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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga

Don Jesus Gonzales High School







APRIL, 2021


Work Immersion refers to the part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum

consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which the Grades 11

and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to enrich

the competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and

the designated personnel of the Partner. According to Department of Education Order No.

30 s. 2017, one of the goals of the K to12 Basic Education program is to develop in

learners the competencies, work ethics and values relevant to pursuing further education

and or joining the world of work. In order that the nations development target will be

realized and to achieve greater congruence with the basic education, work immersion is a

required subject that has been incorporated in the curriculum.

Magno (2018) stated that they will be competent to their respective field of

interests and will they be skillful and knowledgeable enough to help suffice the economic

needs of the Philippines especially in the man power field. The government comes up to

implementing work immersion that will be conducted depending on what the learners’

purposes or needs. And before further discussing, I totally agree on this stand for it will

be one of the key practices on improving student performances. Trade Congress of the

Philippines (2015) stated that immersion is done outside the school campus in a

“Workplace Immersion Venue,” defined as “the place where work immersion of students

is done. Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories, shops and project


According to YKS (2018) they will know about the work ethics, will gain

knowledge about the safety in the workplace, the rights, responsibilities, learning the

effective way to resolve conflicts among coworkers and the work will not be that hard for

them if they apply at the same or related company. Rarely are OJT students expected to

produce the same products that regular employees produce. If that’s the case, how are

these students going to learn prior to their expectation with these experts that are going to

teach them to be future professionals.

According to Tony (2015) for some workers, long working days or a constant

connectivity to work-related technology can have a powerful negative impact on quality

of life both in and out of the office. The result of this is a downward spiral of negative

energy, where self-improvement seems like an impossible mountain to climb and gets

placed by the wayside. But there’s good news! Companies as a whole are showing a trend

towards encouraging employees to relax, take breaks, exercise, and establish a workflow

routine that compliments employees’ individual work styles. Because of this, employees

are finding themselves more free to shape their work lives to fit around their personal

lives, resulting in happier, more productive employees.

When process improvement knowledge and abilities are effectively utilized

within an organization, it results in better product/service quality, customer satisfaction

and loyalty, enhanced productivity, and ultimately a faster as well as higher return on

investment. This research seeks to tackle the impact of work immersion in enhancing the

students’ knowledge and skills to know what are the preferences courses they take in

college and what are the best courses fit to them accordingly to their gained knowledge

and skills.

Background of the study

On May 15, 2013, former President Benigno S. Aquino III signed Republic Act

10533, also referred to as the "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013," into law. In this

order, the curriculum includes a minimum of one (1) year of kindergarten, six (6) years of

elementary school, and 6 (6) years of high school. Middle school school is four (4) years

long, and Senior High school is 2 (2) years long (Official Gazette, 2013). This

information is one in every of the foremost basic concepts of the reformed educational


The government has added two years to the applied curriculum. According to the

new curriculum's vision, this additional time would provide excellent training for

students for employment, college, and life. Work Immersion has been designated as one

of the key features of the K–12 curriculum by the Department of Education (DepEd).

As grade 12 students, they were aware that in order to completely comply with

the government's new education curriculum, they would have to participate in a work

immersion program. For them, immersion is a brand-new course. They are curious and

anxious about the immersion because they have no knowledge about it.

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation, according to

the Department of Education. Work Immersion is required of a Senior High School

student in an industry that is directly related to the student's postsecondary target.

Students are exposed to and become acquainted with job-similar environments related to

their field of specialization through Work Immersion, which helps them to improve their

competence. Particularly, Students can: (i) learn applicable and realistic industrial skills

under the guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii) understand the value and

application of the concepts and theories taught in school; (iii) improve their professional

knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their communications and human relations skills; and (v)

develop positive work habits, attitudes, and a sense of responsibility. These help them

prepare for the demands and uncertainties of the job market or higher education after they

graduate. (DepEd, April 2017)

According to the above-mentioned predicted outcomes, the Department of

Education focused not only on a student's academic abilities, but also on his or her

communication and social abilities. As a result, this course prepares students to behave

like professionals and can motivate them to work harder. This type of training would

teach each student that it is not enough to have academic knowledge, but that it is also

essential to have more wisdom about what our lives will be like in a group and at work.

Work Immersion cannot be completed without extensive research and analysis.

This program, which is a core component of the Senior High School Curriculum, can be

implemented in a variety of ways, depending on the goals and needs of students (DepEd

Order No. 30 s. 2017). This is a guarantee of the program's success. As a result, students

who are about to begin work immersion will be introduced to a specific area, namely the

sector in which they will be working soon.

The program will also assist the student in appreciating the value of credentials by

assisting them in writing resumes, filling out application forms, work interview skills

training, and visiting the appropriate offices to obtain the following: Clearance from the

barangay, the police, the mayor, and a medical certificate (Work Immersion, 2017). This

learning result would be extremely beneficial to the students.

Students were wary of this type of curriculum, which was implemented by the

Department of Education, since it would force them out of their comfort zones and

introduce them to the true meaning of life. On the other side, it will be the greatest honor,

knowledge, and opportunity for them to help us develop our talents and skills. This can

be accomplished by hands-on training and exposure. This type of involvement would

demonstrate to them the true meaning of life in the world in which we live. However,

several people might argue that it seemed to be too early for the work immersion since

they would have to take it during their college on-the-job training before graduating.

The government's new course aims to provide a wealth of opportunities not just

for students, but also for the country and its future. Many students will be motivated and

fearless about this curriculum as a result of this study. This will act as a wake-up call for

the students, allowing them to appreciate how fortunate they are to have this curriculum

aimed at improving our competencies and skills. The curriculum can also serve as a

motivator for students to face the realities of life and gain a better perspective on them by

working harder in class.



Local Article

Work immersion performance, alignment, and employability among senior high school


According to Diaz (2018), noted that on-the-job training or internships play an

important role in providing students with practical experience. They'll gain the technical

knowledge and hands-on experience they'll need to get started. Furthermore, it aids in

their understanding of the real-world corporate environment. It is an opportunity for

students to apply, elevate, and enhance their school-acquired knowledge in their various

fields of expertise, and it is typically a genuine experiential activity that they cannot learn

in their classrooms.

Workplace Skills and Competencies: An Industry Partners Appraisal on Work Immersion

Program Among Senior High School Learners

As stated by J. Dela Cruz & M. Permejo (2020), to give learners real-world job

experience in a real-world setting, allowing them to develop new talents, immerse

themselves in the corporate world, and boost their employability by measuring their job

skills and competencies. Learners have a strong self-perceived work capacity, which

gives them confidence in carrying out plans for managing work tasks. Similarly, learners

performed well on the work project and gained the most knowledge in the areas of

communication and working with others across differences. Learners who were exposed

to employment assignments related to their strand performed and shown efficiency in


completing the tasks, and presented lessons that will last a lifetime and values that can be

applied for the betterment of life.

Readiness and Willingness of the Enterprises in Accepting Work Immersion Activities of

Senior High School Students

As mentioned by X. Budomo (2020), to determine and define the enterprises'

readiness and willingness to accommodate senior high school (SHS) students' work

immersion (WI) activities. It described the needed WI requirements of SHS in terms of

classification and skills needed, as well as the readiness of enterprises in terms of

facilities, alignment, proximity, legal requirements, scope of operation, and corporate

social responsibility, in accordance with the Department of Education's requirements. It

also determined the readiness of businesses in terms of the number of interns required,

the availability of internship spaces, the qualifications of students, and gender preferences.

There were additional issues highlighted in connection to SHS students' WI activities. In

addition, a strategy for dealing with the impending situation was offered. The majority of

businesses are willing to participate in WI activities with SHS students. In terms of

willingness, most businesses do not require interns but are willing to accept WI from

SHS students. The following items were suggested: Conduct a WI orientation or lecture

in the workplace; look for other prospective business partners; collaborate with State

Universities and Colleges; and employ simulation activities in the classroom.


Immersion Program for Academic Track and the Higher Education Tracer Profile of the

First Batch Graduates

According to B. Acar (2019), Implementation of the Academic Track Immersion

Program at the Science and Technology Education Center Senior High School, as well as

the Higher Education Tracer Profile of the First Batch of Graduates. The study's findings

served as the foundation for the Dissemination and Advocacy Plans. This study used a

descriptive-evaluative research design to collect responses using both quantitative and

qualitative methods. A total of 143 students are involved in the research. The majority of

students are enrolled in courses that are related to the strands they have chosen. It's worth

noting that some students have received scholarships and are enrolled at elite universities

in Cebu, Luzon, and abroad. The STEC SHS is effective and successful in its regular

prodding and mentoring of pupils in order to ensure that they are college-ready.

Immersion Guidelines and Learning Outcomes

According to DepEd (2017), the DepEd Order no. 30s. 2017 was issued. The

Guidelines for Work Immersion in All Senior High Schools is the name of this order

(SHSs). By the time they enter Senior High School, learners will have mastered nearly all

of the competencies and abilities necessary to prepare them for the curriculum exits

(further education, employment, middle skills development, as well as entrepreneurship)

Work immersion allows individuals to put their skills to the test and apply what they've

learned outside of the classroom. Learners can not only utilize their past knowledge but

also experience the social interactions that occur in the workplace when they participate

in work immersion. Their work immersion experiences will help them acquire a wide

range of abilities and values that will serve them well in the future and they move from

high school to adulthood (Section 4, DepEd Order no. 8 s.

Foreign Article

Business Administration Internship

According to Fitchburg State University (2019), The Internship Program is

designed to provide you the opportunity to apply what you've learned in the classroom to

the company's operations. Your work experience is carefully scrutinized to verify that it

is clearly relevant to your courses and primary subject of study. The internship

experience is intended to complement your overall university experience by bridging the

gap between conceptual and applied knowledge in the major topic of study. The training

and experience you obtain as a result of the internship should, in theory, be beneficial in

two ways. For starters, the experience may offer you a leg up on the competition while

looking for a permanent job. Many employers prefer students with a higher degree who

have also completed relevant on-the-job training before graduation. Internships can

sometimes lead to full-time employment with the host company. Second, an internship

experience might help you see other job options and clarify your own future goals.

K-12 educators’ transformation experience through participation in an international

immersion program

According to S. Suh (2014), the perspectives of 23 educators who took

part in a cultural immersion program in another country. Teachers' multicultural

competences and global knowledge are still weak in the United States, despite the fact

that student populations are getting more varied. The Global Studies in Education-South

Korea Initiative was established to address this issue in a local community that has seen a

considerable increase in Korean transnational students. It supports local educators'

international travel and cultural immersion experience overseas. According to the

evaluation results, participants received a better awareness of cultural influences on

education by experiencing substantial disparities in schooling procedures and people's

beliefs/attitudes about education in the United States and Korea. Most importantly, the

educators who took part afterward demonstrated an increased sense of advocacy and

dedication to better help ESL and new immigrant students in their schools.

Immersion Learning in Social Work Education: A Pedagogical Tool for Enriching

Knowledge and Practice Skills among BSW Students

According to E. Robinson (2018), Immersion learning is a type of experiential

education that has a lot of applications in the field of social work. However, there is little

evidence on how immersion learning courses in social work education affect student

learning results. The learning outcomes of an immersion learning course offered to BSW

students (N = 9) are described in this ethnographic study. This semester-long training

focused on macro-practice with persons who are experiencing poverty, homelessness, and

female sexual exploitation. Students took part in a weeklong immersion trip during which

they visited a dozen human service agencies and engaged with people experiencing

poverty and homelessness as part of this course. Three conclusions emerged from the

qualitative research. To begin, students stated that these exchanges helped them

recognize their prejudices and influenced their perceptions of poverty. Second, students

reported increased cultural competency, self-awareness, and interpersonal expertise in

their social work practice. They also developed a greater understanding of macrolevel

practice. Third, students said they had a better understanding of how to put classroom

knowledge into practice and how to apply what they had learned in class. These findings

have ramifications for undergraduate social work education, particularly in terms of how

immersion learning programs can be used to enhance both knowledge and practice


Work-related self-efficacy and work immersion satisfaction among grade 12 general

academic students

According to Wood & Bandura (1989) as cited in Machmud (2018) Self-efficacy is

defined as one's belief in one's ability to complete a task. Furthermore, self-efficacy refers

to a person's belief in his or her ability to do tasks in the face of uncertainty. While

Bandura (1997) defined self-efficacy as "an individual's belief in his or her own

competence to organize and implement action to accomplish the intended goals and

results," as stated by Domenech-Betoret et al. (2017). Self-efficacy is the belief in one's

ability to do a task successfully. Learners immediately adjust and embrace the new

environment in which they find themselves in order to complete the immersion program

while improving their efficiency.

Internship Handbook.

Department of Hospitality Management

According to Indiana University of Pennsylvania (2018), One of the key

purposes of receiving a degree in higher education is to find a job once you graduate,

according to their internship guidelines. The internship experience will help you acquire a

realistic picture of the hotel and tourist industries, apply your classroom knowledge in

practical sectors, and improve your skills. your employability on the job market Students

hope to work in the hospitality business as a manager after graduation. In a hospitality

organization, you must be able to direct and lead personnel in hourly and supervisory

positions. Working experience will enable you to gain an understanding of what these

professions entail and the abilities required to do them. You'll also learn about the day-to-

day operations of a hospitality organization, including how it is organized and managed,

everyday work concerns, and financial factors.Employers will look for students with

considerable job experience to hire as managers. Internships will help you build your

problem-solving and leadership skills, which is exactly what employers are searching for.

The more experience you have, the more qualified you will be as a candidate.

Concetual Framework

Input of raw data: Methodological

survey from approach: Output:
respondents Tabulation of data Interpretation
statistical data Descriptive analysis conclusion
demographic profile Intrinsic method

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the impact of work immersion in choosing the course of

Don Jesus Gonzales High School GAS Students Academic School Year 2020-2021. It will also

be a way for the students in gaining new skills and improving the existing capabilities which will

eventually help them in their chosen course.

This study aims to formulate the following questions to answer:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Name

1.2. Age

1.3. Gender

1.4. course

2. How work immersion can help in improving the knowledge and skills relevant to the

students’ chosen course?

3. What are the effects of work immersion in the students’ decision in choosing their

course in the near future?

Null hypothesis:

The work immersion has no significant impact in the course chosen by the GAS students


Alternate hypothesis:

The work immersion has a significant impact in the course chosen by the GAS students


Significance of the Study

The researchers wanted to know the impact of work immersion among GAS

students in choosing their course. This study might help the students in determining what

they really want to be in the future. It can enhance their knowledge and boost their

determination in achieving their chosen profession.

GAS Students. The findings of this study might help the students determine the

impact of work immersion in choosing their course in college. Furthermore, this research

will assist them in expressing their thoughts on the 80-hour Work Immersion Program

that they had participated in.

Teachers. The result might help them to guide the students in choosing their

course in college and teach them how to overcome any challenges. This research may

also serve a valuable tool for empowering their teaching in such a way that it becomes a

reference, since it caters the students' thoughts and perceptions based on their hands-on

learning experience

Parents. The findings of this study might help the parents to guide their children

in knowing what they really want to be.

School Administrators. The result of this study would inform the school

personnel about the impact of work immersion in choosing the GAS students’ career;

therefore, they can do more strategies about the problem.

Future Researchers. This study could be a reference for the future researchers

who will conduct a similar study by making it more comprehensive and researching other

areas about it.


Scope and Limitation

This study will be conducted at Don Jesus Gonzales High School. This study will

limit itself to 30 respondents who have graduated in the said school and already have an

experience in the work immersion program. It will be focused in determining the impact

of work immersion in relation to GAS students’ decision in choosing their course at the

said school. Hence, the primary concern of this study is to evaluate the impacts and

enhance the students’ knowledge and motivation.

Definition of terms

Course - refers to a particular direction that something takes or the manner in which

something grows.

Work immersion - is a practical method of planning for any difficult job in the real world.

Skills - are the knowledge or abilities needed to complete a job or task.

Student - is someone who is studying in school or college to pursue their education.

Knowledge - is understanding acquired through learning or experience.

Impact – effect or outcome of a certain event that happened.

Intrinsic method - looks to understand a particular case because of its interest to the




This section of the research explains the methods used in this study. The

researcher will explain the research deign, the population and sample, the instrument and

how the data was successfully gathered and analyzed. The effects of the methods used in

this study will also be described by the researcher.

Research Design

The research design used in this study is Quantitative - Descriptive research.

Descriptive-survey research uses surveys to gather data about varying subjects. This data

aims to know the extent to which different conditions can be obtained among these

subjects. Descriptive studies are closely associated with observation studies, but they are

not limited with observation data gathering method. Case studies and surveys can also be

specified as popular data collection methods used with descriptive studies.

Participants and Sampling techniques

The ideas behind a specific sampling approach vary significantly, and reflect the

purposes and questions directing the study (Punch, 1998). In choosing the sample of

participants, the researcher used Judgement (or Purposive) Sampling Also known as

selective, or subjective, sampling, this technique relies on the judgement of the researcher

when choosing who to ask to participate. Researchers may implicitly thus choose a

“representative” sample to suit their needs, or specifically approach individuals with

certain characteristics. In this case, 30 alumnus of Don Jesus Gonzales High School from

batch 2018-2021 who experienced worked immersion before are chosen as the

respondents of the survey. They are expected to have enough experience on work

immersion to answer the questionnaire given by the researchers.

Ethical Consideration

Upon conducting the research, names were asked optionally. The identity of each

participant and respondents were kept being confidential upon their requests. No face-to-

face survey was conducted to ensure the safety of both the researchers and respondents

themselves. No other questions where ask to which may lead to too much private


Research Instrumentation

In undertaking this study, the researcher chose to give researcher-made

questionnaire to 30 participants, chosen from the alumnus of Don Jesus Gonzales High

School. The type of questions used in this research is “Closed ended”. Closed-ended

questions are questions that can only be answered by selecting from a limited number of

options, usually multiple-choice, 'yes' or 'no', or a rating scale (e.g. from strongly agree to

strongly disagree). Closed-ended questions give limited insight but can easily be analyzed

for quantitative data.

In addition, the first part of the questionnaire aims to determine the respondents’

demographic profile. This set of questions asks their age, gender, and Course.

Data Collection Procedure

the data collection was conducted via online survey. Each participant was

presented with similar set of questions relating to the impact which it had on their lives

especially with the changes in the educational and social aspect of their personality. The

questions were mainly closed ended questions. Some of them are relating to their

information such as age, grade and section, gender, and the course they took on college.

A closed-ended question contrasts with an open-ended question, which cannot

easily be answered with specific information. Examples of close-ended questions which

may elicit a "yes" or "no" response include: “Were you born in 2010?”, “Is Lyon the

capital of France?”, “Did you steal the money?”. It is important for a quantitative

research to limit the answers to be able to find the exact answer, the researchers are

looking for.

The researcher also sought to use language that was comprehensible and relevant

to each of the participants being interviewed. After answering the questionnaire, the data

was then sealed with a brown envelope to prevent misplacement of every data. The

researcher, then, prepared the data for analysis.


Treatment and Data Analysis

Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews has been transcribed.

The data was analyzed by means of quantitative data analysis. in here you are expected to

turn raw numbers into meaningful data through the application of rational and critical

thinking. Quantitative data analysis may include the calculation of frequencies of

variables and differences between variables.

Once the data was collected, the data was then tabulated and organize for easier

understanding to the reader of this research. Then the researcher solves for the mean of

their answers. The researchers also took the percentage rate of every answer to know the

degree of conformity per statement in the survey. The researcher of this study finalized

the list of conclusions.

The final stage involved data verification, this process involves a process

checking validity of understanding and rechecking the transcripts and codes again, thus

allowing the researcher to verify or modify hypotheses already arrived at previously.

The researcher made sure that the encoded data had not been misunderstood and

were free of researcher bias. The researcher of this study re-read the data and put every

datum on double checking.



Demographic profile

Age Gender
18 19 20 21 Male Female
3 19 1 7 15 15
30 30
(Table 1. The Age of the Respondents)


Questions 4 3 2 1
1. Immersion is to develop a better communication. 20 7 2 1
2. Immersion is to adapt a new environment 16 14 0 0
3. Immersion is to improve, develop, and apply their competencies. 23 7 0 0

4. Immersion helps you choose your course in college 20 8 2 0

5. Immersion is to improve your knowledge and skills to be more
22 6 1 1

6. Immersion is to Gain relevant and practical industrial skills under

17 11 1 1
the guidance of industry experts and workers;

7. Immersion is to appreciate the importance and application of the

11 17 2 0
principles and theories taught in the classroom;

8. Immersion is to enhance your technical knowledge and skills; 17 10 2 1

9. Immersion is to prepare you to meet the needs and challenges of

employment, entrepreneurship, or higher education after their 16 12 1 1

10. Immersion is to provide SHS students relevant learning

21 8 1 0
experiences by giving them exposure to the actual workplace setting.

11. Immersion is to develop in the students of the SHS program the

knowledge and skills that are relevant to the needs of the job market 17 12 0 1
in the area,

Sum 330

 Gender

In this research, based on the gathered data from the constructed interview

provided by the researcher, the data had shown that 15 of the student-respondents were

male while the remaining 15 were female.

 Responses

Based on the gathered data 60.7% answered strongly agree, 34% answered

strongly agree, 3.7% answered disagree, 1.6% answered Totally Disagree to the survey.

Where in 76.7% of the respondents strongly agreed that Immersion is to improve,

develop, and apply their competencies, while only 23.3% answered agree about it. In

addition, 70% of the respondents strongly agreed that Immersion is to provide SHS

students relevant learning experiences by giving them exposure to the actual workplace

setting, 26.67% answered agree, and only 3.33% disagreed to it. Moreover, 66.67% of the

respondents strongly agreed that Immersion helps you choose your course in college,

26.66 answered agree, and 6.66% answered disagree to it.

This shows that Immersion greatly help students of Don Jesus Gonzales High

School to improve, develop, and apply their competencies and provide SHS students

relevant learning experiences by giving them exposure to the actual workplace setting.

In addition, it also implicates that work immersion greatly affects in the students’

decision in choosing their course in the near future.

Summary of Findings

In the accomplished research about the impacts of the work immersion program in

the Don Jesus Gonzales High School who are engaged in, the study showed that the

students have their own insight, both negative and positive, about the work immersion

program. The impact of work immersion among gas students in choosing their courses

reflected to their answers in the survey.


The research had shown that the work immersion program had developed the

different skills and aspects of every individual student who underwent in the process of

the work exposure program. Competencies including computer and technological skills,

social interaction skills, time management and most of all the discipline, were obtained

by the student-respondents upon taking up this course. It is a very good preparation for

them for work and on how they can interact with other peoples in spite of the diversity in

our society. In addition, Social interactions, skills enhancement process and the things

they have learned from the school were well-observed during the work immersion proper.

The research also showed that work immersion can help in improving the

knowledge and skills relevant to the students’ chosen course because it showed that

Immersion helps to improve, develop, and apply their competencies.

This research also showed that Immersion helps you choose your course in

college due to that Immersion provide SHS students relevant learning experiences by

giving them exposure to the actual workplace setting, this makes the students lean to the

course related to the work they experienced. This implicates that work immersion greatly

affects in the students’ decision in choosing their course in the near future.


The researcher therefore offers the following suggestions that focus on the


Government - It would be a great contribution for the learners if they could

harvest what they had worked up during the immersion program. This can be done by

giving the students enough allowance that can fulfill their basic needs during the work

immersion program, that is, transportation and food. Giving them this kind of reward

might help them psychologically to have a more positive and optimistic insights

regarding their future as a worker. This kind of treatment is also known in the field of

Psychology as Conditioning. In addition, the Government, more specifically to the

Department of Education, must continue in thinking of any strategies or treatment on how

the work immersion program might be more interesting in the part of every student; since,

based on the gathered data, the student’s time, in their individual opinion, was somewhat

being wasted doing nothing during the immersion proper.

Students - The researcher would like to recommend the students to have a deeper

patience and understanding regarding this work immersion program. It is very important

to cherish and to give value to this once in a life time experience that might affect their

future in a good and bad way depending on how they accomplished the work immersion

program. This research is also suggesting to always finish the work with passion and

sincerity even sometimes they were just doing nothing.


Parents - As a guardian to the path of their children, the parents also play a great

role upon the learning of their children. They should encourage more their children to

strive more.

List of References

Collins. (2014). Collins Compact English Dictionary. westerhill road: Collins.

Conroy, M. (2010). :A Qualitative Study of the Psychological Impact of Unemployment

on individuals. Masters Dissertation, Dublin, DIT,. Masters Dissertation, Dublin,


DepEd. (2017). Department of Education. Retrieved from DepEd Web site:


DepEd. (2017). Department of Education. Retrieved from DepEd Web site:

DOLE. (2016, july 8). Department of Labor and Employment. Retrieved from DOLE

web site:

Ethridge, D. (2004). Research Methodology in Applied Economics. John Wiley & Sons,


Fox, W. & Bayat, M.S. (2007). A Guide to Managing Research. 45.

FREEMAN. (2017, November 10). Philstar. Retrieved from Philstar Website:


Howitt D. & Cramer, D. (2007). Thematic Analysis. Retrieved from Research Methods in



Republic of the Philippines. (2003, December 19). Lawphil. Retrieved from Lawphil

Web site:

Republic of the Philippines. (2013, May 15). Official Gazette of the Republic of the

Philippines. Retrieved from Official Gazette Web site:







To All Respondent:

As part of the researcher’s thesis at Don Jesus Gonzales High School, the
researchers are conducting a survey that investigates the work immersion of
GAS track. It will be much appreciated if you could complete the following table
and answer the following questions honestly. Rest assured that all gathered
information will be treated with at most confidentiality and basis for the research.

Part I. Demographic Profile

Name: ____________________________

Age: ______

Gender: ______


Grade level______

Part II. The following questions are all about the expectation, knowledge and
experience upon taking up the immersion.

Put a check mark (/) on every box that corresponds in your interpretation

Questions 4 3 2 1

in every statement.

4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree

2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree


1. Immersion is to develop a better


2. Immersion is to adapt a new environment

3. Immersion is to improve, develop, and apply

their competencies.
4. Immersion is to prepare you for employment

5. Immersion is to improve your knowledge and

skills to be more productive.

6. Immersion is to Gain relevant and practical

industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;

7. Immersion is to appreciate the importance

and application of the principles and theories
taught in the classroom;

8. Immersion is to enhance your technical

knowledge and skills;

9. Immersion is to prepare you to meet the

needs and challenges of employment,
entrepreneurship, or higher education after
their graduation.
10. .
11. Immersion is to provide SHS students
relevant learning experiences by giving them
exposure to the actual workplace setting.

12. Immersion is to develop in the students of the

SHS program the knowledge and skills that
are relevant to the needs of the job market in
the area.

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