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1174 APPENDIX D: SHORT TABLE OF INTEGRALS Appendices Elementary forms BASIC RULES 1 Constant ruler odu =0+¢ 2 Power ute fu" du = aol du =Inluj; n=l 3 Natural exponential rule fetdu =e" 4 Logarithmic rule Inu du = nul ~« ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RULES 5. f sinudu = ~cosu 1. fenude = —inosul = Insc u| 9. secu du = In\secu + anal 11, f see? udu = tamu 3, f secutanu d= secu EXPONENTIAL RULE 18, fordu=Z a>oa%! ina HYPERBOLIC RULES 16, f coshud = sian 18. f annudu =Incosh INVERSE RULES 6 [corn =sinw 8 f cotude = ins 10, f exeudu = ~Infeseu + cou 12, f oP ud = ~cotw 4 [cscu coud = escu 17, f sina au = coshu 19, f cothudu = injinha a1. f xchude tt a tanh! if |< cokt£ it] >1 Naxice tat is formula shows he addin of onsan,C. When ing an integral able ceteemnlogy, the contant ‘will ually no be shown, so it i imperant that you remember to inser he constant of integration each time you evaluate an ezpral even when geting fom a abe oe from elegy. . Appendices 1975 [ss In(u+ Var¥02) 29, 1M = sinh! = a Linear and quadratic forms INTEGRALS INVOLVING au +5 _ @u ty “Gt da _ au by? — bau + byt ~ tn dat @t hat 2 ny, — au +b)? — 2b(au+by"*? _ b?(au +b)" a. [vate Ce rae tera ur*Vqu + by | nb ™ ot prs eigecen a e wm (au + by! mb (tnt a (tnt da =u Hau + byt ment? 33. ¢ feos + by'du = w""au + bY du or wan + 6)" du (at 1b (n+ 1)b au 1 y= binlew +8) udu ub 3 f A 8 Sinan +0) 2 2 2 wda (au+ 6)? — 2b(au +b) |b 36. fen - S--S mau +b) By 2a? a p gy, [ de 2 (au + by? Sola + bY 3% au +d) _ b* . ies “Fat 2a* ae a du la t= tt * [ote a m | wdu ara du 1 2 Saeean = 5g! du © | atsay INTEGRALS INVOLVING #? —a?, u? > a? “When the integral is given as anther integral hen do not ad the constant uni the form mo loager involves an . Inegezion, 1176 Appendices du 14 sh lita Batt 3a INTEGRALS INVOLVING a? — u2,u? du on f 2H 2} infau? + 6-4 e|- 2 f \ariner 3g inlaw’ + uel = | atainze wdu uw b 2 b?- 2dac du 68 fates = f~ pita toe Rf «| wn du wnet tf umd met wld * J at Thue ~ Ga attoure a) wt tbute , Appendices du 1 ™ Svar tes aa electric 1 | artery fat "L W@e route) 2%? mu? thu be au? + bu +c ¥ ue later | du _ 1 ay dw ea di waerouse) =e cl we @rttbure) ¢} wt (au? toute) du 2au +6 +8 | dw (au? + bu+eP ~ ac — bau? + bu +e) * 4ac—b? J au? + bu +e 1” J udu bu +2¢ _ / du Gat bu th ac Pau? toute) Fac) au Fou te wu (6? — acu + be Gaon FP ~ alhae — Pau? + bu FO) 18. al du tae PS a there % fo wl du -wn Gu? + bu +0)" © Qn =m = Na lau? + bu + cy w oe ul dy ~ Ga=m—Da J at toe oF m= De mde Grama J (au thu cy Radical forms i INTEGRALS INVOLVING Yau +5 du 2a $b au +o @ Pat [# = 2D are uw? du _ 26042 abu + 85?) 7%. Vau+b on | E = (—* lara wane 4 1 (= 81. [ote SS "J wJautb bw 2b J uJau+b oan FOF wf Vaart Bay = MR 8. f wlan bau = OR) Saree ny 2 86 far Ba = EE aa INTEGRALS INVOLVING Vu? +a? ssf pa du = ETO “ — n(ue vee a6. fu ot tte 2 3 uve pat 2 baie a [itera = MELEE etal 4177 1178 Appendices (2 +a)? _ atu? +02) we [Re : ». [ ae =In(u+ Va Fa?) o sinh! ara udu of =Vara Vitrat ou, fe nea Vata) SS Titra 2 ary wa _ (u?-+ a2)? 92, Vira 3 ” fe ” (aie ma / du Fa (Severe | on re a | os [EEE a rao EEA 91, [EE ay = FE on (ue VTA) INTEGRALS INVOLVING Vu?=a?, a > 0 ae on [lig =n Vm a wee —a? uf at ar, fei ty = MESO OAV Sina + Varah ae — a)? Appendices 1179 INTEGRALS INVOLVING Va?—a3, a > 0 17. 118, 119. 120, ‘Trigonometric forms INTEGRALS INVOLVING cosau 122, f cosau di = 123, fw sosau au sat f tcsondn = Bont ( au? 6 125, [cose ct = (= = 5) wu" sinau usinaw a cosa at 126, fw covardu = 127. / cos? au du = 5 128. f cos? au du sinau — sin? aw sos? au du = 19. / cost a che = AN cos! ay dy = 3 4 SB 2a. sin dew “ a 32a 130, 1180 INTEGRALS INVOLVING sinaw 13k. f sinawau = 132, f usina du = 133, 134, us 5 fr tecosau au ne “ta 137. a _ co 138, f sin? ance = St a . 139, | sintaudu = = — Sindee, snd INTEGRALS INVOLVING sinau and cosau Pau 2a cos(a— bu _ costa + bu Za=b) ~ 2a+b) 140, f sinau cosa du = rat. f sinau costa de = 12, f sit cx sosan au = @+be oH an 143, f cos" au sin au du = —2 eda imc 144, f sin cos au du = 3 us. f del stan aul Sinau cosa ~ a du Ls hon (% 4 24)! 146. = 1 infin (Z + %)|- | aero alan (5 +S) |~ sana it 1 1 147, S wear ~ ah FI anaucotaa ~ a" 21 aeosau INTEGRALS INVOLVING tanau 148, fanaa = -}inleosau| or Hinjsecau| 19, frat awcu = SS + 2 injosaul . tan"! au a2 as. fst onde = St ~ fate isn foment tan*! au (e+Da Appendices Appendices 1181 INTEGRALS INVOLVING cotau 153. fcovau de = + inisinau! a sot au 154, [core du = cot? au 158, feo? udu = . = Hin sinew 2a "I 156. for au du = f cot an cn @-Da cot" aw 187. cot au csc? and = @+Da INTEGRALS INVOLVING secau 158, f scan = + In|secau +tanau| = = n ian F + *)| tan au 159. f sec? au du @ 0 secautanau | 1 . dy = SO 160, [caw 2g + 3g lnisecau + tanau| 161. so aay = nen ne sec"? au du a(n —1) n-l 162. f seo" au tan au du = = INTEGRALS INVOLVING ese au 16, [Borde = Lina satan = 11a an a a 2 ta 164, fescue = ee a Sore = _seauecotau | 1 | aw 165. fo ae dy = + 3g! tan a 2 = 166. foe au dy = SECO 4 BAPE ont ay du a@—) tnt ese" au na Inverse trigonometric forms INTEGRALS INVOLVING INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS, « > 0 u « 168. f cos! — du =ucos”! — a@ a ware 2 Ky a(t - 169. f cos ae (5 a aw wo yu (u + 2a?) fata? cos a Gd = 5 cos 170, oo eee / tn rH 172, [- jidy = Sy Lin we uta 1182 Appendices 173. au 14, Ws, 176. 13-54) ™ ze et im os mat 179. (sin! 4)? ~ 20 +2¥aF asin 180, [row tan =utant : = Gin? +a) tat, futon 182, f van! Adu = a Exponential and logarithmic forms wf 184, f = 185. [eatin =F (v2 + 3) ata 186, ftetdn= — - Ef tena {< = cau? (au? 1%. f du = intel + du = In ul + y+ Say ~ ae! ape. 8. f a= et a | am 19. f me Sin +oe"| pram ve oa 2 apne -w [p+ ae™| wu foster iiertes penta late ola E,p>0.9<0 192. f oe sin bu du Se sibs 193. f e cos bu du = <~coshu + Ps meen Appendices ue (a sin bu ~ b cos bu) sin bu — 2ab cos bu] 194, ver sino di = a+b? @ HOF cu _ ue (acosbu +bsinbu) _ e™ [(a? — 6) cosbu + 2ab sin bu] 198, fu cos bu du = eae INTEGRALS INVOLVING In |u| 196. fist du =uln ul 197. f colar? du = 1 (infu)? ~ 2u in jul + 20 198, f anu" du =u aniuy" =m f cntuyt a 199, f uinin| du =" (1 ! .f winin w= (Inui — 5 Pan 1 200, fe Inia du = 2 (inal = ) Pr 1183

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