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Rolls-Royce product portfolio includes both civil and military sector. Along with cars company also
manufactures military aircraft engines. UK’s exit from EU(BREXIt) uncertainties are rising for
company.Supply chain and pricing may fluctuate in future and competitiors can take advantage of
this.As a global brand it can influence political decisions because of its economic impact.


Since company operated globally ,economic stability of each country play important role .For example
change in currency exchange rate may affect pricing but as companies end customer falls under
premium class it does not affect Recession peiode of 2008-2009 company had suffered from
huge lossess. Production rate according to demand is also challenging part for company as it is
constantly fluctuating.

Social factors-

From the start it is mentioned that Rolls Royce is the symbol of prestige for people and people who buy
it is considered as a rich and influencial personality. In future company will see its sales rising in Asian
developing countries. Income levels of families are increasing and demand for luxury cars will surely rise
in future.


Company invest billions of dollar for R&D & registered for many patents till date. Company has also
announce its 1st electric car which will be launched by end of 2023.Butr company does not invest to
change trend of its model saying that it will helps to reduce rate of emission but experts thinks that
company is rigid about innovation.

Enviromental-Due to non upgradation and just cloning of old models company is alleged by many
researchers that it is increasing rate of emission.All the rivals are working on green technology and
copany should seriously think on this issue .
Legal- Working in multinational environment abide you by all legal procedures of that country.All
automobile related laws need to follow.One agent of company was associated with case of bribery.ASlo
many experts says that company don’t follow guidelines of sustainability development program
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