4x07 Don Harding 6pgs

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TCFTY CASTING Fax: S10-S89-0367 Sep 3 2008 01:05pm PO02/014 Scene A DON HARDING SIDES INT. HIGH SCHOOL - ART CLASSROOM - DAY A dozen GROTESQUE MASKS twist from the ceiling on fishing lina. Floating, disembodied visages of agony- ‘ON sam and pean (in thelr Fed Suits), looking up at the chilling display. Then-- DON (0.8.) you gentlemen wanted to see me? igh school art teacher DON HARDING, late 40’s, approaches. Sam and Dean flash the Fed badges. SAM Mr. Harding? Dow Please... Don. SAM Okay. Don. DON Even my students call me Den. DEAN (whatever) Yeoh, we get it, Don. I’m Agent Geddy and this is agent Lee. We have a few questions about Tracy Davis. puertuedrS pon nods sadly. DON Tracy... bright girl. And loads of valest. Shame she was suspended. DEAN You two had a “violent altercation?” DON She almost clawed my eyes out. SAM why? lok Lo TOFTY CASTING Fax: S10-S89-0367 Sep 3 2008 01:05pm POO3/014 Dow (shrugs) She just exploded. I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had become... inappropriate. Disturbing. DEAN (ze: masks on ceiling) More disturbing than this? DON she'd cover page after page with these bizarre, cryptic symbols. Then there were the drawings. Detailed images of killings. Gory. Primitive. She‘d depict herself in ‘the middle of it, participating. SAM Symbols? what kind of symbols? Anything like... Sam grabs a piece of paper, pencil. Does a rough sketch of ‘the AMULET found in the hex bag. SAM (CONT’D) seethis? Don Yeah. I think there was something like that in one of thom. DEAN any idea where Tracy is now? ON I imagine at her apartment. DERN Her apartment? DON Sho came to town ahout a year ago—— alone. As T understood it, she was an emancipated teen. God only knows what her parents were like. Ue mii Sete ¥2 INT, TEACHER'S HOUSE - BASEMENT - CONTINUOUS eS! 2K bo TOFTY CASTING Fax: S10-S89-0367 Sep 3 2008 01:06pm POOd/O1d 3. Don the art teacher INTONES in Gaulish (translation to come): DON Adveri m'opis pisson-mi-jo, Adveri m'ovsa clowar-mi-jo. SYMBOLS. LAYERS of them. A muffled SCREAM. REVEAL: ‘Tracy. GAGGED and BOUND to a thick wooden joist. She STRUGGLES, tries to twist free. RACK TO DON. As he finishes the INCANTATION. DON (CONT'D) Adveri mo boccin biat—jo mo qutun ¢lutos ambi dubnon. Don lifts an IRON KNIFE from the altar. Carries it to TRACY. She SCREAMS through her gag, eyes wild. Don traces the knife along her neck, SLIDRS it down, then-- DOW (CONT’D) ‘Trekna mo lamin dexsin bian-jo treknos, du arcitu marvus vo mo comocta, vo mo rocomect ju... =-be makes a SLICE along her clavicle. A thin stream of BLOOD. He raises a SILVER CUP to the cut, then-— ‘BAM! BAM! BBM! Don SPINS. Three gaping holes BLOOM RED on his chest and—— fhe DROPS to the floor. SAM AND DEAN. Pistols drawn. Sam moves to Don, holds the gun over his inert body. Checks his pulse—— SAM He‘s dead. Dean with Tracy. He removes the gag. She GASPS, SPUTTERS: TRACY Thank you! He was gonna KILL me! Dean cuts through the rope at her wrists. Tracy shakes off the bonds. Bx

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