Moneycontrol 22

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Revenue From Operations

7,967.80 7,764.30 7,021.50 5,462.80 5,236.40 4,673.00 3,561.90 3,031.60
Revenue From Operations
7,967.80 7,764.30 7,021.50 5,462.80 5,236.40 4,673.00 3,561.90 3,031.60
Total Operating Revenues 7,967.80 7,764.30 7,021.50 5,462.80 5,236.40 4,673.00 3,561.90 3,031.60

Other Income 151.7 75.6 89.3 190.2 55.3 83.9 83.5 49.6

Total Revenue 8,119.50 7,839.90 7,110.80 5,653.00 5,291.70 4,756.90 3,645.40 3,081.20


Employee Benefit Expenses 5,113.20 5,064.70 4,421.20 3,564.10 3,412.50 2,799.10 2,074.70 1,782.00

Finance Costs 50.4 52.9 2.9 16.9 19.1 16 0.1 0.4

Depreciation And Amortisation
259.6 275.4 164.1 171.5 185.8 165.8 101.8 80.9
Other Expenses 1,197.90 1,618.10 1,535.80 1,158.20 1,119.40 1,052.90 778 639.6

Total Expenses 6,621.10 7,011.10 6,124.00 4,910.70 4,736.80 4,033.80 2,954.60 2,502.90

Profit/Loss Before
Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary 1,498.40 828.8 986.8 742.3 554.9 723.1 690.8 578.3
Items And Tax

Profit/Loss Before Tax 1,498.40 828.8 986.8 742.3 554.9 723.1 690.8 578.3

Tax Expenses-Continued Operations

Current Tax 421.4 233.3 245.6 155.5 157.7 190.3 159.2 131.7

Deferred Tax -33.5 -35.4 -12.9 16.7 -21.4 -19.7 -4.7 -4.2

Total Tax Expenses 387.9 197.9 232.7 172.2 136.3 170.6 154.5 127.5
Profit/Loss After Tax And
1,110.50 630.9 754.1 570.1 418.6 552.5 536.3 450.8
Before ExtraOrdinary Items
Profit/Loss From Continuing
1,110.50 630.9 754.1 570.1 418.6 552.5 536.3 450.8
Profit/Loss For The Period 1,110.50 630.9 754.1 570.1 418.6 552.5 536.3 450.8
Consolidated Profit/Loss
1,110.50 630.9 754.1 570.1 418.6 552.5 536.3 450.8
After MI And Associates



Basic EPS (Rs.) 67 38 46 34 25 33 64 108

Diluted EPS (Rs.) 67 38 46 34 25 33 64 108


Equity Share Dividend 0 493.3 180.5 148.8 167.9 209.5 142.4 104.1

Tax On Dividend 288.1 101.4 37.8 25.4 32.6 39.4 29.1 18

2,361.80 1,915.20

2,361.80 1,915.20

2,361.80 1,915.20

35 38.5

2,396.80 1,953.70

1,427.40 1,226.10

1 0.5

62.4 69.5

482 396.1 1,808.40

1,972.80 1,692.20

424 261.5

424 261.5

88.7 53.4

-4 -10.4

84.7 43

339.3 218.5

339.3 218.5

339.3 218.5

339.3 218.5

83 54

82 54

49.7 16.2

8.1 2.6
Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-13 Mar-12

12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

4,673.00 3,561.90 3,031.60 2,361.80 1,915.20

4,673.00 3,561.90 3,031.60 2,361.80 1,915.20

4,673.00 3,561.90 3,031.60 2,361.80 1,915.20

83.9 83.5 49.6 35 38.5

4,756.90 3,645.40 3,081.20 2,396.80 1,953.70

2,799.10 2,074.70 1,782.00 1,427.40 1,226.10

16 0.1 0.4 1 0.5

165.8 101.8 80.9 62.4 69.5

1,052.90 778 639.6 482 396.1

4,033.80 2,954.60 2,502.90 1,972.80 1,692.20

723.1 690.8 578.3 424 261.5

723.1 690.8 578.3 424 261.5

190.3 159.2 131.7 88.7 53.4

-19.7 -4.7 -4.2 -4 -10.4

170.6 154.5 127.5 84.7 43

552.5 536.3 450.8 339.3 218.5

552.5 536.3 450.8 339.3 218.5

552.5 536.3 450.8 339.3 218.5

552.5 536.3 450.8 339.3 218.5

33 64 108 83 54

33 64 108 82 54

209.5 142.4 104.1 49.7 16.2

39.4 29.1 18 8.1 2.6

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