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Fall 2021

UNIV110: Assignment Sheet for Persuasive Speech – 15%

Due Date: Thursday 13th January 2022 at 6pm

Length: 3-4 minutes

Grading: see accompanying rubric

One of the goals of the UNIV110: University, Community and Citizenship course is
to identify various social issues within our community and recognize a variety of
possible actions citizens can take. We also want students to articulate well-reasoned
opinions and use reliable sources. For this assignment you will build upon your
informative speech in which you have identified a current social issue. In this speech,
you will suggest possible solutions for this issue.

Give a three-to-four-minute speech persuading the audience on why the solutions you
propose can impact the social issue you described in your informative speech. Provide
your audience with a clear understanding of how and why the solutions can impact the
social issue. Educate your audience on this issue through formal evidence of facts;
i.e., current statistics or facts based on formal research from credible sources (journal
articles from the AUK library databases).

You will need at least three individual sources as “evidence” to support your claims.
These sources must be peer-reviewed journal articles from the AUK library databases.
You may use the same articles as your Informative Speech if they include solutions.

Pro tip: Schedule an appointment with an AUK Librarian to get expert advice and
identify the three sources. Extra credit will be given to those who schedule an
appointment. You will get 2% extra credit which is equivalent to 0.3 points extra out
of 15.

Speech Structure:
 Introduction:
o Make sure to grab the audience’s attention, briefly explain the social
issue (no need to go into detail, since you did that in the first speech),
and preview the speech. 

 Body:
o Provide solid evidence (using your sources) of 2-3 possible solutions to
the social issue and everyday actions citizens/residents can take to
lessen the consequences and/or effects of the issue. Explain why you
think these solutions are the best way to resolve the social issue.

 Conclusion:
o Signal the end of the speech, remind the audience of the main ideas
you talked about, and then make a final comment that makes your
audience remember your speech (be careful not to start a new topic).
Fall 2021

You will be submitting two items for this speech. The first item to be submitted is
your complete script with your 3 sources cited. This document will be used to ensure
that you have used 3 credible sources and to check for similarity. If there are issues
with similarity to original sources, this will result in a failing grade. You can
check the similarity of your script prior to filming your speech and have opportunities
to make changes and re-upload the script.

As we discussed for the Personal Introductory Speech, when filming the speech, it’s
recommended to use bullet points as your notes and not to read off your script. The
purpose of submitting the script ahead of time is to ensure that the information is

Informative Speech Rubric for UNIV110 Fall 2021

Needs Remediation Almost Competent Competent Proficient

(0.75) (1.5) (2.25) (3)
Could not clearly understand
the words, talked too quickly Spoke clearly and with
Nice voice quality and speed, Excellent voice quality, tone, and
or too slowly, tone of voice appropriate speed and tone of
made connections with the speed. Made excellent connections
was inappropriate for the voice with some hesitation and
audience, and spoke very with audience. Excellent, even eye
Speaking Quality and setting. No facial fillers. Some eye contact. No
clearly. Made eye contact and contact throughout. Expressions
Body Language expressions or many facial expressions or some
showed expressions while were natural and appropriate to the
distracting gestures. distracting gestures. Grammar
speaking. Grammar is material. Grammar is above
Grammar is unacceptable for does not meet expectations for
appropriate for this level. average for this level.
this level. this level.

Less than 1 minute or over 4

More than 1 minute but less than More than 2 minutes, but less
Adhered to Time Limit minutes
2 minutes than 3 minutes
3-4 minutes

Preparation and practice were
No evidence of preparation Preparation and practice were
clearly evident; All parts of the
or practice. “Winging it.” Little preparation and practice evident; All parts of the
assignment were addressed with
Preparation Assignment directions were evident; limited understanding of assignment were addressed;
insightful supporting details.
not followed and/or you had directions and assignment Directions were followed and
Directions were followed; going
trouble with assignments objectives all parts of the assignment
above and beyond in preparation
objectives were clearly covered.
for presentation
Solutions to social issue(s) not
Solutions to social issue were
Topic needs development; clearly defined or explained; Solutions to social issue were
clearly defined and explained in
Stronger supporting detail Limited or weak evidence or clearly defined and explained;
detail; Strong evidence from 3
needed; No credible sources examples provided (fewer than 2 Evidence was provided from 2-
credible sources was provided
used; Language usage does credible sources); limited 3 credible sources in order to
Content not spark interested; Barely connection of the solution to the inform audience on how/why
giving audience solid reasoning as
to how/why the solutions can
addressed the prompt or social issue was presented; the solutions can impact the
impact the social issue; Fulfilled the
assignment objectives not information for possible solutions social issue; Possible solutions
assignment creatively with
fully met was somewhat relevant to were relevant to audience.
reflection and critical thinking.
No overall organizational Organization and topic focus Clear organizational pattern. The presentation had a strong
pattern evident. Thoughts needs work OR did not have clear Good introduction, body and beginning, middle, and end with
Organization of seemed random and introduction, body, or closing. closing; audience had no appropriate transitional words.
Information disconnected at times Audience had trouble following trouble following information Signposts, hook, and conclusions
leaving audience confused. information or all parts of the provided to address all were used engaging for audience
assignment were not addressed components of the assignment throughout.

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