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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Aluminum sulfate regeneration from surface water treatment waste

in Cairo, Egypt
Mahmoud M. Fouad 1 & Ahmed S. El-Gendy 2 & Mostafa M. H. Khalil 3 & Taha M. A. Razek 4

Received: 20 October 2020 / Accepted: 22 June 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

The world needs to adapt to recycling and reusing water due to limited resources. So, decision-makers and policy leaders should
use sustainable practices to improve protection and pollution remediation. Aluminum sulfate is used for surface water treatment,
which leads to waste sludge being disposed into water bodies, causing environmental pollution. Coagulants’ regeneration from
sludge improves water quality and reuse options. Organics accumulation is the primary concern regarding coagulant regenera-
tion, using acidification. Our study investigated the raw water quality, aluminum sulfate, and sludge and evaluated its influence
on coagulant recovery, using acidification, from eight water treatment plants (WTPs) in Cairo, Egypt. The significant elements in
the tested sludge were aluminum with a concentration range of 86.65–688.85 mg/g sludge in El-Rawda and Embaba and iron
with a concentration range of 9.45–7.45 mg/g in Shamal Helwan and El-Fostat. Recovery percentages of aluminum, iron,
manganese, and strontium recorded the highest values 97%, 89%, 89%, and 92% for Embaba, Rod El-Farag, Embaba, El-
Rawda, respectively. The correlation between metal concentration and recovery was insignificant in the studied matrix and
conditions for the four metals. Total organic carbon (TOC) transfer into recovered solutions was maximum in El-Fostat (82.6%)
and minimum in Embaba (36.7%). The TOC transfer percentage depends on the matrix of the sludge. The best location for
coagulant recovery is at the Embaba WTP, where there were minimum organics transfer and maximum Al recovery.

Keywords Coagulant regeneration . Inorganic sludge acidification . Sustainable coagulant recovery . Circular economy . Organic
matter transfer . Nile River

Introduction surface freshwater, followed by groundwater and seawater.

Surface water is treated using conventional treatment process-
“Supplying safe drinking water for all” is a United Nations es (coagulation/precipitation, filtration, and disinfection)
(UN) Sustainable Development Goal (UN-SDG) (Lu et al. (Benjamin and Lawler 2013), producing high quantities of
2015). The primary drinking water resource in Egypt is safe drinking water with acceptable quality at a minimal cost
compared to many other treatment processes. However, these
processes generate large quantities of sludge that should be
Responsible Editor: Ta Yeong Wu
managed well (Fouad et al. 2017a). In many parts of the
world, sludge can be discharged directly into the aquatic en-
* Mahmoud M. Fouad vironment. Changes in water quality and stricter regulations; can result in adding more coagulant chemicals to increase
removal of contamination.
Quality and Environmental Affairs General Department, Holding
Inorganic sludge produced through conventional treatment
Company for Water and Wastewater, Cairo, Egypt is a significant burden on the environment unless it is man-
Department of Construction Engineering, School of Sciences and
aged appropriately. If financial resources are limited, such as
Engineering, The American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt in developing countries, sludge disposal into waterways is
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University,
often the only option to ensure that available funds are ready
11566 Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt for water treatment and production. In Egypt, water demands
Environmental Basic Sciences, Institute for Environmental Studies
have increased significantly with the increasing population
and Research, Ain Shams University, 11566 Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt and continuous industrialization. Recycling and reuse options,
Environ Sci Pollut Res

therefore, are essential to enable better management of avail- initiative to investigate coagulant recovery threats, uses, appli-
able resources. Moreover, surface water quality deteriorates cations, and sustainability in Cairo, Egypt.
by increasing sludge disposal, limiting possibilities for domes-
tic, agricultural, and industrial uses (Elarabawy et al. 2000).
Recently, research efforts have focused on improving the
conventional treatment efficiency and decreasing the draw- Materials and methods
backs associated with waste management. One aspect of this
research concentrates on coagulant recovery from wasted Study area
sludge (Keeley et al. 2014; Ramadan and El Sayed 2019;
Fouad et al. 2018). This option improves sludge management The research was conducted on surface water treatment sludge
by decreasing its volume, reducing disposal into waterways, obtained from eight WTPs in Cairo, a city with 19.5 million
and provides a coagulant that can be reused safely in water, inhabitants (October 2018). The eight WTPs are along a 40-
wastewater treatment, and environmental pollution remedia- km stretch of the Nile River. Table 1 shows the details of the
tion (Fouad et al. 2017a). WTPs.
Several approaches are used for coagulant recovery All eight WTPs extract water from the Nile River, except
from wasted inorganic sludge, such as acidification, basi- for Mostorod and Shoubra El-Kheima that have intakes from
fication, ion exchange, membrane treatment, and electrol- the Ismailia and Sharkawia canals, respectively (Figure 1).
ysis (Keeley et al. 2014). One of the most widely used The applied chlorine (4.0–8.5 mg/L) and coagulant (20–41
methods for coagulant recovery from sludge is acidifica- mg/L as Al2(SO4)3) doses varied from site to site, according
tion because of its low cost and high recovery efficiency. to the raw water quality and site specifications.
In this process, metal coagulants are redissolved from the The eight WTPs use the same surface water treatment
solid sludge into an acidic solution (Ramadan and El flowsheet (coagulation, flocculation, precipitation, filtration,
Sayed 2019). However, several factors influence the ef- and disinfection) and, however, use diverse designs.
fectiveness of coagulant recovery, such as the concentra-
tion of organic matter and the overall quality of the
sludge. Previous work has shown that reusing coagulant Aluminum recovery by acidification and filtration
following recovery increases organic matter in treated wa-
ter, with a commensurate increase in disinfection Sludge samples were collected from the sludge drainage point
byproduct (DBP) formation (Fouad et al. 2018), because under the eight WTPs’ clarifiers and were dried by heating in a
along with the dissolution of trivalent metals, organic container on a water bath at 102–103°C until complete drying.
matter (precursors for DBPs) is also redissolved into the Sludge samples were placed in a desiccator before digestion
solution. Sludge characteristics strongly depend on man- using concentrated nitric acid and heated until the entire sam-
aging the water treatment plants (WTPs) and the treated ple was digested (Hagedorn 2008) to measure the total metal
water quality, resulting in differences in the type and con- content using ICP-OES optima 8000 supplied by Agilent,
centration of organic matter in the sludge, affecting the USA.
separation of metals during the recovery process. Acidification was conducted by adding 2 N sulfuric acid to
Organic matter accumulation is the primary reason why the sludge, followed by stirring at 60 rpm for 40 min. The
coagulant recovery has seen limited application in drinking supernatant was abstracted and filtered using a 47-μm glass-
water supply systems. Filtration, adsorption, membrane sepa- fiber filter paper. The recovered solution was stored in suitable
ration (Donan dialysis), electrolysis, and ion exchange reduce bottles until analysis. The recovery percentage was calculated
the organic matter content in the recovered coagulants (Keeley using Eq. (1).
et al. 2014; Fouad et al. 2018). However, these processes add
high costs to the recovered coagulant purification and can be Al ðrÞ
Recovery percentage ¼  100 ð1Þ
less economical than applying fresh coagulant. Alðt Þ
Our work evaluates the effect of raw water, coagulant, and
sludge quality on coagulant recovery in eight WTPs within the where Al(r) is the recovered aluminum concentration (mg Al/g
Cairo governorate. Previous research lacks a detailed study of sludge) using normal procedures and Al(t) is the total alumi-
sludge quality and its influence on the aluminum recovery in num concentration (mg Al/g sludge) in the sludge measured
Greater Cairo WTPs. The novelty of our work is to fill the after complete digestion.
knowledge gap about coagulant recovery under Egyptian con- Analysis was also conducted on fresh commercial coagu-
ditions and support professionals and decision-makers to link lants used at these sites, using Egyptian and El-Nasr alumi-
the research to application and sustainability. This is the first num sulfate.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Information on the eight water treatment plants

ID WTP name Intake Chlorine dose Al dose Design Design capacity Actual average capacity
(mg/L) (mg/L) (m3/day) (m3/day)

1 El-Tebeen Nile River 5.5 ± 1 26 ± 3 Circular + RSF 350,000 235,641

2 Shamal Helwan Nile River 5±1 30 ± 4 Pulsator + RSF 300,000 270,371
3 El-Fostat Nile River 5.5 ± 0.7 36 ± 2 Pulsator + RSF 1,100,000 1,010,574
4 El-Rawda Nile River 5.5 ± 2 25 ± 5 Circular + RSF 180,000 168,351
5 Shoubra El-Kheima El-Sharkawia canal 6 ± 1.3 34 ± 2 Pulsator + RSF 600,000 457,578
6 Mostorod Ismailia canal 4.5 ± 0.5 36 ± 5 Pulsator + RSF 950,000 749,572
7 Embaba Nile River 7 ± 1.5 32 ± 6 Pulsator + RSF 4,157,000 1,310,809
8 Rod El-Farag Nile River 5 ± 0.5 34 ± 5 Return Sludge + RSF 870000 677620
Total 8,507,000 4,880,516

RSF rapid sand filtration

Characterization of the recovered coagulant based on the standard method 3120 metals by plasma emis-
sion spectroscopy (Baird et al. 2012).
Recovered coagulant solutions were analyzed for their total
organic carbon (TOC) content using the USEPA Method
415.3 (Potter and Wimsatt 2005), and metal (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Total organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon
Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn) concentrations were determined analysis

The USEPA Method 415.3 was used to determine the TOC

concentration in the recovered solution using the Shimadzu
analyzer via the catalytic combustion method. The samples
were combusted with air in a dual-zone furnace, with individ-
ually adjustable ovens (700–1250°C) to produce CO2, which
is then measured using a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sen-
sor. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured using the
same procedure but after filtering the samples on a pre-washed
filter (47 μm).

Table 2 Total organic carbon (TOC) and metal analysis in fresh com-
mercial aluminum sulfate coagulants

Metal Aluminum sulfate Aluminum sulfate Egyptian

(Egyptian (El-Nasr specifications for
company) (mg/L) Company) (mg/L) liquid aluminum

Al 53602.0 51870.0 Min = 21177 mg/L

Cd ND ND Max = 100 mg/kg Al
Cr 35.1 90.6 Max = 1000 mg/kg
Cu 0.2 ND NLS
Fe 1668.9 899.0 Max = 3500 mg/L
Mn 8.6 11.9 NLS
Ni 15.1 6.0 Max = 1000 mg/kg
Pb ND ND Max = 800 mg/kg Al
Sr 13.8 1.6 NLS
Zn 28.0 17.0 NLS
Fig. 1 Locations of the water treatment plants (WTPs) along the Nile
River ND not detected, NLS no limits are set
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 3 Metal concentration (mg/g sludge) of the recovered solutions

Al Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Sr Zn

El-Tebeen 93.66 ND 0.11 ND 8.81 2.75 ND ND 0.23 ND

Shamal Helwan 92.58 ND 0.10 ND 9.40 1.72 ND ND 0.25 ND
El-Fostat 103.99 ND 0.16 ND 7.45 2.18 ND ND 0.26 ND
El-Rawda 81.65 ND ND ND 7.88 1.41 ND ND 0.32 ND
Shoubra El-Kheima 172.35 ND ND ND 8.90 2.30 ND ND 0.65 ND
Mostorod 143.33 ND ND ND 8.70 1.85 ND ND 0.55 ND
Embaba 688.85 ND ND ND 8.60 2.00 ND ND 0.77 ND
Rod El-Farag 195.60 ND ND ND 8.66 2.22 ND ND 1.12 ND

ND not detected

Metal analysis The conditions used to manufacture aluminum sulfate include

elevated temperature, pressure, and a highly oxidative envi-
The samples were collected in borosilicate glass bottles and ronment because the concentrated sulfuric acid used to dis-
digested using microwave and nitric acid (1:1) and preserved solve the coagulant destroys and degrades any organic matter
until analysis. Samples were injected and the subsequent spray (Hosseini et al. 2011).
was transferred to the plasma torch. Element-specific emission When the metal concentrations in two fresh coagulant so-
spectra were generated using a radio frequency inductively lutions were compared, there were significantly higher levels
coupled plasma. A grating spectrometer scatters the spectra, of aluminum and iron in the Egyptian coagulant than in the El-
and a photosensitive device evaluates the line spectrum inten- Nasr product, with 53.6 g/L and 51.9 g/L of aluminum and 1.7
sities at certain wavelengths. Photocurrents from the photo- g/L and 0.9 g/L of iron, respectively (Table 2), reflecting the
sensitive device were processed and controlled using the de- differences in the manufacturing process and raw material
vice’s software. A background correction was applied to com- sources. Pb and Cd were not detected in both coagulants.
pensate for variable background share to determine the Trace concentrations of Cr, Mn, and Sr were higher in the
analytes (Maxfield and Mindak 1985). The ICP-AES El-Nasr company. However, Ni, Zn, and Cu were higher in
Optima 2000 DV spectrometer (Perkin Elmer) with an AS the coagulant produced by the Egyptian company. In all cases,
93 autosampler and scanning charged-coupled device detector the metal values were below the allowable limits according to
(25,600 px) were used to determine the mentioned metals. the Egyptian regulations for aluminum sulfate used in drink-
ing water production. The difference in the metal profiles for
each coagulant reflects also different sources of raw materials
Results and discussion used in manufacturing.

Coagulant recovery from sludge Sludge characteristics

The TOC concentration in the commercial coagulants was The most dominant metal in the sludge is aluminum; however,
below the limits of detection. The coagulants are extracted its concentration varied from one WTP sludge to another be-
from inorganic minerals, such as kaolinite (Hirsch 1960). cause of the different water treatment variables in each WTP,

Fig. 2 Aluminum, iron,

manganese, and strontium
recovery percentages
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 3 Correlation of total

aluminum concentration in sludge
(mg/g) with recovery percentage

causing observable increases in some elements over others. The aluminum content of the sludge from the other WTPs
Choosing the optimum dose for raw water and the efficiency was lower, ranging from 81.65 to 195 mg Al/g sludge. Cd, Cu,
of flocculation and coagulation processes positively affect the Ni, Pb, and Zn were below the detection limits in all samples.
aluminum concentration in sludge. Inefficient water/coagulant Cr was detected in sludge from El-Tebeen, Shamal Helwan,
mixing will cause the percentage of dissolved aluminum to be and El-Fostat but undetected in sludge from the other WTPs,
higher and lower in wasted sludge and vice versa. Also, dif- despite all sites treating similar water sources. It could be
ferent raw water qualities and site specifications are essential because the digestion conditions are not efficient enough to
in this relationship (Keeley et al. 2014;Fouad et al. 2018; extract all Cr from the sludge because of the complexity of the
Hussein et al. 2020). Sludge is composed of aluminum hy- sludge matrices. In addition, Cr may not have been captured
droxide mixed with several minerals and organics called the into the sludge during clarification at these sites because of the
sludge matrix. This matrix determines the dissolution of alu- differences in the design and operation of these processes.
minum through digestion, controlling its immobilization or
liberation into the liquor (Bertsch and Bloom 1996). Coagulant recovery
The aluminum concentration per gram of sludge was in-
consistent across the different WTPs (Table 3). For instance, No absolute regular relationship exists between the recovered
Embaba WTP had the highest aluminum concentration in aluminum from each gram of sludge (mg/g) and the recovery
each gram of sludge (688.85 mg Al/g sludge). The flocs pri- percentage (Figure 2). The same recovery process resulted in
marily composed of aluminum hydroxide, with a lower pro- different percentages of aluminum extracted from the sludge.
portion of mineral turbidity and other contaminants in the As the sulfuric acid demand varies because of acid-consuming
sludge. materials, including organic compounds, hydroxides, carbon-
ates, and bicarbonates (Keeley et al. 2014), these materials

Fig. 4 Correlation of total iron

concentrations in sludge (mg/g)
with recovery percentages
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 Annual survey for TOC concentrations (mg/L) in raw water (Hussein et al. 2020)

No. WTP name Autumn Spring Summer Winter Average Minimum Maximum Range

1 El-Tebeen 3.32 ± 0.32 4.62 ± 0.33 3.11 ± 0.30 5.45 ± 0.36 4.13 ± 0.33 2.79 5.77 2.98
2 Shamal Helwan 3.29 ± 0.31 4.05 ± 0.31 2.78 ± 0.31 5.23 ± 0.31 3.84 ± 0.31 2.47 5.54 3.07
3 El-Fostat 3.55 ± 0.41 5.01 ± 0.44 3.10 ± 0.42 6.23 ± 0.45 4.47 ± 0.43 2.69 6.64 3.95
4 El-Rawda 3.64 ± 0.52 5.62 ± 0.55 2.85 ± 0.53 6.77 ± 0.54 4.72 ± 0.54 2.33 7.29 4.96
5 Shoubra El-Kheima 3.60 ± 0.42 5.17 ± 0.43 3.30 ± 0.45 6.54 ± 0.48 4.65 ± 0.45 2.87 6.97 4.1
6 Mostorod 3.40 ± 0.28 4.54 ± 0.25 3.20 ± 0.31 5.22 ± 0.29 4.09 ± 0.28 2.92 5.50 2.58
7 Embaba 5.02 ± 0.35 6.36 ± 0.32 4.82 ± 0.34 7.42 ± 0.31 5.91 ± 0.33 4.47 7.77 3.3
8 Rod El-Farag 4.65 ± 0.33 5.63 ± 0.34 4.22 ± 0.35 7.12 ± 0.40 5.41 ± 0.36 3.85 7.49 3.64

compete with the aluminum hydroxide and consume the sul- findings (Fouad et al. 2017a, b, 2018). However, iron com-
furic acid, allowing only limited aluminum extraction from petes with aluminum reacting with sulfuric acid and adds an-
the sludge (Fouad et al. 2018). However, the sludge matrix other coagulant to the recovered solution, increasing the effi-
may contain components that would help and favor the reac- ciency of the recovered solution in coagulation and precipita-
tion between sulfuric acid and metals to recover aluminum tion processes. Iron recovery also did not depend primarily on
coagulants as sulfate ions and acids. iron concentrations in the sludge (Figure 2), but the matrix’s
The aluminum recovery percentages for the eight WTPs influence in sludge is a powerful dimension in recovery and
were between 79 and 97% (Figure 2). The Embaba WTP leaching processes.
showed the highest recovery compared to most of the other The correlation between the total iron concentration and its
WTPs, whereas Shamal Helwan had the lowest recovery of leaching in the acid medium R2 (0.5598) is higher than alumi-
aluminum, which could be attributed to the variety in the num R2 (0.238), indicating a higher correlation between iron
matrix and components of the sludge. Furthermore, the re- concentrations and recovery percentages in the matrices
duced R2 value (0.2) indicates a minimum correlation between (Figure 4). Therefore, iron will be leached better than alumi-
the total aluminum concentration in the sludge and recovery num in the sludge matrix of the WTPs. However, this corre-
percentage, especially in different matrices (Figure 3). Fouad lation is still insignificant as the major part controlling the
et al. (2018) confirmed a decrease in aluminum in the recov- process in the presence of acid-consuming materials.
ered solution because of acid-consuming elements and other Manganese in the recovered coagulant was also evaluated
impurities in the sludge, rejecting the stoichiometric reaction (Figure 2). The manganese concentration in the sludge was
theory between sulfuric acid and aluminum hydroxide (the between 1.2 and 2.3 mg/g Mn (Table 4), with a recovery
major component in the sludge) and confirming the influence percentage between 79 and 89% (Figure 2). These results
of impurities on the acidification and recovery process. compare favorably with research on metal recovery from
The recovery of iron occurs alongside aluminum, with Egyptian WTPs’ sludge using sulfuric and hydrochloric acids
values between 71 and 89% for sludge containing 6.2–7.8 (Fouad et al. 2017a). Mn’s R2 is extremely low (0.0171),
mg/g Fe (Figure 2), which is consistent with the reported indicating no correlation compared to aluminum and iron,

Fig. 5 Correlation of total

manganese concentration in
sludge (mg/g) with recovery
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 6 Correlation of total

strontium concentration in sludge
(mg/g) with recovery percentages

indicating that manganese leaching in the recovery process is Evaluation of total organic carbon transfer
independent of its concentration. Furthermore, no risk exists to recovered solutions
from Mn accumulation in the recovered solution; however, its
presence would help increase the coagulation process efficien- Coagulant recovery was conducted three times for 12 months
cy because it functions as a catalyst and additional coagulant. in 2018 (Table 4). The TOC concentration in the recovered
In the study area, no significant correlation exists between coagulant was directly proportional to its content in the sludge
manganese concentrations in the used sludge and recovery with R2 = 0.8271 (Figure 7). Recovered coagulants in winter
percentages under the used technique and factors (R2 = contained the highest TOC. The minimum TOC was recorded
0.0171) (Figure 5). The presence or accumulation of strontium in summer, as the deteriorating water quality in winter because
in the recovered coagulant would threaten humans. Strontium of the Egyptian water resources management measures limits
causes abnormal skeletal developments in infants, children, the surface water quantity and flow between December and
and adolescents (O’Donnell 2014). Strontium was found in February. Also, the increased water reuse cycles in winter are
the sludge at concentrations of ~1 mg/g sludge, with recovery critical for TOC increase (Elarabawy et al. 2000).
percentages in the coagulant between 74 and 92% (Figure 2). Consequently, more TOC is absorbed and adsorbed into the
The detected concentration and recovery percentage show sludge during treatment than those leached during recovery
minimum risk from strontium accumulation or presence in using acidification.
drinking water treated with the recovered coagulant. The findings are consistent with Geriesh et al. (2008), who
Figure 6 shows no significant correlation between stron- reported that pollutants increased in the Ismailia canal during
tium concentrations in the used sludge and recovery percent- winter when the high dam gates were closed between January
ages under the used technique and factors (R2 = 0.1213). and February. In contrast, pollutants decreased in summer

Fig. 7 Correlation between total

organic carbon (TOC) in sludge
and leached amount
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 5 Annual survey for TOC (mg/g) in wasted aluminum sludge (Hussein et al. 2020)

No. WTP name Autumn Spring Summer Winter Average Minimum Maximum Range

1 El-Tebeen 77.2 ± 0.89 80.32 ± 0.85 82.20 ± 0.87 84.50 ± 0.84 81.06 ± 0.86 76.34 85.39 7.27
2 Shamal Helwan 87.23 ± 0.79 88.21 ± 0.82 91.36 ± 0.75 93.16 ± 0.76 89.99 ± 0.78 86.44 93.95 5.93
3 El-Fostat 89.36 ± 0.92 92.23 ± 0.98 94.30 ± 0.95 96.86 ± 0.94 93.19 ± 0.95 88.44 97.78 7.50
4 El-Rawda 95.23 ± 1.06 96.63 ± 0.98 101.46 ± 0.96 102.84 ± 1.1 99.04 ± 1.03 94.17 103.90 7.61
5 Shoubra El-Kheima 158.22 ± 0.93 159.32 ± 0.92 162.15 ± 0.94 165.45 ± 0.95 161.29 ± 0.94 157.29 166.38 7.23
6 Mostorod 198.99 ± 1.05 200.30 ± 0.97 203.20 ± 0.94 207.22 ± 0.99 202.43 ± 0.99 197.94 208.27 8.23
7 Embaba 336.45 ± 0.91 340.12 ± 0.94 342.40 ± 0.93 343.65 ± 0.94 340.65 ± 0.93 335.53 344.56 7.20
8 Rod El-Farag 349.77 ± 1.11 351.33 ± 1.13 355.65 ± 1.12 358.10 ± 1.08 353.71 ± 1.11 348.66 359.21 8.33

because of the high quantity and flow of water. These results Future direction and available policy
are consistent with other research on organic matter occur-
rence in the recovered coagulants as they dissolved alongside In Egypt, the water supply uses primarily the conventional
the metal coagulant (Keeley et al. 2014; Fouad et al. 2018). treatment of surface water including coagulation, disinfection,
Sludge from the Embaba and Rod El-Farag WTPs recorded and rapid sand filtration (Shamrukh and Abdel-Wahab 2008)
the highest TOC concentrations in raw water and recovered which is the most suitable technique for massive production,
solutions (Figures 8 and 9), which is attributed to the condi- minimum cost, and desired quality. Waste sludge treatment is
tions and site specifications of these two WTPs, as mentioned not available in every WTP, and disposal to waterways is the
by Hussein et al. (2020), causing elevated TOC levels standard handling option in Egypt which deteriorates the sur-
(Table 5). face water quality (Fouad et al. 2017b; Shamrukh and Abdel-
As the sludge quality and TOC concentration increased, the Wahab 2008). On the other hand, treatment chemicals con-
amount of DOC leaching into the recovered solutions in- sumption and price increase with time. Coagulants’ recovery
creased (Figure 9). However, not all DOCs were fully trans- has significantly influenced cost and pollution reduction with
ferred into the recovered solutions, showing that TOC cannot promising results (Keeley et al. 2014). In conclusion, coagu-
be completely leached using acidification for coagulant recov- lants recovery and use in water treatment in the Egyptian
ery. The TOC transfer percentage was the lowest for the environment is a favorable option for the policy leaders and
sludge from Embaba WTP. It was the highest for the El- decision-makers.
Fostat and El-Rawda WTPs, showing that sludge quality
and TOC content influenced the recovered coagulant using
acidification (Figure 9). This could be attributed to the ele- Conclusion
ments in the sludge matrix that inhibit TOC dissolution in
the recovered solution. Moreover, the organic matter nature This study conducted aluminum sulfate coagulant recovery
could be less susceptible to be solubilized under the used from eight WTPs in Cairo, Egypt, and organic matter transfer
conditions in recovery. in the recovered solutions. TOC concentrations in recovered

Fig. 8 TOC concentrations in

recovered solutions from sludge
samples of WTPs during four
seasons (mg/g)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 9 Average TOC (mg/g

sludge) in sludge and recovered
solutions and DOC transfer
percentage (%)

coagulants recorded a maximum in winter and a minimum in Declarations

summer. The maximum TOC concentration in the recovered
coagulants was noted in Rod El-Farag WTP, and the least Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable
value was obtained in El-Tebeen WTP. The TOC transfer
Consent for publication Not applicable
percentage of the recovered solutions was the highest in El-
Fostat WTP sludge and the lowest for Embaba WTP.
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
In conclusion, the coagulant recovery is most favorable and
sustainable for Embaba WTP among the WTPs because of the
high aluminum content in sludge (688.85 mg/g sludge), re-
covery percentage (97%), and minimum TOC transfer per-
centage (36.7%). Finally, coagulant recovery from sludge is
feasible in Cairo by considering the treatment operational con- Baird RB, Eaton AD, Clesceri LS (2012) In: Rice EW (ed) Standard
ditions, raw water potential pollution, recovery percentage, methods for the examination of water and wastewater, vol 10.
and TOC transfer percentage. Further studies are required in American Public Health Association, Washington
the scope of sludge organic matter nature, structure identifica- Benjamin MM, Lawler DF (2013) Water quality engineering: physical/
chemical treatment processes. John Wiley and Sons
tion, and response to acidification. Bertsch PM, Bloom PR (1996) Aluminum. Methods Soil Anal: Part 3.
Chem Methods 5:517–550.
Acknowledgements The authors proudly acknowledge the reference lab Elarabawy M, Tosswell P, Attia B (2000) Integrated water resources
for water and the reference lab for wastewater and the general department management for Egypt. J Water Supply Res Technol AQUA
for quality and environmental affairs in the holding company for water 49(3):111–125.
and wastewater, Egypt, and Professor Peter Jarvis, Professor of Water Fouad MM, El-Gendy AS, Razek TM (2017a) Evaluation of leached
Science & Technology Cranfield Water Science Institute, the UK, for metals in recovered aluminum coagulants from water treatment slur-
their thankful support and efforts introduced to our research to reach its ry. Water Sci Technol 75(3-4):998–1006.
final form. wst.2016.582
Fouad MM, Razek T, Elgendy AS (2017b) Utilization of drinking water
Author contribution ASE, TMAR, and MMHK formulated the research treatment slurry to produce aluminum sulfate coagulant. Water
idea and initialized the first steps to start. ASE and MMF provided the Environ Res 89(2):186–191.
research plan and allocated available resources. MMF performed the 106143016X14504669769056
practical part of sampling, sludge analysis, coagulant recovery, and anal- Fouad MM, Razek T, El-Gendy AS (2018) Repeated aluminum sulfate
ysis. ASE and MMF reviewed the generated raw data and started writing recovery from waterworks sludge: a case study in El-Sheikh Zaid
the manuscript. TMAR, ASE, and MMHK reviewed the research article WTP. Water Environ Res 90(12):2030–2035.
several times to ensure the best quality. MMF applied the required mod- 2175/106143017X15131012188150
ification for the research article. Finally, all authors read and approved the Geriesh MH, Balke KD, El-Rayes AE (2008) Problems of drinking water
final manuscript. treatment along Ismailia Canal Province, Egypt. Egypt J Zhejiang
Univ Sci B 9(3):232–242.
Data availability The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current Hagedorn B (2008) Acid digestion of sediments, sludge, and soil (EPA
study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. 3050). Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Laboratory,
University of Alaska, Anchorage
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Hirsch L (1960) Inventor; Harvey Machine Co Inc, assignee. Process for O’Donnell AJ (2014) Strontium in drinking water: Occurrence, distribu-
the production of aluminum sulfate. United States patent US 2,958, tion, and removal. (Electronic thesis or dissertation). Retrieved from
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