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Date of booking : 23-12-2021 Passenger Ticket

Date of Journey : 24-12-2021

Booking No.: KSINC-SAG-30765

Package : Sunset Cruise

No. of Pax: 3

Time 17.30-19.30

Total Amount : 1,050.00

Paid Amount : 1,050.00

Customer Details
Name :

E-mail : Address

Phone : 8882770316

Pax Details

Sl. No Name Age ID Type ID NO

 You are requested to report 30 mins prior to the departure.

 Please carry printed copy of the Boarding Pass/Tickets
 Tickets are non refundable or transferable from counter
 For detailed terms & conditions, please check the ticket contract.
 Cancellation due to reasons beyond the control of KSINC, ticket fare is not refundable.
 All wear mask
 Keep social distance
 Obey all the Govt. protocols of Covid19
1. Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub before entering the vessel.
2. Maintain a safe distance of 6 Ft. from anyone.

3. Wearing a mask is compulsory and entry into the vessel is strictly prohibited without wearing masks.

4. Entry into the vessel will be purely based on the temperature reading i.e. 98.6°F (37°C).
5. Anyone found having a fever, cold, cough, difficulty in breathing shall not be permitted to attend the event and
immediately advised to seek medical advice.
6. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
7. None from the ongoing containment zone or quarantine will be allowed to enter the vessel.

8.Its advisable for persons more than 65 years of age, pregnant women, and children below 10 years not to attend the

9. Interstate travelers and foreigners are requested to do the covid tests before attending the event for your own

10. We request all the guests and the hosts to download the Arogya Setu app for your
own safety.

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