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Course Code: CSE 454

Course Title: Software Development & Project Management

Submitted To: AL Imtiaz

Assistant Professor & Head
Dept. OF CSE

Submitted By:
Name : MD Shoayeb Islam
ID : 1814351071
Batch : 43
Semester : 8th
Section : 8A2
Department : CSE

Date of Submission: 29-12-2021

1. Main Page

Option Details
1. Home This is the home page.
2. About Us(Why) Why student choose our University?
3. Courses Course details is in that section.
4. Contact There is a Google map so anyone can
get the location of our University.
5. Login Student registration and login option.
2. Student Registration

Option Details
Home Return from student registration
page to home page.
Registration Option
1. Full Name Name require for register
2. Email Address Email require for register
2. New/Confirm Password Password require for secure
3. Date Of Birth Date of birth require for
6. Click Your Identity Identity require for register
7. Your Residental Address Address require for register
8. Upload Photo Photo require for register
9. Click Your Profession Designation require for register
10. Reset Clear all register field
11. Register This button require register new

Login Option
1. DropDown To select user type
(Admin, Teacher, Student)
2. Username / Email Registration username/email
require for login
3. Password Registration password require
for login
4. Login This button used for user login
3. Admin Feature

Option Details
1. Serial Number Auto Increment Number from
2. Name Name column for student
3. Email Email column for student
4. Date Of Birth Date of Birth column for student
5. Gender Gender column for student
6. Photo Photo column for student
7. Address Address column for student
8. Department Department column for student
9. Semester Semester column for student
10.Approve Approve column for student which
admin can approve and reject that
11.Update Update column for student
information update by admin
12..Delete Delete Column for delete student
information by admin
1. Serial Number Auto Increment Number return
from database

2. Name Name column for teacher

3. Email Email column for teacher
4. Date of Birth Date Of Birth column for teacher
5. Gender Gender column for teacher
6. Address Address column for teacher
7. Salary Salary column for teacher which
admin can declare his/her salary
8. Department Department column for teacher
9. Semester Semester column for teacher about
which semester students he/she is
going to give lecture
10.Course Course column for teacher which
course is choose for him/her.
11.Update Update column for teacher update
information by admin
12.Delete Delete column for delete teacher
3.Logout Logout from the page
4. Student Feature

Option Details
1. Username Return Username/ email from
2. Password Return password from database
3. ID Return student id from database
4. Name Return student name from database
5. Email Return student email from database
6. Date Of Birth Return student date of birth from
7. Gender Return student gender from
8. Photo Return student photo from database
9. Address Return student address from
10.Course Return student course from
11.Semester Return student semester from
12.Approve Return student approve or reject
option from Admin
13.Update Student can update his/her
information from update
14.Delete Student can delete his account
15.Logout Logout from student account
5. Teacher Feature

Option Details
1. Username Return Username/ email from
2. Password Return password from database
3. ID Return id from database
4. Name Return teacher name from database
5. Email Return teacher email from database
6. Address Return teacher address from
7. Date Of Birth Return teacher date of birth from
8. Gender Return teacher gender from
9. Salary Return teacher salary from
10.Department Return teacher department from
11.Semester Return teacher semester from
database which semester he/she
give lecture
12.Course Return teacher course from
database which course is taken by
13.Update teacher can update his/her
information from update
14.Delete teacher can delete his account
15. Logout Logout from teacher account

In Student Enrollment System, a student can visit UITS university website and can
create a account by given require information. Student can see the available course.
Student can enroll in UITS by providing information and admin can approve that
student to give him/her enrollment in UITS. And also admin can reject that student.
All that information student will get in his/her account. If Admin approve or reject
that student, then he/she can see that information in his/her account.

Also teacher can create account and update his information and get instruction
from admin about his/her further course, semester. Admin can update teacher
information but can’t see teacher password or can’t update password.

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