DD HW (Ibrahim Kareem)

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Q_1: A
Convert the directions below to either azimuth or quadrant, depending on what
is given. Then apply an MDC of 3°E and 5°W
Conversion MDC= 30 E MDC= 50 W
1 250 N 25 E N 28 E 280 N 20 E 200
2 450 N 45 E N 48 E N 40 E
3 910 S 89 E S 86 E N 86 E
4 1820 S2W S5W S3E
5 2750 N 85 W N 82 W NW (N 90 W)
6 N 75.5 E 75.50 78.50 70.50
7 S 88.0 E 920 950 870
8 S 01.0 W 1810 1840 1760
9 N 27.4 W 332.60 335.60 327.60

Q_1: B
Convert the following Latitude / Longitude values to DMS (Degrees Minutes
Seconds) or Decimal

Lat / Lon Conversion

1 19° 45’ 27” W 19.7575 W
2 27.45215° N 27°27’77’’ N
3 46° 59’ 05” E 46.9847 E
4 65° 58’ 34” S 65.9761 S
5 136° 15’ 46” W 136.2627 W
6 26.95785° W 26°57’28’’ W
7 98.85321° E 98°51’11’’ E
8 89.12478° N 89°07’29’’ N

Use the figures to find MDC & GC below:

3 East 8 East 2 West

5 East (+5) 6 East (6+)
3 West (-3)


2 West 7 East 10 West

6 West (-5) 8 East (+8) 4 West (-4)

7. Provided Data Below Draw Vector Diagram and calculate True North Azimuth
• MDC :2.50E
• Surveying Instrument: MWD
• Tool Azimuth: 900


True North Azum = 90 + 2.5

= 92.5

8. Provided Data Below Draw Vector Diagram and calculate True North Azimuth
• MDC:-1.70
• Surveying Instrument: MWD
• Tool Azimuth: 1950


True North Azum = 195 – 1.7

= 193.3

Calculated the bit depth and survey depth for 5 stands using a directional offset
of 47.53’
No STAND LENGTH Pipe + BHA (Bit Depth) Survey Depth
1 54 91.50 5502.45 5454.9
2 55 91.95 5594.4 5546
3 56 90.89 5685.29 5637
4 57 92.37 5777.66 5730
5 58 91.25 5868.91 5821
6 59 92.50 5961.4 5913
7 60 91.96 6053.3 6005
8 61 92.30 6145.6 6098

Name the azimuth reference that is used by each of the survey instruments

Magnetic North

True North

Magnetic North

True North

True North

Magnetic North

Magnetic North

Magnetic North

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