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This book narrates the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a old trader, shop owner, that after
having touched the bottom of the barrel thanks to the spirit of the deceased business
partner was able to get back on the right path.
Seven years earlier, during the Christmas' Eve, his business partner of him, Jacob
Marley, died and he was left alone.
He continued to work, he hated the Chrismas, for him it was a day like any other,
even worse because he did not earn anything.
After finishing work he went home, when he entered he found a spirit, who claimed
to be his deceased business partner di lui, and he said that three spirits would come to
find him to try to put him back on the right path. After he said it, he flew out the
During the night, came the first spirit, he was the spirit of past Chrismases.
He took Scrooge to wander into his old memories of him, seeing himself as a child,
when he was left alone, he cried.
Afterwards he took him to see his other past Christmases, until one where he had a
big party, and remembered that the fun he felt that evening, was priceless.
After seeing some other memories together with the first spirit he returned home,
when he arrived he found the second spirit, that of Christmas present.
This spirit showed him how people spent Christmas, or rather the Eve, he saw his
salesman Bob, some miners, a caretaker and many others, up to the last visit, the one
to his nephew Fred, who spent Christmas with his sisters and his wife, but sad for his
He went home again, still missing a spirit.
when he arrived he was different from the others, he was the spirit of future
Christmases, he simply wore a black tunic, from which only one hand shone.
Scrooge asked him a question but he did not answer.
The spirit shows him the city, where everyone talks about a dead man and laughs at
him, the spirit also shows him his shop, it had been sold, as well as his house.
Finally the spirit takes him to the cemetery, where he sees his tombstone, and realizes
that he is the dead one that everyone laughs.
The spirit has done its work.
Scrooge wakes up and with a new soul begins the day, and his new life.

In my opinion it is really a great lesson in life, we must not allow material things to
make us their slaves, because the most important things are the abstract ones, like
love, friendship exc ...
It is not money that makes our happiness, only the people around us can really give
us real emotions.

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