This Situation.: Mentors" 'Able

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5) Setting the expectations from the session :

Once the client has identified what s/he wants to accomplish in the current
session, Coach asks the client:
With respect to your desired outcome, what are your expectations from
this session today? What needs to happen in this session for you to know
that you have got solutions for achievement of the desired Outcome?
Coach takes good notes..,

B.) Finding Innovative Solutions

Coach to ask following questions from the client and take notes for each
11)What is the present situation in more detail ? What action steps have
you take so far hi achievement of your desired outcome which is (
(Fill in the blank with the Desired Outcome decided earlier)

2.What internal obstacles or personal resistances do you have that are

stopping you from achieving the desired outcome which is (—).
3.What external obstacles will need to be overcome on the way?

4.What resources you already have that can help you in achievement of
the desired outcome. You may like to explore your internal strengths.
(Coach pauses here. Coach can explain to client what could be the internal
strengths). Or What external resources can you use in this situation.
Things like skills, time, enthusiasm, money, family, fri4nds etc. (Coach
could use more of what else question to help the client stretch for innovative solutions)
5.Coach tells the client to get more innovative solutions for the desired

outcome, let us do an exercise called Mentor's table. Are you ready?


This exercise can be used singularly also especially when a client requires inspiration, or
when s/he needs to address relevant or difficult areas. This tool can also be used With
problematic situations in which a client feels confused, overwhelmed, lacking in
confidence, or requiring specific (technical) information about something. Here we are
. using this exercise to help the client find more innovative solutions from his/her deep
inner self. Coach may need to explain to the client about mentors.


Grow More Coach Model. AU rights Reserved

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