Basic Structure Ghefira Atha Zulaika

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NIM : 0304213165
Class : TBI-4
Study : Basic Structure

Biography Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a theoretical

physicist who was born in Germany on March 14, 1879. He is famous for the formula
mass-energy equivalence he discovered, namely E = mc2. He had lived in several
countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and the United States.

During his lifetime,he had published more than 300 scientific journals and 150
non-scientific works. Einstein received his Ph.D. from the University of Zurich in
1904. Einstein gave up his German citizenship status in 1896. He also moved
and settled in the United States since 1940. Einstein was also a citizen of the
United States at that time, and served at the Institute for Advanced Study located
in Princeton, New Jersey. He died in 1955 in the United States.

•conjuction (orange underline)
•preposition (lilac underline)
•to be (red underline)
•adverb (brown underline)
•noun (blue sky underline)
•pronoun (pink underline)
•verb (green underline)
•objective pronoun (purple underline)

5W + 1H
1.What is the name of the person in the picture?
= His name is Albert Einstein.

2.Who is Albert Einstein?

= Albert Einstein is a leading theoretical

3.Where does he live?

= He had lived in several countries
such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland,
Austria, Belgium and the United States.

4.When was Albert Einstein born?

= He was born on march 14,1879.

5.Why did he give up his German citizenship status?

= Because he moved and lived in the
United States since 1940.

6.How can he be so famous?

= He is best known for the mass-energy
equivalence formula he discovered,
namely E=mc2.

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