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Spatial Data Infrastructure

Introduction and Practice

Dr. Francis Harvey

• National Spatial Data Infrastructure
(NSDI) in US is where concept
• It has since evolved (mainly in Europe)
• Elements remain the same
• Principles have changed
• Still very complex
NSDI in America
The Political Culture

▪ From DC Beltway to “Main Street”

▪ Jeffersonian Democracy
▪ Federalism
▪ Enfranchised, pluralistic, participative
▪ Participative Democracy
Dimensions of American Government

▪ In mid-1990s non-defense Federal agencies

employed about 2.1 million people and spent about
$1.6 trillion
▪ State and local governments employed 19.5 million
people and spent about $1.3 trillion (1994)
▪ There are about 39,000 general purpose units of
local government
▸3000 counties
▸19,000 cities
▸16,000 towns
▸14,000 school districts
▸31,000 special districts
Minneapolis, St. Paul Metropolitan Area

7 700 km2
around 1 million residents
about 900 000 parcels

293 independent local

units of government
7 counties
188 Other governm. units
59 school districts
39 water boards
From Randy Johnson, MetroGIS
NSDI originates in U.S. Federal
▪ Executive Order 12906 (1994) calls for sharing
▸Avoid duplicate efforts
▸More efficient use of resources
▪ This only involves Federal Agencies
▸Coordinated through Federal Geographic Data
▪ Framework should provide foundation
▸No master blueprint
NSDI to serve many needs
At all levels of government

▪ Transportation, Navigation & Commerce

▪ Public Land & Marine Sanctuary Management
▪ Agriculture & Natural Resource Development
▪ Environmental Protection and Ecosystem Management
▪ Community and Economic Development
▪ Emergency Management
▪ Public Service Delivery
▪ National Defense
▪ Earth System Science & Geographic Information Technologies
▪ Public Information
▪ Property & Voting Rights
▪ Revenues Source: National Academy of Public
Administration, 1997
What is the NSDI?

▪ Infrastructure for Institutions

▸Big vision:
– From local citizen to Federal Secretaries
▸Builds on locally distinct institutions and
– Mainstreet
▸Not a template, but a framework to guide
▸Not a uniform code, only guidelines and standards
NSDI Components

▪ Framework
▪ Framework Cone
▪ Involvement and data sharing
▪ Metadata
▪ Clearinghouses
Three Key NSDI Components

Vertical and Horizontal

Application Users
Added Application-Specific

Transportation Traffic Framework Development

Planning Loads Planning


Land Suitability Analysis

Free Data Sharing

NSDI starts with Framework Data
Federal Government Project/Proposal
Framework Cone
Involvement and Data Sharing
Federal, Regional, State, Tribal, Local, Private Companies,
Application Users

Added Application-Specific

Transportation Development
Traffic Framework
Population Planning
Loads Data


Land Suitability Analysis

NSDI Iceberg

Application Users

Added Application-Specific Data

Transportation Traffic Development

Planning Loads Framework Population Planning


Concepts Soils

Land Suitability Analysis


Recognized Issues

▪ Data Sharing (level 1 interoperability)

▸How is data exchanged?
▪ Defining geographic objects (semantics)
▸What is a road?
▪ Sharing costs (financial)
▸Who pays?
▪ Involving local governments (participation)
▸More bureaucracy?
▪ Vertical Integration (control, use, and distribution)
▸Data and Organizations
The two sides of data sharing are the
two sides of integration
Simplistic: Technical and Institutional Issues

▪ Technical issues
▸Multiple scales
▸Data exchange
▪ Institutional Issues
Cone of Vertical Integration
Vertical Integration
Technical Issues can be resolved

▪ Products and levels

▸Multiple producers, multiple users, multiple
▸State, Federal, Local
▪ NSDI operates like a federation
▸Distributed production
▸Diffused use
▸Multiple production and use arrangements
Institutional Issues for Integration

▪ Relevance
▸Scale related
▪ Partnerships to provide resources
▸Joint funding
▸Cost sharing
▸Work sharing
Underlying Organizational Issues
Difficult to assess

▪ “Pride of Authorship”
▪ Adequacy for use
▪ Duplication of effort
▪ Reprocessing costs
▪ Not easily automated
▪ Political and public pressures
▪ Disparate data
▪ Lack of time
▪ Legal issues
Evolution of the NSDI
Development of Capabilities and Political Turf

▸Coordinating (federal) actvities
▸19 member interagency committee
▪ Geospatial One-Stop
▸Access way to geospatial information
▪ The National Map
▸Partnerships to provide integrated geographic data

▪ In existence since 1990

▸Big push came after 1994 Executive Order to
develop the NSDI
▪ Develops and promotes standards
▸Notably for metadata
– The CSDGM, Content Standard for Digitial Geographic
▪ Promotes inter-governmental activities
▪ Responsible for clearinghouses
GeoSpatial OneStop

▪ What is it?
▸Federal agencies (24) continuing NSDI activities
▸Part of Bush’s e-government agenda
– Strong private sector involvement
▸Focus: Spatially enable the delivery of government
▪ Technology is a portal
▸A gateway to gateways and data
National Map

▪ What is it?
▸“a seamless, continuously maintained set of public
domain geographic base information that will serve
as a foundation for integrating, sharing, and using
other data easily and consistently”
▪ Linked to the National Atlas
▸National Map has data
▸National Atlas has maps
Is this all just a mess?

▪ No, simply what happens when politics and

bureaucracy intersect with technologies
A Brief Selection

▪ The best starting web site is

▸From this site you will be able to find links to all
sorts of information on the NSDI
▸Global SDI information is at
▪ For technical issues start out with
▪ For operational examples go to
or search for ‘NSDI’
NSDI Practices
In the beginning...
Aligning scientific communities with policy communities

▪ Re-inventing government
▸Gore-lead initiative: National Performance Review
– Management for results
– Inter-government activities
– Performance-based organizations
▸Activities (relevant)
– G-Gov
– Reinventing government
▪ Continued under Bush e-government
Government Needs for the 21st
▪ Interoperable systems that are trusted and secure
▪ Methods and measures of citizen participation in democratic
▪ Models of electronic public service transactions and delivery
▪ New models for public-private partnerships and other
networked organizational forms
▪ Intuitive decision support tools for public officials
▪ Archiving and electronic records management
▪ Better methods of IT management
▪ Matching research resources to government needs
NSDI ... a verb?

▪ Nancy Tosta’s commentary

▸A key figure in 1990s NSDI work
▸Politics and bureaucracy
▪ Troubles
▸“diverse interpretations”
▸“broad management options”
▪ Failures
▸No nationally consistent data sets
▸Slow development of standards

▪ Interactions among levels of government and

public and private sectors
▪ Policy guidelines, organizational forms, and
technology tools constantly interact
Institutional Issues for Integration

▪ Relevance
▸Scale related
▪ Partnerships to provide resources
▸Joint funding
▸Cost sharing
▸Work sharing
Critical Organizational Issues
Difficult to assess

▪ “Pride of Authorship”
▪ Adequacy for use
▪ Duplication of effort
▪ Reprocessing costs
▪ Not easily automated
▪ Political and public pressures
▪ Disparate data
▪ Lack of time
▪ Legal issues
Decentralizing Infrastructure
Neo-liberalizationof governance

▪ Does Decentralization = Devolution?

▪ Different strategies
▸Shift dissatisfaction
▸Shift economic and political powers to increase
local revenue
▸Shift of expenditures w/o revenues
Economic Explanation

▪ Shift expenditures decisions to the level of

government that best incorporates a community
of common interests
▪ Central government concessions to maintain
political stability
▸Very fluid structure of governance
– Network
No easy Job
Changing the relationship between central and local

▪ Problems of public service delivery

▸Local service provision cannot be changed in
▸Different degrees of political, economic, and
decision making powers
Three Elements of Success

▪ Clear distinction of functional responsibilities

▪ Financial rules governing local governments
reward good performance
▪ System of accountability that balances central
regulation and local political participation

▪ Difficulties of defining the beneficiaries of a

particular service (benefit-jurisdiction model)
▪ Many services have local and wider benefits
▪ Administrative costs associated with service
provision are not factored in
▪ Data sharing occurs to share data
Successful Decentralization
Finances and Politics

▪ Democratic local decision process with

transparent costs and benefits and all
stakeholders have an equal opportunity to
influence the decision
▪ Costs of local decisions are borne by those
who make decisions
▪ Benefits stay in the jurisdiction
Policy Guidelines
Does NSDI fulfill these?

▪ Who benefits, pays?

▪ Transparent lines of accountability
▪ Provide enforcement mechanism

Technology and Organizations are inseperable

NSDI Awareness
What is the NSDI????

▪ For “small” local

Do you know what the National Spatial
governments the NSDI Data Infrastructure is? (Y/N)

has no relevance
Unsure (6.90%)
▪ They don’t know what Yes (43.10%)

it is No (50.00%)

▪ They can’t imagine

what it is

Results from 2001 Kentucky Survey

Informal data sharing dominates
Results for local governments from 1996 Framework Survey

Share D ata

H ave Policy

0 20 40 60 80 100
in percen t

K en tucky (n=15) K an sas (n=20) N orth C aro lina (n=70) Wash in gto n (n=31)
Data Distribution
Are there conditions [e.g., "no use", "no distribution"]
stipulated upon the sharing, use, or redistribution of data?
▪ Regional differences
▸Established regional agencies
▸With colleges and tribal authorities
▪ Specific Issues
▸“liability disclaimer required” Yes No N/A etc

▸“data only used for requested purpose &

not shared w/ others w/o permission”
▸"the only data we want to "protect" is the
cadastral layer”
Results from Best Practices Research
Limits to the Effectiveness of
Do you rely on any standards in your geographic information
▪ What does “yes” mean?
▸“when I'm aware of standards that I can meet”
▸“standards??? Order of priorities-real time
needs first”
▸“ArcView shapefiles, UTM or County
coordinates for basemap purposes”
▸“occasionally we will use the National Spatial
Accuracy Standards (when create metadata)”
Yes No NA n/a etc

Terminological Problem: standard can mean little more than using

what is available when there is only one choice
Results from Best Practices Research

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