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legal procedure, knowledge, training and

Thus, the practice of law is not limited to the
conduct of cases or litigation in court; it
CHAPTER 1: PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS embraces the preparation of pleadings and
other papers incident to actions and special
Legal Profession- is a branch of the proceedings in behalf of clients before judges
administration of justice. It refers to a group and courts, and in addition, conveying. In
of men pursuing a learned art as a common general, practice of law covers all advice to
calling in the spirit of service - no less a public clients, and all action taken for them in
service because it may incidentally be a means matters connected with the law - where the
of livelihood. Pursuit of the learned art in the work done involves the determination by the
spirit of public service is the primary purpose. trained legal mind of the legal effect of facts
and circumstances.
Conflicting interest:
In facts, the Supreme Court even recognized
The respondent has indubitably fallen below
as practice of law the lawyer’s teaching of law
the exacting standards demanded of
members of the Bar.
In the same landmark case, Justice Padilla’s
Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of Code of Professional
dissenting opinion, it is worthy to emphasized,
Responsibility, which provides- a lawyer shall
discussed several factors, whether or not a
not represent conflicting interests except by
person is engaged in the practice of law,
written consent of all concerned given after
namely: (1) Habituality, (2) Compensation, (3)
full disclosure of facts.
Application of law, legal principle, practice or
The relationship of an attorney to his client is procedure, and (4) Attorney-client
highly fiduciary. relationship.

Necessity and public interest enjoin lawyers to Profession not a business:

be honest and truthful when dealing with his
The practice of law is not a craft, nor trade,
client. A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of
nor commerce. It is a profession whose main
his client and shall be mindful of the trust and
purpose is to aid in the doing of justice
confidence reposed in him.
according to law between the state and the
individual, and between man and man.

CHAPTER 2: THE PRACTICE OF LAW Thus in one case, the Supreme Court laid
down the elements that distinguished the
Practice of Law: legal profession from that of a business as
As provided in Cayetano vs. Monsod, the
practice of law, means any activity, in or out of a. A duty of public service, of which the
court which requires the application of law, emolument is a by-product and in
which one may attain the highest Confidant, stating therein that he or
eminence without making much she desisted from the practice of law
money. and has not appeared in any court
b. A relation as an “officer of the court” during the period of his or her
to the administration of justice suspension.
involving thorough sincerity, integrity 4. Copies of the Sworn Statement with
and reliability. the Court of the lawyer’s desistance
c. A relation to clients in the highest from the practice of law.
degree of fiduciary
d. A relation to colleagues at the bar
characterized by candor, fairness and There are many career choices available to a
unwillingness to resort to current lawyer. (Define Practice of Law, Cayetano vs
business methods of advertising and Monsod, Conclusion)
encroachment on their practice or
dealing directly with clients. As such, one may initially choose between
public service and private service.

Public service involves working in government

CHAPTER 5: READMISSION TO THE BAR as a public servant ever mindful of the phrase-
public service is a public trust. There is no such
Lawyers who have been Suspended
thing as a vested interest in a public office, let
A lawyer suspended from the practice of law alone an absolute right to hold it.
may nonetheless pray for the lifting of his
suspension following the guidelines laid down Among the popular choices for career options
for new lawyers who are inclined to rendered
by the Supreme Court in Ligaya Maniago vs.
Atty. Lourdes De Dios as follows: service to the public include being clerk of
court, public attorney, and solicitor.
1. After a finding the respondent lawyer
must be suspended from the practice  Clerk of Court- officers of the court
of law, the Court shall render a who have general administrative
decision imposing the penalty. supervision over all the personnel of
2. Unless the Court explicitly states that the court. Indeed, Clerks of Court are
the decision is immediately executor the chief administrative officers of
upon receipt thereof, respondent has their respective courts. They perform
fifteen (15) days within which to file a a sensitive function as designated
motion for reconsideration thereof. custodians of the court’s funds,
The denial of said motion shall render revenues, records, properties and
the decision final and executory. premises. Primarily responsible for the
3. Upon the expiration of the period of speedy and efficient service of all
suspension, respondent shall file a court processes and writs.
Sworn Statement with the Court,  Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) - shall
through the Office of the Bar independently discharge its mandate
to render, free of charge, legal
representation, assistance and property, or industry for the
counseling to indigent persons in furtherance of their legal profession,
criminal, civil, labor, administrative and registered with the SEC. Can take on
other quasi-judicial cases. more cases and clients than what a
 Office of the Solicitor General- is the solo practice normally can.
principal law office and legal defender
of the Government. It shall represent
the Government of the Philippines, its
agencies and instrumentalities and its
officials and agents in any litigation,
proceeding, investigation or matter
requiring the services of lawyers.

Private Service implies that one must have

presented himself to be in the active and
continued practice of the legal profession and
that his professional services are available to
the public for compensation, as a source of his
livelihood or in consideration of said services.

It entails working in the private sector either

engaged in solo practice, as part of law firm
providing legal services in litigation, or in

 Solo Practice- practicing your

profession all by your lonesome.

Adv: A solo practice allows you the

freedom to direct the tempo and nature
of cases that you would take on.

Dis: (1) does not have the same resources

as those found in a law firm, (2) one is
alone in solo practice unlike law firms
where you are assisted by partner or
associate (3) does not provide you with
the much needed logistics and network
that you would like to have unlike law
firms that have extensive networks and
established logistical support systems.

 Law Office- is a partnership of two or

more lawyers who contribute money,

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