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“Año del Caudillo del Sur, Emiliano Zapata”

Strategic Marketing


ADOPTION: Decision of an individual to become a regular user of a product or service

AGENT Wholesaler representing buyers or sellers in a relatively permanent way; (s)he performs only some
functions and (s) he has no rights over the products.

ATL Above the line advertising uses mass media as a medium to promote brands and reach out to target
consumers. This kind of advertising is usually aimed towards a large number of audiences and is much more
effective, when the target group is very large and difficult to define.


BENCHMARKING Methodology that promotes the incorporation in companies of successful practices and
methods, no matter the company they come from. It encourages creativity through the implementation of strategies,
products and processes applied in other companies, not necessarily similar to that of its competitor. What you are
looking for is the satisfaction of the client's requirement.

BRAND EXTENSION STRATEGIES A new modified product is launched with a brand that has already been
successfully tested.

BTL Below the line techniques ensure recall of the brand while at the same time highlighting the features of the
product. Below the line advertising also focuses on direct mail and e-mail, often using highly targeted lists of
names to maximize response rates.
“Año del Caudillo del Sur, Emiliano Zapata”

COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Advantage over competitors obtained by offering lower prices to consumers by
providing them with more benefits that justify higher prices.

COMMERCIALIZATION Set of activities developed to ease the sale of a new product or merchandise.

CORRELATION The state or relation of being correlated; specifically: a relation existing between phenomena or
things or between mathematical or statistical variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a
way not expected based on chance alone

CONSUMER-FOCUSED STRATEGIES Promotion that involves spending a lot of money on advertising and
promotion among consumers to build demand, if successful, consumers will demand the product from retailers,
wholesalers and wholesalers.


DECLINATION STAGE STRATEGY Here sales reach a fatal level (zero), as the company is not trained to face
the new challenges that have been created (increased competition, technological advances, changes in
consumer tastes, etc.)

DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING STRATEGY Design of an initial strategy for a new product based on a
concept associated with it.

DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS Both the development of original products, as well as the improvements
of a new product or its modifications, it constitutes the development of a new product.

DISTRIBUTION CENTER Automated warehouse that receives products from different factories and suppliers,
takes orders, delivers them efficiently and delivers the goods to the customer as quickly as possible.
“Año del Caudillo del Sur, Emiliano Zapata”

DEVELOPMENT STAGE It is here where a company has the idea of developing a new product and therefore there
are no sales and the costs that a company invests in this stage are high. Being in this cover, a company is faced
with the birth of new competitors which will cause that the distribution is greater, that the prices are lowered a little,
as well as an improvement in the quality, characteristics and models of the product. You can also enter new market
segments, and all this will cause, as we said before, a rapid increase in sales and a great profit.


GROWTH STAGE STRATEGY In this stage the product will increase its sales to be acquired quickly by the first
consumers and by others who want to follow the pioneers, logically, to hear good comments of the merchandise.


INTRODUCTION STAGE STRATEGY When a new product is launched for the first time. This stage takes time
and the sales of a product register a slow movement resulting in negative or almost nil utilities, since it has also
spent a lot of money in the distribution and promotion of the product when wanting to make known it. At this stage, a
company can determine what strategy to follow in terms of price and promotion.


Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market
at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the
identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints which segments the company can serve best and it designs
and promotes the appropriate products and services.

MATURITY STAGE STRATEGY The growth of sales reaches the top and profits stagnate or tend to decrease.
Here management finds a great marketing challenge, since it must always satisfy the changing interests and
tastes of consumers. You can think about modifying the market, the product or the marketing mix.
“Año del Caudillo del Sur, Emiliano Zapata”

PRIMARY DATA Data collected to address a specific research objective (as opposed to secondary data).

PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE (PLC) is the cycle through which every product goes through from introduction to
withdrawal or eventual demise.

SALES QUOTAS Sales goal for a product line, a division of a company or a seller. It is an administrative
instrument to stimulate the effort of these.

SECONDARY DATA Data collected for some current research purpose.


TELEMARKETING Use of the telephone to develop marketing functions, such as market studies, gather
information and perform sales. This term is commonly understood as selling using the telephone

TRADE MARKETING Consists in the application of marketing management to distributors. This is a

consequence of the willingness on the part of the manufacturers to integrate objectives and information with the
distributors, to obtain benefits for both parties.

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