Emtect Las Week 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Empowerment Technologies
2nd Quarter, Week 10
Integrating ICT content through collaboration with classmate and teacher as both
peer and partner

With your teacher’s guidance, you will:

1. Create a Google Site. Use the steps below to build the basics:
https://support.google.com/sites/answer/4417369?hl=en&ref_topic =23216&rd=1
To help you start the thematic content of a website, fill in the following blanks to serve as key points to build
reader’s interest towards your work:
● The issue that matters to me is ____________ [CAUSE or ADVOCACY]
● I could use my talent ____________________ [GIFT]
● To make a difference by _________________ [ACTION]1

2. Share and showcase existing or previously developed content in the form of a designed newsletter or blog
site, or website that is intended for a specific audience or viewer within a given cause or advocacy.
3. Evaluate the quality, value, and appropriateness of classmate/ peer’s existing or previously developed ICT
content or media (from previous Lessons) in relation to a given theme or advocacy 2.
Use rubrics to assess another classmate’s work. Refer to the following as a guide3 but pay closer attention to
the Categories labeled “Content” and “Interest”.

Category 4 3 2 1

Links All links point to high- Almost all links point to Most links point to Less than ¾ of the links point to
(to quality, up to-date highquality, up todate highquality, up todate high-quality, up to-date credible
content) credible sites. credible sites. credible sites. sites.

Category 4 3 2 1

Content The site has a well-stated The site has a clearly stated The purpose and The site lacks a purpose or
clear purpose and theme purpose and theme, but theme of the site is theme.
that is carried out may have one or two somewhat muddy or
throughout the site. elements that do not seem vague.
to be related to it.
Layout The Web site has an The Web pages have an The Web pages have a The Web pages are cluttered
exceptionally attractive attractive and usable layout. usable layout, but looking or confusing. It is often
and usable layout. It is It is easy to locate all may appear busy or difficult to
easy to locate all important elements. boring. It is easy to locate important elements
important elements. locate most of the
White space, graphic important elements.
elements and/or
alignment are used
effectively to organize
Navigation Links for navigation are Links for navigation are Links for navigation Some links do not take the
clearly labeled, clearly labeled, allow the take the reader reader to the sites described. A
consistently placed, allow reader to easily move from where s/he expects user typically gets lost.
the readers to easily a page to related pages to go, but some
move from a page to (forward and back), and needed links seem to
related pages (forward internal links take the be missing. A user
and back), and take the reader where s/he expects sometimes gets lost.
reader where s/he to go.
expects to go.
Category 4 3 2 1

A user does not become A user rarely becomes lost.

Interest The author has made an The author has tried to make The author has put The author has provided only
exceptional attempt to the content of this Web site lots of information in the minimum amount of
make the content of this interesting to the people for the Web site but information and has not
Web site interesting to the whom it is intended. there is little evidence transformed the information
people for whom it is that the person tried to make it more
intended. to present the interesting to the audience (e.g.
information in an has only provided a list of links
interesting way. to the content of others).
On the next page is a screenshot4 of GOLD Foundation. As an exercise, use the above Rubric to evaluate for Content and
Interest. Take note that while the Web site provides only the minimum of information, the keyword “help” may be
considered as an attempt to make the Web site content interesting to the people for whom it is intended.


● Advocacy is active promotion of a cause or principle.
● Advocacy involves actions that lead to a selected goal.
● Advocacy is one of many possible strategies, or ways to approach a problem.
● Advocacy can be used as part of a community initiative, nested in with other components.
● Advocacy is not direct service.
● Advocacy does not necessarily involve confrontation or conflict.
Some examples may help clarify just what advocacy is:
● You join a group that helps build houses for the poor—that's wonderful, but it's not advocacy (it's a service)
● You organize and agitate to get a proportion of apartments in a new development designated as low to moderate
income housing—that's advocacy
● You spend your Saturdays helping sort out goods at the recycling center—that's not advocacy (it's a service)
● You hear that land used for the recycling center is going to be closed down and you band together with many
others to get the city to preserve this site, or find you a new one. Some of you even think about blocking the
bulldozers, if necessary—that's advocacy

Advocacy usually involves getting government, business, schools, or some other large institution (also known as Goliath)
to correct an unfair or harmful situation affecting people in the community (also known as David, and friends). The
situation may be resolved through persuasion, by forcing Goliath to buckle under pressure, by compromise, or through
political or legal action

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