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I. Objectives:

At the end of this lesson the pupils should be able to:

a. Identify the concrete noun and abstract noun
b. Appreciate the important of concrete noun and abstract noun
c. Construct a sentence using sentence concrete noun and abstract noun.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Concrete noun and Abstract noun

References: English 4 page 23-25
Author: Adrew V. Murray
Value Focus: Appreciation of Noun
Strategy: Analysis

III. Learning Activities / Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities / Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Drill
The teacher will show flash card
5. Review
Ask them the following:
What was our last topic last day?
What is proper and common noun?
Give me an example of proper noun and common noun?

B. Developmental Activities
The teacher will show a video clip about the concrete noun and abstract noun

The teacher will show a picture.
The teacher will ask the pupil it is a concrete noun or abstract noun.
The teacher will introduce the topic.
Let the pupils answer that picture all about.
The teacher will explain the concrete noun and abstract noun
What is Concrete noun?
-name a thing that is Tangible or Physical (can be perceived by one or more of the sense)
concrete nouns are their proper or common.
Cookies, Ice Cream, Water, Guitar, Apple, Table and etc.
What is Abstract noun?
-name an idea, quality, feeling or condition, concept, theory in other words those that
cannot be seen or touched.
Love, Hate, Excellence, Poverty and Illness

What will happened if we don’t have a senses?
Do you think feeling, quality, are important?
In what way you say that concrete noun or abstract noun?

Activity: GAME
Identify the word if it is concrete and abstract noun. And put it the perspective group.

Concrete noun Abstract noun

Cake Excitement
Ocean Poverty
Motorcycle Love
Ice cream Birthday

IV. Evaluation

Read the sentence in the concrete noun and abstract noun, encircle the concrete and underline
the abstract noun.

1. The solder was awarded for his bravery.

2. Takecho is filled with joy?
3. Cassies is full of wisdom
4. Drinking milk is good for your health
5. Ana celebrate her birthday yesterday

V. Assignment

In your proper / assignment note book.

Write a sentence and underline the abstract and encircle the concrete noun.

Prepared by: Ms. Jesse Ann Lupian Madronero

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