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Unit 1 - Activity 13 - Collecting Data Assignment

Rubric: Group Assignment on Collecting Data

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge/ Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates a
Understanding limited some considerable thorough
• Demonstrate understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of types of random types of random types of random types of random
types of random variables, sampling variables, sampling variables, sampling variables, sampling
variables, techniques, techniques, techniques, techniques,
sampling principles of principles of principles of principles of
techniques, collecting data, collecting data, collecting data, collecting data,
principles of precision and bias. precision and bias. precision and bias. precision and bias.
collecting data,
precision and
Thinking/Inquiry/ Demonstrates Demonstrates Provides Provides thorough
Problem Solving limited ability to some ability to considerable analysis of the
• Analyze collected analyze collected analyze collected analysis of the collected data.
data using visual data. data. collected data. Analyzes the
representation of statistical validity of
the data. the results.
• Understand the
implication of
changing the
sample and how
results can be
Communication Communicates with Communicates with Communicates with Communicates
• Create the survey limited clarity. some clarity. considerable clarity. concisely with high
questions to degree of clarity.
eliminate bias.
• Create report
based on the
analysis of the
collected data
Application Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrated
• Apply appropriate limited ability to some ability to considerable ability strong ability to
sampling apply appropriate apply appropriate to apply appropriate apply appropriate
techniques to sampling sampling sampling sampling
gather required techniques and to techniques and to techniques and to techniques and to
data. use technology for use technology for use technology for use technology for
further data data analysis. further data further data
• Demonstrate analysis. analysis. analysis.
effective use of
technology to
create visual
representation of
the data.

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