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Von Drahcir R.


Topic: Graham’s Law

Graham’s Law of Diffusion

The change in diffusing molecules over time is called the rate of diffusion. The diffusion rate of a gas is
inverse to the square root of the volume (density). Hence, the rate of diffusion formula is:

rate of diffusion ∝ 1/


We can also rewrite this equation in terms of molar mass since gases with different volumes have the
same number of particles.

rate of diffusion ∝ 1/


Here the molar mass of the gas is denoted by M. 

Rate of Effusion

When the gaseous particles move from a tiny opening into the vacuum of space or open container, then
the process is called Effusion. This space can be a vacuum, any other gas or atmosphere. In this process,
the molecules of material try to escape from a closed container through the aperture. The best example
of you can observe Effusion in balloons. When we make an opening in the balloon, the gas inside starts
escaping into the atmosphere, and it deflates. We can call this Effusion of gas into the atmosphere. 

The process by which particles of material from closed space escapes with time is known as the rate of
Effusion. Now let us discuss the rate of effusion formula. Since the Effusion is inversely proportional to
density and the molar mass of the gas (M), we can write the equation as follows:

rate of Effusion ∝ 1/


∝ 1/


Question 1

Calculate the molar mass of a given gas whose diffusion rate is 2.92 times the diffusion rate of NH₃. 

Given: 2.92 NH₃

Unknown: molar mass

Formula: r1/r2 = √ M 2/ M 1
Solution: We know that the diffusion rate is 2.92 times of ammonia; hence we understand that the ratio
of diffusion rates of the given gases should be 1/2.92. So,

r1/r2 = 1/2.92

Since we know that the molar mass of ammonia is 17.0307

We can use Graham’s law. Accordingly,

r1/r2 = √ M 2/ M 1

Substituting the values 

1/2.92 = √ M 2/17.0307

Squaring both sides we have,

0.11728 = M2/17.0307

Final Answer:M2 = 2.0 g/mol

Conclusion: M2 is the molar mass of the given gas. Therefore, the molar mass is 2.0g/mol

Question 2

Find the relative diffusion rate of water (molar mass=18.0152) as compared to hard water (molar

Given: The molar mass of water(M1)=18.0152

The molar mass of hard water(M2)=20.0276

Unknown: relative diffusion rate

Formula: r1/r2 = √ M 2/ M 1

Solution: Let us assume the rate of diffusion formula of heavy water as one since it has a slower
diffusion rate.


According to graham’s law 

r1/r2 =


Squaring both sides

r1²/r2² = M2/M1

Substituting the values in the above equation

r1²/1 = 20.0276/18.0152
r1² = 1.111705

r1 = 1.05

Final Answer: r1 = 1.05

Conclusion: The relative diffusion rate is 1.05

Question 3

Gas X has a molar mass of 72 g/mol and Gas Y has a molar mass of 2 g/mol. How much faster or
slower does Gas Y effuse from a small opening than Gas X at the same temperature?

Given: Gas X = 72g/mol

Gas Y = 2g/mol

Unknown: ry/rx

Formula: Graham's Law can be expressed as:

rX(MMX)1/2 = rY(MMY)1/2

rX = rate of effusion/diffusion of Gas X
MMX = molar mass of Gas X
rY = rate of effusion/diffusion of Gas Y
MMY = molar mass of Gas Y

We want to know how much faster or slower Gas Y effuses compared to Gas X. To get this value, we
need the ratio of the rates of Gas Y to Gas X. Solve the equation for r Y/rX.

rY/rX = (MMX)1/2/(MMY)1/2

rY/rX = [(MMX)/(MMY)]1/2

Solution: Use the given values for molar masses and plug them into the equation:

rY/rX = [(72 g/mol)/(2)]1/2

rY/rX = [36]1/2
rY/rX = 6

Note that the answer is a pure number. In other words, the units cancel out. What you get is how many
times faster or slower gas Y effuses compared to gas X.

Final Answer: rY/rX = 6


Gas Y will effuse six times faster than the heavier Gas X.

If you were asked to compare how much more slowly gas X effuses compares to gas Y, just take the
inverse of the rate, which in this case is 1/6 or 0.167.

It doesn't matter what units you use for the rate of effusion. If gas X effuses at 1 mm/minute, then gas Y
effuses at 6 mm/minute. If gas Y effuses at 6 cm/hour, then gas X effuses at 1 cm/hour.


Vedantu. (2020, August 5). Grahams law. VEDANTU.

Helmenstine, T. (2019, July 3). Graham's Law Example: Gas Diffusion-Effusion. ThoughtCo.

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