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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Subject: Operating Systems Subject Code: R2021053

Section(s): 2CSE-1 Date: 14-12-2021
Name of the Instructor/Faculty:

Course Outcomes
Subject Code
CO1 Summarize structures, functions of operating systems and system calls.
CO2 Outline various process management, multithreading concepts and make use
C223 of CPU scheduling algorithms in multiprogramming and Outline various
Process synchronization concepts
CO3 Summarize Memory Management concepts and Apply various Page
Replacement Algorithms to manage the memory efficiently.


Q. No. UNIT1-Questions Marks CO BL

What are core functionalites/operations of operating 4
1 (a) system , Explain 1 2

List and briefly describe different categories of System calls with 4

1 (b) 1 1
suitable examples.
What are the various components of operating system structure 4
2 (a) and explain the simple, layered, modular, monolithic kernel, 1 2
microkernel architecture with a neat sketch.
2 (b) List the operating system services. 4 1 2
Illustrate the Dual-Mode operation of an operating system with a 4
3 (a) neat sketch.(user mode, and kernel mode) 1 2
3 (b) List and explain different types of operating systems. 4 1 1
3© What is meant by interleaving and overlapping with respect to
multi programming and multi processing? Explain. (Assume
system have two user processes). Surf
Q. No. UNIT II -Questions Marks CO BL
For the processes listed below, illustrate with Gantt Chart, 4
evaluate Average Waiting Time and Average Turnaround Time 2 2
using: i)FCFS ii) SJF iv) Non-Preemptive Priority v)
Preemptive Priority vi) RR(with TQ=2)

1 (a)

(Note: smaller the number, higher the priority)

1 (b) Explain in detail the two popular inter-process communication 4 2 2
2 (a) With a neat diagram, explain the process state diagram. 4 2 2
2 (b) Illustrate various models of multithreading. 4 2 2
What is critical section problem? List out requirements that must 4
3 (a) 2 2
satisfy for a solution to the critical-section problem. Explain about
software-based Peterson’s solution & Synchronization Hardware to
the critical-section problem.
What is semaphore? Why it is important? 4
3 (b) 2 1
Q. No. UNIT III -Questions Marks CO BL
Given memory partitions are 500 KB, 100 KB, 200 KB, 300 KB, 4 3
and 600 KB (in order), how would each of the first-fit, best-fit,
1 (a) and worst-fit algorithms place processes of 212 KB, 417 KB, 112
KB and 426 KB (in order)? Which algorithm makes the most
4efficient use of memory?
Consider the page reference string: A B C D B A E F B A B C G 4 3
F C B A B C F for a memory with three 3 frames. Make use of
1 (b)
FIFO, Optimal, and LRU LFU page replacement algorithms to
calculate the number of page faults occured.
What is paging? Consider a system with byte-addressable 4
memory, 32 bit logical addresses, 4 kilobyte page size and page
2 (a) 3 1
table entries of 4 bytes each. Find the size of the page table in the
system in megabytes?
What is beladys anamoly, explain, ,what is fragmentation,what is 4
2 (b) compaction.what is pagefault. 3 3

What is Thrashing? Outline the cause of Thrashing? How does the 4

3 (a) system detect Thrashing? What can the system do to eliminate 3 2
this problem?
Make use of demand paging in the implementation of Page 4
3 (b) Table and how demand paging affects the performance of a 3 3

Submission Time:: as early as possible before the mid commencing date

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