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Sindh Madressatul Islam University

Faculty of Computer Science 1st Semester Fall 2020

Course: English And Comprehension
Faculty Name: Sir Ajab Lashari
Shahriyar Ahmed Csc-20f-081-157


We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day and we spent much our history
coming up with ways to detect them from medical torture devices to polygraphs,
blood-pressure and breathing monitors, voice-stress analyzes, eye trackers, infrared
brain scanners, and even the 400 pound electroencephalogram.
But although such tools have worked under certain circumstances, most can be
fooled with enough preparation and non are considered reliable enough to even be
admissible in court.
 One Question Three Ways

If you want to know if someone is lying just try asking the same
question in three different ways. When you ask a qustion to them
they will have a very well planned answer but if you ask it again in
different way, if they were telling truth they might include some
new details or tell the story differenty but if they are lying they’re
gonna stick to the script, and when you ask the question third
time it gets more obvious, they’ll keep repeating the same details
because they already spilled everythng, so rephrase your question
in many ways and see how many different answers they give.
 The Answer Delay
Normally when someone asks you a question you take
pause and secondly you think about your answer because
you weren’t expecting to hear that question it was
spontaneous so you need that slight delay to think about
what you’re gonna say next but liars often jump the gun
because they already have something prepared. If you are
looking for a liar, look for that little pause but if they
answer right away there’s a good chance they have
planned their answer.
 Hold Your Evidence
If you’re suspicious of someone, direct confrontation is one of the
worst ways to find out the truth because it gives your whole plan
away if you show them all your cards all they have to do is say yes
or no, instead try to hold your evidence as long as you can.
According to American Psychological Association this technique is
used by both law enforcement and professional investigators, but
in case of Professional criminals who are expert in holding the
truths,the enforcements just sit back and wait, they let liars
sabotage themselves but this strategy only works if you keep your
evidence to yourself. According to journal of Investigat Psychology
and Defender Profiling you can start by asking coninous questions
no matter what they say just assume they’re telling the truth for
now. Eventually, if you’re gonna ask more and more they’re going
to run out of story and they’re gonna start contradiating
 Synchronized Behavior
You can tell if someon’s lying by watching how they
interact with their own friends. A2012 study published in
journal of the human factors and ergonomics society
found that social behaviors change when you’re lying a
truth teller for example tends o fall in synce with the
people around them they’re more willing to make eye
contact to laugh and mirror the body language of thiers
friends or partner but someone who is lying is much
more independent even if everyone else is relaxed their
body language stays rigid and unnatural,their hands sit
right out in front of them,theirs backs stay straight and
they avoid eye contact at all costs.
 Vocal Changes
According to 2012 study published in the journal group
decision and negotiation lying has a huge impact on the
way you speak in fact this study discovered arround 150
potential indicators of deception from those 150 indicate
researchers narrowed them down to seven powerfull
constructs that people use when they are lying we won’t
breakdown all seven of them here the first construct is
called vocal diversity when someone’s telling you a story
ask yourself a simple question how diverse is their
language are they usinga lot of similar words and
pherases they fall back on there patterns because lying
takes mores brain power then most people think.

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