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Onit - 5

Sequuncing problems
Suppase theve O r e ' n j o l a s 0 , 2 3 - n ) e u c h af hich

has to be perfomid lprocessed) one Ct a Eim at each c ' m

machines A,B, The Order of Processine eaCh jo,

thYough machins is qiven: The time thaB o c h jcl mus

Yequire On eoh madhine is Mrmouon

Re prolglem is to find a sequince omong ni"

numb of ll posSilJe seqance.s to) oders or procesSine
te jos, so tAot the total ellapied time for al tte i c
oill Le mininmum
Temninology and noBotions
NO 0F machines
I t meons the sevice
Fecilities through uohich a
jo must pass befove it is
2 PYoceSSing OYcder
Lt YCFCYS to the Ordei
in which VariouS mathine
are Yequir ed fo
COmpleding the jobb
3 ProceSSinq tinme:
Tt means the
2ach mahint: Tue YeqLTEd lyeach job on
nototi on Ti oill denote the
tim require d for h processi=
job by h 1j2--- n)
4Tdle time on a
This is the time for
a machine
during the total el lapsed ti:Tke remaing idle
not oB ion xij shall
Lsed to denote the id le
time O machine'
th end of
li-1h jol,on d betuoeen
the Stovt OF Hhe ith
5 Total ellapsed job
This iS the tim yetwe @n Startinq the HrSt
job and (ompleting the lost jbTH WSO inlud

tim14s cdenottcd by
&No passing Tulne
his Tyle means thet paSSing is not allai)
e Sam is maintGntd over
the order D jObs eac
machine i eoch of the n-jobs to bë proc essto
through +uoo machines A anà B in the Ovde A
then this Yule me ans thQt each jolb uoill qo to
machine A fir st and then to 3
ASSumphions in sequenCing:
NO machine Can Proxess more
han one qptrotibn at a
EGch operction once started must loe pefoymd ti
S1jo is an eti ty ie even though the jolb Yeport
O lot D
inividual partS, no lot may be pYd esE
3 more
Hhan one machine aB a time
EAch operation mus be (ompleltd toe any Other
oYoLion, uohich it must prCCes Can
5Timi intervals +Or
procesSing, r e indeyerdent oE th
order in Lohich
peYFOYnêd ave
6 TKere is only ovL O endh tyPt D
1A job is processed as SOOn Qs
ROS5 ilble Suljet
Ordeving Yeqirements 3/
jobs are knoLo and Ove Yead to tort Pols
before t pericd undei consiode
rotion begins
9.The tine requred to ton Sfer j0bs between
machines is meqgile
MOdels in job seqencrg:
T Bher are'n no 0joo to be ProCesed
on the mauhines the modeIS Of
SequKi ProlblQrn
Te as folcos

(a)2- machint s n jos

(b) 3- machnes n jobs

Ic) m- machineS n
TO find the total Elcpsed Aime tor the
Pyolslems for odiff(rent models CYe euplaint d as
)-machints n-johs Prolems:
To find the toloal
ejlapsed tine Hom -machines
V1-jclos problems, he Follouoinq Procedune Con be
Step-1:Tdentify the minimum proce sse cdtime fronm tha
total d ata
Step-2: IA the
mininmum Process ed
ime for kth jolb on
mochine I, the jOb Can e
place d at first O the Order
Step-3: I the minimum
On machine
Processea time fov kthjO
, the j0b Con be
at placed end of thi Ofde-
p- f the minimun
process ed time is Sama for
tuoo jolbs on machine a loY) machine T hen
Select One
of the j0lb
Ovbitavly to place in the Ovder
CYoss Outt he Sele cttd
jdo lov) dhich
th Orde1. Then Seleck th
is placed in
minimum processtd time
from th
Yemaiing data
Step-6 cortinui the
procedure wntil all
Placed in the ordey the'n johs are
Step-7: TO find tht total
oFall i0bS uoithin the
time,fov Completior
OYder, on 2-machimes the
initial time foy
Starting the first j0o in the vder On
machine-I COn be ossumed as
'o houYs
Slep-8: Find thi Comple tiovn hotUY O Al joks On

2-machines by the processing *mes gven in chin-T


The Out tine O last job in th Ord ei On machina

is the total Compl etion hous (Cr) tOA ellopte.

hich includes Idle tme also

rom the follouoing data

DeHemint a Sequenre foY five joasS
Calculate total elaesed time and toBal tim for the

Tobs 2
3 4 55
Macine-A5 9 3
Machine-3 26 73 4

So: From te
qiven clota
ha minimum procossing hous is
'} -fovjolo- On
mackine-A: t will be placed ot Arst postin ot the r e

From+hremoining data minimum PoCessing hours

is'2fo job on machine-3-thajob) Loill be Plared
Al the end 0f Sequonce

From thL
Yemoiniv jobS,thé mininum Processing hoYS
3fov job-4 on machine-A then it wil) ot
cut the Pront evnd of the Plated
From the
Yemoiniv Joks, th minimu Processino
houis s

fov job-5 0n
makine-3, then it wil be
Olaced ot the last Bnd f
From the reduced datoy the mùnimum procousing hous
is +fov job-3 on mading-B, it will l placed o
the 1easE end o the sequance and it i only h

to lbe placed in the Sequerce.

2 3 5
TDta) elapsed timo:

OYder 0f_joLsMachint-A achina- Ldle tim

Int imt out-time Lnlime OuttieMachnl-1B

p 13 IS 2 2 2
13 10 23 23 2
23 28 28 2 3o

Th total time is 30houys
TK total tdle time on machiria-3 is 3ours
3-madhint n-jobS problenms
TD And the total ellapsed Gme for Completion of
n-j0as on 3-mainns The follaorg Procesl ure Con be
Step-1: Firgt
Convest the 3-machineS n-jo%s
nto -machines n-jobS, foY Obtaining the
Step-2: For Conveting te poolem asSue two machino
AS Gamd H
OFOY mochine G the pro(essinq hours be
Con obtained
by acdding the give) processivg 4imes ov machine T
and moching I foY K*h j0b
)FoY machin the ProcesSing hours Con be obtoin@cd
Adding the given pYOCessiia times for maine
Cnd machine I foY K*h job
Stcp-3. Apply the CYiHeia Of 2-madhins n-jolS problem
to Obtain tha Sequate Of j0lS
thi tota|
the Gequende,
Step-4: APter oblaiing
time should be find fo the jobS
njoLs aicL
Are in the Ovdet, o n
irst jo in
Step-5: TKe startinq time Of procsSing in itt,
Drdes on machine t s '0,+hen woY Kng 0 U s o

machines Con be calcuil0ted by u n g thl potes

tms 0 jolbs from the given dta

tiMe Getwe
Step-6: The total ellapse time is the
PYOCeSing time O first job On machinl-L and
Cmpleion time cf last j0b in he Order on mahi

1 0 t a l elapsed ime incudes Idle time D

mcAchine - I I and machina-m

Find tha sequnce that minimzes the total elapltd

time reqwred to complete the folloung tasks

TaSKS A B c o E E G
Machin-I 3 874 9 3 1

Machine-IT| 4 3 2 5 3
Machina-T 6 5 11 5 6 12|

sol: Convevt the given 3-machings njobs prolbtem into

2-machines njoks probl em
The tuO machi nes Con be as.Sumed aS GOn

Machine-G|7 9
Machine-H|O D 16
From the toBal dOta minimum ProceSsinq br
is '6' Aor task-E Con be placed at last Position
f t h e Sequnce diul to iE is PrOCesing on machineH

Prom the reduCed cot minimun PrOCeS Sing
im15 ' S o r jo-H hd ju- on machint-G Cnd

naching - H YeSpectively- hen Select Cne job entered

irto thC Sequence

itis task P, twill be placed at front

T it s C, it wilI be plar ed Ot last end pOsition
Of the Sequance
T a Cnt be effec Of the
A LelE
FYom te reduced dota minimum Processinq time is 'g'
for the tOSK-D on moching- G TKn t uwi be placed
ot front poSition oF thi Secqutnce

From the Tediced ciota min1mum

processing ime is 'to' fov
the tosK-G Dn
aine- Gnd for the tasK-3 nd F
on machine-H Thn task-G Con b Placed at the front
POSi-tion Of he
sequwnce and igter tosK-13 or task-E
Ot the last ènd Of
the-sequence .

From the reduceo dola one

EcuK uwi l| Yemouin ie touR-F
Con lse Placed in

EighterOf the Sequence con be wled to find the
otal eilapsed -time
TK total allapseJ time:

order o Machine-I Machin-

tasKS Trtima Outtime Tntime Oubtime i m OuH
A 13

D 2 13

L 213
22 26 6 4
30 30 33 49
So 37 31 39 4-9 54
37 4 46 47sy
Th totol
eilapsid timt is 5q
Tdle ime
maching I
31 4 2 3
T 12
I726 33 39 47
Tdle time: 3+2+5*t4+7 25h1s
Machine-T: 13
tim: E 24p 36 42 9 5t

13 2 36 2 L4 5 59
Teis no Idle time fo
Procedure: m-machings (move
than teue
m-mathines njobs proldems madines)
To find the total ellapsed Lime fov
n-j0ss poldems. Th follouwing m-mabi
stes con be applie
Stp- Convest the qiven
into 2-Tmachines
m-machings n-j0bS proLe
njob5,to Olotain he sance Of
Step-2 ASSume th twp machines as job
mach inl-G and
tim J o s two mathint
slep-3 For 4he processing
to Le apphed
the +olowinq (+C
o u s is the sum D!
mochine- G the pYOcessin9
a) F
hourS STommach1nt lT) -to machine
th0 ven ProcesSing
(m-) foY a j0
is the Sum ot
(5) FOY machine -H,the pYOCessinqous
machin- I to
he gven PioceSSin
hourS 4YO

mackin lm)
fbr a job
AHter dbtCining the Sequeme of jobs, to be
ProcessRd on 2 Ymachine s by sing the pro(lduTe o
2-machins njok5, we Can find thi tot a ellapsed tim
step-5: Th total eilapsed tim Can be find by finding
complkion times of ech jcb on m-machires,ond it
is the dfeverre betuwee the Start ing tim ofirst job
(in Por Sequonce) on maching-I ond tomple tiovn time
(CLAt tim) Of last j0lin t h Sequonce) on
mth machine,
whidh the +otal e]laypsed tim intludes the Idle tim
on macLmes.

Solve the followinq Sequencinq pYoblem

qvinq on
optimat Solution ohen pasSing is noB
MOchin C D E

m 11 13 9 16
M3 5
158 13 9
Sc: Convt th
given 4-machines 5-jobs Prolblem into
2-machines S-j0ls
The tuoo machinis Are machi ne-G and macini-14
1 PYOCeS Sinc times on machiN-G +or
mathine-G:iitt * tm-j
2-L PYo çessinog times on maine-H +OY Ij0s
machin-H :j*3j**-*+Tm
Then from the Givln doct tha SPoCessn9 time
mochines are aS olloLus

machine -G: i 1
machint -1H: j
TRe Siouences o joks aA Pe1 tiov machines n
jobs problems is

TRA tOtal elapsed bime hom 4-machines 5jobs is

Sequnce o m-T m-i m-I
j0hs mlime out tinejme ouimaInim Quttimu Iirne cul-
4-1919 32
20 20 2 24 30 32-45
20-36 364-2
36 5
42-646 57
S2-5y 54-62
52-65 65-
68 6815 15-23
Thus th -tota elased time
is 83houS

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