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Reported Speech (kalimat tidak langsung)

There are two, ways of relating what a person has said :

1. Direct speech. (kalimat langsung)
2. Indirect speech. (kalimat tidak langsung)

1. Statement (Conjunction that)

Look at the example :
Direct Speech : He said,” I am a doctor”
Indirect Speech : He said (that) he was a doctor.
Note : - “Said,” in “He said” is called the introductory verb (said, told, asked,
wondered, wanted to know).
- “Was” in “he was a doctor” is called the reported verb.

Study the following example :

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
She says,” I am a student” She says (that) she is a student
She has said,” I am a doctor” She has said that she is a doctor
She will tell you,” I am a teacher” She will tell you that she is a doctor.
She said,” I am a student”. She said that she was a student.

Notice that when the introductory verb is in the form of past tense, there are changes in the
tense and the person.
a. The change of person
. Example: John ---- > Mary : I told you that I was student

Mary ---- >John : You said to me that you were

I am a student
John ---- > Tom : I said to her that I was a

Tom ---- >John : You told her that you were a

  student

John Mary

Past Now Future

b. The change of tense


He said that he was living in New York then

I am living in New York now
He said that he would answer the phone
I will answer the phone
He said that he had eaten lunch
I have eaten lunch
He told her that he had gone to her
I went to your house house the day before
yesterday He said that he went to school everyday
I go to school everyday
He said that she was a nurse
You are a nurse

   Tom  Jane
John Mary

Past Now Future

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1. Present simple Past simple
Example: ~ was / were
~ is / am / are go ~ Went
2. Past simple Past perfect
Example: ~ had been
~ Was / were ~ had gone
~ Went
3. Past perfect Past perfect
Example: ~ Have / has gone ~ had gone
Future simple Past Future
4. Example:
~ Can ~ Could
~ May ~ Might
~ Must ~ Must / had to
~ Shall go ~ Should go
~ Will ~ Would
Present continuous tense Past continuous tense
Example: ~ Is going ~ Was going

c. The change of adverb.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Today That day
Now Then / at that time
Yesterday The day before / the previous day
…... a go …….. before
Last… The ……. before
Tomorrow The day after / the following day
Next……. The……after / the following….
This This / that
That That
These These / Those
Those Those
Here Here
There There / here

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