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MARKETING GUIDE Supersedes: Form 102.20-MG1 (903) Form: 102.20-MG1 (806)


While indoor air quality (IAQ) concerns continue to rise provides guidance and good intentions for the design
and advance to the forefront of the HVAC industry, help- community, but does not provide the specifics required
ful information concerning the design of IAQ-acceptable for construction of air handling unit equipment.
air handlers is minimal. Beyond sloped drain pans and
double-wall panels, industry standards provide few tips WHAT IS ASHRAE STANDARD 62.1?
on appropriate air handling unit design for the consult-
ing engineer. YORK has been the leader in developing ASHRAE Standard 62.1 is a continuous maintenance
and promoting air handling designs to achieve better ventilation standard for commercial, institutional, and
indoor air quality. The Solution line of air handlers high-rise residential buildings. Although the standard
will continue to build upon previous accomplishments provides minimum ventilation requirements, it also
enhancing designs to remain the clear leader. addresses a wide range of additional ventilation-related
topics. Even though ASHRAE 62.1-2004 is not a code,
This marketing guide covers some of the information it is written in mandatory, enforceable language that can
contained in Application Guide Form 102.20-AG3 on be adopted into building codes.
General AHU Construction. The purpose of the applica-
tion guide is to help consulting engineers specify equip- In conjunction with the minimum ventilation require-
ment for good IAQ performance and minimal IAQ risks. ments, ASHRAE 62.1-2004 also addresses the three
The application guide also introduces some of the latest other necessary elements for acceptable IAQ:
performance specifications and will show Solution’s
dominating characteristics in the marketplace. This • Contaminant Source Control
marketing guide will point out the key areas within • Humidity Management
the application guide that place YORK competitors at
• Filtration
a disadvantage. Study this guide before speaking to
your customers.
Unfortunately, the standard does not quite go far enough
to meet all the needs of designers. Debate has been
ongoing on the number of details to be included beyond
Many of YORK’s HVAC competitors have focused on ventilation rates and calculation procedures. Many
ventilation as the primary solution to IAQ concerns. hurdles are faced when additional ventilation-related
Even though this may be an opportunity for IAQ IAQ items are introduced to the debate. Some believe
improvement, diluting contaminants with outdoor air the standard already provides too many requirements
does not remove or prevent them from entering the that appear to be only indirectly related to ventilation.
system. In addition, due to the intent of the standard, it also does
not address other building environmental concerns such
YORK is focused on providing equipment that greatly as lighting and acoustics, which are often as important
minimizes the opportunity for microbial growth. as good air quality.
Designing and providing the most protection possible
from mold growth within the entire HVAC system must ASHRAE 62.1-2004 is not an all-encompassing
be a priority. The majority of the professional HVAC IAQ-ready roadmap for AHU design.
industry places most of the emphasis concerning indoor
air quality on ventilation - the amount of outdoor air
(OA) delivered to an occupied space. ASHRAE Stan- ASHRAE 62.1-2004 attempts to provide performance
dard 62.1-2004 is viewed as the “standard of care” requirements for drain pans, access, humidifiers, and
within the HVAC industry. YORK believes this standard cooling coils, but falls short without providing specifics
FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

to force compliance. Most language of the standard is begin at the leading edge of the cooling coil assembly
generic enough that design engineers can’t provide an and extend downstream from the leading edge either:
all-encompassing standard for manufacturers to follow.
Let’s review some AHU specific details in relation to 1. one-half of the installed vertical dimension of the
performance and construction needs for an improved, entire coil, or
IAQ-acceptable design. The specification text provided
2. “as necessary to limit water droplet carryover
will be written in more specific and enforceable lan-
beyond the pan to 0.0044 oz./ft2 of face area per
guage for the design engineer and ASHRAE 62.1-2004
hour under peak sensible and peak dew point
will be referenced as necessary.
design conditions, considering both latent load
and coil velocity.”

Air handling unit drain pans are the most common areas Most HVAC manufacturers provide similar sloping pan
for microbial growth. Stagnant water within the pan can designs promoting positive drainage. The primary dif-
be a prime breeding ground. Therefore, positive drain- ference is the amount of access to the drain pan. Unfor-
age pans are necessary to adequately remove condensate tunately, ASHRAE 62.1 does not address the specifics to
from the cooling coil. The drain pan design should not define a pan accessible enough to clean underneath the
include any level surface that could allow condensate coil. So, YORK recommends the following to define
to puddle. The pan should slope in a minimum of two a cleanable pan. A minimum of one-inch clearance
planes and to one end pitching toward the drain con- should be provided from the bottom of the coil casing
nection as shown in Figure 1. Coil condensate should to the drain pan so that the entire drain pan can be
not flow into a corner of the pan where some water visually inspected and physically cleaned without
may stagnate. removing the coil. Complete access under coil supports
is necessary as well. Without sufficient space under
the coil and coil supports for inspection and cleaning,
microbial growth may go unnoticed.

In contrast, the Trane Company does not provide suf-

ficient access underneath cooling coils and supports.
Trane developed an extended-medium drain pan and
modified their medium–large coil segment drain pan
designs to provide some downstream access. However,
Trane cooling coil supports continue to be very wide
FIGURE 1. DRAIN PAN SLOPE and close to the pan making it impossible to clean the
entire pan without special tools.
ASHRAE provides some specific guidelines for pan
design within ASHRAE 62.1 by stating, YORK believes that without proper access, complete
service is unlikely to occur. Even though Trane intro-
“Pans intended to collect liquid water shall be sloped
at least 1/8" per foot from the horizontal toward the
drain outlet or shall be otherwise designed to ensure
that water drains freely from the pan whether the
fan is on or off.”
[from Section 5.11.1]

“The drain pan outlet shall be located at the lowest

point(s) of the pan…”
[from Section 5.11.2]

Section 5.11.4 states that cooling coils are to have a

drain pan under the entire cooling coil. The drain pan
is to be sufficient to collect condensate from the entire FIGURE 2. NO CLEANING ACCESS UNDER
coil including return bends and headers. The pan is to TRAINE COIL SUPPORT.

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

duced the extended-medium and modified the medium- language of Section 5.12.2 mandating the access by
large segment sizes, the small and medium segment including a subjective exception. The standard states:
designs remain unchanged.
“EXCEPTION: When clear and complete instruc-
Trane’s small and medium coil segments still provide tions for access and cleaning of both upstream and
½" cooling coil designs with no access to the drain downstream coil surfaces are provided.”
pan. Therefore, contractors must pull the coil in order [from Section 5.12.2]
to inspect or clean the pan (see Figure 3). ASHRAE
62.1 recommends annual inspection during the cooling The exception does not state anything about the level
season and cleaning if necessary. Both inspection and of difficulty or a definition of minimum criteria within
cleaning are more difficult with the Trane pan design. the “clear and complete instructions.”
Continue to educate your contractors and engineers
on this. The consulting engineer must understand Section 5.12.2.
Some engineers may read this section and believe if their
coil selection shows an APD of 0.77 in-w.g., that they
do not conform to the standard. This may not be true
because the standards requirement is based on dry coil
pressure drop at 500 fpm. If the selection information
was based on a wet coil at 525 fpm, the coil may still
conform. The ASHRAE 62.1User’s Manual includes
Table 1 (Table 5-B in the Manual), which shows typi-
cal pressure drops for a number of coil configurations.
This table can be used as a guideline to evaluate the
requirements of Section 5.12.2.


FIGURE 3. NO CLEANING ACCESS DOWNSTREAM Dry Coil Air Pressure Drop at 500 fpm
90 Fins/Ft 120 Fins/Ft 150 Fins/Ft 168 Fins/Ft

To minimize the likelihood of stagnant water, ASHRAE 4 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.47
recommends either field-testing of drains under normal
operating conditions or certification (attested in writing) 6 0.45 0.52 0.62 0.71
by the manufacturer that proper drainage has been veri-
fied and will occur under operating conditions. 8 0.60 0.69 0.83 0.94

AIR HANDLING UNIT ACCESS 10 0.65 0.85 1.13 1.31

12 0.78 1.03 1.36 1.57

Service access to AHU coils is another ASHRAE 62.1
requirement. The standard states, Source: ASHRAE Standard 62.1 User’s Manual

“Individual finned-tube coils or multiple finned-

tube coils in series without adequate intervening The intent of Section 5.12.2 is to facilitate the cleaning
access space(s) of at least 18 in. shall be selected to of coils by limiting their depth and/or fin density and
result in no more than 0.75 in. w.c. combined pres- ensuring sufficient space is provided to access them.
sure drop when dry coil face velocity is 500 fpm.” Three scenarios exist with back-to-back coils.
[from Section 5.12.2]
1) If the combined dry coil air pressure drop at
This statement, along with Sections 5.14.1, 5.14.2, 500 fpm is less than or equal to 0.75 in. w.c.,
and emphasizes the importance of service and they can be treated as one coil for purposes of
cleaning access around and inside ventilation equip- cleaning access. In other words, as shown in
ment. However, ASHRAE 62.1 softens the enforceable Figure 4, they do not require an accessible space
between them.

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

When exact requirements such as those for Section

5.12.2 are specified for AHUs, YORK’s variable size
drain pans remove the necessity for additional segments
to which YORK’s competitors must often resort. Use
caution when contemplating additional length. Don’t be
trapped increasing your bill of material and unit length
while the competition does not.


Often, air handling unit insulation is overlooked. Dirty,

FIGURE 4. BACK-TO-BACK COILS NOT EXCEEDING and/or fiberglass-lined ducts, however, are often the
0.75 IN W.C. COMBINED APD. source of microbial growth. Therefore, AHU insulation
must be considered as well. After all, the air handling
2) If the combined dry coil APD at 500 fpm exceeds unit is an extension of the ducted system.
0.75 in. w.c., but neither of the individual coils
exceeds 0.75 in. w.c., as shown in Figure 5, an ASHRAE 62.1 addresses the issue by stating,
accessible space of 18 inches is required between
the coils. “…Material surfaces shall be determined to be
resistant to mold growth in accordance with a
standardized test method, such as the ‘Mold Growth
and Humidity Test,’ in UL 181, ASTM C 1338, or
comparable test methods.”
[from Section 5.5.1]

This is important to know, but unfortunately “resistant

to mold growth” does not mean mold will not grow
on those areas. So, a note was added after the section

FIGURE 5. BACK-TO-BACK COILS THAT EXCEED “NOTE: Even with this resistance, any airstream
0.75 IN W.C. COMBINED APD. surface that is continuously wetted is still subject
to microbial growth.”
[from Section 5.5.1]
3) If the dry coil APD at 500 fpm of either of the
coils exceeds 0.75 in. w.c., as shown in Figure 6, Therefore, manufacturers and design engineers are still
an access space of 18 inches is required between responsible to provide other safeguards against mold
the coils. In addition, the manufacturer must pro- growth in the systems and equipment.
vide clear and complete instructions for accessing
and cleaning both the upstream and downstream There are four prerequisites for microbial growth: dust
sides of coil with the APD > 0.75 in w.c. or dirt; water, or air with relative humidity greater than
60%; a consistent temperature, and a source of mold
spores. A typical air handling unit can provide an ideal
breeding ground for microbes.

Prerequisites for
Microbial Growth

• Dirt
• Water or RH >60%
• Constant Temperature
FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

If leakage occurs downstream of an active cooling coil, Even though the use of single-wall air handling units
the unfiltered, infiltrating air may cause condensation is fading fast due to IAQ liabilities, this construction
on the inside of the AHU. Since mold spores are every- typically utilizes fiberglass insulation because of its
where and the AHU tunnel is generally held at a constant lower cost and ease of installation. Fiberglass is not a
temperature, all the prerequisites for microbial growth rigid material, so when it is installed in single-wall air
have been satisfied. The microbial growth risk from units the insulation must be glued or stick-pinned to
duct or AHU leakage is very high. This is one reason the outer panel to prevent the insulation from sagging.
why ASHRAE and SMACNA have created duct leak- The insulation edges must also be completely sealed
age standards. In addition, it is important to note that since the material is a skin and respiratory irritant. The
duct leakage limitations have been crucial for energy fibers can become airborne and, if small enough, can be
efficient designs and incorporated in ASHRAE 90.1- inhaled and lodged in the lungs.
2004, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings. In 1994, the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, National Toxicology Program in its Seventh
Microbial growth may also occur within an AHU panel. Annual Report on Carcinogens, first listed airborne
If a panel is not sealed along all edges and at each corner, fiberglass as a suspected carcinogenic hazard. Per the
air may infiltrate an AHU between the inner and outer January 2005 Eleventh Report on Carcinogens, fiber-
walls of the unit panel. If the panel is insulated with glass of respirable size is still “reasonably anticipated to
fiberglass, the insulation can act as a trap for moisture be a human carcinogen.” In addition to this risk, single-
and dust. Mold can easily grow in these conditions. wall AHUs are also extremely difficult to clean. For
Since AHU panels are rarely inspected during service, these reasons, many manufacturers are discontinuing
this mold can go unchecked. production of single-wall units in favor of double-wall
units. ASHRAE 62.1 addresses this issue in a general
Suggested Fiberglass Panel Specification manner, stating:
Text – Panels insulated with fiberglass
“Airstream surface materials shall be evaluated
insulation shall be sealed at each corner, and
in accordance with the “Erosion Test” in UL 181
entire perimeter, to eliminate airflow through
and shall not break away, crack, peel, flake off, or
the panel. show evidence of delamination or continued erosion
under test conditions.”
Conversely, polyurethane closed-cell foam insulation [from Section 5.5.2]
is not porous and completely fills the cavity formed by
the panel’s inner and outer wall. Therefore, infiltration ASHRAE 62.1 promotes the use of cleanable surfaces
through the panel cannot occur. This eliminates the through its suggested minimum maintenance activity
possibility of microbial growth within the AHU walls. and frequency table. Areas that are subject to wetting
Many building walls and roofs are insulated with closed- should be visually inspected and cleaned when neces-
cell foam today for this very reason. The foam material sary. The exception listed to both Section 5.5.1 and
creates a barrier which moisture cannot penetrate. 5.5.2 is sheet metal surfaces and metal fasteners because
they are known to be cleanable surfaces. Double-wall
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN INSULATION TYPES panels provide cleanable interior surfaces and prevent
GENERALLY USED IN AIR HANDLERS? insulation erosion in the air stream.

Fiberglass insulation, generally used in HVAC applica-

tions, is produced in a blanket or batt form. It is made Suggested Solid, Double-wall Specification
from commonly found materials, primarily silica, spun Text – Double-wall casing construction shall en-
from a molten state into fibers and is provided in rolls or capsulate insulation between exterior and interior
sheets that must be cut-to-fit. As previously mentioned, casing panels such that no insulation is exposed
there are some significant drawbacks to fiberglass, but to the airstream.
it can be utilized adequately within the AHU construc-
tion. However, a greater emphasis must be placed on
the panel construction when fiberglass insulation is Polyurethane foam is closed-cell foam that has been
utilized. The panel must be sealed. used by AHU manufacturers for many years. Initially,

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

closed-cell foam gasket were used to prevent air leak- AIR HANDLING UNIT LEAKAGE
age; but custom manufacturers capitalized on the more
positive attributes utilizing the closed-cell foam as a unit In recent years, the importance of energy conservation
insulator. Today, it is more widely used due to more and indoor air quality has caused manufacturers to step
competitive application costs. up testing procedures with in-house facilities to accom-
modate and guarantee a specific maximum leakage for
As mentioned earlier, closed-cell foam injected into AHU each unit. Testing has shown that unless the fiberglass-
panels creates a barrier which moisture cannot penetrate insulated unit panels are caulked and sealed, air will
and completely seals the panel eliminating infiltration penetrate the unit panels. Unlike polyurethane foam
through the inner and outer wall panel. The insulation insulation, fiberglass insulation cannot fill the entire
also contains a low-conductivity refrigerant gas, used as panel creating an airtight seal. In a negative pressure
a blowing agent, which is trapped in tiny cell pockets. application, if the internal conditioned air temperature
This refrigerant gas helps to achieve a desired expansion falls below ambient air dew point temperature, the
rate during the foam application and provides a higher unconditioned air will condense inside the fiberglass
thermal resistance for the polyurethane foam. Figure 7 panel. The infiltration will cause two major problems.
displays typical insulating characteristics of fiberglass, First, condensation drastically reduces the thermal per-
and foam insulations using various blowing agents. formance of fiberglass insulation. Second, unfiltered air
can also create an environment for microbial growth
in the unit walls when the dirt and moisture sit in the
saturated panel.

Due to the issues surrounding leakage and microbial

growth, a specific standard, ANSI/ASHRAE/SMACNA
Standard 126-2000, Methods of Testing HVAC Air
Ducts, was created for ductwork throughout buildings
to reduce the potential IAQ hazards. The standard is
used to determine duct structural strength, dimensional
stability, durability and leakage characteristics. The
HVAC industry does not yet require a similar evalua-
tion of AHUs. However, many manufacturers employ
similar tests to evaluate their products based on a percent
leakage and panel rigidity. Both characteristics are
extremely important to control infiltration, microbial
growth, and condensation formation.

The two most common ways to produce low-leakage
AHUs are caulking the unit and creating more rigid
Polyurethane foam has a significantly higher thermal panels. Caulking unit and panel seams to reduce leakage
resistance (R-value) than fiberglass, and polyurethane is more common, but it is also a more archaic method.
foam that uses HFC-134a as a blowing agent has a Stiff panels provide better protection against leakage.
higher R-value than foam insulations that use HCFC-22.
HCF-134a, which YORK uses as a blowing agent has The less rigid the panels are, the more they will deflect
no phase out requirements under the Montreal Protocol, under the air pressure exerted on them. Excessive
unlike HCFC-22. It is therefore a better overall choice deflection will create a larger path for infiltration or
for polyurethane foam insulations. exfiltration. Deflection also breaks the panel seals as
the material bows in or out.

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

cause thermal bridging which reduces the effectiveness

of the insulation.

AHU panels with foam-injected insulation are strong

yet lightweight. With typical ranges of R-5 to R-8 per
inch, it is possible for thinner walls to retain high thermal
efficiency. Appliance manufacturers utilize this method
to achieve lightweight, high efficiency designs to meet
their stringent energy requirements. This is also the
current trend among air handling unit manufacturers.

There are several benefits to specifying a panel with a

high mechanical strength. First, fatigue on the panel
seals will be minimized during operation. If the panels
do not expand, contract, or deflect during the equipment
operation, product longevity will be maximized and
leakage over time will be minimized. The high strength
of foam-injected panels and frames will reduce the ten-
dency of the unit to flex during lifting. This reduces the
stress on sealed joints and corners during installation.
Without the added sheet metal for stiffeners and heavy
gauge panels for support, the design will be lighter,
potentially reducing the amount of support steel in the
Design engineers should write performance-based building. Smaller cranes might be sufficient to rig the
specifications to ensure the air handling unit panels equipment, providing further potential cost savings.
are strong enough to handle the design conditions of
the application. This places the responsibility on the PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS, IMPROVED IAQ,
manufacturer to provide the customer what is required. AND RESPONSIBILITY
A typical performance specification for deflection will
incorporate the maximum deflection requirement based One of the keys to controlling mold growth is controlling
on the design static pressure. the moisture level. There is no practical way to keep
mold spores from entering buildings and air handling
units, but, mold problems can be prevented by regulat-
Suggested Deflection Specification Text – ing humidity levels in the building and tightening the
Maximum allowable panel deflection, HVAC system. A certain amount of moisture exists
measured at the midpoint of the panel, shall not naturally in the air within a building, but when moisture
exceed an L/240 ratio when subjected to ± 8 in- reaches excessive levels the likelihood of mold growth
w.g. static pressure. increases. One common source of excessive moisture
is air infiltration.
There are several ways to increase panel rigidity. Fiber-
glass insulated panels require heavy gauge internal Consulting engineers should use a performance-based
and external skins and/or internal stiffeners provided specification to guarantee low leakage rates for AHUs.
because the insulation adds no stiffness to the panel. Utilizing the following specification text, in conjunc-
tion with the spec text previously mentioned, places the
responsibility for low leakage, energy efficient perfor-
mance on the manufacturer - where it belongs.

Suggested Leakage Specification Text –

Maximum allowable air leakage shall not exceed
FIGURE 9. FIBERGLASS INSULATED PANEL WITH 1% of rated CFM when subjected to ± 8 in-w.g.
STIFFENERS static pressure. At the discretion of the customer,
one random air-handling unit shall be factory
Heavy gauge panels with internal stiffeners add to the
weight and cost of the AHU. Further, internal stiffeners
leak tested.

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

Performance specifications allow the consulting The frames around access doors are often a weak link
engineer to enforce a measurable standard of quality in the thermal resistance chain. A single piece, metal
regardless of each manufacturer’s unique assembly doorframe readily conducts heat. On outdoor air han-
techniques. Further, performance-based specifications dling units in warm, humid climates, or on those in
are non-proprietary. This requires the manufacturers to unconditioned equipment rooms, it is not unusual to
certify and deliver a product that includes the necessary see condensation on the exterior of doorframes down-
precautions for an acceptable IAQ environment. stream of the cooling coil. The use of a thermal break
incorporated into the doorframe will greatly reduce the
COMPLETING THE AHU CASING PERFORMANCE likelihood of such condensation forming. Another way
LOOP of looking at it is to say that a thermal break doorframe
will increase the exterior dew-point at which condensa-
It is also important to prevent condensation from form- tion will occur. Thermal break doors are available as
ing on the exterior of an AHU. Exterior condensation an SQ on Solution.
may cause puddles to form beneath an AHU. These
puddles may provide a breeding ground for mold. Sec- Drain pans and drain piping are often the coldest spots
tion 5.15.2 of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004 requires in an AHU and therefore are particularly susceptible to
insulation of indoor surfaces that are expected to be condensation. The Carrier Aero has a drain connection
colder than the dew-point temperature of the surround- that leaves vertically from the pan and makes a 90-
ing air. Section 5.15.2 of the standard further states, degree turn to extend through the side of the base rail.
This drain connection is uninsulated and will be prone
“The insulation system thermal resistance [R-value] to sweat, causing puddles to form beneath the unit. In
and material characteristics shall be sufficient to addition, the Carrier Aero pan design has inaccessible
prevent condensation from forming on the exposed threaded connections. A leak in the connection is not
surface and within the insulating material.” easily repaired. A leak will also produce excessive
puddling beneath the unit.
The exceptions to this requirement are for areas where
condensate can be managed to prevent or control mold
growth, and where local practice has demonstrated that
condensation does not result in mold growth. Control-
ling mold growth requires the owner to spend more
money on maintenance, therefore, preventing conden-
sation on the outside of the unit, as well as within the
panels, should be the primary goal. FIGURE 10. CARRIER AERO DRAIN PAN DESIGN

Reduced thickness or complete lack of insulation in

certain sections of the AHU can cause condensation to YORK has taken special precautions in the Solution
form on the skin of the unit. Consider a built-up AHU design to ensure a consistent R-value throughout the
consisting of prefabricated frame-and-panel modules. unit and drain pan.
If the frame is uninsulated, it provides an excellent
thermal bridge to cool the skin of the unit and cause Trane T-Series and M-Series air handling units utilize
condensation to form. The same is true of any panels both fiberglass and foam insulation in their designs. T-
on the unit that have less than the specified thickness Series air handling units utilize fiberglass insulation in
or R-value of insulation. the entire roof section of the unit. Unfortunately, this
is the section of the unit with the largest heat load. The
Trane M-Series utilizes foam insulation only in the drain
Suggested Insulated Casing Specification Text pan. However, because of the pan’s design and slope,
– All panels and structural channels shall be insu- little or no insulation is provided at the lowest point in
lated to provide a consistent R-value throughout the drain pan, the drain connection.
the unit casing. Any portion of the unit that is not
insulated, or has a lower R-value than specified Surface condensation is a legitimate concern when
AHUs are installed in unconditioned mechanical rooms,
for the unit panels shall be the responsibility of
and when the cooling coil leaving air temperature is
the contractor to modify. very low. Thanks to rigorous, ongoing testing, YORK
can accurately predict the thermal performance, and

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

probability of condensation formation for any Solution tion during shipping. Specifications written to ensure
configuration and a given set of operating conditions. If proper shipping methods promote better IAQ during
you are concerned about surface condensation on one of AHU operation.
your units due to coil LAT and/or climate, you should
request, via SQ a Condensation Analyzer review of your
application to ensure we are meeting the customer’s Suggested AHU Shipping Specification Text
needs. Where condensation is unavoidable under the – Equipment specified for indoor applications
given conditions, YORK will recommend a course of shall be required to include a protective cover-
action to the customer to minimize the likelihood of ing membrane for such equipment being shipped
condensation in the field. by truck, rail, or ship. The membrane shall be
fully formed around the equipment exterior. The
Most of YORK’s competitors will be hesitant to stand membrane shall cover the entire top, side and end
behind their product with such boldness due to their panel surface as to protect the product effectively
lack of testing. All YORK competitors will agree during shipping and short-term storage. Storing
with the importance of low-leakage and high thermal
on job-site shall no longer require the unit(s) to
performance, but few will stand behind the product
be covered with a tarp as long as the covering
completely. Thermal performance has been overlooked
because nothing has caused manufacturers to review it. membrane has not been removed or damaged.
However, the importance of IAQ is quickly bringing
this issue to the forefront. Custom manufacturers have All size or shape equipment including electri-
performed leakage and thermal testing for years. Soon cal components, especially those not built with
all manufacturers will be required to do so. weatherproof enclosures, shall be effectively
covered for protection against rain, snow, wind,
The design engineer should not have to determine the dirt, sun fading, road salt/chemicals, rust, & cor-
manufacturers’ design and assembly practices. Per- rosion during shipping cycle. Equipment shall
formance specifications require manufacturers to meet remain clean and dry.
measurable standards. They also eliminate the potential
for proprietary specifications and do not limit manufac- Manufacturers of indoor units not having a
turers’ design flexibility or manufacturing techniques.
protective membrane, fully formed around the
equipment exterior, covering the entire top, side
and end panel surface shall be required to ship
Air handling units are typically shipped on open bed equipment covered with a tarp, in crating or in
trucks, which allow an inordinate amount of dirt and an enclosed truck as is necessary to protection
moisture (and salt in winter months) to build up on and equipment from sun fading, road salt/chemicals,
inside the equipment. Driving winds can cause dirt rust, corrosion, moisture and dirt infiltration. The
and moisture to penetrate poorly designed seals. These contractor is responsible to inspect, and clean of
conditions promote corrosion and mold growth prior to all dirt and contaminants, all indoor AHUs ar-
installation. AHUs transported in this manner should riving to the jobsite without the protective mem-
be inspected thoroughly for microbial growth prior to brane. The manufacturer is responsible for any
installation. Per ASHRAE 62.1-2004, costs attributed to the cleaning and inspection of
indoor air units without the protective membrane.
“Porous materials with visible microbial growth
Arrangements for short term and/or long term
shall not be installed. Nonporous materials with vis-
ible microbial growth shall be decontaminated.” storage at the jobsite shall be required.
[from Section 7.1.3]
Not all manufacturers agree on the use of shrink-wrap.
Any porous materials, such as fiberglass insulation, with The disagreement is, unfortunately, often driven by cost
visible microbial growth must be removed, and replaced and not protection. Trane claims that shrink-wrapping
prior to installing the equipment. Nonporous materials, will promote premature corrosion on panels by locking
such as crevices between sheet metal components, that in moisture under the shrink-wrap. However, YORK
exhibit microbial growth, are to be decontaminated prior and many other custom manufacturers have successfully
to installation. Shrink-wrapping, tarping, or shipping shrink-wrapped AHUs for many years without corrosion
the equipment in an enclosed truck, reduces contamina- problems. Carrier has also begun shrink-wrapping their
FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)

Aero air handling units. It is necessary to understand the that will evaporate upon removal of the shrink-wrap and
process of shrink-wrapping prior to applying it to equip- venting the shrink-wrap from the bottom, shrink-wrap
ment. Simply wrapping the equipment in plastic without can be done successfully.
the appropriate protection will not be effective.
When moisture occurs under the shrink-wrap, many
times it is a result of actions taken during the manu- Achieving acceptable indoor air quality is more involved
facturing process such as placing the product outdoors than calculating and applying the appropriate ventilation
without appropriate protection. If the manufacturing rate. Specific AHU performance and other common
process is maintained indoors prior to outdoor exposure, sense specification items, tied to ASHRAE 62.1-2004
shrink-wrapping can be accomplished. By applying a recommendations, can help achieve the healthy indoor
temporary corrosion-resistant coating on the air handlers air quality environment desired.

FORM: 102.20-MG1 (806)


P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 Tele. 800-861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by Johnson Controls 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Form 102.20-MG1 (806)
Supersedes: 102.20-MG1 (903)

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