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How are you feeling? What are you seeing? Where are you?

Who is
congratulating you? Perhaps the smells are very comforting. What
sounds are entering your ears?
Help the client live that moment in reality. Enrich his experience.

b.)Now, at this point when you look back in time, what is it that you wish
to tell to (name of the client). As you look back, what one or two daring
actions you took to achieve the success that you are enjoying.

C.) Design an Effective Action Homework / Fieldwork

Developing SMART Actionable steps

Coach asks the client Now that you have got solutions and insights with
respect to the desired outcome which is (....), what actions are you
willing to commit to in order to achieve the desired outcome? Please list
them down. Client will write down all the actions s/he is willing to take now.
If the client misses out on some points s/he has explored earlier during the
session, then coach may remind the client of same.

Now coach asks the client Let us convert each actionable step into a
S.M.A.R.T actionable step.

Coach to ensure that each action is SMART. If required, coach can explain the
meaning of SMART to client,

Chunking Down :
If required, Coach to help the client to break down each SMART Actionable
step into smaller action steps.
For each actionable step the client is willing to take, ask her/him questions

What do you need to accomplish this? What else? Who can help you in this?
What is the first thing that you need to do for this to happen? By when will
you do this? What other resources can you use?

Grow More Coach Model. All rights Reserved

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