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-Colin Dexter- 7
1. What kind of person was Evans? What was he famous for?
Ans. Evans was a resourceful, intelligent and homurus person. He had leasing
personality and was a man of talent. He was very good at people and used to be one
of the stars at the Christmas concert in prison. His congential kleptomania had
cancelled him in jail thrice and he was famous for having escaped the prison every
single time. He was popularly known as 'Evans - the break.'
2. Why was Evens famous with the name of 'Evans - the break'?
Ans. Though Evans had a pleasing personality he was suffering from congential
kleptomania. He had a deep desire to steal thins, even the ones which had no use
for him. This had landed him in jail three times but he hand managed to escape the
prison each time, wit the help of his talent of imitative intelligence, wittiness and
resourceful nature. That is why he was known as 'Evans- the break'.
3. What precautions did governor take to stop Evans From escaping?
Ans. Evans was popular for having escaped the prison each time he was captured by
the police. That is why hd had been kept at the most secured oxford prison. The
government of the prison did not want to take any chance with the possibilities of
Evans escape os it would be a matter of shame for him. For that Evans was locked
behind three doors, his cell checked twice for anything that could be used as a
potential weapon. Two prison officers kept a check on him and a microphone was
installed in his cell.
4. How did the first phone call kill two birds with one shot?
Ans. After the examination had started, governor received a phone call from
examination board regarding the corrections in the question paper. Behind this
call were the associative of Evan who managed to know about the beginning of the
examination from the governor. The corrections which were passed on through
the same phone call also helped Evans to know about the further plans. Thus, the
first phone call killed how birds with one stone.
5. What was the correction made in the question paper and how the correction
proved significant in rearresting Evans?
Ans. The correction that was delivered through the first phone call directed that on page
three, line fifteen, the fourth word should read 'goldenen' not 'goldene' and the
whole phrase would therefore read 'zum goldenen not' goldene zum goldene
lawen'. This was a clue to Evan regarding the hotel that he was to reach after the
escape. The same clue served governor in finding out where Evans would be.
6. What was the motto behind second call?
Ans. The second call to governor came from the magistrates court. They needed a
prison van and a couple of prison officers for a remand case. Once again it was
Evans' associates behind the call. Their motto was to et a prison van and uniform
of some prison van officers, which was to be used in the later stage of teh escape
plan, to get Evans out from hotel safely.
7. Why Stephens suddenly realise that Mcleery had grown slimmer?
Ans. When Evan's examination ended, Stephens went to see Mcleery off the prison
premises as per the instructions of the governor. While waling out, Stephens felt
that Mcleery's long black over coat was hanging loose and it reached almost to this
knees. This fostered an illusion to Stephens that the parson had suddenly grown
slimmer. But he did not pay much attention to these though his and brushed them
8. Evans relied on the compassionate behaviour of jail authorities. How for day you
find it true?
Ans. It is true that Evans relied on the compassion ate behaviour of jail authorities. His
escape plan was dependent upon certain assumptions regarding the policeman,
and all of then proved true. The governor did not check the identity of Evans'
German teacher and Jackson didn't force him to take out his hat, just the way he
had expected. He knew Steephens would not check McLeery when he would take
the parson away, and it actually happened so. Also, Evans finally escape to new
burry as he knew the governor would not bother again about that place.
9. How was Evans recap tured?
Ans. Evans was recaptured with the help of the clues that he had left behind
mistakenly. The governor used whatever little knowledge of German he had, to
figure out where Evans was. The index number 313 centre no. 271 taken on an
ordnance survey map for oxford shine landed the governor in the middle of
chipping norton. This information was present on the question paper that Evans
had left behind. Also, the correction slip helped the governor to reach the Golden
Lion Hotel where Evans was staying after his escape.
10. How was Evans able to smuggle blood into prison?
Ans. Evans needed blood to fake the injury of McLeery. The blood was smuggled into the
prison through a semi-unflated rubber ring, which McLeery had brought with
himself. Evans' associates got pig's blood from the slaughter house in kidlington.
It was then mix with actual human blood with one tenth of its own volume of 3.8
percent trisodium citrate, so as to prevent it from clothing.
11. How Evans finally managed to re-escape?
Ans. Evans was an intelligent and resource full person. He had planned his re-escape in
advance. The prison van and officers that the governor had brought with himself
to recapture Evans was sent by Evans associates actually. The van and uniform of
jail officers had been arranged through the second call that the governor had
received from the magistrates court, the van drove Evans to Newbury. That's how
the bird got out of his cage.
12. Do you think Evans proved worth of his name?
Ans. Evans was famous with the name of "Evans - the Break". He had got this name for
his ability to escape the prison each time he caught behind the bars. In story, he
truly proved the worth of his name by managing to escape from the hands of the
governor not once but twice. His talent of imitations, intelligence and resourceful
persona superseded the experience and wisdom of prison authorities .
1. What were teh mistakes commited by jail authorities that helped Evans in
Ans. Evans broke out of his cell and proved the worth of his name - Evans the break. His
escape plan relied upon the jail authorities paid no attention to. On the morning to
the exam, the cap on Evan head was not removed. It helped him hide his unevenly
cut hair. The examiner McLeery was checked but not properly enough. They could
not figure out he was wearing double layer of cloths. Also, his identity was not
confirmed before allowing his entry to the prison. While seeing McLeery off,

Stephen felt that McLeery looked slimmer but he did not pay any need towards it.
When an injured McLeery was found in Evans's cell, even the white llinen hand
kercheif in his hand did not ring any bell in the heads of prison officer. They were
not even alarmed enough to check why the phone at the examination board was
engaged each time it was dialled. Throughout the escape episode of Evans' jail
authorities display xelax behaviour. The governor did not even bother to escort an
injured McLeery balk home. About oil, the greatest blunder of the jail authorities
was that the identity of the German teacher, who used to come to the prison on the
pretext of teaching Evans, was not confirmed even once. For nine consecutive
months, he visited Evans frequently laid out on escape plan for him and the prison
authorities did not know a word of it. They had been in slumber.


3 times caught Evans - Evans the break

3 times escaped Why? - congential kelptomand
(an amater their)

By Nature → Jolly, witty, funny, Mimicry artist, Popular

among jail mates

Evans filled 'O' Level German Language Form

* Three times checked
Final exam tomorrow * Any potential weapon taken
* 2 prison officers
* behind three locks

Evans wearing red cap

(Father) McLeery invigilator

Two Birds One Shot First Phone Call

Second Phone Call Magistrate

Evans got Asst. got
further exam
timings Prison van officer
escape Exam Concluded

McLeery escorted out by Stephens

Evans escaped

Detective charter comes and take McLeery

Mistakes by Jail Authorities

?Cap not removed

?Teacher never checked

?McLeery's identity not cross checked

?Proper checking not done

?Reason for engaged phone not checked

?McLeery looked this, out ignored

Re-arrest : - At Golden Lion Hotel, Newburry (by governor)

How escaped

?Teacher was associated

?Long laid cold blodded plain

?McLeery associate

?Imported cloths and blood

[Semi inflated tube

Human and Pig blood + 3.8% sodium citrate]

?Hair managed by Razons - hidden behind cap

?Plaster on Face

Finally escaped

Governor shocked

Called police van

Van with Evans Assoc. come

Lost mistake by gov. - did not ------------


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