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collapse and infill, which we interpret as probable brec- (Kupecz and Land, 1991), or they may be due to meteoric

cia pipes (Waltham et al., 2005). water that percolated along fracture networks enhancing
Away from the pipes, the surrounding host rock has carbonate dissolution. Fracture networks may be linked
low variance and consistent amplitude, which we inter- with vertical faults bounding pipe and sinkhole features.
pret to be unkarsted rock that has not undergone signifi-
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cant dissolution or collapse. Vertical faults are likely Seismic attribute maps
bounding the sag/pipe features and may have served Time and isochron.—The structural high in the study
as conduits for deep-seated hydrothermal fluids migrat- area rises toward the west from the H1 horst block.
ing during the Ouachita Orogeny in the Pennsylvanian The Viola and Caney maps (Figure 11a and 11b) show

Figure 8. Geoseismic sections through well B. The yellow lines are faults. The broken white lines show vertical collapse features
(pipes) associated with sinkholes. The red arrows indicate vertical collapse features emanating from the Simpson Group and older.
The circles V, C, J, and W represent the Viola Limestone, Caney Shale, Jefferson Sandstone, and Wapanucka Limestone, respec-
tively. The circles are interpreted horizons. (a) Line BB′ geoseismic dip section and (b) line CC′ geoseismic strike section. See
Figure 3a for the location of line BB′ and line CC′. SH, shale; LS, limestone; and SS, sandstone.

T428 Interpretation / May 2020

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