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Office of Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P. Gollapudi wr | CCLA’s U.O.Note No.CMRO3/72/2020, Dt.27.10.2021 Sub: CMRO-O/o CCLA-Lands - Exchange of Land for Government s Yo Flagship Programmes, Conferring power on Collectors for an b extent of Ac.1.00 cents on equal market value - process N\ o J. of flow in webland - to issue suitable instructions and oF Ne communication to all the Districts from LA Section - Req - & v ae Reg. y y f Ref; Instructions of the Project Director, CMRO Dt.26.10.2021. b 00000 ra | invite attention to the subject cited. W The AP Government has issued G.O. Ms. No, 224 "Land Exchange” for allotting land for implementing several Government flagship programmes for the welfare of people for the construction of Grama Ward Secretariats, Rytha Barosa Kedras by Land Exchange Policy. The work/process flow in webland\n thi. regard exchange of land module is here with enclosed to issue suitable instructions to all the Districts from Land Acquisition Section. Please treat this as most urgent. Encl: 1.LAND EXCHANGE — MODULE ii WEBLAND. 2. RDO, JC, CMROICCLA, NIC lovins Log maintenance Vee hy 27 Assistant Secretary, oh To The Assistant Secretary (Land Acquis‘tion), O/o CCLA, A.P., Gollapudi. LAND EXCHANGE - MODULE IN LAND ® Government issued New G.O. Ms, No. 224" Land Exchange" for allotting House sites to eligible beneficiaries in 90-Days by Land Exchange Policy. > Salient Features of Go. 224 Revenue Lands-1 Department Dated 23.08.2021 A. Formation of District Level Committee: 1. Chairman - District Collector 2 Joint Collector RB&R - Member 3. District Registrar ~ Member 4, District Officer of Requisition Department - Member 5. ADSLR ~ Member 6. RDO - Member Convener B. Power of the Committee: * Can take decision on propos and (2) Upto 1 Acre + For purpose of land to Government Flagship Programmes «Shall follow the provisions of BSO 26-A + Shall maintain register ofall exchanges carried out under flagship programmes & submit periodic reports to CCLA & Government 5 of Land Exchange of (1) Equal Market Value C. Important Instructions: ‘+ Absolute Title - Encumbrance certificate * Conditions of Alienation/ Allotment in BSO -24 & GO 571 must be followed ‘+ Unconditional Relinguishment + Market Value of land ‘+ Suitability for purpose & cost of development + Public purpose utility > ‘Land Exchange Module’ in WEBLAND: 1._Allink with label “Land Exchange" shall be made available in Tahsildar Login. 2. Stage 1: Proposal of Land Exchange: [MAKER ~ ACTIVITY] + Select Village - Tahsildar will select a Village of his/her mandal from dropdown list. + Select Government Land Parcel -He will select the Survey Number/SD No. from the list of Government lands in the Village. He should be able tomake a Subdivision in Government land using the module to propose the exact extent of 1 Acres or below for Land Exchange Proposal. The Subdivision number shall be automatically system generated and normal data entry should not be possible, The balance of land lies with original Government Survey Number and the new subclivision will be comprised of land proposed for exchange up to maximum extent of 1 Acre only. 1s Select Village - Tabsildar will select a Village of his/her mandal from dropdown list. + Select Private Land Parcel - He will select the Survey Number/SD No. from the list of Private lands in the Village. He should be able to make a Subdivision in Private land using the module to propose the exact extent of 1 Acres or below for Land Exchange Proposal. The Subdivision ‘number shall be automatically system generated and normal data entry should not be possible. The balance of land lies with original Private Survey/SD Number and the new subdivision will be comprised of land proposed for exchange up to maximum extent of 1 Acre only. ‘Take confirmation whether person proposed for the Land Exchange is same as the person mentioned in Col. No. 12 (Pattadar) - Yes or No (Radio Button) Enter Aadhar and Mobile Number of the Pattadar concerned ~ Text Box ‘Numeric 12 and 10 respectively. INOTE: Needless to mention that only the person in whose name the record exists only can do the Land Exchange. If Mutation is required, only after completion of Mutation, the proposal must be made by Tahsildar.) © Separate Log - All Subdivisions prepared made in Land Exchange Proposals shall be made into a separate log and shall be available in RDO, JC and CMRO/CCLA, NIC Logins in a separate Tab. ‘+ Uploading of Documents ~ ‘o The affidavit filed by the Private Landowner willing to Land Exchange [PDF - 10 MB] TD/PPB or E-TD/PPB [PDF-10 MB] Registered Document Xerox [PDF -20 MB] ‘Encumbrance Certificate [PDF - 5 MB] Aadhar Copy [PG -1 MB] Land Exchange Check List [PDF - 2 MB] ‘Comparison of Basic Values of Lands ~ Registrar [ PDF -2 MB] Sub-Division Sketch of proposed Government Land [PDF - 1 MB] © Sub-Division Sketch of proposed Private Land [PDF - 1 MB] 5 NOC from GP/ Resolution from GP [PDF - 1 MB] tatement given by Sub © Tahsildar Report/e-Office File/Inspection Report PDF on Proposal. [PDF ~ 5 MB] + Digital Signing ~ Tahsildar will give his biometric authentication and Digital Signing to every proposal + Unique ID - Every Land Exchange Proposal thus made successfully shall be given a unique ID which is shown in status message. + SMS Alert - To the private landowner, Tahsildar, RDO and JC ‘concerned on successful submission of every Land Exchange proposal along with Land Exchange ID. (LE ID), + LEDGER- ALLE IDs shall be maintained in a separate Ledger available to Tahsildar, RDO and JC Logins along with status of each stage. (NOTE: Generally, for making the Land Exchange proposal within 2 villages of a Mandal Tahsildar will be competent. If Land Exchange is between 2 different Mandals, the same functionality to make proposal shall be available in Sub Collector/ RDO Login in Webland} 3. Stage 2: CHECKER OF THE PROPOSAL: ‘+ All proposals that are sent from the Mandals will be received by the Sub Collector/ RDO Login along with all the documents uploaded. + RDO/Sub Collector will check the genuinity of the proposals, RDO acts as the checker of all proposals made by Tahsildar. For the proposals which were made by RDO - DRO shall be made as Checker in Webland. + RDO will upload his Physical Inspection Report and LE Check List for final recommendation to JC for approval. + Three types of activities lie with RDO - 1. Return giving his remarks to Tahsildar (secking additional documents), 2. Approve and send to JC (Recommendation), 3, Reject and send to JC (Recommendation) + RDO will Digitally sign and send 4, Stage 3: APPROVER OF THE PROPOSAL: + JCwill select a Subdivision + All LE Proposals received from the concerned RDOs recommending. for approval or rejections will be shown, JC can download the proposals between a selected date range and circulate the same for District Level Committee manually, Alter the DLC Scrutiny, Minutes & Proceeding will be given for Land Exchange proposals Final Approval: JC will enter the - DLC date, Proceedings approval date Upload LE Proceedings PDF and must approve or reject of the proposals Divisionwise and must sign once for every division. Land Exchange Certificates ~ The Land Exchange Certificates against each proposal can be generated in Tahsildar Login. The subdivisions which were proposed by Tahsildar shall get affected in the Webland Login along with proceeding of Land Exchange in Remarks column of Adangal Land Nature in Private Land subdivisions (Col. No. 6) which were exchanged successfully shall be automatically converted into “Govt. Land (Through LE)’. Assign a new Govt Land code to these parcels. Land Nature in Govt Land subdivisions (Col No. 6) which were exchanged successfully shall be converted into "Private Land (Through LE)”. Shall be treated as Private Land and the Khatha to this number shall be that of exchanged pattadar khatha and Col, No. 12 and 13 shall be changed as per the name mentioned in the private land that was exchanged in liew of Government Land Land Exchange certificate also can be taken in Mee Seva/GSWS as Category AService. ‘Alert Message to - Pattadat, Tahsildar, RDO, JC ~ 1. when proposal is made, 2. check is completed, 3. approved, 4. Land Exchange certificate is generated, 5, Record is updated and DS by Tahsildar in Webland after completion of Land Exchange process, PRESENTATIC ON LAND EXCHANGE MODULE z Eevee x “ANUS ysanbat fesodord o3ueyoxq pur] alp O} PAIPad [IM Yom asueyxi{ PET YUL] O71 UO PHD aSureypxg purer] € SUONILIED 3p SUOHEIMPY & UOT PUP|G AL “yyed nay, “yred nuaur ayy moro pue spenuaparD sepysye] UIIM purge 01 VIO] ‘ISIE WY “TAOS iise.g AQUY Uso] TeppsyeL Uy -spepuepy uaTosFIp om) UdaMyag fesodoig oSueypxg puey Suppeut 105 juayaduto> 2q 11M OC /40PT10> ng seasoym pepuepy v jo so8uyra Z UREN [esodory a8ueyoxg pue’y] Suppeut sof ywo3eduso> ayp oq [TE APUSUEL* “quis pesodord asueypxq pury - ATATDY TOE - [— ose -prefor snip ur stoneiado Supjeut 10} payesysn]|y YPEMAIOY sf MO|g S5920IC Wp PUR 1ZOTOL'9Z UO puRgam ayp UT paonporUT udaq sey ,eSULYOXA PULL, PaqTe> apo Mou e ‘sy JO MOEA aururer804¢ Is asnoz] skep 96 ay) pue (UMOpod) sa.qua> AyYIDe,J esodimdyinyy ‘se.U9> Suimosy paes ‘SMV ‘Arerqry [eHSIC run TEV Suyjoo-y ¥INg ‘SOMTD WITT ASX ‘SeIpUdY esomeyg MIPOAY TeuEIADAS prem /eUTEID Jo UoRINSUO: 2 ypris ‘o[dood jo o1eyjom oy 10; sounULIBoid diysBey yourttar05 [esoads Sunuo]dury 40} (30D € EAH ) areatig € WA05) pury Jo aBuLyoxg 405 spesodorg ,aBueyoxg PUET, HZ “ON “SIN °O°D MON Ponssy jwOUTUTDACE vchart of Land Exchange proposal b/w 2 villages of a Mandal | Wier mite nena ies Proposal (Goyt'> Pvt. & Put > Govt: for an Ciena s nu iyNueles Submits to Sub collector/RDO- Sub Collector/RDO checks the genuinity Pegs tenet olny hsildar: yy MeO h agian evita fin ey ec tstore mttrene ites ssceieitecees K@}ianneicos tales Mies roe (ebeseevauctete eatin ento(ex vt (ed La ycaorenuintsgaccgion tints Ee Spe ael els ie USMIE ae occa been tee tae DN Urs Vacca scn Mallu iteonere tek in Adangal and ROR Pvt. & Pvt. > Gov: for an extent $=1.00 Ac. Cis Submits'to DRO BIN COP tical Co aant JNe)y cattery LO Fie da Jiu Wleitsol information required, Otherwise, uploads the pgucdeon canonientleuinttey Colitecetan ay ype dure Met saetetol eos psc elersly FRE a ea oc Nese le acs tae ce les Biateopgeorc Veer GWU ETaoe Vetere O)taen Iss ava Yeo Re Tirol (eer aUlbe tere vier tasentyee tee Pentel parcels e ¢ omen) e no Je, camoyceta. vi Dir andaWVillage Dropdown sie | antenna | MoPemaNAei ST | Lea name [,Port node | aun | roped Een acu [vata tetand| New Senne | stn | Renata oats VaR sae he a After selecting Uf 10, the Below pop up has to be displayed a fracas osesnmseainireenines| — oxettre | erawmnber frees 1 aaa ts somes 8 teva nao tor ile {tt sre tide PRESENTATION ON LAND EXCHANGE MODULE Government issued New G.O. Ms. No. 224 "Land Exchange" Proposals for Exchange of land (Govt. > Private ¢ Private > Govt.) for implementing several Government flagship programmes for the welfare of people, such a construction of Grama/ Ward Secretariat, Ryothu Bharosa Kendras, YSR Health Clinics, Bulk Cooling Milk unit Digital Library, AWCs, Seed Growing centres, Multipurpose Facility centres (Godown) and the 90 days House sit Programme. in view of this, a new module called “Land Exchange” has been introduced in the webland on 26.10.2021 and th process flow is herewith illustrated for making operations in this regard. Stage — I- Maker Activity - Land Exchange proposal entry *Tahsildar will be the competent for making Land Exchange Proposal within 2 villages of a Mandal whereas Su Collector/ RDO will be competent for making Land Exchange Proposal between two different Mandals. In Tahsildar Login Entry Screen: Step 1: At first, login to Webland with Tahsildar Credentials and follow the menu path. Menu path: Webland Login > Mutations & Corrections > Land Exchange Click on the link Land Exchange which will redirect to the land Exchange proposal request entry. See ee Fos pe OK Se oo od Bofors eb») ane a Gcrctooed by, « pnienal nferyrancn Canara, nyo A ctccnce Seheee Ga Bis ncaa PAAMENGS and mesma Oy ECLA Mlaraneaos vchari of Land Exchange proposal b/w 2 villages of a Mandal Tahsildar initiates the Land Exchange paieeeae (Govt. > Pvt. & Pvt. > Govt. for an extent Bae 00 Ac. Cts Submits to Sub ¢ollector/ RDO Sub Collector/RDO checks the genuinity of the Proposals made by Tahsildar Sub Collector/RDO returns to Tahsildar in case of additional information required. Otherwise, uploads the inspection report and submits to JC either Pee YererenatisyA Ne (oesnntea nce yeeros JC approves the LE proposals. After final PN cleo Elematse-ci-19 mo nraratececm il olom beeen y ero caLCced in Adangal and ROR -IB. Further, Tahsildar asl Cite letters ene nthe-tect Flowchart of Land Exchange proposal b/w 2 different Mandals RDO initiates the Land Exchange Proposal (Govt. > Pvt. & Pvt. > Govt. for an extent <=1.00 Ac. Cts Submits to DRO BD }C@Meralutta cag eCcdueeceonreltavigyaaopastdu(c Proposals made by RDO DRO returns to RDO in case of additional information required. Otherwise, uploads the’ inspection) report and submits to JC either b approving/ Rejecting the LE proposals Pie JC approves the LE proposals. After final Approval, necessary changes will be incorporated in Adangal and ROR -IB, Furthe Tahsildar will digital sign those updated Land parcels »p 2: Private Land to Government Land ect the village and choose private land Sy. Nos./Sub divisions from the dropdown list. Click on Get Details. After ecting Get details, the data will be displayed as shown in the below image. 3 oe MPSS a kK Pe us eo URIS «| oe xo x) ARR] She x) Ovex oun x £ erste =e OO: = > © (Gikcahews:s7/activedte pew PnOo/Dessuitidaepe SS nes Creeekiees PPS & Mecseva es Wisbeand version 2.0 LAND EXCHANGE Es = "Pitta Land te Goverment land, a E ft Vitage -| Soritosrco(o4so10) ~| Designed & Develaped by : National informatics Cee, Vlavanada, 4. Disclaimer Contert on thes website‘ pubches and managed By CCLA, Vijayawada RELA TS TT SE AT ATA te Bousweusere sp ~ Bl wsrtunins 1a tep 3: *hoose the private land khatadar to which the proposed extent is being exchanged to Government Land. Then, that hata details will be populated as shown in the below image. JOTE: A unique khata number is assigned electronically to all the Govt. Lands which are exchanged from respective ‘atta land. The land Exchange proposal shall be made for an extent <=1.00 Ac. Cts The new Sub division No. will automatically generated by the system without manual intervention. SSRN ROH Sta | o aT SPSS Ue «uw « SRSA x lem *) (RRR Ye us EISiseas Now, Tahsildar will enter the extent being exchanged and also their remaining extent after deduction. After that, Tahsildar will enter the market value equal to the extent proposed and selects the public purpose utility from the dropdown list. & com WY Wwe x | mel UR x | © Utne [ime » | aig a |BISOLNm [EGA x | Shee: | @ URI © Uw x [FE gS Ham @: ip |G Wshahanl ees i | io ieehen oan Step 5: Government Land to Private Land Select the village and choose Govt. Land Sy. Nos./Sub divisions from the dropdown list (Objectionable Govt. I: parcels have been restricted from selecting by the system electronically) . Click on Get Details. After selecting details, the data will be displayed as shown in the below image. SEER Yo we! w PY Biuw wi SS | wo tee PST GIRS a x SI SURE ou x + oo a LAND EXCHANGE J DSGo: sae SSS: aS 14 ¥ [ieerbeiase Sse SSe: ISG)! GM ASSe: SSeS: Saaaaes ings -| SportosrS(045070 SUgSo: S86 Dag! emp easee shee es, [ezus_——— (0.1000 Tfo.c000 0.00 a.sooe Father | Survey eee eee ied aa 0 ||| Namal] SECT cz is Step 6: Choose the Govt, Land khata to which the proposed extent is being exchanged to Patta Land. Then, that khata details will be populated as shown in the below image. Now enter the Pvt. Land khata number which was already chosen in the entries made with regard to change in Patta land to Govt. land. After entry, the corresponding name and their relation is automatically populated. NOTE: *The land Exchange proposal shall be made for an extent <=1.00 Ac. Cts *The new Sub division No. will automatically generated by the system without manual intervention. Sy egaered Deca eco] chases nm [ae Step 7: Now, Tahsildar will enter the extent being exchanged and also their remaining extent after deduction. After th Tahsildar will enter the market value equal to the extent proposed and patta land khatadar Aadhaar number and th mobile number. ‘This captured private land khatadar mobile number was being utilized at various levels for sending sms ale respectively). 6 an RPO wel eS | 2 um x vs melee st | x | OWS ou x 4 o = oe x aaw Oo: aa Seale as 5 werrsarme vine ESE cavenge 200 (Gaaaa Ace jarone)ce: (ame) Vfectecarooeco | foosrnos [sesso snes) 20002 eres Fe asins Bily e Row Enionen alag Ore (ST SEE loca male ee ee or [5 Compare an Wiese Tac mmc tes SO Reed Geog te wes BE (Fenty) (SE) poet = eames Damme aw Seats foie ome Corea oe) ce De no ops Gorm Lae Cee Joe ane a] i OF en) ose] See [Acne Copy] Chacns Fa ts oven WF ents) Uses) a ae DF oniy) [Uses] [ee SS raptor a pel ere or (=r) ‘eegnas 8 Seraaed by Rael norrwnc ornare, AR BD varweeaoenacie «| werahani tyes El > wanene Now, Tahsildar will upload all the required documents as a mandate. After that, he/she will enter “Remarks” anc do biometric and submit the data to Sub collector/RDO by digital signing for every Land Exchange proposal. é . eke SUS SRS= (SURRT ow ~ # [msg | Steter vateeoann | EEN oemcein NOTE: *Computer will generate a unique ID for every successful submission of Land Exchange proposal. *An’sms alerts are being sent to concerned Private Landowner, Tahsildar, RDO and JC on successful submission of every Land Exchange proposal *The same functionality shall be followed in Sub Collector/RDO login if the Land Exchange proposal is between two different Mandals. Stage - 2 - Checker of the Proposal RDO Login: Step 1: Now login to Webland with Sub Collector/ RDO Credentials and follow the menu path. Menu path: Webland Login > Mutations & Corrections > Land Exchange Select the Mandal and click on “Display Details”. After clicking, all the LE proposals will be displayed Mandal wise Boumeuomoe = |B wsthane Pe eet ee AB Seteuerzaene = wale) =< ness Step 2: 3ub Collector / RDO will check all the LE transactions made by TAHSILDAR. He can also view the uploaded files by selecting the link and checks the genuinity of the proposals. In case, Sub collector/RDO requires additional documents, will return to Tahsildar by digital signing (to do DS ai once for bulk transactions — tick the check box against to each LE ID) for seeking the same by mentioning the recommendations in Remarks column <7 c@ i SoD * @: 1.0000 oom | React | BE usrweeanocn cn 5 | wiewnent nee EE Pierce Step 3: Now, Tahsildar will upload additional documents as desired by Sub Collector/RDO and enters remarks ar further submits the same again to Sub Collector/RDO by selecting “Submit Report” arrow. SRL YS Waa TS USAT HYS Urals asada IRS Ng |G SAE) © vere: x AE ° Bune + weraanittics |B ootmnrzaenes = | DefautrBaspnes EP imiccca Step 4: Now, Sub ired information and uploads Physical inspection report as a mandate. He/she w ji from the drop down list based on the genuinity of the proposals. Sor: Heres Nellore (9) al at eS anaes penoness Raper Cre ae percent are Desoned & Oaveloped by : Natienal informatics Certs, -Alayawada,&.P Diaclsimes Contant 0 er abate = pabuahea and managed oy CCU, Visrswada. Bas Step 5: Sub Collector/RDO enters the Remarks and forwards to JC by digital signing once by selecting check boxes against to each LE ID. + > © Oke trv n@ZPROD/Dete Se ea a B® usrweeano cep | wspahantennes | @ oetaumrasmeine = | GD cetauteizasexcs SE betautrzaspe aeaeaes NOTE: DRO is the checker in Webland for the proposals made by Sub Collector/RDO and the same functionality shall be followed. ownload the proposals between a selected range and circulates the same to District level committee ly (After the DLC Scrutiny, Minutes and Proceeding will be given for Land Exchange proposals). =e SB urwencmop + | @ wom A oetmmrzamine: |B Detaumizanpece = | BS peteuzasee a ps eee JC will enter DLC date, Proceedings approval date and uploads LE proceedings division wise. After that, JC will approve the LE proposals by selecting checkboxes and do digital sign | digital sign those updated land parcels OTE: The Land nature in Pvt. Land sub divisions (Col. No. 6) will automatically converted to “Govt. Land (Through LE)’. The Land nature in Govt. Land sub divisions (Col. No. 6) will automatically converted to “Private Land (Through LI \ separate log was being maintained in RDO, JC and CMRO/CCLA, NIC logins in a separate tab. ¥HL xt ‘ nhoA AN

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