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About Myself

I am an Engineer and Post-Graduate Diploma from XLRI Jamshedpur. I have been working in the
industry as professional for 21 years.

Currently I am a Sr Vice President working with Development Bank of Singapore, in Mumbai.

I am at a stage that I want to start giving back to the society and I believe that I can add value by
using skills that I have learnt.

My idea of Shram Daan is to utilize my learning and experience gained from more than 2 decades of
experience and help leaders who are actively working to improve and uplift the society.

Coaching and training, has been a skill that I have honed over 2 decades in Industry.

I have been organizations, which have 31000 strong and managed HR for more than 700 employees
and have managed HR teams of more than 15 employees.

I am an Associate Certified Coach from International Coaching Federation, a US based organization

and certified by ANLP as a practitioner, and in process of completing my Masters Practitioner in NLP.

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