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Monazir Imam, Ata Yaseen Abdulgader, Ghulam M. Mustafa,

Radwan Al-Rasheed and Ibraheem Al-Tissan
Research and Development Center, P.O Box 8328, Al-Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abdul Salam Al-Mobayed and Anwar Ehsan
Al-Jubail Desalination & Power Plant, Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia.


Distillate contamination by salt carry over due to excessive foaming in multistage flash
(MSF) distillers and detrimental foaming in deaerator section have been reported in Saline
Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) and other desalination plants. Application of
suitable antifoaming agents not only maintains high quality of distillate but also improves
release of dissolved oxygen in the deaerator section, thus improving the operating efficiency
of MSF plants. Brose Chemical Company (BCC) and Albright and Wilson Limited (A&W)
developers of antifoaming agents BCC-74M and Albrivap AF-2 respectively collaborated
with SWCC in conducting trial runs to show that their products are as effective and
economical as the one currently being used in SWCC plants.

Foam control, non interference with the antiscalant performance, distillate purity, and
stability over a wide range of temperatures at low dosage levels were some of the important
criteria taken while evaluating the performance of these antifoaming agents. Compatibility
of these agents were determined initially in the laboratory followed by field trial runs in MSF
pilot plant and commercial plants of Al-Jubail phases I&II in order to check the above
criteria. During MSF plant runs distillate conductivity and make-up feed dissolved
oxygen(DO) levels were maintained in the ranges of 1-27 µS/cm and 5-47 ppb respectively.
The higher DO was in Al-Jubail Phase I where deaeration takes place in the last stage of the
distiller. These results were achieved at antifoam dose rates of 0.15 to 0.035 ppm. Once
again higher dose rates at Al-Jubail Phase I were needed for the same reason mentioned
above. Based on these results, one could say that data observed during these test runs
showed satisfactory performance and thus conclude that these agents are comparable with
the currently used antifoaming agents and can be effectively used in MSF plants of SWCC.

*Presented in Second Acquired Experience Symposium, September, 1997, Al-Jubail

*This paper is based on Technical Reports No. TR 96002 and TR 96005.


Seawater is not a pure liquid. In addition to 3-4 % inorganic salts, it contains traces of
organic compounds that have surface-active properties. As a surface phenomenon, minute
quantities of organic compounds and fine particulate matter can promote foaming. Some of
the few basic principles related to foaming in MSF desalination plants are highlighted [1]

1. Pure liquid do not foam. Presences of surfactant impurities are necessary for foaming to
occur and stabilize.
2. Foams are unstable and tend to collapse quickly to separate gas and liquid components.
Concentration of surfactant impurities opposes this collapse by several mechanisms.
3. The foam stability depends on many factors. Some of which are film viscosity, surface
elasticity, electrical repulsion and gaseous diffusion. Disruption of these conditions
enables to control foaming.

Antifoaming agents are usually non-ionic surfactants with temperature dependent solubility.
They have the important characteristics of low volatility, ease of dispersion, strong spreading
power and surface attraction and orientation. They act to lower the surface tension of the
vapor/liquid interface, reducing liquid film strength and surface viscosity and speeding
drainage from bubbles. Summaries of foam control agents used in various applications other
than desalination have been reported [2-3].

The effectiveness of antifoaming agents among more than 60 candidates from seven different
chemical classes was determined [1]. The effectiveness of the best one of these was further
verified in a 90 day trial run at a TBT of 108 oC on 2.2 MGD MSF recycle plant in Cura-
Cao(Werkspour) of the Dutch Antilles. In this test foaming was suppressed without affecting
the scale control agent at a dose rate of 0.03-0.05 ppm[1]. The effect of this antifoam on
brine heater and flash chamber scaling using single stage flash evaporator (as a simulation
module) at 120oC outlet temperature with normal recycle configuration was also studied[4].
Detrimental effect of foaming is not only found in MSF distillers but also reported in
deaerator section [5-8]. It has been reported that during the commissioning period of Jeddah
phase III, the deaerator was not performing according to design [5]. A detailed investigation
of this problem resulted in the replacement of existing liquid distribution device with a more

controlled and suitable system. The initial application of this device on site immediately
showed an improvement in oxygen level from 200 down to about 80 ppb. However, this was
still significantly above the guaranteed figure and after a study of the particular antifoam is
being used, it became evident that the antifoam being used at the site was not suitable for the
full-scale plant deaerator. The antifoam normally used was adequate and sufficient for
controlling foam within the distillers, but did not perform satisfactorily at temperature levels
of the deaerator. Utilization of alternate antifoam, capable of operating at temperatures of
30oC and below, immediately improved the deaerator performance. This agent brought down
oxygen levels to less than 20 ppb as was desired.

Thus one can say that antifoaming agents should also serve the purpose of preventing
foaming either in the first few stages or in the deaerator, therefore, improving release of
dissolved oxygen in the deaerator hence preventing carry over of salts to ejector system[6]. In
other words foaming is a major reason for maloperation of deaerator columns [7]. The
effluent dissolved oxygen concentration is strongly dependent on the combined action due to
antifoam dosage rate and stripping steam [8]. Hence the importance of proper antifoam
dosage and stripping steam flow rate on the satisfactory performance of deaerator columns
must be emphasized. It has been further reported that deaeration of seawater can be effective
in lowering oxygen content down to the range of 80-200 ppb as demonstrated in a test using
single spray nozzle. However, for better deaeration i.e., to reduce oxygen level down to less
than 20 ppb, antifoaming agents are to be introduced upstream of deaerator nozzles. Efforts
to improve the performance and optimize the dosing rate of antifoaming agents are still
continuing. In this context certain new advances have been attained particularly by owners of
MSF plants in evaluating and optimizing the use of available antifoaming agents [9-10].

Antifoaming agents BCC-74M and Albivap AF-2 are claimed to be highly effective to
prevent foaming problems in MSF distillation plants. In addition to this, these antifoaming
agents are further characterized by some important and promising features such as their
efficiency over a wide range of temperature at low dosage levels, stable dispersion with
distillate at typical dosing solution concentrations, and economic viability. Table 1
specifically identify the important properties of these two antifoaming agents.The primary
objective of these trial runs is to evaluate the performance of BCC-74M and AF-2 in

controlling foams without disturbing the effectiveness of scale control additives in MSF pilot
plant and commercial plants of Al-Jubail phases I&II.


Field trial runs on these antifoaming agents were conducted on an MSF Pilot Plant and
commercial plants of Al-Jubail Phases I&II. Table 2 summarizes the test conditions of these
antifoaming agents. Antifoam dose rate at pilot plant was 0.04 ppm, whereas the dose rate at
phase I was varied between 0.15-0.1 ppm. Dose rates for all ten units of Phase II (unit 11 to
20) were varied between 0.05-0.04 ppm. Dose rates of all the other units of phase II except
unit 12 were further reduced to the normal antifoam dose rate of 0.035 ppm. The antifoam
feed tanks concentrations were checked once per day (for each batch preparation) by
chemical analysis to be sure that the concentration was maintained. Solutions of 0.5 %
antifoam were separately injected into the make up seawater upstream of deaerators of pilot
plant and all units of phase II The solution concentration at Phase I was 1.0%. On-line ball
cleaning systems were operated as usual during all these tests to maintain high distiller

Miscibility behavior of these antifoaming agents in water was determined in the laboratory
prior to field trial runs. Sea water and brine chemistry, distillate conductivity, deaerator
performance, distillate contamination by organic carry over and potential for bacterial growth
and aftergrowth were closely monitored during performance evaluation of these antifoaming
agents. Performance test monitoring also required data logging of flow, temperature and
pressure measurements. The most important flow monitoring points were recirculating brine,
make-up seawater, distillate, brine heater condensate, and last yet quite important were the
monitoring of antiscalant and antifoaming agents dose rates. Brine heater terminal brine
recycle and vapor temperatures were also monitored. These data were used to calculate the
heat transfer coefficient of brine heater, plant performance ratio or gain output ratio.


Results of miscibility tests for the antifoaming agents BCC-74M and AF-2 reveal that at a
concentration of 0.5% and 1.0%, the antifoam solution remains homogeneous up to 24 hours
and then starts settling gradually. This observation was also confirmed during testing in Al-
Jubail commercial MSF units, where settling of antifoam in the preparation tanks as well as
clogging in the antifoam dosing system were not noticed. Hence, it can be said that the
antifoaming agents BCC-74M and AF-2 are fully dispersible in water at the solution
concentration of 1.0% and 0.5% as normally practiced in phase I and C2/C3 units of Al-
Jubail Phase II plants. On the other hand, settling started much earlier for higher
concentration of 1.5% i.e., as the residence time increases; turbidity of antifoam solution was
noticed to decrease significantly. Thus it is essential that for such high concentration
extensive miscibility tests have to be conducted taking into consideration actual plant
operating conditions.

As earlier stated, excessive foaming in the MSF distiller results in the contamination of
distillate by salt carry over. Antifoaming agents are added to the make-up feed to maintain
distillate quality by preventing foaming and hence salt carry over. Graph (a) of Figures 1
through 4 show the variation in distillate conductivity versus time. The maximum values of
distillate conductivity in the pilot plant and commercial units of Al-Jubail Phase II were
recorded to be 27 and 4µS/cm respectively for antifoaming agents BCC-74M and AF-2
except in unit 13 for AF-2, where the conductivity was found varying in the range of 8-20
µS/cm. These values are well within the design acceptable limits and satisfying the
specification of these plants. Higher distillate conductivity in unit 13 was due to the fouled
condition of demister pads prior to the trial run of AF-2, while in Pilot plant is mainly due to
the violent flashing in limited number of distiller stages. Moreover, the lower demister height
and the limited overall volume of MSF pilot unit contribute to the higher conductivity of the

Detrimental foaming in the deaerator section has been reported in many MSF desalination
plants. Selection of proper antifoam improves deaerator performance [5-8]. Hence,
monitoring of dissolved oxygen in the make up feed downstream of deaerator was essential
to assess the ability of the antifoaming agents in preventing foaming in deaerator section and
subsequently maintaining acceptable oxygen levels. Variation in dissolved oxygen in make
up stream after deaeration is shown in graph (b) of Figures 1 through 4. The maximum level
of dissolved oxygen in make-up stream of Al-Jubail pilot plant as well as phase II units
varied in the range of 9-15 ppb for both antifoaming agents. These values were within the
acceptable limits of less than 20 ppb after deaeration, which implied the integrity of these
antifoaming agents within the operating temperature range of phase II deaerators. On the

other hand the dissolved oxygen content in the recycle brine in phase I varied in the range of
45-47 ppb. These values are considerably higher compared to pilot and phase II units because
(as earlier pointed out) at phase I deaeration takes place within the last stage of the distiller in
the absence of external deaerator.

Maintenance of effective scale control is the most crucial factor in MSF desalination process.
Some of the effective antifoams may reduce antiscalant activity resulting in 40-50% more
scale[1]. Therefore, the compatibility of these antifoaming agents with antiscalant under use
was checked by calculating plant performance ratio (PR) or gain output ratio (GOR) along
with the overall heat transfer coefficient (HTC). Variation in brine heater heat transfer
coefficients in pilot and Al- Jubail Phase I plants are shown in graph (c) of Figures 1 and 2.
These values of heat transfer coefficients in both plants remained stable throughout the test
runs for both antifoaming agents and did not show any kind of deterioration in their
performance at top brine temperatures (TBT) of 112 and 90 0C in the same order as above.
Brine heater heat transfer coefficients of unit 12 were also found stable at a TBT of 104 0C as
shown in graph (c) of Figure 3. Heat transfer coefficients of brine heater in unit 13 showed
some variation in the case of BCC-74M only as shown in graph (c) of Figure 4, which can be
attributed to load change. The calculated performance parameters in terms of Gain Output
Ratio (GOR) in pilot plant and Al-Jubail phases II&I are shown in graph (d) of Figures 1
through 4. During the trial runs, there was no marked decline in the performance of any
distiller under test. These results basically indicate that no significant scale precipitation took
place in brine heaters or in the heat recovery section during trial runs using these antifoaming
agents. Some specific conditions and results obtained during these tests are also shown in
Tables 3 and 4, which also confirm the effectiveness of these two antifoaming agents

It is also possible that the antifoaming agents may contaminate the distillate by its
constituents. Frequent analysis of distillate was therefore necessary to ascertain the
presence/absence of any organic pollutants carried over into the distillate. Organic carryover
was monitored by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) technique using
USEPA 625 method. Figure 5 represents chromatogram of the distillate samples obtained by
GC/MS. It can be seen from the figure that neither the antifoam as whole nor any toxic
components derived from antifoaming agents were carried over into the distillate. Hence it

can be stated that the distillate purity was unaffected during the trial runs of these
antifoaming agents.

Increased bacterial after growth and consequently higher fouling potential could be due to
supply of nutrients by the antifoaming agent. Bacterial growth and after growth were thus
determined in samples of: (i) raw seawater (ii) make-up feed (iii) antifoam mixing tank, and
(iv) product water which is used as diluent in mixing tank. Results of bacterial counts for
bacterial growth and after growth potentials are presented in Tables 5 and 6. These showed
that bacterial after growth obtained from samples containing antifoam were either lower or
similar to raw sea water samples. It is therefore concluded that the antifoam is not enhancing
nor contributing to the bacterial growth and would not be anticipated to result in fouling of
antifoam dosing system.


1. Antifoaming agents BCC-74M and AF-2 solutions were fully dispersible in water at a
concentration of 0.5 and 1.0%, as no settling of antifoam in preparation tanks nor
clogging in the dosing system was noticed.
2. Bacteriological analysis of make-up water and antifoaming agents showed that, they are
not a source of contamination. Furthermore after growth potentials for bacteria indicated
that the antifoaming agents were not enhancing growth and consequently biofouling.
3. Dissolved oxygen levels in the make-up feed after deaerations were within acceptable
limits of less than 20 ppb. The only exception of Al-Jubail Phase I unit which varied
between 45-47 in the recycle stream.
4. Distillate quality was maintained within the acceptable range of 1-27 µS/cm. On the
other hand carry-over of any steam-volatile component related to the antifoam was also
not detected, thus maintaining the distillate purity over the entire duration of these test
5. At dose rates of 0.15 down to 0.035 ppm these antifoaming agents were effective at all
MSF operating temperatures (TBT 90-1120C) and found compatible with the antiscalant
presently under use. Moreover, the overall performances of monitored distillers were
found satisfactory during these trial periods, (see attached Tables 3 and 4 also Figures 1
to 4). Hence, it can be concluded that the subject antifoaming agents are acceptable for
MSF application.

1. The results of these evaluation tests indicate that the performance of BCC-74M and AF-
2 are quite satisfactory and can be used in MSF plants as effective antifoam agents.
2. The observed performance of antifoaming agents BCC-74M and AF-2 in pilot and
commercial plants of Al-Jubail phase II at dose rates of 0.04 and 0.035 ppm and TBT of
112 and 92 0C respectively was satisfactory. It is therefore recommended that further
dose rate optimization is to be carried out.


1. Auerbach, M. H., O.Neill J. J., Reimer R. A. and Walinsky S. W. (1981) Foam Control
Additives in MSF Desalination, Desalination, 38, 159-167.
2. Owen, M. J.(1985) Antifoaming Agents, In Encyl. of polymer Science and Engineering,
2nd edn; (Edited by Mark, H. F., Bikales N. M., Overberger C. G. and Menges G.) A
Wiley Interscience, USA, 164-171.
3. Lichtman, J. and Gammon T. (1979) Defoamers, in Encycl. of Chemical Technology, 3rd
edn; Edited by Kirk-Othmer) A wiley Interscience, USA, 430-448.
4. Auerbach, M. H. and Carruthers M. S. (1979) Laboratory Application Testing of
Desalination Antiscalants, Desalination, 31, 279-288.
5. Abkar, A. A., Girgis F. and Von Loebbecke H. D. (1986) Operating Experience Related to
SWCC Desalination plant Jeddah III in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Topics in
Desalination, SWCC, Saudi Arabia, 104-105.
6. Nada, N., Khumayyis D. and Al Hussain M. (1985) Economical Evaluation of Al-Khobar
Phase II 50 MIGPD at Three Different Mode of Operation, Desalination, 55, 43-54.
7. Eckert, J. S. (1970) Selecting the Proper Distillation Column Packing, Chemical
Engineering Progress, 66(3), 39-44.
8. Rabas, T. J., Inoue S. and Shimizu A. (1987) An Update on the Mass Transfer of
Counterflow, Packed Deaerators Containing Pall ring Packing, Desalination, 66, 91-107.
9. Imam, M., Abdulgader A. Y., Mustafa G. M., Al-Rasheed R., Al-Tissan I., Al-Mobayed
A. S., Ehsan, A. and Dayley D. (1996) Performance Evaluation of Antifoam Additive
BCC-74M on MSF Pilot plant and Commercial Plants of Al-Jubail Phase I&II, R&D
Center, SWCC, Al-Jubail, Technical Report No. TR96002.
10.Pujadas, F., Fukomoto Y. and Isobe K. (1991) Performance Test of Antiscalant
Aquakreen KC-550 under a wide range of temperature conditions at the MSF
Desalination Plant in Abu Dhabi, Desalination, 83, 65-75.

Table 1. Technical specifications of BCC-74M and AF-2

S.No. Properties AF-2 BCC-74M

1 Specific gravity (20 0C) 1.02 1.02
2 pH(1%aqueous 7 7
3 Solubility in water Dispersible Dispersible
4 Appearance Pale amber Pale yellow liquid
5 Odor Faint Oily

Table 2. Test Conditions

S.N Parameters AF-2 BCC-74M

1 Test duration 7 30 7 7 21
2 No. of units 1 10 (11-20) 1 1(5) 10 (11-20)
(distiller no.)
3 TBT ( 0C) 112 105/92 112 88 105/92
4 Concentration 1.38-1.4 1.34-1.41 1.38-1.4 1.39- 1.34-1.41
ratio 1.41
5 Antiscalant used DSB(M) BEV2000 DSB(M) DSB(M) DSB(M)
7 Antiscalant dose 2.0 1.5/1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5/1.0
rate (ppm)
8 Antifoam dose 0.04 .05/.04/.035 0.04 0.15/0.1 .05/.04/.035
rate (ppm)
9 Antifoam tank 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 0.5%

Table 3. Typical Plant Performance Data

Parameters Unit AF2 BCC-74M

PP U12, U13, PP U5, U12, U13,
Condensate m3/hr 0.35 125 125.8 0.35 128 132 117-136
Flow Brine recycle ’’ 6.53 9200 10000 6.53 10800 9210 10300-
Rate Production ’’ 1.15 1060 945 1.15 970 1121 900-1050
Make up ’’ 2.15 3025 2500 2.15 2750 3175 2100-
Blow down ’’ - 2100 1725 - 1750 2190 1700-
Inlet to Brine Heater C 90 96.3 88.2 90 80.6 96 84-88
Outlet of Brine Heater ’’ 112 103.1 94.8 112 88 104 92-95
Temp. Condensate ’’ 117 108.8 100.3 117 92 109 95-100
Recovery tube inlet ’’ 35 34.5 36 35 34 35 34
Make up ’’ 34 34 36 34 34 35 34
Seawater ’’ 18 28 28 18 24 27 27
Brine Heater HTC W/m2 C 4030 2662 2800 2850 3715 2914 2500-
GOR (kg distillate/ kg 2.8 8.77 7.77 2.4 7.84 8.76 7.6-8.17

Table 4. Typical Chemical Analysis Data

Parameters Unit AF-2 BCC-74M

PP U12, U13, PP U5, U12, U13,

Chlorides ppm 22727 23550 23500 22350 23700 23660 23660
Sea water Conductivity µS/cm 59600 60200 60200 59350 61200 60786 60783
M-alkalinity as CaCO3 ppm 129 131 131 130 131 131 131
pH - 8.36 8.24 8.24 8.23 8.35 8.27 8.27
Residual chlorine ppm - 0.3 0.3 - 0.25 0.25 0.25
Make-up Dissolved oxygen ppb 6-9 10-17 10-17 5-9 - 12 12
Chlorides ppm 31148 31553 32834 31273 33200 31684 33019
Recycle Conductivity µS/cm 73800 76400 79500 76837 80450 76717 79950
pH - 8.68 8.64 8.61 8.61 8.71 8.72 8.65
Conc. ratio - 1.38 1.34 1.4 1.39 1.4 1.34 1.39
Dissolved oxygen ppb - - - - 45-47 - -
Blow down Chlorides ppm 34953 35375 36250 34820 36268 36096 36383
Conductivity µS/cm 80100 83600 85700 84890 86040 85200 86000
pH - 8.8 8.85 8.75 8.71 8.78 8.85 8.75
Distillate Conductivity µS/cm 23.1 1.89 9.97 25-27 1.55 2.57 1.53
pH - 6.62 6.82 6.76 6.67 6.75 6.75 6.73

Table 5. Mean counts of bacterial growth and after growth
Potential (N=9) of various samples on day 2

Sample Bacterial Count (cfu/ml)

AF-2 BCC-74M
Zero hour 24 hours 72 hours Zero hour 24 hours 72 hours
Raw Seawater 4.2 x 103 8.1 x 104 1.9 x 105 4.2 x 103 8.1 x 104 1.9 x105
Mixing tank 3.9 x 102 3.2 x 105 5.1 x 105 - 3.99×10 5 1.82 x 105
Make-up feed 4.9 x 103 3.9 x 105 3.9 x 105 - 4.7 x 105 1.82 x 105
Product water 3.0 0 0 3.0 0 0

Table 6. Mean counts of bacterial growth and after growth

Potential (N=9) of various samples on day 7

Sample Bacterial Count (cfu/ml)

AF-2 BCC-74M
Zero hour 24 hours 72 hours Zero hour 24 hours 72 hours
3 4 5 2
Raw Seawater 3.7 x 10 7.9 x 10 1.8 x 10 1.67 x 10 - 3.17 x 106
Mixing tank 2.9 x 103 1.3 x 104 1.0 x 105 5.73 x 104 - 2.8 x 103
Make-up feed 2.9 x 103 1.0 x 105 2.2 x 105 2.93 x 103 - 4.07 x 105

30 BCC(Cond) AF2(Cond)

Conductivity, uS/cm
Graph (a)
0 50 100 150 200

Dissolved Oxygen, ppb



Graph (b)
0 50 100 150 200

Coeff., kW/m 2 K
Heat Transfer

1 Graph (c)
0 50 100 150 200

Gain Output Ratio

Graph (d)
0 50 100 150 200
Time, Hours

Figure 1. Performance of Antifoaming Agents in RDC Pilot

Plant at Al-Jubail


Conductivity, uS/cm

Graph (a)
0 50 100 150 200

50 BCC(DO)
Dissolved Oxygen, ppb


Graph (b)
0 50 100 150 200
Coeff., kW/m 2 K

Heat Transfer

Graph (c)
0 50 100 150 200
Gain Output Ratio


Graph (d)
0 50 100 150 200

Tim e,H ours

Figure 2. Performance of Antifoaming Agent BCC-74M

in Al-Jubail Phase I Unit 5

BCC(cond) AF2(cond)

Conductivity, uS/cm
Graph (a)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Dissolved Oxygen, ppb



Graph (b)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Coeff., kW/m 2 K
Heat Transfer

1 Graph (c)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Gain Output Ratio

Graph (d)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time, Hours

Figure 3. Performance of Antifoaming Agents in Al-Jubail

Plant Phase II Unit 12

BCC(Cond) AF2(Cond)

Conductivity, uS/cm 15


Graph (a)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Dissolved Oxygen, ppb



Graph (b)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Heat Transfer Coeff.,

kW/m K

1 Graph (c)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Gain Output Ratio

Graph (d)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time, Hours

Figure 4. Performance of Antifoaming Agents in Al-Jubail

Plant Phase II Unit 13



Figure 5. Chromatograms of distillate samples


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