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2) Present Continuous

A) Use of The Tense- Kullanım-

*Şu anda yapılan bir eylemin ifadesinde kullanılır.

We are studying English now.Şimdi İngilizce çalışıyoruz.
It is raining now.We can’t go out.Yağmur yagıyor.Dışarı çıkamayız.
* İllede konuşma anında olmasa da son zamanlarda yapılan eylemlerin ifadesinde kullanılır.
I am reading a novel of Yaşar Kemal.Yaşar Kemal’in bir romanını okuyorum.
*Aşamalı durumları gösterir.
It is getting darker.Hava daha da kararıyor.
*always,constantly,continually gibi belirtiçlerle sıkça yenilenen eylemleri gösterir.Bu tür
kullanımlarda bıkkınlık ve memnuniyetsizlik gösterilir.
She is always leaving the lights on.Her zaman ışıkları açık bırakır.
Tom is always leaving his room untidy.Tom her zaman odasını dağınık bırakır.
B) Structure of the tense-Biçim-

positive sentences- negative sentences- question sentences-

olumlu cümleler Olumsuz cümleler Soru cümleleri
I am playing I’m not playing Am I playing
You are playing You aren’t playing Are you playing
He/She/It is playing He/She/It isn’t playing Is he/she/it playing
We are playing We aren’t playing Are we playing
You are playing You aren’t playing Are you playing
They are playing They aren’t playing Are they playing

I am not playing= I’m not playing
You are not playing=You aren’t playing
***Sonda bir sessiz harf ve ‘e’varsa e düşer ‘ing’eklenir.
***Sonu bir sesli ve bir sessiz harfle bitiyorsa çift yazılır.
***Sonu ie ile bitiyorsa ie düşer ve ‘y’ye donüşür.
C) “Time Expressions of Present Continuous” Present Continuous ile kullanılan zaman
*now,at the moment şimdi
*nowadays,these days şu sıralarda,bugünlerde
* always,constantly,continually her zaman,sürekli(bıkkınlık veren durumlarda)
1)Change the following affirmative sentences into negative.Aşağıdaki cümleleri olumsuz
1)She is trying to resolve the dispute

2)The mother is cuddling the baby

3) She is going to a scientific expedition

4)They are trying to outlaw the smoking in public places

5)The cat is licking her kitten

6)She is eating noodle

7)She is getting out of the building

8)They are defending their country

9)She is sleeping now.

10)I’ m reading a book right now.

2)Make a sentence from the following words.Aşağıdaki kelimelerden cümle oluştur.

1)now/is/to school/she/going




5)rising/food prices/are/the/currently


7)at the moment/They/to/music/are/listening/


9)in the tea/dissolving/the sugar/is

10)a patient/the doctor/discharging/is

3) Put the verbs into the present continuous tense.Aşağıdaki fiilleri present continuous
tense ile çek.
1)Tom and his sister__________________(play)in the garden now.
2)I________________(read)a book now
3)They___________(listen)to music
4)She____________(study)for the exam in his room
5)My mother_____________(look after)the baby now
6)She and her mother ______________(watch)tv
7)They______________(play)basketball now.
8)Alice _____________(do)her homework now
9)She_______________(help)her mother in the kitchen
10)My father_______________(read)a newspaper now
11)She_____________(stroke)the cat
12)I_____________(prepare)the dinner
13)My mother________________(clean)the bedroom
14)The students_____________(do)their homework
15)My brother________________(wash)the dishes
16)My sisters____________(draw) a picture
17)The teacher____________(talk)about something
18)The student_____________(wait)for the school bus
19)Alice__________(tidy)her room
20)Helen____________(study)for the exam
21)The bell___________(ring)now
22)The children__________(play)basketball
23)I_________(open)the window
24)My mother______________(read)a book now
25)She________________(feed)the cat
4)Put the verbs into the present continuous tense or present tense. Aşağıdaki fiilleri
present continuous ya da present tense ile çek.
1)Be quiet!The baby______________(sleep)
2)My mother_______________(tidy)her room now
3)She________________________(live)in London
4)I___________(read)a book at the moment
5)Alice and her brother_____________(help)their mother now
6)On Mondays Diana___________(play)basketball
7)The mother____________(cuddle)her child
8) Look!The train______________(come)
9)The children______________(read)fairy tales in their rooms
10)My father____________(repair)our car now
11)I ______________(get)up early every day
12)She ____________(tidy)her room once a week
13)She____________(study)the exam now.She can’t come
14)Do you hear the noises?The students__________(fight)
15)The teacher isn’t in her room.She________(have)lunch in the canteen

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