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University Institute of Information Technology

PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Progress Report


Android Based Psychological Aid Toolkit

Student wise Task Distribution:

1. Ameer Abdullah Naveed 18-ARID-3006

 Project Proposal
 Online Research
 Existing Systems
 Research Papers
 UI/UX Designing
 Brainstorming for Sign up/Sign in screen design
 App Logo
 Icons
 Front End Coding
 Sign up Screen
 Sign in Screen
 Home Screen
 Back End Coding
 Sign up Screen
 Sign in Screen
 Facebook and Google Sign in Integration
 Firebase Database Creation and Integration
 Poster Designing
 Block Diagram Designing
 Final Report Documentation
 Chapter 1 – Introduction
 Project Background
 Literature Review
 Chapter 2 – Problem Definition
 Purpose
 Product functions
 Chapter 3 – Requirement Analysis
 Functional Requirements
 Use Case Diagram
 Chapter 4 – The Design
 Component Diagram
 Entity Relationship Diagram
 Chapter 5 – Implementation
 Chapter 6 – Testing & Evaluation
 Other
 Github integration

2. Khurram Hayat 18-ARID-3021
 Project Proposal
 Idea Brainstorming
 Research Papers
 Mockups Design
 UI/UX Designing
 Sign up/Sign in screens designing in Figma
 Home and other screens designing in Figma
 Front End Coding
 NA
 Back End Coding
 NA
 Poster Designing
 Introduction
 Images and Icons
 Final Report Documentation
 Chapter 1 – Introduction
 Relevance to Course Modules
 Chapter 2 – Problem Definition
 Proposed Architecture
 Project Deliverables
 Chapter 3 – Requirement Analysis
 Non-Functional Requirement
 Use Case Description
 Chapter 4 – The Design
 Package Diagram
 Activity Diagram
 Sequence Diagram
 Chapter 5 – Implementation
 Chapter 6 – Testing & Evaluation
 Other
 PyCharm learning


3. Muhammad Kamran 18-ARID-3027

 Project Proposal
 Idea Brainstorming
 Existing Systems
 UI/UX Designing
 Idea Brainstorming
 Front End Coding
 NA
 Back End Coding
 NA
 Poster Designing
 Problem Statement
 Objectives
 Final Report Documentation
 Chapter 1 – Introduction
 Methodology and Software Development Life Cycle
 Chapter 2 – Problem Definition
 Operating Environment
 Assumption and Dependencies
 Chapter 3 – Requirement Analysis
 Actors Description
 Use Case Description
 Chapter 4 – The Design
 Deployment Diagram
 Sequence Diagram
 Class Diagram
 Chapter 5 – Implementation
 Chapter 6 – Testing & Evaluation
 Other
 NA


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