Updated 2020 To 2021 Algebra II

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Arthur Pascual, M.S. – apascual@davidsonacademy.unr.

Mon & Wed 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm PST (Block 3) / Tue & Thurs 8:00 am (Block 1)
Office hours are by appointment
Course Description:
Algebra II covers linear and quadratic functions, polynomial and rational
functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, analytic geometry, graphing

Algebra II
techniques, using matrices for solving systems of equations and inequalities, conic
sections, and complex numbers. Students will work closely with the expressions
that define functions and continue to improve their ability to model situations and
solve equations. Students will build on their foundation of Algebra and Geometry.
Students will also use these new skills for new problem-solving situations, exhibit increased

2020-2021 Syllabus confidence in their ability to solve mathematical problems, and be prepared for Precalculus and

This course is a flipped classroom. This means that on your outside class time, you will be asked to
watch the videos and learn the material. Every student is required to take notes, and the night
before class, students will be asked to submit their work by the end of the night. Students will have
the option of either watching the video, reading the textbook, or both. Students may also use
outside resources on search engines to further learn their lesson.

During class, students will be doing a bulk of their “coursework” as a collaboration effort with other
students. The teacher will be there not as a lecturer, but as a guide and resource for their work.
The teacher will be watching and giving advice on how to work some of the problems, clarify
some of the concepts, or work individually to understand the concepts more in depth. The
coursework will include MathXL and book work with students to help.

Students will also take 8 unit exams through the year, 2 midterms, and 2 finals. These exams will be
proctored by our third party, HonorLock, and will require students take a time a test in front of
proctor. Students will then upload their exam with their work during the test session and will be
allotted 30 extra minus for each test.

Course Objectives:

• Students will be able to calculate and integrate different properties

of graphs, including linear equations and circles.
• Students will be able to build and analyze mathematical functions
using graphs, transformations, and modeling.
• Students will be able to build and solve linear and quadratic
functions utilizing their properties and given data.
• Students will be able to analyze, graph, and apply the properties of
rational functions and inequalities through various methods including
real zeros, fundamental theorem of Algebra, and complex zeroes.
• Students will be able to transform and apply the different properties
of exponential and logarithmic functions in order to solve real world
• Students will be able to solve and apply matrices to solve inverses,
system of equations, and system of inequalities.
• Students will be able to analyze and calculate information of
different conic sections by analyzing different and applying their
different properties.
• Students will be able to explore the definition of imaginary numbers
and apply to solving previously impossible equations dealing with
negative roots.

Mr Pascual Materials REQUIRED:

o Your math homework & notes
o Graph paper, pen/pencils, ruler
o Graphing calculator
o Scanner
o Textbook: Sullivan, Precalculus (10th edition).
o Graphing Calculator (Preferred: Ti-84. Otherwise, please ask).
Academic Expectations:

We expect Academy students to exhibit academic integrity. By choosing this school the, students have
indicated that the students want a challenging curriculum and that the students will work diligently to gain
high level academic skills. Cheating of any kind is unacceptable and will be dealt with strictly. This includes
but is not limited to: using someone else’s ideas or responses as the students’ own work, asking other students
to give the students their work, providing information or answers to another student, copying work directly
from the internet (or other resources) without properly citing the students’ sources, using anything on tests
unless explicitly approved by the students’ teacher, etc.

According to the DA Academic Integrity Policy as described in the handbook and discussed during orientation, students who are
caught cheating will receive a grade of 0 for the work submitted. The student’s parents or guardians will also be contacted. If this
occurs more than once (in any class, not just this one) students will face suspension.

Algebra II 2020-2021 Syllabus

The students must work independently on all exams unless the students’ exam instructions indicate otherwise. In addition, behavior
inappropriate to test taking may disturb other students and such behavior will be regarded as cheating. The students may not read
notes or books while taking tests unless the students have the permission of the students’ instructor. Homework is not a test; therefore,
collaboration with the students’ peers is permitted. If the students are unclear as to what constitutes cheating, please consult with

Show respect for yourself and others by communicating in a helpful and friendly tone. Keep the students’ focus on the class material
and avoid unnecessary comments in the chat box. Get the students’ equipment ready before class begins and take responsibility
for malfunctions during our sessions. Quietly work to adjust the students’ equipment or settings while the class proceeds with the
day’s planned activities. The students can review the recording later if the students miss parts of the live session.

Late Policy:
All work shall be summited by "End of the Day" on the due date. The End of the Day will as follows:
• Pacific Time: 11:59 pm
• Mountain Time: 12:59am
• Central Time: 1:59am
• Eastern Time: 2:59am
• All other time zone, please adjust

Assignments, Test, Projects, and MathXL submitted after the time when the assignment is due will decrease by 10% per day.
• All Late Work and Resubmissions will be indicated on PowerSchool.
• After 5 days, work will not be accepted

Students may ask for extension with Teacher discretion.

• Student's must ask for the extension 24 hours before the assignment is due (barring emergencies).
• Students may receive up to 3 days for extension.
• Students who request 3 or more extensions in a single class or have 3 or more late assignments in a single course are
required to attend a Zoom session about organization and time management.

All assignment is STILL due on due date, even if student is absent.

• Students are responsible for still turning in assignment on time.
• If student is absent and cannot achieve timeliness, student must contact and work with the teacher.
• Students are responsible for finding all the make-up assignments online.

Make-Up Work:
Assignments / Projects
• Assignments can be returned for re-submission
• Students may earn up to 90% back for resubmission of the new grade.
• The students will have up to 3 days to finish the assignment.
• Students MUST meet with a STEM Mentor to go over the problems.
• Tests cannot be redone
• However, incorrect tests answers may be resubmitted as “test corrections.”
• They may earn only 50% of the grade on that problem back.
• Students MUST meet with a STEM Mentor to go over the problems.
• There are no test corrections for mid-terms and finals.
• The students may have 1 missed discussion day due to an “excused absence.”
• All other missed discussion, excused or unexcused, must be made up.
• Students must watch the Zoom recording and must fill out a “Make-Up Discussion Form” within 1
weeks’ time.
• A 0 will be placed until the form is submitted.

Study Sessions:
Students that receive below an 80% on their test will be required to go to one study session with
the STEM Mentors before the next test, regardless of there make-up score. If students receive
below a 60%, they will be required two STEM Mentor sessions.
Grading Policy:

For every semester, there will 4 exams, a midterm exam, and the final.

The homework grade will be worth 15% of the student’s grade. This will include the notes and the assignment given
during class. Notes will be graded on completion, content, and if the student has covered the topics highlighted for
the unit. Assignment problems will be based on completion.

Student Engagement will be worth 10% of the student’s grade. Due to this being a flipped classroom, the discussion portion is a
large part of the grade and will therefore be graded on every week. Several things will be observed in the discussion to receive
credit for the week. Student’s will be given a 10 for the week. The grade will be based on the teacher’s observations as well as a
self evaluation taken at the end of the week. These will be observed:

• Equally participating in the discussion (neither dominating, nor holding back)

Algebra II 2020-2021 Syllabus

• Giving positive feedback to your partner

• Staying on task to the assignment
• Using content, appropriate resources, and vocabulary
• Creates a respectful learning environment

There is also no extra-credit in this class.

Grade Percentage Breakdown:

The grading for the class will be weighted (the breakdown percentage are described as below). The weighted
system calculates grade items as a percentage of a final grade worth 100%. The max points I have assigned to
individual grade items can be any value, but their contribution towards the category they belong to and the final
grade is the percentage value (weight) assigned to them. Grade items in a category count as a percentage of
that category, not of the final grade. Therefore, grade items in a category should combine to a weight of 100%.
The final grade will be automatically calculated on PowerSchool.

Weighted Breakdown:

Student Engagement: 10%

Homework: 15%

4 Unit Exams (10% each): 40%

Midterm: 15%

Final Exam: 20%

Units: Fall Semester Spring Semester

Unit 1 Graphs Unit 5.a Exponential
Unit 2 Functions and Their Graphs Unit 5.b Logarithmic Functions
Unit 3 Linear and Quadratic Unit 11 Systems of Equations and
Functions Inequalities
Unit 4 Polynomial and Rational Function Unit 10 Conic Sections

Syllabus Agreement:

By signing on this page you and your parent state that you have read the syllabus for
Algebra II with Mr. Pascual and agree to the rules, requirements and, restrictions of this
class. Please note that you will be held accountable for all of the information provided to
you here.

______________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

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