The evenness shall be followed after by the longitudinal slope of crossing r
highway, the maximum value or the value approaches to the maximum value slope shall not
be adopted, even more, the longitudinal slope alignment of steep slope (with short distance
flat gradient) of different maximal slope length values should not be adopted continuously.

(4) As for the ridge line and mountainside line, the subdued longitudinal slope shall be
a dopt e d unde r t he pos s ibl e c ondi ti on e xc e pt the ma j or longi t udina l s l ope is a dopte d in the
last resort.

9.3.4 Requirement of vertical curve design

(1) As for the highway whose design road speed is large than or equal to 60km/h, the
combination of long vertical curve and long beeline slope section should be adopted for the

vertical curve design. The vision required vertical curve radius limit value which is la
than or equal to those specified in Table 9.3.4 shall be adopted when it is conditional.

Table 9.3.4 The vision required minimum vertical value

(2) As for the vertical curve, the larger radius shall be adopted. When the condition is
limited, the" general value" which is large than or approaches to the circular curve minimum
radius may be adopted; when the terrain condition is in a imperative
condition, then the" ultimate value" of circular curve minimum radius may be adopted.

(3) In the homodromous vertical curves, especially in the homodr

vertical c i urves,
t b s f s he a eeline o r lope t a mection s l pproaches r
it is suitable to merge to setup into simple curve or compound curve.

9.4 Cross section design

9.4.1 As for the highway cross section design, the road embankment height shall be reduced
furthest, a i i r nd rt s t equired
i t a educe z a he p nfluence
t e o long o
as to make the highway integrate with nature. When the condition is limited and the high-fill
a n d d e e p - c u t a p p e a r s u n a v o i d a b l y, i t i s r e q u i r e d t o d e m o n s t r a t e d a n d c o m p a
schemes of bridging, tunnel construction and separate-type roadbed.

9.4.2 As for the roadbe d cr oss sec tion, it shall be desi gn acc ording to the c ombina tion of
along g round
c s n ross c lope,
a e atural g ondition
c e W ndt ngineering
natural cross slope is subdued, the integral-type roadbed cross section should be ad
When t c hes ross
i s alopet e s teeper
g i c nd he t sngineering
t eology
roadbed cross section should be adopted for the expressway.

9.4.3 The intermediate-zone width of integral-type roadbed should be kept for equivalence.
When t w he o i idth f i ntermediate-zone
b o n t t s s roadened
s b r arrow
set. The transition section should be set in the scale of convolution line; the length shall be
equal to the convolution line length. When the condition is limited, the transition rate of

transition section shall not be large than 1/100.

9.4.4When the integral type roadbed is broke into separate type roadbeds or when
separate t r ype c oadbeds
i t i onverge
t r t nto
t hes ntegral
s b ype oadb
set when the width of intermediate-zone is broadened or narrowed. The transition sectio
should be set on the large circular curve radius section.

9.4.5 As for the highway cross section design, it is required to place stress on the road-side
security a a nd
t dopt
d l olerance
s a t m a gesign d ogos,
f e c o s o ake
parts like intermediate zone, acceleration (deceleration) lane, shoulder and channelizati
l e f t( r i g h t ) t u r n i n g l a n e , t r a f f i c i s l a n d , g e t r i d o f t h e i m p e d i m e n t s w h i c
travelling security, in order to supply a wide enough and expedite road-side safety zone.

9.4.6 Design of intermediate zone

(1) T h e m e d i a n s t r i p f o r m : W h e n t h e w i d t h o f m e d i a n s t r i p i s l a r g e t h a n o r e q u a l t o
3.0m, the concave shape shall be adopted; when the width of median strip is less than 3.0m,
convex shape may be adopted.

(2) The median strip cerb: When the width of median strip is large than or equal to
3.0m, the flush-type shall be adopted; when the width of median strip is less than 3.0m, the
flush-type or sloping type may be adopted. The barrier curb must not be adopted
median strip of the expressway and arterial highway.

( 3) Sur f ac e dis pos a l of m edi a n s t ri p: W he n t he w idt h of m e dia n s tr ip is la rge t ha n or

equal to 3.0m, it is suitable to sward; when the width of median strip is less than 3.0m, it is
suitable to plant frutex or pave and seal the surface.

9. 4.7 B es i de s dr a in des i gn i n t he hi ghwa y c ros s s ha l l be a n una i de d s ys te m a nd me e t t he

functional requirements, and as for the side ditch closes to the line, the saucer or cross-flow
mode shall be adopted for the cross section, or else the cover plate shall be added.

9.4.8 As for the snow-accumulation section, serious-disease engineering geology section

the r oadbed m b w ay p e s aidened
t a t roperly,
d c oa is ot meliorate
travelling security.

9.5 Alignment combinational design

9.5.1 The basic requirements of alignment combination

(1) I n t h e a l i g n m e n t c o m b i n a t i o n a l d e s i g n , e a c h t e c h n i c a l c r i t e r i o n s
specified value of plane and longitudinal section, also the influence of cross section to the
alignment combinational and travelling security shall be considered. The intercombination
design of the most disadvantageous value of plane, longitudinal section and cross secti
shall be avoided.

(2) At the time of identifying each relative independence technical criteria of plane and
longitudinal section, each criteria shall be relative equilibrium and continuous,
technical criteria value of its adjacent sections shall be balanced and continuous.

(3) When each approach or maximal (minimum) value and its combination of plan
and longitudinal section are adopted under the limited condition, th
application of fore-and-aft terrain and technical criteria to the real driving speed sh
considered, the difference of its travelling speed and design speed shall not be large th

(4) As for the alignment combinational design, it is required to keep the harmonization
of the interior relative equilibrium and changed rhythm in each elements; and the adaptation
with the exterior along-natural landscape and coordination with geologic condition shall be

(5) The driver's sight shall be induced in route alignment naturally, and the continuity
of optic seeing shall be kept.

9.5.2 The alignment combinational design principles

(1) T phe a lane v a nd certical d lignment

p s ombinational
b m esig
corresponding. W t p a henv che r lane a s nd t ertical m p urve adius
level shall be more rigorous; along with the simultaneous aggrandizement of
vertical curve radius, the parallelism level may be relaxed properly; when both the plane and
vertical curve radius are large, the mutual parallelism may be not strict.

(2) The long beeline should not be combined with the steep slope or the vertical curve
of small-radius and short-length.

(3) The multi- short vertical curves should not be contained in the long h
curve; the short horizontal curve should not be combined with short vertical curve.

(4) As for the staring point and terminal of small-radius circular curve, it is suitable not
to approach or set on the top of crest vertical curve or on the bottom of concave vertical

(5) The horizontal curve with small radius should not be set in the long vertical curve.

(6) As for the top of crest vertical curve or bottom of the concave vertical curve,
should not be coincided with the turning point of reverse horizontal curve.

(7) When the superelevation is not set for the left-hand tu

compound curve and sigmoid curve, the security shall be proven in travelling speed.

9.5.3 As for the design speed is large than or equal to 60km/h, it is required to place stress
on the lane and longitudinal alignment combinational design. As for the highway
design speed is equal to or less than 40km/h, it may be implemented in reference.

9.5.4 As for the expressway with 6 lanes and more, it is required to attach importance to the
combination a c ndi s ollocation
c ( pn traight,
a l surves t including
long enough convolution line or beeline shall be set between the curves, so as to make it
transit well and get a well roadway drainage.

9.6 The coordination of alignment and bridge/tunnel

9.6.1 The bridge approach and bridge alignment

(1) The bridge and its position/ alignment of approach shall be harmonized with route
alignment, so as to make the visual field widen, sight induce well. Each technical criterion
shall meet the requirement of route layout and overall design.

(2) The bridge alignment of expressway and arterial highway shall be harmonized with
the route alignment, and it shall be continuous and fluent.

(3) As for the connection of manual structures like bridge/arch culvert and roadbed, the
plane and longitudinal alignment shall meet the relevant regulations of route layout.

(4) When the anti-coil ision-guardrails are set on the manual structures like bridge and
arch culvert, the outside guardrails on the bridge (culvert) road connection shall be a same
beeline or curve on a plane.

9.6.2 The tunnel portal connecting line and tunnel alignment

(1) The position of tunnel and tunnel portal connecting 1 ine shall be harmonized with
the route alignment, so as to be propitious to the travelling security and comfort.

(2) The outside connecting line of tunnel portal shall be harmoni

alignment o t p f unnel
i t s o ortal;
d s nh dhe cale
w i n f l esign
t 3 peed au
outside the tunnel portal and the design speed haul distance which is not less than 3s inside
the tunnel portal, the flash direction change shall not appears on the plane alignment.

(3) When the tunnel on the expressway and arterial highway are
separated up and down dual-tunnel, the layout of portal connecting line shall be harmonized
with the route whole alignment, and a handy connecting lane shall be set.

(4) The connection between the tunnel portal and roadbed shall meet t
regulations of route layout; when the width on the connecting point of tunnel porta
roadbed is inconsistent, the transition section shall be set in the connecting line outside the
tunnel portal.

9.7 The conjugation of alignment and along- facilities.

9.7.1As for the alignment design, the along- facilities layout requirements of main l
toll-gate, ramp toll-gate, serving area and parking area shall be considered.

9.7.2 The route in the main line toll-gate scale should be beeline or the super-elevated curve
shall not be set, the toll-gate shall not be set on the bottom of concave vertical curve.

9.7.3 In the section of serving area, parking area and bus station, the key technical indexes
of main line may refer to the relative design requirements of interchange.

9.7.4 The setting of sign and marking shall be considered at the time of designing route, and
it shall be matched with the traffic safety device design' the design of sign and marking shall
be exact, and the route design intent shall be incarnated fully; as for the sectio
road-side design is limited, the relevant safeguard shall be set in reason.

9.8 The harmonization of alignment and environment

9.8.1 As for the alignment design, the influence of speed to seeing shall be considered fully;
the h ighway w h d iths tigh m esign
r peed,
o a hea s atching equirement

environment shall be higher.

9.8.2 The terrain and natural landscape shall be made the maximum use for the highway
alignment, t l heo s andscape p f t urrounding
, f a b hysiognomy,
s err
be changed as less as possible, so as to make the highway integrates with nature, and protect
the environment furthest.

9.8.3 The way of combining the project protection and zoology protection shall be adopted
for t hhe ighway
p p rotection
s a t r t i roject, t n o l s o a educe
t he nflue
resilience shall be increased to make a harmony of highway engine

9.8.4 The slope of cut should be subdued or the turning point of side slope shall be trimmed
smoothly, so as to make it approach to the natural ground and increase the aesthetic feeling
for the highway.

9.8.5 The greening on the both sides of the highway shaH be designed extra with a purpose
to serve as a measure to induce sight, strew the landscape as well as rebuild the environment.

10 Highway and highway grade crossing
10.1 General requirements

10.1.1 Grade crossing design principles

(1) The selection of position of grade crossing shall refer to present status
network, plan, terrain, terrain feature, geologic condition, econom

(2) Grade crossing form shall be confirmed by referring to the function of intersected
r o a d , r a t i n g , t r a f f i c c a p a c i t y, t r a f f i c c o n t r o l m o d e , r i g h t - o f - w a y c o n d i t i o n a n d c o n s t r u c t

(3) Grade crossing mode shall meet the following requirements: smooth traffic flow
less collision point, small collision area, and dispersed collision partition.

(4) When carrying out geometric design of grade crossing, traffic control mode
arrangement of relative facilities shall be taken into consideration.

(5) A lignmento i r f i ntersected

t g c s oads mn t he r rade rossing
for viewing distance.

(6) Straight alignment shall be adapted to intersected road in the grade crossing scope;
when curve is adopted, semi diameter thereof should be greater than semi
circular curve without superelevation. Vertical surface shall be smooth, which shall meet the
minimum radius of the vertical curve value required by vision.

(7) Refer to predicted traffic capacity as the fundamental criteria of the grade crossing.
Traffic capacity adopted in the design shall be the design hourly volume.

( 8 ) T n t h e g r a d e c r os s i ng , t he c o ns t r uc t i on of f a c i l i t i e s u s e d f o r t he pe d e s t r i a n s t o go
across the crossing shall refer to the pedestrian circulation, highway classification and traffic
control mode. Crosswalk, pedestrian bridge or pedestrian passageway shall be installed.

(9) Geometric design of the grade crossing shall be in line with the sign, reticule and
signal facilities. As for the small grade crossing with ill viewing distance, reflector shall be
installed according to specific circumstances.

( 1 0 ) W h e n r e b u i l d i n g t h e g r a d e c r o s s i n g , b e i n f o r m e d
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n d e l a y, a n d t h e q u a n t i t y o f t r a ff i c a c c i d e n t s , d e g r e e , c a u s e
conditions of the existing grade crossing.

10.1.2 Traffic control mode

Grade crossing can be divided into main traffic priority intersection, without priori
intersection or signal intersection according to function, rating and traffic capacity
intersected road.

( 1 )If t w o r o a d s w i t h d i f f e r e n t f u n c t i o n , r a t i n g a n d t r a f f i c c a

T-intersection with relatively large traffic capacity, main traffic priority intersection shall be

(2) If the two roads with low rating and little traffic capacity intersect, without priority
intersection traffic control mode shall be adopted.

(3) Signal traffic control mode shall be adopted in the following crossing:

10.1.3 Design road speed for the grade crossing

(1) Design road speed of main road in the grade crossing scope should be same to the
design road speed of the stretch of road.

(2) If the function, rating or traffic capacity of the two interjected road are the same or
close to each other, design road speed of straight driveway can be appropriately lowered, but
not below 70% of the speed of the stretch of road.

(3) If the secondary road relocates due to the intersection angle or lower align
quota, design road speed can be appropriately reduced.

(4) Des ign roa d s pee d of the tur ning roadway s ha ll be confirme d a ccordi ng to design
road speed, traffic capacity, cross category, traffic control mode and right-of-way condition.

10.1.4 Intersection angle and number of intersections

(1) Intersection angle of grade crossing shall be the vertical angle. If that is the oblique
crossing, acute angle shall not be less than 70°; it shall not be less than 60° when confined to
the orographic condition or other exceptional circumstances.

(2) Intersections in the grade crossing shall not be more than 4; roundabout crossing
shall be adopted if intersections are more than 4.

(3) Intersections of roundabout crossing shall not be more than 5, if "entry priori
rule management can be adopted," entry priority" roundabout crossing shall be used.

(4) Newly built road shall not be directly connected to the grade crossing with fo
intersections or above.

10.1.5 Channelization design of grade crossing

(1) Channelization design must be carried out to the four driveways and grade crossing
with multiple lane highways.

(2) Carry out channelization design to secondary road grade crossing.

(3) Channelization design shall be carried out if tertiary highway grade crossing is with
relatively large traffic capacity.

10.1.6 Grade crossing spacing

(1) Spacing of grade crossing shall refer to factors like func

trafficability and transportation delay.

(2) When the arterial road and secondary road are the ma
in roads, it shall be guaranteed
t h a t t h e m a i n r o a d i s w i t h o u t t h e c o n g e s t i o n . M e a s u r e
vertical and transverse interferences, spacing large enough shall be kept to grade crossing, if
necessary overpass shall be installed.

(3) If the arterial road and secondary road are used as the collectiv
crossing shall be built reasonable, local highway or village road shall be arranged to cross
w it h s e c onda ry r oad of t he m aj or hi ghwa y, or pa ra l le l t o m a jor highw ay, or t he s e c onda ry
road only with limited entry and exit.

(4) Minimum spacing of the grade crossing of arterial road and secondary road shall
conform to requirements in Table 10.1.6.

Table 10.1.6 Minimum spacing of grade crossing

10.2 Alignment of road at the grade crossing

10.2.1 Alignment of plane

(1) Two intersected roads in the grade crossing scope shall be perpendicular or near to
perpendicular, a o p lignment
s b s fl olanes r houldc ce atraight ine
circular curve with superelevation requirement should not be adopted.

(2) If there is an oblique crossing between the newly built road and existing road with
lower rating, intersection angle shall not be less than 70°. If the intersection angle is
small, relocate secondary road before or after the cross.

10.2.2 Alignment on the vertical surface

( 1 ) Wi t h i n t h e g r a d e c r o s s i n g s c o p e , v e r t i c a l s u r f a c e o f t w o i n t e r s e c t e d r o a d s h a l l b e
gentle. Longitudinal linear shall requirements of stopping sight distance.

( 2 ) L o n g i t u d i n a l s l o p e o f m a i n r o a d w i t h i n t h e c r o s s s
0.15% 3%; approach road close to secondary road shall cross with the 0.5%- 2.0% upslope.

(3) If superelevation is installed to the circular curve of main road within the crossing
scope. Longitudinal slope of secondary road shall be interior to the cross slope of the main

10.2.3 Facade design

(1) As for the facade form of shared part and approach road cross s
intersected road within the grade crossing, refer to the function, rating, alignment and traffic

control of the two intersected roads. "Main road priority" traffic control m
adopted, cross section of main roads shall cross with each other, adjust vertical section of the
secondary road to meet the requirement of the cross section of main road; if it is difficult to
adjust the vertical section, and cross section of the two roads shall be adjusted.

(2) On the separated right-turn lane or right turn appended road surface, elevation and
cross slope shall meet the requirement of the shared part of the intersected road and adjacent
facade o t i f he a ntersection
t s o t ndt he c uperelevation
r d a f he ran
road width of the whole crossed part.

(3) Roadway drainage within the grade crossing scope shall be in good c
which shall be considered as the major factor of designing the facade. Road surface shall be
without water, including the invisible island.

10.3 Sight distance

10.3.1 Approach sight distance

(1) E a c h b r a n c h r o a d s h a l l s u p p l y a p p r o a c h s i g h t d i s t a n c e I n a c c o r d a n c
running speed, see Figure 10.3.1.

Figure 10.3.1 Approach sight distance

(2) The value of the approach sight distance equals to that of the non-passing s
distance, but the measuring standard shall be: eye height, 1.2m; object height,
minimum radius of the approach sight distance and convex vertical curve in accordance with
different kinds of design speeds are specified in Table 10.3 .1.

Table 10.3.J The minimum radius of the approach sight distance and corresponding convex vertical

10.3.2 Intervisibility triangular space

(1) On the intersected highways, the triangular space which is constitute

non-passing sight distance shall not allow the presence of any
intervisibility, see Figure 10.3.2-1.

Figure 10.3.2-1 Intervisibility triangular space

(2) If the conditions are limited that the non-passing sight distance may not constitute
the intervisibility triangular space, it shall guarantee that the non-passing sight distance o
safe i ntersection
a 5~7m o t cnd f hel o entralt s l ine
f t fs he h ide t anes rom
the major highway are able to constitute the intervisibility triangular spa
1 0 . 3 . 2 - 2 . T h e n o n - p a s s i n g s i g h t d i s t a n c e v a l u e s o f s a f e i n t e r s e c t i o n a r e s p e c i f i e d i n Ta

Figure 10.3.2-2 The triangular space of non-passing sight distance of safe intersection

Table 10.3.2 The non-passing sight distance of safe intersection

10.4 Turning design

10.4.1 The alignment and the road breadth of the transition curve at grade intersection shall
be determined according to the turning track-way of the vehicle.

10.4.2 The design vehicle and running speed adopted by the turning curve are specified as

(1) For the highways of all levels, they shall be designed according to the track-way of
the saddle train with total length being 16m in Table 2.1.2.

(2) The running speed of the curve on the left turn shall adopt 5-15km/h; the highway
with low scale of large vehicles may adopt 5km/h. If the conditions are limited, they may be
designed a tccording
t t o t o a he rack-way
t w t l f bhe 1 utomotive
a ruck
at low running speed.

(3) If the highways are in low levels and have little traffic volume, they may not be
equipped with right-turn lane, whose running speed may equal to or little higher than that of
left-urn l I t ane.
r f l he a sight-turn t r anes
s s re b neparated,
g t he unning
40km/h; while the design speed of the major highways is less than or equal to 60km/h, the
running speed at right turn should be no less than 50% of it.

10.4.3 The minimum circular curve radius and alignment of the inner edge of the turning
road are specified as follows:

(1) F o r t h e s a d d l e t r a i n o n d i f f e r e n t k i n d s o f t u r n i n g s p e e d s , t h e m i n i m u m c i
curve radius of the inner edge is specified in Table 10.4.3.

Table 10.4.3 The minimum radius of the road inner edge

Note: If the conditions are limiled, the values in the brackets shall be adopted.

(2) The side-of-pavement alignment on the turns shall meet the tra
vehicle when turning.

① If the non-canalized grade intersection gives priority to the automotive trucks, the
t u r n i n g e d g e o f t h e r o a d m a y a d o p t t h e c i

② While it is designed according to the saddle train, the road edge may adop
compound curve meeting the turning track-way.

③ For the canalized right-turn lane at grade intersection, its inner edge shall
three-centered compound curve; the inner edge on the left turn shall adopt single circul
curve to control the edge line of the division island ends.

10.5 Auxiliary lanes and traffic island

10.5.1 The auxiliary lanes on the right turn

(1) If the design speed of the major highways is greater than or equal to 60km/h,
shall extend speed-down diverging lanes and accelerating confluence lanes on th

(2) While two arterial highways are intersected, or one arterial highway is intersected
with well-traveled secondary road, they shall be equipped with separated right-turn lanes by

(3) At the grade intersection of arterial highways and secondary highways, they shall
be equipped with right-turn lanes when any of following conditions is met:

① The acute angle quadrant has the skew angle close to 70°;

② The traffic volume is heavy and the right-turn traffic may cause irrational tra

③ The heavy vehicles cover a large scale of the right-turn traffic stream;

④ When the running speed for right turn is greater than 30km/h;

⑤ When the grade intersection in the connecting lines of the interchange has heavy
traffic volume on the right turn;

10.5.2 Left-turn lanes

(1) Exc e pt tha t t he re li t tl e t ra ffi c vol um e on t he l e ft t ur n, the four-l a ne hi ghwa y s ha l l

be equipped with left-turn lanes within the range of grade intersection.

(2) If the secondary highways meet any of the following conditions, they
equipped with left-turn lanes:

① If the grade intersection is intersected with the speedway or interchange connecting

line of the interchange;

② If the grade intersection has large non-automotive vehicles and is not equipped with
slow lanes;

③ While the left-turn traffic may cause the traffic blocks or traffic accidents.

(3) The left-turn lane shall be composed by transition, braking section and

(4) The length of the left-turn waiting section shall be no less than 30m. While there is
little traffic volume on the left turn, it may take no account of the waiting length.

10.5.3 Speed change lanes

(1) T h e l e n g t h o f t h e s p e e d c h a n g e l a n e s h a l l b e s p e c i f i e d a c c o r d i n g t o t h e p r i o r i
classifications and speed change conditions of the intersected highways, see Table 10.5.3-1.

(2) While the speed change lane is the driveway with equivalent width, its length shall
be added the transition length listed in the Table 10.5.3-2.

① If the speed change lane is of non-equivalent transition type, its length shall be no
l e s s t h a n t h e c a l c u l a t e d v a l u e o f t h e s w i n g t r a n s i t i o1n. 0/dsr i vn e swpaeye da-td o w n o r
0.6rn/s in acceleration.

② While the design speed is greater than or equal to 80km/h, and the straight-going
tr affic volume is heavy, the speed change l ane on the right turn s hall adopt driveway with
equivalent width of the auxiliary transition; or else, it should adopt transition speed change

③ While the straight-going driveway possess abundant traffic ability, or the condition
is h ard
t e oa quip J cceleration
w d l i m aane s itht uea ength, t ay

Table 10.5.3-1 The length of the speed change lane

Note: The length of the speed change lane listed in the Table does not include the transition length.

Table 10.5.3-2 The transition length

10.5.4 The c analized

g i rade
s b entersection
w t i hall
a e t t quipped ith
follow conditions:

(1) If it requires setting up with special right-turn lanes, it shall be equi
diversion island.

(2) While the signals are intersected and there are two lanes on left turn, is shall b
equipped w d ith i iversion
b t l sland
d a etween
s he
d eft-turn
i riveway
the same direction.

(3) It shall be equipped with division island between the left-tu

straight-going driveway in the opposite direction.

( 4 ) A t t h e T- i n t e r s e c t i o n , i t s h a l l b e e q u i p p e d w i t h d i v i s i o n i s l a n d b e t w e e n
left-turn track-ways on the secondary highway approach.

(5) While the driveways in opposite directions require supplying escape location
c ros sing or require equipping s igns, and s ignal upright s, it shall be e quipped wit h divis ion

10.5.5 The types of traffic island

(1) While the road separated by the traffic island has at least two lanes, or although has
one l bane i w ut f s a idened v m or o voidr e ehicle s a alfunction,
s r
uprights on the island, it shall adopt curbs to form entity island.

(2) While the island's area is on the small side, or the island need not or should not
adopt forcing division, it should marking out the invisible island on the road.

(3) While the island's area are on the large side, it should adopt driveway with side trip
of no Jess than O.5m auxiliary width to form the shallow dish island.

10.6 The reconstruction of the grade intersection

1 0 . 6 . 1B e f o r e c o n s t r u c t i o n , i t s h a l l c o l l e c t t h e s e r v i c e c o n d i t i o n s s u c h a s t r a f f i c
mode on the intersection, forecasting material, geometrical construction, status quo of
f a c i l i t y a n d t h e f r e q u e n c y, n a t u r e , s e v e r i t y v e r y c a u s e s o f t h e t r a f f i c a c c i d e n t s , s o t h a t t h
reconstructing measures may be determined.

10.6.2 While the traffic capacity is insufficient or is not able to ensure the traffic safety, it
shall adopt following improvement measures:

(1) Increasing the lanes of the approach, such as set up turning lane, speed change lane
and non-motor lane.

(2) Perfecting the canalization design.

(3) Making local shift on the grade alignment of the intersections, while the skew angle
is large.

(4) Improving the sight distance.

(5) Improving the vertical alignment of the approach and elevation treatment.

(6) Improving the turning curve.

(7) Changing the traffic control mode, perfecting or resetting the signs, marking lines
and signals.

( 8 ) A p p o i n t i n g t h e ocsriot si os inf n tgh ep p a s s e r s b y a n d n o n - m o t o r v e h i c l e s

i mp r o v i n g c r o s si n g f a c il i ty, s u c h a s i n c re a s in g c ro s s i n g e s c a p e is l a n d
over-bridges or passages.

1 0 . 6 . O3 n t h e h i g h w a y s e c t i o n w i t h d e n s e g r a d e i n t e r s e c
correspom n de ians gu r e t o i m p r o v e t h e p a r t o f t h e g r a d e i n t e r s e c t i o
improvement measures through adjusting the local nodes of the road network, canceling part
of the grade intersection, namely clipping the secondary highway or constructing separated

10.6.4If it still i s unable to sati sfy the t raffic capac ity or guara nte e the tra ffic safet y b
adopting manifold measures, it shall consider reconstructing it into interchange.

11 Highway and Highway over Crossing
11.1 General Provisions

11 . 1 . 1 H i g h w a y a n d h i g h w a y o v e r c r o s s i n g i s d i v i d e d i n t o i n t e r c h a n g e a n d s i m p l e g r a d e

(1) I n t e r c h a n g e m u s t b e a d o p t e d f o r t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n b e t w e e n f r

(2) Interchange should be adopted for the intersection between arterial highways and
other well-traveled highways.

(3) Interchange may be adopted for intersections between secon

highways if the traffic conditions require or if it is conditional.

11.1.2 If one of the following conditions is met, then the interchange shall be installed:

(1) Intersections between freeways and between freeways and other highways of th
same class.

(2) Intersections between freeways/arterial highways and main highways leading to the
urban above the county level, important political or economic centers.

(3) Intersections between the freeways/arterial highways and main highways leading to
important industrial and mining areas, ports, airports, stations and tourist attractions.

( 4 ) W h e n a f r e e w a y i s i n t e r s e c t e d w i t h o n e h i g h w a y w h i c h l e a d s t o i m p o r t a n t t r a ff i c
source and this highway then becomes its branch.

(5) Intersection between two arterial highways with trunk functions.

(6) On the arterial highways, when the traffic capacity of the at-grade in
cannot meet the requirements or there occur frequent traffic accidents.

(7) When the comprehensive benefit of installing the interchange is larger than that of
installing at-grade intersection owing to the torography or site conditions.

1 1 . 1 . 3I f o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s i s m e t , t h e s i m p l e g r a d e s e p a r a t i o

(1) As for the intersections between the freeway and other highways at
except that interchange shall be installed on account of traffic transformation, but the simple
grade separation also must be installed.

(2) As for the intersections between the arterial highways with trunk function and other
highways at all levels, not only interchanges shall be installed according to the requirements
of the traffic transformation, but simple grade separation also shall be adopted to reduce the
at-grade intersection when the intersected highways cannot be intercepted.

(3) As for the intersections of secondary/tertiary and fourth-grade highways, the simple

grade s eparation
m a b i ay w tlso s e nstalled
t v i hen
v l heo traight-going
the topographic conditions are suitable and traffic transformation is not taken into account.

11.1.4 As for the interchanges between freeways, or between freeway and arterial highways
with trunk function, or between arterial highways with trunk function, they shall
interchange. R o t hamps i f s heb p ub wnterchange
e u hall
f e rovided
alignment. In addition, they shall be installed with no toll station, and no crossing conflict at
their ends.

As for the interchanges between the freeways/arterial highways and between them and
other highways, they shall be general interchanges, on which toll stations may be installed.
Moreover, the at-grade intersection also may be installed at the passageways of the freeway.

11.1.5 Interchange Spacing

(1) Interchange spacing on the freeway:

① The average spacing near the metropolises and important industrial parks should be
in a range of 5~10km; while it should be 15-25km in other areas.

② The minimum spacing between the adjacent interchanges should not be less than

If the spa cing betwee n the adjac ent inte rchanges are r eq
appropriately through demonstration due to the restriction of road net structures o
particular cases, then the distance from the transition terminal of the acceleration lane to the
transition origin of the deceleration lane of the next interchange shall not
1000m; if it is le ss than 1000m and must be ins talle d through de monstra tion, then both of
them shall be incorporated into complex interchange.

③ Spacing between the adjacent interchanges should not be larger than 30km.
e x c e e d s , t h e n " V- t u r n " f a c i l i t i e s w h i c h a r e s e p a r a t e f r o m t h e c a r d i n a l l i n e s t e r e o s c o p i c a l l y
shall be installed.

(2) The minimum spacing of the non-freeway interchanges may be in accordance with
those s pecified
i t a pn he I foresaid
t c i r rovisions.
t t s f m he ondition
be appropriately reduced after the traffic capacity checking of the weaving section of roads.

1 1 . 1 . 6D i s t a n c e b e t w e e n t h e i n t e r c h a n g e a n d o t h e r a d j a c e n t f a c i l i t i e s o

(1) Distance between the interchange and service zone/parking area/bus bay shall meet
the requirements of installing the exit advance signs. If the condition is restricted, then the
spacing may be appropriately reduced, but the distance from the terminal of the last entrance
to the origin of the next exit shall not be less than 1000m.

(2) Distance between the tunnel exit and the front interc
requirements of installing the exit advance signs. If the condition is restrict
distance from the tunnel exit to the transition origin of the deceleration lane of the
interchange shall not be less than 1000m, or else, advance signs shall be installed in front of

the tunnel entrance or in the tunnel.

(3) Distance between the interchange and the front tunnel entrance sh
needed distance to judge the mouth for and after installing the signs.

11.1.7 In determining the site of the interchange, the actual state and planning condition of
the h ighwayn s etwork
b c hallc e Tomprehensively
i s b i onsidered.
in p ositions
w g a ith i ood b lignment
t i h ndex a p etween g wo ntersect
for t orographic,
g a e eological c ndT c nvironmental
h s b i onditions.
accordance with the following conditions:

(1) The connected highways shall not be less functional than the secondary trunk road
or distribution road and shall be involved with no larger transverse interference.

(2) Traffic capacity shall meet the requirements of transit and d


(3) Connection with the major traffic source shall be short.

( 4 ) Tr a f f i c v o l u m e d i s t r i b u t e d t o t h e n e a r h i g h w a y s o n t h e h i g h w a y n e t w o r k s h a l l b e
appropriate and shall not make some of the roads or sections overburdened.

(5) As for highways which are selected to be communicated according to the highway
network layout conditions, if they can not meet the requirements in traffic capacity and other
aspects, then they shall be rebuilt and redesigned.

11.1.8 Selection of the interchanges shall be determined in comprehensive consideration of

such factors as functions and classes of the intersected highways, design road speed of the
ramps, torography, culture, right-of-way conditions, traffic volume, cost as well as whether
toll stations need to be installed.

(1) When two trunks or freeways with similar function are intersected, various direct-
c o n n e c t i o n r a m p s w h i c h e n a b l e t h e t u r n i n g v e h i c u l a r c i
u n r e s t r i c tf el od w w i t h h i g h e r d e s i g n r o a d s p e e d s h a l l b e a d o p t e d . A n d d i r e c t - c o n n e
ramps a s lso be a hould dopted
f t h ior he b ub n nterchangesh W etween on-a
t h e l e f t t u r n t r avfofliuc m e i s l e s s , t h e n t h e d i r e c t - c o n n e c t i o n ( o r s e m i - d i r e c t - c o n n e c t i o
r a m ps w i t h l o wde e r s i g n r o a d s pe e d , or t u r bi ne f or m ( o r c o m b i na t i on - t yp e ) o f p a r t i a l r i ng
ramps may be adopted.

(2) When a freeway is intersected with an arterial highway or two arterial highways are
intersected, the combination-type ramps may be adopted. When the turning traffic volume is
not large and will not interfere the straight traffic flow on account of weaving difficulty, it is
allowed to install ring ramps of the adjacent quadrant on one side of the secondary highway.

(3) When two arterial highways are intersected, cloverleaf form, full cloverleaf form,
ring form or combination-type ramps with additional right turn ramps should be adopted.

(4) When a freeway is intersected with one arterial highway or well-traveled secondary
highway and toll stations need to be installed, double trumpet form ramps should be adopted.

(5) When a freeway is intersected with a small-traffic volume secondary highway, the
bypass s t ingle f arumpet
p f c orm f ndr artial
o t a ulli loverleaf orm
should b a e o dopted
t i hn heW ntersected
t s n n tighway.
b i t hen oll
diamond ramps should be adopted.

(6) When an arterial highway IS intersected with a secondary/tertiar

h igh way, d iamo nd fo rm an d p artia l ful l clo ver leaf f orm s ho uld be
interchange needs to be installed due to traffic transform. In particular cases, single quadrant
form also may be adopted.

(7) When the interchange IS installed due to favorable torograph

quadrant form or diamond form ramps may be adopted.

( 8 ) I n a r e a s w i t h h i g h h i g h w a y n e t w o r k d e n s i t y, s o m e i n t e r c h a n g e s m a y b e d e s i g n e d
into non-full communicating interchange providing roundtrip r

11.1.9 Within the range of the interchange, the key technical indexes of the main alignment
shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 11.1.9.

Table 11.1.9 Indexes of the Main Alignment within the Interchange

Nole: Whenthe main highway ters

en the interchange in larger declivity and the connected deceleration lane is
d e c l i v i t y,
s i m u l t a n e o u s l y, t h e a l i g n m e n t i n d e x e s o f t h e f o l l o w e d r a m p i s v e r y l o w, t h e n t h e l o n g i t u d i n a l
gradient of the main highway shall not be larger than those values in the parentheses.

11.2 Sight Distance

11.2.1 The interchange areas shall be provided with excellent sighting condition.

11.2.2 Recognition sight distance needed to judge the exits shall be guaranteed before the
diverging of the cardinal line. The recognition sight distance shall be larg
specified in Table 11.2.2. If the condition is restricted, the recognition sight distance shall be
1.25 times larger than the stopping sight distance of the cardinal line.

Table 11.2.2 Recognition Sight Distance

Note: If the driver needs accepting lots of information, a larger value (close to the upper limit) should be adopted.

11.2.3 There shall be stopping sight distance which is no less than those specified in Table
11.2.3 within the total ramp length.

Table 11.2.3 Stopping Sight Distance of Ramp

Note: In snow frost areas, the distance shall not be less than those values in the parentheses.

11.2.4 I ntervisibilityt s riangular

s i F 1 paces b phown w nb igure 1.2.4
the ramp and the cardinal line before the converging.

Figure 11.2.4 Intervisibility triangular space before the converging

11.2.5 The exit positions of the ramps shaH be obvious and easy to recognize and should be
installed b t efore
f W hei i i lyover. b t f hen d t sf nstalled t r e ack he
to the flyover shall not be less than 150m.

11.3 Ramp Design

11.3.1 The designed speed of the ramp of interchange is specified as Table 11.3.1.

Table 11.3.1 Designed Speed of Ramp

Note: 1 The right-turning ramp should adopt upper limit or medium value.

2 T her ight-turning
r o d c amp o s f irectc onnection
s a u lr emi-direct
o m onnection

11.3.2 Cross section of ramp

(1) The dimension of each component of cross section of ramp is specified as follows:

① Lane width is 3.50m.

② The width of side trip is 0.50m.

③ T h e w i d t h o f h a r d s h o u l d e r a t l e f t s

④ Width of hard shoulder at right side (including side trip): it is 2.5

shoulder for emergency stop and may adopt 1.50m when the condition is limited,
s h o ua dl do p t 2 . 0 0 m w h e n i t i s b i l a t e r a l s e p a
100m when not setting the hard shoulder for emergency stop.

⑤ The width of earth shoulder is O.75m; and it may adopt O.5m when the condition is
limited and the guard fence at side does not need to be set.

⑥ The width of median strip shall not be less than 100m.

(2) The cross section of ramp is classified into four types showed as Figure 11.3.2, and
the application conditions are:

Figure 11.3.2 Basic Types of Cross Section of Ramp (dimensional unit: m)

a) I type-double lane; b) II type-double lane; c) III type- double lane (the hard shoulder for
emergency stop); d) IV type-bilateral separated double lane

Note: The widening value on curve is excluded.

① When t t he v raffic i l t olume 3 a ts r ess l hani l t 00pcu/h

5 nd he
or w hent t hev raffic
i e t oolume
l t 3 s qual
b t l o t r 1 arger a han 00pcu/h
the ramp length is less than 300m, the I type shall be adopted.

② When the traffic volume is less than 300pcu/h and the ramp length is equal to or
larger than 500m or when the traffic volume is equal to or larger than 300pcu/h but less than
1200pcu/h a t r ndl he
i e amp
t o l ength
t 3 ts I qual
t m b o a r barger han
considering the passing demand.

But the one lane passageway shall be adopted by this time.

③ When the traffic volume is equal to or larger than 1200pcu/

1500pcu/h, the II type shall be adopted.

④ When the traffic volume is equal to or larger than 1200pcu/h, the III type shall be

⑤ When two opposite one-lane ramps depend on each other and the level/longitudinal
alignments a u re
t I tniform, s b a he W V t ype d shall i l e t dopted. o hen
e qu a l t o 40 km / h a n d t h e r a m p i s a t t h e no n- e xp r e s s w a y pa r t , t he I I t y pe s ha l l be a d op t e d.
® T h e r i n g r a m p a d o p t s o n e J a n e r a m p , a n

(3) As for the fork or converging multilane ramps of main line, the width of lane and
hard shoulder shall be same as that of main line.

11.3.3 Plane alignment of ramp

The plane alignment of ramp shall be determined according to such factors as d

speed, crossing type, traffic volume, terrain, land condition and manufacturing cost of ramp.

(1) The radius of the circular curve of ramp shall not be less than those specified in the
Table 11.3.3-1.

Table 11.3.3-1 Minimum Radius of the Circular Curve of Ramp

(2) The design highlights of the plane alignment of ramp are as follows:

① Wi t h i n t h e s c o p e f r o m t h e e x i t a n d e n t r y t o t h e s e c t i o n w i t h i m p e n d e n o u s p l a
alignment in the ramp, the radius of circular curve shall conform to the changing velocity.

② The right turning ramp and the left turning direct-connectio

connection ramp shall adopt high plane indices.

③ In the direct-connection traffic interchange, the plane alignment before and after the
crest vertical curve shall be uniform or be with favorable alignment inducement when the
longitudinal plane fluctuates. It is strictly prohibited to closely connecting reverse horizontal
curve after the crest vertical curve of minor radius.

④ T h e i n d i c e sr ftoh e p l a n e a l i g n m e n t o f r a m p s h a l l b e c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o t h e t r a f f i c
volume and the well-traveled ramp shall be with high indices of plane alignment.

⑤ Unnecessary recurvation shall be avoided.

(3) When circling line is set on the ramp and its end, the parameter and length should
not be less than those specified in Table 11.3.3-2.

Table 11.3.3-2 Parameter and Length of the Circling Line of Ramp

The length of circling line shall not be less than the length required for the transition of

(4) At diverging nose, the minimum curvature radius of the horizontal curve of ramp is
specified as Table 11.3.3-3.

Table 11.3.3-3 Minimum Curvature Radius of the Horizontal Curve of Ramp at Converging Nose

(5) As for the compound curves connected at pitch diameter of ramp with, the ratio of
be large and small radius shall not be larger than 1.5, otherwise, the circling line shall be set.

11.3.4 Longitudinal alignment of ramp

(1) Maximum longitudinal grade of ramp is specified as Table 11.3.4-1.

Table 11.3.4-1 Maximum Longitudinal Grade of Ramp

Note: It may be increased by I % when the topography is difficult or the land is not enough.

* It may increased by 2% at the special difficult condition in non-freezing snow regions.

(2) The minimum radius and minimum length of the vertical curv
specified as Table 11.3.4-2.

(3) The design highlights of the longitudinal alignment of ramp are as follows:

① The longitudinal slope of ramp shall be gentle and unnecessary adverse slope shall
be avoided.

② The longitudinal alignment at the part where the ramp is connected with main line
shall be continuous, and the sudden change in alignment shall be avoided.

Table 11.3.4-2 Minimum Radius and Length of the Vertical Curve of Ramp

③ The off-ramp should be upslope ramp.

④ T h e u p s l o p e a c c e l e r a t e d o r d o w n s l o p e d e c e l e r a t e d r
longitudinal slope, and shall avoid adopting the maximum longitudinal grade value.

⑤ When setting toll station at ramp, the longitudinal slope of the section adjoining to
the toll plaza shall be gentle without large downslope close to the toll plaza.

⑥ The vertical curve of large radius shall be adopted at the changing pa

longitudinal s a e oloper W t a nd s f c amp. n b a hena m dverse
o r lope an
the c rest
v c ertical
s b o l urve r ehall we r f arge
h adius
c o t specially
ramp diverging and converging exist after but not far away from the crest vertical curve.

11.3.5 Super-elevation and transition of ramp

(1) T h e c i r c u l a r c u r v e o n r a m p s h a l l b e s e t w i t h s u p e r - e l e v a t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o
specified in Item 7.5.3.

(2) The super-elevation transition sections shall be among the straight line on ramp and
super-elevation circular curve, or between the different circul
elevations.The length of super-elevation transition section shall be determined according to
such factorsas designed speed, type of cross section, and position of rotation axis as well as
the g radualchange r T atio.
g c he r radual
o t s hange o r atio i s f he uper-elevat
as Table 11.3.5-1.

Table 11.3.5-1 Gradual Change Ratio of Super-elevation of Ramp

When cross slope is located near to the level condition, the gradual change r

super-elevation shall not be less than those specified in Table 11.3.5-2.

Table 11.3.5-2 Minimum Super-elevation Gradual Change Ratio of Ramp

11.3.6 The widening of the circular curve part on ramp is specified as Table 11.3.6.

Table 11.3.6 Widening Value of the Circular Curve of Ramp

Note: 1 The widening value listed in Table are delined according to the standard traffic line width specilied in
Figure 11.3.2a). When meeting special cross section, the widening value shall be adjusted to make the
overall width after widening conform to the standard.

2 IV type ramp shall be separately widened according to the widening value corresponding to the curve
radius of its lane.

3 The widening value of III type ramp is the widening value of II type subduced by the difference value of
the two hard shoulders of II and III types.

11.3.7 End design of passageway of ramp

(1) The passageway of traffic interchange shall be set at the right side of the traffic line
of main line except for the expressway ramp. At both sides of converging nose, b
widening shall be set at edge of traffic lane, showed as Figure 11.3.7-1.

The biasing widening value and the radius of circular arc at end of converging nose are
specified as Table 11.3.7-1. The widened pavement at converging nose are converged to the

transitional length 2, and 2 2 of normal pavement, and it shall not be less than the valu
calculated according to the gradual change ratio specified in Table 11.3.7-2.

Table 11.3.7-1 Biasing Value of Converging Nose and Radius at Nose End

Note: *may take those values specified in Table II.3.7-3 in design.

Figure 11.3.7-1 Biasing Widening of Pavement at Converging Nose

a) When the hard shoulder is narrow; b) When the hard shoulder is wide; c) When the main line bifurcates

Table 11.3.7-2 Gradual Change Ratio of Biasing Widening at Converging Nose End

When c onverging
n i s o s ose s sa b et pn tructures
s b r f uch s ridge,

i ns ta l li ng s uc h buff e ri ng f a c il i ti e s a s c r as h pa d a f te r t he e nd of conve rging nos e , tha t i s t o
pave deck system with in 6-IOm after the converging nose end (working direction of traffic)
and install guard fence, showed as Figure 11.3.7-2.

Figure 11.3.7-2 Region after Converging Nose End Reserved for Anti-collision Buffering Facilities

(2) Speed change lane

① The cross section of speed change lane is composed of left-side side trip (shared by
main line lane), lane, and right shoulder (including the right-side side trip).

② The speed change lanes are classified into straight type and parallel type, showed as
Figure 11.3.7-3. When the speed change lane is one lane, the deceleration lane should adopt
the straight type and the acceleration lane should adopt the parallel type. When the speed
change lane is double lane, both the acceleration and deceleration lanes shal
straight type.

Figure 11.3.7-3 Speed Change Lane

a) Straight one lane; b) Parallel type one lane; c) Straight double lane; d) Straight double lane selling with
auxiliary lane; e) Cross section of "width of one lane"

When the main line is left advertence and is near to the general value of the minimum
radius of circular curve, the deceleration lane at its right side shall be of parallel type and the
transition section shall be shortened (the widened length is added onto the parallel section).
The deceleration lane should not adopt parallel type when it is connected with ring ramp.

③ The length of speed change lane shall not be less than those specified in

Table 11.3.7-3 Length and Related Parameters of Speed Change Lane

Note: *The entrance of one lane in the Table is of parallel type shall adopt the value in parentheses if it is straight
. hen the entrance is the double-lane ramp of one lane, the length of acceleration lane sha
increased by 10m or 20m .

** I nt The t able,
r r v he a eadiusd a alues
c tn nds
m b t iverging
w o d and onverging
decimal point o e r a bven
t a 0ll ie t aken
d B t s t .6mt l n o he
t esign.
s i s y his ime, h
the value listed in the Table.

④ The length of the deceleration lane at downslope section and the acceleration lane at
upslope section shall be amended according to the compensation factors specified in Table

Table 11.3.7-4 Compensation Factor of Length of Speed Change Lane on Ramp

⑤ Lanes meeting the following conditions should increase the speed change lane:

a . W h e n t h e d e s i g n e d s p e e d o f m a i n l i n
100km/h a t nd alignment
he i o r ndexi n h f t amp
l o ss ot
c igh,
l h he ength f
with one sped of designed speed should be adopted.

b. When the forecasted traffic volume of mainline and ramp approaches to trafficability
or the proportion of heavy lorry and motorbus is high.

(3) The alignment of speed change lane when the mainline is of curve

① Parallel type speed change lane: The depending part of parallel type speed change
l a n e a n d m a i n l i n e s h a l l a d o p t t h e c
Alignment of linkage section of parallel type speed change lane and ramp:
equidirectional curve, the egg-shape circling line or compound circling line shall be adopted
outside of the branch point CP of alignment, showed as Figure 11.3.7-4a); when it is counter
c u r v e , t h e S - s h a p e d c i r c l i n g l i n e s h o u l d b e a d o p t e d o u t s i d e o f t h e C P, s h o w e d a s F
11.3 .7-4 c); W he n th e ra diu s of main line circ ular cur ve i s larg er t han 20 00 m, th e int
circling line may be adopted.

② Straight speed change lane: The alignment same as that of mainline shall be adopted
within t o he l verall f t s engths c rom l thet d traight a c peed hange a

When the mainline is left-bending curve setting with super-elevation larger than 3%, or
is inconvenient t a t o d pproach a c he n iverging
a a t a nd s onverging
as the mainline, the straight speed change lane at outer side of curve shall adopt transition
from S-shape circling line to ramp alignment within the scope from the point where is 305m
away f t rom
e he
m oxterior
s l o m argin a t if ide
e o taner l f t ainline nd
the diverging and converging nose ends, showed as Figure 11.3.7-4e).

Figure 11.3.7-4 Alignment of Speed Change Lane

a) Inside parallel type of curve; b) Inside straight type of curve; c) Outside parallel type of curve; d) Outside
straight type of curve (I); e) Outside straight type of curve (II)

11.4 Quantity of Basic Lanes and Equalization of Lane Quantity

11.4.1 The expressway shall be kept with sTable quantity of basic lanes within the overall
length or long sections among important nodes.

Between t a wo s djacent
t c i tections:
q o b hel hange
o o d n he uantity
of traffic lane shall not be more than one.

11.4.2 On e xpressway,t q o l he a t uantity

d a cf anes p o t m he iverging
and r amp
s b b hall t ei t alanced,
l q a e hatp s s hei F ane 1 uantity
a t ach
shall comply with Equation (11.4.2).

NC≥NF+NE-1 ( 11.4.2)

Where NC——Quantity of mainline lanes before the diverging or after the converging;

NF——Quantity of mainline lanes after the diverging or before the converging;

NE——Quantity of ramp lanes.

Figure 11.4.2 Equalization of Lane Quantity at Diverging and Converging Parts

a) Diverging; b) Converging

1 1 . 4 . 3A t t h e s e c t i o n w i t h q u a n t i t y o f b a s i c l a n e s o n e x p r e s s w a y c o n t i n u o u s , w h e
quantity of ramp lanes on traffic interchange N E > I, the exit and entrance shall be set with
auxiliary lanes in addition, showed as Figure 11.4.3.

Figure 11.4.3 Auxiliary lane at Passageway of Double Lane

Na-Quantity of basic lanes

11.4.4 Auxiliary lane

(1) The length of auxiliary lane is specified as Table 11.4.4.

Table 11.4.4 Length of Auxiliary Lane

(2) When both or one of the entrance of traffic interchange and the exit of the ne
traffic i nterchange
a s w a rel iet t d ith f uxiliary
t e t ane, t t f he istance
starting point of exit is less than
1000m, the auxiliary lane shall be increased to connect the
two auxiliary lanes. When the traffic volume is large, the interleaving operating ratio is high
and the cost for increasing lanes is not high, the perforated auxiliary lane should be adopted
even through the above distance reaches 2000m.

(3) The width of auxiliary lane is same as that of mainline lane and no side trip shall be

set a mongi a m t lnd G ainlinet w oane.
h s enerally,
a r s o a he idth f ar
lane i s s a ame
t o t hs shat of m he l iardn shoulder a t h f s ain ine n o
may be narrowed but not less than 1.50m when the land or other conditions are limited.

11.5 Bifurcation and Converging of Mainline and Diverging and Converging

among Ramps

1 1 . 5 . 1T h e b i f u r c a t i o n p a r t ( A i n F i g u r e 1 1 . 5 . 1 ) w h e r e o n e p i e c e o f t r a f f i c l i n e o
speedway is divided into to two and is connected onto the multilane ramp
speedway o t b r hep ( ifurcation
i F 1 w artt o A's n iigure
d i 1.5.1) here
to two shall be designed as the bifurcation of main line.

That two direct connection or semi-direct connection multila

expressway are converged into one piece of traffic lane on another expressway (B in Figure
11.5.1) or the equidirectional traffic lanes of two expressways are merged into one piece of
traffic lane on another expressway (B' in Figure 11.5.1) shall be designed as the converging
of main line.

Figure 11.5.1 Bifurcation and Converging of Main Line

11.5.2 The design of the bifurcation and converging of main line shall comply with those
specified on the balance of lane quantity.

11.5.3 Transition section in bifurcation and converging of main line

(1) As for the road way before the bifurcation or after converging (i
a uxiliary lane adde d for keeping the ba lance of lane quantity) withi n the tra nsit ion sec tion
where increased or decreased one lane (the section where two pieces of traffic lane appear
with communal side trip), its width shall be of linear variation.

( 2 ) G r a du a l c h a n ge r a t i o s of bi f u r c a t i on a n d c on ve rgi n g t r a ns i t i on s e c t i on s s e pa r a t e l y
are 1 : 40 and 1 : 80.

(3) The line form of the border line of transition section and the border line
adjoining double-width section shall be continuous.

11.5.4 Transition section of the diverging and converging among ramps

(l) When the quantities of lanes before and after the diverging and converging among
ramps are not same, the transition section of diverging and converging shall be se
minimum length of diverging and converging transition section is specified as Table 11.5.4.

Table 11.5.4 Minimum Length of the Diverging and Converging Transition Section among Ramps

Note: T l he o t ength s f i t ransition

l o t t ection
l i s o he
d ength
o l a f t hel raffic ane nc
transition of the width of side trip among lanes.

(2) The line form of the two borderlines of traffic lane within transition section shall be
uniform and shall be continuous with the line form of the borderline o
s e c t i o nAsf. t e r t h e c o n v e r g i n g n o s e o r b e f o r e t h e d i v e r g i n g n o s e , t h e l i n e f
longitudinal section of pavement section shared by two traffic lanes shall be uniform.

(3) When the ramp adopting double lane only for vehicle passing demand, it should be
converged i s lnto b ingle
c ane
s aefore
F 1 onverging,
A s s b howed s
set before the converging part, and the converging signs shall be marked 011 the pavement
within the converging transition section.

Figure 11.5.4 Merging the Lanes before Converging

11.5.5 Space between adjacent exit and entrance

(1) S h o w e d a s F i g u r e 11 . 5 . 5 , t h e d i s t a n c e a m o n g t h e d i f f e r e n t k i n d s o f a d j u n c t e x i s
and entrance on expressway, among the adjunct exist and entrance on ramp and among the
exit on main line and the adjunct entrance in front shall not be less the value listed in Table

Figure 11.5.5 Distance among different Kinds of Adjunct Exits and Entrances

Table 11.5.5 Minimum Distance among Adjunct Exit and Entrance on Expressway

(2) When it can no ensure the demand distance among passageways on main line or the
avoid t s he i udden o t nterweaving
s c b t f d raffic t t treams aused y
on main line, the distribution lane separated from the main line shall be adopted to connect

the passageways.

(3) The distribution lane is composed of traffic lane and hard shoulder. Dividing strip
shall be set between the distribution Jane and main line.

(4) Generally, the distribution lane is double lane; when the traffic volume is small, the
n on - w e a vi n g s e c t i o n m a y a do pt s i ng l e l a n e . G e n e r a l l y, t h e w i d t h o f ha r d s ho ul d e r a t r i g ht
side is 2.50m; when the traffic volume on double lane is not larger than or a little larger than
the trafficability of one Jane, the width of hard shoulder may be reduced by 1.0m.

(5) The conne ction of di stribution la ne and main line shall be tre ated as pas sagewa ys
and s hall
c w omply
t p oitht b he o l rinciple
q W ft phe alanceo f ane
single lane are able to meet the demand of traffic volume, the arrangement mode o
double-lane ramp of single-lane passageways may be adopted.

The space among the adjunct entrances or exits shall comply with the space amo
passageways on ramp; and the space between entrance and subsequent exist shall comply
with the intercrossing demand.

11.6 Grade Crossing in Traffic Interchange

11.6.1 The grade crossing between the connecting line of ramp end and traffic interchange
and the crossed highway shall be with better passage and much safer than o
crossings of same traffic volume on the crossed traffic volume.

11.6.2 The grade crossing between the connecting line of traffic interchange and the crossed
highway s h hall
t c ave d he T analization
c m o t design. heo analization
part of the cloverleaf-shaped grade crossing in traffic interchange is showed as Figure 11.6.2.

Figure 11.6.2 Canalization Design of Grade Crossing at Ramp End

a) Diamond-shaped; b) Part of cloverleaf-shape (A type); c) Part of cloverleaf-shape

(B type)

1 1 . 6 . 3W h e n t h e c o n n e c t i n g l i n e o f r a m p o r t r a f f i c i n t e r c h a n g e i s c r o s s i n g w i t h e x

highway p t clane, a he
t e rossing,
l a l nd lhe f xistedw a evel nd ongit
road and the added turning roadway and the division island shall be rebuilt as required.

1 1 . 6 .T4w o g r a d e c r o s s i n g s a t r a m p e n d o f t h e d i a m o
cloverleafshaped traffic interchange should be with mutual visibility, if crest vertical curve
exists, theradius of this vertical curve shall be large enough, which shall at least be able to
make thedriver see the grade crossing front from the 30m part before the peak of vertical
curve and shall guarantee the non-passing sight distance.

11.6.5 In the diamond-shaped and part of cloverleaf-shaped traffic interchange, two grade
crossings at ramp ends shall be with the distance for holding two left turn lanes.

11.6.6 The crosswalks should not be set within the level crossing scope of the connecting
line o r f e ampo t ind r a raffic
t c nterchange
h a w a t snd bhe rossed ighw
the ends of diamond-shaped or part of cloverleaf-shaped ramp.

11.6.7 In the section between the approach road of grade crossing and the aforementioned
two grade crossings, the exclusive lanes for passersby and non-motor vehicles shall be set,
and the canalization design for passing through the aforementioned grade crossings shall be
done w Well. t w heno n he idth l i fg on-maneuverable
s o c h ane n
is l arger
t 2 hant n .50m, he
l s on-maneuverable
i t s o a l o m ane et n he
dividing strip may be narrowed to 1.50 ~ 2.00 m .

11.7 Separate Grade Separation

11.7.1 Design highlights of separate grade separation

(1) The line form of the level and longitudinal sections of main highway shall be kept
straight forward and smooth. The line form of the level and longitudinal sections of
crossed h ighways
s n b o b hallo w otc e b s ver s ent g rs aved aused
in addition.

(2) Two crossing highways should be of or near to orthogonal intersection, and the line
form of the sections near to the crossing should be of straight line or the sweeping curve
without setting super-elevation.

(3) When the expressway and arterial road are crossing with secondary an
highways and adopt separate grade separation:

① The line form and location of the crossed highway shall be fully used. When the
c r o s s i n g a n g l e i s u n d e r s i z e d o r t h e t e c h n o l o g y i n d e x o f o r i g i n a l l i n e f o r m i s t o o l o w, t
relocation scheme shall be adopted.

② The technology indexes such as the class of crossed highway, roadway width, clear
width and clear height of bridge, and class of carload shall be designed according to
actual state of the crossed highway and the class of highway that has been approved to plan.

(4) The rainwater at flyover deck of separate grade separation shall be led to the drain
of highway under bridge through pipelines, but it shall not be drained onto the pavement of

highway under bridge randomly. The drainage of highway under flying bridge should adopt
gravity drainage.

(5) The bridge type design of flying bridge shall lay stress on the esthetic requirement.
The bridge type shall be simple, lively and dexterous; the bay allocation shall be harmonious
and sightly and shall be harmonized with the surrounding environment.

(6) When the forward program on separate grade separation is changed into
interchange, it shall be designed according to the staging construction princip
engineering conditions for setting ramps shall be left.

1 1 . 7 . 2T h e s e l e c t i o n f o r t h e o v e r c r o s s i n g a n d u n d e r p a s s i n g m o d e o
separation shall be determined after technical and economic evaluation and comprehensive
considering the following factors.

(1) The design combination of the plane line form and longitudinal
crossing h ighways
s m t m hall c akeo w hee anufacturing
b l a t ost f
standing and relocation quantity least.

(2) At engineering geologic conditions, the main highway should adopt underpassing
(especially the expressway).

(3) The highway that needs to have grade crossing with existed highway near to the
crossing to supply user at roadside for exist and entrance should adopt underpassing.

(4) The well-traveled highway should adopt the underpassing.

( 5 ) W h e n c r o s s i n g w i t h s t r e e t i z e d h i g h w a y, t h e n e w l y - b u i l t h i g h w a y

(6) It shall be harmonized with the surrounding landscape by combini

topography, actual state or development project of existed engineering.

11.7.3 Design highlights for overcrossing main highways (or expressways)

(1) The hole siting and span of the flyover must meet the requ
construction g a s auge d o ndt i ight h istancea w a tf r he ntersected ig
for the recognition and intervisibility of the frontage highways.

( 2 ) W h e n u n d e r t h e f ly o v e r i s a d o u b le - la n e h ig h w ay, s p l it te r w a l
installed between the opposite carriageways.

(3) When under the flyover is a multiple lane highway and splitter walls are installed in
the c entral
s a trip, b nticollision
m b i o b arriers
s o t s ust w ea nstalled n
scope also shall be reserved for the barrier buffer deformation. When under the flyover is a
multiple lane highway without central strip, if the splitter walls need to be installed between
the c arria gewa ys , then a c ent ral st rip with suffici ent l ength m ust be a dded f ore -and-a ft the
splitter walls. In addition, anticollision barriers must be installed on both sides of the splitter
walls and scope also shall be reserved for the barrier buffer deformation.

(4) The longitudinal profile design of the main highways (or expressways) sh

determined through comprehensive analysis according to the average fi II he
embankment, relief intensity of the longitudinal gradient and d
intersected highways at the intersection.

(5) The flyover shall not compress any component of the highway cross sections under
the bridge as well as the original channels, telecommunication pipelines and som
facilities. Moreover, scope also shall be reserved.

(6) When the simple grade separation or the intersected highways are to be constructed
in stages, the flyover shall be built and completed at once according to the planning scale.

11.7.4 Design highlights for underpassing main highways (or expressways)

(1) T h e a l i g n m e n t a n d r o u t e p o s i t i o n s o f t h e i n t e r s e c t e d h i g h w a y s s h a l l b e m a d e f u l l
use of. If the intersection angle is small or the original alignment technical specifications are
too low, then the rerouting scheme should be adopted.

(2) The classes, width of subgrade, vehicular load classes of the intersected highways
shall be designed according to the actual state or the already approved planning.

(3) The length and hole siting of the flyover must meet the requir
construction gauge and sight distance of the main highways (or expressways), as well as the
requirements of recognition and intervisibility of the frontage highways. Th
should cross the gross section of the main highway at once. Except for the main hole, lateral
openings with appropriate length also shall be installed outside the main hole.

(4) When the central strip of the main highways (or expressways) under the flyover is
very w o ide u t r f nderi a f he a lyover
a e s a our-lane
s w a a nd bove xp
installed in the central strip, anticollision barriers must be installed on both sid
splitter w a alls,
s a nds b rcope f tlso b hall
b d e eserved
W o t or he arrier
central strip shall not be changed on a local scale, causing distortion of the carriageways.

(5) When the main highway (or expressway) under the flyover is accompanied by slow
lane, d istribution
l a l ane,
a n uxiliary
l s ane
b s snd on-motor
b ane
piers may be installed on the side separators. When the side separators are vert narrow, they
shall be widened in a range fore-and-aft the bridge piers, and widening transition also should
be conducted on the right.

(6) When the main highway (or expressway) in front of the flyover is equipped with
exits, entrances or at-grade intersections, the flyover shall be added with auxiliary br
opening for intervisibility; when the main highway (or expr
requirements for the stopping sight distance of the trucks shall be met.

(7) When under the flyover is a cutting, if the cutting is not deep, then the abutment
should be placed outside the top of slope; if the cutting is very deep or the side slope is not
steep and long and abutments need to be installed on the side slope, then the abutments shall
be placed near to the top of slope instead of the toe of slope.

(8) When the main highways are expressways and arterial highways:

① The flyover must be installed with anticollision barriers and protecting mesh.

② Commercial advertisements and propaganda columns irrelevant to the traffic safety

must not be installed on the flyover.

③ When traffic signs are hung on the flyover, banner type should not be adopted and
upper and lower edges shall not exceed top of the barrier and bottom line of the exterio
margin of the marginal beam.

12 Intersections between Highways and Railways/country
12.1 General Provisions

12.1.1 Design of the highway and railway crossings is applicable to design of intersection
between highways and 1435mm standard gauge tracks in the railway network.

1 2 . 1 . S2 e l e c t i o n o f t h e h i g h w a y a n d r a i l w a y c r o s s i n g t y p e
comprehensively according to the classes, traffic volume (annual passenger/freight volume),
safety and economy of the highways and railways. In principle, interc
considered to be installed.

12.1.3 The period of design for highway and railway crossings shall be in accordance with
those specified in the highway planning traffic volume prognosis period and railway period
of design.

As for projects under contemplation, there must be approved planning con

period in order to determine the reserved interleaved mode and condition.

12.1.4 The highway and country road crossing design is applicable to design of intersection
between h ighways
a r w a nd
u f oads
v f hichm are f sed s ori arious a
countries and farms.

12.1.5 The highway and pipeline crossing design is applicable to the cut angle/ clearance-
related design in the design of intersections between highways and 500kV below overhead
p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n s e q u e n c e s a n d o v e r l/n
a na dt u cr ar ul dgea so it lr a n s p o r t a t i o n p i p e s . I n
addition, t s her pecific a t equirements
r p s bbouti a he w elevant rofess
those specified in the professional standards of electric power and petroleum gas.

12.1.6 The intersection engineering design shall be optimized according to the professional
characteristics and requirements in order to determine the most favorable intersection sites
and optimal crossing types and their structural concept.

12.1.7 As f tor i he ntersection

e t p ngineering,
a e c he i lanning nd
between highways and railways, country roads, oil pipelines and gas pipeli
m a na ged thr ough coor di na ti on w it h t he de pa r tm e nt conc e r ne d i n a dva nc e a c c ordi ng t o t he
highway functions and operational requirements. And interference pr
construction or rebuilding shall be handled properly.

12.2 Highway and Railway Interchange

12.2.1 As for the highway and railway crossing, the interchange shall be preferred for the
new projects.

12.2.2 Interchange must be installed for freeway/arterial highway and railway crossing.

12.2.3 As for the highway and railway crossing, if one of the following conditions is met,

then the interchange shall be installed:

(1) When the grade I railway is intersected with the highway;

( 2 ) W h e n s e c t i o n s lw
o f arya ip a s s e n g e r t r a i n s w h o s e d e s i g n r u n n i n g s p e e d i s l a r g e r
than or equal to 120km/h are intersected with the highway;

(3) When the railway is intersected with the secondary highway;

(4) When the railway will create a serious delay on the vehicles run on the highway
due to its shunting service;

(5) When at-grade intersection will imperil the highway traffic safety if it is restricted
by torography and other conditions.

1 2 . 2 . 4D e s i g n h i g h l i g h t s f o r h o r i z o n t a l a n d l o n g i t u d i n a l s u r f a c e p r o f i l e s o f h i g h w a y a
railway interchange

(1) T h e i n t e r c h a n g e b e t w e e n a h i g h w a y a n d a r a i l w a y s h o u l d b e s e l e c t e d i n s e c t i o n s
where t a he olignment
b t h a f t oth r ihei a s ighwayl o b s nd i he ailway
sections with high horizontal/longitudinal alignment technical specification an

(2) The interchange between highways and railways should be square crossing. I
must b s e t kew, c a hea rossed
s n b l cute t 7 a ngles n bhalll t ot6 e ess han
when it is restricted by topographic condition or other particular cases.

(3) As for the intersection between freeways/arterial highways and railways, the grade
s epa ration s ite s hal l be i n ac corda nce with the general planning f or hori zontal/l ongitudinal
alignment design of the highway while taking account of the railway's requirements for the
overpass installation in order to make the alignment continuous, balanced and smooth. The
technical specifications of this local section shall not be reduced.

(4) As for the building alteration of interchange between highways and railways, th
h i gh w a y c l a s s i f i c a t i o n a nd i nt e r s e c t i on s i t e s s h a l l b e d e t e r m i ne d a c c o r di n g t o t h e hi g hw a y
network planning.

If rerouting is required due to intersection angle or displacement improvement, then the

horizontal and longitudinal technical specifications of this route shall not be less than t
general value of the connected section and shall not be the mi
corresponding highway classification.

(5) Highway grade crossing shall not be installed in the h

interchange between highways and railways.

(6) Requirements for the highway sight distance in the interchange between highway
and railways are as follows: freeways and arterial highways shall meet the stopping sigh
distance; w t s hile t he a econdary,
f h ertiary
s m t ndp ourth-grade
s ig

12.2.5 Design highlights for spanning railways on the highway

(1) S p a n a n d c l e a r h e i g h t o f t h e h i g h w a y f l y o v e r m u s t m e e t t h e r e q u
construction gauge of 1435mm full gauge railway.

(2) Span and hole siting of the highway flyover shall be determined comprehensively
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e t o r o g r a p h y, g e o l o g y, c l e a r a n c e o f s p a n , r a i l w a y d r a i
positions of special pipelines installed along the railway.

( 3) W he n a n el e c tr i c r ai l wa y i s s pa nne d ove r t he hi ghwa y, the s tr uc tur a l s hape of t he

flyover shall be determined according to uninterrupted power transmissio
process and method so as not to imperil the safety of the highway construction and railway

(4) Drainage system of the highway flyover and approach shall esta
system. R ainwater
o t f d sn nhe b d lyover d t eck
t r hall
o t r ot e irectly
ballast boundary.

(5) When a railway is spanned over the four-lane and above highways, the rai
construction limits of the flyover on the four sides shall be checked in consideration of bend,
slope, slanting and super-elevation of the highway and railway.

(6) When the highway is spanned on the railway sections on which the p
train's design running speed is 140km/h, the anticollision barriers and anti-falling mesh shall
be installed for the flyover.

12.2.6 Design highlights for high flying highways on the railway

(1) Span and clear height of the railway underbridge must meet the requirements
of clearance of highway.

(2) When a railway crosses over secondary/tertiary and fourth-grade highw

splitter wall must not be installed on the carriageway.

W h e n a r a i l w a y c ro s s e s o v e r a f o u r- l a n e e x p re s s w a y, s p l i t t e r w a l l s h a l l
installed in the central strip.

When a railway crosses over six-lane and above expressways, if splitter walls must
be installed in the central strip, anticollision barriers must be installed on both sides of
the splitter walls. In addition, safe distance also shall be res
anticollision barriers and barriers' buffer deformation.

(3) The spanning width of the railway underbridge shall include the s
cross-section width of the highway and width of its affiliated s
climbing lane and side ditch in this section.

(4) Adequate lateral clearance shall be reserved for the span and hole siting of the
railway underbridge. The piers and abutments shall not be installed within the s
ditches for highway drainage. In addition, the requirements for highway sight distance
and frontage highway recognition also shall be met. If they cannot be me
openings shall be installed.

(5) When a railway crosses over expressways and arterial highways, its railwa
underbridge shall be equipped with anti-falling mesh.

(6) The drainage systems of the railway underbridge and its a

establish their own systems. The rainwater on the flyover deck shall not be dire
drained to the range of the clearance of highway.

12.3 Highway and Railroad Grade Crossing

12.3.1 The grade crossings between highways and railways should be square crossing. If it
must b s e t kew, c a hea rossed
s n b l cute t 7 a ngles n bhalll t ot6 e ess han
when it is restricted by topographic condition or other particular cases.

12.3.2 The crossings shall be installed at positions where the outlook sight distance of the
automobiles i n l t s t ot v esss hani T hose1 T alues
o s pecified
d n able
refers to the range at which the autoists can keep sight of the trains on both sides of t
railway w t hen
s a p hey e tay t t t s laces s d quivalent
o t h oa he topping
no less than SOm apart from the crossing.

Table 12.3.2 Ourlook Sight Distance of Automobiles

(1) T h e c r o s s i n g s s h a l l n o t b e i n s t a l l e d lw
n eaayr yt aor dr a, ilrr aoia d s w i t c h , b r i d g e
head, tunnel portal and in sections with shunting services.

(2) After the automobiles stop5m at away from the most lateral railway rail restricted
by t opographic c i t onditions,
l o s d f he o t ateral
a i l utlook
t t ight istanc
specified in Table 12.3.2, then watches must be installed.

12.3.3 The roadways near the crossings should be in a straight line. And the highway route
should also be in a straight line, the straight length of highways on both sides of the crossing
shall not be less than 5Om counted from the most lateral rail.

1 2 . 3 . 4T h e h o r i z o n t a l s e c t i o n l e n g t h ( e x c l u d i n g t h e v e r t i c a l c u r v e ) o f h i g h w a y s o n b
sides of the crossing shall not be less than 16m counted from the outside of the most lateral
rail. T l he ongitudinal
g o h c radiento t h f ighway
s s n b losing
l n he
than 3% and shall not be larger than 5% if restricted by topographic conditions and other
particular cases.

As f tor h he d ighways o t ownhill

c s t ection
l gn hec rossing ide
to the horizontal crossing section shall not be larger than 3%.

1 2 . 3 . 5 F i r m , s m o o t h , Ta b l e a n d e a s y - t o - o v e r h a u l p a v i n g c o u r s e s s h a l l b e i n s t a l l e d a t t
crossings and their length shall be 2.0m extended out of the rail.

If highways on both sides of the cr oss ing are 20m within the outside of the rail, then

intermediate and above pavements should be paved.

The crossing paving width and highway approach width both shall not be less than the
subgrade width of the intersected highway.

12.4 Highway and Country Road Intersection

1 2 . 4 . 1I n t e r c h a n g e m u s t b e i n s t a l l e d f o r i n t e r s e c t i o n s b e t w e e n e x p r e s s w a y s a n d c o
roads; while interc hange s, namely, the channels or ove rpa sse s, shoul
intersections between arterial highways and country roads.

Channelization designs shall be conducted for the at-grad

secondary highways country roads. Interchanges may also be installed when the topographic
conditions are favorable or the highway traffic volume is large.

When secondary and above highways are located near to the towns or populous village
or s chools,p p edestrian o p assageways
o s f r p edestrians vercrossings
be installed.

1 2 . 4 . 2A s f o r t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n d e s i g n o f h i g h w a y s a n d c o u n t r y r o a d s , t h e o v e r a l l d
overall planning and proper redistribution - parts of the highway intersection design
shall be included.

The inte rse ction forms, pos itions a nd inte rva l of highways and c ountry roads shall be
laid according to the requirements of agricultural machinery in the general pla
County l a evel
t (nd l ownship
u I n town)
t a and p ses.
f cf ecessary,
be a djustedo m i rc erged o t c n ombination
p o t h f nhe onstruction
order to control the construction right-of-way indexes.

12.4.3 As for the intersections between highway and country roads, if one of the following
conditions is met, then the country roads shall be rerouted. The horizontal and longitudinal
technical specifications of the rerouting section shall not be less than the minimum value of
the fourth-grade highway.

(1) When the crossed acute angle is less than 60°.

(2) The intersections are merged or adjusted according to the planni

design of intersections.

(3) When the torography, geology and sight distance of the

horizontal alignment of the original country road are not suitable for installing intersections.

(4) When quantities for reconstructing the original at-grade intersection increase a lot.

12.4.4 Design highlights for channels

(1) I n t e r v a l o f t h e c h a n n e l s s h o u l d b e a r o u n d 4 0 0 m . I t s h o u l d
increased in areas with high farm mechanization degree.

(2) Intersection angle of the channels should be vertical. If it must be skew, the crossed

acute angle shall not be less than 70° and shall not be less than 60° when it is restricted by
topographic condition or other particular cases.

(3) Horizontal alignment of the country roads at the channels should be in a straight
line. And the straight length of both sides shall not be less than 20m.

( 4 ) Ve r t i c a l a l i g n m e n t o f t h e c o u n t r y r o a d s a t t h e c h a n n e l s s h a l l b e c o n s t a n
which should not be larger than 3%. The structures shall not be installed at the bottom of the
c oncave vertic al curve. Free drainage me thod shall be a dopte d for the channels to do we ll
with the drainage design.

(5) Clearance of the channels:

Clear height: For tractors and cattle vehicles ≥2.70m

For agrimotors ≥3.20m

Clear width: Adopted according to the traffic volume and the farm machinery type


When the channel is over-length or offtakes are to be la

depending on circumstances

12.4.5 Design highlights for overpass

(1) Overpasses may be installed when the main highway is cutting sec
topographic conditions are favorable and they should be square crossing. Their key technical
indexes may be in accordance with the relevant standards for fourth-grade highways, and the
clear width ofthe deck shall not be less than 4.50m.

(2) Lane loading class of the overpass shall be highway-class II. Signs and some other
facilities shall be installed to prevent the overloading vehicles from travelling.

(3) As for overpasses crossing over the expressways and arterial highways, anti-falling
mesh shall be installed.

(4) Rainwater on the deck of the overpass shall not be directly drained to the highway

12.4.6 Design Highlights for Pedestrian Passageways

(1) Clearance of the pedestrian passageway:

Clear height ≥2.20m

Clear width ≥4.00m

(2) Light well shall be installed utilizing the central strip for pedestrian passageways
passing through the expressways and arterial highways.

(3) Except ladder accesses shall be installed for the pedestrian passageway
also shall be installed according to the conditions and their grade shall not be larger than 1:7.

( 4 ) D r a i na g e d e s i gn m us t be w e l l do ne f or t he p e d e s t r i a n pa s s a g e w a y i n or d e r n ot t o
affect the travelling due to the dropsy.

12.4.7 Design highlights for pedestrian overcrossings

(1) Clear width of the pedestrian overcrossing ≥3.00m

(2) Crowd load 3kN/m2

Crowded area 3.5kN/m2

(3) Except ladder accesses shall be installed for the pedestrian overcrossings, r
also shall be installed if it is conditional and their grade shall not be larger than 1 : 4.

12.4.8 Design highlights for at-grade intersection

(1) The a t - gra de i nt er s e c ti on s houl d be t te r be s qua r e c r oss i ng. I f it m us t be s ke w, t he

crossed acute angle shall not be less than 70° and shall not be less than 60° whe
restricted by topographic conditions or other particular cases.

(2) The straight length of country roads on both sides of the intersected highways shall
not be less than 20m respectively.

(3) Horizontal sections no less than 10m shall be respectively installed on both sides of
the i ntersectedh T l ighways. g c he o ongitudinal
t h s s radient
n losing
be larger than 3%, while it closing on the difficult section shall not be larger than 6%.

(4) At the grade crossing, the drivers shall be able to see automobiles on
secondary a t nd
h ertiary
w t c ighways s ithin
s d hea n orresponding
than 50m when they are 20m apart from the intersection. There shall be no impedimen
within the sight range.

( 5 ) I f t r a c k f a r m i n g m a c h i n e r y f r e q u e n t l y t r a v e l o n t h e h i g h w a y, t h e n t h e
p a v e m e n t s a n d s h o u l d e r s w i t h i n t h e r a n g e o f t h e i n t e r s
Furthermore, the country roads outside the highway subgrade edges shall be installed with
reinforced section which is no less than 10m.

12.5 Highway and Pipeline Intersection

1 2 . 5 . 1T h e i n t e r s e c t i o n b e t w e e n h i g h w a y s a n d o v e r h e a d p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n s
should be square crossing. If it must be skew, the crossed acute angle shall not be less than
70° and shall not be less than 60° when it is restricted by topographic condition or othe
particular cases.

12.5.2 When t h he p ighway t u asses

t o hrough
p t nders he verhead
it shall go through between the maximum lead sag and the tower, and the vertical distance
from t i he ntersection
b p t etweens l owera h ransmission
t t g equence
shall not be less than the specified value given in Table 12.5.2.

Table 12.5.2 Minimum Vertical Distance from the Overhead Power Transmission Sequence leads to the


12.5.3 Vertical distance from the overhead power transmission sequence leads to the ground
shall b c e alculated
a d a nd t etermined
t m s o ccording o t b o to he aximum
maximum a t ir c emperature
o i c c ondition
c a t m r ce woating alm o
yaw obtained on the basis of the maximum wind speed condition or ice coating condition.

12.5.4 The intersection between highways and crude oil/natural gas transfer piping should
be s quare
c I rossing.
i m b s tf c t ust
a a e s kew,n b l he t 6rossed
a cute n
should not be less than 45° when it is restricted by topographic condition or other particular

12.5.5As for the intersection between crude oil/natural gas transfer piping and freeways/
arterial highways, crossing method shall be adopted to embed underground private channels;
and then crude oil/natural gas transfer piping crosses secondary/tertiary and fou
highways, protective casings shall be embedded.

12.5.6 Not only the load related requirements stipulated in the professional standards for
petroleum gas, but those in the national standard "General Code for Design of Hig
Bridges a C nd ( ulverts" D a s b JTG
c w60) f t elso halld o et omplied
underground private channel passing through the highways. In addition, the depth also shall
be checked according to the vehicular load classes crossing the highway. The distance from
the top surface of the protective casing crossing the highway to the bottom surface of the
pavement subbase course shall not be less than 1.0m.

12.5.7 Natural gas transfer piping must not span the rivers by utilizing the highway bridges.
When the crude oil/natural gas transfer piping goes through or spans the river, the pipeline
shall not be less than 100m apart from the large bridge and no be less than 50m away from
the intermediate axle.

12.5.8 Crude oil and natural gas transfer piping must not pass through the highway tunnel.

12.5.9 Various facilities for pipelines spanning the highway shall not intrude the clearance
of h ighway, s n a hall t h ot t ffects a hed ighway
t h f raffic a afety nd
also shall not form a potential threat for highways and other facilities.

Explanation of Wording in The Code
In order to scientifically determine the technical standards and reaso
technical specifications, the following wording methods are adopted for provisions in thi
code according to different degrees of strictness. All the users are requested to tak
account the inter-regional development difference and the particularity and otherness of the
natural, g eographical
a g c nd o a eological
r a t a onditions
t e f ll egions
in combination ofthe physical circumstances of the engineering projects.

Wording explanations:

(1) Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement:

"Must" is used for affinnation; "must not" for negation.

(2) Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:

"ShaIJ" is used for affirmation; "shall not" for negation.

(3) Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indication of the most suitable
choice when conditions permit:

"Should" is used for affirmation; "should not" for negation.

(4) "May" is used to express the option available, sometimes with the condi


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