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Test Plan for Notepad Application

• Test plan identifier : 1

• Introduction:The purpose of this document is to create an

application test plan for windows pc notepad. The presented study
testplan is evaluates the approaches to testing this product. The
purpose of testing the notepad application is to check correct
operation of these functionality(File, Save, Edit, Save as).

• Test item:File, Save, Edit, Delete, print.

• Features to be tested: File Save and File Print this features is to

be tested.

• Features not to be tested: File Delete and File Edit this Features
not to be tested.

• Approach: In Notepad application manual(Internal level Testing is


• Item pass or Fail Criteria: Pass Criteria.

• Suspension/ Resumptions: Criteria for interrupting testing,

closing the blocking bug in the bug tracking system.(Internal Level

• Test Deliverable: Test plan, Test cases, Test Report if file is save
then output is successful so, pass criteria is apply.
• Environmental Needs:Laboratory, Computer, Inverter, Internet.

• Responsibilities: a) Need to be concentrate on your product.

b) Defect the software product.

• Staff and Training Needs:Yes, Prof.Gunjal T. S.

• Test Task:a) Write a test plan.

b) Writing test cases.
c) Creating test report.
d) Conducting the testing and evaluate the result.

• Schedule:The deadline of completion of notepad application and the

delivery of the project is : November 25, 2021. 08:36pm.

• Risk and Contingency: Possible risk occurs during testing

a) Insufficient human resources for testing
the applications within deadline.
b) Changing the requirement as per
c) Lack of power Supply.

• Approval: Staff Name: Prof. Shinde.T. S.


Name:- Jadhav Shekhar Dattatray Sub.Teacher :- Gunjal .T.S

Roll No:- 29 Sign :-

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