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Omar Toumi Secondary School.

School year: 2021-2022

Level: 2nd Year Foreign Languages. Timing: 2 hours

First Trimester Exam

Part one/Reading
A/Comprehension (7 points)
 Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Tigzirt is a seaside town located about forty kilometers from Tizi Ouzou and nearly 100 kms
north of Algiers. It is endowed by Mother Nature’s picturesque landscape, which distinguishes it from
the country’s other seaside cities. Surrounded by many stunning villages ( Taqesebt, Ath Youcef,El
qalaa, lazaeb …),this town is rich in cultural resources and used to have countless of traditions that
withstood the test of time. However, and like any other place in Algeria, this diverse town did not
resist the change imposed by the modern ways of life.
The rain ceremony and ritual (Anzar) ,that villagers used to organize, was essentially held in
order to ensure a good crop, fertility and rain. The old woman who got Anzar’s bride ready and gave a
large spoon or ladle (aghenja) to a young girl, all have disappeared forever. Besides, kids grew up
listening to folktales by their grandmothers. Dedicated women, who used to make their stories come
alive in their grandchildren’s imagination. They used to teach morals without preaching. Now,
children are stuck to their smart phones which make them stupid, idle and unhappy. Another tradition
whose presence has decreased is Thiwizi. This latter is volunteer work that takes place with the
participation of everyone from Tigzirt.
How can we keep our traditions and customs alive and ensure their diversity during this
harsh time of globalization process? Kabyle traditions are unique and they should be preserved by
educating the generation about it in various ways. It can easily be achieved by the efforts of schools
and parents.
Written by Djemili
1- Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
a) Some Kabyle traditions have disappeared.
b) “Anzar” is a ceremony to celebrate a new coming baby.
c) Grandmothers used to be skillful in telling stories.
2-Answer the following questions according to the text.
a) What are the various villages that surround Tigzirt town?
b) Do Tigzirt people celebrate “Anzar” today?
c) How did grandmothers use to teach their grandchildren morals?
d) What advice does the writer give about tradition preservation?
3-In which paragraph does the writer mention the different traditions that existed in Tigzirt?
4- Give the text a suitable title.
5-Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a)Their(§2) b) which (§2) c) this latter (§ 3)

B/Text Exploration (7 points)

1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: a) scenery (§ 1) b) amazing (§1)

2-Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to: a) increased (§2) ≠ b) resemblance (§ 3)≠
3- Complete the chart.
Verb Noun Adjective
To organise ………………. ………….
…………… imagination ………….

3-Ask the questions which the underlined words answer.

 They used to teach morals

 A nation’s culture lives in the hearts of its people.

5- Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets.

a) Before Covid 19, I (use to /dance) in all parties I were invited to.
b) Years ago, Algerian girls (have to /learn) housework before anything else.

6- Fill in the gaps with words from the list: become/history/ danger/ignore.

Traditions help form the foundation of our families and our society. They remind us that we are part of a …
(1)…….that defines our past, shapes who we are today and who we are likely to….(2)…. Once we ……..(3)
….. the meaning of our traditions, we are in …….(4)…… of damaging our identity.

Part Two: Written Expression (6 points)

 Choose one topic.
Topic 1: Write a composition of about 150 words on this topic:
Kabyle people have rich and diverse traditions. Among these “Yennayer” or the Amazigh year which is
celebrated on January 12th. What is Yennayer? Why is it an important event? What do people do to celebrate
it and keep it alive? Do you like it? Why?
 You can use the following notes.
 Opportunity to exchange wishes for prosperity
 The meal prepared is hearty / different from the everyday ones
 They aim to eliminate famine
 For the preparation of "imensi n yennayer " or dinner of January/use meat of the sacrificed
animal(chicken) (asfel) to complement the couscous.
 First hair cut for little boys.
 Children go to the farm to pick themselves fruits and vegetables.

Topic 2:“Memory sweet memory”. We all lived a memorable event in the past. As a child what was the
most wonderful thing that happened to you? Tell the story in a composition of about 150 words.


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