Calendario Das Religioes - 2022 - en

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HINDUISM (2078-2079)

Vikram Calendar (Gujarat)

Interreligious Calendar
Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) Calendar

JUDAISM (5782-5783)
Hebrew Calendar

BUDDHISM (2148-2149)
Kalachakra Calendar (Tibetan)


Gregorian Calendar
Julian Calendar (Old and Revised)

ISLAM (1443-1444)
Musulim Calendar (from the Hijrah)
International Decade for the
Rapprochement of Cultures
BAHÁ’Í FAITH (178-179)
Bahá’í Calendar

The «rapprochement of cultures» implies

National and international that international security and social
EPHEMERIDES inclusion cannot be attained sustainably
without a commitment to such principles as
Leterary Theme HUMAN DIGNITY human dignity, conviviality and solidarity which are
the cornerstones of human coexistence, in all faiths
and secular ideologies.
Preserving and Promoting Human Dignity For a time together

The principle of human dignity is eminently philosophical, with ramifications and im- The idea of an inter-religious calendar arose from the challenge posed by a growing
plica-tions of religious, political, and legal nature in overtime developments. Initially it religious pluralism in Portuguese society. Properly understood, the diversity of tradi-
appeared in ancient Rome, with a markedly hierarchical meaning, which was related tions might well prove to be a cultural asset. At the time, the social framework was
to social status and based on external factors. In modernity it has evoluated towards to favourable: the relationship between leaders of the main religious communities was
equality and began to be based on intrinsic, anti-hierarchical and egalitarian factors cordial, and in many cases positively friendly; access to airtime had been negotiated
in order to guarantee more opportunities for everyone. with the public media; a law of religious freedom safeguarded the rights and duties of
In a legal approach, especially in the wake of the atrocities committed in World War II, minorities and the Catholic majority had signed a new concordat, following the same
the principle of Dignity has became present in several constitutional documents, as- principles. But nothing guaranteed that the greater visibility of religions might not in-
sociating to Fundamental Human Rights, in a logic of global humanity, and has been troduce tensions and fractures into the social fabric. Differences in dressing and eating
mentioned in several international treaties. In its preamble, the Universal Declaration habits, and alternative religious celebrations, now emerged in residential neighbour-
of Human Rights explains its framework in the «...recognition of the dignity inherent hoods, workplaces, and schools. So, why not publish a calendar with the most relevant
in all members of the human family and their equal and inalienable rights are the dates for each religious tradition? By explaining the origins and meanings of certain
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world». important dates, Celebration of Time would allow its readers to glimpse some of the
In 1976, as it has been referred in Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic «Portu- historical and spiritual roots of religions and better understand the cultural landscape
gal is a sovereign Republic, based on the dignity of the human person and the popular of the country and the world.
will and committed to build free, just and solidary society». The theme chosen for this year’s Calendar is “Human Dignity”. The High Commission
With an increasingly central role in a democratic state, the concept of dignity is un- for Migration (ACM) explains very clearly, in its introduction, the significance of this
derlying the functions, protective (defence) and substantial, to preserve fundamental choice. In fact, the concept serves today as a benchmark for religions as well. All are
human rights and promote dignity. called to continually review their practices and assess how they promote the human
Fulfilling the governmental demand, the High Commissioner for Migration assumes dignity of their members and of society at large.
the noble mission to promote dignity, diversity, inclusion, and plurality, through re-
spect, equality, and open dialogue. In our activity and intervention, we work in part- Fr Peter Stilwell
nership to collaborate, and promote a reflexive, thought to aim equality in diversity, Department for Ecumenical Relations and Interreligious Dialogue
and to fight against discrimination and prejudice, a promoting social justice in a soci- Patriarchate of Lisbon
Roman Catholic Church
ety inevitably marked by mobility and plurality.
We know that we still have a long way to go through, but we commit ourselves daily to
mark in space and time the approximation of different cultures, languages, traditions,
customs, and celebrations of the most different religious confessions represented in
our country.
At the end of the International Decade for the Approximation of Cultures, the calendar
of time, a source of national pride, is an example of how in a common grid, we can
highlight the harmony presented among different religions and creeds, and above all
the way each religion celebrates time.
It is in a constant respect for different compass, rhythms, tones that we try to make out
what we have in common: human value, solidarity and hope in a society that increas-
ingly wants to be more democratic and inclusive.

Sónia Pereira
High Commissioner for Migration, I.P.
Human dignity as a promise and as a utopia
for more justice and more equality among their peers in different conditions of op-
The so-called Western civilization, where rights were conceptualized and declared,
received the founding influence of the biblical Judeo-Christian theology in the con-
ceptual elaboration process that is at the basis of the proclamation of human rights,
but which would also be the model of the Abrahamic religions such as Islam, with the
Koran as its founding work. These religions of the book unanimously profess a view
of man as being created by God. The distinctive value of human beings comes from
their divine likeness and from being an icon of God on Earth, his representatives and,
in some way, mediators in the relationship with created nature, with rights and duties,
including the ability to name the constituent elements of the created reality and to
promote the care of Earthly Garden.
Besides biblical creationist theologies, Greek philosophy and Roman law also made
very relevant contributions to theoretically support the idea of human rights. The Eu-
ropean Renaissance, with its anthropocentric revolution, accentuated a cultural turn,
enhancing philosophical-theological trends that preceded it, highlighting human ex-
cellence as the most sublime point of divine creation and, in the perspective of the
Greek classics, as a measure of all things.
The Enlightenment in the eighteenth century would further accentuate Renaissance
anthropological optimism, marking a tendency to secularize the concept of human
dignity within the framework of the proclamation of human rights and the pillar val-
ues of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity through an eminently political achievement, in
order to overcome their social inequality by guaranteeing greater parity in access to
opportunities and resources.
Human dignity is still a horizon to be fully achieved. The affirmation of human dignity The concept of dignity associated with the progress of humanist thinking has been at
as a golden value, as the cornerstone of all rights, as a promise and as a universal the base of the claim to universally codify and present a framework of human rights
utopia, was enshrined as untouchable dignity in the preamble of the 1948 Universal for all cultures and civilizations. But with the issues that this claim implies, given its
Declaration of Human Rights. The utopias for justice and peace are the foundation western-centric perspective, we can find in the cultural and religious heritages of the
of a fulfilling era for all mankind on Earth. They are uniquely anchored within the peoples of the world some common humanizing values that help to sustain an idea of
framework of the history of ideas in this declaration, with aspiration to a global law minimally universal dignity for the construction of a fundamental global humanism.
accepted by all the states of the world. Whether cultures are shaped by creationist, generationist, monotheistic, polytheistic,
This universal proclamation of the dignity of all human beings is the culmination of a naturalistic or animist religions, there are pillar values founded on kindness, compas-
millenary reflection on the human condition in its relationship with nature and with sion, caring for others, aspiration for peace, natural solidarity between beings, who
the perception of the divine or transcendent environment. The world’s religions and aspire to cosmic harmony. Doing good deeds to another as if it were oneself allows
the different philosophical systems contributed to this, as well as all those who, over us to find a foundation for the construction of a human dignity that is the basis of the
the centuries and in different societies and cultures, fought and even gave their lives universal search for a better world.

José Eduardo Franco

CIPSH-UA – Chair on Global Studies (Aberta University) and CLEPUL (FLUL)
Towards rights: within religion, it is intolerable to tolerate
After 9/11, the world of religions was no longer the strict concern of
religious. Every day, religion became a theme in the news. Fear and
phobias became the norm in the way of seeing the world and the
In the dialogue between and with religions, for decades, the watch-
word was «tolerance», under the umbrella of ideas of ecumenism.
The truth is that the paradigm of ecumenism, in which the word «tol-
erate» exactly means the meaning of exceptional permission, was re-
duced to simple manifestations in which confessions, through some
leaders, showed that they were able to be together in the same place.
The word «tolerate», frequently used in relations between religions,
deserves some attention. Any dictionary of the Portuguese language
gives us its field of meaning: «attitude of admitting to others a way
of thinking or acting different from the one adopted by oneself; act
of not requiring or interdicting, even though it is possible to do so;
permission; patience; condescension; indulgence.»
Nothing could be less ecumenical, as the space given to others is
always referenced in relation to oneself.
Day by day, we all become aware that the universe of religions af-
fects and interferes with the our normal world, whether religious or
not: religions are not a problem or a monopoly of religious persons.
Religion, being part of one of the most expressive aspects of human
activity, concerns everyone and can interfere with everyone’s life.
However, it is within the scope of this imperative that our society is
faced, and it is necessary to go beyond the well-intentioned and ex-
tremely important interreligious dialogue. Ecumenism, as we saw it
grow in important movements in the 1980s and 1990s, closed itself
in the heart of religions and, within them, in very specific groups. It is
necessary to go beyond the universe of religions and reach citizenship
(where religious and non-religious people are found).
By making this rotation, from «coexistence» to «knowledge» and from
«believers» to «citizens», we overcome the tremendous flaw that exists
in the notion of tolerating. Among citizens, religious or not, there are
no places with greater rights; everyone is legally equal and with the
same rights and obligations.
Paulo Mendes Pinto
Coordinator of the Science of Religions area at Universidade Lusófona (ULHT)
Symbol: It is the phonogram (sacred syllable), consisting of three Sanskrit characters, corresponding in the western alphabet teaching, recognized by all the Traditions expressed in the dominant – Mahayana (Compassion), Theravada (Doctrine of the
to the letters A-U-M, which is pronounced in a single sound emission (phoneme), as if it were OM. Graphically, it is a Yantra, Elders) and Vajrayana (Pure Vision) – is the Sermon of Benares, in which Buddha, after his Enlightenment, identified Suffering
but when it is pronounced it is a Mantra. This symbol represents the divine sound that precedes creation itself. It also sym- as the great evil of the World, and indicated the Eightfold Path to overcome Pain and achieve Peace and Serenity.
bolizes the Hindu triad – Trimurti: The Principle of Creation (Brahma), the Principle of Conservation (Vishnu) and the Principle Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (historical Buddha), also named Shakyamuni (Wise) or Tathagata (Perfect), born of the noble
of Renewal (Shiva). This triple form represents a unity where the essentiality of existence is present, in the cyclical sense of Shakyas clan, was born and lived in Northern India (563-483 BCE).
creation, maintenance and transformation: earth, water and fire. In the meditative states, it corresponds to the connection Sacred texts: The teachings of the Buddha were collected and organized in the collections of the Sutta/Sutra and Tantra.
between the three states: body, mind and soul.
Doctrinal principles: The countless deities that constitute the Hindu pantheon are, for their followers, singular and individ-
ualized manifestations of the One Deity: Brahman (The Absolute). The cycle of human existence, through successive rein-
carnations, is developed and evolves under varying planes – from the impure forms to the ever-purer forms –, in accordance
with each person’s behaviors (karma). The concept of caste is based on the condition of existential and non-social root that is
inscribed in the evolutionary cycle of existence. Symbol: The Cross is the symbol par excellence of Christianity, since it corresponds to the instrument of the torture and death
Founder: No founders of this religion are known, for it is regarded as the result of a syncretic evolution of the Vedic (Indo-Eu- of Jesus. Its symbolism refers to the «axis of the world», whose stems indicate the four cardinal points. The larger stem indi-
ropean) cults with the indigenous cults of the Indus Valley, over millennia. cates the meaning of the relationship of Humanity-God/God-Humanity; the smaller stem indicates the fraternal relationship
Sacred texts: Vedas ((ethical-religious treatises, written in Sanskrit, c. 3100 BCE) to which, between the eight and fourth of mankind. Used in multiple graphic, stylistic, and symbolic variants, some groups make a significant distinction between its
centuries BCE, the Upanishads (philosophical-metaphysical treatises) were added. use with the representation of Jesus crucified, or not. In times past, especially in the second-century CE, the symbol used by
Christians was a fish, in an allusion to the gospel invitation: «Come with me and I will make you fishers of men» (Mt 4:19);
this first symbol, in Greek ichtheís, which was a first profession of faith, was still an acrostic of the expression «Jesus Christ
Son of God the Savior».
CHINESE TRADITIONS Doctrinal principles: It is in the Creed (Symbol of the Apostles), established at the Council of Nicaea (325 CE), that the doc-
The League of the Chinese in Portugal represents a community of approximately 20 000 residents. This community is com- trinal principles of Christianity accepted by all Christian Churches are found: «I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of
posed not only of immigrants from China, but also of many citizens of Portuguese nationality, by birth, or from Mozambique Earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under
after independence, and from the territory of Macao after its integration into China. This diversified provenance justifies, in Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended
itself, a wide range of religious fidelity, for in the community there are followers of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and also into Heaven; And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the
the ancient Chinese religions, such as Confucianism and Taoism. The religious aspects – referred to the record of private or dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Christian Church; the communion of Saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection
family care – are not much considered by the group that congregates their interests in Portugal, so the only traditional festive of the body; and the life everlasting.» (CIC 184).
celebration, of a comprehensive nature, is that of the New Chinese Year, which begins during February’s New Moon. Founder: Jesus Christ, second person of the Holy Trinity, who incarnated with the saving and redemptive mission of the world
Symbol: Generally called Yin-Yang sign, its correct name is Tao Chi Tu. This symbol represents the whole binomial of reality and for the universal implantation of the Kingdom of God. The whole Law is summarized in Jesus’ sentence: «To love God
(evil-good, dark-light, disease-health, negative-positive), etc. Yin corresponds to the negative part; Yang, to the positive; and above all things and your neighbor as yourself» (Mk 12,30-31).
the points, black and white, in each of the opposing parts, mean that each of them contains its opposite. Sacred texts: The Christian canon contains all the books of the Old Testament (biblical texts of Judaism, written in Aramaic
and Hebrew) and those of the New Testament (the life and teachings of Jesus and letters of the main Apostles, written in
Symbol: This star – composed of two opposing and superimposed (intermingling) triangles – in addition to other symbolic
readings, suggests the essence of the Jewish ideals: faith and history. It is the symbol of the Jewish nation, accepted through-
out the world, since the nineteenth-century. In earlier times, this symbolic function was often materialized either by the Meno- Symbol: The Hillal (New Moon Crescent, sign to count the beginning of the months, associated with a star) is par excellence
rah (seven-branched chandelier) or by the Shofar (ram’s horn, played in the Temple’s ceremonies), or by the Ethrog (lemon), or the (not sacred) symbol of Islam, which makes the importance of the lunar calendar in the regulation of all their social and
Lulav (palm). The «Star of David», also called Magen David (David’s Shield), was a definitive choice as a symbol after the great religious life resonate in the behavior of Muslims. It is one of the most cross-cutting symbols in the entire Middle East, archae-
deportations made by Nazism that culminated in the Holocaust, when Jews were forced to use it on their arm, as a means of ologically attested in many temples, in cities where the calendar and lunar cults were of great importance, at least since the
identification. The current flag of the State of Israel flaunts it to the center. third millennium before the Common Era. Currently, it is present in many of the flags of the Islamic countries, as well as in the
Doctrinal principles: God (YHVH) is One and Eternal, Creator of the Universe. Man is his most perfect creature, with a soul Muslim correspondent to the International Committee of the Red Cross (NGO).
that, after death, will enjoy the reward or suffer purification, according to the virtuous or sinful experience, in this world. Israel Doctrinal principles: The Five Pillars of Islam: 1. «There is no God but God and Muhammad is his Prophet»; 2. «Pray five
lives in anticipation of the coming of the Messiah of God who will liberate and rule the Elect People among the nations of times a day»; 3. «Give alms (2,5% of earned income, free of expenses)»; 4. «To fulfill the prescribed fasting, especially the
the world. month of Ramadan»; 5. «Make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life».
Founder: The Prophet Abraham (c. 2000 BCE), who received the promise of the Election; the prophet Moses (1200 BCE), Founder: Prophet Muhammad (c. 570-632 EC).
who received the Law (Torah) on Mount Sinai, are considered the great Patriarchs, on whom lay the historical roots of the Sacred texts: The Quran (Al-Qu’ran), revealed by God to the Prophet, through the angel Gabriel, and the Sayings (Hadiths)
Jewish faith. of the Prophet Muhammad.
Sacred texts: The Tanak encompassing the Law (Torah containing the Pentateuch – the first five books of the Bible) and the
books of the Prophets and Writings. The Rabbinic interpretation of the Law – called the Oral Law – is compiled in the Talmud
with two great divisions: Mishna (Precepts) and Gemara (Comments, interpretations and teachings).
Symbol: The nine-pointed star is usually used by the Bahá’ís as an emblem that is intended to illustrate the Unity of God and
his Demonstrators. It is the symbol of universalism and the universe; that which encompasses and represents the Whole. Being
BUDDHISM the highest number, it represents the consummation. In the Bahá’í Faith, the nine has a great symbolic meaning, being many
Symbol: The Eight Tip Wheel (or Helm) is the most widespread symbol in Buddhist communities. The Wheel represents the of its institutions, from local to universal, organized around nine elements.
cyclical sense of the time of Eastern cultures; the two crossheads indicate the Four Noble Truths identified by Buddha: life is suf- Doctrinal principles: The Bahá’í Faith has a dual doctrinal foundation: it incorporates all religious traditions which are prior
fering, the cause of suffering is ignorance and desire, ignorance and desire derive from attachment, release from attachment to it, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and the teachings found in the texts of its spiritual guides: 1. Unity of Humanity;
heals and eradicates suffering. The two diagonal stems complete the eight points and refer to the Eight-Way Path in which the 2. Spiritual nature of the Person; 3. Independent quest for Truth; 4. Common ground of all religions; 5. Har¬mony between
essence of the Buddha’s teaching is structured: right vision, right aspiration, right language, right conduct, right activity, right Science and Religion; 6. Equal rights between men and women; 7. Eradication of prejudices; 8. Universal compulsory educa-
effort, right attention, and right meditation. tion; 9. Justice; 10. The Consultation; 11. Universal peace.
Doctrinal principles: From the set of doctrinal texts that flow and nourish the various Traditions of Buddhism, the follow- Founder: The Báb (Gate, Precursor), of the lineage of Muhammad, who was born in 1819 and was martyred in 1850, and
ing texts stand out: the Tipitaka (The Three Baskets), in the currents originating in South and Southeast Asia, of Theravada which was followed by the Demonstrator (1817-1892), Bahá’u’lláh (Glory of God).
Tradition; Lotus Sutra, in currents from the Far East; Chan/Zen chains do not accept any canon. However, the fundamental Sacred texts: Texts of Bahá’u’lláh, Báb, Abdu’i-Bahá (1844-1921) and Shoghi Effendi (1897-1957).
January 2022 The well-being of humanity,
its peace and security, are unattainable
unless, first, its unity is firmly established.
And this unity will never be achieved
as long as the advice revealed by the
Most High is not followed.

Human Dignity
– A Baháí Perspective
The concept of human dignity is common to the
great world religions. In the Abrahamic religions, for
example, in the creation narratives the human being
is described as having been created in the image of
God, and consequently endowed with a distinctive
nobility. This notion of dignity, however, was never
universalized, nor extended to all social groups; and
it was even misrepresented in the name of religion,
fomenting divisions and hostilities, leading human
beings to degradation and consequent destruction
of their dignity.
In the mid nineteenth century, Baháulláh, the found-
er of the Baháí Faith, proclaimed that the Earth is one
country and humanity its citizens. In his scriptures, he
defined a common goal for the human species, as
well as the elements necessary for the development
of the dignity of every human being:
All men were created to build a civilization in con-
stant progress. The Almighty bears witness to Me: to
act like the beasts of the field is unworthy of Man.
Those virtues which befit their dignity are tolerance,
mercy, compassion and benevolence towards all
peoples and races on Earth.
In the twentieth century, the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights proclaimed human dignity as a
universal value to be defended and respected by
governments and all of humanity. From the Baháí
perspective, the values inscribed in this Declaration
are essential for humanity to become one great fam-
ily, united by its common values and diversified in its
multiple cultural identities.
Marco oliveira
Bahá’í Community
12 - Vivekananda Jayanti – The birth of this religious leader (1863-1902), who dedicated
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY his life to the spread of Vedanta in the West, is celebrated. See especially the text for the
month of August, about this leader.
Accension 1 14 - Makara Sankranti – Peace Day. It is celebrated with the launch of paper kites and the
exchange of sesame treats.
Holiday to the EU (1986)
LV World Day of Peace 10 - Laba Festival (or Congee) (8th day of the 12th month of 4719) – The enlightenment
St. Mary, Mother of God of Buddha is celebrated. Laba Congee, a mix of assorted grains and fruits, is eaten.
31 - New Year’s Eve – See explanation on February 1st.
Holy Name of Jesus
17 - Tu B’Shevat (15 Shevat 5782) – The ancient tradition reserved this date for the offering
The Circumcision of Christ
and Feast Day of St. Basil (RC) of all the products’ tithe. Nowadays, it is intended to honor the land of Israel. Scholl children
dedicate this day to planting trees, especially fruit ones.
1 - Dharmapalas – The 29th day of each lunar month is especially dedicated to the practice
of the Dharma Protectors.
Epiphany (celebration
transferred from the 6th)2 3 World Braille Day 4 Dusum Khenpa’s
birthday 5 Three Kings’ Day
Feast of the 6 Nativity
of Jesus (OC) 7 The end of the day
and the next morning 8 2 - Shakyamuni – All New Moon days are dedicated to the historical Buddha and reserved
St. Basil the Great and (1st Karmapa) Theophany (RC) are parts of the day to meditation, recitation of the Sutras, and recollection. On this day, the house is to be
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, of foreboding deaned.
Bishops and doctors of the Inauspicious day
6 - Inauspicious day – The dates of the inauspicious days can be verified in the corre-
Church (it is not celebrated
due to being Sunday)
sponding calendar explanation, on page 30.
8/9 - On days of bad omen, no important decisions should be taken.
Shakyamuni 10 - Medicine Buddha – On the 8th day of each month (for the Crescent Moon), the practice
os Tara is advised.
12 - Padmasambhava (on the 10th day of each month) – Born of a lotus flower, he was
Baptism of the Lord
(Catholics and Anglicans)9 Laba Festival
(or Congee) 10 Day of the Holy
Innocents (OC) 11 Vivekananda
Jayanti 12 Saint Hilary
of Poitiers, bishop 13 The Circumcision
of Lord and Feast 14 Martin Luther
King Jr. 15 perceived as 2nd Buddha and main implanter of Buddhism in Tibet, nomely the Tantric
Universal Week of Prayer and doctor of the Church Day of St. Basil (OC) (1929-1968) 17 - Amitabha – On the full moon, the pre-existent Buddha of infinite compassion is
(9-16, Evangelicals- Medicine Buddha Padmasambhava
Makara Sankranti World Day celebrated.
of Religions 27 - Dakinis – The 25th day each month in this calendar is dedicated to the Dakinis (feminine
St. Stephen, beings of wisdom).
protomartyr (OC)
1 - World Peace Day – Established in 1968, by the Pope Paul VI.
2 - Epiphany – Celebrated by Evangelicals, Anglicans and Catholics. Evangelicals cele-
Religion Day 16 St. Anthony
the Abbot 17 Week of Prayer
for Christian 18 Feast of the
Theophany 19 20 21 St. Vincent,
deacon and martyr 22 brated the first cult of the year by giving priority to fraternal love (agape).
6/19 - Feast of the Theophany (RC/OC) – Orthodoxs Christians save this day for the litur-
Unity (18-25) of our Lord (OC) (Patron of Lisbon)
Tu B’Shevat Confession of St. Peter gical celebration of the Baptism of Jesus.
the Apostle (Catholics 9-16 - Universal Prayer Week – Dedicated by the Evangelicals, since 1846, to prayer for all
Amitabha and Anglicans) Christian communities. Theme: «Committed to the Bible.»
18-25 - In the northern hemisphere, traditionally the days 18-25 of January constitue the Week
Inauspicious day
of Prayer for Christian Unity. These dates were proposed in 1908 by Paul Watson
because they covered the days between the feast of the Confession of St. Peter and the
Sunday of the
Word of God 23 International
Education 24 Conversion
of S. Paulo 25 26 International
Day in Memory 27 European Data
Protection Day 28 Birthday
of Jangon 29 Conversion of St. Paul, having, therefore, a symbolic value.
23 - Sunday of the Word of God – IInstituted by Pope Francis, on September 30, 2019,
Day (Catholics and Anglicans) of the Victims Kongtrul the Great
St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and to be celebrated on the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time.
of the Holocaust (an eminent master
St. Francis Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church 30 - Three Holy Hierarchs (RC) – Memory of St. Basil, St. Gregory (theologian) and St.
(liberation of Auschwitz of the 10th century)
and doctor of the Church John Chrysostom.
concentration camp)
15 - World Day of Religions – Since 1949, the Bahá’ís dedicate the third Sunday of the
first month of the year to the celebration of religious harmony in the world.
Three Holy
Hierarchs (RC) 30 New Year’s Eve 31
Happy are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Matthew 5,9

National European Union International/World

Hinduism Chinese Traditions Judaism Buddhism Christianity Islam Bahá’í Faith Crescent moon Full moon Last quarter moon New moon
February 2022 If you want a year of prosperity,
grow wheat.
If you want ten years of prosperity,
grow trees.
If you want a hundred years of prosperity,
cultivate people.
Chinese proverb

«Chun jié» (Spring Party)

«Chun jié» means Spring Festival in Chinese, and is
the beginning of the Chinese year, namely the first
day of the year in the lunar calendar. The Spring Fes-
tival is considered one of the most important events
for Chinese people. In 2022 it starts on February
1st and ends on February 15th in the lunar calendar.
During this period the new moon extends, that is,
the celebration ends when the first full moon of the
year appears. The Lantern Festival is the traditional
closing celebration of the Chinese New Year peri-
od, exactly on the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar
month when the Chinese throw paper balloons and
eat a special dessert called «yuánxiao» made from
rice flour. The launching of lanterns symbolizes an
increase in the quality of life and accumulation of
family happiness.
In every region of the country, the Spring Festival is
celebrated by bringing the whole family together the
day before for a big dinner. Both in the south and in
the north, amidst different traditional habits between
families, the union of relatives is essential. The main
color in the Chinese New Year has to be red, which
is considered a lucky color. New clothes and deco-
rations are all in red. Children and singles receive a
red envelope with money inside that represents the
generosity and the wish of good luck to the younger
In previous times, fireworks were launched, signify-
ing the expulsion of evil. However, due to reasons of
safety and pollution, this act was prohibited.
Xiao Mai
Chinese community
5 - Vasant Panchami (5 Magha FC) – Festival that marks the end of winter and the be-
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ginning of spring. Sarasvati, godess of the arts and the eloquence, to whom the Sanskrit
language and letters are due, is celebrated. Yellow flowers are offered, and girls participat-
Harmony week (1-7) 1 Feast of the
Presentation of the 2 3 World Cancer Day
International Day 4 St. Mark,
St. Agueda of Catania 5 ing in the festivities wear yellow.
Lord (CANDLEMAS) of Human Fraternity and St. Theodula
CHINESE NEW [Catholics, Anglicans of Anazarbus (RC) 1 - Chinese New Year 4720 (Elem.: WATER; Sign: TIGER; 39th year of the 78th cycle) – It
YEAR 4720 and Orthodoxs (RC)] St. John Brito, is celebrated with fireworks at midnight, and family members are visited.
priest and martyr Vasant Panchami The day before, a deep cleaning of the house is carried out, placing posters of the
Shakyamuni Inauspicious day deities on the front doors. The family dinner should have at least 10 dishes (one being a
whole fish, from which there must be leftovers, symbolizing the abundance of the new year
which is coming). Throughout the day before, words related to death, suffering, lack of
money, deprivation, poor luck should not be pronounced, and people should avoid break-
International Day
of Zero Tolerance 6 7 8 Medicine Buddha 9 World
Legume Day 10 World Day
of the Sick 11 International
Day against 12 ing anything. In cases where, inadvertently, some mistake occurs, there are a few idiomatic
expressions to exorcize the evil this may have attracted.
for Female Genital International Day the use of Child Soldiers
Mutilation of Women and Girls 15 - Lantern Festival (15th day of the 1st month) – This is the last day of celebrations of the
Three Great Hierarchs (OC)
in Science New Year. The pageant with the lion’s dance occurs, in order to celebrate the first Full Moon.
Padmasambhava 28 - Layiat-ul-Mi’radj (27 Rajab) – The Night Journey and Ascent to the Heavens of the Prophet
Muhammad, guided by the Angel Gabriel, where he received several teachings, is celebrated.

2 - Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) – The feast of the Presenta-
Radio Day 13 St. Valentine,
St. Cyril and 14 Feast of the
Presentation 15 Lithuania Day 16 17 St. Mark,
St. Agueda of 18 19 tion of the Lord is celebrated on this date by Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox (RC). Those
who use the OC celebrate it in the 15th.
St. Methodius of the Lord (OC) Catania and St. Theodula
Triodion Amitabha of Anazarbus (OC) 13 - Triodion – Marks the beginning of preparation time for Holy Week and Easter.
Inauspicious day Lantern Festival St. Leo the Great, Pope (OC) 14 - St. Ciril and St. Methodius – Catholics celebrate the co-patron saints of Europe
and evangelists of the Slavic peoples. On this date, St. Valentine, especially recolled as
helper of those in love, is also celebrated.
22 - Feast of the Chair of St. Peter – The Catholics remember the Pope’s universal
magisterium as Peter’s successor.
27 - Sunday of the Last Judgement – The so-called Fat Week of the Lent begins, which
World Day of
Social Justice 20 International
Mother Language 21 European Day
for Victims 22 23 Estonia Day 24 25 Saturday of Souls 26 ends in the Sunday of Forgiveness (6 March).
Day of Crime
St. Theodore (RC) Dakinis
St. Peter Damian, bishop Feast of the Chair
and doctor of the Church of St. Peter

Sunday of the
Last Judgement 27 Equal Pay Day 28

See the love the Father

has granted us,
it is so great that we can
call ourselves children of God.
1John 3,1

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March 2022 God made it the duty of every man
to guard the dignity of every woman.
A woman’s dignity is measured
by the category of love.
PoPe JoHn Paul ii
Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem, n. 29

Dignity of Women
For centuries, women have been seen as possessing
many virtues, but also numerous defects. Angels and
devils, they were both the most adorable of beings,
for their beauty and delicacy, as the most detestable
creatures, for their natural appetite for malice, lust
and for so many other behaviors inappropriate to
patriarchal parameters.
It would be during the eighteenth century that a great-
er concern would arise around the place of women
in society and the need to affirm gender equality.
Some voices gradually gained ground, stressing the
importance of valuing women, through more careful
and comprehensive education, but also with a view
of conquering subjective rights and civic and politi-
cal relevance. Several women who fought for equal
dignity have become famous, often committing their
lives in the pursuit of equality and justice.
In Portugal, too, the defense of the dignity of women
was gradually achieved, as a subject with rights, and
not just as a mother, wife, or lover. Names such as
António da Costa, or Lopes Praça, from the nine-
teenth century onwards, raised their voices in de-
fense of an equal female dignity. There was also a
broader movement of emancipation, where figures
such as Ana de Castro Osório, Adelaide Cabete,
Carolina Beatriz Ângelo, or Maria Amália Vaz de
Carvalho, or the institution of the Republican League
of Portuguese Women (1908), constituted important
steps towards expression struggle for equal dignity
between men and women. This is still an ongoing
SuSana Mourato alveS-JeSuS
1 - Maha Shivaratri (14 Magha FM) – Shiva is honored and the primordial creation is
4 - Ramakrishna Jayanti (2 Phalguna FC) – The birth of one of India’s biggest mystics
(Shrovetide) 1 ASH WEDNESDAY
(Catholics 2 Bulgaria Day 3 Ramakrishna
Jayanti 4 2th Saturday of Souls
5 and religious leaders (1836-1886) is celebrated. He was also a profound student of Islam
and Christianism. The essential of his teachings can be found in the syncretic work Practices,
and Anglicans)
Zero Discrimination Day World Wildlife Day Zhonghe Festival Wenchang where God is understood as a Unity, despite having several names, and the faithful are
Shakyamuni (Blue Dragon) shown that the best way to serve God is to serve Humanity.
St. Leo the Great, 9-16 - Holashtaka (7-13 Phalguna FC) – The Spring festival, which ends with the Holi Feast,
Maha Shivaratri Pope (OC)
Fast (from 2 to 20) occurs.
Dharmapalas LOSAR 17/18 - Holi (14/15 Phalguna FC) – The Fertility Feast is celebrated. It is the Indian carnival,
Tibetan New Year 2149 which occurs during five days.

4 - Zhonghe Festival (Blue Dragon) (2nd day of the 2nd month) – Pancakes and pasta
Sunday of Forgiveness
6 Immaculate Monday
(beginning of the 7 International
Women’s Day 8 St. Theodore (OC)
9 Medicine
Buddha 10 European Day on
Remembrance of 11 Padmasambhava
Inauspicious day 12 are eaten and the house is cleaned.
5 - Wenchang (3rd day of the 2nd month) – The god of exams and literature is celebrated.
Lent) Holashtaka (9-16) Victims of Terrorism 17 - Lao Tsu (15th day of the 2nd month) – Chinese thinker, considered the founder of Taoism,
is the author of the famous Tao Te King (The laws of the universe and its power). In a
completely divergent line from Confucius that privileged ethics and pragmatism, Lao Tsu
focuses his teaching on the scrutiny of the personal core – intimate dwelling place of the
essence, of the Tau.

16 - Taanit Esther (14 Adar) – Esther’s fasting, the day befere Purim.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sunday World Consumer St. Ciril of Father’s Day 17 - Purim (15 Adar) – The action of Esther with her husband the King Ahassuerus, in favor
Taanit Esther Ireland Day of her people, is celebrated.
of Orthodoxy Rights Day Jerusalem, bishop St. Joseph, husband
(1st Sunday of abstinence) and doctor of the Church of the Virgin Mary 18 - Shushan Purim (16 Adar) – An historical event, played in Persia, where the Jews had
Holi to figth in the Purim day and were only able to save it the following day is remembered.
Shushan Purim
Lao Tzu’s Birthday
1 - Dharmapalas – On this 29th day of the 12th month, all the negativity of life and its bad
things are abandoned. It starts with a thorough cleaning of the house and its accesses.
Purim 2 - Shakyamuni (LN) – On this 30th day of the 12th month, the commitment is to prepare
pleasant food for the coming of the new year.
Milarepa’s Birthday
3 - LOSAR (Kalachakra New Year 2149) – Year of the Water element and the sign Tiger.
This is the first 15 days are devoted to the meditation on the first 15 miracles of Buddha.
17 - Milarepa – The birthday of Jetsün Milarepa (1052-1135), famous yogi and Tibetan poet,
Agriculture Day
Happy Day 20 Week
Against Racial 21 World Water
Day 22 World
Meteorology Day 23 World
Tuberculosis Day 24 Greece Day 25 Portuguese
Book Day 26 is celebrated.
Discrimination (21-27) Jamyang International Day International Day 23 - Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo – The birthday of this great master of the nine-
2nd Sunday of abstinence International Day Khyentse Wangpo for Right to the Truth for the Remembrance teenth-century is celebrated.
of Forests of Victims of Slavery
World Poetry Day Inauspicious day
The Annunciation of Lord 2 - Ash Wednesday – It is beginning of the Lent for Catholics and Anglicans.
Down Syndrome Day 19 - St. Joseph – Ceremony dedicated to the adoptive father of Jesus and husband of the
The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary by Catholics and Anglicans.
NAW-RÚZ Mother of God (RC)
(NEW YEAR 179) 25 - Anunciation of the Mother of God – The Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox (RC)
Anniversary of CIL celebrate the vision of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. It is the first Sunday of Lent.
The Orthodox (OC) celebrate it on April 7th.
18 - Lailat-ul-Barat (15 Shaban) – The Night of Forgiveness is celebrated.
Daylight Saving Time
(1 hour in advance) 27 28 29 30 Dharmapalas 31 25 - CIL – Date of foundation of the Islamic Community of Lisbon (CIL), in 1968.

World Theater Day 2-20 - Jejum – From March 2nd to 20th, it is time for the fast in preparation of the New Year.
21 - NAW-RÚZ (NEW YEAR 179) – Date of the Spring Equinox.
Feast of the Cross
(3rd abstinence Sunday)
Grace is deceitful and beauty is vain;
Dakinis the woman who fears the Lord,
she will be praised.
Proverbs 31,30

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April 2022 Do not judge your neighbor
until you find yourself in their situation.
(in «Abot», Mishná, II.4)

Freedom of worship
Israeli society is an exciting inter-religious and mul-
ticultural mosaic in which people of different ethnic,
religious and cultural backgrounds coexist. 74% of
the population is Jewish and 20.5% is Arab of which
17% are Muslim, 2% Christian and another 1.5%
Druze. In addition, there are 4.5% of people be-
longing to different ethnicities or religions such as:
Circassians, who are non-Arab Muslims and num-
ber approximately 4000 people, Armenians (Chris-
tians) numbering approximately 3000 people and
Samaritans numbering approximately 800 people.
In addition, we can list other minor ethnic groups or
religions in Israel, such as the Bahai, the Ahmads,
Messianic Judaism and Karaite Judaism, as well as
different Christian groups such as Ethiopians, Greek
Orthodox and Protestants, among others.
In 1967, the State of Israel created a law called the
«Law for the Protection of Holy Places» which es-
tablishes the penalty of imprisonment for «Whoever
desecrates or damages a holy place and whoever
does anything that may infringe on the freedom of
access of religious people to places sacred to them
or their feelings towards those places».
We can say that, as of 1967, for the first time in his-
tory there is freedom of worship in the Holy Land for
all religions. Thus, the almost 2 million Muslims in
Israel can access their mosques without any prob-
lems, as can the tens of thousands of Christians and
the thousands of members of other ethnic groups
we have already mentioned.
Freedom of worship is a supreme value in Israeli
ariel Horivitz
Director of the Moriah International Center
2 - Gudi Padavá (1 Chaitra FC) – Hindu New Year. The Ramayana Week begins, which
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY end in the 9th (9 Chaitra) with the Ramnavmi Feast. The birth of the legendary king and
hero Rama, incarnation of Vishnu, is celebrated.
Shakyamuni 1 International
Children’s Book Day 2 3 - Holy Meerabi (2 Chaitra FC) – Saint and Hindu poetess of the fifteenth-century, cele-
brated in this date, the day of her death.
World Autism Day
10 - Ramnavmi (9 Chaitra FC) – The birth of Rama (seventh incarnation of Vishnu) is cel-
(Gudi Padavá) 16 - Hanuman Jayanti (15 Chaitra FC) – The mythological hero that helped the god Rama
Ramadan against the demon Ravana.

3 - Shangsi Festival (3rd day of the 3rd month) – Considered the probable birthday of
the Yellow Emperor. People promenade by the water, have picnics and pick orchids. Day
4th Abstinence Sunday 3 4 Qing Ming Day 5 International
Day of Sport for 6 World Health
Day 7 International
Romani Day 8 The Akathistos Hymn
to the Mother of God 9 especially dedicated to women.
5 - Qing Ming Day – 106 days after the Winter Solstice, the graves are visited and gifts
Development and Peace Astronomy Day
Holy Meerabi Great Canon Medicine Buddha are offered the ancestors.
The Annunciation of the Inauspicious day 23 - Tianhou (12th day of the 3rd month) – Birthday of the Queen of Heaven, who has been
Mother of God (OC)
Shangsi Festival worshiping in China for over a thousand years.

15 - Tzom Bechorot (Fast of the Firstborn) (13/14 Nissan) – All the firstborn fast the
Palm Sunday
10 Padmasambhava 11 12 13 Maundy Thursday
(beginning of the 14 Holiday 15 Denmark Day 16 day before Passover, in gratitude, because God spared Israel and not Egypt.
15-23 - Pessach (14/15 Nissan) – It is the most important celebration in Judaism, when the
5th Abstinence Sunday Pascal Triduum)
Good Friday World Voice Day liberation of the Jewish people from the slavery in Egipt is celebrated. It takes place until
St. Gregory V [Patriarch,
martyr (RC)] Tzom Bechorot April 23th (22 Nissan). Starting immediately and for 49 days, the counting of Omer takes
Easter Vigil
(Fast of the Firstborn) place: the 7 weeks between Passover and Shavuot. During this period of recollection, the
Ramnavmi value of the gift of the Torah which is celebrated on Shavuot (days 5-7 Sivan) is reflected.
Pessach Lazarus Saturday
28 - Yom Hasho’ah (26 Nissan) – The memory of the Holocaust is celebrated.
Hanuman Jayanti
10 - Palm Sunday – Christians celebrate the arrival os Jesus in Jerusalem and begin the
Amitabha great fast of the Holy Week, which precedes Easter.
16 - Paschal Vigil – The Pascal Vigil is the biggest out of all the Vigils. In it, the Church
remembers all the Story of Salvation and its major moment, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus
Holiday 17 Patient’s Rights
Day 18 19 Inauspicious
day 20 World
Creativity and 21 International
Mother Earth 22 World Book and
Copyright Day 23 Christ.
17 - Easter – Main ceremony of Christianity. Orthodox celebrate on the 24th.
Innovation Day Day
EASTER St. George, great martyr 23 - St. George (RC) – The memory of St. George, whose name is linked to that of the Re-
St. Anselm, bishop and Good Friday [Orthodox (RC),
Palm Sunday doctor of the Church Catholics and Anglicans, public of Georgia, is one of the great devotions of the Eastern Church. The OC celebrate it
(6th Abstinence Sunday) (because it is the Octave of being the Octave of on May 6th.
Easter, it is not celebrated) Easter, do not celebrate] 29 - St. Catherine of Siena – Doctor of the Church and patron saint of Europe.
1st day of Ridván Final celebration of 100
years of the Evangelical 2 - Ramadan (1 Ramadan) – Sacred month of Islam. The Fasting and the Recitation of the
Alliance in Portugal Holy Quran are prescribed.
St. Gregory V [Patriarch, 28 - Lailat-ul-Kadr (or the Night of Power) (27 Ramadan) – Close to the end of
martyr (OC)] Ramadan, the day when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad, in Hira’s cave, and
announced that he had been chosen as Allah’s Prophet and the First revelation of the
Tianhou’s birthday Holy Quran (see Quran 97;1-3) was given to him, is celebrated. Allah’s Forgiveness, which
erases all sins from those who pray, manifests itself on the Night of Power.

Day of 24 Freedom Day 25 World
Intellectual 26 27 World Day
for Safety and 28 European Day
of Solidarity 29 Netherlands
Day 30 21 - 1st day of Ridván – The celebratioms that evoke the 12 days that Bahá’ú’lláh passed in
the Garden of Ridván (in Baghdad), where he made the Declaration announcing his arrival
Multilateralism and Holiday Property Day Health at Work between as «the One whom God shall make manifest», begin. It is also the period indicated for the
Diplomacy for Peace St. Mark the Evangelist Generations St. James the Great (RC) election of the local assemblies.
Divine Mercy Sunday [Catholics, Anglicans Yom Hasho’ah
St. Catherine of Siena 29 - 9st day of Ridván – The arrival os the family of Bahá’ú’lláh in Garden of Ridván is
(Easter II) and Orthodox (RC)] Shakyamuni marked.
EASTER (ORTHODOX) Dakinis Dharmapalas

9th day of Ridván

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May 2022 No man is noble by birth,
No man is ignoble by birth.
Man is noble for his own deeds,
Man is ignoble by his own actions.
SidartHa GautaMa (Buddha)

Dignify life
From a Buddhist perspective, human birth places us,
in general, with a potential for dignification or enno-
blement above other sensitive beings spread across
the Planet and even throughout this infinite universe.
The circumstances in which a person is born and the
potential a person has are not seen as random and
the capacity and circumstances of development will
also depend on the decisions we are able to make
throughout life.
On the other hand, it is one thing to talk about giving
dignity to other human beings, through the condi-
tions of life we provide them, it is another thing to
realize that true human dignity comes from the inner
spiritual development that we manage to acquire
through an authentic spiritual practice. This appears,
in the Buddha’s teachings, to be based essentially on
ethics, meditation and wisdom. This spiritual training
works through this triple interconnected and contin-
uous training.
This development will manifest ever more perfect
qualities until reaching genuine dimensions of true
nobility or dignity, proper to the so-called great be-
ings, the ariyas or nobles, those who possess true
levels of global sanity in their being or holiness. We
speak of a nobility of heart, compassion and love for
Humanity (and other species) that suffers in different
ways, which allows the expression of ways to give
true happiness to these beings, that is, the genuine
and authentic love. This is the dignity that we must
all want to achieve: be the only one capable of solv-
ing the serious problems we are facing today and
which could even put future generations at risk.
antónio coelHo teiXeira
Portuguese Buddhist Union
3 - Akshaya-Trij (3 Vaishakha FC) – The devotes make offerings to the Supreme, asking for
14 - Narasinha Avatar (13 Vaishakha FC) – The incarnation of the god Vishnu into «Half
Mother’s Day
1 St. Athanasius, bishop
and doctor of Church 2 Poland Day 3 St. Thomas,
Apostle (RC) 4 International Day
of the Portuguese 5 St. George, great
martyr (OC) 6 7 men, half lion», which is part of the mythological cycle of the first age of the world, is
International Worker’s Day World Press Language and Culture
Id’ul-Fitr Freedom Day Yom Hazikaron (Lusophone Culture Day) 31-9 jun. - Gangá Dashera (1-19 Jyeshtha FC) – During this period, the birth of the Ganges
S. José, Operário [Catholics Sun Day river is celebrated.
(it is not celebrated due to Yom HaAtzma’ut
being Sunday)] 12 day of Ridván
St. Phillip and St. James, Inauspicious day
Apostles (Catholics) 4 - Yom Hazikaron (4 Iyyar) – The fallen soldiers in the name of Israel are remembered.
St. Phillip and St. James, 5 - Yom HaAtzma’ut (5 Iyyar) – The independence of Israel is celebrated.
Apostles (Anglicans)
Akshaya-Trij 19 - Lag B’Omer (18 Iyyar) – The memory of the Rabbis Akiva (CE) and Shimon bar Yochai,
Sunday of St. Thomas two great Rabbis of the Jewish history, is celebrated. This celebration interrupts, for a day,
the mourning of Omer.
Kalachakra (New Year) 29 - Yom Yerushalayim (28 Iyyar) – The reunification of Jerusalem is celebrated.

World Red Cross

and Red Crescent 8 EUROPE DAY 9 St. John of Avila,
Doctor of the 10 World Migratory
Bird Day 11 12 Our Lady of
Fatima (Catholics) 13 St. Mathias,
Apostle (Catholics 14 1 - Kalachakra – Beginning of the 1st month of the old count.
16 - Tantra Kalachakra – On the 15th of the 3rd month, the Buddha tought Tantra Kalachakra.
Day Church aand Anglicans)
World Birds Day St. Cyril and St. James the Great (OC) 31 - Saka Dawa – From May 31st to June 29th is the 4th Tibetan month, which is specially
Sunday of the Saint St. Simon, Apostle (RC) St. Methodius (RC) Narasinha Avatar dedicated to merit practices (x100 000) and is therefore strongly encouraged.
Myrrhbearers Translation of the Relics of
St. John the Evangelist (RC) St. Nicholas (RC) Padmasambhava
St. Mark the Evangelist (OC)
1 - Mother Day – The first Sunday of May is dedicated to the mother-woman condition.
Medicine Buddha The celebrations are intimate and made of tenderness acts and offering gifts to mothers.
9/22 - Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas (RC/OC) – The Orthodox Church cele-
brates, on this day, the 1087’s Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas (deceased in 324 CE),
Day of Families 15 Day of Light
Day of Life 16 World Tele-
communication 17 Citizenship Day
International 18 Lag B’Omer 19 European
Maritime Day 20 World Day for
Cultural Diversity 21 from Myra (Turkey), where he was a bishop, to Bari (capital of Apulia).
11/24 - St. Cyril and St. Methodius (RC/OC) – The Orthodox Church celebrates, with a
Day in Union for Peace and Information Museum Day for Dialogue and
Sunday of the Paralytic Society Day Development special liturgy, the memory of these ninth-century two brothers, great bishops and apostles
Tantra Kalachakra of the Slavic peoples.
St. Thomas, Apostle (OC) St. John the
Amitabha Evangelist (OC) 29 - Ascension – For Anglicans it is also Expectation and Anglican Communion Sunday (6th
Sunday after Easter). On this day, Evangelicals pray for the Evangelization of Children in
Inauspicious day

World Day
for Biological 22 St. Simon,
Apostle (OC) 23 St. Cyril and St.
Methodius (OC) 24 Africa Day 25 Rogation Days
(Catholics) 26 27 28 2 - Id’ul-Fitr (1 Xawwal) – TWhen the Ramadan has ended, on the first day of Xawwal,
celebrations are held and Allah is praised for giving people the power to bear the long
Diversity St. Beda the Venerable Feast of the Ascension
Declaration of the Bab (Presbyterian and doctor fasting. On this day, all Muslims try to pray in the main mosque.
Good Samaritan Sunday (Evangelicals)
Translation of the Relics of the Church)
of St. Nicholas (OC)
2 - 12th Day of the Ridván – The celebrations end, remembering the departure of
Birthday of the Bahá’u’lláh of the Garden of Ridván (in Bagdad) and travel for the second exile (in Con-
5th Dalai Lama stantinople).
24 - Declaration of the Bab – It is considered the «first act» of the Bahá’í Faith, which took
place in Shiraz (Persia), on the night of May 23 to 24, 1844, and it was said by Ali-Muham-
Feast of the
Ascension 29 Shakyamuni 30 World no
Tobacco Day 31 mad, which, since then, is known as Bab (Door). The celebration begins two hours after the
sunset of the previous day.
(Anglicans and Catholics)
Visitation of the Virgin 29 - Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh – The Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh is celebrated. His death
Expectation and Anglican Mary to St. Isabel
Communion Sunday occurred in 1892, at 3 a.m., in the Ottoman Palestine (current State of Israel).
(Catholics and Anglicans)
Children’s Evangelization
(Evangelicals) Gangá Dashera
(until June 9th)
Sunday of the Blind Man Inauspicious day
Beginning of the
Yom Yerushalayim 4th month (Saka Dawa)
The fear of the Lord is the source of life;
Dharmapalas It moves away from the bonds of death.
Proverbs 14,27
Ascension of

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June 2022
«Every child that announces itself
in a woman’s womb is a gift,
which changes the history of a fa-
mily: of a father and a mother,
of grandparents and little brothers.
And this child needs to be welcomed,
loved and cared for. Always!»
PoPe FranciS

Dignity of the Child

The consecration of the Universal Declaration of
Children’s Rights, by the UN, in 1959, was an histor-
ical milestone regarding the commitment to the in-
ternational protection of children, this special peri-
od of human life, which, due to its fragility, deserves
special attention. The adoption of the Convention
on the Rights of Children, in 1989, by the UN Gen-
eral Assembly, consisted in the legal reinforcement
of this same intention to defend children. Portugal
adopted this same convention the following year,
in 1990. But if the enshrinement of the rights of
the child would only occur under an international
convention at the end of the twentieth century, the
care for the child’s dignity was growing, especially
from the nineteenth century. Until then, childhood
death was recurrent and child abandonment was
Throughout the eighteenth century, with obvious
consequences during the following century, con-
ditions were created for a profound change in the
way of facing life during childhood. If at some mo-
ments in history the child’s well-being had deserved
special interest (during the Renaissance), never be-
fore the Contemporary Period had there been a
continuous and committed movement of defense
and legal protection. One of the decisive factors for
this gradual change in mentalities was the rise in
living conditions, the result of technical and scien-
tific improvements, which allowed for the improve-
ment and extension of human existence. The child
would also become the subject of greater care and
rights, confirming his entire and special dignity as
the future of humanity.
SuSana Mourato alveS-JeSuS
9 - Gangá Dashami (10 Jyeshtha FC) – End of the birth celebrations of the Ganges River.
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 10 - Gayatri Jayanti (11 Jyeshtha FC) – Gayatri is considered the Mother of the Vedas and
represents at once the Supreme Triad. The Triple Canto (mantra of the Rig-Veda, composed
Children’s Day 1 Italy Day 2 World Bike Day 3 International Day
of Innocent Children 4 of a stanza of 24 syllables and 3 verses, considered the most effective) is due to her. The
Gayatri Mantra is generally chanted in a hushed tone every day at sunrise and sunset.
Victims of Aggression
Feast of the Ascension Duan Wu Festival Global Day of 3 - Duan Wu Festival (5th day of the 5th month) – The memory of the ancient poet Qu
(Evangelicals) Yuan is celebrated. White rice wine, which is associated with the legend of the Madame
White Snake, is drank.
4-6 - Shavuot (5-7 Sivan) – The picking of the first fruits is celebrated and the revelation of the
Denmark Day
(Constitution Day) 5 Sweden Day 6 Food Safety Day 7 United
Kingdom Day 8 St. Ephrem,
deacon and doctor 9 Day of
PORTUGAL 10 St. Barnabas,
Apostle (Catholics 11 Torah to Moses in Mount Sinai is remembered.

of the Church Camões, and the and Anglicans) 14 - VESAK – On the 15th day of the 4th month, denominado Saka Dawa, Vesak takes place,
World Environment Day Saint Mary, Mother World Oceans Day
Medicine Buddha Portuguese Communities considered the most important day in the Buddhist calendar.
of the Church Gangá Dashami St. Bartholomew and
Pentecost (Catholics, Saint Guardian Angel St. Barnabas, Apostles (RC) Although the W.F.B., in 1950, established that Vesak should be celebrated on the full moon
The birthday of of Portugal (Catholics)
Anglicans and Evangelicals) Shakyamuni Padmasambhava in May (Western), many traditions remain faithful to the celebration on this date.
(Theravada school) COPIC Foundation 21 - Virupa – The birthday of Virupa, founder of the Sakya school, is celebrated.
Sunday of the Fathers
of the First Ecumenical Gayatri Jayanti
Council 10 - Saint Guardian Angel of Portugal – The Day of Portugal and the Portuguese
Communities is celebrated, and Catholic Church celebrates the Saint Guardian Angel of
Portugal, whose devotion received a strong increase with the visions of Fátima.
World Day
Against Child 12 St. Anthony of
Lisbon, presbyter 13 Buddha’s
Enlightenment 14 World Elder
Abuse Awareness 15 HOLIDAY
Corpus Christi 16 World Day
to Combat 17 18 13 - St. Anthony of Lisbon – He is the most notorious Portuguese saint. In 1934, he was
declared secondary patron of Portugal. His feast begins the Popular Saints celebrations.
Labor and doctor of the and Parinirvana Day (Catholics) Desertification 15 - Birthday of the Foundation of the Daughters of St. Paul, in 1915, owner of the
Church (Catholics) Amitabha and Drought
Holy Trinity (Catholics Birthday of the Paulinas Publishing House. This Institute’s editorial field constitues the main charis-
and Anglicans) VESAK Foundation of the matic vector of this founder, the Blessed Tiago Alberione.
Daughters of St. Paul,
Trinity Sunday 16 - Corpus Christi (Catholics) – Liturgical ceremony instituted by the pope Urban IV (thir-
in 1915 (Paulinas
and Pentecost Publishing House) teenth-century), to give more visibility to faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
24/7 Jul - Nativity of St. John the Baptist – The festivities honoring this saint, cele-
Inauspicious day brated by Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox (RC), go beyond the religious sphere and take
part of the period known as the great Popular Saints celebrations, which start with the
celebration os St. Anthony and end with the celebration of St. Peter.
Day against 19 World Refugee
Day 20 European
Music Day 21 National Day
of Religious 22 Luxembourg
Day 23 National
Romani Day 24 Croatia Day
(State Day) 25 29/12 Jul - St. Peter and St. Paul – On this day, Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox (RC)
celebrate the two greatest pillars of Christianiaty. Im Portugal, this feast ends the great
Conflicts and Freedom and Interfaith International Most Sacred Heart Immaculate Heart
Refugee Day celebrations of the Popular Saints.
Sexual Violence Virupa Dialogue Widows Day of Jesus (Catholics) of Mary (Catholics)
(Evangelicals) 30/13 Jul - Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles (RC) – Synaxis (assembly) of the Apostles
Feast All Saints Nativity of St. John the Nativity of St. John
the Baptist [Anglicans of Jesus. The old calendars (OC) celebrate on July 13th.
Baptist [Catholics, Anglicans
and Orthodox (RC), and Orthodox (RC)]
preceded by the Solemnity St. Bartholomew and
of the 24th] St. Barnabas, Apostles (OC)

Slovania Day 26 St. Cyril of

Alexandria, 27 28 St. Peter
and St. Paul, 29 International
Parliamentary 30
International Day bishop and doctor Apostles [Catholics, Day
in Support of Victims of the Church (Catholics) Anglicans and
Synaxis of the All your children will be
of Torture Orthodox (RC)]
Dharmapalas Twelve Apostles (RC) taught by the Lord,
International Day Against
Drug Abuse and Illicit Shakyamuni and great will be
Trafficking the peace of your children.
Psalm 8,3

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July 2022
Man’s dignity requires
that he works by his free choice,
without any external coercion.
PoPe Paul vi
(CIC, n. 1700)

Human dignity
and captives freeedom
John de Matha the Order of the Holy Trinity and
of Redemption of the Captives as an answer to the
problems of that difficult and violent period of cru-
sades. His proposal: to proclaim the human dignity
by supporting prisoners and freeing captives, victims
of war and raids in Mediterranean costs. He started
negociations with political and religious leaders of
both sides. He was ready to exchange prisoners in
order to return each one to his homeland and tra-
dition. His motto: «Glory to the Trinity and liberty to
Each human beeing is called to freedom in the love
of God and to sonship in the Triune God. Captivity
is unbearable. Chains are unthinkable. Conflicts re-
duce human dignity. For this, he founded a religious
The Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Cap-
tives still exists today and continues the same apos-
tolic work and social actions. Its mission is rooted
in the Trinitarian spirituality (Trinity and Redemption)
and in the deep convinction of human dignity (free-
dom and autonomy). For sure, it adapted itself to
new realities and challenges of our time. Its action
is the same but in creativity. The historical slavery
still exists and must be fought. It is hidden and must
be unmasked. Religious persecution is intolerable.
The «Solidarity International Trinitarian» (S.I.T.) is an
Organization that reveals, denounces situations and
supports the persecuted. Loss of human dignity takes

Photo: Lidice Meyer Pinto Ribeiro

different forms depending on circumstances and
places: refugees, homeless people, persons reduced
to prostitution or inhuman work, child soldiers...
We receive dignity in our creation because we are
human being, enlighted by our redemption because
we are children of God. Trinitarians are defended
this anthropological and theological truth.
F. aldo berardi, o.SS.t.,
Vision of St. John of the Matha. Mosaic, 12th century, San Tommaso de Formis, Rome. Vicar General of the Order
13 - Guru Purnima (15 Ashadha) – The memory of the old Gurus is celebrated, especially
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Veda Vyasa («Compiler of the Vedas»), who must have lived 3500 years BCE.

1 Day of
Cooperatives 2 4 - Xi Shai Jie Festival (6th day of the 6th month) – Bed linen and books are put in the sun,
so that they are bathed in nature.
(1st Saturday in July)
22 - Guanyu’s birthday (24th day of the 6th month) – God of war and literature, very pop-
ularized by the Taoist tradition.

17 - Tzom Shivá Assar be Tammuz (18 Tamuz 5782) – Remember the breach of the
walls of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the second Temple. The three weeks of
St. Thomas,
Apostle (Catholics 3 Xi Shai Jie
Festival 4 5 World
Cooperation Day 6 Nativity of St. John
the Baptist (OC) 7 Waqf-el-Arafat
8 Padmasambhava
Inauspicious day 9 mourning that precede Tisha B’Av begins.
and Anglicans)
13 - The birthday of Shakyamuni is celebrated, according to Theravada school.
Medicine Buddha

11 - St. Benedict – The Catholics celebrate, on this day, the memory of St. Benedict (c. 480-
-c. 547), considered the «patriarch of the Western monks». Withdrawn from the world, be
wrote the famous Rule of St. Benedict, which was held as the regulation of uncountable
monastic institutions, in a cave in Subiaco (Italy), where he lived. Pope Paul VI, in 1964,
proclaimed him Patron of Europe.
22/4 Aug - St. Mary Magdalene is celebrated by the Orthodox (RC/OC) with the title
of the Bab 10 World
Population Day 11 St. Peter
and St. Paul, 12 Synaxis of the
Twelve Apostles (OC) 13 France Day 14 World Youth
Skills Day 15 16 «Equal-to-Apostles».
23 - St. Bridget – Originating from the fourteenth-century Swedish aristocracy and pointed
Apostles (OC)
St. Benedict, Patron St. Boneventure,
of Europe (Catholics) Guru Purnima out as a model wife, mother and religious.
bishop and doctor 26 - St. Anne and St. Joachim – Parents of the Virgin Mary and considered by Catholics
Amitabha of the Church
as patrons of grandparents.
30 - St. Peter Chrysologus (406-450) – Bishop and doctor of the Church who distinguished
himself in Homiletic Oratory, earning him the name Chrysologus (Golden Word).

8 - Waqf-el-Arafat (9 Zil-Hajj) – On this day, the essencial moment of the pilgrimage to

Mecca occurs, with the visit of the pilgrims to the Mount Arafat, where they stay in medita-
Tzom Shivá
Assar be Tammuz 17 Nelson
Mandela’s Day 18 19 International
Friendship Day 20 Belgium Day 21 St. Mary
Magdalene 22 St. Bridget,
co-Patron 23 tion and prayer during the whole day.
9 - Id’ul-Quibir (10 Zil-Hajj) – It is the end of the pilgrimage.
Saint Bartholomew St. Lawrence [Catholics, Anglicans of Europe (Catholics)
St. Elijah, Prophet (RC) of Brindisi, presbyter and Orthodox (RC)] 30 - Al Hijra – NEW YEAR 1444 (1 Muharram) – The New Year of the Hijra begins, whose
of the Martyrs,
bishop (Catholics) and doctor of the Church Dakinis era was inaugurated with the episode of the departure of the Prophet from Mecca to Medi-
Guanyu’s birthday na, in 622 CE.
Inauspicious day

10 - Martyrdom of the Bab – The Bah’a’í community remembers the nefarious event of
the martyrdom of the Bab, in 1850. On day, in Tabriz, a firing squad put an end to the life
of the Foreunner of Bahá’u’lláh (Manifestation of God). It is estimated that over 20 000 of
its followers have been victims of soveral martyrdoms in the following years.
Grandparents 24 St. James,
Apostle (Catholics 25 National
Grandparents 26 Dharmapalas 27 National Nature
Conservation 28 29 World
Friendship Day 30
Day and Anglicans) Day Day World Day against
Trafficking in Persons
St. Anne and St. Shakyamuni
Joachim, parents of the St. Peter Chrysologus,
Virgin Mary (Catholics) bishop and doctor
of the Church (Catholics)
Al Hijra
There is neither slave
nor free man;
31 because you are all
one in Jesus Christ.
Galatians 3,28

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Personal dignity and honor

cannot be protected by others,
they must be taken care
of by the individual in particular.
MaHatMa GandHi


We are all created by the immortal
The great Hindu philosopher, Swami Vivekananda,
disciple of the great Hindu mystic Ramakrishna pro-
claimed: «Each individual soul is potentially divine.»
It is on the basis of this principle that the Vedas de-
clare: «No one is superior or inferior; all are broth-
ers; everyone must strive for everyone’s interest and
progress collectively.» It is this principle, in the Sans-
kaaras – the Value System of the Hindú Society – that
guarantees respect for Human Dignity.
In 1893, Vivekananda was preparing to travel to
Chicago, in order to participate in the 1st World
Congress of Religions. Just before leaving, Viveka-
nanda went to bid farewell to Sharda Devi (wife of
Ramakrishna, the Holy Mother or Shri Shri Maa of
the followers of the Monastic Order RAMAKRISHNA
founded by Vivekananda).
Sharda Devi was currently in the kitchen. Viveka-
nanda asked her to bless him. Questioned about
his mission, he said: «I will tell the world about the
message of Hinduism». Sharda Devi remained silent.
After a moment, she asked him to hand her the knife
close to him. Vivekananda did so. Upon receiving it,
Sharda Devi took a deep look at the hand that was
making the delivery, blessing him only afterwards.
Vivekananda wanted to know what relation the knife
had to the blessings, and received the following an-
swer: «I wanted to look at the way you were deliver-
ing the knife to me. Generally, when someone hands
us a knife, they do it by holding it by the handle and
with the tip facing us. But you did it backwards and
well, with the end facing you. And that gives me ab-
solute certainty that you will be able to successfully
deliver the message, because those who are faith-
ful to God and to integrity, always keep the pain for
themselves and guarantee protection and happiness
to others...»
cHaMPaclal MulcHande deucHande
Hindu – Lisbon Community
11 - Raksha Bandhan (14 Shraavana) – On this day, sisters wish good luck to their broth-
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ers, attaching the rakhi (sacred thread) to their wrists, and making them their guardians
and protectors.
St. Alphonsus Maria
de’Liguari, bishop 1 St. Elijah,
Prophet (OC) 2 3 St. Mary
Magdalene (OC) 4 Medicine
Buddha 5 Hisroshima Day 6 19 - Krishna Janmashtami (8 Shraavana FM) – The birthday of Krishna (8th incarnation
of Vishnu) is celebrated.
and doctor of the Transfiguration
Church (Catholics) Qi Xi Festival 31 - Ganesh Chaturthi (4 Bhadrapada FC) – The birthday of Ganesh, protector in overcom-
of Jesus [Catholics,
Anglicans and ing obstacles, which provides success and well-being, is celebrated.
Dormition of the
Mother of God (RC) Inauspicious day Orthodox (RC)]
4 - Qi Xi Festival (7th day of the 7th month) – According to an ancient legend, the goddess
First turning of the Zi Nu (the Vega star) fell in love with a poor farmer, Niu Lang (the Altair star), but that
Whell of Dharma love was not approved by her mother, who punished them, separating them, once a year,
on this night, by the Milky Way.
12 - Ghost Festival (15th day of the 7th month) – Offerings are made to the deceased and to
Tisha B’Av 7 St. Dominic,
presbyter (Catholics) 8 International Day
of the World’s 9 St. Lawrence
the Martyr (RC) 10 Raksha
Bandhan 11 World
Youth Day 12 13 the ancestors, so they do not torment the living.

Indigenous Peoples 6/7 - Tisha B’Av (9/10 Av) – It is the day of Lamentation and memory of the destruction of the
Padmasambhava Ghost Festival
(Guru Rinpoche) ‘Aashurá St. Teresa Benedicta Temple, in the years 587 BCE and 70 CE. (Transferred to the 7th for handy on sabbath day.)
of the Cross (Edith Stein), 12 - Tu B’Av (15 Av) – It is the day when love is celebrated.
Patron of Europe Tu B’Av
(Catholics) Conception of Buddha 1 - First turning of the Whell of Dharma – The First turning of the Wheel of Dharma,
St. Mathias, Apostle (RC) in Maya’s Dream in which Buddha presented the Four Noble Truths, is celebrated.
Amitaba 7 - Padmasambhava – The birthday of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), founder of
the Tibetan school and perceived as an emanation of Amitabha, according to the Sangyé
Lingpa tradition, is celebrated, and his revelation ends the Lama Gongdu cicle.
of the Mother 14 National
holiday 15 16 17 18 World
Humanitarian 19 St. Bernard,
abbot and doctor 20 12 - Conception of Buddha in Maya’s Dream, which gave him human life, is cele-
of God (OC) Assumption of the Day of the Church (Catholics)
Virgin Mary (Catholics) Transfiguration 1/14 - Dormition Lent – The fasting of the Dormition of the Mother of God begins for the
Dormition of the of Jesus (OC) Orthodox, until day before the 15th.
Theotokos (RC) 6/19 - Transfiguration – AThe Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox Churches (RC) celebrate
Krishna Janmashtami
Inauspicious day the episode when Jesus, on the top of the Mount Tabor, surrounded by the prophets Moses
and Elijah, arose transfigured before the apostles Peter, James and John. The Orthodox
(OC) celebrate it on the 19th.
9 - St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) – The Catholic Church cele-

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
International St. Mathias, International St. Bartholomew, brates, on this day, the memory of this Carmelite saint, victim of the Nazi Holocaust and
Dharmapalas Shakyamuni
Day for Victims Apostle (OC) Day for the Apostle (Catholics elevated to Patron of Europe.
of Terrorism Remembrance and Anglicans) 15/28 - Assumption of the Virgin Mary – OThe Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of
of the Slave Trade the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, in body and soul, once her life on Earth ended. It consti-
St. Judas Thaddaeus, and its Abolition
Apostle (RC) tutes a truth of faith, proclaimed by the pope Pius XII, in 1950. The Orthodox (RC) celebrates
St. Lawrence this some event, which they name Dormition of the Teotokos (Mother of God). Those
Dakinis the Martyr (OC)
who use the OC celebrate it at the 28th.
29 - Martyrdom/Decapitation of St. John the Baptist – The Orthodox (RC) and
Catholics reserve this day’s liturgy to celebrate the memory of the martyrdom of St. John
the Baptist. The Orthodox (OC) celebrate it on September 11th.

St. Augustine
of Hipona, bishop 28 International
Day against 29 International
Day of the 30 Inauspicious
day 31 8 - ‘Aashurá (10 Muharram) – This is a day of fasting for the shortcomings of the previous
year. On this date, the martyrdom of Hussein, grandson of the Prophet, in Kasbala, in 680
and doctor of the Nuclear Testing Disappeared CE, is remember.
Church [Catholics (it is not Ganesh Chaturthi
celebrated due to being)] Martyrdom/Decapitation
Sunday) of St. John the Baptist
[Catolics and
Dormition of the Orthodox (RC)] Seek peace with all and holiness,
Theotokos (OC)
without which no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12,14

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September 2022
What are the best actions?
It is to enrich the hearts of human beings,
feed the hungry, help the afflicted,
ease the pain of sorrow,
and remove the sufferings of the wounded.

Human Dignity according to Islam

The concept of human dignity in Islam is a right for
everyone. Islam, as a code of life, does not deny the
natural instincts and emotions of a human being.
Instead, it teaches us how to manage them. While
associating with people of similar backgrounds is
an inevitable part of human nature, it can have a
negative impact, producing an «us against them»
mentality, leading to problematic stigmas and ideol-
ogies. To overcome this, Islam emphasizes the like-
ness of human beings: «And we certainly honor the
descendants of Adam and carry them on land and
sea, providing them with good things and preferring
them to much of what we have created, with [set]
preference.» (Surah Al-Isra, 17:70)
This honor is used with the phrase «descendants of
Adam», which means the unity of humanity in the
light of human dignity. It is not through personal at-
tributes that a person is honored, but through be-
ing human. The concept of human dignity in Islam
is seen in a treatise that the Prophet Mohammed
celebrated: the Hilf-Al-Fuhdul («League of Virtuous
Ones»). Written after the mistreatment of a Yemeni
merchant, the treatise promised to provide justice for
all those who were oppressed in Mecca, regardless
of their status and origin. Human dignity mentioned
in the Holy Qur’an is the inherent dig nity, which
is granted to all mankind, so that it is never lost or
taken from a human being, regardless of his actions,
religion, orientation, or status. Even a criminal is en-
titled to worthy treatment, the punishment should
not have the objective of humiliating, but of reform-
ing and disciplining a person. Thus, every person
deserves to be respected and dignified as a human
being, and also to safeguard his rights.
Let us pray that all beings can respect each other and
that human dignity is Human.
SHeik david Munir
Lisbon Islamic Community
11-25 - Pitr-Paksha ou Shraddha-Paksha (15 FC-30 FM Bhadrapada) – During these
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 15 days (from 11th a 25th September) the memory of the ancestors is celebrated.
26-4 Oct - Navaratri – The Feast of the Harvests takes place. The annual Navaratri Utsav or
Beginning of the New
Ecclesiastic Year (RC) 1 2 St. Gregory the Great,
pope and bishop 3 Festival of the Nine Nights fills the cities of Guzarate, where most Hindus settled in Portu-
gal come from, with light, color, dance and music. Navaratri is celebrated in the smallest
of the Church
and the biggest cities. During the night dance festivals, the victory of Durga – the eternal
St. Thaddaeus, mother – over the evil demon Mahisha is celebrated. Prayers songs are offered to Shakti,
Apostle (OC)
asking for protection, prosperity and peace for the whole world.

10 - Zhongqiu Festival (or Moon Festival) (15th day of the 8th month) – The so-called
Moon Cake, which favors family union, is eaten.
22 - Confucius’ birthday (27th day of the 8th month) – Philosopher and inspirer of the phil-
Medicine Buddha 4 International Day
of Charity 5 6 7 International
Literacy Day 8 9 World Suicide
Prevention 10 osophical tradition that gave rise to Confucianism, which was the official religion of China,
from 1644 to 1912, and which can be defined as an ethical system of religious characteristics
Padmasambhava Nativity of Virgin Mary that essentially comprises the worship of nature and the cult of ancestors.
Zhongqiu Festival
Nativity of the 26-27 - Rosh HaShanah (1/2 Tishrei) – The beginning of the Jewish New Year of 5783 of
Theotokos (RC) Amitabha
Four Medicine Tantras the creation of mankind is celebrated.
28 - Gedaliah Fast (3 Tishrei) – The memory of the assassination of Gedaliá, governor
of Judah, is celebrated after the destruction of the 1st Temple, with the consequent loss of
autonomy for the Jewish people.

10 - Four Medicine Tantras – Special Medicine Buddha and discovery of the Four Medicine
Decapitation of 11 12 St. John
Chrysostom, 13 Exaltation of
the Holy Cross 14 World
Democracy Day 15 16 St. Robert
Bellarmine, bishop 17 Mantras day.
St. John the Baptist bishop and doctor [Catholics and (RC)] and doctor of the
1/14 - New Ecclesiastic Year (RC/OC) – The New Ecclesiastical Year of the Orthodox, re-
[Catolics and Orthodox (OC)] of the Church Church (Catholics)
Beginning of the New vised and old calendarists, respectively, begins.
Pitr-Paksha Ecclesiastic Year (OC) 8/21 - Nativity of the Theotokos (RC/OC) – Celebration of the birthday of the Virgin
or Shraddha-Paksha Mary, by the Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Churches (RC). The Orthodox, on this date,
Inauspicious day also celebrate the parents of the Virgin Mary, St. Anne and St. Joachim. The OC Orthodox
celebrate it on the 21st.
14/27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross (RC/OC) – The Catholic and Orthodox Churches (RC)
celebrate the cult of the Cross as a symbol of the human redemption. The Orthodox (OC)
celebrate it on the 27th.
18 19 Dakinis 20 Malta Day
European 21 European Day
Without Cars 22 23 Dharmapalas 24 25 - Migrant and Refugee Day (last Sunday in September) – Established by the Carta
Ethnografica Studia of the Sacred Congregation of the Council, in March 1914.
Cooperation Day World Sign
Language Day 29 - Archangels and Angels – The Catholic Church celebrated the Archangels St. Michael,
World Peace Day
St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, and the Anglican Church celebrates St. Michael e All Angels.
St. Mathew, Apostle Confucius’ birthday 30 - St. Hironimus – The memory of St. Hironimus, first translator of the Bible to Latin, the
(Catholics and Anglicans) official version of Catholicism and that is known as the Vulgata. Some communities save
this day to celebrate the Bible.
Nativity of the
Theotokos (OC)

Migrant and
Refugee Day 25 European
Language Day 26 World
Heart Day 27 World Access
to Information 28 World Oceans
Day 29 St. Hironimus,
presbyter and 30
International Day World Tourism Day Day doctor of the Church
St. Michael and
Shakyamuni for the Total Elimination All Angels (Anglicans)
The Lord gives strength
Exaltation of the Gedaliah Fast
of Weapons Holy Cross (OC) Archangels St. Michael, to his people;
Navaratri St. Gabriel, St. Raphael the Lord gives his people
(Catholics) the blessing of peace.
Rosh HaShanah
NEW YEAR 5783 Psalm 29,11
Inauspicious day

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October 2022 Youth is not eternal,
nor old age an illness.
Treating the elderly with respect
and affection is not just
a social obligation, but a way
to maintain their dignity.
Maria carolina
«Cartilha do Idoso»

Dignity of the Elderly

One day Cesariny wrote one of the shortest, but
perhaps most expressive poems that the Portuguese
language has ever known: «Love as the road be-
gins.» Just this. The poem, with only one verse, as
subjective as we want to make it, immediately refers
to the idea of the beginning of a journey.
Human life is similar to a road, beggining when we
are born and ending when we approach the so-
called third age. Cesariny’s poem takes us back to
the initial enthusiasm for a path. Childhood, in the
figure of the child, also tends to generate enthusi-
asm around it. However, the figure of the elderly
does not always generate this enthusiasm, despite
the elderly playing a fundamental role in different
societies and cultures around the world.
The elderly person is sometimes pushed to the side-
lines of social, family and cultural experiences, to
which they have an equal right to belong. He some-
times has fewer opportunities to enjoy a dignified
life in its various dimensions, with adequate access
to healthcare and well-being, food, housing and lei-
sure. However, despite needing special care due to
his age, the dignity of the elderly person has exactly
the same value as that of any other person in any
other condition, so it should be protected and cel-
ebrated as any other age. So that the love for the
beginning of the road is always maintained, with
dignity, even until the end of his journey.
SuSana Mourato alveS-JeSuS
2 - Mahatma Gandhi – The birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, independent father of the cur-
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY rent Dominion of India, is celebrated (1869-1948).
2-3 - Saraswati Puja (7/8 Ashvina FC) – Celebration of the Navaratri Feast. The wife of
National Water Day 1 Brahma, goddess of knowledge and wisdom, arts and sciences, is praised.
5 - Dashera (Vijaya Dashami) (10 Ashvina FC) – Day dedicated to the victory of Good
Cyprus Day over Evil.
International Day of 22-23 - Dhan-Teras (12/13 Ashvina FM) – Day of preparation for the New Year, dedicated to
Older Persons the goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi (wife of Vishnu). Kali Chaudass (Chaturdashi)
International Music Day (14 Ashvina FM) – Second festive day, which precedes the Diwali.
St. Therese of Lisieux 24 - Deepavali (Diwali) (14 Ashvina FM) – The festival of Light, which occurs during five
Time of Creation days, begins. Diwali means «row of lights». It is intended to highlight the victory of Good
Protection of the over Obscurity and Evil. Rama and his wife Sita are especially honored.
Mother of God (RC) 26 - Vikram NEW YEAR 2079 (1 Karttika) – The beginning of the new era initiated by the
king Vikram, who named it, takes place.
International Day
of Non-Violence 2 Germany Day 3 World Animal Day 4 Holiday
Day of the 5 6 Saint Thomas,
Apostle (RC) 7 Mouled-na-Nabi 8 Bhai-Bij (1 Karttika FC) – The Brothers Day is celebrated. The married sisters invite the
brothers for a meal at their houses, in order to remember their childhoods.
Holy Guardian Angels St. Francis of Assisi Implementation of the
World Habitat Day
(Catholics) (Catholics) Republic of Portugal Inauspicious day
4 - Chong Yeung Festival (9th day of the 9th month) – In the middle of Autumn, prome-
Day for the Peace of World Teacher’s Day nades are made in the countryside, and graveyards are visited to worship the ancestors.
Medicine Buddha Chong Yeung Festival
Jerusalem (Evangelicals)
Mahatma Gandhi (Vijaya Dashami) 4/5 - Yom Kippur (9/10 Tishrei) – This is the day of Atonement. It is the biggest individual
Yom Kippur
Saraswati Puja celebration.
9-15 - Sukkot (15-21 Tishrei) – It is the Feast of the Tabernacles. The desert tents used during
the exodus on the way to the Promised Land are celebrated.
World Post Day 9 European
Against Death 10 International
Day of the 11 Spain Day 12 European Day
for the Road 13 Protection
of the Mother 14 St. Theresa
of Jesus, virgin 15 17 - Shemini Atzeret (22 Tishrei) – The blessing of rain is invoked.
St. James, Apostle Penalty Girl Child Natural Disaster Security of God (OC) and doctor of the Church 18 - Simchat Torah (23 Tishrei) – It is a holy day and the joy because of the end of the
son of Alpheus (RC) World Mental Reduction Day annual reading the Scripture cycle is celebrated, and a new cycle begins.
Health Day
Amitabha 1-4 - Time of Creation – October 1st to 4th is the period that the Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran
(Anglicans, 10th to 12th) and Orthodox (neo-calendarist) Churches specially reserve for prayer and activities related
Sukkot to the care of Creation.
Pope Francis, in 2015, instituted the first day of the month as «World Day of Prayer for
World Food Day 16 International
Day for the 17 European Day
Against Trafficking 18 19 Hungary Day 20 21 St. James,
Apostle son of 22 Creation».
1 - St. Teresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face (Therese of Lisieux) – Virgin and
Erradication of Poverty in Human Beings Alpheus (OC) Doctor of the Church, she is also Patroness of the Missions and celebrated by the Catholics.
Saint Thomas,
St. Luke the Evangelist Apostle (OC) Dhan-Teras and 2 - Day for the Peace of Jerusalem – The 1st Sunday of October is saved by the Evan-
Shemini Atzeret [Chatolics, Anglicans Kali Chaudass gelicals to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
and Orthodox (RC)] Dakinis (Chaturdashi) 4 - St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) – His love of virtue shaped his will and devoted him
Simchat Torah to a permanent and ecstatic contemplation of nature and beings.
10-12 - Rogations – Anglicans reserve these days for special prayer for the needs of men, espe-
St. James,
brother of the 23 United Nations
Day 24 European Civil
Justice Day 25 Austria Day 26 Birth of the
Bahá’u’lláh 27 Czech Republic
Day 28 Standard Winter Time
(1 hour is delayed) 29 cially for the fruits of the earth and human labor.
15 - St. Therese of Jesus (St. Therese d’Ávila) – Reformer of Carmel and spiritualist, was
Lord (RC) World Disarmament VIKRAM proclaimed Doctor of the Church in 1960 by Pope Paul VI.
Shakyamuni St. Simon and St. Judah, Slovakia Day
Week/World Peace New Year 2079 Apostles (Catholics and 31 - Day of Reformation – All Churches originated from the Reformation remember
Week (24-30) Bhai-Bij Anglicans) Luther’s and other reformers’ movement, trying to reform the universal Church.
Anniversary of Karma
Deepavali (Diwali) Birth of Jigme Lingpa Paksi (2nd Karmapa,
Birth of the Bab 13th century)
(Master Nyingma, 8 - Mouled-na-Nabi (12 Rabiul-Awwal) – The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad
Dharmapalas 18th century) (c. 570 CE) is celebrated. This day is especially used by the Muslim theologians for meetings
on other religious topics.
Breast Cancer
Prevention 30 World Savings
Day 31 26 - Birthday of the Bab – The birthday of the Bab (born in 1819) is celebrated. This party
Day Cities day is celebrated after the 8th New Moon following the Naw-Rúz (Bahá’i New Year).
27 - Birthday of the Bahá’u’lláh – The immediate day after the celebration of the
Reformation Day
birthday of the Bab, the festivity of the birthday of the Bahá’u’llah (in 1817) takes place.
St. Luke the Evangelist (OC)

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November 2022 Solidarity is the feeling
that best expresses respect
for human dignity.
Franz kaFka

Dignity of Man
The affirmation of human dignity is based with spe-
cial emphasis on the Judeo-Christian legacy, which
observes the human dimension created in the im-
age and likeness of God. In antiquity, man was
the microcosm that reflected the entire cosmopo-
litical order, which was superiorly established. The
Judeo-Christian man becomes a superiorly created
being, unmistakably placed above all creation. At
the same time, not only the figure of man, as the
greatest representative of the human race, but espe-
cially the human being in his profuse diversity, of any
status or condition, is part of the whole of humanity
in equal circumstances. This universal brotherhood,
inaugurated in Western thought, would help to elab-
orate the dignitas homini reflected in the medieval
doctrine of Christianity, which would have renewed
interpretation with Renaissance Humanism.
Picco della Mirandola would be one of the authors
who, during the Renaissance, had a new perspective
on this issue, highlighting the value of man in the
group of beings and reinforcing his special place in
the construction of the world. Man is a being worthy
of being admired, for his abilities and for his special
appetite for freedom, characteristics that were also
extraordinarily reinforced during the Age of Enlight-
enment, with the proclamation of the Declaration of
the Rights of Man and Citizen, in 1789.
The dignity of man then moves to the broader idea
of human dignity, legally enshrined as the dignity of
the human person, which encompasses every hu-
man being on the face of the Earth within the whole
of Humanity.
SuSana Mourato alveS-JeSuS
5 - Tulsi Vivaha (12 Karttika FC) – The divine marriage between Vishnu and Tulaci (sym-
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY bolized in the fragrant flower Tulsi, sacred basil of India) is celebrated.

Holiday 1 Faithful Departed

(Catholics) 2 Padmasambhava
Inauspicious day 3 4 St. James, brother
of the Lord (OC) 5 15 - Descent of the Buddha from the realm of the gods (Tushita).
All Saints Day
Tulsi Vivaha
8 - Spirit Festival (or Water Lantern Festival) (15th day of the 10th month) – Lan-
Birthday of the Creation terns in the shape of flowers are put in the streams and rivers, and, at twilight, offerings
of European Citizenship are made to the deceased, in order that their wandering spirits do not appear at night.
(Maastricht, 1992) 30 - Dongzhi Festival (close to the Winter Solstice; 7th day of the 11th month) – Cult of the
Medicine Buddha ancestors and family celebrations.

1 - All Saints Day – Catholics and Anglicans celebrate All Saints Day, which consists in the
triumphant and glorious part of the Church that already benefits from the eternal blessed-
Day of Prayer for the
Persecuted Church 6 7 Archangels St. Michael
and St. Gabriel (RC) 8 Feast of the
Dedication of St. John 9 World Day of
Science for Peace 10 11 12 ness and that, in the presence of God, intercedes for the Humanity.
2 - Faithful Departed – The Catholic Church dedicates, on this date, a special attention to
(Evangelicals) Lateran Basilica and Development
Spirit Festival (or Water
prayer interceding for all those who have already left this life.
Lantern Festival) St. Leo the Great,
pope and doctor 6 - Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – Evangelicals.
Amitabha of the Church 8/21 - Archangels and Angels – Archangels St. Michael and St. Gabriel and all the heavenly
powers (RC/OC).
9 - Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica – Dedicated to St. John
Lateran and to St. John the Evangelist in the fourth-century, it is the Episcopalian cathedra
of the Bishop of Rome.
13 - World Day of the Poor (Catholics) – Pope Francis instituted this intention for the
World Day of the
Poor (Catholics) 13 St. Phillip,
Apostle (RC) 14 National Day of
Sign Language 15 National
Sea Day 16 No Tobacco Day
Philosophy Day 17 Leetonia Day 18 International
Men’s Day 19 Sunday before the Solemnity of Christ the King.
Day of the Bible International Day Dedication of the Basilicas Day against Day of the Bible – The Evangelical Church saved this date (2nd Sunday of November)
(Evangelicals) St. Albert the Great, for Tolerance of St. Peter and St. Paul Mistreatment of for the celebration of the Sacred Scriptures.
bishop and doctor Children and Youth 20 - Invoking Christ the King, the Catholic, Anglican and Lutherans Churches close the an-
of the Church (Catholics) St. Mathew, Apostle Dakinis
and Evangelist (RC) nual liturgy cycle of 2022 – Year C.
Christmas Lent (RC) 27 - Advent – This is the first Sunday of the preliminary time for Christmas that begins the
new liturgy year – Year A (Catholics, Anglicans and Lutherans).
Descent of the Buddha
Inauspicious day 26 - Day of the Convenant – The Day of Alliance is celebrated, which involves all the Mes-
sengers of God, including Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and Bahá’u’llah.
28 - Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá – Despite not being a holy day, the Bahá’ís reunite, at
1 a.m., to celebrate the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Children’s Day 20 Television Day 21 Dharmapalas 22 Shakyamuni 23 National Day
of the Scientific 24 International
Day for the 25 Day of the
Covenant 26
(UNICEF) Presentation of Culture Elimination of Violence
Our Lady (Catholics) against Women
Feast of Christ the King
(Catholics and Anglicans) Archangels St. Michael St. Catherine of
World Youth Day and St. Gabriel (OC) Alexandria (RC)
(Catholics) Presentation of the Mother
of God in the Temple (RC)

Advent Sunday
(Year A) 27 Christmas
Lent (RC) 28 Day of
Intercession and 29 St. Andrew,
Apostle 30 Each one takes care not only
Thanksgiving for the [Catholics, Anglicans
St. Phillip, Apostle (OC) Ascension of Missionary Work of the and Orthodox (RC)] of his own interests,
‘Abdu’l-Bahá Church (Anglicans) but also of the interests of others.
Dongzhi Festival
St. Mathew, Apostle Philippians 2,4
and Evangelist (OC)
Inauspicious day

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December 2022
Heaven descends to earth,
like us a boy was born...
And since then,
life has been sacred.
rubeM alveS

«A God who makes himself human»

The maximum expression of the value of the human
being according to the parameters of Christianity
lies in the fact that man and woman were created by
God, the direct work of his «hands»... «Let us make
the human being in our image and likeness. [...]
God then created man as the true image of God»
(Genesis 1:26-27). But, if it was possible, this was
even surpassed when the divine being himself be-
came human, in Jesus: «The Word became man and
came to dwell among us, and we beheld His glory,
as the glory of the Only Son of the Father» (John
1:14). The mission given by Jesus to his disciples
was «Go all over the world and preach the good
news of the gospel to all creatures» (Mark 16:15),
and also the promotion of the values of equality
in the Pauline discourse: «There is no difference
between Jews and non-Jews, between slaves and
free people, between man and woman» (Galatians
3:28) are enough evidence of the valorization of
the human being in a Christian context. In the six-
teenth century, the Protestant Reformation recalled
these fundamental principles of human dignity, fun-
damentally through the search for democratization
in access to education, property, government by the
church and, finally, by the community and the na-
tion. In a very particular way, the insistence on the
centrality of Scripture, transversal to all expressions
of Protestantism, would call into question the com-
plex machinery of mediations that had been exac-
erbated throughout the medieval period, which, in
addition to stratifying the condition human, rele-
gated humanity as a whole to a level that called
into question the very divine intention by creating it
and granting it redemption.
tiMóteo cavaco
Researcher in Religious History
Portuguese Society for the History of Protestantism
3 - Guitá Jayanti (11 Margashirsha FC) – The emergence, between the fifth and the second
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY centuries BCE, of the Hindu literature’s masterpiece – o Bhagavad-Guitá – that is ances-
trally venerated as a goddess, is celebrated.
Restauration of
Independence Day 1 International
Day for Abolition 2 International Day
of Persons with 3 30 - Laba Festival (or Congee) (8th day of the 12th month of 4720) – The enlightenment
Holiday of Slavery Disabilities
of Buddha is celebrated. Laba Congee, a mix of assorted grains and fruits, is eaten.
Romania Day Padmasambhava St. Francis Xavier,
patron of missions 18-26 - Chanukah (24 Kislev-2 Tevet) – Feast of the Lights or Dedication. This feast evokes the
World AIDS Day Guitá Jayanti consecration of the Temple of Jerusalem, by Judas Maccabaeus, in the year 165 BCE, after
the great desecration of Antiochus Epiphanes.
Medicine Buddha
24 - Tantra of the Mother – During the 11th month starting today the practices of Chakras-
amvara and Vajrayogini (of the Tantra of the Mother) are suggested. Practices of Vajrayana
St. John of Damascus,
presbyter and doctor 4 World Volunteer
Day for the 5 Finland Day 6 St. Ambrosius,
bishop and doctor 7 Holiday 8 International
Anti-corruption Day 9 HUMAN
RIGHTS 10 28 - Days of foreboding (Bad omen days). In these, important decisions are not to be made.
of the Church (Catholics) Social-economic St. Nicholas of Myra of the Church Immaculate Conception, International Day for DAY
Development the miracle worker, [Catholics and (RC)] 4 - Sunday of the Bible – Anglican feast celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Sunday of the Bible Main Patron of Portugal the Victims of Genocide
bishop [Catholics St. Catherine of 5 - St. Frutuoso, St. Martinho and St. Geraldo (bishops) – They were bishops of
(Anglicans) St. Frutuoso, St. Martinho
and (RC)] Alexandria (OC) Braga and were associated with the Evangelization of the Peninsula, the defense of the
and St. Geraldo, bishops
Presentation of the Mother primacy of the Cathedral of Braga and the protohistory of Portugal.
of Braga
of God (OC) Amitabha 6/19 - St. Nicholas – Catholics and Orthodox (RC and OC) celebrate this memory, these
days. According to tradition, this saint was from Asia Minor, son of a very wealthy family,
from whom he inherited a great fortune that he distributed to the poor, later embracing an
ecclesiastic life.
8 - Immaculate Conception – After the Council of Ephesus (year 431 CE), when the
Mountain Day 11 World Day
for Universal 12 St. Andrew,
Apostle (OC) 13 Accession
of Portugal 14 15 16 17 divine Maternity of Mary was proclaimed, which occurred in the pontificate of Pius IX, in
1854, the faith in the virginal conception of the Mother of Jesus, started being diffused.
Health Coverage to the UN (1955)
However, in Portugal, the faith in that virtuosity of the Virgin occurs at least since the thir-
Inauspicious day St. John of the Cross, teenth-century. The pinnacle of this devotion happened when King John IV of Portugal, in
presbyter and doctor
of the Church 1646, having reunited all three States of the Kingdom, consecrated Portugal and crowned
the Immaculate Conception as Queen of Portugal.
25 - Christmas/Feast of the Nativity of Jesus – Catholics, Anglicans, Evangelicals
and Orthodox (RC) celebrate the birthday of Jesus, Son of God, Incarnated in the womb of
the Virgin Mary, by the action of the Holy Spirit. This is a core truth of faith for Christianity,
Migrants Day 18 St. Nicholas of
Myra the miracle 19 World
Solidarity Day 20 St. Peter Canisius,
presbyter and 21 Dharmapalas 22 Shakyamuni 23 Tantra
of the Mother 24 which is expressed in the Creed of all its Religious Confessions. The Orthodox (OC) celebrate
the 7th of January.
worker (OC) doctor of the Church
Chanukah St. Ambrosius (OC) [Catholics (it is not
celebrated to being Advent)]
Birthday of Tsongkhapa
(founder of Gelugpa


Holiday 25 St. Stephen,

protomartyr 26 St. John, Apostle
and Evangelist 27 Feast
of the Holy 28 Feast
of the Holy 29 Accession
of Portugal 30 31
CHRISTMAS (Catholics and Anglicans) (Catholics and Anglicans) Innocents, martyrs Innocents (RC) to EFTA (1959)
(Catholics and Anglicans)
Birthday of St. Stephen, Feast of the Holy Family
Feast of the of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Dusum Khyenpa protomartyr (RC) Afternon
Nativity of Jesus (RC) (Catholics) And the word became man
(1st Karmapa) and morning,
foreboding and came to dwell with us.
Laba Festival (or Congee)
John 1,14
Medicine Buddha

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Explanation of Calendars of Religions and Their Correspondence to the Gregorian Calendar of 2022


The Gregorian Calendar came with the revision introduced by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24th, 1582, in the Bulla inter gravissimas. This long-sought reorganization was determined by the divergence added
over hundreds of years between the time indicated by the Julian Calendar and the real astronomical time. This correction was made by shortening the month of October of the year of its approval, in 10 days
(day 5 passed to day 14). Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland were the first countries to accept this revision (1582), which was later adopted by most western countries (Bohemia and Moravia, 1584; Hungary,
1587; Denmark and Norway, 1700; Great Britain and Ireland, 1752; Finland and Sweden, 1753; Bulgaria, 1916; Estonia and Russia, 1918; Romania, 1919).
The Eastern Orthodox Church (Jerusalem, Russia, Georgia and Serbia) continues to use the ancient Julian Calendar (old calendarists); and the Orthodox Church in the Mediterranean (Alexandria, Antioch, Ro-
mania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia) and Nordic countries (Finland and Estonia), in 1923, started being regulated by the revised Julian Calendar (new calendarists),
which differs by 13 days. Thus, the old calendarists (OC) celebrate their fixed feasts 13 days later than the new calendarists (RC). However, all Orthodox follow the Old Julian Calendar to set the date of Easter.


[Element: WATER; Sign: TIGER] CALENDAR (2148-2149)
This Calendar began in the reign of the Yellow Emperor, Huang Di (2698-2599 BCE), considered The name Kalachakra comes from the Tantra whose name means Wheel of Time. According to
the oldest ancestor of the Han ethnic group, to which 92% of the Chinese belong. It is lunisolar, tradition, Buddha transmitted this Tantric teaching (universal harmonization of the mind and ener-
dividing into 12 lunar months (29/30 days), but the counting of the years is made by the solar gies of the body) in a day of Full Moon, hence its lunar characteristic. The counting of the months
record, with a 90-day addition, every eight years, as a form of adjustment, between counting the begins on the immediate day following the New Moon, and the months are mentioned by their
lunations (354) and the totality of the solar days of the year (365,25). sequential order (1st, 2nd...). The year is approximately 354 days, so that, throughout the year, a
The Gregorian year of 2022, as of February 1st, corresponds to the Chinese year 4720 of the few days are duplicated or omitted to make the adjustment of the lunar and solar cycles. Celebra-
sign of the Tiger (Yin), which runs until January 21th, 2023, in the 39th year of the 78th cycle (of 60 tions that fall on interim dates are celebrated on the second day, unless it’s inauspicious. The year
years), which began in 1984 and will run until 2044. This (major) 60-year cycle is subdivided into 2148 ends on March 2nd, and the New Year 2149 (year of the Tiger) begins on the first day of the
12-year (minor) cycles that are named after 12 animals, which, according to legend, attended New Moon. Every Monday is a good day for prayers, and Fridays are very beneficial, except on an
the feast of the mythological Jade Emperor – Zi (Rat), Chou (Ox), Yin (Tiger), Mao (Rabbit), Chen inauspicious date. The inauspicious days in the current year are: January 6th and 18th; February
(Dragon), Si (Serpent), Wu (Horse), Wei (Goat or Lamb), Shen (Monkey), You (Rooster), Xu (Dog), 2nd and 14th; March 12th and 24th; April 8th and 20th; May 4th, 17th and 31st; June 12th; July 20th;
Lai (Pig) – whose temperamental characteristics are associated by the Chinese astrological zodiac August 4th, 15th and 31st; September 11th and 26th; October 7th; November 3rd, 15th and 30th; and
to the natives of these years. December 12th, 28th and 29th (of bad omen).

Until the 2nd of January 2022 11.º MONTH (4719) [30 days] Until the 2nd of January 2022 10.º MONTH (2148)
From the 3rd to the 31st of January 12.º MONTH [29 days] From the 3rd of January to the 1st of February 11.º MONTH
From the 1st of February to the 2th of March 1.º MONTH (year 4720) [30 days] – Tiger From the 2nd of February to the 2nd of March 12.º MONTH
From the 3rd to the 31st of March 2.º MONTH [29 days] From the 3rd of March to the 1st of April 1.º MONTH (year 2149 – Tiger/Water)
From the 1st to the 30th of April 3.º MONTH [30 days] From the 2nd to the 30th of April 2.º MONTH
From the 1st to the 29th of May 4.º MONTH [29 days] From the 1st to the 30th of May 3.º MONTH
From the 30th of May to the 28th of June 5.º MONTH [30 days] From the 31st of May to the 29th of June 4.º MONTH
From the 29th of June to the 28th of July 6.º MONTH [30 days] From the 30th of June to the 28th of July 5.º MONTH
From the 29th of July to the 26th of August 7.º MONTH [29 days] From the 29th of July to the 27th de August 6.º MONTH
From the 27th of August to the 25th of September 8.º MONTH [30 days] From the 28th of August to the 25th of September 7.º MONTH
From the 26th of September to the 24th of October 9.º MONTH [29 days] From the 26th of September to the 25th of October 8.º MONTH
From the 25th of October to the 23rd of November 10.º MONTH [30 days] From the 26th of October to the 23rd of November 9.º MONTH
From the 24th of November to the 22th of December 11.º MONTH [29 days] From the 24th of November to the 23rd of December 10.º MONTH
From the 23rd of December to the 21st January 2023 12.º MONTH [30 days] From the 24th of December to the 21st of January 2023 11.º MONTH
The lunar Calendar of the Vikram Era (Gujarat) was instituted in 58 BCE by Chandragupta II, The Jewish year has 354 days, in the common years (12 months) or 385 days, in the embolismic
known as Vikramaditya (Sun of Courage). It has 365 days, grouped in 12 months, with 2 halves years (13 months). 5782 began on the 1st of the month of Tishrei/September 7th, 2021, ending
of 15 days (Paksha: Crescent Phase [Sudi]; and Last Phase [Vadi]), which correspond to the names on the 29th of Elul/September 25th, 2022. In the 1st of the month of Tishrei/September 26th, the
of the god Vishnu, to which this king was very devoted. Approximately every 30 months, there is year 5783 (of the creation of Man) begins. Tishrei is considered the first month, but in the Hebrew
an adjustment made according to the position of the Sun, adding a supplementary month (Adhik- tradition there are other months perceived as the beginning of the calendar, depending on the
Maas), which is always considered a period of great holiness during which the Vratas (vows, fasts, purpose of the consultation. Thus, the 1st of the month of Nissan, in the documents, begins the
penances, and visits to the temples) multiply, as well as reading and reciting of sacred texts. The counting of the years of the kings and the feasts; and the 1st of the month of Elul marks the begin-
year 2078 started on the 1st of Karttika/November 5th, 2021, and ends on the 30th of Ashvina/ ning of the year for the tithe of the animals. Setting the calendar with the solar year determines
October 25th, 2022. that there are months with 29 and 30 days. The first day of each month is called Rosh hodesh. In
the 30-day months, there are two Rosh hodesh celebrations followed: Rosh hodesh 1 is observed
Until the 2nd of January 2022 2.º MARGASHIRSHA (year 2078) [29 days] on the 30th day of the ending month, and Rosh hodesh 2 on the first day of the month that follows.
From the 3rd of January to the 1st of February 3.º POUSH [30 days]
From the 2nd of February to the 2nd of March 4.º MAGHA [29 days] Until the 2nd of January 2022 4.º TEVET (5782) [29 days]
From the 3rd of March to the 1st of April 5.º PHALGUNA [30 days] From the 3rd of January to the 1st of February 5.º SHEVAT [30 days]
From the 2nd to the 30th of April 6.º CHAITRA [29 days] From the 2nd of February to the 3rd of March 6.º ADAR I [30 days]
From the 1st to the 30th of May 7.º VAISHAKHA [30 days] From the 4th of March to the 1st of April 6.º ADAR II [29 days]
From the 31st of May to the 29th of June 8.º JYESHTHA [30 days] From the 2nd of April to the 1st of May 7.º NISSAN [30 days]
From the 30th of June to the 28th of July 9.º ASHADHA [29 days] From the 2nd to the 30 of May 8.º IYYAR [29 days]
From the 29th of July to the 27th of August 10.º SHRAAVANA [30 days] From the 31st of May to the 29th of June 9.º SIVAN [30 days]
From the 28th of August to the 25th of September 11.º BHADRAPADA [29 days] From the 30th of June to the 28th of July 10.º TAMUZ [29 days]
From the 26th of September to the 25th of October 12.º ASHVINA [30 days] From the 29th of July to the 27th of August 11.º AV [30 days]
From the 26th of October to the 23rd of November 1.º KARTTIKA (year 2079) [29 days] From the 28th of August to the 25th of September 12.º ELUL [29 days]
From the 24th of November to the 23rd of December 2.º MARGASHIRSHA [30 days] From the 26th of September to the 25th of October 1.º TISHREI (year 5783) [30 days]
From the 24th of December to the 21st of January 2023 3.º POUSH [29 days] From the 26th of October to the 24th of November 2.º CHESHVAN [30 days]
From the 25th of November to the 24th of December 3.º KISLEV [30 days]
From the 25th of December to the 22nd of January 2023 4.º TEVET [29 days]
The Bahá’í Calendar was instituted by the Bab (Door) in 1844, and later confirmed by Bahá’u’lláh
(Glory of God). It’s a 365-day solar calendar. The years are composed of 19 months (designated MUSULIM (AL HIJRA) CALENDAR (1443-1444)
by the attributes of God) of 19 days. Between the 18th and 19th month (February 25th to March 1st,
2022), 5 «interim days» (Ayyám-i-Há’) are added. The New Year begins at the Spring Equinox. The The Islamic Calendar began in Hijra Year 0 (Hijra), 622 CE – the date of the departure of the
day begins and ends with the sunset. On the 1st day of each month, a community celebration is Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. With less 10-11 days than the Gregorian Calendar, it
held with the exclusive presence of the Bahá’í members. has 12 lunar months. In each 30-year cycle, there are 11 years with 355 days and the others have
354 days. The years that have 355 days are called interim years – 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th,
Until the 17th of January 2022 16.º SHARAF [Honor] (178) 21st, 24th, 26th and the 29th. The year 1443 began on the 1st of the month of Muharram/August
From the 18th of January to the 5th of February 17.º SULTÁN [Sovereignty] 9th, 2021, and ends on the 30th of the month of Zil-Hajj/July 29th, 2022, and, in the following day
From the 6th to the 24th of February 18.º MULK [Dominion] (1st of the month of Muharram), the year 1444 of the Hijra begins. The months Muharram, Rajab,
From the 25th of February to the 1st of March AYYÁM-I-HÁ’ [The days of Há] Ramadan and Zil-Quad are considered sacred.
From the 2nd to the 20th of March 19.º ‘ALÁ’ [Loftiness]
From the 21st of March to the 8th of April 1.º BAHÁ [Splendour] (179) Until the 3rd of January 2022 5.º JAMADIUL-AWWAL (1443) [30 days]
From the 9th to the 27th of April 2.º JALÁL [Glory] From the 4th of January to the 1st of February 6.º JAMADIUL-AKHIR [29 days]
From the 28th of April to the 16th of May 3.º JAMÁL [Beauty] From the 2nd of February to the 3rd of March 7.º RAJAB [30 days]
From the 17th of May to the 4th of June 4.º ‘AZAMAT [Grandeur] From the 4th of March to the 1st of April 8.º SHAABAN [29 days]
From the 5th to the 23rd of June 5.º NÚR [Light] From the 2nd of April to the 1st of May 9.º RAMADAN [30 days]
From the 24th of June to the 12nd of July 6.º RAHMAT [Mercy] From the 2nd to the 30th of May 10.º XAWWAL [29 days]
From the 13rd to the 31st of July 7.º KALIMÁT [Mercy] From the 31st of May to the 29th of June 11.º ZIL-QUAD [30 days]
From the 1st to the 19th of August 8.º KAMÁL [Perfection] From the 30th of June to the 29th of July 12.º ZIL-HAJJ [30 days]
From the 20th of August to the 7th of September 9.º ASMÁ [Names] From the 30th of July to the 27th of August 1.º MUHARRAM (1444) [29 days]
From the 8th to the 26th of September 10.º IZZAT [Might] From the 28th of August to the 26th of September 2.º SAFAR [30 days]
From the 26th of September to the 15th of October 11.º MASHÍYYAT [Will] From the 27th of September to the 25th of October 3.º RABIUL-AWWAL [29 days]
From the 16th of October to the 3rd of November 12.º ILM [Knowledge] From the 26th of October to the 24th of November 4.º RABIUL-AKHIR [30 days]
From the 4th to the 22 of November 13.º QUDRAT [Power] From the 25th of November to the 24th of December 5.º JAMADIUL-AWWAL [29 days]
From the 23rd of November to the 11th of December 14.º QAWL [Speech] From the 25th of December to the 22nd of January 2023 6.º JAMADIUL-AKHIR [29 days]
From the 12nd to the 30th of December 15.º MASÁ’IL [Questions]
From the 31st of December to the 18th of January 2023 16.º SHARAF [Honor]
Technical information
Editorial supervision: Maria Eliete Duarte (Director of Paulinas Publishing House) • Scientific coordination: José Eduardo Franco (CIPSH-UA – Chair on Global Studies/Aberta University and CLEPUL/FLUL)
General coordination, organization and corresponding explanatory texts: Rui A. Costa Oliveira (Centre for the Studies of the Science of Religions/ Lusofona Univ. and CLEPUL/Faculty of Letters Univ. of Lisbon)
Coordination and organization of literary contents and images: Lidice Meyer Pinto Ribeiro (Guest Teacher ULHT and Investigator of the CLEPUL/UL)
Others content contributors: Marco Oliveira (January); Xiao Mai (February); Susana Mourato Alves-Jesus (March, June, October, November); Ariel Horivitz (April); António Coelho Teixeira (May);
F. Aldo Berardi, O.SS.T. (July); Champaclal Mulchande Deuchande (August); Sheik David Munir (September); Timóteo Cavaco (December)
Presentation: Sónia Pereira (High Commissioner for Migration, I.P.) and Father Peter Stilwell (Department for Ecumenical Relations and Interreligious Dialogue of Patriarchate of Lisbon)
Introductory texts: José Eduardo Franco (CIPSH/Aberta Univ. and CLEPUL/FLUL) e Paulo Mendes Pinto (Coordinator of the Science of Religions area at Universidade Lusófona – ULHT)
Research advice, writing and technical review: Paulinas Editora • Design and graphic composition: Departamento Gráfico Paulinas
The work of verification and approval of the texts counted with the diligent contribution of: Champaklal Mulchande Deuchande (Hindu Community of Lisbon) – Y Ping Chow (Alliance of the Chinese in Portugal)
António Coelho Teixeira (Portuguese Buddhist Union) – Father Francisco José Rebelo (Catholic Church) – Father Alexandre Bonito (Orthodox Veteralists) – Padre Alexandr Piskunov (Orthodox Neocalendarists)
Isaac Assor (Hazan of the Shaare Tikvá Sinagogue, Lisbon) – António Calaim (Portuguese Evangelical Aliance) – Presbyter Sérgio Pinho Alves (Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church)
Sheik David Munir (Islamic Community of Lisbon) – Ivone Félix Correia (Bahá’í Faith)
Funding institutions: ACM – High Commissariat for Migrations (Presidency of the Council of Ministers); Chair CIPSH on Global Studies/Aberta Univ.; CLEPUL/FLUL
Edition: © PAULINAS EDITORA – Rua Francisco Salgado Zenha, 11 – 2685-332 Prior Velho • Tel. 219 405 640 • Fax 219 405 649 • e-mail: •

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Esta publicação foi também financiada por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do Projecto “UIDB/00077/2020”

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