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Key Sessions

Train Smooth

101 key training sessions for triathletes

By: Tim Egge

By 6am, 25% of your day is already over. Use every minute the
best you can. Once time is gone, there's no getting it back.
Well before I started my coaching business in 2014, I would keep a journal and I would write
training sessions that I would find interesting. These sessions would come from my coach at the
time, books, magazines, podcasts, interviews, friends, and those I would think of myself. If it was
a swim, bike, run session I would write it in my journal.

Even when I started my coaching business and would start using an online coaching platform to
create programs for athletes and have an online training library with all my sessions saved in one
easy to access spot, I still keep a written journal with the exceptions being now I have four
journals. One for each - swim, bike, run and strength & conditioning.

I must have thousands of sessions written in these journals and a crazy number of sessions
saved in my online training library that I use for athletes I coach. No matter how many sessions I
have, there is still a small list of my "GO TO" sessions that I seem to use more often than not.

Recently I had an athlete I have been coaching for the past few years decided to start his own
coaching business. He asked could he have access to my online training session library. The
answer was “absolutely”. Of course I want him to succeed in his new coaching business and if I
can help in any way, I will jump at that opportunity.

This got me thinking that there are other people in the same situation and athletes who are
looking for good key sessions to do with their build towards their goals, so the idea of creating a
book with some of my “GO TO” sessions was easy.

I hope you enjoy these 101 sessions that a lot of my athletes find in their weekly programs often
and I have had much success from using these.

In this book, you will find

• 32 swim sessions
• 28 bike sessions
• 29 run sessions
• 12 strength & conditioning sessions
• How to create your own training program
Create your own training program

At the back of this book, I have included some templates you can follow and some information so
you can learn how to create well-structured training programs.

As with the athlete I coach who I want to see succeed with his new coaching business, I also
want every one of you to succeed as well so if you have any questions or have created your own
training program and want some advice or feedback, feel free to email
me and I will be more than happy to help.

The Train Smooth Terminology

Easy: - This is exactly what you would expect it to mean. Go easy without compromising

Moderate: - You should be able to hold a conversation throughout. If you cannot hold a
conversation, this means you are going too hard.

Medium: - This should be uncomfortable but manageable.

Mad: - This is as fast as possible without compromising technique.

Race effort - This is completely on feel. Don't look at pace, power, heart rate, etc. Race effort is
how you would expect it to feel come race day.

Rest intervals with swimming I use the symbol + the seconds rest, for example to have 20
seconds rest, it will look like + 20s
Swim Sessions
The reason why people give up so fast is they tend to look at how far they still have to go, rather
than looking at how far they've gotten

Back to basics - 4km

4 x 400 +25s
3 x 400 +20s
2 x 400 +15s
1 x 400

Al's Push - 2-3km

Two or three rounds of:
200 freestyle
200 pull
200 pull and paddles
200 pull, paddles and band
200 of 12 kick, 12 freestyle

Next Set - 2.8km

Warm Up:
200 easy
200 of 50 6/1/6 drill, 50 freestyle
200 pull and paddles
200 of 50 broken arrow, 50 freestyle

4x 50 of 25 MAD, 25 easy

Main Set:
200 +25s
300 +25s
500 +25s
Cool down:
200 easy choice

Rowling Set - 2.2km

Warm Up:
500 free style

Main Set:
20 x 25 + 5s
10 x 50 + 10s
5 x 100 + 15s

Cool down:
200 easy choice

Technique Endurance - 3km

Part One:
300 easy freestyle
200 with pool buoy doing 12 scull drill, 12 doggy paddle drill, 25 freestyle
100 kick with fins and kick board

Part Two:
300 with fins of 50 6/3/6 drill, 50 freestyle
200 freestyle breathing every 3/5/7/3
100 with pool buoy done as 12 water polo, 12 freestyle

Part Three:
300 pull & paddles
200 freestyle with fins done fast
100 freestyle breathing every 5th strokes

Part Four
300 done as 50 6/3/6 drill, 50 freestyle
200 freestyle breathing every 3/5/7/3
100 pull and paddles
Part Five:
300 freestyle
200 with pool buoy doing 12 scull drill, 12 doggy paddle drill, 25 freestyle
100 easy choice

Turner's Cadence
Warm Up - 2.2km
200 easy freestyle
2 x 50 +15s
200 freestyle

100 done as 25 MAD, 75 easy +20s
100 done as 50 MAD, 50 easy +20s
100 done as 75 MADF, 25 easy

Main Set:
Do the main set eight times
25 +20s
50 +40s
75 +60s

Cool down:
200 easy choice

Race Ready - 4.8 km

There is no set warm-up, get started immediately with the main set and build into it, much like
you’d have to do in a race.

Main Set:
16 x 50 +15s
8 x 100 +15s
4 x 200 +15s
2 x 400 +15s
1 x 800 +15s
16 x 50 +15s

Gamble Full – 4 km
Do the following twice but with the second round is pull and paddles.
800 + 25s
600 + 25s
400 + 25s
200 +25s

Broken 400s - 2.8 km

400 + 25s
4 x 100 +15s
400 + 25s
8 x 50 +10s
4 x 100 + 15s (or you can do 16 x 25 + 5s)

Critical Speed - 2.7 km

Warm Up:
200 easy
200 of 50 broken arrow, 50 freestyle breathing every 5th stroke
200 building pace every 50m

6 x 50 of 12 scull drill, 12 doggy paddle drill, 12m freestyle MAD, 12m freestyle easy

Main set 1 (pace control)

6 x 100 +25s
Main Set 2
1km time trial

Cool down:
200 easy choice

Doco – 2 km
Warm Up
300 easy freestyle
2 x 50 +15s
200 slowly building

6 x 50 done as 25 MAD, 25 easy +10s

Main Set
8 x 50 with every 4th MAD +10s
6 x 50 with every 3rd MAD +10s
4 x 50 with every 2nd MAD +10s
2 x 50 with both MAD

Cool down:
200 easy choice

Doco Combo - 2.2 km

Warm Up:
200 pull
2 x 50 kick
200 freestyle

Main Set:
8 x 25 with every 4th MAD +5s
6 x 25 with every 3rd MAD +5s
4 x 25 with every 2nd MAD +5s
2 x 25 both MAD +5s
8 x 50 with every 4th MAD +10s
6 x 50 with every 3rd MAD +10s
4 x 50 with every 2nd MAD +10s
2 x 50 both MAD +10s

Cool down:
200 of 12 kick, 12 freestyle

Let's get it on - 3.3 km

Warm up
There is no set warm-up today, get started immediately with the main set and build into it, much
like you’d have to do in a race.

Main set
Part 1
8 x 50 + 10s
4 x 100 + 15s
1 x 500 + 30s

Part 2
2 x 100 + 10s
3 x 200 + 15s
1 x 800 + 30s

Part 3
1 x 200 + 15s
2 x 300 + 20s
1 x 1000 + 30s

Cool down
200 easy choice

Yates Set - 2.2 km

Warm up
200 + 20s
2 x 50 + 10s
200 + 20s

Main Set:
Three rounds of
1 x 200 +20s
4 x 50 +10s
100 +15s

Cool down
200 choice

RC Five - 2.2 km
Warm Up
200 +25s
2 x 50 of 25 side kick on left side, 25 freestyle
100 pull
2 x 50 of 25 side kick on right side, 25 freestyle
100 pull
2 x 50 building

Main Set:
6 x 200 pull + 20s
2 x 50 build in

Cool down:
200 choice

RC Four - 2.4 km
Warm Up
400 + 25s
2 x 100 of 50 fist drill, 50 freestyle
2 x 50 of 25 doggy paddle, 25 freestyle
2 x 50 of 25 MAD, 25 easy

Main Set:
3 x 200 pull + 25s
2 x 50 moderate + 25s
3 x 200 pull + 25s

Cool down:
200 choice

RC Three - 2.3 km
Warm up
300 + 25s
200 + 20s

Main Set
1 x (150 +15s, 3 x 50 +10s)
1 x (150 +15s, 50 +5s, 100 +10s)
1 x (150 +15s, 3 x 50 +10s)
1 x (150 +15s, 50 + 5s, 100)
1 x 300

Cool down:
200 easy choice

Going Long - 5.2 km

Warm Up:
100 easy freestyle
200 with fins done as 50 broken arrow, 50 freestyle
200 pull buoy as 4 x 12 scull, 12 ½ doggy paddle, 25 freestyle

Main Set:
6 x 100 +20s
1 x 400 + 20s
6 x 100 + 20s
1 x 500 + 20s
6 x 100 + 20s
1 x 600 + 20s
6 x 100 + 20s

RC Six - 2.5 km
Warm Up
400 easy freestyle
4 x 50 of 25 finishing flick, 25 freestyle + 15s
100 thumb to thigh
4 x 25 moderate effort + 5s
4 x 50 MAD +10s

Main Set:
Aim to really push the pace with this
2 x 200 +15s
3 x 100 +10s
4 x 50 +5s
1 x 400

Cool down
200 easy choice

Iron One - 3.5 km

Part one
500 freestyle

Part Two
15 x 100 +15s

Part Three
3 x 500 +25s

Iron Two - 3.5 km

Part one
500 freestyle

Part Two
30 x 50 +10s

Part Three
3 x 500 +25s

Push Day - 3.3 km

Warm up:
There is no set warm-up today, get started immediately with the main set and build into it, much
like you’d have to do in a race.

Main Set
500 +60 sec
4 x 100 +15 sec
5 x 200 pull and paddles +20 sec
3 x 300 +25 sec
1 x 500

Open Water - 3 km
Warm up:
5 x beach stats running into the water, freestyle 50 out, sharp turn and freestyle back and run

Main Set:
5 x 250 efforts sighting every 6th stroke +25s
5 x 50 MAD +15s
1000 sighting every 6th strokes
Pyramid - 3km
Two rounds of
100 +10s
200 +15s
300 +20s
400 +25s
500 +30s
400 +25s
300 +20s
200 +15s
100 +10s

Gold Fish - 3km

Warm Up
300 easy freestyle
200 with fins done as 50 6/1/6 drill, 50 freestyle breathing 3/5/7/3

6 x 50 freestyle done as 25 MAD, 25 easy +15s

Main Set
Do the following twice through
4 x 100 +20sec
2 x 200 +25s
4 x 50 +10s

Cool down:
200 easy

Eggeman - 3.8km
Warm Up
400 +30s
2 x 50 +10s
2 x 100 +15s
Main Set
200 + 20s
4 x 50 +10s
300 + 20s
6 x 50 + 10s
400 + 20s
8 x 50 + 10s
500 + 20s
10 x 50 + 10s

Cool Down:
200 easy choice

Lead Back - 3.2km

Warm up:
300 easy freestyle
200 with pull buoy done as 12 scull drill, 12 doggy paddle drill, 25 freestyle
200 easy freestyle
300 with fins done as 50 6/1/6 drill, 50 freestyle breathing every 3rd stroke, 50 6/3/6 drill, 50
freestyle breathing every 5th stroke, 50 broken arrow, 50 freestyle breathing every 7th stroke)

Part 1
8 x 50 +10s

Part 2
3 x 200 +20s

Part 3
4 x 150 done as: 50 moderate, 50 medium, 50 MAD +15s

Part 4
TS One - 2.3 km
Warm Up
200 easy freestyle
200 of 15 scull drill, 35 freestyle
200 of 15 doggy paddle drill, 35 freestyle
200 of 12 scull drill, 12 doggy paddle drill, 50 freestyle

25 MAD, 75 easy
50 MAD, 50 easy
75 MAD, 25 easy

Main Set
400 + 20s
4 x 50 + 10s

Cool down:
200 choice

The Hunter- 2.2 km

Warm Up
200 + 20s
2 x 50 + 10s
2 x 100 + 15s

Main Set
4 x 50 + 10s
250 pull and paddle + 15s
100 +10s
2 x 50 + 20s
2 x 75 + 10s
2 x 25 + 5s
300 + 30s
2 x 50 + 10s
100 + 10s
50 + 5s

Cool down
200 easy choice

Hypoxic Session – 2 km
Warm Up:
200 of 25 breathing every 2nd stroke from the right, 25 breathing every 2nd stroke from the left,
50 bilateral breathing.
2 x 50 building
200 of 25 breathing every 2nd stroke from the right, 25 breathing every 2nd stroke from the left,
50 bilateral breathing.

Main Set:
200 breathing every 4th stroke + 40s
200 breathing every 5th stroke + 40s
200 breathing every 6th stroke + 40s
200 breathing every 7th stroke + 40s
4 x 50 MAD breathing every 3rd stroke + 10s
100 breathing every 5th stroke + 20s
100 breathing every 6th stroke +20s
100 breathing every 7th stroke

Cool down:
200 easy choice

Build up and down – 4 km

500 + 50s
400 + 40s
300 + 30s
200 + 20s
100 + 10s
20x 50 + 10s
100 + 10s
200 + 20s
300 + 30s
400 + 40s
500 with the last 200 easy

Always more - 2.6 km

Warm Up:
200 easy freestyle
200 with fins done as 25 kick on left side, 25 kick on right side, 50 freestyle
200 pull buoy & paddles
100 with fins done as 25 broken arrow, 25 butterfly or freestyle

4 x 50 freestyle done as 25 easy, 25 MAD

Main Set:
10 x 50 done as 15 MAD with no breathing, 10 easy freestyle, 25 backstroke +60s
200 easy freestyle
4 x 100 done as 25 easy, 25 MAD, 50 moderate +20s
200 easy freestyle
4 x 50 MAD +30s

Cool down:
200 easy choice
Bike Sessions
Good things don't come to those who wait, good things come to those who are willing to get up
and get shit done

Under an hour - 1
Warm Up:
5 min easy

Main Set:
30 min time trial

Cool down:
5 min easy

Under an hour - 2
Warm Up:
5 min easy

Main Set:
10 x 40 sec MAD, 20 sec easy
10 x 20 sec MAD, 40 sec easy
10 x 40 sec MAD, 20 sec easy

Cool down:
5 min easy

Under an hour - 3
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
2 x 8min medium, 5 min easy
Cool down
10 min easy

Active Cadence – 1hr

Warm Up
10 min easy

Main set:
4 rounds done as 1st round moderate, 2nd round medium and 3rd, 4th round MAD

1 min @ 100 RPM

1 min @ 75 RPM
1 min @ 90 RPM
1 min @ 70 RPM
1 min @ 110 RPM

5 min easy spin between each round

Cool Down
10 min easy

Indoor session one- 1hr

Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
5 x 30 sec MAD, 30 sec easy
30 min @ race effort
5 x 30 sec MAD, 30 sec easy

Cool down:
10 min easy
Indoor session Two - 1hr
Warm up:
12 min easy

Main Set:
2 x 1 min MAD, 5 min easy
2 x 2 min MAD, 5 min easy
2 x 4 min MAD, 2 min easy

Cool Down:
10 min easy

Indoor Session Three - 1hr

Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
4 x 30 sec MAD, 30 sec easy
2 x 7 min medium, 3 min easy
4 x 1min MAD, 1 min easy
8 min medium

Cool down:
10 min easy

Indoor session Four - 1hr

Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
3 x 5min medium, 3 min easy
3 min MAD, 4 min easy
6 x 1min MAD, 1 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Indoor session Five - 1hr

Warm Up:
10 min easy:

Main Set:
10 min moderate
7 min medium, 3 min easy
8 min medium, 2 min easy
9 min medium, 1 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Power up and over – 90 min

Warm up
10 min easy

Main set:
27:30 min moderate
4 x (1 min mad, 3 min easy)
4 x (3 min medium, 5 min easy)
2 x (2 min MAD, 4 min easy)
5x (30 sec MAX, 2 min easy)

Cool down
10 min easy
Ninety - 1
Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
8 min medium, 5 min easy
12 min medium, 5 min easy
16 min medium, 5 min easy
20 min medium

Cool Down
10 min easy

Ninety - 2
Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
4 x (10 min medium, 2 min MAD, 5 min easy)

Cool Down
10 min easy

Ninety - 3
Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
Include 2 x 20 min medium efforts with 5 min easy spin between

Cool Down
10 min easy
VO2 Max - 1
Warm Up:
15 min easy

Main Set:
8 min MAD, 10 min easy
5 min MAD, 5 min easy

Cool down:
15 min easy

VO2 Max Session - 2

Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
5 min medium
16 x 10 sec MAD, 20 sec easy
5 min medium
5 min easy
5 min medium
16 x 10 sec MAD, 20 sec easy
5 min medium

Cool down:
10 min easy

VO2 Max Session - 3

Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
5 x 1 min MAD, 1 min easy
3 x 4 min MAD, 3 min easy
5 min medium
4 x 30 sec MAD, 3 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Happy Ending - 1
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
42.5 min moderate
5 x 90 sec MAD, 4 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Happy Ending - 2
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
43 min moderate
6 x 30 sec MAD, 4 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Happy Ending - 3
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
10 min moderate
4 x 1 min MAD, 4 min easy
4 x 30 sec MAD, 4:30 min easy
4 x 15 sec MAD, 4:45 easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Anaerobic Capacity - 2hr

Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
91 min moderate
9 x 45 sec MAD, 3:15 easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Combo - 2hr
Warm Up:
10min easy

Main Set:
51 min moderate
4 x (6 min medium, 5 min easy)
4 x (1 min MAD, 15 sec easy)

Cool down
10 min easy

Combo TTBS - 2hr

Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
49:30 moderate
3 x (6 min medium, 5 min moderate)
5 x (1 min mad, 10 sec easy)
1 x (3 min MAD, 2 min easy)
2 x (20 sec sprint, 3 min easy)

Cool down:
10 min easy

HP Mix - 2hr
Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
62 min moderate
2 x (1 min MAD, 5 min easy)
2 x (2 min MAD, 5 min easy)
2 x (4 min MAD, 2 min easy)

Cool down:
10 min easy

HUT / HOT - 2hrs

Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
40 min moderate
2 x (4 min medium, 3 min easy)
2 x (1 min MAD, 4 min easy)
2 x (6 min medium, 5 min easy)
2 x (2 min MAD, 5 min easy)

Cool Down
10 min easy
HUT - 2hrs
Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
1 hr moderate
2 x (4 min mad, 2 min easy)
1 x (8 min medium, 4 min easy)
1 x (10 min medium, 5 min easy)

Cool down
11 min easy

SE session - 2hrs
Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set
76 minutes moderate
4 x 4 min medium effort in a low gear of around 55-65 RPM, 2 min easy spin (this is great to do
on a hill)

Cool down
10 min easy

Hill repeats + TT - 3hrs

Warm up
10 min easy

Main set:
30 min moderate
1hr of hill repeats in a low cadence of 55-65 RPM
after last hill repeat, go directly into a 1hr time trial
Cool down:
20 min easy

Long Ride - 1
2 hr moderate effort
4 x 15 min medium effort, 10 min easy

Cool down:
20 min easy

Long Ride - 2
3 hrs moderate effort
2 x 5 min medium, 5 min easy
5 x 1 min MAD, 1 min easy
10 min medium
20 min easy

Long Ride - 3
3 hrs moderate effort
4 x 5 min moderate, 5 min medium, 5 min MAD
Run Sessions
It's not about having the skill to do something. It's about having the will, desire & commitment to
be your best

Easy run with strides

(Note: Run can be between 30-50 min)
Keep run easy to moderate and towards the end, add 6-10 x 100m strides with 90 sec easy

20 x 20 sec fast steps

Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
20 x 20 sec MAD, 40 sec easy (can increase easy up to 90 sec if needed)

Cool down
10 min easy

10 x 3 min medium
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
10 x 3 min medium, 1 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

20 x 1 min MAD
Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
20 x 1min MAD, 1 min easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Mona Fartlek – 40 min

Warm up:
10 min easy

Main set:
2 x 90 sec MAD 90 sec easy
2 x 60 sec MAD 60 sec easy
4 x 30 sec MAD 30 sec easy
4 x 15 sec MAD 15 sec easy

Cool Down:
10 min easy

Ladder Fartlek – 56 min

Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
4 min MAD, 2 min easy
3 min MAD, 2 min easy
2 min MAD, 2 min easy
1 min MAD, 2 min easy
1 min MAD, 2 min easy
2 min MAD, 2 min easy
3 min MAD, 2 min easy
4 min MAD, 2 min easy
Cool down:
10 min easy

Half - 1
Warm up:
10 min

Main Set
4 x (1 mile repeat with 1 min easy),
4 x (200 m hard, 200 m easy)

Cool down
10 min easy

Half - 2
Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
40 min of (200 m hard, 200 m easy, 200 m hard, 400m easy, 400 m hard, 200 m easy)

Cool down
10 min easy

Half - 3
Warm up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
4 x (3 km medium, 2 min easy)
4 x 200 m hard, 200 m easy

Cool down:
10 min easy
Iron build - 1
Warm Up:
16 min easy:

Main Set:
2 x 6 min medium, 1 min easy jog/walk
2 x 5 min medium, 1 min easy jog/walk
2 x 4 min medium, 1 min easy jog/walk
2 x 3 min medium, 1 min easy jog/walk
2 x 2 min medium, 1 min easy jog/walk
2 x 1 min medium, 1 min easy jog/walk

Cool down:
10 min easy

Iron build - 2
Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
20 min moderate,
30 min race effort,
1.6 km medium

Cool down:
10 min easy

Iron build - 3

Warm Up
10 min warm up

Main Set:
30 min moderate,
5 km medium,
3 min easy,
1.6 km MAD.

Cool down:
10 min easy

Hill Sprints
Find a hill that isn't too steep but you can run fast enough that you are holding a good pace but
are still under load.

Warm up
10 min easy

Main Set - Repeat 12 x

15 sec MAD, easy jog back/walk
30 sec MAD, easy jog back/walk
45 sec MAD, easy jog back/walk

Cool down
10 min easy

Tempo + Hills
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
2 mile medium effort
5 min easy
4 x 2min hill repeats at medium effort, easy jog down for recovery.
10 min moderate

Cool down:
10 min easy
Finding Speed - 1
Warm Up:
10 min

Main Set:
Do main set twice through and add a 800 m easy run between each one.

8 x 200 m hard, 200 m easy

Cool down:
10 min easy

Finding speed - 2
Warm Up:
10 min warm up

Main Set:
4 x (200 m MAD, 200 m easy, 200 m MAD, 200 m easy, 400 m MAD, 400 m easy)

Cool down:
10 min easy

Finding speed - 3
Warm up:
10 min warm up

Main Set:
4 x (200 m MAD, 200 m easy)
2 x (1.6 km medium, 1 min easy)
4 x (200 m MAD, 200 m easy)

Cool down:
10 min easy
Long Run - 1
Make this run at a moderate effort
Keeping the warm up in mind, make the last 3 miles at a medium effort (this should be
10 min easy cool down

Long Run - 2
Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
1:40 of alternating paces between 1 mile at race pace, 1 mile at around 1 min slower than race

Cool down:
10 min easy

Long Run - 3
This is a depletion run. no carbs before or during this run.
With this long run, only water during the run.
Keep this moderate throughout and walk 20 sec if and when needed.

Long Run - 4
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
44 min moderate effort
2 x 1min medium, 6 min moderate
2 x 2min medium, 5 min moderate
2 x 3min medium, 4 min moderate
2 x 4min medium, 3 min moderate
Cool down
10 min easy

Long Run - 5
Warm Up
10 min easy

Main Set:
30 min medium
40 min moderate
30 min medium

Cool down:
10 min easy

Next Level Marathon

Warm up:
10 min Easy

Main Set:
3 mile medium, 1min easy
8 x 800 mad with 1 min rest (3 min after #8).
3 mile medium

Cool down
10 min easy

Track - 1
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
4 x 800 m MAD, 3 min easy/walk if needed
Cool down:
10 min easy

Track - 2
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
3 x 1200 m MAD, 3-4 min easy/walk if needed 2 x 400 MAD, 400 m easy

Cool down
10 min easy

Track - 3
Warm Up:
10 min easy

Main Set:
5 x 800 m MAD 2-3 min easy/walk if needed. 1 x 1200 MAD

Cool down:
10 min easy

Brick - 1
Fast Transition
10 min moderate
10 min medium
5 min MAD
10 min easy

Brick - 2
Fast Transition
5 min moderate
5 x 40 sec MAD, 20 sec easy
5 x 30 sec MAD, 30 sec easy
5 x 20 sec MAD, 40 sec easy
10 min easy

Brick - 3
Fast Transition
10 min moderate
5 x 200 MAD, 200 m easy
10 min medium
10 min easy
Strength & Conditioning Sessions
Until you're broken, you don't know what you're made of. It gives you the ability to build yourself
all over again, but stronger than ever

Swim Cords - Over twelve weeks

Aim to use swim cords five times per week. Do a time trial test session before and after the
twelve weeks to help measure improvements.

• Two Weeks of 3 x 25 reps + 30s

• Two Weeks of 3 x 30 reps + 30s
• Two Weeks of 3 x 35 reps + 30s
• Two Weeks of 3 x 40 reps + 30s
• Two Weeks of 3 x 45 reps + 30s
• Two Weeks of 3 x 50 reps + 30s

The no weights strength session

This should take around ten minutes per round. Do between 1-3 rounds.

• Push ups – not all the way down, half way down but done fast – do 20
• Hands down crunches – lay on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor, hands by sides –
crunch up lifting shoulders off floor – do 30
• Bridge – lie face down, support body with elbows (hands together, elbows apart)
straighten body out like a plank on toes and elbows – hold for 30 sec
• Chin ups – use a door frame or overhanging beam – cup hands facing you – grip beam
and pull body up until chin is level with hands – do what you can – build to 20
• Trunk twists – lie on back with arms outstretched and palms down – lift legs up so soles of
feet face the sky – gently lower legs to left then right – very gently keeping knees slightly
bent – move slowly – do 30
• Lunges – stand tall feet together, arms raised above head, link thumbs and squeeze head
between biceps with arms straight – step forward with alternate legs, so the leading knee
forms a right angle, making sure you control wobble and knee stays directly above the
foot below – do 10 each side – keeping arms straight and fingers pointing to the sky
• Chair dips – support the feet on one chair while the body weight is taken by the hands
behind the hips on another chair – gently lower the body between the chairs until the
elbows are at right angles – do 10
• Twisting crunches – lie on back, knees bent, feet on floor – crunch to face left knee then
right knee, twisting the torso – do 30

Gym Session in off season

This is done over three months.
Month One – 2 x 15 reps
Month Two – 3 x 15 reps
Month Three – 1 x 12, 1 x 6, 1 x 4

• Lunges
• Leg press
• Seated leg curls
• Bench press
• Lat pull down
• Seated rowing
• Upright rowing with dumbbells
• Dumbbell curls
• Dumbbell press over head
• Dead lifts

Bike Enhancement Gym Session

This session is a combination of cycling and loaded squats. Each week you will increase the
amount of reps you do. Once you are at 3 x 30 squats, hold this amount for a further four weeks.

This is a great session to do in the off season and will take up around two months.

Week One – 3 x 15 squats

Week Two – 3 x 20 squats
Week Three – 3 x 25 squats
Week Four – 3 x 30 squats

Session is:
Bike – 10 min easy
3 x squats (as per week)
Bike – 10 min medium effort with low cadence of around 55-65 RPM
3 x squats (as per week)
Bike – 10 min medium effort with low cadence of around 55-65 RPM
3 x squats (as per week)
Bike – 5 min medium effort with low cadence of around 55-65 RPM, 5 min easy

Gym Session - In season session

Warm up:
10 min of cardio

Main Set:
3 x 8 reps - Split-Stance Dumbbell Deadlift

3 x 45 sec side plank (each side)

3 x 8 reps Bent-Over Row

3 x 15 reps Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

3 x and hold for 2 sec Stability Ball Roll Out

20 push ups

2 x 15 reps Standing Heel Raise

2 x 8 reps Standing Cable Trunk Rotation

2 x 8 reps Reverse Wood Chop

2 x 12 reps Split Squat Jump

Swiss Ball Session – 30 min

Warm up jog or row of at least 5 min at a low intensity.

Swiss ball crunch -
Swiss ball side crunch
Swiss ball torso twist
Swiss ball back extension
Swiss ball roll out
Swiss ball knee tuck (prone jack knife)
Swiss ball hamstring curl

Notorious Strength session - 45-60 min

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number
of repetitions of the first exercise, then immediately do the second exercise, and so on. Once
you’ve completed all of the exercises, move on to the:

Core Circuit.
1. Lateral Band Walk
2. Plank (Hold for 20 seconds 20 reps)
3. Iliotibial Band Roll (6 per side)
4. Groiner (6-8 per side)
5. Lunge (10 reps per side)
6. Lunge with Side Bend (5 reps)
7. Elbow-to-Foot Lunge (10 reps per side)
8. Sumo Squat to Stand (2 reps)
9. Kettlebell Goblet Squat (3 reps)
10. Doorway Stretch (1 rep)

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number
of repetitions of the first exercise, then immediately do the second exercise, and so on. Once
you’ve completed all of the exercises, move on to strength circuit 1.
1. Side Planks (30 seconds per side)
2. Back Extensions with hand out in front (3 reps)
3. Swiss-Ball Roll (30 reps per side)
4. Swiss-Ball Pike (20 reps per side)
5. Mountain Climber with Feet on Valslides (30 reps)
6. Wrist-to-Knee Crunches (25 reps)
7. Plank (5-6 reps)

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number
of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise. Then rest one
minute. That’s one circuit. Do a total of 3 circuits, then move on to Strength Circuit 2.

1. Pistol Squat (5 reps each leg) - (you can use a pole on a door frame on help balance with the
aim to not need it over time)

2. Single-Leg Deadlift (8 reps per side)

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number
of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise. Then rest one
minute. That’s one circuit. Do a total of 3 circuits, then move on to the Metabolic Circuit.

Single-Leg Squat (12-15 reps) - (you can use a pole on a door frame on help balance with the
aim to not need it over time)
Lunge (10 reps per side)

If you’re exhausted, stop here. But if you still have energy, perform this final circuit up to three
times, depending on how good you feel. Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For
example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, then immediately do
the second exercise, and so on.
1. Single Arm Dumbbell Swing (25)
2. High Box Jump (15)
3. Single Arm Dumbbell Swing (25)
4. Split Jacks (12 each side)
5. Single Arm Dumbbell Swing (25)

Full Body gym session

3 sets of between 4-6 reps (lift 80-90%, each set needs to be controlled recovery and explosive
on the push) with 90sec rest between each set of reps. Take 3 min rest before each new

Dumbbell press
Push Press

Circuit Training – 30 min session

This strength session is a 5 round session.

Complete exercises from top to bottom (that’s one round) continue from top to bottom for all 5
rounds. 60 secs recovery before you start at the next round.

* Squats 6, 6, 5, 4, 4
* Push ups 10, 10, 8, 8, 6
* Plank (seconds) 30, 25, 20, 20,15
* Dips (between benches) 10, 8, 6, 4, 4
* Weighted squats (10 kg) 16, 14, 12, 12, 10
* Burpees 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
* Sit ups (crunches) 20, 18, 16, 14, 14
Swim Focused Gym Session

3 x 12 reps with 30 sec rest between each set and 3 min rest between each activity

Pull ups or pull down

Single arm cable chest press
Cable Straight arm pull down
Seated Row
Triceps kick back
Side Plank Rotation or lat raises
Straight leg cable kick forward
Straight leg cable kick backwards

Bike Focused gym session

3 x 12 reps - Take 30 sec rest between each set and 3 min rest between each new activity

* Alternating Bent Dumbbell Row in Lunge

* Alternating Dumbbell press
* Alternating biceps Curls
* Cable Triceps pushdown or dips
* Split squats
* Lateral lunges
* Front plank reaches

Run Focused Gym Session

The following strength session should be done controlled and should be done 12 x 3 reps with a
30 sec rest between each set and 3 min rest between each activity.
If you are not 100% shore on any of the activities, you can Google them or send me an email.

* Single leg overhead press w/knee drive

* Running man row or bow row
* Walking lunges with twist
* Single leg bridge (stability ball optional)
* Ship Hikes
* Fire Hydrants
Training Templates
Let today be your chance to prove that you are better and stronger than who you were yesterday

A lot of self-coached athletes I see struggle with the basics of blending swim, bike, run in a week.
There are some who will underestimate the training, while others will over complicate things. I
thought it would be helpful to create a basic template with some information that will assist you to
customize a program that best fits in with you, your goals and your lifestyle.

Please keep in mind that this is a basic way to create a program with the goal of making
everything as simple as possible.

Available Training Hours

Do not be concerned with getting caught up with all the needless effort of writing down how long
you work, how long you need to sleep, time spent with family, time preparing meals etc. This is
all unnecessary. Simply write down Monday through to Sunday and write down for each day the
times you can train. You know your schedule and what you can fit in to each day throughout the
week, so there is no need to complicate this. Knowing what time you have free to train is the first

See example below.

Goals, Race and Time Frame

Depending on your fitness levels, strength and weakness will depend greatly on what your
training will look like. In line with keeping things simple, we will work from the following:

• Poor Fitness and new to Ironman: You need to spend a considerable amount of time putting
in aerobic miles, both on the bike and run. You would want to start this training a minimum of six
months prior to an Ironman, however sooner would be more beneficial.

• Mid pack athlete: Ideally you need to start six months out with a combination of speed,
strength and endurance and really start to dial things in from 16 weeks out of your Ironman.

• Quarter pack athlete: You should mostly be working on speed and strength work from six
months and start to add more endurance work come 12 weeks out whilst really dialling
everything in.

• Pointy end: Extremely customized program - this blog would not apply to you.

The Basics of a program

In the 16 to 12 weeks in from your Ironman when you really start to build towards your race, you
really need the following things in your program.

• Weekly long swim (4 km or greater)

• Weekly long bike (5-6 hours)

• Weekly long run (2-3 hours)

• Brick session (from 10 minutes through to 1 hour)

There are a couple of reasons why I like to allocate the long ride Saturday, the long run Sunday
and the long swim Monday.
1. Most people work Monday to Friday and have weekends off. A long run the day after a long
ride helps create that feeling you will experience in an Ironman marathon.

2. If you put in your long run early Sunday morning, you have the option to spend the rest of that
day with family to help create a good work/family/train balance.

3. I really like the long swim on a Monday as this can be a good recovery day for your legs.

Adding the Brick Session

What is the reason you need a brick within your program? Your history will normally provide you
with this answer. I have listed a few reasons and answers below.

• I run well off the bike with little brick sessions in my program: You might be able to get
away with just adding a run off the bike as part of your cool down. 10-20 min of easy running will
do well. This can be good to add off a hard and fast bike ride.

• I struggle from around 20-30 minutes into the run: This could be a pacing problem or you
don't do enough brick sessions or you might be doing the wrong type of brick sessions most
suited for you. Make your brick sessions off a hard 90 minute ride. The brick should be around 30
minutes and done at race pace, (keeping a close eye on pace). One big problem triathletes suffer
from within an Ironman, is that first 20-30 minutes into the run is way too fast for them. You need
to keep this controlled.

• I struggle holding pace off the bike: Running off the bike at race pace, include a 20 seconds
walk between each 1km of running. Focus on holding the same pace throughout.

• I don't have time for brick sessions as I have only an hour in the afternoon to train: Do a
40-45 minute indoor ride that is crazy hard and fast and include a 15-20 minute brick run.

• I start to break down after an hour or two: You many need to increase the distance of your
brick sessions and/or the distance of your weekly long runs. Another good possibility is to include
an hour on the bike before your long run. At first make this ride all easy and over time slowly
build it into a strength session and complete your long run off this. Another option is to have a
few hours rest after your long ride then do an hour run in the afternoon, with the majority of this at
race effort, (this should be done at effort and not pace). Between the afternoon run and the long
run the next day, this should help.
While there are many other reasons you may fall under, this will give you an idea.
Please note that all transitions should be completed FAST. Even if the run off the bike is easy,
transition should be as fast as possible.

How many sessions per week?

In an ideal world you will cover a minimum of three swims, three rides, three runs and three
core/strength sessions. Some of these sessions you can make two within one like bike/run
sessions or swim/run sessions. You really don't want to make all sessions at the same

Swim: After your weekly long swim, include sessions that are focusing on speed and power
within the water.

Bike: You have your weekly long ride, now it is time to add something shorter that is fast. Your
indoor trainer is best for this session and also a ride with longer intervals that will help increase
your race pace like 10-20 minute efforts.

Run: If you have no injuries and can run safely, a weekly long run and a brick run as well as
something a little harder and faster.

Core/Strength: These can be done as little as ten minute sessions and can be completed at
home. If you are in the gym, between once to twice a week can be enough as long as you are
still completing some extra core strength sessions at home.
Yes I know there is a lot more we can add and include but remember that I am just covering the
basics of an Ironman program and want to keep things simple.

Increasing Volume
We all know the 10% rule with increasing volume by only 10% each week. This can be good but
not 100% correct. Here is a good principle to follow:

Swim: Between 500-1000 metres a week on a swim session

Bike: Around 30 minute increase on a session per week

Run: Around 10 minutes on your long run and around 5 minutes on the short hard and fast

Strength: Whatever you can handle that will not take anything away from any other sessions.

Working on Weakness
Most of us have a weakness that we need to focus more on. For a lot of age groupers it is the
swim, some the bike and others it is the run. Finding time to add an extra session per week that
will help improve on your weakness can be hard as something has to give. Here are a few tips to
look for.

• Find the reason why you have this weakness. If it is the bike, ask yourself why. Could you be
doing all your rides at the same effort or are you not doing enough miles? Once you have the
reason, you can then look at ways to work on the reason. You may just need more speed work
and strength work sessions.

• Often removing a session like yoga or a gym session is the number one choice as you can get
your strength session in through the swim, bike or run by using swim paddles, over gearing and
hill repeats. This opens up some extra time within your program to focus on your weakness.

• Including the weakness as part of another session, eg if your weakness is your swim, you can
finish your long run at the pool and jump in for a recovery swim session. This will help with
recovery and give you some extra miles in the water.

These templates can show you how to include extra sessions to help with your weakness.



Please note that with the running, if following this template, you will have two key run sessions
and the rest will be more aerobic sessions.

Empty template
So with these three templates, you can see what days you can look at adding the type of
sessions you need. Some things to note:

Aerobic: Keeping heart rate under 80% or in other words, you should be able to talk and train at
the same time. If you can't hold a conversation you are going too fast.

Speed: Short fast sets with lots of recovery between each set.

Strength: Swimming with pool paddles, over gearing on the bike and cycling or running hills.

Easy: Very easy unless your legs are feeling okay and you are doing an easy ride then put the
bike in the biggest gear and ride as easy as you like.
Ten Day Program

If you struggle to get everything you would like to do within a week, maybe a ten day program
could be the best option.

Rest Days
You may note that I haven't got any rest days posted. For most athletes I like to fill their program
up and let their body and life circumstances dictate when to take a rest day. Often simply cutting
the intensity out of a session but still keeping the volume maybe all you will need.

Never change a session until you have completed the warm up first as some of the best sessions
you may ever have will come off not feeling motivated to do it.

If you are one of the following, please set in appropriate rest days.

• Over fifty years old

• You are fully dedicated and never miss a session.

Thank You

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