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Name: Rachel Duhaylungsod Course: BSED in Sciences


1. Describe the universe.


The Universe is incredibly huge. It would take a modern jet fighter more than
a million years to reach the nearest star to the Sun. Travelling at the speed of light
(300,000 km per second), it would take 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way galaxy

In simple words, Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or

detect. It includes living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time.
Before the birth of the Universe, time, space and matter did not exist.

The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing millions or billions of stars. The space between the stars and galaxies is largely
empty. However, even places far from stars and planets contain scattered particles of dust or a few hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter. Space is
also filled with radiation (e.g. light and heat), magnetic fields and high energy particles (e.g. cosmic rays).

No one knows the exact size of the Universe, because we cannot see the edge – if there is one. All we do know is that the visible Universe
is at least 93 billion light years across. (A light year is the distance light travels in one year – about 9 trillion km.)

The Universe has not always been the same size. Scientists believe it began in a Big Bang, which took place nearly 14 billion years ago.
Since then, the Universe has been expanding outward at very high speed. So the area of space we now see is billions of times bigger than it was
when the Universe was very young. The galaxies are also moving further apart as the space between them expands.

2. With the picture on the left, discuss the state of the universe.
Basing with the picture on the left, I can conclude and
view that the universe is always expanding but maintaining a
constant average density, with matter being continuously
created to form new stars and galaxies at the same rate that
old ones become unobservable as a consequence of their
increasing distance and velocity of recession. A steady-state
universe has no beginning or end in time, and from any point
within it the view on the grand scale—i.e., the average density
and arrangement of galaxies—is the same. Galaxies of all
possible ages are intermingled.

3.Explain the chronology of phenomena that took place during

and after the big bang.


The first 10-43second
second) is obscured by our lack of knowledge of how gravity
works, but we know that the appearance of space and time
marked the beginning of the universe, and that matter and
energy arose as a random fluctuation allowed by quantum
theory. These fluctuations grew by gravitational attraction to
become the first stars and clusters of galaxies. The Cosmic
Background Radiation which we see today originated about
300,000 years after the beginning of time. and the regions of higher density we see in it must have spanned
distances far greater than 300,000 light years across. For that to occur, the Universe itself must have expanded
faster than the speed of light at a very early time. This epoch is called "inflation".
• By 10-32 seconds (0.00000000000000000000000000000001 of a second) the universe had inflated enormously
and the first particles appeared in a primordial soup of quarks and gluons, electrons, neutrinos, and many other
particles. These particles and their behavior may be related by string theory.

• By 10-5 seconds, quarks linked up in trios to make protons (hydrogen nuclei).

• By 10-4 seconds, the universe was left with 5x more protons than neutrons.

• Neutrinos have no charge and barely interact with protons, neutrons, or electrons. They easily pass through
even dense materials today. The early Universe was so dense that neutrinos scattered and could not get through. But,
after one second, the universe had expanded enough that it became transparent to neutrinos, With almost no mass and
traveling almost at the speed of light, they now fly around the universe forever.
A glance up at the night sky reveals a
broad swath of light. Described by
the ancients as a river, as milk, and
as a path, among other things, the
band has been visible in the heavens
since Earth first formed. In reality,
this intriguing line of light is the
center of our galaxy, as seen from
one of its outer arms.

Elements higher than iron cannot be formed

through fusion as one has to supply energy for
the reaction to take place. However, we do see
elements higher than iron around us. So how did
these elements form? The answer is supernovae.
In a supernova explosion, neutron capture
reactions take place (this is not fusion), leading to
the formation of heavy elements. This is the
reason why it is said that most of the stuff that
we see around us come from stars and
supernovae (the heavy elements part). If you go
into technical details, then there are two
processes of neutron capture called rapid process
(r-process) and the slow process (s-process), and
these lead to formation of different elements.

The Milky Way is constantly rotating. As such, the arms are moving
through space. The sun and the solar system travel with them. The
solar system travels at an average speed of 515,000 miles per hour
(828,000 kilometers per hour). Even at this rapid speed, the solar
system would take about 230 million years to travel all the way
around the Milky Way. Curled around the center of the galaxy, the
spiral arms contain a high amount of dust and gas. New stars are
constantly formed within the arms. These arms are contained in what
is called the disk of the galaxy. It is only about 1,000 light-years thick.

In which arm are we?

Answer: Our spiral arm is the Orion-Cygnus Arm, or simply, the Orion
Arm or Local Arm.
The solar System

3. Using the picture on the left, describe the sun?

Answer: The Sun is a star. It is a huge, spinning, glowing sphere of hot

gas. The Sun is just like the stars that you see in the night sky. It appears
so much larger and brighter than the other stars because we are so close
to it. The Sun is the center of our Solar System and contains most of the
mass in the Solar System. All of the planets in our Solar System, including
Earth, orbit around the Sun.

Just beneath the photosphere, and extending inward to about 0.7 Rsun, is
the convection zone. Energy generated in the core of the Sun moves
outward through this layer by a boiling motion in which hot plasma rises,
releases some of its energy, cools, and then sinks again. This entire layer
of the Sun overturns on a timescale of months. The convection cells in this layer
are far larger than the surface granulation, and become turbulent due to the low
viscosity and the rotation of the Sun.

In radiation zone, deeper into the Sun, the plasma suddenly becomes smoother
and the turbulence disappears. From here all the way to the core, energy is not
transported by boiling motions, but directly by radiation. The photons kind of
percolate through the layer, going a short distance, interacting with an atom, changing direction, going a short distance, slowly
diffusing outward in a random walk. It takes a photon about 1 million years to traverse this layer.

The core of the Sun is where the temperature is high enough for active nuclear fusion. That is where hydrogen, the nuclear fuel, is
being converted to helium. The core is the only place in the Sun where significant energy is being generated.

4. Would you believe that the more sunspots , the brighter is the Sun? Explain your answer.

This picture shows the aurora . When does this phenomenon happen?

Observation data

Type [1]
SBc (barred spiral galaxy)

Diameter [2]
100–120 kly (31–37 kpc)

Thickness of thin stellar [2][3]

disk ≈1 kly (0.3 kpc)

Number of stars 11 11 [4][5]

400 billion (4×10 ±2×10 )

Oldest known star [6]

>13.6 Gyr

12 [7]
Mass 1.0–1.5×10  M☉

Sun's distance to Galactic [8]

Center 27.2 ± 1.1 kly (8.34 ± 0.34 kpc)

Sun's Galactic rotation [9]

period 240 Myr (negative rotation)

Spiral pattern rotation [10]

period 50 Myr

5.This is mercury. Characterize this15–18 Myr
6. Venus is the Earth’s twin.
Characterize this planet in
terms of

a.) the planet’s geological

aspects and its famous
geological feature
b.) its atmosphere

7.This is planet Earth. What makes the

Earth distinct from the rest of the terrestrial

7. What is the current status of the Earth’s

ozone hole.

Luna is the Earth’s moon. Twelve people have gone to the moon.

8 a) Who are they?

b). Give the different missions and the purpose why They were launched.

9. a) This the red planet. How do we call this


b) characterize the planet’s geology

c) what makes it red?

10. The picture on the left
shows Jupiter with its famous
prominent moons.

a) Name and characterize

11. This is Saturn. Although it has two

famous moons. You can see it on the

a) What are their names?

b) How many moons has this planet in all?

12. What is
this? Kindly

13. And this one?


14. a) How many

moons has this

b) What are the

moons that travel
with nearly tilted
As our moon and Earth traverses around the Sun, eclipses occur.

18a) Where was this seen?

b. ) How does this phenomenon differ with

the lunar eclipse?

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