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What is Fossil Fuels?

Fossil Fuels is a fuel formed by natural processes,

such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead
organisms, containing organic molecules
originating in ancient photosynthesis that
release energy in combustion.

These fuels are found in the Earth’s crust and

contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be
burned for energy.


Coal is a material usually Oil is originally found as Natural gas is usually
found in sedimentary rock a solid material between found in pockets above oil
deposits where rock and dead layers of sedimentary deposits. It can also be
plant and animal matter are rock, like shale. This found in sedimentary rock
piled up in layers. More material is heated in layers that don’t contain
than 50 percent of a piece order to produce the thick oil. Natural gas is
of coal’s weight must be oil that can be used to primarily made up of
from fossilized plants. make gasoline. methane.
What is Biogas?
Biogas is a renewable fuel produced by the
breakdown of organic matter such as food
scraps and animal waste. It can be used in a
variety of ways including as vehicle fuel and
for heating and electricity generation.

Biogas consists mainly of methane and carbon

dioxide. It can also include small amounts of
hydrogen sulphide, siloxanes and some moisture.
The relative quantities of these vary depending on
the type of waste involved in the production of the
resulting biogas.
Waste that can be used to produce biogas


Manure is organic matter Municipal solid waste, Food waste or food loss is
that is used as organic commonly known as trash food that is not eaten.
or garbage in the United The causes of food waste
fertilizer in agriculture.
States and rubbish in or loss are numerous and
Most manure consists of
Britain, is a waste type occur throughout the food
animal feces; other sources
consisting of everyday system, during production,
include compost and green
items that are discarded processing,distribution,
manure. retail and consumption.
by the public
What is Geothermal?
Geothermal energy is the thermal energy
generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal
energy is the energy that determines the
temperature of matter.

Geothermal energy is the heat that comes from the

sub-surface of the earth. It is contained in the rocks
and fluids beneath the earth’s crust and can be
found as far down to the earth’s hot molten rock,
Examples of Geothermal Energy Phenomena


A hot spring is a natural water
source produced by heated A geyser is a specific A mud pot has a
groundwater that rises over the kind of spring that similarity to all of the
surface. It is scientifically bursts out a mixture of hydrothermal phenomena.
called as geothermally heated water and steam in They are basically a hot
Geothermally heated water often
regular or irregular spring but with high clay
carries high mineral content. A intervals, often as high content.
naturally heated spring, warm as a few dozen meters.
water can hold more dissolved
solids than the cold ones.
What is Hydrothermal?
Hydrothermal energy is the process of obtaining
heat or energy from a large body of water. 'Heat', in
this case should not be associated with high
temperature (as it may be with geothermal energy)
but rather a relative heat content or relative
temperature difference.

Water issuing from hydrothermal vents may reach

temperatures of over 700° F. The water does not boil
because of the extreme pressure at the ocean
depths where the vents are located. Hydrothermal
vents are recognized as rich sources of thermal
A hydrothermal vent is a fissure on the
seafloor from which geothermally heated
water discharges. Hydrothermal vents are
commonly found near volcanically active
places, areas where tectonic plates are
moving apart at spreading centers, ocean
basins, and hotspots.
What is Batteries?

A battery is a device consisting of one or more

electrochemical cells with external
connections for powering electrical devices
such as flashlights, mobile phones, and electric
cars. When a battery is supplying electric
power, its positive terminal is the cathode and
its negative terminal is the anode.
Different types of Batteries


An alkaline battery is a A mercury battery is a They generate electricity
non-rechargeable through a double sulfate
type of primary battery
electrochemical battery, chemical reaction. Lead
which derives its energy and lead dioxide, the
a primary cell. Mercury
from the reaction between batteries use a reaction active materials on the
zinc metal and manganese between mercuric oxide battery's plates, react
dioxide. and zinc electrodes in an with sulfuric acid in the
alkaline electrolyte. electrolyte to form lead
What is Solar Cells?
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical
device that converts the energy of light
directly into electricity by the photovoltaic
effect, which is a physical and chemical

Solar cells can be arranged into large groupings

called arrays. These arrays, composed of many
thousands of individual cells, can function as
central electric power stations, converting
sunlight into electrical energy for distribution to
industrial, commercial, and residential users.
The term solar panel is used colloquially
for a photo-voltaic module. A PV module is
an assembly of photo-voltaic cells mounted
in a framework for installation.
Photo-voltaic cells use sunlight as a
source of energy and generate direct
current electricity.
What is Biomass?
Biomass is plant or animal material used as fuel
to produce electricity or heat. Examples are
wood, energy crops and waste from forests,
yards, or farms. Since biomass technically can be
used as a fuel directly, some people use the
terms biomass and biofuel interchangeably.

Biomass energy is energy generated or produced by

living or once-living organisms. The most common
biomass materials used for energy are plants, such as
corn and soy, above. The energy from these
organisms can be burned to create heat or
converted into electricity.
Examples of Biomass


Pellet fuels (or pellets) are A crop assumes human Garden waste is the
biofuels made from compressed intervention through accumulated plant matter
organic matter or biomass. agriculture. In the main, from gardening activities
Pellets can be made from any food crops consist of which involve cutting or
one of five general grains, legumes (including removing vegetation, i.e.
categories of biomass: dried beans), seeds and cutting the lawn, weed
industrial waste and nuts, vegetables, fruit, removal, hedge trimming or
co-products, food waste, herbs and spices, beverage pruning consisting of lawn
agricultural residues, energy plants such as tea and clippings. leaf matter,
crops, and virgin lumber. coffee, and so forth. wood and soil.

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