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Who we are
We are shaping Africa's path to
100% sustainable transportation.

Bako Motors is a Tunisian-

German startup that develops
solar electric vehicles.

We build high-end, cost-friendly,

and 100% sustainable
transportation solutions
powered by Africa's Sun.
Available PFE opportunities
F o r E n g in e e rin g S tud e n ts :
• Ba tte r y M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m
• W i r i n g A r c h i te c tu r e a n d H a r n e s s
• M o b i l e A p p De v e l o p m e n t
• A u to n o m o u s V e h i c l e F e a s i b i l i t y
• Ch a s s i s S y s te m s E n g i n e e r i n g
• S y s te m V e r i f i c a ti o n E n g i n e e r i n g
• 3D Modelling
F o r B u s i n e s s S tu d e n ts :
• Do w n P a y m e n t M o d e l
• Le a s i n g Co n tr a c t M o d e l i n g
Battery • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering,
Electronics or Mechatronics or comparable
Management qualifications
• An experience in the battery management
System system is an asset
• Knowledge of engineering materials
especially in the automotive industry
Number of positions: 1
Paid: Yes
Specify, design and develop battery systems
from either a clean-sheet requirement, or
provide application engineering support to
identify the ideal battery pack and integrate
into a solar electric three-wheeler.
Wiring • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering,
Electronics or Mechatronics or comparable
Architecture qualifications
• A practical experience in a similar position
and Harness is an asset
• Knowledge of electrical and electronic
systems in cars
Number of positions: 1
Paid: Yes
You will design and develop the architecture
for the electrical systems in a solar electric
three-wheeler and perform a wiring harness
testing at component & vehicle level.
Mobile • Bachelor degree in Computer Science,
Software Engineering or another relevant
App field or equivalent work experience
• An experience in mobile development is an
Development asset
• Knowledge in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Back-
end, Front-end, React.js, React native
Number of positions: 1 • Knowledge of engineering materials
especially in the automotive industry
Paid: Yes
You will develop the BAKO-mobile App for GPS
tracking and vehicle monitoring.
Autonomous • Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering
Vehicle • Understanding of engineering theory and
principles of operation of
Feasibility mechanical/electrical mechanisms
• Knowledge of engineering mechanics,
physics, metallurgy and manufacturing
Number of positions: 1
methods engineering

Paid: Yes Description

You are committed to writing a technical
thesis in the area of ​the autonomous vehicle
Chassis • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science,
Automotive Engineering or related fields
Systems • Experience in IT and/or Automotive
Engineering • Previous experience in the development
and application of mechatronic chassis
systems and in planning and conducting
Number of positions: 1
vehicle tests is preferred
• Specific knowledge in Catia
Paid: Yes
You are committed to building a comparision
matrix between sever types of chassis to help
the decision making of Bako Motors
System • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, electrical
engineering, computer science or
Verification automation technology
• Good knowledge of automation systems
Engineering including programming software
• Professional experience with functional
safety design process according to IEC
Number of positions: 1
61508 is advantageous

Paid: Yes Description

You will apply measures and methods and use
tools required by safety standards to achieve
TÜV certification of our products and ensure
continuous high quality of our systems.
3D • Good knowledge of Hard surface modeling

• A working knowledge of 3DS Max,
SOLIDWORKS, Catia, or Photoshop is
• An eye for detail while maintaining efficient
model making
Number of positions: 1
• A keen eye for Industrial Design

Paid: Yes Description

You will work in concept models and images
to turn them in fully functioning and flyable
works of art - the work is both exteriors and
mainly interiors.
Down • Bachelor’s degree in business

administration, marketing, sales or
information technology.

• Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
• Experience in finance or sales is preferred

Number of positions: 1 Description

Paid: Yes
You will develop a model for taking pre-orders
from our clients and define strategies to
include new services with recurring payments
into the customer journey.
Leasing • Bachelor’s degree in business

administration, accounting or finance
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Office

• Experience in finance or sales is preferred
• High degree of self-motivation and
Number of positions: 1 Description
Paid: Yes
You will develop a model for leasing contracts
with multiple leads, and utilize creative sales
strategies to win business and ensure the
successful placement of our products in

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