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Class 11th

Sub: CS python

Topic: Notes 3

Note: Write down these notes in your copy in clear and fair writings
also learn them.
1) Character Set: it is the set of alphabets,digits,and special symbols which are used to
create a program in a particular programming language.

alphabets A to Z, a to z

digits 0 t0 9

special symbols ;,.' " % $ # @ etc

ascii code, unicode

2) Variables: Variables are the names of the memory locations where value can be store
according to the requirement of the program.

It holds the value at the temporary basis.

scope or life of variable:

a) Global variable: when we take variable within the program. The life of the variable till
the execution of the program.

b) Local variable: when take within the function or method in the program then the scope
of variable remains active till the execution

of program.

3) Constant: Value of constant remains fix throughout the program

integer constant: -oo to +oo etc

floating point: real no. -2.78, 678.78 etc

double : real no. store value more than floating point

4) Character constant :These are the constant which holds the alpahabets, digits,special
symbols wthin the single quote.

for example:'A','2','&' etc

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