Introductory University Mathematics 3

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University of Nigeria

Virtual Library
Serial No ISBN 978- 175- 373- 0
Author 1 OYESANYA, M.O
Author 2
Author 3

Introductory University Mathematics



Introductory University Mathematics


Category Physical Sciences

Africana Fep

Publication Date 2000


.,I t
and ''1Elemenfa
e. d. ~ r s

Analytic Geometry, Vectors and

Elementary Dynamics

J.C. Amazigo, Ph.D. (Harvard), F.A.S. - Editor

I.A. Adjaero, Ph.D. (U. Conn)
C.E. Chidume, Ph.D. (Ohio State)
G.C. Chukwumah, Ph.D. (Nigeria)
A.K. Misra, Ph.D. (Kanpur)
A.D. Nwosu, Ph.D. (R.P.I.)
C.A. Ntukogu, M.Sc. (De Paul)
E.C. Obi, Ph.D. (Toledo)
M.0. Oyesanya, ,./ Ph.D. (Nigeria)
C.O. Uche, Ph.D. (London)
Department of Mathematics
University of Nigeria, Nsukka


Published By


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copyrighto The Authors

First Published 2000

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This third volume completes the set Introductory University Mathematics which we hope meets the
need that we first observed in the preface of Volume I. Since much of that preface remains appropriate
we reproduce it here.
"The three volume set Introductory University Mathematics is the result of a series of informal
discussions over coffee by a number of us a t which we lamented the unavailability of good affordable
mathematics texts for Nigerian tertiary institutions. After a while we decided to take the bull '
by the horns and contribute our little bit to the solution of the problem. The volume benefits
from our combined experience of [over] two hundred years of teaching mathematics to students
of mathematics, agriculture, engineering, the biological, environmental, management, physical and
social sciences. The set covers the first year mathematics curriculum for Polytechnics and Colleges
of Education and the National Universities Commission's (NUC) Minimum Academic Standards
Mathematics Curriculum for Nigerian Universities. Volume 1 is devoted to Algebra, Trigonometry
and Complex Numbers. Volume 2 covers Calculus while in Volume 3 Analytic Geometry, Vectors -
and Elementary Mechanics are treated.
We have assumed that the reader is familiar with mathematics at the level of the Senior .
Secondary School Certificate or the General Certificate of Education O'level or their equivalent. On 1
most topics, however, we review the subject matter to this level before developing new concept^
and methodology. We neither emphasize the abstract nature of the underlying mathematical theory
nor provide just a catalogue of formulas or techniques for solving large classes of mathematical
problems. Rather, we follow an intermediate approach of motivating the introduction of new topics
and results; leading the reader to discover new concepts and ideas and generalization of known results
and assisting the reader in developing some mathematical intuition. This approach is based on our
philosophy that if the text emphasizes the understanding of the underlying ideas and principles then
the serious student would be in a position to tackle with confidence either problems arising from
euch ideas in whatever guise they confront him or her or t o appreciate further extensions of such
principles and ideas."
Volume 3 contains seven chapters. The first four chapters cover analytic geometry. Chapter 1
is devoted to the straight line. The cirlce is presented in Chapter 2. The conic sections and their
applications are covered in Chapters 3 and 4 respectively. Chapters 5 is devoted to vectors which
provide the tools for the study of the third portion of the text dealing with elementary dynamics.
In Chapter 6 motion of particles under prescribed acceleration (kinematics) is presented. Finally
elements of Newtonian dynamics are discussed in Chapter 7.
The material is organised following the decimal system. Equations, examples, remarks and
figures are numbered consecutively within each chapter. The latter two are numbered to indicate
the chapter in which they occur. Thus, for example, Figure 3.17 is the seventeenth numbered
figure in Chapter 3. Most sections are followed by exercises for the reader. The text contains a
large number of carefully worked out examples that are used for further illustration of the ideas
developed in the sections or subsections and several of these are not routine. Where possible some
examples and exercises are formulated to reflect the Nigerian situation. We emphasize that the
learning of mathematics cannot be a passive undertaking or something to be taken up only just
before examinati6ns and any serious student must be prepared t o work through the examples and
tackle most of the exercises as part of the learning process.
We acknowledge the moral support and understanding of our families and thank our publishers
for their patience with us.
J.C. Amazigo
April 1997

Chapter 1 The Straight Line

1.o Introduction
1.1 Distances in the plane
1.1.1 Distances between two points in the plane
1.1.2 Internal and external divisions
1.2 Area
1.2.1 Area of a triangle
1.2.2 Area of a polygon of n sides
1.3 Equations of a straight line
1.3.1 The gradient of a line
1.3.2 Equation of a straight line
1.3.3 General equation of a straight line
1.3.4 Other forms of equation of a straight line
1.3.5 Sketching the graph of a straight line
1.3.6 Parametric equations of a s ~ a i g hline
1.4 Systems of straight lines
1.4.1 Angle between two straight lines
1A.2 Parallel and perpendicular lines
1.4.3 Distance of a point from a line
1.4.4 Bisectors of angles between two non-parallel straight lines
1.4.5 Pencil of straight lines
1.4.6 Pairs of straight lines
1.4.7 Bisectors of angles between line pairs
Miscellaneous Exercises

Chapter 2 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

2.1 General equation of a circle
2.2 Circles satisfying given conditions
2.2.1 Circle through three given points
2.2.2 Equation of a circle on a given diameter
2.3 Intersection of circle and line
2.3.1 Tangent to a circle
2.3.2 Normal to a point on a circle
2.3.3 Chord of contact
2.4 Systems of circles
2.4.1 Orthogonal circles
2.4.2 Radical axis of two circles
2.4.3 Coaxial circles
2.5 Equations of the form S + AL = 0; S + AS' = 0
Miscellaneous Exercises

Chapter 3 Conic Sections

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Conic as a locus
3.2.1 Definition and examples
3.2.2 Standard forms of conics
3.3 Geometry and sketches of the conics
3.3.1 Translation of axes
3.3.2 The parabola
3.3.3 The ellipse
3.3.4 The hyperbola
3.3.5 Working in the original coordinates
3.4 Tangents and normals
3.4.1 Tangent and normal at a point on any curve
3.4.2 Tangent and normal at a point on a conic
3.4.3 Tangents from a point
3.5 Other forms of the equation of a conic
3.5.1 Parametric equations of the conic
3.5.2 Working with parametric equations
Miscellaneous Exercises

Chapter 4 Applications and General Equations of the Conics

4.1 Some applications of the conic
4.1.1 Parabola
4.1.2 Ellipse
4.1.3 Hyperbola
4.2 Polar equations of a conic
4.3 General equation of the second degree
4.3.1 The discriminant
4.3.2 Rotation of axes
4.3.3 Classification of general equation of second degree
Miscellaneous Exercises

Chapter 5 Vectors
5.0 W e e dimensional Cartesian coordinate systems
5.1 Definition and representation of vectors
5.1.1 Definition of vectors
5.1.2 Line segment representation of vectors
5.1.3 Cartesian coordinate representation
5.2 Algebra of vectors
5.2.1 Multiplication of a vector by a scalar
5.2.2 Addition of vectors
5.2.3 Scalar product of two vectors
5.2.4 Vector product of two vectors
5.3 Calculus of vector functions of a real variable
5.3.1 Differentiation of vector functions of a real variable
5.3.2 Integration of vector function of a real variable
Miscellaneous Exercises

Chapter 6 Kinematics of a Particle

6.1 Basic concepts
6.2 Components of velocity and acceleration in some coordinate systems
6.3 Motion under constant acceleration
6.4 Motion under variable acceleration
6.4.1 Rectilinear motion
6.4.2 Motion in a plane
Miscellaneous Exercises

Chapter 7 Dynamics of a Particle

7.1 Newton's laws of motion
7.2 Pulleys; Motion on smooth surfaces
7.3 Projectile motion
7.4 Simple harmonic motion
7.5 Impulsive motion
7.6 Motion of particles with variable mass
Miscellaneous Exercises

Answers to Exercises
Greek Alphabet
The Straight Line
1.0 Introduction
The cartesian coordinate plane has been introduced in Volume 1 of this series. In this chapter, we
shall employ the method of coordinates to study the geometry of points and straight lines in a plane.

1.1 Distances in the Plane

1.1.1 Distance between two points in the plane

Let P ( x l , yl) and Q(x2,y2) be arbitrary points in the xy-plane and let the distance between the
points P and Q be denoted by IPQ1 G d. See Figure 1.1.

FIG. 1.1
Let the perpendiculars from P and Q to the x-axis meet the axis at R and S respectively. Also let
the perpendicular from P to Q S meet Q S at T. Then, clearly A P T Q is a right-angled triangle.
Moreover T has coordinates (xz, yl) and hence,

IQTI = ly2 - ~1 I
(PTI= 1x2 - X I \ .
By Pythagoras' theorem applied to A P T Q , we have

d2 = pq2 + )&q2
= (x2 - x ~ + )(y2~- yl)'
so that,
2 Thestraight Line

Since (22 - 2 1 ) ~= (21 - ~ ) ~(YZ- ~ 1 =) (yl~ - ya)', formula (1) can also equivalently be
2 and
written as

Equation (1) gives a formula for calculating the distance between any two points ( x i , yl) and ( z 2 , ~ 2 )
in the plane.
Example 1
Find the distance between the points A(-114) and B(-2, -3).
If d denotes this distance, then

so that,

Example 2
Show that the triangle with vertices A(-l,2), B ( l , -3) and C(3,2) is isosceles.
See Figure 1.2

FIG. 1.2
We compute:
+ [-3 - 21' = 4 + 25 = 29
1 ~ ~ =1 [I2 - (-1)12

1 ~ = (3~ + 1 + (2~ - 2)' = 16 + 0 = 16

pel2= (3 - I ) +~ (2 + 3)' = 4 + 25 = 29
so that (AB(= (BC(,and hence AABC is isosceles.

Example 3
Find the point equidistant from the points O(0, O), A(5, -5) and B(4,O).
Let the coordinates of the desired point be ( x , . ~ )Then
. the distance of the point (x, y) from O(0,O)
is d m ; from A(5, -5) is [(x - +
+ (y + 5)2]1f2and from B(4,O) is [(x - 4)2 (y - 0)2] 112 .
Since all the distances are equal we have:


From (i), after squaring and simplifying, we obtain,

Similarly from (ii),

0 = -82 + 18.
These equations reduce to y - x + 5 = 0 and x = 2. Hence x = 2 and y = x - 5 = -3. The required
point is (2, -3).

1.1.2 Internal and E x t e r n a l Divisions

Let A(x1, yl) and B(x2,y2) be two points in the plane. We are inkrested here in the coordinates of
a point P which divides the line segment AB in the ratio I : m, i.e., P such that A P : P B = I : m.

FIG. 1.3
Case 1 (Figure 1.3) The point P lies between A and B . (In this case we say that P divides AB
internally in the ratio I : m). Let the coordinates of P be (x, y) and consider the triangles P A C and
B P D . Then, lACl = )x - xl 1, lPDl = 1x2 - X I , lPCl = Iy - yll and IBD1 = ly2 - y d . Clearly, the
triangles P A C and B P D are similar. Hence

which yields

so that solving for x we obtain,

4 Thestraight Line


which yields

so that solving for y we obtain


Case 2 (Figure 1.4) Here P lies on A> produced. (In this case we say that P divides A B edernally
in the ratio 1 : m).

FIG. 1.4
Construct the right-angled triangles PBC' and PAE'. Then, PC' = y - y2, PE' = y - yl, BC' =
x - x2 and AE' = x - X I . Clearly triangles PBC' and PAE' are similar. Hence,

PB- - PC'
PA - PE'
so that,

which yields ly - ly2 = my - my1 or,

i.e., (I - m)y = ly2 - my1 so that

Also, -- - -AE' so that 2-22
- -
which yields, lx - 1x2 = mx - mxl or
m 1 m - 1
1.1 Distances in the Plane 5

i.e., ( I - m)x = 1x2 - mx1, so that



Remark 1.1
If P ( x ,y) is the midpoint of AB then m = I and so P ( x ,y )
Remark 1.2
In applying formulas (4) and (5) the following point is noteworthy for the correct application of the
form. If P divides A B externally in the ratio 1 : m this can be considered as internal division if we
replace 1 : m by I : (-m) as shown in F i g u r ~1.5.

FIG. 1.5

Example 4
Find the points that divide into three equal parts a straight-line segment joining the two points
A ( 5 , -2) and B ( 6 , 3 ) .
Let the desired points be C and D as shown in Figure 1.6,

FIG. 1.6
Then, since lACl = lCDl = IDBI, it follows that C divides AB internally in the ratio 1 : 2 (i.e.,
6 The Straight Line .

AC : C B = 1 : 2). Now, if C C(h, k) we have, using equations (2) and (3),

so that h = ?, k = -$. Hence

To calculate the coordinates of the point D we observe immediately that D divides AB inter-
nally in the ratio 2 : 1 (or D divides BA in the ratio 1:2). Regard D as dividing AB internally in
the ratio 2 : 1, if D D(x, y) then,

Example 5
ABCD is a parallelogram with the coordinate of A, B and C given respectively by (0, -2), ( 8 , l )
and (4,8). Find the coordinates of D.
(See Figure 1.7). We shall solve this problem using the fact that the diagonals of a parallelogram
bisect each other. A simpler solution may be obtained using the fact that the opposite sides are

FIG. 1.7
Let the coordinates of D be (h, k). Then, from A and C the coordinates of the midpoint of the
diagonal A C is (y,
9) = (2,3). This is also the midpoint of the diagonal D B . But the midpoint
of D B is (y, y). Hence
h+8 k+l
-=2 and - = 3
2 2
so that h = -4 and k = 5, and so D z D(h, k) = D(-4,5).

Recall that given a triangle ABC, the median of the triangle drawn from A is the line from
A to the midpoint of the opposite side, B C . Similarly, the median from B is a line from B to the
1.1 Distances in the Plane 7

midpoint of AC; and finally the median from C is the line from C to the midpoint of AB. Recall also
that the medians d a triangle are concurrent and meet at a point called the centroid. Furthermore,
if AD is a median from A with M on AD as centroid t,hen lAMl : lMDl = 2 : 1. S w Figure 1.8.

FIG. 1.8

Example 6
Find the coordinates of the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are A(xl, yl), B ( x 2 ,y2) and
C(x3, 93).
Let M denote the centroid of triangle ABC and let D denote the midpoint of B C as in Figure 1.8.

If M (2, y), since M divides AD internally in the ratio 2 : 1 we have

so that M = (2,y) = " + x2 + x3 , + y2 + y3

is the required centroid.

Exercises 1.1
1. Find the distance between the points A(-1, -2) and B(-4,3).
2 If A(-2,3) and B(4,2) are two fixed points and a point P(x, y) is chosen such that P A = P B ,
show that 122 - 2y - 7 = 0.
3 If C is the point (-5,3) and a point P(x, y) is chosen such that PC is a constant distance 2,
+ +
prove that x2 Y2 102 - 6y 30 = 0. +
4 Two vertices of an equilateral triangle are (1,O) and (a, 0). Obtain the possible coordinates of
the third vertex.
5 Prove that the triangle with vertices R(O,6), S(-4,2) and T(-2,8) is a right-angled triangle.
8 The Straight Line

6 +
Let A(2, -I), B(1,-3) and P ( z ,y ) be such that PA = 2PB. Prove that 3x2 3y2 - 42 +
22y 35 = 0.
7 Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining A(-!, 2 ) and ~ ( # , 3 )
externally in the ratio 3 : 2.
8 A point moves so that its distance from A(7,O) is equal to its distance from the y-axis. Prove
that the equation of the locus of the point is given by y2 = 7(2x - 7 ) .

1.2 Area

1.2.1 Area of a triangle

Consider the triangle ABC with vertices A ( x l , y I ) B
, ( x 2 , y ~and
) C ( x 3 , ~ 3 )We
. want to find the
area of triangle ABC. See Figure 1.9.

FIG. 1.9
Draw perpendiculars from A, B and C to meet the x-axis at P, Q and R, respectively. Then BQ = y2,
AP = yl and C R = y3. Also, QP = xl - 22,PR = 23 - X I and Q R = xs - 2 2 .
Area of triangle ABC = [Area of trapezium BQPA + Area of trapezium APRC
- Area of trapezium BQRCl

For students who are familiar with determinants, the area of triangle ABC given in ( 6 ) can be
represented as a 3 x 3 determinant given by

1 " 1 Yl 1
(7) Area of triangle ABC = absolute value of - 2 2 yz 1
2 .
x3 Y3 1
1.2 Area 9

The determinant in (7) is evaluated by the formula:

where, for arbitrary a , b , c, d, the determinant I :I is evaluated as

The expression on the right hand side (RHS) of equation (8) is obtained using the elements of
the first row of the left hand side (LHS) as follows: The first term on the RHS of (8) is obtained by
taking X I and multiplying it by the 2 x 2 determinant obtained from the LHS of (8) by deleting the
row and column containing X I (see Figure 1.10a)

8 I

1 I I
delete delete ' delete

FIG. 1.10
The second term is obtained by taking (-yl), (notice the minus sign introduced here), arid
multiplying it by the 2 x 2 determinant obtained from the LHS of (8) by deleting the row and column
containing yl (see Figure 1.10b). Finally, the third term is obtained by taking the 2 x 2 determinant
obtained by deleting the row and column as shown in Figure 1 . 1 0 ~ .
Remark 1.3
If the entries (i.e, the vertices of the triangle) in the 3 x 3 determinant in (7) are listed in an
anticlockwise order then the determinant will have a positive value.
Example 7
Find the area of triangle A B C with vertices A(2,4), B(-1, -1) and C(4, 4).

Therefore, area of triangle ABC = +(?) = q.

10 The Straight Line

Example 8
Find the area of the triangle A B C with vertices A(7, -8), B(-2, -6) and C(1,5).

Therefore, area of triangle A B C = $1 - 1051 = F.

1.2.2 Area of a polygon of n sides

Given a polygon of n sides, to find the area of the polygon, it is always convenient to divide the
polygon into several triangles with vertices as the vertices of the polygon and then find the areas of
these triangles, take the sum of these areas to obtain the area of the polygon.
Example 9
Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD with vertices A(2, O), B(-2, -2), C(-4, -4) and D(1,-7).
A sketch of the quadrilateral is given in Figure 1.11.

FIG. 1.11
1.2 Area 11

Area of quad. ABCD = area of AABC + area of ACDA

2 0 1 1 - 4 - 4 1
= - -2 -2 1 + - 1 -7 1 (vertices in anticlockwise order)
-4 -4 1 2 0 1

So, area of quadrilateral ABCD = 21.

Exercises 1.2
Find the area of the triangle with vertices A(1,4),B(-2,8) and C(-7, -7).
Use the concept of area to show that the three points A ( l ,0 ) , B(4,-4) and C ( a ,1 ) are collinear.
The points P ( l ,-2), Q(6,lO)and R(26,25) are vertices of a parallelogram PQRS. Find (i)
the coordinates of S , (ii) the area of the parallelogram.
Two vertices of triangle ABC are the points A(25,2),B(10,-10) and the centroid is the point
(7,4). Find the coordinates of the third vertex C , and show that the triangle is right angled.
Compute its area.
Prove that the quadrilateral PQRS given by P(-1, O ) , Q(3,2),R(4,5)and S(O,3)has opposite
sides equal. Find the area of the quadrilateral.
Show that if t l , t 2and t3 are distinct then the points P(t:,tl),Q(ti,t2) and R(t:,tg) can never
be collinear. Hint Write area as quadratic in t l .
Show that the three points ( 1 , O ) , (t:,2t1)and (t;,2i2)are collinear if tlt2 = -1.
Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD where A, B,C, D have coordinates (3,-3), ( 4 , 4 ) ,
(-4,3),(-2, -3) respectively.
If the vertices of a quadrilateral PQRS are given by ( 2 1 , yl), ( 2 2 , y2), ( 2 3 , y 3 ) and ( 2 4 , y4)
respectively, find the coordinates of the midpoint T of the line joining the midpoints of PQ
and RS. Hefice, prove that the straight lines which join the midpoints of the opposite sides of
a quadrilateral bisect each other.
A pentagon has vertices P(4,2),Q(-2,8), R(-6, -4), S(1,- 11) and T ( 8 ,- 1 ) . Find the area
of the pentagon.
A hexagon has vertices A(0,0 ) ,B(-2,8), C(-5, -5), D(0,- I ) , E(5. -8) and F(7,-1). Find
the area of ABCDEF.
12 The Strejght Line

1.3 Equations of a straight line

1.3.1 The gradient of a line

Given a straight line AB, say, we shall define tbe slope or gradient of the line in terms of the angle 8
that it makes with the positive x-axis. See Figure 1.12. If this line is parallel to the x-axis the angle
0 is taken to be zero. I f it is not parallel to the .].-axis, let it intersect the x-axis a t the point P.

FIG. 1.12
The straight line AB (Fig. 1.12) is said to make an angle 0 with the positive x-axis if an
anticlockwise rotation of amount 8 of the x-axis about the point P and starting from P x rotates the
x-axis to coincide, the first time, with AB. Thus 0 5 0 < r.
If the straight line makes an angle 0 with the positive x-axis, bhe tangent o f t h e angle 0, usually
denoted by m, is called the gradient or slope of the line.
In general, the slope of the line joining two points A and B will be denoted by m A B .
Remark 1.4
(i) In Fig. 1.12(i), the angle 0 is acute, i.e., 0 < 8 < %,and in this case, tan0 is nonnegative, so
that the slope is nonnegative. On the other hand, in Fig. 1.12(ii), 0 is obtuse, i.e., 5 < 0 < r,
and so tan 0 is negative. Thus, slopes do not have to be necessarily positive.
(ii) If & line is parallel to the x-axis, then 0 = 0 and so tan 0 = 0. It follows then that if a line is
parallel to the x-axis, its gradient is zero.
(iii) If a line is parallel to the y-axis, then 0 = and since tan 5 = co,it follows that the gradient
of a line parallel to the y-axis is co.
Now, suppose A ( x 1 , yl) and B(xz, y2) are two points on a given line. Draw through A and B
lines parallel to the axes, and let these lines intersect a t C. See Figure 1.13.

FIG. 1.13
1.3 Equations of a straight line 13

Then BC = xl - zz and CA = yl - yz. Furthermore, LABC = 8 so that,

and this is a formula for calculating the slope of a straight line (and hence the angle the line makes
with the positive z-axis) when the coordinates of two points on the line are given.
Example 10
Calculate the slope of the line determined by the points A(l, -4) and B(-2, - 1).
Let ~ A denote
B the slope of the line AB. Then

Example 11
Calculate the slope of each of the lines joining the pairs of points C(-3,6) and D(4,6), A(4,3) and
B(4, -7)
The slope of the line C D is

so that C D is a horizontal line.

The slope of the line AB is

3 - (-7) 10
~ A =B 4 - 4 - --
and SO ~ A =B 0 .

This implies that the line AB is parallel to the y-axis. (i.e., AB is a vertical line.)

Example 12
Find the gradient of the line joining the points on the curve y = 3x2 - 23: + 1 whose x-coordinates
are -1 and 2.
Let the points be denoted by A(-1, yl) and B(2, y2) Then since A and B lie on the given curve, we
must have
For A: yl = 3(-1)~ - 2(-1) + 1= 6
For B: 92 = 3(2)2 - 2(2) + 1= 9
Hence the points are A(-1,6) and B(2,9), so that ~ A =B = 1.
2 - (-1)
14 The Stra$:lt Line

Example 13
What are the gradiwts of the lines joining.the origin to the points of intersection of y = x2 and
2y = x + l ?
We first find the points of intersection of the two curves by solving the equations y = x2 and
2y = x 1 simultaneously as follows:

2(x2) = x +1 scl that 2x2 - x - 1 = 0

which implies
x = -- or 1
( 2 x + 1)(x - 1) = 0 so that
Substituting in y = x2 yields y = (-i)2
and y = (1)' or y = f and y = 1 respectively. Thus, the
points of intersection of the two curves are (-$, 4)
and (1,l). If rnl and m2 are the gradients of the
lines joining the origin t o these points respectively, then
'-0 1 1-0
m l = L - -- and m2=-=1.
-- - 0 - 2 1-0

1.3.2 E q u a t i o n of a s t r a i g h t line

Suppose a line goes through the point A(xl, yl) and makes an angle 0 with the positive x-axis. Let ..
P ( x , y) be any other point on the line. Let the parallel to Ox through A(xl, yl) meet the parallel .
to Oy through P ( x , y) a t H, then L P A H = 0 and L A H P = 90'. See Figure 1.14.

FIG. 1.14
From Fig. 1.14, A H = x - x l , P H = y - yl so that, if 0 # 90°,
1.3 Equations of a straight line 15

where m = tane. Equation (10) is the required equation of the line passing through the point
A(xl, yl) and making an angle 0 # 90° with the positive x-axis. If 0 = 90°, then x = xl becomes
the required equation.
Recall that m is the gradient (or slope) of the line found above. In forming the equation of
any line, it suEces to know two facts about the line. These are:
(i) the coordinates of any o n e point on the line
(ii) the slope (or gradient) of the line.
Suppose these two facts are known. Let the point on the line be A(xl, yl) and the slope of the line
be m. Then, the equation of the line can be written down at once as (10). Thus, whenever we have
to find the equation of a straight line we should be able to extract or compute from the data the
coordinates of one point on the line and the slope of the line. Then we can immediately write down
the equation of the line using equation (10).
Example 14
Find the equation of the line passing through the points A(-2,3) and B(4,2).
We can take e i t h e r A(-2,3) o r B(4,2) as our desired point on the line. Let us take A(-2,3). Now,
we need to find the slope of the line. Since A and B lie on the line, its slope must be the same as
that of the line segment joining A and B. If we denote this slope by m , then

We can now write down the required equation of the line using formula (10) as

which yields 6y - 18 = - x - 2 so that we obtain

as the requiqed equation of the straight line.

Example 15
Find the equation of the line passing through the points P(-1, -4) and Q(3,l).

Taking Q ( 3 , l ) as a fixed point on the line, the equation of the line is given by

which simplifies t o 5x - 4y = 11.

16 The Straight Line

Example 16
Find the equation of the straight line which makes intercept of 3 on the y-axis and intercept of -2
on the x-axis.

FIG. 1.15
Since the line makes intercept of 3 on the y-axis then the coordinates of the point where the line
crosses the y-axis has x-coordinate as zero. Similarly, since the line makes intercept of -2 on the
z-axis, it must cross the x-axis at the point (-2,O). Let A(0,3) and B(-2,O) be the points of
intersection of the line with the y- and x-axes respectively (Fig. 1.15). Then

so that the required equation of the line is

which simplifies to 32 - 2y + 6 = 0.

1.3.3 General equation of a straight line

Let us again consider the equation of the straight line of slope m which passes through the point
( X I , ~ l ) i.ev
y - y1 = m(x - xl).
We can rewrite this equation as
y - m x = yl -mxl
where we observe that the right hand side, which is yl - m x l , is a constant. This equation can then
be written more generally as

where p,q and r are constants. Equation (11) is called the general form of the equation of a straight
1.3 Equations o f a straight line 17

It can be shown that if px + qy r = 0 represents the same straight line as p'x qty + +d =0
then, their corresponding coefficients are proportional, i.e., for some constant k , we have

p = kpl, q = kg1 and r = kr'

Example 17
Find the equation of the straight line through A ( - 4 , -1) and B ( 2 , -3) and express it in the general

Hence, the equation of the line is


which simplifies to
and, in the general form, this is given by

Example 18
Find the values of I and m if l x + my + 5 = 0 represent the same straight line as 2y - 3x + 1 = 0.
Since the' two equations represent the same straight line, then we must have,

so that I = 10 and m = -15.

1.3.4 Other forms of equation of a straight line

In section 1.3.3 we 'introduced the general form of the equation of a straight line. In this section we
study other forms. We shall discuss the following forms:
a. The tangent form,
b. The slope-intercept form, and
c. The intercept form.
a. The tangent form
The form of the equation of a straight line given in equation (10) of section 1.3.2 is usually called the
tangent form. The constant m in that equation (which is the slope or gradient of the line) represente
the tangent of the angle the line makes with the positive direction of the x-axis.
18 The Straight Line

b. The slope-intercept f o r m
Consider the equation of a straight line given in the tangent form as

Simplifying this equation we obtain

which yields, y = mx + (yl - mxl) or

where we have denoted the constant (yl - mxl) by c. Equation (12) is called the slope-intercept
form of the equation of the straight line. Given the equation of any straight line, once y is made
the subject as in equation (12), the coefficient of x gives the slope of the line. From equation (12),
when x = 0 we have that y = c so that (0, c) lies on the line. Since all points on the y-axis must
have x-coordinate zero the constant c gives the intercept on the y-axis.
Two special cases of equation (12) arise. We discuss these two cases below.
C a s e I The required straight line passes through the origin. In this case the intercept on the
y-axis is zero. So, in formula (12)) c = 0, and the equation of the line becomes

C a s e I1 The required line is parallel to the x-axis. In this case, the angle it makes with the
positive direction of x-axis is zero, and since tan0 = 0, we have m = 0, so that equation (12) reduces

E x a m p l e 19
Find the equation of the line passing through the points A(1,2) and B(-1,O).
The required equation is given by y = mx c where m and c are to be determined. The constant
m is easily determined from A ( l , 2) and B(-1,O) as

Thus, the required equation is y = x c, where c is to be determined. Since A(1,2) (or B(-1,O))
lies on the line, the coordinates (1,2) (or (-1,O)) must satisfy the equation of the line. Hence, using
the condition that (1,2) must satisfy the equation, we have

2=1 +c so that c = 1.

Hence, the required equation of the line is y = x + 1.

E x a m p l e 20
Find the equation of the line which makes an angle of 30° with the positive direction of the x-axis
and passes through the point (-1, -2).
1.3 Equations of a straight line 19

The required equation is given by y = mx + c, where m and c are to be determined. Now, m =
tan30° = A,so that.the required equation is given by

But (-1, -2) lies on the required line, and so must satisfy the equation of the line. Hence,

Hence, the required equation of the line is

c. The intercept form

Suppose a straight line makes an intercept of a on the x-axis and an intercept of b on the y-axis,
a # 0, b # 0. Let A and B be the points where this line interesects the x- and y-axes respectively.
Then the coordinates of A must be (a,O) and the coordinates of B must he l n h ) . Thus,

The equation of the line is then given by

so that,
a y - ab = -bx or bx + a y = ab.
Dividing both sides of this equation by ab (since a # 0, b # 0) we obtain

Equation (13) is called the intercept form of the equation of a straight line. Observe that the
intercept on the x-axis which is a is under x in equation (13) while the intercept on the y-axis which
is b is under y.' The right hand side of the equation is 1.
Example 21
Find the equation of the straight line which makes intercept of
on the y-axis.
-: on the x-axis and intercept of 7

By formula (13), the required equation is given by
20 The Straight Line

which simplifies to

Example 22
Find where the straight line 32 + 4y = 7 intercepts the coordinate axes.
32 4y
32 + 4y = 7 implies (dividing by 7) -7
= 1 i.e.,

and this implies the line intercepts the x-axis at (;,0) and the y-axis at (0,;).

1.3.5 Sketching the graph of a straight line

In order to sketch the graph of a straight line, it is sufficient to locate any two points on the line by
means of coordinates. Two such points are easily located. Given the equation of a straight line, one
can easily define the coordinates of the points of intersection of the line with the coordinate axes.
On the x-axis, y = 0. So, putting y = 0 in the equation of the straight line we can find from the
given equation the abscissa of the point of its intersection with the x-axis. On the y-axis, x = 0.
Putting x = 0 in the equation of the strxight line we can find from the given equation the ordinate
of the point of its intersection with the y-axis.
E x a m p l e 23
Sketch the graph of the straight line defined by the equation 32 + 4y + 12 = 0.
If z = 0 then 4y 12 = 0 so that y = -3. Thus the point (0, -3) lies on the line. Again, putting
y = 0 we obtain. 32 12 = 0 eo that x = -4 and hence (-4,O) lies on this line. We now d o t the
two points (0, -3,(-4,0) and join the two points by a straight line to obtain the graph of the line descr&&d
by 32 + 4y + 12 0;. See Figure 1.16.

FIG. 1.16 Equatioil of the line 3x + 4y + 12 = 0.

1.3 Equations o f a straight line 21

Example 24
Draw the graph of the straight line defined' by 32 - 2 y = 0.
P u t x = 0 t o get -2y = 0 which implies y = 0. So, the point (0,O) lies on the line. If we now put
y = 0, we still obtain that the point (0,O) lies on the line. One point is not sufficient to draw the
graph of the line. So we assign any value different from zero to either x or y and compute the other.
For example we may let y = 3 so that 32 = 2 y = 2(3) = 6 which yields x = 2. Hence (2,3) lies on
the line. We have now obtained two distinct points on the line, i.e., (0,O) and (2,3). We plot thette
points and join them by a &might line to obtain the graph of 32 - 2 y = 0. See Figure 1.17.

FIG. 1.17 The graph of the line 32 - 2 y = 0.

Example 25
Draw 'the graph of the straight lines represented by (i) x = -2, (ii) x = 7, (iii) y =4
(iv) y-= -6 (v) x = 0 (vi) y = 0 .
If the equation of the straight line is y = c or x = a then the construction of the line is reduced
to drawing through the given point (0, c) or (a, 0) a straight line parallel to the x-axis or y-axis
respectively. The graphs of the given equations are sketched in Figure 1.18.

, t x = 0 ( h e y-axis) ,

FIG. 1.18
22 The Straight Line

1.3.6 P a r a m e t r i c a q u a t i o n s of a s t r a i g h t line

The straight line through the point (11, yl) whose gradient is tan I9 has the equation

y - y 1 = (x-x1)tan19

x -Xl
- '-"
sin 0
=t B#o,-.


Elimination of O yields t a = (x - x1)2 + (Y- y1)2 and so t represents the distance between a variable
point ( x , y) and the fixed point ( x l , yl) on the line. Hence, different values o f t give different points
on the line. To each point on the line corresponds a real value of t . The point ( x l , yl) corresponds
t o t = 0. T h e equations

are called the parametric equatioils of t h t line and t is called the parameter. T h e equations

also represent a straight line through (xl, yl) since the elimination of t yields the linear equation

In this case, t in general, does not represent the distance between (x, y) and (xl, yl).
Example 26
Find the equation of the chord of the curve 3x2 + 4 ~ =' 28 whose mid-point is (I., 1) and find also
the length of this chord.

FIG. 1.19
1.3 Equations of a straight line 23

Let 6 be the angle the desired chord makes with the positive x-axis. Then t L x parametric
equations of the line are
X = 1 + t ~ 0 ~ y6 =
, l+tsin0. ti>
Where the line meets the given curve we have
3(1 + t cos 0)' + 4(1 + t sin 0)' = 28.
Multiplying the terms out and collecting like terms in t gives
(3cos20+4sin2fI)t2 +2(3cosfI+4sin6)t - 2 1 = 0. (ii)
Let the roots of this equation be t l > 0 and t 2 . Since t = 0 is the midpoint of the chord, t l = -t2.
T h a t is, t l t2 = 0, or the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation is zero. Hence
3 cos 0 + 4 sin 0 = 0. (iii)
Therefore tan 0 = -$. Equations (i) then implies

from which we have

which is the required equation of the chord. The'length of the chord is 2tl. From equations (ii) and
21 - 21 -
t: = - 21(3)
3 cos2 0 4 sin2 9t 3(9) +
sin2 0 4 sin2 0 28 sin2 8
tl = -
2 sin 6
4 15 15
But from (iii) sin0 = -, therefore t1 = - Hence the length of the chord is 2t1 = 7 .
5 8 '
Example 27
A line is drawn through the fixed point P(cr,P) to cut the circle x2 + y2 = r 2 a t A and B. Prove
that lPAl . IPBJ is independent of the gradient of the line.

FIG. 1.20
24 The Straight Liw

Let the parametric equations of the line PAB (meFigure 1.20) be

Where the line cuts the circle we have ( a + t cos B)2 ( P + t sin ~ 9 =) ~ + +
r2 SO, t 2 2(Psin B a cos 8) t +
a2 ,B2- r2 = 0. If the roots of this equation are t l and t 2 then from the theory of roots of quadratic
equations, we obtain
t l t 2 = ] P A ] lPBl
. +
= a2 P2 - r 2
which is independent of 8.

Exercises 1.3
Obtain the equation of the straight line joining the points

(iii) (at:, 2at 1), (at;, 2at (iv) (a cos el, b sin el), (a cos Ba, b sin 82)
Simplify your answer as much as possible in (iii) and (iv).
Find the equation of the straight line with intercepts 4 and -2 on the x-axis and y-axis
Write down the following equations in the intercept form and hence write down the intercepts
made by them on the axes.
(i) 3x+4y+7=0 (ii) y=mx+c, c#O,m#O

(iii) lx + t y + n = 0, ltn # 0
Find the equation of the straight line which cuts off a segment equal to 5 on the y-axis and
makes an angle of 8 = 150" with the positive x-axis.
Determine the slope and the y-intercept of the straight line represented by the equation 5x -
7y 13 = 0.
Find the equation of the straight line that has equal x- and y-intercepts and passes through
the point (- 1,2).
+ + + +
Show that if px qy r = 0 represents the same straight line as p'x q'y r' = 0 then their
corresponding coefficients are proportional, that is, for some constant k, p = p'k, q = q'k, r =
+ +
The straight line x = t cos B - g, y = t sin B - f cuts the curve x2 y2 292 2f y c = 0.+ +
Determine the values o f t at the points of intersection and show that they are independent of
8. What can you deduce about the curve from this result?
1:I Systems of straight lines 25

1.4 Systems of straight lines

1.4.1 Angle b e t w e e n two straight lines

By the angle 0 between two lines AB and C D (see Figure 1.21) we shall mean the angle through
which the straight line AB must be rotated in an anticlockwise direction until A t ) is parallel to C D
or the angle through which the straight line CD must be rotated in an anticlockwise direction until
C D is parallel to AB. For non-parallel and non-perpendicular lines there are two such angles, one
acute and one obtuse and their sum is 180". If AB is originally para.lle1 t o C D we shall take the
angle between AB and C D to be zero.

FIG. 1.21
In our discussion below we shall assume, without loss of generality, that the two straight lines
under consideration intersect at B (see Figure 1.22), so that we shall consider the angle between the
lines AB and B C . In this setting, the angle between the straight lines BC and AB is taken to mean
the angle 0 through which the straight line AB must be rotated in an anticlockwise direction about
the point B until AB coincides with C B . Now, let the straight lines A B and CB be represented by '

the equations
y = m l x + c l and y = m2x+ c2,
respectively. Let AB, CB make angles d l , 4 2 with the x-axis respectively as in Figure 1.22.

FIG. 1.22
From AACB, (b2 = 41 + 9 so that 0 = 42 - 41. This implies that
tan q ! ~-~ tan 41
tan 0 = tan(d2 - 41) =
1 tan 42 tan 41
But t a n & = slope of AB = m l , and tan42 = slope of CB = mz. Hence,
26 The Straight Line

If the roles of the two lines are interchanged then

ml - m2
tan 0 =
1 m2ml

Thus if we consider 0 as the a c d e angle between the two lines then

Example 28
Find the angle between the straight lines y = 4 2 - 7 and y = 3x + 1.
From the equations we have ml = 4 , ma = 3 so that if 0 is the acute angle between the lines. then

and 0 = arctan (A).

Example 29 ,
Find the equations of the straight lines which pass through the origin and form an angle of 60° with
the straight line y = 22 1 .
From the data, 0 = 60'. T h e slope of the given straight line is 2. Let the slope of the required line
be m . Then.

which upon squaring md siinplifying yields l l m 2 16m - 1 = 0. T h e solutions of this quadratic
equation are
-8 it 5,h
172 =
11 '

\\'e can iiow write down ,,lie equat,ioris of tlhe lines, using the fact that (0,O) lies on each line, as

-8 +5 a
( x - 0) and y - O = -8 -5 4
( x - 0)
11 11

-8 + 5& x and y=
-8 -5fi
y= 11 11

Example 30
Given the points A(-2,4), B(O,5) and C(-1, -1) determine the angles ABC and B A C .
1.4 Systems of straight lines 27

A sketch of A A B C is p i v c , ~i ~l l Figure 1.23.
Y 4

cc-1.-ii 1
FIG. 1.23 1

Let = LA BC and Od4 = L BAG'. Then,

6-1 11
tanOB = 2 -
- - and t-anBA= 9 - ( - 5 ) - --
1 +6(;) 8 1 5- 3

11 11
LABC = dB = arctan (-) and L BAC = 0~ = arctan (--).
8 3

1.4.2 Parallel and perpendicular lines

If AB and Cl? in Subsection 1.4.1 are parallel then 0 = 0. Substituting 0 = 0 in (14) we have

and thus ma - ml = 0 or m l = ma. T h a t is, 2f two lznes are parallel lhey have the same slope.
If A B and CU are perpendicular, the angle between them is 90° and tan 90" = CQ. Again from
m2 - ml
1 + m2m1
a n d this implies that the denominator of the right hand side must be zero, i.e., m2ml = -1. Thus,
tftwo strazght lzncs are perpend~cular, the product of their slopes is -1 (or the slope of one is the
nrgatzve of the reczproral of the slope of the other). a

Example 31
Find the equation of the line through (1,2) which is perpendicular to the line 4x + 3y + 12 = 0.
\5'e have one point (1.2) on the required line. If we can find the slope of the required line we can
then write down its equation. Since the required line is perpendicular to the line 42 3y -t- 12 = 0, +
28 The Straight Line

its slope will be the negative of the reciprocal of the slope of 4 x + 3 y + 12 = 0. To find the slope of
this line we make y the subject of the equation to obtain

So, the slope of this line is -9. Hence, if rn denotes the slope of the required line, we must have

As remarked above the equation of the required line can now be written down, since (1,2) lies on
it, as
y - 2 = z(x - 1)
which simplifies to

Remark 1.5
A close examination of the given equation of the straight line in Exnmple 31 and equation (*) reveals
that the coefficients of x and y in the given equation are interchanged in equation (*) but with the
sign of the coefficient of y changed. The constant terms in the two equations are different. This
observation is not peculiar to Example 31 above and can, in fact, be used to find the equation of a
line perpendicular to a given line and passing through a given point.
+ +
In order to find the equation of a line perpendicular to the line ax by c = 0, a, b # 0, and
passing through ( x l ,y l ) let us denote the slope of the required line by m. Then from a x + b y c = 0 +
we obtain.

so that the slope of the given line is (-f). Hence, the slope of the required line equals - l / ( - a / b ) = i.
Since the required line passes through ( x l , y l ) we can now write down its equation as,

which simplifies to
bx - a y + (ayl - bxl) = 0.
Again, we observe that the coefficients of x and y in the given equation are interchanged in this
equation but with the sign of the coefficient of y changed.
We give more examples.
Example 32
Find the equation of the line passing through (1,-2) and perpendicular to the line with equatian
3x 2 y - 7 = 0 .
The required equation is given by
22 - 3 y = k
(obtained by interchanging the coefficients of x and y in the given equation but changing the sign
of the coefficient of y. It is also possible to retain the sign of the coefficient of y and change the sign
of the coefficient of x). The quantity k is a constant. To determine it we use the fact that (1, -2)
lies on the line. So, 2(1)'- 3(-2) = ic or k = 2 6 = 8. Hence, the required equation of the line is

Example 33
A perpendicular is drawn from P(1,2) to the line with equation 3x +4y - 12 = 0 and meets the line
a t Q. Find tlw coordinates of Q (The point Q is called the foot of the perpendicular from P(1,2) t o
the lane 32 + 4y - 12 = 0).
The line PQ is perpendicular to the given line. Equation 01' the line P Q is given by 42 - 3y = k.
This line passes through the point P ( 1 , 2 ) . IIence,

Therefore, the equation of the line P Q is given by 42 - 3y = -2. To find the coordinates of Q we
solve the equations

3~+4y-12=0 (9
and 4 2 - 3 y + 2 = 0 , (ii)

simultaneously. The solution of equations (i) and (ii) is x = and y = so that Q has coordinates

Example 34
Find the equation of the line through (1,2) which is parallel t o the line 22 + 5y + 9 = 0.
+ +
The required line must have the same slope as the 22 5y 9 = 0. To find the slope we make y the
subject of this equation to obtain
2 9
y = --
and the slope of this line is -$. Since the required line is parallel to this line, it must also have the
slope -$. The point (1,2) lies on the required line and so its equation is given by

which simplifies to give

30 T h e Straight Line

Remark 1.6
Equation (*) and the given equation in Example 34 have the same coefficients of x and y . T h e only
difference between the two equations is l l ~ econstant term. This is not mere coincidence and can be
used to quickly compute the equation of a line parallel t o a gzven line and passing through a given
point. To derive this fact for the general equation a x + b y + c = 0, b # 0, is straight forward and is
left as an exercise for the reader, i.e., the required equation always has t h e s a m e coefficeints of x and
!/ as the given equation. T h w , to find this q u a t i o n , all that is required is t o write down the given
equalion, replac 111% whatever constant is in it by a constant k, say. Then t o determine the value of
k we use the fact that the given point lies on the required line. We illustratc: this below.

Example 35
Find the equation of the line passing through (-2,3) and parallel to the line with eq~lation5.r.+3y =
T h e required equation is given by 52 + 3 y = b , where k is a constant to be determined. The point
( - 2 , 3 ) lies on this line. So,

Thus, the required equation of the line is given by 52 + 3 y + 1 = 0.

Example 36
Find the coordinates of the mirror image of A(@,@)in the straight line a x + b y + c = 0, a # 0, b # 0.
+ +
Let B(cul, ,O') be the mirror image of A(@,@)in the line a x b y c = 0 and let A B meet the given
line at G (See Figure 1.19). If C, D are points on the given line,
Gradient of C D = -: (slope of the given line)
Gradient of A B = -I/(-$) = f.
Let 6 be the angle A B makes with the positive direction of x-axis. Then,
tan 6 = -.

FIG. 1.24 Mirror image of A on a x + by + c = 0

1.4 Systems of straight lines 31

The parametric equations of AB are


so that for some t o

and the coordinates of G (which is the mid-point of AB) are given by

G lies on AB so that
1 1
a(a + -to cos 8) + b(p + -to sin 8) + c = 0.
2 2
Solving for to we obtain
lo =
-2(aa + bp + c)
a cose + bsin O '

Hence the mirror image is at

obtained by substituting for tan 8 and cot 8 from (i).

1.4.3 Distance of a point from a line

+ +
Let a straight line be represented by px qy r = 0 and suppose P ( x l , yl) is a point not on the
line. In this subsection we are interested in finding the perpendicular distance, dl from P ( x l , yl) to
+ +
the line px qy T = 0. See Figure 1.25.

FIG. 1.25
+ +
Let the foot of the perpendicular from P to the line px qy T = 0 be denoted by Q. To find
the distance d(= J P Q J )we should first find the coordinates of Q and then use the distance formula
to compute the distance d. In order to find the coordinates of Q , however, we shall first find the
equation of the line P Q and solve that equation simultaneously with px + qy r = 0 to obtain the
32 The Straight Line

coordinates of Q. We now proceed to do this. Since P Q is perpendicular t o p x q y r = 0 , its + +

equation is given by
9 x - PY = k,
where k is a constant to be determined. Now ( x l , y l ) lies on this line. So, 9x1 pyl = k , and the
equation of the line PQ is then given by q x - py - k = 0 , where k = 9x1 p y l . To obtain the
coordinates of Q, we shall solve the equations

px+qy+r=o (9
and, q x - py - k = 0 (ii)

simultaneously. Multiplying equation (i) by q and equation (ii) by p and subtracting gives y(pf+qf) =
- ( q r + p k ) or
y = -- + pk
p2 q2 + '

Substitution of this in (ii) yields

so that,


We can now compute d as follows:

pZx1 + q2x1 - 9k +PT] +

+ qpyi + pr
[yip2 + ylq2 + q r + pk
p2 + q2 I+ + pqxl - p2yl
p2 q2
yip2 + ylq2
using k
+ q2
= el- pyl

so that

1.4 Systems of straigh t lines 33

+ +
Forxnula ( 1 5 ) gives the perpendicular distance d of the point P ( x l , y l ) from the line px q y r = 0 .
Observe that the numerator of the right hand side of ( 1 5 ) is exactly the general form of the equation
of the line under consideration but with x, y replaced by z l , yl which are the coordinates of the
point P ( x l , y l ) whose perpendicular distance from the line is required. The denominator of the
right hand side of ( 1 5 ) is the square root of the sum of the squares of the coefficients of z and y in
Example 37
Find the perpendicular distance of ( - 2 , 3 ) from the line 4 2 - 3 y = 8.
We first rewrite the equation of the given line as 42 - 3 y -. 8 = 0 . If d denotes the perpendicular
distance of the point ( - 2 , 3 ) from this line, then by ( 1 5 ) we have
( 4 ( - 2 ) - 3 ( 3 ) - 8) ---
d= - 1 - 25)
JW a -5.

Example 38
Find the distance between the two parallel lines 12x + 5y - 7 = 0 and 122 + 5 y + 5 = 0 .
It suffices to take one point on any one of the lines and then find the perpendicular distance of this
+ +
point from the other line. Let us choose an arbitrary point on 12x 5 y 5 = 0 . We can set x = 0
and obtain 5 y 5 = 0 or y = -1. Thus ( 0 , - 1 ) lies on this line. If d denotes the perpendicular
distance of this point from 122 5 y - 7 = 0 then, by ( 1 4 ) )
l l 2 ( 0 ) + 5 ( - 1 ) - 7 1 - -12
- 12
, ~ T F - m - i 3 +
Thus, the distance between the two parallel lines is g.

1.4.4 Bisectors of angles between two non-parallel straight lines

+ + + +
Let el a l x b l y cl = 0 and t2 E a2x b2y c2 = 0 represent two non-parallel straight lines.
Then a l b 2 # a z b l . See Figure 1.26. We are interested in computing the equations of the lines which
are the bisectors of the angles between t l and t 2 .In general, there are two such bisectors. We shall
denote these bisectors as B1 and B 2 (see rig. 1.26).


FIG. 1.26
34 The Straight ~ i n e

We observe immediately that any point on the bisector of the angle between the lines e l a n d &
is equidistant from el and t2. Thus, if P ( x ,y ) is any point on this bisector, then the distance, of
+ ,+ + +
P ( z ,y) from alx bly cl = 0 equals its distance from a22 b 2 y c2 = 0. Hence, the equations
of the two bisectors are given by

These equations are equivalent to the two equations


Collecting like terms in each equation gives


Observe that these equations are the equation of straight lines provided both coefficients of x and y
do not vanish. (Show that these coefficients do not vanish since a2bl # alb2). Thus, these are the
equations of straight lines whose slopes rnl and m2 are given respectively by

ml = - *-&
and m2 = - ?**'
$+-A .*+he
Observe that

mlm2 =

so that the two bisectors are always perpendicular to each other.

Example 39
Determine the equations of the bisectors of the angle between the lines x+2y - 1 = 0 and 2x+ y + 3 =
1.4 Systems of straigh t lines 35

Let P ( x , y) be a point on a bisector of the angle between the lines x + 2 y - 1 = 0 and 2x + y + 3 = 0 .
Then, since this point is equidistant from the two lines

That is
x+2y-1=2x+y+3 and + + 2 y - 1 = - ( 2 ~ + ~ + 3 )
x-y+4=0 and 3 x + 3 y + 2 = 0 .
Thus, the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the lines x 2 y - 1 = 0 and 2 2 +y +3 = 0
x-y+4=0 and X + ~ + ~ = O .

1.4.5 Pencil of straight lines

A system of straight lines passing through a given point is called a pencil of slruighZ lines (Fig. 1.27)
and the given point is called the vertex of the pencil.

FIG. 1.27
Consider the two distinct non-parallel straight lines

and set up the equation

u klel + k2e2 = 0
where kl and k2 are not both zero. The equation is linear in x and y and so represents a straight
line. Furthermore, u vanishes at the point of intersection of the lines given by el = e2 = 0 . Thus,
the equation u = 0 represents a straight line passing through the intersection of el = 0 and e2 = 0.
Conversely, every straight line of the pencil determined by el = 0 and Z2 = 0 can be represented by
the equation clel c2e2 = 0. Furthermore,
36 The Straight Line

is a member of the pencil if a number ks exists such that kill + k212 + k313 = 0 . 1
Example 40
Obtain the equation of the straight line through the point of intersection of x + 3 y + 2 = 0 , x - 2 y - 4 =
0 and perpendicular to 51: 2 y - 9 = 0.
Any line through the intersection of x + 3 y + 2 = 0 and x - 2 y - 4 = 0 can be written in the form

where kl and k2 are constants (not both zero) to be determined. This equation can be re-written as

This line is perpendicular to 5x + 2 y - 9 = 0 if the product of their slopes is - 1 , i.e., if

it., 5(kl + k2) + 2(3kl - 2k2) = l l k l + k;! = 0 or k2 = - I l k l . Substituting for k2 in equation (i)
x+3y+2-ll(x-2y-4)=0 or 102-25y-46=0.
Thus the required equation is 103: - 25y - 46 = 0 .

Example 41
Prove that the altitudes of a triangle are concurrent.
Let the vertices of the triangle be P l ( x l , y l ) , P2(x2,y 2 ) and P3(x3, y3) (see Figure 1.28).

FIG. 1.28

Then slope of P2P3 = ( y 2 - y 3 ) / ( x 2 - 23). Equation of altitude through P l ( x 1 , y l ) is given b y

1.4 Systems of straight lines 37

Similarly, equation of the altitude through P2(x2,y2) is given by

e2 (Z - X Z ) ( X-~21) + (y - Y Z ) ( Y-~~ 1=) 0. (ii)

Also, equation of the altitude through P3(x3]y3) is given by

e3 (X - X ~ ) ( X-I 22) + (y - YS)(YI- ~ 2 =) 0. (iii)

Now, since the sum of the three equations (i), (ii) and (iii) is zero,

klel + kzl2 + kal3 = 0,

for kl = kg = kg and so e3 is a pencil of el and 12.Thus, the three altitudes are concurrent.

1.4.6 Pairs of straight lines

The general homogeneous equation of the second degree in x and y can be written as

If a # 0, completing the square of this equation in terms of x we obtain, after first multiplying by a ,

(ax + hy)' - (h2 - ab)y2 = 0,

provided h2 - ab 2'0. So, Equation (i) represents the two straight lines

ax+(h+d=)y=~ (ii)

ax + (h - d E ) y = 0. (iii)
These two straight lines clearly pass through the origin.
If a = 0, b # 0, Equation (i) may be written as

giving the two equations

y = 0 and 2hx+ by = 0
which represent two straight lines passing through the origin.
If a = 0 = b, h # 0, then Equation (i) may be written as

which yields x = 0, y = 0 as the equations of two straight lines passing through the origin.
38 The Straight Line

If b = 0, a # 0, the Equation (i) may be written as

and represents the lines x = 0 and ax + 2hy = 0.

Thus, Equation (i) always represents a pair of straight lines through the origin. Throughout
this subsection, we shall assume b # 0. It is clear from Equations (ii) and (iii) that the lines
represented by (i) are real and distinct if h2 > ab, real and coincident if h2 = ab. For h2 < ab the
equations (ii) and (iii) have no real solutions. For b # 0 Equation (i) may be expressed as

Equating coefficients we obtain

Thus the equation ax2 + 2hxy by2 = 0, b # 0, h2 2 ab represents a pair of straight lines y = m l x
and y = m2x whose slopes ml and m2 are related by Equation (iv).

1.4.7 Bisectors o f angles between line pairs

The line p a i r ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, h2 > ab

+ +
If the equation ax2 2hxy by2 = 0 represents the lines y = mix, y = m2x, then as noted in the
last subsection ml m2 = -?
and mlm2 = f . We wish t o obtain the equations of the straight
line bisectors of the angle between this line pair.
g e t el be the line y = mlx and t2 be the line y = m2x. Furthermore, let el make an angle
81 with the positive x-axis and 1 2 make an angle 82 with the positive x-axis (Figure 1.29). Then
t a n e l = rnl,tanO7.= ma.

FIG. 1.29

If 0 is the angle made by the bisector of the angle between el and L2 then 0 - el = 82 - 8 SO that
28 = 81 82. Equations of the bisectors are given by
y=xtan8, and y = x t a n ( e + - )
y-xtanB=O, and y + ~ ~ ~ 0t e =
1.4 Systems of straight lines 39

which imply

cote-tan0= -
tan 20
tan(01+ 82)
since 28 = el + 82
- 2(1 - tan el tan 02)
tan 01 t'an 02

Thus the equation of the bisectors is y2 +q x y - a:? = 0.

Example 42
Write down the equation of the line pair bisecting the angles between the line pair 4x2-xy-3y2 = 0.
T h e equation of the desired line pair is given by

Y +- h
xy - x2 = 0

where a = 4, b = -3,2h = -1, so that

is the required equation.

Example 43
Show that x - y = 0 bisects the angle between the lines 4x2 - l l x y + 4y2 = 0 and write down the
equation of the other bisector.
The equations of the bisectors of the angle between the lines 4x2 - l l x y + 4y2 = 0 is given by

where a = 4, b = 4 , 2 h = -11. Hence, the required equation becomes y2-x2 = 0 or (x-y)(x+y) = 0.

Thus, x - y = 0 is a bisector of the angle between the lines 4x2 - l l x y 4y2 = 0, and the equation
of the other bisector is x y = 0.
40 The Straight Line

Two straight lines i n general

The standard form of the general equation of the second degree is

If this equation is to represent a line pair, the left hand side must be factorizable into two linear
factors. Writing (i) as a quadratic equation in y, and solving, we obtain,

+ +
Now, y can be expressed in the form a x p if, and only if, (bx k)' - c(ax2 + 2hx + d) is a perfect
square, i.e., if, and only if,
(bk - ch)' = (b2 - ac)(k2 - cd)
or, on simplification,
c(acd + Phkb - ch2 - ak2 - db2) = 0
which yields, since c # 0,
acd + Phkb - ch2 - ak2 - db2 = 0. (ii)
This is the required condition for Equation (i) to represent a line pair. The condition (ii) can
be put in determinant form as
a b h
b c k =O. (iii)
h k d
Now, the condition (ii) was derived on the assumption that c # 0. Suppose now that c = 0
and a f 0, we still obtain condition (ii) by setting c = 0 in Equation (i) and solving for x.
If a = 0 = c and b # 0, equation (i) becomes 2bxy+2hx+2ky+d = 0 or b ~ ( 2 ~ + ~ ) + k ( 2 ~=+ $ )
0. The left hand side has linear factors only if = $, i.e., if d = q.
This is the condition (ii)
with a = 0 = c , so that in all cases (ii) is the condition for Equation (i) to represent a line pair.
E x a m p l e 44
Prove that x2 + 6xy + 9y2 + 42 + 12y - 5 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines.
Comparing the given equation with ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 + 2hx + 2ky + d = 0 we identify the following:
a=l,2b=6,~=9,2h=4,2k=12,d=-5 sothat a=l,b=3,~=9,h=2,k=6andd=-5.

a b h 1 3 2
b c k = 3 9 6=0,
h k d 2 6 - 5
since the first two rows are proportional. Hence, the given equation represents a line pair.
Alternative method:
+ + +
The given equation can be expressed as x2 (6y 4 ) r + gy2 12y - 5 = 0. Solving this equation
for x gives
x = -(3y + +
2) f ,,43y 2)2 - 9y2 - 12y 5 +
1.4 Systems of straight lines 41

This implies that x + 3 y - 5 and x + 3 y + 1 are factors of x2 + ( 6 y + 4 ) x + 9 y 2 + 12y - 5 . That is,

+ -
x2 ( 6 y + 4)x + gy2 + 12y 5 = ( x + 3 y - 5 ) ( x + 3 y + 1) = 0 and hence the given equation represents
the pair of lines x + 3 y - 5 = 0 and x + 3 y . + 1 = 0 .

Example 45
Show that 2x2 3 x y - 2y2 + 5 2 - 10y - 12 = 0 represents two perpendicular straight lines and find
their point of intersection.
To factorize this equation into the product of two linear factors we start by first factoring as follows:

We can now write

where a and /3 are constants to be determined. Expanding the right hand side we obtain

Equating coefficients we obtain

2cu - p = -10.
Solving we have a = - 3 , /3 = 4 . Hence,

and so'the given equation represents the two straight lines whose equations are

22-y-3=0 and x + 2 y + 4 = 0

y=2x-3 and y = - - x - 2
with ml = 2 and m2 = -a, where ml and ma are the slopes of the above lines respectively. Since,

the two lines are perpendicular. To find the point of intersection of the lines, we solve the equations
(i) of the lines simultaneously to obtain (g, -9)
as the point of intersection.
42 The Straight Line

Exercises 1.4

Find the angle between the lines 3 x + 3y - 7 = 0 and 4 x - 3y + 8 = 0.

Consider the equation ax + by + c = 0. Suppose b = 0 , a # 0 . Show that the equation of
the line perpendicular to this line is given by ay = k where k is an arbitrary constant to be
determined. If this line passes through ( x l ,y l ) , show that its equation is y = yl.
a. Find the equation of the line passing through (-1, -1) and perpendicular to the line
b. +
Find the equation of the line passing through ( 1 , 2 ) and parallel to the line x + y 3 = 0 .
a. Find the equation of the line passing through the intersection of the lines 22 - 3 y +7 = 0
+ + +
and x y 1 = 0 and parallel to the line 5x 7 y - 8 = 0 .
b. +
Find the equation of the line passing through the intersection of the lines 22 - 3 y 7 = 0
and x + y 1 = 0 and perpendicular to the line 52 12y = 13. +
Let A(-1, I ) , B ( 2 , 5 ) and C(-2,8) be the vertices of a triangle. Find (i) angle ABC, (ii) angle
+ + +
Show that if the lines l I : a l x bly cl = 0 and 12 : a2z + b2y c2 = 0 are parallel then
alb2 = a z b l , and if they are perpendicular then ala2 blb2 = 0 .
Use the method of this section to solve problems 7-12.
Obtaih the equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection of the
+ +
lines x y = 3 and 22 = y 5 and
(i) passes through the origin
(ii) is parallel to the line 5x - y = 4
(iii) is perpendicular to the line 7%- 5 y 2 = 0
(iv) makes angle 45O with the positive direction of the x-axis.
Show that the medians of a triangle are concurrent.
.Prove that the three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent.
+ + + +
,Prove that the straight line ( 2 t ) x ( 1 2)y = 5 72 always passes through a fixed point
whatever the value o f t and find the coordinates of this point.
+ + +
Find k such that the straight lines x - 2y - 6 = 0 , 32 y - 4 = 0 and k x 4 y k 2 = 0 are
Obtain the equation of the line through the point of intersection of x +
6y - 7 = 0 and
32 - 2y 2 = 0 and perpendicular to one of them.
Find the equations of the lines represented by the following pairs of lines
(i) 4x2 - y2 = 0
(ii) 2x2 - 5xy - 3y2 = 0
(iii) -x2 + + +y2 x 3y - 2 = 0
+ +
(iv) 3x2 x y - 2y2 - 182 17y - 21 = 0.
Form the equations which represent the following pairs of lines.
(i) y = 0 , x = 4 y
(ii) 3 2 - y = O , x + 3 y = O
(iii) y = n x , y = m x .
Calculate the angle between the two straight lines given by x2 + 2xy - 4y2 = 0 .
Show that x2 x y - gy2 - x - 8 y - 2 = 0 represents a line pair and calculate their angle of
+ + +
Prove that the line pair x2 4 x y y2 = 0 and the straight line y = x k form an equilateral
triangle for all k .
1.4 Systems d ~ t r a i g h lines
t 43

18 Show that the two line pairs lox2 + 8xy + y2 = 0 and 5x2 + 12xy + 6~~ = 0 contain the same
19 a. Prove that the area of the triangle whose vertices are the points (0, O), (xl, yl), (x2, y2)
is 3 1 ~ 1 -~ 222~11.
b. If 0 is the origin, and if the line 1x + m y = 1 meets the pair of lines whose joint equation
is ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 in P ( x l , yl) and Q(x2,y2), prove that the area of the triangle
O P Q is
d m
)am2- 2hlm + bP1'
20 From a point Q(p,q) perpendiculars Q M , Q N are drawn to the straight lines given by the
equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0. Prove that if 0 is the origin of coordinates, the area of the
triangle O M N is
(aq2 - 2hpq + bq2)(h2 ab)lI2
(a - b)2 + 4h2

Miscellaneous Exercises
1 Prove that the triangle with vertices A(-1, I), B(3,3) and C ( l , -1) is isosceles
2 Find the coordinates of the point which divides the straight line segment joining the two points
A(-1,l) and B(3,3) internally in the ratio 3 : 1.
3 Two vertices of an equilateral triangle are (0,2) and (0,6). Obtain the possible coordinates of
the third vertex.
4 Let A(l, 2), B(-1, 1) and P(x, y) be such that P A = k P B where k is some constant. Find
the relationship between x and y. What is the nature of the locus of P when k = l ? Simplify
your relationship for this case.
5 Given that the triangle ABC with vertices A(-1, -I), B(3,2) and C(a, -2) is right angled
find all possible values of a.
6 A point P(x, y) moves so that its distance from A(O,3) is equal to its distance from the x-axis.
Find the relation between x and y.
7 Find the area of the triangle with vertices A(-1, l ) , B(3,3) and C(1, -1).

9 Find the area of the quadrilateral with vertices (2, I), (-2,3), (-3, -1) and (1, -2).
10 a. Find the equation of the line passing through (-1,2) and perpendicular to the line
x 2y = 3.
b. +
Find the equation of the line passing through ( 2 , l ) and parallel to the line 22 y = 1.
11 Find the angles of the triangle with vertices A(-1,2), B(0, -1) and C ( 3 , l ) .
12 Obtain the equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection of the
(i) is parallel to the straight line 4x - y = 7 ,
(ii) passes through (1, l ) ,
(iii) is perpendicular to the straight line 42 + y = 5,
(iv) makes angle of 30° with the positive y-axis.
13 Show that the bisectors of the angles of a triangle are concurrent.
44 The Straight Line

14 Find the equations of the lines represented by the following pairs of lines:
( i ) x y 3x - 2y = 6 , , .
+ +
(ii) x2 - y2 4 x 4 = 0,
(iii) 2x2 + 3 x y - 2y2 - x 3y - 1 = 0 .
15 + + +
Find the angle between the two straight lines given by 18x2 18y2 45xy 9y - 2 = 0.
16 +
Prove that y2 - 4 x y + x2 - 10y + 8x 13 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines. Find their
point of intersection and the angle between them.
17 + + +
If the lines ax2 2hxy by2 = 0 meet the line qx py = pq in points which are equidistant
from the origin, prove that h(p2 - q 2 ) = pq(b a ) .
18 Show that the equation 3x2-4xy-4y2+14x+12y-5 = 0 represents twostraight lines, and find
the combined equation of the bisectors of the angle between them. Hint Set x = 8-1, y = 1+2.
19 + + + + 5,
Prove that x2 y2 2xy sin cr 2ax cos cr a2 = 0, for all values of cr # f represents a pair
of straight lines and show that the locus of their point of intersection is the curve x2 y2 = a2.
Hint: A 2 B2 = 0 c4 A =i 0 and B = 0.
Coordinate Geometry of the
2.1 General equation of a circle
If a point moves, subject to certain restrictions, the path it traces out is called its locus. The locus of
a point which moves such that it is always the same distance from a fixed point is called a CIRCLE.
The fixed point is called the centre of the circle and the constant distance its radius. Our interest
in this chapter is the study of the properties of circles.
Suppose the centre of a circle has coordinates (a, b) and the circle has radius r . Let (x, y) be
the coordinates of an arbitrary point on the circle. Since the distance of (2, y) from the centre of the
circle must be equal to r , using the formula (1) of Chapter 1 for the distance between two points,
we have,

Equation (1) is the standard form of the equation of a circle with centre (a, b), radius r . It gives
both the coordinates of the centre and the radius of the circle. As an immediate consequence of this,
if (a, b), the centre of the circle is the origin, its equation becomes

Expanding the standard form, we obtain

This last form is usually written as

where h = -a, k = -b and d = h2 + k2 - r 2 . If the equation of the circle is given in this form, then
by completing squares, we obtain

so that by (1) the coordinates of the centre are (-h, -k) and the radius is given by

r = d-, provided h2 + k2 - d 2 0.
Example 1
Find the centre and radius of the circle whose equation is given by 3x2 + 3y2 - 6x + 9y - 1 = 0.
46 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

We first divide the given equation by 3. Thus, we have,

Comparing this equation with equation (3), we see that, 2h = -2,2k = 3 and d = -;
so that
h = -1, k = %.Thus, the centre of the circle is given by (-h, -k) = (I,-%), and.the radius by
r = ,/h2 + k2 - d = J(-l)2 + (-$)2 - (-4)
= fi.
We could complete squares to get

and deduce immediately that the centre is the point (1, -q) and the radius r is fi,as before.
Example 2
+ +
Does the equation 5x2 + 5y2 - 102 69 25 = 0 represent a circle? Justify your answer.
We complete squares in the given equation. Before we do this, however, we must first make the
coefficients of x2 and y2 unity. Thus, we obtain, .

which yields, on completing squares,

which does not represent a circle since r = flis not a real number.
We could compare the given equation with the general equation (3). Before we do this, we must
again make the coefficients of x2 and y2 unity to obtain,

and comparing this equation with (3) yields h = -1, k = -:and d = 5 and this yields

so that the condition h2 + k2 - d > 0 is not satisfied. Hence, the given equation does not represent
a circle.
2.2 Circles satisfying given conditions 47

Exercises 2.1
1 Show that each of the following equations represents a circle. Find its centre and radius.
(i) 4x2 4y2 - 32 - 8y - 1 = 0
+ +
(ii) x2 y2 - 42 - 6y 9 = 0
+ +
(iii) 5x2 5y2 - lox 6y - 1 = 0
+ +
(iv) 3x2 3y2 6x - 27y = 2
(v) z2 - 22 = 4y- y2,
2 Does each of the following equations represent a circle? Justify your answer.
(i) x 2 + y 2 + x - y + 3 = 0
+ + +
(ii) 2x2 3y2 42 - 6y 3 = 0
(iii) (x - + +
= 2 (y 3)2
+ +
(iv) x2 y2 - x y = 8.

2.2 Circles satisfying given conditions

2.2.1 Circle t h r o u g h t h r e e given p o i n t s

Given three points in a plane, there may or may not be a circle that passes through them. If the
points are not collinear then such a circle exists. The equation of the circle may be obtained using
any of the following properties of the circle as shown in the example below.
(i) The three points must satisfy the general equation (3) for some values of h , k and d.
(ii) The centre of the circle is equidistant from the three points.
(iii) The desired circle is the circumcircle of the triangle with the the given points as vertices.
If the points are collinear then no such circle exists (suggest why not).
Example 3
Obtain the equation of the circle through the three points A(2,6), B(4, -2) and C(-2,2).
Method 1
We may start by writing the general equation of the circle as

If we can find the values of h, k and d then we know the required equation of the circle. If we
could obtain three simultaneous equations in the three unknowns then we would be able t o find
their values. We may use the fact that since the three given points lie on the required circle, the
coordinates of these points must satisfy the equation of the circle. In particular, the point (2,6) lies
+ + +
on the circle implies, 22 62 2h(2) 2k(6) d = 0 or +

Similarly, using the fact that (4, -2) and (-2,2) lie on the required circle we have the following two
8h-4k+d=-20 (ii)
-.4h + 4k + d = -8. (iii)
48 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

We now solve the three equations (i), (ii) and (iii) simultaneously to obtain h, k and d. For example,
to get rid of d we observe that
(i) - (ii) : -4h + lt3k = -20 @I
(ii) - (iii) : 12h - 8k = -12 (v)
To eliminate h from (iv) and (v) we have:

(iv) x 3 :
(v) is:
Adding: 40k=-72, so k = - -
Substitution in (iv) yields:

Substitute in (iii) to get

-4(-F) +4(-i) +d=-8

so that

Therefore, the required equation of the circle is

5x2 + 5y2 - 222 - 18$ - 48 = 0.
Me-lhod 2
Let K(-h, -k) denote the centre of the required circle. In this method we use the fact that the
centre is equidistant from the points A, B and C. Now

- h + 4 k = -5

h+k=-4 (vii)
2.2 Circles satisfying given conditions 49

Solving equations (vi) and (vii) simultaneously we obtain, by adding both equations,

Substitution in (vii) yields h = - y.

Hence the centre of the required circle is (-h, - k ) = ( F ,g).
We now use this centre with A, B or C to compute the radius of the circle. If r denotes the radius
of this circle, using the point A, we obtain,

If now P ( x , y) is an arbitrary point on the circle, we have that the distance of P from li' is r2,i.e.,
IPIr'I2= r2 or

( x - ;)'+ (Y- = (2- F)~+ (6- :)2

which, on simplification, yields the equation of the required circle as

Method 3
For a third method of finding the equation of a circle passing through three given points, see Exercises
2.2, problem 9.

2.2.2 Equation of a circle on a given diameter

Given the end-points PI,Pz of a diameter of a circle we can determine the equation of the circle by
observing that
(i) the centre of the circle is the mid-point of PIP2and the radius is 3 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1
(ii) if P is any point on the circumference then PlPP2is a right angle (the diameter subtends a
right angle at the centre) as illustrated in the following examples.
Example 4
Find the equation of the circle with PIP2 as diameter where PI (- 1,2) and P2 (2, -3).
Method 1
The centre of the circle is
The radius is '
(T, v)( h ,-a).
1 1
-,/(-I - 2)2
+ (2 - (-3))2 = -6.
If P(x, y) is any point on the circle then

which simplifies t o
50 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

as the required equation of the circle.

Method 2
Let P ( x ,y) be any point on the circle. Then,

slope of PP2 = -.Y - 2 -

slope of PP2 = y + 3
x + 1' 2-2'
For perpendicularity of PPl and PP2.

SO ( y- 2 ) (+
~ 3) + ( x + 1 ) ( x - 2) = 0 which simplifies to yield
~ ~ + ~ ~ - x + y - 8 = 0
as the required equation of the circle.

Exercises 2.2
Obtain the equation of the circle through the three points A(1,3),B(2, - 1 ) and C ( - 1 , l ) .
Given the circle x 2 + y2 - 22 + 4y = 0 find the equation of its diameter which passes through
the origin.
+ + -
Find the point which is diametrically opposite t o ( 2 , l )on the circle xa y2 - 32 5y 4 = 0.
Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points A(1,4) and B(3,7) and has
the centre on the x-axis.
[Hint: The centre of the required circle lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB.]
Find the equation of the circle which passes through the origin and the point A(1, -5) and
whose centre lies on the straight line 32 - y = 11
Show that the locus of the midpoint of the line
+ + +
joining the origin to the circle x2 ya 4x
4y+4c = 0 , c < 2, is also a circle and determine
the centre and the radius.
[Hint: If M(h, k) is a typical midpoint then
P(2h,2k) lies on the given circle. See Figure

FIG. 2.1
Find the equation of the circle which passes through the origin and cuts off intercepts of 3 and
-2 on the x- and y-axis respectively.
Find the equation of the circle with ( - 1 , 3 ) and (5,7) as the ends of a diameter.
Obtain the equation of the circle through the points A(-1, - l ) , B(2,4) and C ( - 2 , 8 ) .
[The following hint gives a third method: Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of
AB. Call it el = 0. Next, find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of BC (or C A ) . Call
it 4 2 = 0. Solve el = 0 and 4 = 0 simultaneously to obtain the centre of the desired circle.
If the coordinates of this centre are K ( h , k), compute the radius of the circle by computing
IKAI, (KBI or IKCI. The required equation of the circle can now be written down.]
2.3 Intersection of circle ai.18line 51

10 Obtain the equation of the circle with PlP2 as diameter where PI = (21, yl) and P 2 = (22, y2).
2.3 Intersection of circle and line
Let us consider the problem of determining the points of intersection of a circle and a line which
passes through a given point (xo,yo). Except for the case of lines parallel to the y-axis, the line
through the point (so, yo) is of the form

We shall treat the case of lines parallel to the y-axis separately. To find the points of intersection of
the line through (zo,yo) given by equation (4) and the circle

we solve the two equations (4) and (5) simultaneously. We have chosen the circle with centre (0,O)
for convenience.
- + +
Substitution of m(x zo) yo for y in (5) yields z2 [m(z XO) yoI2 = r2 or - +

This is a quadratic equation in x. It may have two real roots (corresponding to the points of
intersection of the line and the circle); or no real root (corresponding to the case where the line
does not intersect the circle); or two coincident roots (in this case the line is called a tangent to the
circle). See Figure 2.2a,b,c.

a. Equation (6) has two r e d roots b. Equation (6) has no real mots

c. Equalion (6) has two coincident mots

FIG. 2.2
52 Coordinate Geometry o f the Circle

2.3.1 Tangents to a circle

In the case above when the line ( 4 ) is tangent to wie circle (5) the discriminant of the quadratic in
(6) vanishes, that is,
[2m(y0 - mxo)I2 = 4(1 + m 2 ) [ ( y o- mzo)' - r 2 ]

Equation ( 7 ) is a quadratic equation in m for determining the slopes of the two possible tangents
to the circle ( 5 ) passing through the point ( x o ,yo). If A denotes the discriminant of this quadratic
equation, then
A = 4 x i y ; - 4 ( r 2 - x i ) ( r 2 - y;) = 4 r 2 ( x i - r2).
For A > O or > r2 there are two distinct roots of ( 7 ) ,namely [ - x o y o f r JGim/
(r2- x i ) . Note that x i + y: > r 2 implies that the point ( x o ,yo) is outside the circle. In this case
there are two distinct tanvnta. The equations of these tangents are given by

-XoYo f T
r2 - y;
( x - xo) +~yo.
For A = 0, x i + = r2 there are two equal roots and hence only one tangent. In this case
the point ( 2 0 , yo) is on the circle and

The equation of the tangent is

y = --(x-xo)+ yo

The expression X ~ X y l y - r* is olten denoted by T indicating its relationship with tangent. For
the more general form of the equation of the circle, namely

the corresponding expression is

For A < 0, x i Yi< r2 there is no real root and hence no tangent. Here the point is inside
the circle.
Observe that if in equation ( 7 ) x i = r2, then (7) is no longer a quadratic in m but a linear
equat'ion which has one root for m. In this case, one of the tangents cannot be written in the form
( 4 ) . The other tangent may be of the type we excluded at the beginning; namely, a line parallel to
the y-axis. Let us determine if this is the case.
A line parallel t o the y-axis and passing through the point ( x o, yo) has the equation
2.3 Intersection of circle and line 53

This line intersects the circle z2 + yZ = r Z at the points where z$ + y2 = r2. That is,

d m )
For the line to be a tangent the two points of intersection ( x o , and ( z o l -d-) must
coincide. That is d q = - d G g or r2 - x i = 0 or r 2 = 28. This is the condition obtained
above; and the equation of the tangent is x = xo.
Note that for the special case when (zo,2(o)is on the circle, yo = O and the equation (7) is
therefore valid here,
Example 5
Obtain the point of intersection of the straight line 32 - y + 5 = 0 and the circle z 2 + y2 = 25.
To obtain the point of intersection of the line and the circle, we solve the two equations simultane-
- + + +
ously. R o m 32 y 5 = 0 we obtain y = 32 5. Substitute this in x2 y2 = 25 to obtain

+ +
i.e., 102' 302 = 0 or z(z 3) = 0 so that x s 0 or -3. Using y = 3 x + 5 we obtain y = 5 or -4.
Thus, the points of intersection are ( 0 , 5 ) and (-3, -4).

Example 6
Obtain the equations of the tangents through ( - 2 , l l ) to the circle x2 + y2 = 25.
The equation of a line through ( - 2 , l l ) with gradient m is given by y - 11 = m(z 2 ) i.e., y =
+ + + + + +
mz 2m 11. This intercepts the circle t 2 y2 = 25 where x2 ( m x 2 m 11)2 = 25 or

This equation has two coincident roots for x if and only if

Thus m = -8or T.Substitution of these values in the equation y = m x + 2 m + 11 gives the

equations of the tangents as

4 x +- 3 y - 25 = 0 and 242 - 7 y + 125 = 0.

Disisru melhod
Let the eqqotiop of tbe reqvired Lsngeato be or + bp + c = 0. We will use the fact that the distance
from the centre of a circle to a tangent is the radius. From the result ( 1 5 ) of Subsection 1.4.3 the
+ +
distance from the centre (0,O) to the line ax by c = 0 is c / d m . Thus we have
54 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle
.. , .-,',
Since (-2,ll) lies on the tangent we have


Solvinq equations (i) and (ii) simultaneously we obtain


Substituting into (ii) we have

2 5 a 4
-- c 125 a 24
for-=- and ---- for - = --
b - 3 h 3 b - 7 b 7'
Therefore, as before, the equations of the tangents are

42 + 3y - 25 = 0 and 242 - 7y + 125 = 0.

Example 7
Find the equation of the two tangents from (4, -2) to the circle x2 - 22 + y2 - 8 = 0.
The line
y=m(x-4)-2 (*I
passes through the point (4, -2). This line intersects the circle x2 - 22 + y2 - 8 = 0 where x2 - 2x +
[m(x - 4) - 2j2 - 8 = 0 or

This equation has two coincident roots if and only if

that is m = &. Thus we have one tangent line of the form (*) namely

The other tangent is a line parallel to the y-axis through the given point; i.e.,

Distance method
We first determine the center and radius of the circle. To do this we complete the squares in equation
x2 - 2x + Y2 - 8 = 0 to get (z- + Y2 = 32. Thus the circle has centre (1,O) and radius 3. Let
2.3 Intersection of circle and line 55

the equation of the tangent be ax + by + c = 0. The distance of the centre to this line is the radius
and hence
,la(') + b(o) + 1' = 3 or ( a + c ) 2 = 9(.2 + b2)
d m

Since ( 4 , -2) lies on the line
4a-2b+c=0. (ii)

Eliminating c from equations (i) and (ii) we obtain

Simplifying this and solving gives

b=0 or b = - -
5 a.
Substituting into (ii) we have
c=-4a or c = - -
5 a.
Consequently ax + by + c = 0 becomes

as before.

Alternative method
We now develop an alternative method for calculating the equations of the pair of tangents from an
external point to a circle. Let P ( x l ,y l ) be the given point outside the circle x2 -ty2 = r 2 (Figure

FIG. 2.3
We want to find the equations of the two tangents which can be drawn from P ( x 1 , y l ) to the
circle x2 Y 2 = r 2 . Draw any line through P cutting the circle at A and B. Let Q ( x , y) be any
5 6 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

point on this line and suppose the circle divides the line PQ a t the point A in the ration k :1; The
coordinates of A are then
k x X I k y yl +
The point A lies on the circle x 2 + y 2 = r2. Therefore,

This quadratic in k has two roots corresponding to the points of intersection of the line and the
circle. For the line to be a tangent to the circle, the two roots will be coincident. Hence,

If we set f ( x ,y) = x 2 + y2 - r2 then the equations of the two tangents that can be drawn from the
point P ( x 1 , yl) to the circle x 2 y 2 - r 2 = 0 is given by

Example 8
Find the equations of the two tangents from (3,-2) to the circle x 2 + y2 - 9 = 0.
The equations of the two tangents are given by (9); namely,

where ( x l ,yl) = (3,-2) and f(x, y) = x 2 y 2 - 9 ; r2 = 9. NOW,f(x1, y1) = 3 2 + (-2)' - 9 = 4 ,
and xxl yyl - r 2 3 2 - 2 y - 9. Hence, the required equations ate given by

so that,
4 x 2 + 4Y2 - 36 = 9 x 2 - 1 2 x y + 4 y 2 - 5 4 2 + 36y + 8 1

Factorizing gives
( 5 2 - 12y - 39)(x - 3) = 0,
and the required equations of the two tangents are:
x - 3 = 0 and 5 x - 12y - 3 9 = 0.
2.3 Intersection of circle and line 57

Length d t a n g e n t s from an external point t o a circle

Consider the circle S whose equation is given by x2 + y2 + 2hx 2ky + d = 0, with centre (-h, -k)
and radius r given by r = d h 2 k2 - d. Let P ( T , .yl) be any point outdde the circle, S (Figure

Let Q1 and Q2 denote the points of contact of the tangent drawn from P ( x l , yl) t o the circle,
S. We are interested in finding the lengths IPQl], lPQal of the line segments P Q l and P Q 2 . Now,
by Pythagoras theorem,

Thus, the equare of the length of a tangent from a point ( a l , yl) to a circle is obtained by the
eubetituiion of the coordinates of the point in the equatiop of the circle, provided that the coefficients
of z2 and y3 have been made unity.
Example 9
Find the length of the tangent drawn from P(-3,O) to the circle 3x2 + 3y2 - 122 - 4y - 4 = 0.
Let t denote the length of this tangent. Making the coefficients of x2 and y2 unity in the given
equation, we obtain

This circle has centre C(2, i)and radius 9(Figure 2.5).

FIG. 3.3
58 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle



Note that the use of the formula derived above on (i) givcs

so that t = fias before.

The normal t o a circle at a point Pl(x;, yl) on the circle is thc line perpendicular to the tangent to
the circle at P l ( x l , yl).
+ + + +
Consider the circle S given by S x2 y2 2hx 2ky d = 0 with the point P l ( x l , yl) on
S. Now the tangent to the circle at any point on the circle is perpendicular to the radial line from
that point. See Figure 2.4. Therefore, the normal to the circle at any point is an extension of the
radial line to the point. The centre of the circle S is (-h, -k) and the slope of the radial line from
Pl(x1,yl) is
1 -- - Yl +k
21 - (-h) - XI +h'
Thus, the equation of the normal to S at P l ( x l , yl) is given by

Multiplying out and collecting terms in x and y we have

Example 10
Find the equation cif the normal to the circle xa y2 - 42 - 4y - 5 = 0 at the point (0,5).
We complete the squares of the given equation for the circle to obtain (x - 2)2 (y - 2)2 = 13. The
centre of the given circle is (2,2). The normal at (0,5) is the line passing through the two points
(2,2) and (0,5). The slope of this line is given by = -:. Thus, the equation of the normal is
2.3 Intersection of' circle and line 59

We can first differentiate the given equation of the circle implicitly to find the 2. Thus,

At (0,5), =2 & = which is the slope of the tangent to the circle at (0,5). Thus, the slope of
thc normal at (0,5) = -:and the equation of this normal is given by
y - 5 = --(x -0) or 3 x + 2 y - 10 = 0,
as before.

Example 11
Find the equation of the normal to the circle x2 + y2 = 16 at the point (-4,O).
'I'll(-:normal passes through the point (-4,O) and also through the centre of the circle which is (0,O).
'I'lms, the equation of the normal is the equalion of the line passing through the two points (-4,O)
and (0,O). The slope of this h e is = 0. Hence, the equation of llris normal is given by

Differentiating x2 + y2 = 16 implicitly, we obtain

Since the normal is perpendicular to the tangent, its slope is t. At (-4, O), 2= = 0, and the
equation of the normal at (-4,O) is then given by
y - 0 = 0(x + 4) or y = 0,
as before.

2.3.3 Chord of contact

Given a circle anu a point f outside the circle we have seen that there are two tangents that can
be drawn from the point to the circle. The cl~ordof the circle joining the two points of contact is
called the chord of contact of the tangents. See figure 2.6.

FIG. 2.6
60 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle derive the equation of the line containing the chord of contact of the tangents through the
point P ( x l , gl) to the circle xa y2 = r2;
Let PB and P C be the two tangents from P to the circle, where the coordinates of B and C
are (x2,y2) and (x3, m) respectively (see Figure 2.6). Now the equation of P C in Figure 2.6 (since
+ -
PC ie a tangent t o x2 y2 ra = 0 a t C(x3, y3)) is given by

and the equation of P B is given by


Since (21, yl) lies on P B and atso lies on PC, equations (i) and (ii) become (respectively)


R o m (iii) and (iv) we see that (xa, ya) and (xs, ys) lie on the line

Hence, the equation of the line containing the chord of contact B C of the two tangents from P ( x l , yl)
t o the circle x2 ya = rz is

x x l + yyl = r2.

It is not difficult to deduce that with respect to the equation x2 + y2 + 2hx + 2ky + d = 0, thb
chord of contact with respect to the point Pl(xl, yl) is given by

Given a circle and a point P the polar of the point with respect t o the circle is the locus of
points of intersection of the tangents at the ends of chords of the circle passing through the point.
This point ie called the pole of the locus.
To determine the equation of the polar of the point P ( x l , yl) with respect to the circle x2+y2 =
r2,let (x*,y*) be any point on it. See Figure 2.7 for the three cases where the point P is (i) outside
the circle, (ii) on the circle and (iii) inside the circle. The equation of the line containing the chord
of contact is
2.3 . Intersection ad line , 61

FIG. 2.7
By definition the line passes through P. Therefore

This shows that (x*,y*) and thus any point on the polar satisfies the equation

It is interesting to note that the equation xlx yly = r 2 represents
(i) the equation of the tangent to the circle x2 y2 = r2 at a point (XI,yl) on the circle,
(ii) the equation of the chord of contact of tangent to the circle x2 y2 = r2 from a point P(x!, yl)
outside the circle and
(iii) the equation of the polar of P ( x l , yl) with respect ot the circle za + y2 = r2.
Observe that cases (i) and (ii) are special cases of (iii).
Example 12
+ +
Let the straight line 5x - 39 + 1 = 0 intersect the circle x2 y2 - x v -- 2 = 0 at the points A and
B. Obtain the coordinates of the point of intersection of the tangente to the circle at A and B.
62 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

(A sketch is given in Figure 2.8).

FIG. 2.8
The centre of the given circle is (I, -$) and the radius is4.
Let Pl(x1,yl) be the desired
point of intersection of the two tangents. Now, the equation of the chord of contact of the two
tangents from P l ( x l ,yl) to the given circle is given by

This represents the same straight line as 52 - 3 y + 1 = 0. Hence, their corresponding coefficients
must be proportional. Therefore
x1-5 1
y 1 + 5 1 - - p1 1 + 4 y 1 - 2
-- -
5 -3 1
Solving the simultaneous equations involved yields ( X I ,yl) = (-2,l).

Example 13
If the chord of contact of the pair of tangents from a point P to the circle x 2 y 2 = a 2 always
touches the circle x 2 y 2 - 2 a x = 0, show that the locus of P is the curve,given by y2 = a(a - 22).
A sketch is given in Figure 2.9.

FIG. 2.9
2.3 ' Intersectiorl of tircle and line 63

Let P ( x l ,y l ) . The circle x 2 + y2 - 2ax = 0 has centre ( a , 0 ) and radius a. Now, equation
of the chord of contact from P to x 2 + y2 = a2 is given by
xxl + yyl = a 2 . (9
Since this chord is a tangent to the circle

x2 + y2 - 2ax = 0, (ii)

then the distance of the centre of (ii) to the line (i) must be equal to the radius of (ii). Thus,

so that

+ +
or x ; - 2axl a2 = x: y:. Thus y? = a ( a - 2x1). But ( x l ,y l ) is a variable point. So, the locus of
P is given by y2 = a(a - 2 x ) , as desired.

Exercises 2.3
Find the coordinates of the centroid of the triangle formed by 3x2+2xy-y2 = 0 and 3x+y-2 =
[HintThe straight line pair passes through the origin.]
Obtain the equations of the tangents to the circle x 2 y2 = 10 which are parallel to the line
y = 3x 7.
Obtain the equations of the tangents through the point ( 1 , 3 ) to the circle x 2 y2 = 5.+
If y = m x + 5 is a tangent to the circle x 2 + y2 = 5 , obtain the values of m.
+ +
Find the condition that y = me c will intersect the circle x 2 y2 = r 2 at two distinct real
Let the line y = m x + c cut the circle x 2 + y2 = r 2 at two points P and Q. Show that the
length of the chord PQ is 2
Obtain the length of the tangents from the origin to the circle x 2 + y2 + 2x - 4 y + 4 = 0 .
Calculate the length of the tangents from ( 5 , 1 2 ) to the circle 2x2 + 2y2 = 69.
Find the equations of the tangents from ( 2 , -3) to the circle x 2 + y2 + 6z - 4 y + 8 = 0 .
Show that the pair of tangents from ( - 1 , 3 ) to the circle x2+y2 = 5 are mutually perpendicular.
Find the equations of the two straight lines which pass through the intersection of x - y +2 =
0 , 2x - y 3 = 0 and are at a distance of from the point ( 1 , l ) .
Find the equation of the tangent to the circle x 2 + y2 = 7 at the point ( 0 ,a)on the circle.
Find the equation of the tangent t o the circle x 2 + y2 - 4 x - 6 y + 3 = 0 at the point ( 1 , 6 ) on
the circle.
64 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

14 +
Obtain the chord of contact of the tangents to the circle x2 y2 = 5 from the point (-5, -5)
'and hence determine the equations of the tangents from (-5, -5) t o the circle.
15 + +
Find the chord ,of contact of the tangents to the circle x2 y2 - 42 - 6 y 3 = 0 from the
+ +
origin and hence prove that the equation of the tangents is x2 12xy 6y2 = 0 .
16 + + + +
Prove that the chords of contact of the tangents to the circle x2 y2 2hx 2ky d = 0 from
the origin and ( h ,k ) are parallel.
17 Obtain the coordinates of the points of contact of the tangents from (2,O) to the circle x2 +

2.4 Systems of Circles

2.4.1 Orthogonal circles

Let S1= 0 and S2 = 0 be two circles and suppose the circles intersect a t A and B (see Figure 2.10).

FIG. 2.10
Let el = 0 represent the equation of the tangent to the circle S1= 0 at A, and l2 = 0 represent the
equation of the tangent t o the circle S2 = 0 atA. The angle 0 between the two circles (Figure 2.10) is
defined as the angle between the two tangents. F'rom geometry we can prove that the angles a t the
two intersections are equal. If the two tangents el = 0 and l 2= 0 are perpendicular, the circles are
called orthogonal. Observe that in this case the tangent to one circle passes through the centre of
the other. To see this, observe that if 0 = 90° (Figure 2.11) then l l = 0 is perpendicular to l2 = 0 . '
Since el = 0 represents the tangent to S1 = 0 at A, any line perpendicular t o el = 0 a t A must pass
through the centre of S1 = 0 . In particular, if the circles are orthogonal, t2 = 0 must pass through
the centre of S1 = 0 . Similarly, l l = 0 must pass through the centre of S2 = 0 .

FIG. 2.11
Consider the two circles given by

~ 1 = x ~ + y ~ + 2 h z + 2 k y + d = 0and ~ ~ + ~ ~ + 2 h ' x + 2 k ' ~ + d = 0 .

We want to find a condition for the two circles to be orthogonal. Let the two circles intersect a t P
and Q. If the circles are orthogonal then the tangent to one circle passes through the centre of the
The centre of S1 = 0 is A ( - h , - k ) and the radius is given by rl = d h 2 k 2 - d. Similarly, +
the centre of S2 is B ( - h ' , - k l ) and its radius is given by 1-2 = dh12 kI2 - d'. If the circles intersect
orthogonally, then triangle P A B is right-angled at P , and so 1ABI2 = I P B ~ ~ IpAI2 which yields+
( h - h')2 + ( k - k1)2 = r: + r; +
or ( h - h1)2 ( k - L ' ) ~= ( h 2 + k 2 - d ) + hI2 + kI2 - d'
so that
h 2 - 2hh1+ hI2 + k 2 - 2 k k 1 + kI2 = h 2 + k 2 - d + h I 2 + k r 2 - d'
(11) [
2hh1 2kk1 = d d' + + I
This is the required condition for the orthogonality of the two circles S1 = 0 and S2 = 0.
Remark 2.1
Suppose that the condition
2hh' + 2kk1 = d + d'
is satisfied. Add h 2 + hI2 + k 2 + kI2 to both sides of this equation to obtain
h 2 + hI2 + k 2 + kI2 + 2hh1 + 2kk1 = h 2 + hI2 + k 2 + kI2 + d + dl
which may be rearranged to give
( h - h')2 + ( k - k1)2 = ( h 2 + k 2 - d ) + hI2 + kI2 - d'

We have thus shown that

(i) if the circles are orthogonal then condition ( 1 1 ) must be satisfied, and
(ii) if condition ( 1 1 ) is satisfied then the circles must be orthogonal.
Condition ( 1 1 ) is therefore necessary and sufficient for orthogonality of S1 = 0 and S2 = 0.
Example 14
A circle passes through K ( a , b) and cuts orthogonally the circle x 2 + y2 + 2 h x + 2 k y + d = 0. Prove
that the centre lies on the line 2(a + h ) x + 2(b + k ) y = a2 + b2 - d.
A sketch is given in Figure 2.12.

FIG. 2.12
66 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

Let the equation of the required circle be given by

with centre ( - h i , - k t ) . This circle passes through K ( a , b) and so the coordinates of Ii must satisfy
the equation of the circle. Thus, we have,

which yields
+ 2bk' = -d' - a2 - b2.
If the two circles r u t orthogonally we have 2hh1 + 2kk1 = d + di from which we obtain dl = 2hh1 +
2kk' - d . Substitution of d' in (i) yields

Since the centre of the required circle is ( - h i , - k t ) , it follows from (ii) that this centre satisfies the
+ + +
2(a h)x 2(b k ) y = a2 b2 - d , +
as required.

Example 15
Find the condition for the chord of contact of tangents from a point P to the circle x2 y2 = r 2 to+
subtend a right angle a t the origin. Also find the locus of the points of intersection of perpendicular
tangents to the circle x2 y2 = r 2 .
A sketch will be helpful and is given in Figure 2.13.

FIG. 2.13
The chord of contact is given by the line segment R Q , where the tangents from P(x1,yl) to the
circle meet the circle a t R and Q . Observe that angle O R P = 90° and angle O Q P = 90' so that
2.4 Systems of Circles 67

lORl = lQPl = r and lOQl = lRPl = r and thus ORPQ is a square. Thus, the required condition
is that the length of the tangent from P ( x l ,yl) to the circle x2 y2 = r2 is equal to the radius of
+ -
the circle, i.e., lPQI = r or I P Q ~ ~ = r2 or x: Y: r2 = r2 which reduces to

as the required condition.

Since the coordinates ( x l ,y l ) of the point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the circle
+ +
x2 y2 = r2 satisfy the equation z 2 y2 = 2r2 and this equation is independent of the points on
t,he circle at which the tangents are drawn, it follows that the locus of the points of intersection of
perpendicular tangents to the circle x2 y2 = r2 is given by x2 y2 = 2r2. +

Example 16
Prove that the midpoints of those chords of the circle x2 y2+2hx+2ky+d = 0 which pass through
+ +
a point P(x1,yl) lie on the circle ( x - x l ) ( x h ) (y - y l ) ( y + k ) = 0.
A sketch is given in Figure 2.14.

FIG. 2.14
Let a typical midpoint of one of the chords passing through P l ( x l ,yl) be denoted by M ( Z , Let a).
I<(-h, -k) denote the centre of the given circle. Then K1M is perpendicular to MPl for any M .

Gradientof K M = - and Gradientof MPl = -


Since K M is perpendicular to MPl we have,

which implies that the midpoints lie on the circle

(X + h ) ( x - 2 1 ) + ( Y + k ) ( y - Y I ) = 0,
as required.

68 Codrdinate Geometry of the Circle

2.4.2 Radical axis of two circles

Let P ( x l , yl) be a fixed point in the plane. Suppose that a line through P meets a circle a t A and
B as shown in Figure 2.15.

FIG. 2.15
The product of the directed distances P A , P B is always a constant and is called the power
of the point, P , with respect to the circle. To verify this we shall use the parametric form of the
equation of the line P A B . Let the circle be represented by

The parametric equations of the straight line P A B are given by

where 0 is the inclination of the line to the positive direction of the x-axis. Substituting these
equations in the equation of the circle we obtain,
(xl + t cos e)2 + (yl + t sin e)2 + 2h(x1 + t cw e) + 2k(yl + t sine) + d = o
+ + + +
t 2 2t[(xl h) cog0 (yl k)sinO] X: + + +
y: +
2hxl +2kyl d = 0. +
This is a quadratic equation in t and if t1 and t z are the roots of this equation, then t l and t 2
correspond to the distances JPAI and IPBI so that ltlt21 = IPAl. IPBI. F'rom the theory of roots of
quadratic equations we obtain immediately that

Note that lPAl . lPBl is a constant and for the special case of the tangent (A and B coincide) we
recover the square of the length of the tangent derived earlier.
Remark 2.2
The power of P (i.e., lPAl . IPB[) is positive or negative according as P is outside or inside the
circle. See Figure 2.16 for P inside the circle, where P A and P B are necessarily drawn in opposite
directions. If P lies on the circle then 1 PA1 . 1 PBl = 0, and in this case the power of P is zero.

FIG. 2.16
2.4 Systems of Circles 69

Consider the two circles given by S1 = 0 and S2 = 0, and let P ( x l ,y l ) be a point in the plane.

FIG. 2.17
Suppose a straight line from P intersects S1 = 0 at A and B , and another straight line from P
intersects Sz = 0 at Q and R as in Figure 2.17. It may turn out that the powers of P with respect
to the two circles are equal.
Suppose P(x1, yl) is any point whose powers with respect to the two circles

are equal. Let a straight line from P intersect S1 = 0 at A and B and, another straight line from P
intersect S2 = 0 at Q and R. Since the powers of P with respect t o S1 = 0 and Sz = 0 are equal,
we must have lPA19(PBI = ( P Q l .IPR(. But

J P Q J. lPRl= x: + y: + 2hrx1 + 2kry1 + dl
so that ) P A /. J P B l = IPQl . [PRl implies

which reduces t o
2(h - hl)xl + 2(k - k l ) y l+ d - dl = 0.
Thus, P ( x l ,y l ) lies on the straight line given by

We may write this equation simply as

S, - S2 = 0.
If we can locate all points in the plane such that their powers with respect to the two circles
are equal, the locus of all such points is called the radical axis'of the two circles. More formally, we
have the following definition.
DEFINITIONThe straight line which is the locus of all points P in the plane such that their
powers with respect to two circles are equal is called the radical axis of the two circles.
70 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

Example 17
Let S1 = 0 and Sz = 0 be two circles which intersect at A and B and let P be a point on the line
B A produced (see Figure 2.18).

FIG. 2.18
Then it is clear that lPAl lPBl is the same for both circles and so the power of P with respect t o
the two circles is the same. So, P lies on the radical axis of the two circles. It is easy t o see that
the radical axis of the two circles is, in fact, the straight line B A produced, i.e., the common chord
of the two circles.

R,emark 2.3
If SI = 0 and Sz = 0 are two circles, the radical axis is always perpendicular to thc 1i;e joining
the centres of the two circles. For, from equation ( I ) , gradient of the radical axis is-%
and the
gradient of the line of centres is H.
R.emark 2.4
If the two circles t o w h , it then follows that their radical axis is the common tangent a t the point of
T h e concept of radical axis will be useful in the next subsection.

2.4.3 Coaxial circles

If a system of circles is such that the radical axis of one pair is the same as that of any other pair,
then the circles are said t o form a coaxial system.
Example 18
All circles that pass through two fixed points A and B have the line segment A B as their common
chord, and so all such circles form a coaxial system. See Figure 2.19.
' 4 Radical axis

Line of centres

FIG. 2.19

Example 19
All circles that touch at one point form a coaxial system with their colnmon tangent as their radical
axis. See Figure 2.20.

1 Radicalaxis

Line of

FIG. 2.20
We have remarked that the radical axis of two circles is perpendicular to the line joining the centres
of the two circles. It then follows that the centres of the circles of a coaxial system lie on a straight
Suppose now we take as z-axis the line of centres and as y-axis the common radical axis for
a coaxial system. Then the equations of any two circles of the system may be taken as (since the
y-coordinate of the centre of each circle is zero).

Then the radical axis is given by S1- S2= 0, i.e., 2(hl - h2)x dl - d2 = 0. If the radical axis is
the y-axis, then its x-component is zero. This implies, from the above equation, that dl - d2 = 0 or
dl = dz. Thus, the equation
for varying X and constant d, represents a coaxial system of circles with centres on Ox,and with
radical axis as Oy.
72 Cuordinate Geometry of the Circle

Exercises 2.4
Use the methods of this section to solve the following problems.
1 Write down the equation of the circle through the origin whose centre is ( a ,b). Prove that the
tangent at the origin is ax by = 0.
[Hint Use the fact that tangent is perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact.]
2 +
If ax by = c touches x2 + y2 = r 2 , find its point of contact.
[Hint The equation xxl + yyl = r 2 and ax by = c are the same line if 2 = 9 = -;ra.I
3 +
Show that the chord of the circle x2 y2 = ra whose midpoint is M ( x l , yl) has equation
2x1 yy1 = x? y;.+
[Hint If N is any point of tlrc required chord and 0 is the centre of the given circle then O M
is perpendicular to M N . ]
4 Find theequation of the circle orthogonal to x2+y2+4x-4y-2 = 0 and x2+y2+2x-2y-1 = 0,
and whose centre lies on the line 22 39 - 2 = 0.
5 + + - +
Find the equation of the circle orthogonal to xa y2 62 7 = 0 , x2 y2 = 1 and x2 y2 + -
42 4y - 5 = 0.

2.5 Equations of the forms S + AL = O; S + AS' = 0


For all values of A, consider the equation


This is written compactly as


which represents a circle provided

sinct ,
(i) the coefficients of x2 and y2 are the same
(ii) there is no term in xy
(iii) the equation is a quadratic in x and y.
The equation S AL = 0 represents the equation of the circle passing through the intersection
of S = 0 and L = 0.
Next let
2.5 Equations of the forms S + AL = 0; S + AS' = 0 73

For all values of A # -1, consider the equation S + AS' = 0. This is written explicitly as

(1 + A)x2 + (1 + A)y2 + 2(h + Ah')x + 2(k + Akl)y + d + Ad' = 0,
which represents a circle for A # -1. The equation S + AS' = 0 represents the equation of any
circle passing through the points of intersection of the circles S = 0 and S = 0, where A is t o be
determined. Observe that if A = -1 then S + AS' = 0 reduces to S - S' = 0 which is no longer the
equation of a circle, but that of the radical axis of the two circles.
Several examples given below can be solved by some techniques studied earlier. We shall,
however, use the methods established in this section to solve them.
Example 20
Find the equation of the circle passing through the points A(x1, yl), B(x2, y2) and C ( X ~y3).
, See
Figure 2.21.

FIG. 2.21

First, find the equation of the line AB. Call it L = 0. Next, find the equation of the circle with AB
as diameter. Call it S = 0. Then S+ AL = 0 represents the equation of a circle passing through A B
since A and B are the points of intersection of L = 0 and S = 0. Finally, use the fact that C(x3, ga)
must lie on the circle S + AL = 0 (and therefore must satisfy this equation) to find the value of A.
For a specific example, let us find the equation of a circle passing through the points A(2,6),
B(4, -2) and C(-2,2). Now, slope of AB = = -4. Therefore, equation of A B is given by

Set L 42 + y - 14 = 0. Equation of the circle with AB as diameter is given by

Set S x2 + y2 - 62 - 4y - 4 = 0. Then, the required equation is of the form S + AL = 0 for some

constant A. Now S + AL = 0 implies,

The point C(-2,2) lies on this circle and therefore the coordinates of C must satisfy this equation.
(-2)' + - +
(2)' - 6(-2) - 4(2) 4 A(-8 + 2 - 14) = 0
74 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle

or 8 - 20X = 0 so that X = g. Thus, the required equation is given by

Example 21
Find the equation of the circle with the chord of intersection of S r x2 y2 + 42 - 2 y + 2 = 0 and
the line L z x - y + 1 = 0 as diameter.
Any circle passing through the points of intersection of S = 0 and L = 0 has an equation of the
form S + XL = 0, i.e.,
~~+y~+4x-2~+2+X(x-~+1)=0, (9
where X has to be determined. See Figurt, 2.22.

L =0

L, X

Required circle with AB as diameter

FIG. 2.22
T h e centre of the required circle lies on AB. But the centre of the required circle is (from (i))
given by

Since this lies on the line AB (i.e., on x - y + 1 = 0) we must have

We can now solve for X to obtain X = -2 and substitute in (i) to get

as the desired equation.

2.5 Equations of the forms S + XL = 0 ; S + AS' = 0 75

Example 22
The circle x2 + y2 + 2x - 4 y - 11 = 0 and 'the line x - y + 1 = 0 intersect at A and B. Find the
equation of the circle through A, B orthogonal to the given circle.
Any circle through the intersection of the circle and the line is given by

For this circle to be orthogonal to the given circle we must have

or X = -16. So, the required equation is given by

Miscellaneous Exercises
+ +
Find the values of k which makes the straight line 3x 4 y k = 0 a diameter of the circle
+ + +
x2 y2 8 x 6 y + c = 0 for all c .
+ +
Find the equation of the circle on the intersection of x2 y2 = 25 and x y = 4 as the ends
of a diameter.
Find the circumcircle of the triangle formed by the three straight lines 2 2 y - 2 . = 0 ,
The straight line y = m x + c cuts off a chord of length 2X from the circle x2 y2 = a 2 . Show
that c2 = ( a 2 - X2)(1 m 2 ) .
Find the equations of the two circles of radius fi with their centres on the x-axis which touch
+ +
the line x y 1 = 0 .
+ + +
Find the value of b if the equation 2x2 - 5 x y 2 ~ ' - 7 2 l l y b = 0 represents two
straight lines. For this value of b show that the two lines intersect at a point on the circle
x2 y 2 - 122 + 6 y + 20 = 0 , and find the equation of the tangent to the circle a t this point.
The circles x2 + y2 + y - 4 = 0 ; x2 + y2 - 31: - 5 y + 2 = 0 are two members of a coaxial system;
the circle x2 + y2 - y - 2 = 0 is a member of another coaxial system, of which the radical is
the line x + y - 1 = 0 . Show that the two systems have a common circle and find its equation.
The tangents drawn from a point P on the x-axis to the circle x2+ y2 - 2 a x + 2 a - 1 = 0 , ( a > 1 )
touch the circle a t Q and R. Prove that the point P can be found such that QR subtends a
right angle at the origin only if a 2 + fi.
Find the values of X and p for the equation Xy(3x-y)+py(3x+y-6)+(3x-y)(3x+y-6) = 0to
represent a circle. Hence, find the circumcircle of the triangle OAB whose sides OA, O B , AB
have the equations y = 0 , y = 3 x , 3x + y = 6 respectively. Obtain also the coordinates of the
centre of the circle which cuts this circle orthogonally at 0 and A.
76 Coordinate Geometry of the Circle r l
.,j '
10 Obtain the equation(s) of the pair of tangents which can be drawn from the origin t o the e i h
+ + + +
x2 y2 82 6y 21 = 0, and calculate the angle between them.
11 P is a point which moves such that its distance from S(a,O) is k times its distance from
+ +
S1(-a, 0). Show that the locus of P is the circle x2 y2 - 2Xax a2 = 0, where X =
(1 k2)/(1 - k2), k # 1. (This circle is called the circle of Appolonius).
12 Obtain the equation of the circumcircle of the triangle whose sides have the equations 22 y = +
13 +
A circle whose centre lies on the line 4y = x 7 cuts the z-axis in points where x = 2 and
x = 6. Find the equation of this circle. Show that the circle does not cut the y-axis in real
14 + = +
If the circle S xa y2 + 6y - 16 = 0 and the straight line L x 2y - 4 = 0 intersect a t A
and B , obtain the equation of the circle which is orthogonal to 5 ' at A and B.
15 + +
Prove that the condition for the line lx my n = 0 t o be a tangent t o the circle (x a)2 - +
+ +
(y - b)2 = r2 is that (la mb n)2 = r2(12 m2). +
[Hint: The line is a tangent to the circle if the distance of the centre of the circle from the line
is equal to the radius of the circle.]
16 + +
Write down the equation of the polar of the point P ( a , b) with respect to the circle x2 y2
2Xx c = 0, and show that, if b # 0, then for every value of X the polar passes through a fixed
point P*, find the coordinates of P*. Show that the circle on PP* as diameter is orthogonal
to every circle of the given coaxial system.
17 + +
Find the equation of the circle with the chord of intersection of S x2 + y2 2hx 2ky + d = 0
+ +
and the line L l z my n = 0 as diameter.
18 + + +
The circle S G r 2 + y2 2hx + 2ky d = 0 and the line L lx + my n = 0 intersect a t A
and B. Find the equation of the circle through A and B orthogonal to the given circle.
Conic Sections
3.1 Introduction
After the straight line and circle, the conic sections (popularly known as "conics" for short) are
the next geometric curves in order of complexity. Their equations are of the second degree in two
variables, namely

where the coefficients/parameters a , b, c, dl e, f are all real numbers with a t least one of a, b and c
non-zero. The study of the conics was motivated primarily by the fact that they are the paths traced
out by one planet moving near another (for example, earth round sun, moon round earth, Harley's
comet) or even an electron moving round a nucleus.
In spite of this association with celestial mechanics, the conics acquired their generic name
"conic sectionsJJfro111:I more mundane consideration. Take two right circular cones and place them
tip to tip so that their :)yes are colliriear as in Figure 3.1.

FIG. 3.1 Two cones placed tip to I ip with axes collinear

Now take any plane that intersects t h cones. In general, the cross-sectional view of the cut shows a
curve. Depending on the position of tlw intersecting plane, the curve will be a parabola, an ellipse,
a hyperbola or a point. These various c.iluations are illustrated in Figure 3.2 (i) to (iv). In other
positions the cross-sectional figure may be a circle, line or two intersecting lines. Because each conic
can be generated by ;I hcction or cut thronch cones, they art' called "conic sections".

(i) Ellips. (ii) Point,

78 Conic Srctions

(111) Paral)ola
FIG. 3.2 Some coliic sections

3.2 T h e Conic as a Locus

We shall obtain the equation of each of the conic sections in a "standard" form beginning from a
common definition of these conics as loci traced out by moving points.

3.2.1 Definition and Examples

In order to obtain an equation for a conic we need a characteristic geometric property of the conic
which can then be expressed in algebraic terms.
DEFINITION 3.1 A conic section is the curve traced out by a point P which moves 271 a plane
in such a way that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point F to its distance from a fixed line (not
containing F ) is a constant.
The fixed point F is called its focus, the fixed line its directrix and the constant ratio its
eccentricity. The eccentricity is usually denoted by the letter e.
Example 1
Find the equation of the conic section with focus at the point ( - 1 , 2 ) and eccentricity e = if its
directrix is the line 3a: + 4 y = 13.
Let P(x,y ) be a point on the conic. \Ve use ( E , q ) initially to avoid any possible confusion with ( x ,9)
in 3x 4y = 13, the equation of the directrix. Srr Figure 3.3.

FIG. 3.3
3.2 The Conic a s a Locus 79

Distance of P from focus = lPFl = J ( [ + 1 ) 2 + (1) - 2)2

Distance of P from directric = ( P K (=
134 + . 4 -
~ 131 - - 13E + 4q - 131
dFTT2 5
But J P F J= e l P K l , therefore (PFI2= e2(PK(' ie.,

+ + 1 + v2 - 471 + 4) = 2(9t2+ 16772+ 24tq - 78E - 1041) + 169)
5(e2 2E

Using x , y instead of E , q we have

Example 2
Find the equation of the conic with directrix y = 22 + 3, its focus at the point ( 1 , l ) and which
passes through the point ( 3 , 2 ) .
We do not know the eccentricity of the conic. Let it be e. Suppose the point P ( x ,y) lies on the
conic, then

Since the conic passes through the point ( 3 , 2 ) ,we have


Hence the conic has the equation

which upon simplifying gives

80 Conic Sections

Example 3
Find the equation of a conic which has the line y = 22 + 3 as directrix, has its focus on y = x,
e = 5/7 and passes through the point (3,2).
The only unknown is the focus which lies on the line y = x. Thus its x and y coordinates are equal.
Suppose, therefore, that the focus has the coordinates ( a , a ) . Then
(2 - a ) 2 + (y - or (x -a)=+ ( y - a ) 2 = -(2x
- +3)?

Since it passes through the point (3,2) we have that

Simplifying gives a2- 5 a + 4 = 0. Therefore ( a - l ) ( a - 4) = 0. Hence a = 1 or 4.

a = 1 gives the conic
29x2 + 44y2 + 20xy - 1582 - 68y + 53 = 0.
of our Example 2.

which simplifies to
29x2 + 44y2 + 20xy - 4522 - 362y + 1523 = 0.

Exercises 3.2.1
Obtain the equation of the conic satisfying the following conditions.
1 +
Directrix 22 - y 1 = 0, focus (O,O), eccentricity e = ;.
2 Directrix x + y + 4 = 0, focus (1,I), ecceiitricity e = 1.
3 +
Directrix 3x - 4y 5 = 0, focus (0, -1)) eccentricity e = 2.
4 Directrix y = 4, focus (1,2), eccentricity e = $.
5 Directrix y = 1, e = 1, focus lies on the line x = 2 while the conic passes through the point
(5,O .
- 6 e = 3/5, the directrix is y = 9;
focus lies on x = 4 and conic passes through the point (4,8).
7 Directrix is the y-axis, focus at (c, 0) and eccentricity is e.

3.2.2 Standard Forms for Conics

It turns out that to sketch the above conics and any other conic, it is generally more convenient
to write them in a form in which there is no cross product, xy, term. This is achieved by using a
special set of axes-those parallel and perpendicular to the directrix.
3.2 The Conic aa a Eocus 01

Let the directrix be the y-axis and let the x-axis pass through the focus (see Figure 3.4).
Suppose the focus is at the point ( c ,0). The point P ( x , y) lies on the conic with y-axis as directrix,
F as focus and eccentricity e if


FIG. 3.4
To put equation ( 2 ) into standard form we need to complete squares.
Case I: 1 - e2 # 0
Divide equation ( 2 ) by 1 - e2 t o obtain

so that

a. If 1 - e2 > 0 i.e. e2 < 1 or 0 < e < 1 ( e > 0 by definition), putting

82 Conic Sections

so that

, equation (3) becomes

Fkom (4a) the focus .is now the point

One further simplification can be made. Let X = x - a l e and Y = y. Then equation (6a) becomes

b2=a2(1-e2) and O<e<l.
This is the standard equation of an ellipse.
b. If 1 - e2 < 0 i.e. e2 > 1, equation (3) becomes


so that

By (9), the focus is at the point

Once again with new ( X , Y) axes where x + a / e = X and y = Y we obtain the form

b2 = a2(e2 1) and e > 1.
3.2 The Conic as a Locus 83

This is the standard equation of a hyperbola.

Case II: If 1 - e2 = 0,equation (2) reduces to

Putting $ c = a yields

So that the focus is at the point

(13b) ( c , 0) = (2a,0).
in the new axes Y)where X = x - a,Y = y,equation (12) becomes

where e = 1. This is the standard equation of a parabola.

DEFINITION 3.2F o r the standard equations of a n ellipse a n d a hyperbola, t h e point X = 0,Y=
0 i s called t h e centre of t h e conic. It i s called t h e vertex in t h e parabola.
Example 4
By putting the following conics in standard form determine the type of each conic. Find the coor-
dinates of the centre or. vertex of the conic as applicable.
+ + +
(i) 4x2 3y2- 162 6y 7 = 0,
(ii) 12x2 - By2 12x + 24y = 21,
(iii) 4y2 - 32 - 8y + 10 = 0.
+ +
(i) 4x2 + 3y2 - 162 Gy 7 = 0.
Rearrange and complete squares of the x and y parts;

4(x2 - 42) + 3(y2 + 2y) = -7

4(x - 2
' + 3(y + = -7 + 4(-2)' + 3(1)' = 12.
4(x - 2)2 3(y + 1)2 = 1
12 + 12

This is equivalent to

with X = x - 2 and Y = y + 1. This is therefore an ellipse with centre at the point X = 0, Y = 0;

that is, x - 2 = 0 and y 1 = 0 or at (2,-1).
84 Conic Sections

(ii) 12x2 - By2 122 24y = 21.+
12(x2 x) - 8(y2 - 3y) = 21.
Complete squares we have

1 2 ( ~ + $ )-~8 ( y - t ) 2 = 1 or (x +-
f)2 - (y - ;)2
- =1
6 6 2 4
which is equivalent t o

with X = x + and Y = y - ;. Therefore, the equation represents a hyperbola with centre (-+, i).
(iii) 4y2 - 32 - 8y 10 = 0.
4y2 - 8y = 32 - 10 since there is no term in x2.
i.e. 4(y2 - 2y) = 3x - 10.
Therefore by completing squares we have

which yields
(y - 1)2 = -(x - 2).
This is in the standard form
y 2 =-X
with X = x - 2 and Y = y - 1. It therefore represents a parabola with vertex a t ( 2 , l ) .
Remark 3.1
Note that in completing squares and in defining X and Y the coefficients of x and y must each be
made unity. Thus we always have X = x - a ,Y = y - /3 for some real numbers a,/3.

Exercises 3.2.2
P u t the following conics into standard form and determine the type of each conic. Find also the
coordinates of the centre or vertex as appropriate.
1 12x2 + 8y2 + 12x - 24y + 15 = 0 2 +
4x2 - 3Y2 6x - 16y - 19 = 0

9 + +
Show that the line y = m x c intercepts the ellipse $ $ = 1 only if c2 5 b2 a2rn2 +
for all m. If (5,jj) are the coordinates of the midpoint of the chord of the ellipse, show that
m a z y b25 = 0.
3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Conics 85

10 Show that the midpoint ( 2 , y ) of focal chords of the parabola y2 = 4ax lie on another parabola.
What is the equation of t h ~ ssecond parabola?
11 How would you use the definition of a parabola to construct one?
12 Use parametric methods to prove
(i) IPFi I 1PFll = 20 for the ellipse $ + $ = 1. and
(ii) IIPFi I - IPFzjj = 2a for the hyperbola - $ = 1.

3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Conics

In this section we shall learn how to sketch each of the conic sections using its equation in the standard
form given by equation (7), (11) or (14). We shall also identify the positions of the directrix and
focus of each conic in terms of the new variables (X, Y) of these equations. First, however, we shall
derive the meaning of these new variables.

3.3.1 Translation of Axes

Think of a coordinate system Oxy as two sticks which cross at right angles at the origin 0 at which
s e we move this rigid frame about in the plane.
point the sticks are rigidly fixed together. S ~ ~ p p onow
Figure 3.5 illustrates the types of motion pos.;ible.


a. Translation alone . ltotatio~~alone

0t 0'

c. Rotation aird trailslation

FIG. 3.5 Possible motions of a rigid coordinate frame
A new position of the rigid frame is shown as O'x'y'. In Figure 3.5a the origin is moved but the
arms of the frame do not turn or rotate. This is called translation and the two axes Oxy,O'x'y.' are
said to be parallel. When the origin is not moved so that only the arms turn, we have a rotation as
86 Conic Sections

in Figure 3.5b. The most general type of motion is shown in Figure 3 . 5 ~and is a combination of
rotation and translation.
Let Oxy be a coordinate system (see Figure 3.6) and the points 0',P have coordinates ( a , @ ,
(x, y) respectively.

Zone3 Zone2 Zone 1

0' (a$)zone(j
Zone 4 Zone 5

Zone 7

FIG. 3.6
We shall show that the new variables ( X , Y ) where X = x - a and Y = y - P are the coordinates
of the point P relative t o a set of parallel coordinate axes OIXY with origin at 0'.
Consider then the two sets of parallel coordinate axes Oxy, O'XY with origins at 0,01respec-
tively. The Ox, O'X axes are parallel and so are the Oy, OIY axes. These axes divide the plane into
nine regions or zones as shown in Figure 3.6.


x axis
0 ' x *B
FIG. 3.7 'I'ranslation of axes

Suppose P is any point in Zone 1 of the plane. Let the coordii~at~es of P relative to Ozy be (x, y)
and relative to OIXY be ( X , Y). Let the perpendicular from P to the z-axis cut the O'X-axis a t A
and the Ox-axis at B. See Figure 3.7. By definition O'A = X and O B = x. If the Y-axis cuts the
+ +
x-axis at C , then O C = a. From Figure 3.7, O B = O C C B . Thus x = a X or X = z - a. I n
a similar way we can see that Y = y - p. It may be verified that when P lies in any of the ot,hcr
zones, X and Y are still given in magnitude and direction by these formulae. Thus the coordinates
(2, y), ( X , Y) of any point relative to parallel axes are given by

where ( a , p ) are the coordinates of the origin of the XY-axes relative to that of the xy-axes.
3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Conics 87

We see therefore that the standard equations (7), (11) and (14) of the conics are in terms of
parallel axes through their centres (ellipse and hyperbola) or vertex (parabola).
Example 5
Find the equation of the curve
(i) +
2x 3y = 7 (ii) +
2x2 - 3Y2 x - y 4 = 0+
in terms of the variables ( X , Y) of a parallel coordinate system through the point (-1,2).
For parallel axes through (cr,P), X = x - Q , Y . = y - ,@. Here = (-1,2). Therefore, X =
x+l,Y =y-2sothatx=XX1,y=Y+2.
(i) Replace x , y in the equation using 3: = X - 1,y = Y 2. Therefore 2x + 3y = 7 becomes
+ + +
2(X - 1) 3(Y 2) = 7. This reduces to 2X 3Y = 7 2 - 6 = 3. +
+ +
(ii) By the same substitution, 2x2 - 3y2 x - y 4 = 0 becomes 2(X - 1)2 - 3(Y 2)2 + + (X -
+ +
1) - (Y 2) 4 = 0 which after simplification reduces to 2X2 - 3Y2 - 3X - 13Y - 9 = 0.

3.3.2 The Parabola

By (12) to (14), the equation of the parabola in stanrlianl T;lrr)~ ii

(i) The parabola passes through the origin (0,O) of the X-Y plane.
(ii) Y2 >_ 0 j a X 2 0. Therefore X 2 0 for a > 0 and X 5 0 for a < 0. Thus the parabola lies
only on one side of the Y-axis, depending on the sign of a .
(iii) As a x + +co,Y2 -+ co, thus Y + f c o . The parabola goes off to plus or minus infinity and
is open in one direction. See Figure 3.8.
(iv) If Y -is replaced by -Y in the equation of the parabola, (*), that equation remains unchanged.
This shows that for each X , both ( X , Y) and ( X , -Y) lie on the curve. Hence the parabola is
symmetric about the X-axis. Where are the focus and the directrix of the parabola in terms
of our standard variables ( X ,Y)? First, the focus.

FIG. 3.8 Sketch of the parabola in standard form

I IDirectdx
(v) From (13b) the.focus of the parabola is a t (2a10) in the z-y coordinates. I11 the new XY-axes
this is Y = y = 0, X = x a = 2a - a = a . Thus the focus is at the point ( a ,0) in the X-Y
coordinate system as located in Figure 3.8 (i) and (ii).
88 Conic Sections

(vi) To locate the directrix we note that the directrix is the y-axis whose equation is x = 0. In the
new coordinate system X = r - a and the equation x = 0 becomes X = 0 - 0 = -0. Thus the
directrix now has the equation X = -a. R'ote that the focus and the directrix are on opposite
sides of the origin (See Figure 3.8).
Example 6
Sketch the curves (i) Y2 = % X (ii) X 2 = 2Y. In each case find the coordinates of the focus
and the equation of the directrix.
(i) 4a = i. Therefore a = & > 0. This is like figure 3.8(i). The directrix has the equation
X = -a = -& and the focus is at ( a g o )= ($,0).
(ii) X 2 - 2Y + X 2 = 4aY. Thus 4a = 2, so that a = > 0. However, the roles of X- and Y-axis
are interchanged. Y 0 and X -+ f oo (there is symmetry about the Y-axis) The parabola now
opens upwards since y 0. The directrix is given by Y = -a = -h. See Figure 3.9.

FIG. 3.9 Thc ~ ~ ; l r ; ~ bXo 2l a= 2Y

3.3.3 The Ellipse

By equation (4) to (7) the equation of the ellipse in standard form is

where b2 = a2(1- e2) and 0 < e < 1. Its centre is at the point X = 0,Y = 0, the origin of the X-Y
(i) Y = 0 =+ X 2 = a2 i.e., X = f a , intercepts on X-axis.
X = 0 =+ Y2 = b2, Y = f b, intercepts on Y-axis.
.. X 2 Y2 Y
(11) ; ; i - = l - - b.2 -
>O+-<li.e., IYlSb.
b2 -
Similarly IX I 5 a. Hence the ellipse lies entirely within the rectangle -a 5 X 5 a, -b 5 Y 5 b
and is a closed curve.
(iii) Since replacing X by -X in the equation of the ellipse in standard form does not alter that
equation then for each Y both (-X,Y) and ( X , Y ) lie on the ellipse. Hence the ellipse is
symmetric about the Y-axis. Similarly it is also symmetric about the X-axis.
(iv) As 0 < e < li $ = 1- e2 < 1. Therefore b < a. thus the length of the intercept on the X-axis
is greater than that on the Y-axis. The X-axis is called the major axis and the Y-axis is called
the minor axis of the ellipse. The ellipse with X-axis as major axis is sketched in Figure 3.10a.
3.3 Geometry md Sketches of the Conics 89

By convention the letter a in the standard formula always represents the length of the intercept
on the major axis. Where the ellipse intercepts the major axis is called a vertex of the ellipse.

-a a
* X


a. rriajor axis is X-axis b. major axis is Y-axis
FIG. 3.10 Sketch of ellipse in standard form
In our Example 4(i) of Subsection 3.2.2 we have

Since 4 > 3, the Y-axis ia the major axis (with an intercept of length 2) and thus we write the
eauation as

Such a conic is illustrated in Figure 3.10b. Its vertices are a t (0, f a ) .

(v) We note that the directrix is the y-axis whose equation is x = 0. In the new coordinate system
X = x - f and the equation of the directrix becomes X = -%. By the symmetry of the
ellipee about the Y-axis, there are two directrices each a t the same distance f from the centre
and perpendicular to the major axis of the ellipse (Fig. 3.11). Their equations are therefore
X = & f . Note that % > a since e < 1.
(vi) To locate the focus of the ellipse we note that by equation 3.6b the coordinates of the focus are
(q, 0). In the new X, Y-cordinates these become Y = y = 0, X = x - 7a = 4 1 - ee a ) g =
-ae. Again by symmetry about the Y-axis there are two foci a t ( f ae, 0). Since 0 < e < 1,ae <
a and the foci are inside the ellipse and on the major axis (See Fig. 3.11).

FIG. 3.11 Sketch of ellipse with foci and directrices

:\ Directrix
90 Conic Sections

Example 7
Sketch the ellipse
X2 Y2 , P Y 2
(i) -+-=I (ii) -+ - = 1
25 16 3 4
Find the coordinates of the foci and vertices and t h e equations of the directrices.

5 g,
(i) Here a2 = 25, b' = 16. Therefore b' = a 2 ( 1- e 2 ) implies t h a t e2 = 1 - = 1 - = &. T h u s
e = T h e X-axis is the major axis. T h e foci are therefore a t (rtae, 0) = (f3 . 0 ) = (f3,O). T h e
vertices are (fa,O) = ( k 5 , O ) . T h e equations of the directrices are X = k:, i.e., X = k ? . T h e
sketch is as in Figure 3.10a or 3.11.
X2 Y2
(ii) - 3
+- 4
= 1.
H e r e a 2 = 4,b2 = 3 s o that e2 = 1 - 5 = 1 - $ = i. Thuse = a.a e = 2 . 3 = 1' e = 2 / 4 = 4 .
Therefore since the major axis is the Y-axis, the foci are on it a t the points ( 0 , k a e ) = ( 0 ,k l ) . T h e
vertices have coordinates ( 0 ,& a ) = ( 0 ,k 2 ) . Also the equations of the directrices are Y = k t = k 4 .
T h e sketch is as in Fig. 3.10b.
Finally, we derive a result which gives a second geometric characterization of the ellipse.
Example 8
x2 Y 2
For any point P on the ellipse - + - = 1 , a > b, show that the sum of its distances froin the two
a2 b2
foci Fl and F2 is equal t o 2a, the length of t h e major axis; that is,

x 2 y2
Consider the ellipse - + - = 1. Let Fl(-ae,O), F 2 ( a e , 0 ) be its foci and P ( x , y ) any point on the
a2 b?

FIG. 3.12
Draw the line ICPL through P and perpendicular t o the directrices x = f % (see Figure 3.12).
T h e coordinates of K, L are (-2, y ) and ( f ,y ) respectively. Therefore IPIi'1 = x .: But IPFlI =
e ( x + f ) = ex+a. Also l P L l = f - x andsince (PF21= elPLl we have t h a t (PF21= e ( % - x ) = a - e x .
Adding both results we have that J P F l J IPF2[ = 2a.
3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Conics 91

This property gives a simple method of drawing an ellipse. Fix two pins (the foci) on paper
and pass a closed loop of thread round the pins. The length of the loop should be greater than the
distance between the pins. Use a pencil or pen to pull the loop taut. Then trace out the locus of all
points thus obtained.
If in the equation of an ellipse in standard form, we set a = b, that equation reduces to
X 2 y2 = a2 which is easily recognizable as the equation of a circle centre (0,O) in the XY-axes
and radius equal to a. Also b2 = a2(1- e2) becomes 1 = 1 e2, so that e = 0. Hence a circle is an
cllipse of eccentricity zero.
How is it physically possible to have eccentricity zero? Recall that e is the ratio8 of the distance
to the focus and the distance to the directrix. To make this ratio vanishingly small it is sufficient t o
make the denominator large. This is achieved by putting the directrix far away (indeed the distance
from the centre of an ellipse to the direcrtix is and this becomes large as e -t 0). The effect of a

b becomes smaller till as e + 1 b

two ellipses shown.
positive eccentricity is to squash the circle invrards along the Y-axis (see Fig. 3.12). As e increases
0. In Fig. 3.13 0 < e l < e2 < 1 and therefore b2 < bl for the

ellipse (q > 01

3ellipse (c2 z q

FIG. 3.13 Ellipse as squashed circle

3.3.4 The Hyperbola

By equations (8) to ( l l ) , the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola is

where b2 = a2(e2- 1) and e > 1.

(i) Y = 0 * X 2 = a 2 , i.e., X = f a intercepts on X-axis.
X =0 Y2 = -b2. Thus there is no intercept on the Y-axis.
(ii) Replacing X by -X or Y by -Y does not alter the equation of the hyperbola. Therefore it is
symmetrical about both the X-axis and the Y-axis.
(iii) > >
= $ - 1 0 3 x22 a2 i.e., 1x1 a. Thus all points of the hyperbola lie outside the
range -a < X < a .
(iv) As X , Y + k m $, become large compared with 1. Thus = $ - 1 r; for large
values of X . Hence w f +. The two lines
92 Conic Sections

are called asymptotes of the hypcsrbola. Clearly since = - 1, then IY 1 < :1 1 1x1so that
the'hyperbola lies between the asymptotes (See Figure 3.14).

FIG. 3.14 Sketch of hyperbola in standard form

(v) The directrix of the hyperbola is the y-axis and its equation is x = 0. In the new X Y coordin
system this has the equation

Similarly the focus is a t the point (a(*), 0). This then becomes

= ae > a since e > 1 and Y = y = 0.


By symmetry the hyperbola has two foci at (fa e , 0) and two directrices with equations X = fa
(See Figure 3.14).
Note that by conventior~c is associated with the variable having the positive coefficient. The
foci also lie on this axis which is called the axis of the hyperbola. A point where the hyperbola
intersects this axis is called a vertex of the hyperbola.
Example 9
Sketch the hyperbolae
X 2 Y2
(i) - 1- T = 1
H 3
In each case find the coordinates of the foci and vertices and the equations of the asymptotes and
directrices. .
3, -
(i) a 2 = b2 = $. Since b2 = a 2 ( e 2 1) we have that

e = fi and ac = E =ifi.
3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Cpnics 93

0)and (fa,0) = (f$,0) respectively.

The foci and vertices are at (fae,0)= (&id,

The asymptotes are Y , Y = &fix.

= f t ~i.e.,
The directrices are the straight lines X = f: = f a = f-&. This hyperbola is similar to the
one in Figure 3.14.

Here the Y-axis is the axis of the hyperbola. a2 = 4, b2 = 5 and therefore e2 = 1 +5

=1 + 9
= a.
Hence e = i. Since ae = 2 . = 3, the foci are at (0, f ae) = (0,f 3). The vertices are a t
fa)= (0,
(0, f2).
The asymptotes of $ - $ = 1 are the equations Y = f i x obtained by replacing 1 by zero in
the equation of the conic. Thus the asymptotes have the equations Y = f fix = &AX. The
directrices are perpendicular to the axis of the conic at a distance f = & 3
= 2 x = $. Hence the
equations of the directrices are Y = f. Figure 3.15 illustrates this hyperbola which has the Y-axis
a s its axis.

FIG. 3.15 Hyperbola 7- $ = 1

The hyperbola also has the property that it is the locus of all points P such that the magnitude
of the difference between the distances from the two foci Fl and F2 is a constant. We now prove
Example 10
Let P ( z ,y) be any point on the hyperbola $ - $ = 1 with its foci'at Fl(-ae,O)
and F2(ae,0).
(see Figure 3.16). Then IIPFl I - IPFzII = 'L'lr

FIG. 3.16
94 Conic Sections
_ _.- _--r -
Let K L P be the line through- P parallell6 the x-axis (Figure 3.16). The coordinates af K,L are
(-$, y) and (%,y) respectively. Therefore I P K ) = x .: But IPFII = elPK1 since P lies on the
hyperbola. Thus IPFl(= e ( x + f ) = e x + a . Similarly lPL( = x - t
and IPF2(= e(PLI = e(x- t ) =
ex - a. Thus IPFll - (PF2J = 2a. By taking P on the left hand arm of the hyperbola, we similarly
obtain I PF2(- IPFl I = 20. Therefore I(PFlI - JPF2JI= 2a.

FIG. 3.17
This property can be used to construct the hyperbola. Take two fixed points (the foci) a
distance 2a 2ro apart where a , r o are arbitrarily chosen (see Figure 3.17). With F2 as centre and
radius ro draw a circle Ro to cut F1F2at A. The circle Lo,centre Fl and radius ro 2a also cuts +
FIF2 a t A. Draw other pairs of circles Li, &,i = 1,2,3, . . centre Fl and F2 respectively such that
each pair of radii differ by 2a as for Lo and Ro. Mark the two points of intersection of Li and Ri.
Join these with a smooth curve t o obtain the right hand arm of the hyperbola. We may construct
some of the points on the left arm of the hyperbola in a similar fashion.
The rectangular hyperbola
The standard equation of a hyperbola

with b2 = a2(e2- 1) and e > 1 reduces in the special case of b = a to the equation

(17) xa- y2= a2,

The eccentricity of this hyperbola is thus given by 1 = e2 - 1 so that e = fi.The gradient of its
asymptotes are,& = f 1 (by equation (16)) so that each asymptote is inclined a t an angle of 4 5 O
to the X-axis (see Figure 3.18a).

a. In X-Y coordinates b. Asymptotes as axes

FIG. 3.18 A rectangular hyperbola
3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Conics 96

Since the asymptotes are perpendicular to each other, this hyperbola is called a rectangular
- +
hyperbola. Note that its equation x2- y2 ='a2 is factorizable to obtain ( X X ) ( X Y) = aa, If
< +
we use the asymptotes as rectangular axes by putting X - Y .= and X Y ='q in (17) we obtain

as another standard form of the rectangular hyperbola. Figure 3.18b il1ustrates.a sketch of a rectan-
gular hyperbola using its asymptotes as axes. Figure 3.18b is what would be obtained by rotating
Figure 3.18a. through 4 5 O anticlockwise.
Equation (17) deals with only one possible hyperbola, that in which the axis of the hyperbola
is the X-axis. However, it is possible to have $ - = 1 so that the Y-axis is the axis of the
hyperbola. This latter case leads to rectangular hyperbola ( q = -a2 if we set X -Y = (, X + Y = q
as before. Therefore the most general form of the rectangular hyperbola must be

where c is a real constant which may be positive, negative or aero. Figure 3.18b illqtrates the case
c > 0. If c < 0 then ( and q must be opposite in signs and the hyperbola lies in the second and
fourth quadrants as shown in Fikure 3.19

FIG. 3.19 T ~ Ihyperbola

P :t'y - d2-,
If E = 0, the hyperbola b e e o m ( q = 0 in which case *t least one of f , q muat be item. The
rmtmgulat hyperbola in such a case degenerates to the pait of lines given by 4 = 0 m q = 0'.

Combining all the three types of conics we have the following results for a conic in standard form:
(i) the focus is on the axis (or 011 major-axis if the conic has more than one axis) at a distance ae
from the origin.
(ii) the directrix is perpendicular to the (major) axis at a distance from the origin.
a2(1 - e2) for e < 1
(iii) b2 = { a ( e
- 2 ) for e > 1

3.3.5 Working i n the original coordinates

Given the equation of a conic we have shown how to reduce it to the standard form provided that its
cquation has no term involving the crossproduct xy. (The interested reader may refer to Chapter 4,
Section 3 lor techniques of getting rid of the crossproduct term when it is present as in Example 1 of
Section 4.2.) A conic once reduced to its standard form can be sketched and its characteristics like
focus, directrix, ccc,ntricity, asymptotes etc identified in terms of the original coordinate system.

s best illust rated by an example.

T h ~ is
96 Conic Sections

Example 11
In each of the following cases, identify • he conic and determine the coordinates of its foci, centrtb
and vertices as applicable, Also obtain the equations of the directrices and asymptotes, if any:
(i) 4 ( ~ + 5 ) ~3 -y + 2 = 0

(ii) (x -
- y + 2)2 - 1
- +

9 5
(x - (y - 4)2
--- 8
- 1.
(i) 4(x + 5)2 - 3y + 2 = 0. Therefore
2 3 2
4(~+5)'=3y-2=3(y--) and (x+5)'= ;(y- ?)
i;e., x2 = 4aY where X = x + 5, Y = y - and 4a ri3 + a = > 0. I I i ~ s i sthe equation of
a parabola with y-axis as axia. Its vertex is a t X = U;Y = 0. That is, x 5 = 0 r = -5 and
y 52 = 0 +
y = 8. Thus the vertex is at the point (-5, $1. We sketch the parabola in terms
of parallel axes through the centre (see Figure 3.20). Note that Y = y - 2 0. The focus is a t
(-5, +a) = (-5, $ + &) = (-5 41)
48 '

The directrix is at Y = -a i.e.

- +
(x 4)' y 2)2
- + X 2 Y2
--I = - + - - = I .
9 5 9 5
The centre of the ellipse is at X = 0,Y = 0, i.e. a t x - 4 = O , y + 2 = 0 + x = 4,y = -2. Thus
centre = (4, -2).
The major axis is the X-axis and is thus parallel to the x-axis where X , 1' are parallel axes through
the cent r

-10 -8 -6 j -4 -2 2 iSXx
3 2
FIG. 3.20 (x + 5)' = ,(y - -)
We again sketch the ellipse in terms of X and Y (see Figure 3.20). Note that CD = 4 > a = 3 and
CE = 2 < b = 6 so that the ellipse does not cut the y-axis wheras it cuts the x-axis a t two points
3.3 Geometry and Sketches of the Conics 97

Thus e = $ and ae = 3 . $ = 2. Similarly fie .= 3 . 32 --2 '9

The foci of the ellipse are at (4 f ae, -2) = (4 f 2, -2) = (2, -2) and (6, -2). The vertices are at
(4 f a, -2) = (4 f 3, -2) = (7, -2) and (1, -2)
The equations of the directrices are X = f % = f i.e.

(x - ;)2
---- I = - -X
- 2 Y2 = 1
4 8 a2 b2
where a2 = 4, b2 = 8 and e2 = 1 + = 1+ = 1+ 2 = 3. Thus e = fi and ae = 2 .
is a t the point (+,4).
The centre

The axis of the hyperbola is parallel t o the x-axis since the X-axis is the axis of the hyperbola.
Sketching in terms of parallel axes through the centre we obtain Figure 3.21. CD = < a = 2 and
so the hyperbola does not cut the y-axis.

FIG. 3.21 (x - f ) ? (y - 4)2 - 1

4 8
The asymptotes are at Y =' f ! = ~ &fix = fix. These are the equations y - 4 = f f i ( x - f ) .
The foci are a t (3
f ae, 4) = ( $ + 2 8 , 4 ) .
The vertices of the hyperbola are each a distance a from the centre along the axis. Hence these have
coordinates ( 3 k a , 4) = (4
f 2,4) = ($,4) and (-%,4). These are marked V2,VI respectively in
Figure 3.21.

Exercises 3.3
. Sketch the following conics. In each case indicate clearly the coordinates of the foci, and the equations
of its directrices and asymptotes, if any.
98 Conic Sections

Sketch the following conics. In each case detcrmine the coordinates of its centre, foci, vertex. AIso
obtain the equations of its directrices and asymptotes as applicable.

3.4 Tangents and Normals

Tangents and normals are first and foremost straight lines. Recall (from Chapter 1) that essentially
two bits of information are required before one can derive the equation of any straight line: these
(i) the gradient of the line, and
(ii) the coordinates of a point on the line. In solving a problem we must therefore try to obtain
these two pieces of information.

3.4.1 T a n g e n t a n d n o r m a l a t a point o n a n y curve

FIG. 3.22 Tangent and normal to a curve

. . \

In deriving the equation of the tangent or normal to any curve at a specified point on the curve, the
second of the two requirements mentioned above, namely, the coordinates of the point a t which the
tangent/normal is required, is already provided. Thus the problem reduces to finding the gradient
of the tangent or normal. However, since the normal and tangent at any point of a curve are
perpendicular to each other, (see Figure 3.22) it is sufficient to determine the gradient of the tangent.
The gradient of the normal is then easily obtained by taking the reciprocal of the negative of the
gradient of the tangent.
How can we find the gradient of the tangent to a curve at a given point of the curve? Of
course, if the equation of the curve is given in the form y = f (x), the gradient is 2 evaluated a t
3.4 Tangents and Normals 99

the required point. But often y is not given explicitly but implicitly a s g(x, Y) = 0. Example of such
equations are


As we can see from (20) it is often difficult or impossible to solve for y explicitly in terms of x.
Fortunately, we need not solve for y. Since y is a function of x , we may differentiate the equation
aa it stands implicitly with respect to z. Recall that if u(y) is a function of the variable y, where y
is some function of x , then by the chain rule
du-_ -du. -
- dy
dx dy dx'
Thus differentiating (20a) term by term yields

Cancelling out the common factor of two and simplifying, we obtain

as the gradient of the tangent at any point (x, y) on the hyperbola (20a). Note that equation (20a)
is the solution of Example 1 of section 3.2.1 and its eccentricity e = fi> 1. For example, at the
point (2,3), the gradient of the tangent is therefore given by

Hence the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola (20a) a t (2,3) is

The normal at the same point has gradient -$ = 5 and e q ~ a t ~ i o n

Remark 3.2
Equations (22) and (23) illustrate a common property of perpendicular lines, namely,

are perpendicular lines. Their gradients are respectively - f and and thus have a product equal
t o -1. The value of the constant k may be found by substituting the coordinates of a point on the
100 Conic Sections

Exercises 3.4.1
Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the following drves at the given point.
1 ex + +
x ) 4 x y = 1 - y at ( 0 , O ) .
2 x y = 4 at ( 4 , l ) .

5 13x2 + 4 8 x y + 27y2 - 166x - 188y + 313 = 0 at (2, -).
6 9 ~ ~ + 4 ~ ~ + 1 8 ~ - 2 4 y +at 9( l=, 30) .
By implicit differentiation obtain 2
for the following equations and thus find the equations of the
tangent and normal to the curves at the given point.
7 In(x + y ) + cos x + y = 2 at ( 0 , l ) .

3.4.2 Tangent and normal at a point on a conic

The methods developed in Section 3.4.1 are enough for finding the equations of the tangent and
normal to any curve at a point on the curve. We recommend its use. However, by applying the
same process to an arbitrary conic, we can obtain a general formula which is'applicable to all conic
sections. Although the use of such formulae is unnecessary we include them here for the benefit of
those who might prefer them to working from first principles. We shall derive these results initially
for each conic and finally for the general conic.
Example 12
Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax at the point ( x l ,y l ) on the
Differentiate the equation y2 = 4ax implicitly with respect to x to obtain

Hence the equation of the tangent a t ( X I ,yl) is

Cross multiplying and collecting terms we have 1 I

yy, = 2ax + yT - 2axl = 2ax + 4axl - 2axl since ( x l ,y l ) lies on cur*

= 2ax + 2ax1 = 2a(x + X I )
3.4 Tangents and Normals 101

that is

Comparing (25) with the equations of the parabola we see that the y2 term goes into product yyl
whereas the x goes into i ( z 2,).
The gradient of the normal is
- --
dy _ Y l
dx 2a
(negative of the reciprocal of gradient of tangent).
Hence the equation of the normal is

which simplifies to
2ay + ylx = yl(2a + XI).
In the alternative we could rearrange (25) and use (24). Thus (25) gives yyl 2ax = 2axl. Hence
by (24) the equation of the normal is 2ay + ylx = k where k is evaluated by substituting ( X I , yl)
into the equation for k. However only the formula for tangent need be remembered.

For example, the equation of the tangent to the parabola y2 = i x at (12,3) is given by
+ +
yy1 = . g(x xl) or 3y = :(x + 12). This simplifies to 8y = x 12. The gadient of the tangent
is t h u t i :from 8y = x 12) and hence that of the normal is -8. Therefore the equation of the
normal is y - 3 = -8(x - 12) or y + 82 = 99. Note that by applying (24) we have equation of the
+ +
tangent is 8y - x = 12. Hence equation of normal is y 82 = k = l(3) 8(12) = 99 as before.
Example 13
5 6
Find the equation of the tangent to the ellipse + = 1 at the point (xl, yl) on the conic.
To find the gradient of the tangent we differentiate the equation of the conic implicitly with respect
to x, This yields

Hence at (XI,yl) the gradient of the tangent is -52 and its equation is

Rearranging we have .

since (21, yl) lies on the ellipse. Thus the equation of the tangent to the ellipse 5+ = 1 st the
point (XI,yl) is
102 Conic Sections

Once again squared terms become products as x2 becomes 1x1, y2 becomes y y l .

For the ellipse -
= 1 a t ( 2 , 3 ) we therefore have that the equation of the tangent is

The gradient of the tangent is thus -3

and so that of the normal is 2. The equation of the normal
is then
y-3=2(x-2) or y - 2 x + 1 = 0 .
We could, of course, use ( 2 4 ) to write down the equation of the normal as 2 x - y = k = 2 ( 2 ) - l ( 3 ) = 1,
i.e. 22 - y = 1 as before.
Example 14
Find the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola $- = 1 a t the point ( z l ,y l ) on the conic.
Differentiate the equation of the conic implicitly with respect to x .

dy b2 x
d y = 0 which implies
b2 dx
= --

Hence the equation of the tangent at ( z l ,yl) on the hyperbola is

Rearranging we have



In numerical illustration let us find the equations of the tangent and normal to the hyperbola
---- x 2 - 1 at the point
4918 49/16
he equation of the tangent is

that is,

that is, 4 y - 4 2 = 7
3.4 Tangents and Normals 103
The gradient of the tangent is thus 4-1 so t h a ~ _ t h e m ~ i s - 1Consequently,
. the equation
of the normal is y - = - l ( x - T7 ) or y x = + +.
Multiplying out gives 4 y = 21. +&
Example 15
Obtain the equation of the tangent to the conic a x 2 b x y cy2 + + + 292 + 2f y + d = 0 a t the point
( X I , y l ) on the conic. -- -- .
Solution - -
We differentiate the equation of the conic implicitly with respect t o x t o obtain the gradient of the -
tangent. - - ,li"-C---C----

d y = - 2ax + by + 29
dx bx+2cy+2f'
. ,

The equation of the tangent a t ( x l , y l ) is

-. & --
Cross multiplying and collecting,terms, we have

2axxl + b(Yxi + x y i ) + 2 c w l + 292 + 2 f y = 2ax: + 2bxlyl + s ~ +~ 2gx1
T + 2f yl .- -
- -2(2gx1 + 2 f yl + d ) + 29x1 + 2fyl----
-. -- -. -- '
since ( X I y, l ) lies on the conic
= -29x1 - 2 f y l - 2d.
2axxl +5 + +
b ( ~ W~ l )~ 2Wy1 + 2 g ( x + x i ) + 2f ( y + y l ) + 2d = 0

Comparing this equation with the equation of the conic we observe that

x i(x +X I ) and


v +Y + ~ l )
104 Conic Sections

where the arrow -, means is "replaced by".

Each of the previous results ( 2 5 ) to ( 2 7 ) for the special conics in standard form agrees with
this more general result. Indeed recall that for the circle (an ellipse of eccentricity zero-see Section
+ + + + +
3.3.3) x 2 y2 292 2 f y d = 0 , the equation of its tangent at ( x l , y l ) is given by 2 x 1 yyl +
+ + + +
g ( x X I ) f ( y y l ) d = 0 and this also agrees with (28).
To illustrate this result we go back to the conic of equation (20a), namely,

What is the equation of the tangent t o this conic at the point ( 2 , 3 ) ? By ( 2 8 ) this tangent has
13x21 + 2 4 ( W + y z l ) + 2 7 ~ -183(x + 21) - 94(y + y l ) + 313 = 0

262 + 7 2 2 + 48y + 81y - 832 - 166 - 94y - 282 + 313 = 0

as before.

Exercises 3.4.2
Find the equation of the tangent and normal to each of the following conics a t the specified point.
1 x y = -4 at ( 4 , -1) '

2 4y2 - 32 - 8 y + 10 = 0 at (T,-1)
3 x 2 = 8 y at ( 4 , 2 )
4 13x2 + 4 8 x y + 27y2 - 1662 - 188y + 313 = 0 at (-&, 3 )

3.4.3 Tangents from a point

In this type of problem we are given a curve, say, f ( x , y ) = 0 and a point A not on the curve (see
Figure 3.23). We are then required to find the equation of a line which passes through the given
point A and is tangent to the curve at an unspecified point. The line APB in Figure 3.23 is one such
3.4 Tangents and Normals 105

tangent whereas :1QC is not. We therefore need to determine what the gradient of a line through
A must be for such a line to be tangent to the 'curve at some point.

FIG. 3.23 Intersection of lines through A with curve.

Example 16
Find the equations of the tangents from the given points to the following conics. For each such
tangent, determine also the coordinates of the point at which it touches the conic.
(i) - - -
y2 = 1 from the point (3,lO).
2 25
x2 y2
(ii) - - = 1 from the point (-12,l).
16 3
(i) Let the gradient of a line through the point (3,lO) be denoted by m. The equation of the line
is then y - 10 = m(x - 3) that is,
y=mx+10-3m. (1)
Substituting for y from (1) into the equation of the hyperbola, we have

Equation (2) is a quadratic in x, the coordinate of the point where the line (1) intersects the
hyperbola. For the line to be a tangent, it must touch the hyperbola. Hence (2) must have only one
solution (that is, two coincident roots). This is true only when the discriminant is zero; that is,

Collecting terms in powers of m, we get

106 Conic Sections . '

Therefore m = or 5
Substituting these values into ( 1 ) we obtain


for m = 5 and 9 respectively.

T o find the coordinates of the point of tangency, let th's be the point ( 2 ,y ) . A quadratic
+ +
equation a x 2 bx c = 0 with coincident roots has solution x = -&.
Hence from (2), Z is given by

2 ( 5 ) ( i o- i g j
For m = 5 , 5 = = 2.
25 - 50

for m = x = 10,7y = 25(10) - 5 -

To find the corresponding values of jj we note that ( 2 ,y ) lies on the tangent with equation ( 3 ) . T h u s
q, y = 35. For m = 5 , 2 = 2 and j = 5 ( 2 ) - 5 = 5. Therefore
the points of tangency are ( 1 0 , 3 5 ) and ( 2 , 5 ) respectively.
x L yL
(ii) Find the equations of the tangent to - +
- = 1 from the point (-12,l).
Let the gradient of the tangent be m. Therefore, the equation of the tangent is y - 1 = m ( z 12) +

Substitute ( 4 ) into the equation of the ellipse to find the points of intersection

+ ( m x +3 1 2 m + 1)' =1

We have coincident roots if and only if

After dividing throughout by the common factor 64, multiplying out and collecting terms in de-
scending powers of m, we obtain,
3.4 Tangents and Normals 107

Once again the m4,m3 terms cancel out to give


Thus the tangents are

1 12 1 12
y=-x+-+1 and y = - - x - - + 1
16 16 4 4
where we have substitutied for m in (4). These simplify to


LTofind the points of tangency (5, y) we use (5) and (4).


1 - 3
4 2'
Thus the coordinates of the points of tangency are (-g,E) and (-2, -%) respectively.

Remark 3.3
(1) The quadratic equation (2) or (5) for the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of the line
and the conic contains the unknown gradient m. Indeed, in the notation of the standard quadratic
ax2 bx + c = 0, the coefficients a, b, c of that equation are all of degree 2 in m. Thus whell we
impose the condition b2 - 4ac = 0 for tangency, we expect a polynomial of degree four in m. Such
a polynomial would in general be difficult to solve. Fortunately, in the two examples above the m4
and m3 terms cancelled out thus leaving us with a quadratic in m which is immediately solvable!
We shall show in the next example that this happy condition will always occur for any conic section.
(2) Since the equation for in is a quadratic, there are at most two tangents from a point not on a
conic to that conic. Can you think of situations where there is only one tangent or none at all from
a given point to a conic? See Exercise 3.4.3 question 5. ,
108 Conic Sections

Example 17
Show that, except for one case, the condition for tangency always yields a quadratic equation in the
gradient, m , of the tangent to a conic from a point not on the conic.
Let the conic be
and let the point not on the conic be (21, y l ) . The equation of a line through ( z l ,y l ) with gradient
m is
y-yl=m(z-zl) or y = m x + y l - m z l . (8)
Substitute this last equation into the equation for the conic

ax2 + b x [ m x + yl - m x l ] + c [ m x + yl - mx1I2 + 292 + 2f [ m x + yl - m z l ] + d = 0

Write each coefficient in powers of m and obtain

This equation has coincident roots if and only if its discriminant is zero; that is,

or equivalently
P = 4c2x; - 4c2x; = 0
& = -4cx1 ( 2f - bzl + 2 ~ 9 1-) 4bcz: + 4c(2f z l + 2x1 ylc) = 0 .
Hence in all cases, the coefficients of m4 and m 3 vanish. Thus except when R = 0 , equation (10) is
quadratic in m.

Exercises 3.4.3
In each of the problems 1-8, (a) find the equations of the tangents from the given point to the given
conic; (b) determine also the point at which the tangent touches the conic. Explain any case where
there is no tangent.
1 - - -y2- - 1 from the point ( 0 , 5 ) .
2 25
x2 y2
- - = 1 from the point ( 4 , -1).
3.5 Other forms of the equation of a conic 109

x2 y2
5 - + - = 1 from (1,l). What is the position of the point (1,l) in relation to the ellipse?
4 9
6 x2+8y=Ofrom(~,-3).
7 y2=8xfrom(1,1).
8 xy = -10 from (6,5).
9 Find the condition on c for the line y = rnx + c to be tangent to the parabola y2 = 4ax for a
given rn.

3.5 Other forms of the equation of a conic

So far 'we have been describing conic sections in terms of Cartesian coordinate axes. In this section
we shall study two other methods of describing plane curves. These are the parametric and polar

3.5.1 Parametric equations of the conic

Suppose that a particle moves in the x-y plane and we keep track of its positions over some time
interval I = { t 1 a 5 t 5 p ) . Then clearly, x = f(t) and y = g(t) for some functions f , g and
1 E I.However, the particle traces out a path or curve as it moves. For example, x = 2 coswt, y =
2sinwl trace out the circle x2 y2 = 4. The equations x = f(t), y = g(t) are called the parametric
equations of the curve generated by the moving point and t is called the parameter. Tbus the
parametric equations are the natural way to describe the position of a moving point. Although the
idea of parametrization of curves originated with time t as the parameter, the method has grown
and any convenient variable may now be used as the parameter. Consider the following example.
Example 18
A car tyre of radiue a is pierced by a nail which'sticks to the tyre. Find the parametric equations of
the curve traced out by this nail as the car moves in a straight line.
Let the nail be picked up at the point 0 which we take as the origin of the x-y coordinate system.
After a time interval 1, let the nail be at position P(x, y) (see Figure 3.24) where the radius vector
C P from the centre of the tyre to the nail has turned through an angle 0 from its initial position.
Now IOA) = length of arc AP. = a0 since the tyre rolls on the road. Thus the coordinates of C , the
centre of the tyre are (a0, a). Also

110 Conic Sectioris

0 R A
FIG. 3.24
Thus the point P(x, y) lies on the curve whose parametric equations are
. ,
x=a(B-sing), y=a(l-cosO), 020.

Note that in'the above example it is not easy to eliminate 0 and obtain the Cartesian equation of
the curve, called a cycloid. Fortunately the conic sections in standard form are easy to parameterize.
For instance the ellipse $ + 6 +
= 1 suggest8 the use of sin20 eos2 0 = 1 whereas the hyperbola
$ - = 1 suggests sec2t9 - tan2 t9 = 1. The usual parametric equations for the conic sections in
standard form are as follows:

Hyperbola (rectangular) xy = c2
Parabola y2 = 4ax z = ata, y ='2at
I .

Note that the parameter for the ellipse is the angle 0 of plane polar coordinates, Figure 9.25
illustrates the relationship between the ellipse $ +$ +
= 1 and the two circles x2 y2 = a2 and
x2 y2 = b2. The y-coordinate of P is given by that of S whereas the x-coordinate of P and Q are
the same.

$ + 6 = 1 between the circles of radii a and b.


FIG. 3.25 An ellipse

3.5 Other forms of the equation of a conic 111

Example 19
Give parametric equations for the following conics:
(i) +
16(x - 3)' 25(y - 2)2 = 400 (ii) +
4x2 - 82 - Y2 6y - 7 = 0
(iii) -
3x2 = 1 2~ (iv) +
(x l)(y - 2) = 9.
(x-3)2 (y-2)2
(i) 16(x - 3)2 + 25(y - 2)' = 400 *- 25
+ - 16
- 1.
Therefore,we must put
x - 3 = 5cos0 and y - 2 = 4sinB
so as to get cos2 6 + sin2 6 = 1. Tllus parametric equations for (i) are

(ii) 42' - 82 - y
6y - 7 = 0 4(z2 - 22) - ( y 2 - 6y) = 7,
Completing squares we get

(x - 1)2
---- (y - 3)2
-1 2
- 1.
Comparing this with the identity
sec2 6 - tan2 0 = 1
we set

Here 4a = -:, so that a = - i.Therefore

Thus parametric equations are z = -it,

y = - l 6t 2 .
(iv) (x +
l)(y - 2) = 9. This is a rectangular hyperbola of the form xy = c2 with c = 3. We see
from the table above that the appropriate parametric equal :ens are
112 Conic Sections

Example 20
Find the Cartesian equation of the curve which has the parametric equations x = 2 + cost, y =
1 - cos 2.Identity the curve.
y = 1 -cos2t = 1 - (2cos2t -1) = 2 - 2 c o s 2 t = 2 - 2 ( ~ - 2 ) ~s i n c e x - 2 = c o s t .
Hence y - 2 = -2(x - 2)2. This is a parabola.

Exercises 3.5.1
Obtain parametric equations of the following conics.

Find the Cartesian equations for the following curves whose equations are given in parametric form.
Identify each curve.
10 x=1-cost, y=2+sint 11 x=sintly=cos2t
12 +
x = 2cos8, y = 1 cos20 13 ~ = 2 - ~1 c o s ty,= 3 + $ s i n t
14 x=&, y=t+2 15 x = -2e-', y = 3et

3.5.2 Working with parametric equations

Since the parametric equations of the respective conics have only one variable, namely, the parameter,
any Cartesian equation in x and y can easily be reduced t o one in the single parameter, Therefore
the parametric equations are often useful in solving problems on intersection or locus. However
our relative inability to solve equations in the respective parameters (especially those involving
trigonometric functions) often curtail our full use of this technique.
Example 21
Find the points of intersection of the straight line y = 3x + 2 with the curve whose parametric
equations are x = 2t2 - 2, y = 6 - 41.
Given the line y = 3x 2, the point (2, y) will also lie on the curve if they satisfy the parametric
equations. Hence 6 - 4t = 3(2t2 - 2) 2 i.e. +

Factorising we have (32 5)(t - 1) = 0. Thus t = -;
or 1. Hence the coordinates of the points of
intersection of the line and the curve are ( y ,F)
for t = -;
and (0,2) for t = 1.
3.5 Other forms of the equation of a conic 113

Example 22
Find the equations of the tangents from the point ( 1 , l ) to the curve y2 = 8x [Problem 7 of Exercises
The parabola y2 = 82 is equivqlent to y2 = 4ax where a = 2. Therefore its parametric form is
x = at2 = 2t2 and y = 2at = 42. ~ e the t gradient of the line through the point ( 1 , l ) be m. Its
equation is thus y - 1 = m(x - 1). This intercepts the parabola where z = 2t2, y = 4t and thus
41 - 1 = m(2t2 - 1) i.e. 2mt2 - 4t + 1- m = 0.
The line is a tangent when we have coincident roots for this quadratic in t, i.e.

We now show how to find the equations of the tangents and normals to various conics by using
their parametric equations.
If the parameter is u, so that x = x(u), y = y(u) are functions of u, then

a. Ellipse: x = a cos 0, y = b sin 0

for apy point with parameter 0 on the ellipse.

Ttcrefore equation of tangent t o the ellipse a t the point el is
b cmOl
y - bsinOl = ---(x - acosel)
a sin el
Multiplying by a sin 81, yields

a sin y - ab sin2 el = -b cos el x + ab cos2 el

which simplifies t o

(29) bcosO1 x+asinO1 y = ab.

Remark 3.4
(1) In deriving equation (29), 01 is an arbitrary but fixed point, just like (xl, yl) and not a variable;
the variables are x and y which give the equation of the tangent.
(2) Recall the equation (26) -
2x1 YYl = 1 for the tangent a t the point (q, y l ) If we substitute
x1 = a cos el, yl = bsin dl into this equation we obtain equation (29). We have, however,
shown how to derive equation (39) independently on its own.
114 Conic Sections
a sin 9t
The gradient of the normal is +-bc-e so that the equation of the normal a t el is

a sin 81
y - bsin el = -(x - a cos el)
b COSel
That is
b COB el - b2 sin el cos el = a sin dl x - aasin cos el
which simplifies t o

(30) a sin el x - b cos O1 y = a2e2sin 61 cos 81.

b. (i) General hyperbola

Here x = a sec 0, r/ = b tan 0 so that
dx dy
= a sec 0 tan 8, -
= b sec2 0.
The gradient of the tangent ie

Therefore the equation of the tangent a t O1 is

b 1
y-btanO1 = --(x-asecO1)
a sin el

sin2 el
asinO1 y - ab-
cos el
= bx - absecel

= -(I - sin2 81) = ab cos dl.
cos el

The equation of the qormal is

i.e. by - b2 tan2 el = -a sin el x + a2 tan el or a sin O1z + by = (a2 + b2)tan el = a2e2tan 81. Thus
(32) asinel x + b y = a2e2tand1.

b. (ii) Rectangular hyperbola

x=d, y=-
3.5 Other forms of the equation o f a conic 115


Thus the equation of the tangent at t l is

The normal has gradient t: and thus has the equation y - = t : ( x - ctl) i.e

c. P a r a b o l a
The parabola y2 = 4ax has the parametric equations x = a t 2 , y = 2at. Therefore, its gradient

Therefore the equation of the tangent a t the point t 1 is y - 2atl = k ( x - at:) or

The equation of the normal is accordingly y - 2atl = - t l ( x - a t ; ) or

(36) y + t l x = 2atl + at:.
Example 23
Show that the tangents a t the ends of a focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax intersect a t right
angles to each other.

FIG. 3.26 A focal chord

116 Conic Sections

A focal chord (see Fig. 3.26) is any chord of the parabola which passes through the focus a t
(a, 0) in x-y coordinates. Let P F R be such a chord with gradient m. The equation of P F R is

If this line intersects the parabola y2 = 4ax a t the point t, then x = at2, y = 2at so that 2at =
mat2 ma or
mt2 -2t -rn = 0 (ii)

Denote these by t l and t z . The equation of a tangent at any point t of the parabola is by (35)
y - x = at and this has gradient f . The tangents at tl ,t2 will be perpendicular if the product of
their gradients is -1. Now
1 -- 1 -
-1. - = from (ii)
tl t2 t1t2 -m/m

Thus these tangents are at right angles to each other.

Exercises 3.5.2
1 Find where the straight line y = 3x + 4 cuts the curve whose parametric equations are
2 4
(i) z = 2 t , y = - (ii) x + 2 = 2 t 2 , y - 6 = - 2 t (iii) x = -cosO, y = 4 s i n O
t 3
2 Solve problems 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 of Exercises 3.4.3 using parametric representation. Hint for
problem 2: sin 4 = a has only one solution iff 4 = $ (for a > 0) or-; (for a < 0) a2 = 1
where 0 = a(rn).
Find the equations of the tangents and normals to the conics at the specified points in problems

x = sint + cost, y = sint - cost a t t = -lr3

3.5 Other forms of the equation of a conic 117

Miscellaneous Exercises
Obtain the equation of the conic satisfying the conditions in problems 1-3.
1 Directrix x = 3 , focus ( O , l ) , eccentricity e = 5.
2 Directrix x + y = 6 , focus ( - 2 , 3 ) , eccentricity e = 5.
3 e = 1, focus lies on the line y = 1 ; the directrix is parallel to the y-axis while the conic passes
through the points ( - 1 , l ) and (4,2).
Put the conics in problems 4-6 into standard form and determine the type of each conic. Find also
the coordi~~atesof the centre or vertex as appropriate.
4 ~ ~ + 4 ~ ~ - 2 x + 4 ~ + 1 = 0
5 y2+3x-2y=o

Sketch the conics in problems 7-9. In each case determine the coordinates of its centre, foci, vertex.
Also obtain the equations of its directrices and asymptotes as applicable.

Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curves in problems 10-11 at the given point.
10 9x2+4y2+18x-24y+9=Oat (-1,O)
11 ~~+2xy-3~~=1at(l,O)

12 a. Find the equations of the tangents from ( - 1 , - 1 ) to the conic x2 = 8 y .

b. Determine also the point a t which the tangent touches the conic.
x2 y2
13 Show that the lines y = m x f d w are tangent to. the ellipse - a2 62
- = 1 for all m.
14 Obtain parametric equations of the conic 2 x y - 3y 42 1 = 0 + +
15 Find the Cartesian equations of the curve whose equations in parametric form are x = sint +
cost, y = sin t - cost. Identify the curve.
16 Find the equations of t h tangent
~ and normal to the conic x = -2e-', y = 3et at t = 0 .
Applications and General
Equations of the Conics

4.1 Some Applications of the Conic

In this section we shall study some of the properties of the conics which have given rise t.o practical
applications. These applications will also be described.

4.1.1 Parabola

The major characteristic of the parabola is its reflecting property: a small light bulb placed at the
focus of the parabola produces a beam of parallel rays of light.

FIG. 4.1
Let P with parametric co-ordinates ( a t 2 , 2 a t )be an arbitrary point on the parabola y2 = 4 a x . Let
the tangent TPQ to the parabola at the point P cut the x-axis at Q (see Figure 4 . 1 ) . Through P
draw the line P R parallel to the x-axis.
Example 1
Show that the lines PF and P R of Figure 4.1 make equal angles with the tangent TQP,
4.1 Some J ~plicationsof the Conic 119

The two angles marked P in Figure 4.1 are 'equal since P R 11 Q F x . We i k d show that L F Q P =
L F P Q which implies that a = 3. Recall that the gradient of the tangent to the prrabola at +.he
point t is

So that the e q ~ ~ a t i oofn the tangent at t i-

This simplifies to
y = -x + at (see also equation (35) of section 3.5).

At Q, y = 0 so that x = -at? Hence lQFl = a + (1t2 = a ( l + t2). Also

Therefore P = L F Q P = L F P Q = a , base angles of isosceles triangles

Remark 4.1
1 PF and P R are also equally inclined t o the normal a t P .
2 The above problem can be solved as easily by employing Cartesian ceordinates throughout.
The equation of the tangent at ( x l , yl) on the parabola y2 = 4ax is given by yyl = 2a(x XI) (see
equation (25) of section 3.4.2). At the point Q on the x-axis, y = 0 so that x x l = 0 3 x = -XI.
Hence IF&[= a + x l . Also IPFI2 = (xl - a)2 (yl - 0)2 = t: - 2ax1 a 2 yf or IPFI2 = + +
x: - 2axl + a2 + 4ax1 = x12 + 2ax1 + a2 = (xl + a)2. Thus lPFl = xl + a = IFQI as for parametric
3 An alternative method of solution is to verify that the gradient of PF is twice that of the
tangent. Thus a + /3 = 2/3 a = P (see Exercise 4.1, question 5).
The reflecting property leads to perhaps the most common practical application of the conics
in real life. By a well-known law of Physics, when light or sound strikes an object, part of that light
or sound is reflected and in such a way that the incoming ray and the outgoing one make equal
angles with the normal a t the points of impact. If the reflector is shaped like a parabola and the
light source is placed at its focus, F , then by the reflecting property of parabola, all rays of light
will come out parallel to the axis of the parabola (Figure 4.2(a)). On the other hand if rays of light
parallel t o the axis of the parabola strike a parabolic mirror, they all will be reflected to the focus
120 Applications and General Equations of the Conics

(Figure 4.2(b)).

(a) 11ays from F

FIG. 2
The first result is used whenever a strong beam of light is needed to travel far as in a soarch light,
car head lamp, or even an ordinary torch light. The second result is the principle bt.l~indthe use of
parabolic telescopes and TV/radio antennas to receive incoming signals. Focusing t h - - e a t a point
concentrates and amplifies the signal strength.

4.1.2 Ellipse

The ellipse also possesses a reflecting property.

Example 2
Show that the focal chords to any point P on the ellipse are equally inclined to the tangent or
Consider the ellipse

Let Fl (-ae. O), and F?(cte, 0) be its foci and P(a cos 0, bsin 0) be any 11, li lit on the cllipse (see Figure

P ( a c a 6, bsin 6 )

FIG. 4.3
4.1 Some Applications of the Conic 121

IPF1l2= (a cos B + ae)2 + ( b sin B - 0)' = a2(cos20 2e cos 0 + + e2) + b2 sin2 6'
= a2(cos26 + 2e cos B e2) + a2(1 - e2) sin2 B
= a2(cos20 2e cos 0 + e2 + sin2 6' - e2 sin2 8)
= a2(1 + 2e cos B e2 cos2 0) = a2(1 e cos 8)' +
IPF~J = ~ (t e1c o s 8 ) .
See also the solution of Example 8 of Section 3.3.3 for an alternative derivation not involving para-
metric equations.
Similarly ( P F =~(a~cos~B - ae)' + b2 sin" = a2(1 - e cos B)2. Therefore

x2 Y2
The' equation of the tangent to the ellipse -
+ = 1 at P ( a cos 0, bsin 8) is

by equation (26) of Section 3.4.2. Hence distance (FlT I ( of Fl from the tangent is given by

IFlTi I =
Ib cos B(-ae) - abl -
ab(1 + e cos 8)
J(b2 cos2 B + a2 sin2 B) J(b2 cos2 0 + a2 sin2 8)


Distance IF2T2J
of F2from the tangent

- Ib cos 0 (ue) - abl - ab(1 - e cos 6')

(b2 cos2 B + a2sin20) b2 cos2 0 + a2 sin2 8)


Thus light or sound emanating from one focus will be reflected to the other focus. An artificial
satellite in orbit round the earth may be used to reflect light from one focus to the other at all times
since it will do this at all points of its orbit.
122 Applications and General Equations of the Conics

4.1.3 Hyperbola
x2 y2
We recall (Section 3.3.4) that for the hyperbola - -
a2 b2
= 1, IIPFII - (PF2(1 = 2a where F I , F2
are its foci and P is any point on it. This property is used in the location of sources'of sound
such as enemy guns. Suppose a transmitter is at an unknown position. Let Fl,F2 be two fixed
points. By measuring the difference in time of arrival of a particular sound from the transmitter to
the two points, we know 2a (velocity of sound multiplied by the time difference). Hence we know
the hyperbola on which the transmitter must lie. Note that we actually know which of the two
arms on which the transmitter lies since we know which of the distances IPFlI,IPF2Jis shorter.
By introducing a third fixed point F3 we now can have one or two more hyperbolas (foci at F l , F3
or F2,F3) and the transmitter lies at the point of intersection of the respective a.rms of all these
The hyperbola possesses the reflecting property as shown in the next example.

Example 3
x2 y2 , .
Show that the tangent at P to the hyperbola - - - = 1 is equally inclined to the lines joining P
" b2
to the foci.
Consider the hyperbola - y 2 --1 ~ i t h f o c i a t F l ( - a e , 0 ) a n d F z ( a e , O ) . L e t P ( o s e c 8 , b t a n 8 ) b e
a2 b2
any point on the hyperbola. See Figure 4.4.

FIG. 4.4

1 ~ ~ '=1(asec8
1 ~ + ae)' + b2 tan2 8 = a2(sec28 + 2esecO + e2) + a2(e2- 1) tan2 8
= a2(sec28 + 2e sec 8 + e2 + e2 tan2 8 - tan2 8)
= a2(1 + 2e sec 8 + e2 sec2 8) since e2(1+ tan2 8 ) = e2 sec2 0
= a2(1 + e sec 8)2
Thus (PFlI = a l l + e sec 81.
= (a sec ~ - a e ) ~ + b tan2
Similarly JPF2I2 ' 8 which after simplification reduces to I PF2I2= a2(e sec 8-
lPF2l = alesec8 - 11.
-4.1 Some Applications of t+,Conic
\ I

The equation of the tangent to the hyperbola a t (a sec 0, b tan 0) is
bx - a sin 0 y = ab cos 0 from equation (27) of Section 3.4.2.
Hence distance IPITIIof Fl from the tangent
- Ib(-ae) - ab cos 01 - able + cos 01
- JjiGGx)- Jm'
sinTIPFl = --
able + cosO1

Distance, I F2T21,of F2 from the tangent

- Ib(ae) - ab cos 01 able - cos 01

7- d b(cos01 = sin TIPFi


(b2 + a2 sin 0)
Therefore LTIPFl = LT2PF2and hence the tangent is equally inclined to the lines joining P to the

The above is the reflecting property for the hyperbola. Light travelling from the focus Fi t o the
point P on the other arm of the hyperbola will be reflected along PL (Figure 4.4). To an observer st
L, this reflected light will therefore appear to be coming from F2. Conversely, light coming from L
to strike the hyperbola at P will, after reflection, travel to Fl, the second focus, As a result of this,
a small hyperbolic mirror is used to solve the practical problem in connection with the parabolic
rdecting telescope. (See Figure 4.5).

FIG. 4.5 Combination of parabolic and hyperbolic mirrors in reflecting telescope (hyperbolic
mirror ia shown greatly magnified).
124 ~ ~ ~ l i c a t i and
o n sGeneral Equations of the Conics

Without the hyperbolic mirror HH an observer would be at F and facing the parabola PP. Thus
such an observer would block off a lot of the incident light. When a small hyperbolic mirror is
placed so that one of its foci coincides with the focus of the parabola at F , it will reflect all the light
incident on it to the other focus F1. F1 can be conveniently positioned behind the parabolic mirror
( a small hole at the appropriate place in the wall of the parabolic mirror allows the light through).
Thus an observer at Fl can view the entire panaroma.

Exercises 4.1
1 For the ellipse (hyperbola) prove that if the focal chords from any point P on the conic make
angles dl,q52 with the axis of the conic, then 2w = $1 +42 where w is the angle that the
normal (respectively tangent) makes with the axis of the conic. Derive this directly without
assuming the reflecting property.
2 Find the equations of the bisectors of the angle between the focal chords through any point of
P of (i) an ellipse and (ii) a hyperbola.
3 Find, for any conic section, the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the tangent
and the normal at any point on the conic.
4 The normal through the point P of the parabola y2 = 4ax meets t l ~ cparabola again at Q. If
the tangents at P and Q intersect at R, find the locus of R.
5 In the parabola y2 = 4ax, show that the gradient of the focal chord at any point P is twice
that of the tangent at the point.
x2 y2
Prove that the product of the distances of the foci of the ellipse -2. - = 1 from any tangent
of the ellipse is b2. What is the corresponding result for the hyperbola?

4.2 Polar Equations of a Conic

Let the focus of the conic be at the origin of the x-y co-ordinate axes and the equation of the directrix
in the perpendicular form be given by x cos cr + y sin cr = p. Using the distance formula it is easily
seen that p is the length of the perpendicular from the origin to the given line whereas cr is the angle
this perpendicular makes with O x (see Figure 4.6). Let the point Q with polar co-ordinates (r,8)
be any point on the conic.

FIG. 4.6

4.2 Polar Equations of a Conic 125

The distance of Q from the directrix = IQKI = lORI - lOSl = p - r cos(8 - a ) .

IQO~=~~QK +I ' r = e [ p - r c o s ( 8 - a ) ] .
r[l + e cos(8 - a)] = ep

Putting B - a = 4 we obtain

where the angle 4 is now measured from the line OR, the perpendicular from the focus to the
directrix. O R is thus the (major) axis of the conic. If in Figure 4.6 we had taken Q on the side of
the straight line away from the origin, then the distance of Q from the directrix would be given by
rcos(8 - a)- p. This would lead to the equation

Thus this latter curve is the same shape as the previous one but centred about 8 = T instead of
B = 0.

1 f f I f 3f
(a) r= (b) r = 1 - e c o s + ' -2 5 4 5 - 2
1 +ecos$' -554S5
FIG. 4.7 Sketch of conic r = near (a) 4 = 0 and (b) 4 = ?r
1 f e cos 4
What does the complete sketch look like? We shall take (2) as the standard equation. Since
cos(-4) = cos4 the curve is symmetric about the r-axis (as are all of them). Also r -r oo as
l + e c o s 4 + 0 . But l + e c o s q 5 = 0 ~ c o s 4 = - ~ .
126 Applications and General Equations of the Conics

(i) 0 < e < 1 (ellipse) +a + +

> 1 1 e cos 4 > 0 for all q5 which implies that T is always,finite
giving a closed curve which intersects the x-axis at A(&, 0) and B(&, T) in plane polars.


FIG. 4.8 Ellipse O<e<l
(ii) e = 1 (parabola) 1 + cos q5 = 0 6 = n. Therefore

FIG. 4.9 Parabola r=
1 + cos+
1 1
F A = a = - l- + e - 51 since e= 1.

FIG. 4.10 Hyperbola r= e > l
1 + ecosd'


Example 4
Show that the polar equation = a + b cos 0 represents a conic section.
- = a bcose
+ 1=ar+brcose=ar+bx
1 - bx = a r (1 - b ~ =)a 2~r 2 = a2(x2 y2) +
(a2 - b2)x2 2bx + + a2y2 = 1.
Case I: la\ # lbl
Divide throughout by a 2 - b2 and then complete squares

If la1 > lbl this is an ellipse.

If la1 < lbl this is a hyperbola since the coefficient of yi is then negative.
Case 11: la1 = jbl (# 0)
The equation (i) reduces to
128 Applications and Generai Equations of the Conics

This is a parabola.

Exercises 4.2
Identify and sketch each of the following conics. In each case also find its eccentricity.
2 2
1 r= 2 r=
1 +COSB 3
1 - COSB

4.3 General Equation of the Second Degree

The most general equation of the second degree is equation (1) of chapter 3 which is repeated here
in a slightly different form,

where at least one of the second order terms is non-zero; that is, a , b and c are not all zero. We shall
show that such an equation represents one of the conics. It is clear from Chapter 3 that this is the
case when b = 0. We may therefore assume that b # 0 and try to put (4) into one of the standard
forms of the conics. We shall show that this can be achieved by finding new co-ordinate axes in
which the cross product term no longer exists.

4.3.1 The Discriminant

Before looking for new axes, let us see what information we can get from (4). If a = c = 0, b # 0
equation (4) reduces to
+ + +
z y 29/22 2 f l y d' = 0
where g' = 9 , f' = $ and d' = $. Thus we have

or equivalently,
XY = f w 2
+ +
with X = z 2 f ' , Y = y 29' and w" Id' - 4 f'g'l. We have already seen in Section 3.3.4 that
XY = f w 2 is another form of the equation of the rectangular hyperbola for w # 0. When w = 0
this reduces to the degenrate conic, a pair of straight lines X = 0 or Y = 0.
If either a or c is non-zero, we complete squares. Suppose therefore that without loss of
generality a # 0. Divide throughout by u and obtain
4.3 General Equation of the Second Degree 129

which on completion of squares yields

We note that the sign of the coefficient of y2 in (5) would seem to be sufficient to determine completely
the type of conic.

Sign of (f - 5) = Sign of (-) = Sign of (4ac - b2)

since 4a2 > 0. Thus the following conclusions appear reasonable:

4ac - b2 > 0 j conic is an ellipse

4ac - b2 <0 j conic is a hyperbola
4ac - b2 = 0 j conic is a parabola.

These conclusions are in agreement with the already known cases, namely (i) a = c = 0, b f 0 and
(ii) b = 0.
However, as much as we are happy to meet once more in another context an old friend in the
expression 4ac - b2 = -(b2 - 4 a c ) , these conclusions must remain tentative at present. The reason
is that we are in effect replacing x with a new variable, say E l where E = x $ y . In the case of
interest here, namely b # 0, the two variables ( E l y) are not a t right angles and therefore form a set
of oblique axes as shown in Figure 4.11.

FIG. 4.11 Oblique axes. OAPB is a parallelogram

It is not clear which conclusions reached using oblique axes will remain valid when rectangular axes
are employed. However, we shall retain the discriminant, A E b2 - 4ac, for further investigation.

4.3.2 Rotation of Axes

We prove in this section that it is always possible to rotate the axes of ceordinates so that in the
new axes, the general equation of the second degree has no cross-product term.
130 Applications and General Equations of the Conics

Let Ozy be the usual rectangular co-ordinate system and suppose the rectangular axes O(q
is obtained from Oxy by an anticlockwise~rotationthrough angle a about the origin (Figure 4.12).
Let P be any point on the plane.

FIG. 4.12 Oxy rotated anticlockwise through angle a to obtain O t q

Let its co-ordinates be ( x , y), (<, v), relative to Oxy, O t q axes respectively. Let the distance IOP1 = r
and suppose O P makes an angle /3 with the Ot-axis. Drop perpendiculars PQ, P A to Oc,Ox
respectively. Then OA = x, P A = y and 0 Q = (, PQ = 7 by definition. From AOAP,

x = r cos(a /3) = r(cos a cos /3 - sin a sin /3)
= cos a ( r cos p) sin a ( r sin p)
= cosat sinaq. -
y = r sin(a + /3) = r(sin a cos /3 + cos a sin /3)
=sinat + cosaq.

Substituting (6) into equation (4) we have

0 = a(cos a t - sin cu r1)2+ ~ ( C Oa S5 - sin a q)(sin a ( + cos a q)

+ c ( s i n a ( + c o ~ a q ) +~ 2 g ( c o s a t - s i n a q ) + 2f(sina( + cosaq) + d
= (a cos2 a + b sin a cos a + c sin2 a ) t 2 + (-2a sin a cos a + b cos2 a
' -bsin2a+2csinacosa)~~+(asin2a-bsinacosa+c~os2a)772
+ + +
(29 cos a 2f sin a ) € (-2g sin a 2f cos a ) q d + +
~ A ~ ~ + B ( ~ + c ~ ~ + ~ G ~ + ~ F ~ + D = o


A = acos2a+ bsinacosa+csin2a
B = -2a sin cu cos cu b(cos2 cu - sin2 a ) + 2c sin a cce a!
C = a s i n 2 a - bsinacoea+ccos2a
4.3 General Equation of the Second Degree 131

Now we try to make B equal to zero.

B = -2a sin a cos a + b(cos2 a - sin2 a ) + 2c sin a cos a = 0

+ (c-a)sin2a+bcos2a=O (ii)

I f c = a , cos 2 a = 0 as b # 0 by assumption (the case b = 0 has already been covered in Chapter 3).
Therefore 20 = 5 or a = % radians = 45O.
I f c # a , divide (ii) by (c - a) cos 2a(# 0) and obtain

b b
tan2a= --- - -.
c-a a-c
Hence it is always possible to rotate axes so as to eliminate the cross product term.

Example 5
Find new co-ordinate axes that eliminates the xy term in
(i) xy=2 (ii) 2x2 + f i x Y + y2 + x - 6 = 0
If we rotate the axes 'through angle a,

z-+cosa(-sinaq and y + s i n a ( + c o s a q

(i) xy = 2 becomes
(cosat - s i n a q ) ( s i n a t + cosaq) = 2
cos a sin a t2 (cos2 a - sin2 a)<q - sin a cos a q2 = 2. (iii)
We set cos2 a - sin2 a = 0 to eliminate the cross-product term. That is

t a n a = 1 and a=45O.

Hence putting a = 4 5 O in (iii) yields

(ii) 2x2 f i x Y + Y2 + x - 6 = 0
This becomes

2(cos cr < - sin a q)' + &(cos a ( -sin a q)(sin a < + cos a q) + (sin a ( + cos a q)2

Multiplying out and collecting like powers of <q yields

(1 + cos2 a + &sin a cos a ) t 2 + (& cos2 a &sin2 a - 2 sin a cos a)(r]

+ (1+ s i n 2 a - &sinacosa)q2 + c o s a t - s i n a q - 6 = 0
Weset f i c o s 2 a - f i s i n 2 a - 2 s i n a c o s a = 0 .
132 Applications a n d General Equations of the Conics

Divide throughout by cos2 a ( # 0) wc obtain

d-dtan2a-2tana'=0 =(I- &tana)(d+ tana)
tans=-- or -1.6.
a = arctan - = 30°
'Therefore (iv) becomes

? 7
! his is an ellipse.

4.3.3 Classification o f general e q u a t i o n of s e c o n d d e g r e e

In this section we shall prove t h a t the discriminant does not alter when the co-ordinate axes are
rotated and that it is sufficient t o help us in determining t,he type of conic.
T h e discriminant of the new equation = B2 - 4AC: where from equation (i) of Section 4.3.2

1 1 1
= -n(l
+ + +
cos2a) T b ~ i n 2 a - c ( l - c o s 2 a )
2 2
1 1 1
2 2
= --(a + c) - -- ( r : - a) cos 2 a -b sin 2 a
C = a sin' n -- b sin n cos (Y + c C.OS2 a
- 2

1 1
-(1 - cos 2cu) - -h sin 2 a ;c(l

+ cos 2 a )

= -(a+c)+-(c-a)cos2a- -bsin2a (iii)

2 2 2
8' - 4 A C = [(c - a) sin 2 a + b cos 2aI2 - 4 x -[(a
+ c) - (c - a ) cos 2 a + bsin 2a]

= (c - a)' sin2 2 a + b2 cos"a + 2b(c - a) sin 2 a cos 2 a - {(a + c ) ~

+ ( a + c)(c - a ) cos 2 a - b(a + c) sin 2 a - (a + c)(c - a ) cos 2 a - (c - a)2 cos2 2 a
+ b(c - a ) sin 2 a cos 2 a + b(c + a ) sin 2 a + b(c - a ) sin 2 a cos 2 a - b2 sin2 2 a )
= (c - a)'(sin2 2 a + cos2 2 a ) + b2(cos2 2 0 + sin2 2cr) - (a + c ) ~
= (c - a)'+ b2 - ( a + c ) ~
= b2 - 4ac.
4.3 General Equation of the Second Degree 133

Thus the discriminant remains unchanged when the axes are rotated.
We offer an alternative derivation of this result which avoids the extensive calculations above.
From (ii) and (iii)

C+A=a+c (iv) '

C - A = (c-a)cos2a- bsin2a ( 4
Hence by (i) and (v)

B' + ( C - A ) =~ [(c - a ) sin 2a + b cos 2aI2 + [(c - a ) cos 2 a - bsin 2a]'

= ( c - uj2(sin92cu + cos2 2,) + 1 r ~ ( c o s 9+ ~ asin' 2 ~ )
= ( c - a j 2 + b2

= b2 + (c - a)' - (c + a)' by (vi) and (iv)
= b2 - 4ac.
If we rotate axes to make B = 0, the discriminant A = b2 -4ac = B 2 - 4AC reduces to -4AC.
a. A > 0 + AC < 0 + hyperbola since one of A, C is positive and the other negative.
b. A < 0 + AC > 0 =+ ellipse since both are either positive or negative (and hence can be made
C. A = 0 + A C = 0 + parabola since one only of A, C is zero (both cannot be zero for otherwise
1 Discriminant (B2- 4AC) 1 1 Conic t v ~ e1
1 hyperbola
1 zero 1 zero I parabola (
TABLE 4. 1 Using the relative signs of A and C to identify the conic

Example G
Determine the type of conic by using the discriminant
(i) z2 2y + + y2 (ii) x2 + 22y + y2 + 22 - 3y = 0
(iii) zy-y+x=l

Discriminant A = b2 - 4ac.
(i) a=1,b=1,c=l,thereforeA=12-4(1)(1)=1-4<O~ellipse
(ii) a = 1,b = 2, c = 1, therefore A = b2 - 4ac = 22 - 4(1)(1) = 4 - 4 = 0 3 parabola
(iii) a = 0, b = 1,c = 0,therefore A = b2 - 4ac = 1- 4(0)(0) = 1 > 0 j hyperbola.
134 Applications and General Equations of the Conics

Exercises 4.3
In problems 1-6 rotate the ceordinate axe's through an angle a that eliminates the XJ term. Find
the equation of the conic in the new ceordinate axes.
1 x 2 + 5 x y + y 2 = 10
2 x2 - , A x y + 2y2 - 4 y = 0
3 +
11x2 - 1 0 f i x y + y2 3 2 d x - 32y + 80 = 0
4 x2+2xY+Y2+x+y=o
5 xy-y+x=l
6 x2-2xy+y2+3x-2y+4=~
7 Can equation ( 4 ) represent a circle when b # O? Justify your answer completely.
8 Show that the equation of a circle centred at the origin is not altered by a rotation of axes.
By using the discriminant, determine the type of conic in problems 12-16.
9 2~~+~y+~~-8~-1Oy-10=0
10 5x2 - 2xy.+ y2 + 3x - 2y + 4 = 0
11 x2 - 6 x y + 9y2 + 2x - y = 1
12 By making the change x = (cos a, y = 77 + sin a in equation ( 4 ) show that the discriminant
of the resultant equation is (b2 - 4ac) cos2 a . Hence deduce that the oblique axes of Figure
4.11 will also classify the general equation of second degree using the sign of the discriminant.
13 Show that if A = B = C = 0 , then a = b = c = 0 also.

Miscellaneous Exercises
1 Show that the polar equation -r1 = a + bsin 0 represents a conic section. Consider the cases
1. # lbl and 1. = lbl.
Identify and sketch each of the conics in problems 2-5.
2 r=
5 4sine
3 r ( 1 - sin 0) = 1

By using the discriminant, determine the type of conics in problems 6-10.

6 x2+xy+1=0
7 2x2+xY+y2-10=0
8 + +
5x2 - 24xy 12y2 3x - 2y + 4 = 0
9 5x2-2xy+Y2+3x-2y+4=o
10 5x2 + 8 x y - 5y2 + 162 + 20y + 15 = 0
5.0 Three dimensional Cartesian Co-ordinate Systems

We are familiar with the two dimensional (plane) Cartesian Co-ordinate system O x ! / . In this system
a point in the plane can be uniquely located by an ordered pair of numbers ( x , ? ~called) its c*
ordinates. In order to describe a point or line in space we need t o extend these ideas lo three
Let Ox, Ox, 0 z be three mutually perpendicular lines in space. These are called co-ordinate

FIG. 5.1
The two possible distinct orientations of the axes relative to each other are shown in Figure
5.1. This can be demonstrated by the following proceedure.
STEP 1: Stick up the thumb and point it in the direction of the positive z-axis;
STEP 2: Point the other fingers of the hand in the direction of the positive x-axis;
STEP 3: Confirm that the direction of the positive y-axis coincides with that obtained when the
other fingers are now rotated through 90°.
If the right hand is used in the above we obtain Figure 5.l(i) and if the left hand is used we
obtain Figure 5.l(ii). Therefore these are called right handed co-ordinate system and left handed
co-ordinate system respectively. We shall use only right handed co-ordinate systems throughout in
The co-ordinate axes also define three mutually perpendicular planes called co-ordinate planes.
These are the
- xy plane, perpendicular to the z-axis and containing the x-axis and the y-axis;
- x z plane, perpendicular to the y-axis and containing the x-axis and the z-axis;
- yz plane, perpendicular to the x-axis and containing the y-axis and the z-axis.
136 Vectors ,.... ,.
. , ,

A point P in space is uniquely determined by an ordered triplet of numbers ( a , b, c) called its co-
ordinates. These are the directed distances from the co-ordinate yz, xz, zy planes respectively to

FIG. 5.2
A ceordinate is positive if P is on the same side of the ceordinate plane as is the positive
direction of the axis perpendicular to the co-ordinate plane. Thus the real number c, for instance,
is positive if P lies on the same side of the xy plane as the positive z-axis. For example if the x y
plane is the plane of this page and the positive z-axis points upwards from the page, then c > 0 if P
lies above the level of the page but c < 0 if P lies below the level. If P is any point on this paper,
then c = 0.
Positive, negative and zero values of a, b are similarly obtained.

Distance of point f r o m origin

FIG. 5.3 x
Let P with ceordinates ( x , y, 2) be any point in space. Draw a perpendicular PQ from P t o the
xy plane to intersect it at Q. Draw perpendiculars from Q to the x- and y-axes to meet these
a t R,T respectively. Then O R = x, OT = y and QP = z . By Pythagoras' theorem 10QI2 =
+ +
1 0 ~ 1 ~ I R Q )=~I O R ) ~ ) o T ( ~A.~ S O

5.1 Definition and Representation of Vectors 137

5.1 Definition and Representation of Vectors

5.1.1 Definition of Vectors

The mathematical modelling of natural phenomena requires the description of various physical quan-
tities. There are two categories of such physical quantities that are of interest to us here; namely,
scalars and vectors. Before formally defining these quantities let us consider the following three
a. A town, X , is 60 km from Enugu;
b. A town, X , is northwest of Enugu; and
c. A town, X , is 60 km northwest of Enugu.
We observe that from the first statement (a) we can only infer that the town, X , lies anywhere on
the circumference of a circle with centre at Enugu and radius of 60 km. We therefore do not know
its,exact position. We deduce from statement (b) that the town, X , lies on a bearing of 315' from
Enugu. Once again, we do not know its exact position.
Statement (c), however, combines (a) and (b) to locate the town X (Nsukka) exactly. We
therefore observe that it is necessary to specify both distance (60 km) and direction (northwest) in
order t o locate the position of Nsukka relative to Enugu.
Such.a physical quantity as the above which requires the specification of both its magnitude
and direction for its complete description is called a vector quantity. A physical quantity requiring a
specification of only its position on a linear scale in other t o give its complete description is called a
scalar quantity. The noun 'quantity' is often omitted in these names and we simply call then vectors
and scalars respectively.
The special case of a vector with zero magnitude is called a zero or null vector
Examples of vectors are velocity, displacement, force, momentum, acceleration
Examples of scalars are length, the real numbers, mass, speed, density, price of any commodity,
R e m a r k 5.1
The algebra of scalars is the same as the algebra of real numbers (See for example Vol. 1 )
Thus the terms scalars and real numbers will be used interchangeably.
Recall that the letters a , b, c, . . . ,x, y, z are often used to indicate real numbers (scalars). Vectors
are_indicated either by using a bold face type a, b, c, . . . or by putting an arrow above the letter
2, b, c', ,. . . or a bar below the letter g , b , c , .. .. A zero vector is denoted as 0, or 6 or 0. The magnitude
of the vector a is denoted by la1 or a.
Given a vector x , the vector which has the.same magnitude, 1x1, as x but is opposite in direction
to x is denoted by -x.
: Other notations will be defined as the need arises.

5.1.2 Line S e g m e n t Representation o f Vectors

Given a vector a , this can be represented' pictorially by a line segment P?J whose length IPQJ is
equal t o the magnitude of a and whose direction P Q is that of a. P is called the initial point and
Q the final or end point of the line segment PQ.
138 Vectors

Example 1
Let OABCFEDG be a unit cube (aee ~ i ~ k5.4)

FIG. 5.4
A vector b of magnitude 3 units and which is equally inclined to the co-ordinate axes Oz, Oy, 02
may be represented by the line segment O> of length 3 units in the directio~OE. The segment P O
represents -b.

Note that from the definition of a vector (which specifies only magnitude and direction) any
line segment in the direction of the vector and whose length equals the magnitude of the vector
represents the~ector.Thus the pictorial representation is not unique. For instance, the line segmente
O P , f&Q2, R1Ra shown in Figure 5.5 each represents a vector in the zy-plane of magnitude 5 unite
inclined at an angle of 30° to the positive z-axis.

FIG. 5.5
Note that if we insist that the initial point of a line segment be at the origin 0, then the vzctor ia
uniquely represented by o>. More generally, for any point P in space, the line segment O P from
the origin 0 to the point P represents a vector whose end point determines the position of P in
space. Such a vector is called the position vector of the point P.
5.1 Definition and Representation of Vectors 139

5.1.3 C a r t e s i a n Co-ordinate R e p r e s e n t a t i o n

The description of vectors and execution of computations involving vectors are made easier or more
convenient by the introduction and use of a rectangular co-ordinate system. In such system a vector
is represented by an ordered set of numbers called components of the vector. Indeed there are
situations when such components have special physical interpretations.
Consider the problem of loading a heavy drum of oil onto a trailer whose flat bed is h metres
above the ground. It will require a force equal to the weight of the drum to move it vertically up
and load it on the trailer (Figure 5.6(i)). However, by placing a plank inclined a t an angle cr to
the ground and resting on the flat bed of the trailer, we now require a force parallel to thc plank
to move the drum (Figure 5.6(ii)). This force which is the opposite of the component of the weight
parallel to the plank is less than the weight of the drum and decreases as the angle cu decreases. The
decrease in ct is achicvcd by using a longer plank.


FIG. 5.6
Given a Cartesian co-ordinate system Oxyt, the initial and final points R and S (say) of any
line segment representing a vector, v, have unique co-ordinates ( r l , rp, rg) and (sl, s2, s3) respectively
(see Figure 5.7).

FIG. 5.7
We may therefork associate with the line segment ~3and therefore the vector v', the unique triplet
(sl - r l , s2 - ~ 2s3, r3) = (pl p21p3) say, This triplet is also the co-ordinate of the final point P
of the position vector which represents v'. (Why is O R S P a parallelogram?).
For convenience, if a vector i7 has associated triplets (?I:, u 2 , v3) we write C = (vl, v z ,us) and
use either i7 or (vl , v2, v3) to represent the vector.
Note that in two dimensions we obtain in the above fashion an ordered pair of nuinhers (pl ,p2)
say to represent each vector
Equality o f vecotrs
Two vecotrs a', 6 with triplets ( a l l a2, as) and (bl, b2, b ~ respectively
) are equal if a1 = h , a2 = b2
140 Vectors

Magnitude of a vector
A vector v' = (vr,vz, v3) has magnitude

Suppose the vector v' = (vl, vz, us) is in a direction making angles al, az, as, say, with the positive
directions of the Ox,Oy,Oz axes respectively (see Figure 5.8). LPOA = crl, LPOC = aa, L P O D =
C Y ~ . Then
v1 Vl
cosal = =
Ivl d m 2

These are usually called direction cosines.

FIG. 5.8

5.2 Algebra of Vectors

5.2.1 Multiplication of a vector by a scalar

The product of a vector v' and a scalar k, denoted by kv', is a vector

where sgn (x), the signum function is defined by

1, forx>O

-1, for x <0

Thus the magnitude of kv', (kv'l is
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 141

and the direction of lev' is t.hat of sgn (k) v' (see Figure 5.9).

I I b k
-1 0 1
FIG. 5.9

Example 2
The vector 2a has magnitude twice that of a and the same directi~nas a. On the other hand the
vector -4.5b has magnitude 4.5 times that of b and a direction that of -b, that is, a direction
opposite t o that of a.

Example 3
In Newton's Second Law we have the equation = ma'which gives the force (a vector) on a particle
as the product of mass (scalar) and acceleration (vector).

Remark 5.2
Two vectors a,b are equal, denoted by a = b, if they have the same direction and the same magni-
Remark 5.3
Two vectors a, b are said to be parallel if a = k b for some k > 0.
Remark 5.4
A vector whose length is unity is called a unit vector. To determine a unit vector in the direction a
(a # 0) we look for a positive real number k such that ka is a unit vector. Thus

Hence the vector fta or 5is a unit vector in the direction of a. Note that -ha is also a unit
vector but in the direction opposite to a. A unit vector in the direction of a is denoted by a or e',.
Thus a vector of length X in the direction of a is Xa or )re',.
In particular vectors parallel to the co-ordinate axes Ox, Oy, 0% will prove useful in subsequent
The unit vector in the directions Ox, Oy,Oz are denoted by i, j, k respectively.
Thus for example a vector of length A in the direction of i say, is Xi.
142 Vectors

In terms of co-ordinates, if v' = (vl, vz,vs) we want to find the co-ordinates of kc. Suppose
these are (wl , w2, w3).
For k > 0; the vectors v', kv' are parallel and so have the same direction cosines. Also Iw'l = k 151.
cosff1= --;-= -


Similarly it can be shown that w2 = kv2 and w3 = kv3. Thus

kv' = (kvl, kv2,kv3) for k > 0.

For k < 0 let k = -t2 (say). kv' has a direction opposite to that of v' and thus makes angles 180 - cq,
180 - a 2 and 180 - a3 with Ox, Oy, Oz respectively. Since cos(l80 - 0) = - cos0, we have

cos al = ,

lv l
w1 = - C O S Q ~
cos(l80 - a l ) = -
I w' I



Similarly for w2 and w3. Thus also kv'= (kvl, kv2,kv3) for k < 0.
For k = 0, the same equation is satisfied.
kt7 = (kvl, kvz, kvs) for all k E R.
One way of defining the sum a'+ of two vectors a', g in that order is to do this wing the pidorial
representation 18% Figure 5.10).

FIG. 5.10
For the vector g we take line segment representing 6 which has its initial point at the end of the line
segment for a'. The sum a' 5 is represented by the lin5 segment joining the $itd ~ o i n of t the line
segment for a' t o the final point of the line segment for b. Thus the vectors a', b, a'+ b form the three
sides of a triangle. This result is called the triangle law of vector addition.
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 143

R e m a r k 5.5
The expression of the form 'the line segmefit A% representing the vector a" appears frequently. For
brevity, we shall where convenient shorten this to 'the vector A%'.
P r o v e r t i e s of vector addition
a'+ (4o'
a'+b'=b'+a' commutative law
(a'+ ); + c'= a'+ (;+ EJ associative law
k(a' +); = ka' + kg for all k E R
PROOF.( 1 ) From the triangle law if i = 6 then the end point of 6 coincides with its initial
point and_ the triangle collapses to the vector a'. Thus a'+ 8 = a'.
(2) If b = (-a') then $ and a' have the same magnitude but opposite directions. Thus the end
point of ; coincides with the initial point of a'. So that a'+ ( - i f ) = 6.

FIG. 5.11
In Figure 5.11, PQ represents
- the vector ii, PS the vector ;and P Q R S is a parallelogram. Thus
Q R = ;and % = a' also. Hence

- - -
PR= PS+SR=;+Z.

R e m a r k 5.6
Figure 5.11 shdws that the sum$+ of two vectors i f , g is represented by the diagonal of a parallel-
ogram formed by the vectors a', b and with a',,; a'+ ;passing through the same point. This is called
the pamllelogram law of vector addition.
( 4 ) Vector addition is defined only for pairs of vectors. Thus to add three or more vectors we can
only add them in pairs. The expressions (a'+;) +Z, a'+ (;+q show two such ways of adding a', g, ?in
pairs. The essence of the result is that the sum of the three vectors is independent of the sequence
of these pairs. Thus
144 Vectors

FIG. 5.12
From Figure 5.12

(a+ S) + c'= a'+ (6+ q.
By using property (3)
a+ ( S + q = ( 6 + q + a = 6 + (?+a) by (i).
Other forms can be obtained similarly.
( 5 ) To prove that multiplication by scalar is distributive over vector addition, namely

we refer to Figure 5.13 which illustrates the sums a'+ 6 and ka'+ k6 for k > 0.

FIG. 5.13
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 145

Let = a', BC = and P& = ka', &R = kc. Thus AZ = a' + g and = ka' + kg. Since
AB [I PQ and BC 11 m, then angle ABC = angle PQR. Also (WI= k \ m l and I&RI = k I E I .
Hence AABC is similar to APQR. Therefore In]
= kJACI and CTB
= R ~ SOQ that PR 11 E.
Hence = k x i.e.
ka'+ k g = k(a'+ 6).
The statement is trivially true for k = 0.
The case k < 0 is left as an exercise.

5.2.2 Addition of Vectors

Subtraction of vectors
~ e f i n e z - ; := a'+(-;)
Thus to subtract ;from a', we change the sign of $ and add the result to a'.
Vector equation of a straight line
Find the equation of a line through the point Po and parallel to the vector ii.
Take a representation of a' which passes through the point Po. Let 0 be the origin of co-ordinates
and P any point on the required line. Let the position vectors of Po,P be Fo,F respectively (see
Figure 5.14).

FIG. 5.14
Now P;P 11 a' therefore P ~ P
= ta'. That is 7- Fo = ta' or

q t ) = F, + ta.
The notation ?(t) being used to emphasize that the position vector of P depends on the value of t.
If t = 0,F(0) = To and P coincides with Po.
If t > 0, P;P is in the direction a' and P lies to the right of Po in the diagram.
If t < 0, P;P is in the direction of -a' and P lies to the left of Po in the diagram.
Thus the entire line is generated for t E ( - o o , ~ )
146 Vectors

Example 4
Internal division of a line segment
Let a', b be positioil vectors of the points A, B respectively in space relative to any origin 0.Determine
the position vector of the point P which divides the line joining A, B internally in the ration of rn:n.

Let the position vector of P relative to 0 be F. Now A> I( ~3therefore A> = k ~ %for some k >0
* k=--IA>J - -
A>= -PB
- or n ~ > = m ~ % .
n(?-a')=rn(i-r") or (n+m)?=na'+mC

If n = m, P becomes the midpoint of AB and

Result ( ~ i c l ~ o i tnhte o r e m )
The line joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and equal to half
its length
PROOF.Let A, B,C be any triangle in space. Let a, b, c be the position vectors of A, B,C
respectively relative to some origin of co-ordinates. If D, E are the midpoints of AB, AC respectively,
a then their position vectors are
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 147



We now turn our attention to deriving the results of addition of two vectors when these are
expressed in ceordinate form. Thus given two vectors a = ( a l ,a2, as), b = ( b l , b 2 , b 3 ) say, we
wish to derive their sum a + b in co-ordinate form. To do this we first obtain an expression for v
= ( v l ,v ~v 3, ) as a sum of vectors involving the unit vectors i, j, k . In Figure 5.15 O> is the position
vector of v , lOAl = v l , (081= v2, lOCl = 213. But 02 is a vector in the direction of i and of length

FIG. 5.15
Thus 02= v l i . Similarly 0%= v l j and 02= v l k . Now

V = (v1,v2,v3)= v l i + v j + v g k
If a vector is written in the form (i), v l , vz, 213 are called its components in the direction i , j, k
148 Vectors

By (ii)

by associativity and comutativity


( a ~az,
, as) + (bl, bz, b3) = (a1 + bl, a2 + bz, a3 + b3).
Example 5
If a = 3i + 2j + 4k and b = -4i + 2j + 5k find (i) a + 2b (ii) 3a - b

= 3i + 2j + 4k - 8i + 4j + 10k by property (5)
= (3 - 8)i (2 + 4)j (4 10)k + +
= -5i + 6j + 14k

Example 6
If a = -3i + 4 j + 5k, b = 2i + 3j - 5k and c = -2i + 14j show that c is parallel to a + b
= (-3+ 2)i+ ( 4 + 3 ) j + (5 - 5)k
= -i+7j
But c = -2i + 14j = 2(-i + 7j) = 2(a + b).
Therefore c (1 ( a + b) since c = k(a + b) with k > 0.

Example 7
Let A(-3, -7,9) and B(7,8, -6) be points in space. If C, D divide AB in the ratio 2:3 and 3:2
respectively, show that AZ= D%.
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 149


Let a, b be the position vectors of A, B respectively. Then ~ l l eposition vector r of any point P
dividing A B in the ratio m: n is given by

For the point C, rn = 2, n = 3 and the position vector of c of C is

For the point D ,m = 3, n = 2 and the position vector d of D is


Therefore ~3= ~ 3 .

Example 8
Find the point of intersection of the line r(A) = (4,3,1) + A(3,1,2) with the line through the points
with co-ordinates (2, -1,O) and (4, -7,2).
For the equation of the line through (2, -1,O) and (4, -7,2):
direction a = (4,-7,2) - (2,-1,O) = (2,-6,2).
150 Vectors

Therefore equation of line is

r(t) =,(2, -1,O) + t(2, -6,2)
Equation of given line is
r(A) = ( 4 , 3 , l ) + X(3,l, 2) (ii)

At point of intersection, if any,

r(t*) = r(X*)
where 1" ,A* are the values of 1 , A respectively which give the co-ordinates of the point of intersection.

Therefore (2,-1,O) +te(2,-6,2) = (4,3,1) -I-X*(3,1,2)

or (2+2t*,-1-6t*,2*)=(4+3X*,3+X*,1-k2~*)

W must solve equations (iii) - (v) simultaneously for t*, A*. Let us use (iii) and (v) t o solve and
h e n check if these values also satisfy (iv).

(iii) and (v) 2=3+X*+X*=-1

Substituting this into (v) we have

21" = 1 + 2(-1) = -1 + t* = --2 '

Check in equation (iv):

LHS = -1 - 6 ( - i ) = 2 and RHS = 3 + (-1) = 2. Hence LHS = RHS and equation (iv) is satisfied.
Therefore the point of intersection is r(t* = -:) = r(X* = -1).

Exercises 5.2.2
1 By completing the parallelogram O A D B , prove that o ~ + o =
> 2 0 2 where C is the midpoint
of AB.
2 A, B , C and 0 are any points in space. Prove that 02-k 0%= 20%' +
~2-k c>.
3 Let D, E be points on the sides AB, A C respectively of A A B C such that D divides AB in
the ratio m: n and E divides A C in the same ratio. Prove that DE is parallel t o B C and of
length -)BZ).
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 151

Obtain the equation of the line through the point A(l, -3,2) and parallel t o the vector
(-12, 4,3)
(i) Yerify that the point (-23,5,8) lies on this line.
(ii) Find the co-ordinates of the point on the line with x-co-ordinate 3.
(iii) Find the co-ordinates of two points on the line each distant 5 units from A.
+ +
Prove the distributive law k(a b) = ka k b for the case k < 0.
Given that town B is 150 km North of town A and town C is 100 km southwest of town B ,
determine the position of C relative to A.
A boy can swim with a speed of 26 metres/minute in still water. He wants t o swim across a
150 m wide river from a point A t o a point B directly opposite on the other side of the river.
The river flows at 10 metres/minute.
a. If he always swims in the direction parallel to AB, find how far he lands downstream of
b. In what direction relative to the bank of the river must the boy swim so as t o cross
directly from A t o B?
Let A, B, C be points with position vectors a, b, c respectively. Show that A, B , C are collinear
if and only if there are non-zero constants a, p , 7 such that a a + p b + y c = 0 with a + @ + y = 0.

5.2.3 Scalar p r o d u c t of two vectors

We first introduce a concept which will be used in defining the products (both scalar and vector
products) of two vectors.
Angle b e t w e e n t w o vectors
Given two vectors, we select a pictorial representation of both in which they have a common initial
point. With coincident initial points the two vectors/line segments now lie in a plane since any three
points define a plane: in this case the three points are the coincident initial point, and the two final
points of the vectors.

FIG. 5.16
The angle, 8, between the two vectors is defined as the smaller of the two angles between the
directions of the vectors (see Figure 5.16). The line segment, dotted in Figure 5.16, which joins the
final points of a and b represents the vector b - a. By the cosine law

+ -
(bl - a ~ )(b2 ~ a2)2 + (bs - as)2 = a: +a: + a; + b: + bi + bi - 21al Ibl cos 8,
152 Vectors



We can now define the scalar product of two vectors a and b .

DEFINITION. Let a, b be any two vectors, the scalar p r o d u c t or d o t p r o d u c t of a and b
in that order, denoted by a . b is given by

'where 9 is the angle between a and b .

We note from the definition that
(i) a b = 0 if at least one of lal, lbl, cos9 is zero. Thus if either a = 0 or b = 0 then a . b = 0.
Also if 0 = $, cos = 0 and a . b = 0 even when la\ # 0 and Ibl # 0. Such vectors, that is with the
property a . b = 0, are said to be perpendicular or orthogonal. In particular

(ii) If two vectors are parallel, the angle between them, 0 is zero and cos 0 = 1.
Thus in particular a a = la1 la1 1 which implies


(iii) a . b = JaJJblcos 0 = la1 lbl .

atbt + a 2 b ~+ a3b3
= a l b l + azb2 + asb3
lal Ibl

P r o p e r t i e s of scalar p r o d u c t
1 a.b=b.a
2 a.(kb)=(ka)-b=ka-b fork€R
+ +
3 a . ( b c) = a . b a . c distributive law

PROOF.Properties (1) and (2) for k 2 0 follow directly from definition. For k = -w2 < 0 say,

l a . (kb)l = la1 IkbJcos(l80 - 0) = la1 lkl Ibl(- cos 0)

5.2 Algebra o f Vectors 153

where 0 is the angle between a and b. Therefore

la. (kb)l = /alw2/b/(-cos 8) = -w21al /b(cos 0 = klal lbl cos 0

= ka-b.

The distributive law can be extended to the following:

C o m p o n e n t s o f a vector
We now generalize the idea of the component of a vector defined earlier in the directions i, j, k to
the component of a vector in an arbitrary direction.
The vector component or vector projection of a vector a in the direction of the unit vector il is

( a . G)&

The scalar a . u is called the scalar component or scalar projection of a onto G . Note that the
+ +
above definition is consistent with the earlier one since if a = a l i a j a3k then

Similarly a .j = a2 and a.k = a3 as before.

Example 9
Compute the scalar product of a = 2i - 3j + 5k and b = -6i + 9j - 15k. Also determine the angle
between them.
a .b = (2i - 3j + 5k) . (-6i + 9j - 15k)
= 2(-6) + (-3)(9) + 5(-15) = -114

154 Vectors

Hence e = COS-'(-~)= T.

0 = ?r + a, b are in opposite directions which is correct since b = -3a!


Example 10
If the cosine of the angle between u = i + 2j + 2k and v = i - 4 j + pk is 5, find the value of the
parameter p.
Let the angle between u and v be 8.


Squaring we have


We check these values in (i) since the squaring can introduce spurious 'solution'
2 ($) - 7
* LHS of (i) = = -1 Not a solution

p =8 * LHS of (i) = d2(8) -m7 = 1 Solution

Therefore p = 8.

Vector equation of a plane

DEFINITION. Given a non-zero vector n, a plane in R3is the set of points, S, such that the line
segment/vector joining any two points in S is perpendicular to n. Thus for a, b E S,n . (a - b ) = 0.
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 155

See Figure 5.17. The vector n is called the nonnal to the plane.

FIG. 5.17

Remark 5.7
Fkom the definition
1 -n is also a normal to the plane;
2 n a = n . b for all a,b E S. Hence S consists of all points the scalar projections of whose
position vectors in the direction of n are all equal (and equal to OT in Figure 5.18).

FIG. 5.18
To obtain the equation satisfied by the position vectors r of all pointe in the plane coneider a
point ro and the plane through ro = (xo,yo, zo) with normal n = (A, B, C). Let P with position
vector r = (x, y, z ) be any other point in the plane. Then P?O Po n and thus
n . (r -ro) = 0 =$ n - r= = const.
In terms of components we have
r + + Cz = constant 1

Example 11
+ +
Find the equation of a plane through the point (1, -2,3) and with normal 4i 3j k.
Fixed point on plane, ro = (1, -2,3). Normal to plane n = (4,3,1). Let r = (x, y, z) be an arbitrary
point in the plane. Then
156 Vectors

5.2.4 Vector product of two vectors

DEFINITION. The vector product or cross product of two vectors u, v in that order, denoted
by u x v o r u A v , is
U A V = lulIvIsint9A

where 0 is the angle between u, v with u, v, A forming a right handed system, i.e. a rotation of
the hngers of the right hand frbm u to v leaves the thumb pointing in the direction of A. Thus the
milgnitude of u A v is
( uA vl = IuI IvI sin 0.

Remark 5.8
From the definition
(i) u A v = 0 if either lull IvI or sine is zero. Thus if either u = 0 or v = 0, then u A v = 0.
Also if 0 = 0 or n, sine = 0 and u A v = 0 . Hence a A a = a A (-a) = 0. In particular
(ii) i A j is a vector in the direction of k and so i A j = lil Ijl sin $ k = k. Similarly j A k = i and
(iii) u . ( u A v) = lul Ivl sin 0 u . ?t = 0 and v . ( u A v) = lul Ivl sin 6' v . ?t = 0 since ?t is perpendicular
to both u and v.
(iv) IU A VI is the area of the parallelogram formed with u, and v as adjacent sides.
Properties of vector product
1 bAa=-aAb.
2 a Ab = (azb3 - a3b2,a3bl - alb3,alb2- a2bl).
3 (Xa) A b = a A (Xb) = X(a A b) for any real number A.
4 aA(b+c)=aAb+aAc distributive law.

1 Ib Aal = laA bl but as the roles of a, b are interchanged in the right handed system, b A a points
in the direction' opposite t o a A b.
2 Let a A b = (x,y, z). We know from Remark 5.8 (iii) that a (a A b) = 0 and b . (a A b) = 0
Hence alx azy + a3z = 0 and blx + bzy + b3z = 0. If a, b are both non-zero and non-parallel we
can solve these equations (see Example 14) to obtain
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 157

in terms of z where alb2 - a2bl # 0. From the definitions of a . b and a A b, since cos2 0 +sin2 0 = 1,
we have

Thus la - ( a . b)'
bI2 = Ja)21b(2
i.e z2 + y2 + z2 = (a: + a; + ag)(b: + b; + bz) - ( a ~ b +l azbz + ~ 3 b 3 ) ~
= (azb3 - a3b2)2+ (a3bl - alb3)2 (alb2 -
Substituting above for x and y yields

a A b = f( ~ b -
3 a3b2, a3bl - alb3, alb2 - a2bl).
To determine which sign to use, we substitute the special case a = i = (1,O, 0))b = j = (0,1,0) so
that a A b = k = (0,0,1). This gives (0,0,1) = f(O,O, 1). Hence the correct sign is the positive
sign. Therefore
a A b = (a2b3 - a3b2,a3bl - alb3,albe - a2b1).
Now we check if this equation is also correct for the simple cases we had left out of consideration. For
the case of one or both of a, b being zero, then clearly a A b = 0 by definition and a A b = (0,0,0)
agrees with (*).
If a (1 b then b = Aa and a A b = 0 since 0 = 0. This is also consistent with (*) since b '=
(Aal, Aa2, Xu3). Hence in all cases

3 ( A a ) A b = a A ( A b ) = A(aAb) for all A.

Similarly it can be shown that a A (Ab) = A(a A b).

4 aA(b+c)=a~b+a~c
As an exercise, use components to derive this result.

Remark 5.9
(i) Particular instances of property 1 are

(ii) The distributive law can as usual be extended to

158 Vectors

Triple p r o d u c t s r
Since a A b is a vector, its product (both s'calar and vector) can be taken with another vector c, aay
to obtain ( a A b) A c called vector triple product or ( aA b ) c called scalar triple product.

E x a m p l e 12
Givenu=3i+4j-7k, v = -i+2j+kand w=i+2k1find
(i) u A v (ii) ( u A v ) w (iii) (u A v ) A w (iv) u A ( v A w )

GI u A v = (3,4, -7) A (-1,2,1)

= - (-7)(2), (-7)(-l) - (3)(1), 3(2) - 4(-1))
= (l8,4,lO) or 18i + 4j + 10k

(ii) ( u A v ) w = (l8,4,lO) (1,0,2) = 18(1) + 4(O) + lO(2) = 38.
(iii) (u A v ) A w = (18,4,10) A (1,0,2)
= (8 - 0,lO - 36,O - 4) = (8, -26, -4)
6.) VAW = (-1,2,1)~(1,0,2)
Therefore u A ( v A w ) = (3,4, -7) A (4,3, -2)
= (-8 + 21, -28 + 6,9 - 16) = (13, -22, -7) # (U A V) A w

E x a m p l e 13
Find the equation of the plane passing through the three points A(1,2- I), B(-3,4,0) and C(2,1,1).
The vectors A%, A*, BZare co-planar. The vector product of any two of these will give a normal
n to the plank since the vector product of any two vectors is perpendicular to the two vectors and
thus to the plane containing them. Let a, b, c be the position vectors of A, B , C respectively. ,

Therefore , n = A 3 A A* = (-4,2,l) A (1, -1,2)

= (5,9,2).
Hence equation of plane through a and with n as normal is
5.2 Algebra of Vectors 159

Example 14
Use vector methods to solve
alx+a2y+a3z = 0
+ +
blx bzy b3t. = 0.

The given simultaneous equations may be written in the form

a . x =0

where a = (al, aa, as), b = (bl, bz, b3) and x = (x, y, z). These latter equations imply x l a and x l b .
x = X(a A b)
is a solution for any real number A.

Exercises 5.2.4
Ifa=-i+2j+klb=3i+4j+k,c=i-4j+3kfind (i) a ~ b(ii) ~ A C .

Show that the vectors p = (3, -2, O), q = (2, -4, -2) and r = (1,2,2) are coplanar.
Determine which sets of vectors are coplanar
(i) (0,2,-3), ( l , l , - l ) , (-1,9,0)
(ii) (1,213)~(0, 3, -l)i (2i l )
(iii) (-2, 1, -11, (1, 2,3), (-1,3) 2)
(i) u . v
(ii) u . (2v 3w - 5u)
(iii) ( u 2v) . (w - 2v).
Find the equation of the plane through the points (1,2,3), (0,3, -1) and (2,1,1).
Find the equation of the plane through the points (O11,2), (1,0,1) and (2,1,0).
Find the equation of the plane through the points (3, -1,2), (4,0,2) and (1,1,1).
Show that r(X, p) = a + Xb + p c where X I p are real numbers is a plane containing b and c.

10 Solve

11 a. Provea~(bAc)=(aAb)~cforalla,b,c.
b. Prove that if the vectors a, b, c are coplanar, then a ( b A c) = 0.

Show that a = 2i - 4j + k and b = 3i - j - 10k are orthogonal.

Find the angle between
(i) a=i+2j'-2kandb=-2i+3j+6k
(ii) +
u = 2i 6j - 3k and v = -7i 4j 4k + +
a. If p is the vector projection of the vector u = 3i - j + 2k onto the vector v = 4i + 2j - 3k
(i) find p
(ii) show that u - p is orthogonal t o v
b. Show that the vector projection of a in the direction of b is

Consider the line L with equation r(t) = a + t u . To find the distance from the point c to the
line, use the methods of problem 14a. to find the component of c - a perpendicular to the
++ +
line. Illustrate your methods for the case a = 2i j 3k, u = i j - 2k and c = -i 3j + + 2k.
What is the foot of the perpendicular from c to the line L?
Repeat problem 15 using an arbitrary point r(t0) on the line in place of a to show that the
results are independent of the choice of point r(to) on the line.

Calculus of vector functions of a real variable

In real life some vectors are functions of one or more real variables. For example, the velocity of a
stone thrown vertically upwards depends on, i.e. changes with, time. Also the velocity of a stream
varies with both time and position. However, in this section we shall consider only vector functions
that depend on one real variable only.

5.3.1 Differentiation o f vector functions of a real variable

Let u(t) denote a vector function of one real variable t . For any arbitrary number t o , we define

lim u(t) = lim (ul(t), uz(t), u3(t))

i-to t-lo

:= (lim u,(t), lim u2(t), lim u3(t)

t-to t -to i-to

A function u(t) is continvovs at t = to if

that is

Thus by equality of two vectors

Hence, a vector function is continuous at to if and only if each of its components is continuous a t to.
Also as for functions of a real variable a vector function is said to be continuous in an open interval
if it is continuous a t every point in the interval.

E x a m p l e 15
If u(t) = (t2 + 1,ei ,sin 3nt)
5.3 Calculus of vector functions of a real variable 161

(i) find limt+2 u(t)

(ii) show that u(t) is continuous everywhere.
lim u(t) = (lim(t2 + I), lim et , lim(sin 3 d ) )
1-2 t+2 2 t-2
= (5, e2,0).
(ii) The components of u(t), namely, t 2 + 1,et,sin 37rt, are continuous everywhere. Hence u(t) is
continuous everywhere.

Let u(t) be a continuous vector function of the real variable t and u(to),u(to+At) be the values
of u at two neighbouring points t o and t o At . Suppose these vectors are represented pictorially
by the line segments A% and as in Figure 5.19.

FIG. 5.19
Let u(to At) - u(to) be denoted by A u which is therefore represented by B?. Thus A u =
u(to At) - u(to) and
= u(to At) - u(to)
At At
As t varies, the final point C of u(t) traces out a curve or path. If At --, 0, A u --, 0.
If the lim - exists, the limit is called the derivative of the vector function u(t) at t i.e.
A t 4 0 At

du u(t + At) - u(t)

= lim
at-o At
du du
where - denotes derivative of u with respect to t. - is also denoted by ul(t). Note that the ratio
dt dt
Au 1
- = -(Au) is a vector (parallel to the line segment B? in Figure 5.19) and hence its limit is
At At
also a vector. This limit vector is tangent at B to the path traced out by C.
From the description of limit, it follows that

dul duz du3

dt dt ' dt ' dt dt dt dt

Thus, for example, for u = (t2 + 1,et,sin3d),

= (2t,et,37rcos3nt).
162 Vectors

Properties o f t h e derivative ,.
For any k E R, a any constant vector, u ( t ) , v ( t )are differentiable vector functions and d ( t ) any
differentiable scalar function,

(4) z(a) = 0
d du
(5) -(ku(t)) = k x
d du dv
(6) -(u+v)=-+-
dt dt dt
d d4 du
(7) -(du) = -u+d-
dt dt dt
d du dv
(8) -(u.v)= -- v + u . -
dt dt dt
d du dv
(9) -(uAv)= - A V + U A -
dt dt dt '

5.3.2 Integration o f vector function o f a real variable

DEFINITION. Let u ( t ) be a continuous vector function of the real variable t , define the integral
or antiderivative of u ( t ) by

R o m this definition and the properties of integrals of scalar functions we can deduce the following

/ Odt = a where a is a constant

In what follows and in the exercises we assume that the position vector r ( t ) ,velocity v ( t ) an'
acceleration a(t) are related by

d d
v ) = ( t ) , a(t) = -v(t).
These concepts are discussed more fully in the next chapter.
Example 16
The velocity, v ( t ) of a particle at time t is given by

v ( t ) = 2 i + cost j - sint k

If at time t = 0, the particle is a t the origin, find it8 position vector at t = 5.

5.3 Calculus of vector functions of a real variable 163

v(t) = - = 2 i + c o s t j - s i n t k
Integrating with respect to t we obtain

r(t) = 2t i + sint j + cost k + c

where c is a constant vector (integrating constant).
But at t = 0, r = 0 Therefore


which implies c = -k.

Therefore r(t) = 2t i + sint j + (cost - 1) k.
r(?) = 2(?) i + sin - j
lr lr
+ (cos -lr2 - 1) k

Exercises 5.3
Given that 4 = et, u(t) = sint i + cost j + 3 k and v(t) = t i - 2 k. Find

-(u A v).
The velocity of a particle at time t is v(t) = t i t2 k. If at time t = 0, the particle is at the
origin, find its position vector.
+ +
The position vector r(t) of a particle is given by r(t) = 2 cost i 2 sin t j t k, find its velocity,
speed, and acceleration.
The acceleration of a particle is a(t) 2 -10 k. At time t = 0 the particle is at the origin and
has velocity 100 k. Find its displacement as a function o f t and its value when the velocity is
For each case'below, find i and verify that r r = 0. -
a. r = a(cos 8, sin 8) b. r = a ( c o s e c o s ~ , c o s ~ s i n ~ , s i n 8 ) .
Check that lrI2= a2 in each case.

Miscellaneous Exercises

1 Obtain the vector equation of the line through the point A(-1,0,3) and parallel to the vector
u = (5,3, -4). Find the point where this line intersects the xy-plane.
2 Obtain the equation of the plane through the point (1, -1,2) and normal to 2 i - 3j 4 k. +
3 Use component form of vectors to prove that a A (b + c) = a A b + a A c .
164 Vectors

(i) u.w (ii) (uAv).w ' (iii) (uAv)Aw.
Prove that for any vectors u and v, ( u A v ) . u = 0.
Compute the scalar and vector projections of u onto v and the angle between u and v if
a. u=-i+3j, v=i-2j+2k,
b. u=12i+3j-4k,v=-3i+4k.
Find the equation of the plane through the points
(i) (2,0931, (191, -1) and (-21 1,2),
(ii) (3,1,2), ( - 1 , 2 , l ) a n d ( l , - 1 , 4 ) .
Find the point of intersection of the line r(t) = (1, -2,O) + t (2,1, -1) and the plane through
the point (3, - I l l ) with normal n = (1, -1,O).
Given that 4 = s i n t , u = t i - j and v = c o s t i + j + s i n t k f i n d - ( ~ u A v ) .
+ +
The position vector r of a particle is given by r(t) = t i 2t2j k , find the velocity and
acceleration of the particle.
The position vector r(t) of a particle is given by r = (3sin 2t,3cos 2t, 2t), find its velocity v
and acceleration a. Show that the acceleration is orthogonal to the velocity.
The velocity v(t) of a particle is given by v(t) = (ucos8, usine - gt, 0) where u , 8 and g are
constants. Find the displacement vector of the particle if it is initally at the origin. Show that
the path of the particle is a parabola.
The acceleration of a particle initially at the origin with velocity 2j is cost i - 2 sin t j, find the
position of the particle as a function of time. Identify the path of the particle.
Kinematics of a Particle
I n this and the next chapter we shall study the motions of solid objects and bodies. To do this we
build a mathematical model of such motions, We then solve the equations arising from this model.
How good the model is is determined by how well the results mimic reality. In this chapter we
discuss the motions of objects called particles without consideration of the forces producing such
motions. Such a study is called kinemalics of a particle.

6.1 Basic Concepts

C o n c e p t of a particle
Consider two friends Ada and Dupe who are standing at a bus stop on the side of a straight road.
A bus arrives and Dupe boards it. As it drives off the two friends wave to each other.
As observed by Ada, the bus loomed large when it was at the bus stop: she could identify
the passengers and their individual motions including the waving hand of Dupe. However, as the
bus drove farther and farther away from her, she could no longer obseerve the individual passengers
and their movements; moreover the bus appears smaller and smaller until it becomes a dot a t the
Let us contrast Ada's view of the bus with that of Dupe. For the latter, the bus appears of
constant size and she continues to observe the passengers and their individual movements as clearly
as Ada had seen them while the bus was standing at the bus stop.
We note that in reality the motion of the bus and its passengers is independent of the two
observations. However, what each of the friends actually observes is dependent on their respective
distances from the bus and its passengers. Important therefore to each view is the size of the
observed object in comparison t o its distance from the observer. If an object is such that its size is
small relative to the distances involved in a description of its motion by an observer, then for such a
description of its motion by an observer the object is called a particle and its position is represented
in our mathematical model by a point. The position of the observer is called the reference or
observation point.
The following are cases where the moving objects can be regarded as particles: motion of
particle reference point
(i) earth round the sun centre of the sun
(ii) pendulum (i.e., bulb tied to end of a long string) fixed end of string
(iii) stone thrown into air point on the ground
(iv) aeroplane flying from Enugu to Lagos Enugu airport
F r a m e of references
A co-ordinate system with origin at the point of observation with respect to which the movement
of an object is described is called a l m m e of reference. We shall use only right-handed Cartesian
co-ordinate systems.
Displacement Vector
Given a rectangular co-ordinate system with origin 0 consider a particle at a point P in space a t
time l o with position O> = r(to). If the particle moves to another position Q at time t > t 0 , then
166 Kinematics of a Particle 1''

its new position vector is OQ = r(tl). The vector = r(t1) - =(to) is called the dispJa'cemeni
vector (or displacement for short) of the particle as it moves from P to Q (see Figure 6.1). Thus
starting from time t o , the position vector of a particle at time t is r(t) and its displacement vector
is r(t) - r(to).

FIG. 6.1
Note that as t varies the end point of the vector r(t) traces out a particle path or trajectory.
Example 1
Let the position vector of a particle P be given at time t seconds by

Find (i) the position vector of P at t = 2 (ii) the displacement of P at the end of 2 seconds.
(i) When t = 2,
r(2) = 2(2) i + (2' - 1) j + 3 k = 4 i + 3 j + 3 k.
(ii) For t = 0,

Therefore displacement a t the end of the 2nd second ig given by

Example 2
The path of a particle is given by

r(t) = ( t 2 - t ) i + (t2 + t ) j

a. When is the particle a t (0,2,0)?

b. Does the particle return t o its position a t t = 0 for any positive time?
6.1 Basic Concepts 167

.- .
a. Hence the particle is a t (0,2,0) when

the r component being zero at all times.
(i) =j t = 0 or 1
(ii) * t 2 + t - 2 = ( t + 2 ) ( t - l ) = O * t = - 2 o r l .
Hence (i), (ii) are satisfied simultaneously for t = 1. Thus the particle, is a t (0,2,0) when t = 1.
+ +
b. When t = 0, r(0) = (0 - 0) i (0 0) j = O
The particle returns to the origin again when

z=t2-t=0 (iii)

and g=t2+t=0 ( 4

(iii) a t = 0 or 1 and (iv) *t = 0 or - 1.

Thus (iii) and (iv) are satisfied simultaneously only for t = 0 (initial time). Hence, the particle d m
not return to. the origin.

Velocity a n d acceleration vectors

DEFINITION. The velocity, v(t) of a particle is the rate of change of its &placement with
respect to time. Thus

Hence, the velocity of a particle is also equal to the rate of change of its position w t o r with
respect to time. From section 5.3 we therefore conclude that v = %
is a tangent the
particle path r(t).
The magnitude of the velocity, Iv(t)l, is called the speed of the particle and is often denoted
also by v .
The acceleration vector, a(t), is defined as the rate of change of velocity with respect to t*~,
t. Thus
a(t) = -dv(t)
dt .

The vectors - d2v(t), . . . may also be denoted by i ( t ) , i ( t ) , . . ..
dv(t) -
dt ' dt2
Example 3
In each case below, find the velocity and acceleration of the particle whose position vector r(t) is
given by
108. Khem&tkaof r Particle

a r(t)= 2t i + (ta -- 1) j + 3 k
b. r f t ) = s i n t i + c o s t j + t 2 k .
a. r(t) = 2t i (t2 - 1) j + 3 k
Differentiating this with respect to t , we have

b. r(t) = s i n t i + c o s t j + t a k. Then


Example 4
If the position vector, r(t), of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = (5 sin 2t - 3) i + 5 cos 2t j show
a. the .particle moves in a circle in the x y plane
b. the acceleration of the particle is always directed towards the centre of the circle.
a. r(t) = (5 sin 2t - 3) i + 5 cos 2t j therefore

x = 5sin2t - 3 , y = 5cos2t, and z = 0.

This is the equauun of a circle in the xy plane with centre (-3,O) and radius 5 units.
b. From
r(t) = (5sin2t - 3) i + 5cds2t j
it follows that
v(t) = 7
dr(t) - 10cos 2t i - I n sin 2t j


= -4(5 sin 2t i + 5 cos 2t j) (5)

Fhm (i) 5 sin 21 i + 5 cos 2t j = r + 3 i. Substituting this into (ii) we obtain
a(t) = -4(r + 3 i). (iii)
6.2 Components of Velocity. and Acceleration , .l69).,

In the diagram below C(-3,O) is the centre of the circular path and P(x, y) is any point on the

Hence (iii) becomes a(t) = 4 ~ 2 that

, is the acceleration is directed towards C and of magnitude 4
times the radius vector.

Exercises 6.1
In each of problems 1-3 find the velocity and acceleration of the particle whose position vector r(t)
a t time t is gvien by
1 r(t) = 3 t a i + 2 t j + t 3 k
2 r(t) = ut cos 6' i + (ut sin 0 - i g t 2 )j where u, 0, g are constants.
3 + +
r(t) = (1 - e-pt) i 4 j + (t - 1 e-pt) k where p is a constant.
4 +
If the position vector, r(t), of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = (2 -sin 3t) i + (1 cos 3t) j
show that
a. the particle moves in a'circle in the xy-plane.

b. the acceleration is always directed towards the centre of the circle.

5 The position vector, r(t), of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = sect i + (1 + t a n t ) j.
a. Show that the particle moves along a hyperbola in the xy-plane.
b. Find the velocity of the particle.

6.2 Components of Velocity and Acceleration

in some Co-ordinate Systems
The central problem of kinematics is the following: given the initial position and velocity of a
body which is subjected to known accelerations, determine the position and velocity of the body a t
all subsequent times. In effect therefore, the trajectory of the moving body is to be found for all
subsequent times. Some of the trajectories are better described in terms of co-ordinate systems other
than the Cartesian system. In this section we derive the components of velocity and acceleration
parallel t o the axes of some frequently used co-ordinate systems.
C a r t e s i a n c o m p o n e n t s Since
170 Kinematics of a Particle

using the properties of differentiation of vectors (see section 5.3) we obtain



(1) v= (x,y,i) and a = (x,y,%)

in Cartesian component form.
Radial and transverse components (plane polar co-ordinates)
Consider a particle moving in the zy plane. Let its position at time t be P. Suppose its distance
from the origin 0 of Cartesian co-ordinate is r, and O P makes an angle t9 with the positive x-axis
(see figure 6.2).

FIG. 6.2
Then x = cos B and y = sin 8 so that r* = z*+ y* and tan 8 = f . The position of P is also uniquely
given by the ordered pair (r,O),r 0,O 5 O 5 2 ~ called
, its plane polar co-ordinates. Let e, be a
unit vector in the direction of O> and ee a unit vector perpendicular to e, and in the direction of
increasing 8 . Then

-=-sinei+cosBj=ee and
de, dB .
dB dt dB dt -Bee.

Now r = r e , . Therefore
v = - = re,
+ r-de,
= + e , + r(eee)
6.2 Components of Velocity and Acceleration 171

Hence v has radial component i and transverse component re. Also

a = - = Fe, + i-de, . + roee + r8-. dee
+ i8ee
dt dt dt
= i: e, + i(8ee) + tiee + reee + re(-ee,)

Hence the acceleration, a, has radial component i: - r g2 and transverse component r e + 2ie. .
R e m a r k 6.1
(i) ee may be obtained by rotating e, anticlockwise through 90°.
(ii) In the fdimensional polar ceordinates, ( P , 8, z ) called cylindrical polar co-ordinates, p, 0 are
defined as for (r, 8) of plane polar co-ordinates but now with respect to the point Q in the xy plane
which is the foot of the perpendicular from the point P ( x ,y, z ) to that plane (see Figure 6.3).
, ,

FIG. 6.3
Tangential and n o r m a l components
Suppose a particle is moving along a path C in space. Let the origin of co-ordinates b e . 0 and
distance, S, along the path be measured from the point A on C.

FIG. 6.4
Consider two neighbobring points P,Q on C (Figure 6.4) with position vectors r , r + Ar
respectively and distances s, s A s from A respectively.

Ar= and I&(= A s

Hence Ar
172 Kinematics of a Particle

~ s m is a unit vector parallel to pa.

=- p t

where el is the unit tangent to C a t P. That is

Thus the speed v = Ivl of the particle is - so that v = vet.
We now restrict ourselves to the case of a particle moving along a path lying in a plane which
we take as the xy plane.
At the point P on the path, let the tangent et to C at P make an angle 4 with the positive
z-axis. See Figure 6.5. Let en be the unit vector perpendicular to et and making an angle 5 4 +
with the positive z-axis. en is called the normal to the curve at P. By a derivation similar to that
for plane polar co-ordinates e, , ee we have

det den
- = en and - = -et.
d4 d4

FIG. 6.5
By differentiating (4) we have
6.2 Components of Velocity and Acceleration' 173


where p = - is called the radius of cureraiure of the curve C at P

where v = i is the speed of the particle.

Thus the acceleration of the particle has tangential component v and normal component d .
Example 5
The position vector r(t) of a particle is given by r(t) = 2cost i 3sintj.
(i) Find when its velocity is perpendicular to r.
(ii) Show that its acceleration is always directed towards the origin.
(i) r(t) = -2 sin t i + 3 cost j therefore

r I r ~ r * r = O ~ 5 s i n t c o= sO t
e Either sin t = 0 or cos i = 0
n 3n
e t = O,n,-,2 -,2 . . . multiples of 2na

.. d
(ii) r = - ( r ) = - 2 c o s t i - 3 s i n t j = - r ,
Thus acceleration r is parallel to -r and so is directed towards the origin.

Example 6
A particle moves in' a plane with constant speed show that its velocity is perpendicular to its
Let its velocity vector be v(t) at any time t. Since its speed is constant, then Ivl = const. or

v .v = v2 = constant.

Differentiate with respect to time

174 Kinematics of a Particle


Example 7
The position vector of a particle is given at time t by r ( t ) = 2t i - 3ta j. Calculate v , et and the
tangential and normal components of its accleration.
r ( t ) = 2t i - 3t2 j therefore

(i - 3t j) 18t
Tangential component of a = a . et = (-6.3 * =d m .
To obtain the normal component of a we first find en = ( a ,b) say. Now

en . e t = 0 and en . e n = I

a-3tb=0 and a 2 + b a = l - - r a = 3 t b and ( 9 t 2 + l ) b = l
so that 1

Since en is obtained by a counterclockwise rotation of et through W (aee the figure above); b > 0
and en = *( +
3t i j). Therefore

normal component of a = a . en = (-6 j ) . (3t i +j ) -6

- =
6.3 Motion under Constant Acceleration 175

Exercises 6.2
1 If r(t) = 21 i - 3t2 j, use equation (5) to calculate the tangential and normal components of
the acceleration vector. Compare this method with that used in Example 7.
In each of problem 2-4 the position vector r ( t ) of a particle is given. Calculate the speed v , the
unit tangent vector et and the tangential and normal components of the acceleration of the particle.
2 r(t) = 4 i + t 2 j
3 r(t)=(l-sint)i+(2+cost)j
4 +
r ( t ) = at i ( b - d 2 ) j where a , b, c are constants.
5 Starting from x = rcos9, y = rsin9 calculate x and y. By resolving the velocity vector r
along e, and ee derive formula (2).
6 A particle moves along a path y = 2cos3x in such a way that t t s component of its velocity
in the x-direction is 4 units. Find its acceleration.

6.3 Motion under Constant Acceleration

In this section we consider the motion of a particle under constant acceleration. Let the constant
acceleration have magnitude a and direction 8 say. Thus
a ( t ) = a& or - = ae.

Integrating with respect to t we obtain

where c is a constant vector of integration. Suppose at t = 0 that v ( 0 ) = u, called the initial velocity
of the particle, then from (i)

~ ( t=) dr(t) - a*
,+ U

and integrating this with respect to t , yields

r ( t ) = -at2 6
+ t u + k, k constant.

If intially the particle is at the point r ( 0 ) = ro, then in (ii) ro = 0 d + 0 u + k 3 k = ro so that

( r - ro) (6 A u ) = ( - a t 2 8 t u ) . (6 A u)
- -at2 2 . ( 8 A u ) + t u . ( B A u )
176 Kinematics of a Particle

Thus equation (8) represents a plane through ro and with normal e^ A u. Hence the motion of a
particle subject to constant acceleration lies entirely in a plane. The plane is that determined by the
acceleration 2, and initial velocity u of the particlesand which passes through the initial position, ro.
We shall take the plane as the xy plane. Take the origin of co-ordinates a t the initid point ro,
the y-axis in the direction of 2 and the x-axis perpendicular to 2. Then t = j,u = ul i or2 j and
ro = 0 . Hence equation (8) in component form becomes


x = ult and

For ul # 0 we substitute t = into (9b) to obtain

which is the equation of a parabola with axis parallel to the y-axis, the direction of the acceleration.
A motion whose trajectory (or path) is a parabola is called parabolic motion.
For ul = 0, x = 0 for all times t and the motion is along the y-axis only. Such a motion which is
along a straight line only is called a rectilinear motion.
We conclude therefore that for a particle moving under constant acceleration, its path is either
a parabola or a straight line.
Rectilinear motion
In this case the initial velocity and the acceleration are in the same or opposite directions so that
U I = 0, u2 = u say in the above. The distance, s, travelled from the initial point and the velocity, v,
are given respectively by

(lla.) s = ut + -at
from (8)
(llb.) v=u+at from (7)

The formulas,

are easily derived from (11) for:

s = -t(2u
+ at) = -21t ( u + u + at) = 1 + v )

which simplifies to v2 = u2 + 2as.

6.3 MotionunderConstantAcceleration 177

Parabolic motion
In this case x = ult and y = $at2 u2t.
l+om (7)
+ +
v(t) = at j ul i u2 j * V I = U I (constant) and v2 = u2 at. +
Thus there is constant velocity along the x-axis, that is perpendicular to the constant acceleration.

Remark 6.1
For rectilinear motion, since only two integrations are performed only two of the four equations (11)
and (12) are different: the others are just ways of rewriting the two. Hence in any problem only a t
most two of these equations need be used. The idea is t o determine which would yield the solution

Example 8
A small stone which is thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed of 80 m/sec is acted upon by
an acceleration (called gravity) of 10 m/sec2 in the downward direction. Find
(i) the maximum height above the point of projection which is attained by the stone;
(ii) when the particle is a t a height of 140 m above its point of projection.
Here the initial velocity and acceleration are in opposite directions. Hence the motion is in a straight
line. Take the origin as the point of projection and positive x-axis vertically upwards. Then
x = -10 (*I

Integrate with respect to t
x = -lOt + c
At t = 0, x = 80, therefore
80 = -10(0) + *c c = 80
i.e. x = 80 - lot (**I
Integrating again,
x = 80t - 5t2 k+ P-0
Therefore x = 80t - 5t2 (***I
(i) At maximum height x = 0* 80 - lot = 0 * t = 8 sec. Therefore maximum height
= 80(8) - 5(8)2 = 320 m.
(ii) T h e particle is a t a height of 140 m above 0 if x = 140. T h a t is

Therefore t = 2 Qr 14 sec.
Note that when t = 2, the particle is moving up (x = 80 - 20 = 60) and a t t = 14 the particle
is moving down (x = 80 - 140 = -60). We have used the alternative method of writing down the
acceleration equation and integrating step by step instead of just quoting the formulae ( l l ) , (12).

Example 9
A particle which is projected at an angle of 60° to the horizontal with speed 100 m/sec moves freely
under gravity. Determine (i) its maximum height (ii) its range on a horizontal plane through
178 Kinematics of a Particle

the point of projection and (iii) when its velocity is inclined at an angle of 45O to the downward
vertical. [Take acceleration due to gravity, g, as 10 m/sec2].
The acceleration is comtant vertically downwards of magnitude 10 m/sec2. The initial velocity
however has both vertical and horizontal components. Therefore we have parabolic motion. Take
the y-axis vertical with positive values upwards, the x-axis horizontal and the origin a t the point of

Vertical and horizontal component equations of acceleration are

ji=-10 and x=O

respectively. Integrating these with respect to t gives

3i=-10t+cl and z = c 2 .

Initially a t t = 0,$ = 100sin 60 = 100 . 9

= 50& and i = 100 cos 60 = 100 . $ = 50. Hence
substituting we obtain
= 5 0 6 - 102 and x = 50.
Integrating again
y =5 0 h t - 5t2 + dl and x = 50t + d2
Since origin is at point of projection dl = 0, d2 = 0 giving

y = 5 0 h t - 5t2 and z = 50t.

(i) At maximum height vertical component of velocity is zero.

Maximum height = 5 0 4 5 4 ) - 5 ( 5 6 ) ' = 375m.
(ii) The particle is on the level of projection again when y = 0
6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 179

Therefore t = 0 (at origin) or 1 0 h sec.

Therefore Range R, which is the distance travelled on the ground

(iii) At Q the velocity is inclined at an angle 4 to the downward vertical when y < 0, x > 0 and
x x
tan 4 = - (see figure) = -
4 = 45" we have

Exercises 6.3
1 A particle is projected vertically upwards from the edge of a 30 metre cliff with an initial speed
of 120 m/sec. Find
(i) the maximum height above the cliff attained by the particle.
(ii) the time taken by the particle to hit the bottom of the cliff.
(iii) the speed with which the particle hits the bottom of the cliff.
Take the acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/sec2 in the downward direction.
2 A particle is projected at an angle of 45" to the horizontal with speed 150 m/sec and moves
freely under gravity. Determine its maximum height and its range on a horizontal plane
through the point of projection. Take acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/sec2.

6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration

Recall the central problem of kinematics of a particle, namely, given the acceleration of a particle
and its initial position and velocity, to find its position at all subsequent times. In general this
acceleration, a, may depend on t , r and r so that a = f (t, r, r). The integration of this equation to
obtain r(t) is not possible for arbitrary f . In the following subsections we consider cases for which
the integration is within the scope of a first year university calculus course.

6.4.1 Rectilinear m o t i o n

Let the line of motion of the particle be the x-axis. The acceleration x may be given as a function
of time t , displacement, x, or speed v .
Case 1: a = f(t)
- = f (t) ~ ( r=
) f (A) dA + constant.
180 ' Kinematics of a Particle

Setting t = 0 yields


= g(t) + v ( 0 ) say.
Integrating again,

Case 11: a = -f ( x ,)
d; dv dx dv
Note that a = - = - . - = v- s o t h a t
dt dx dt dx

Integrating with respect to x, we have

F'rom the above we can get v as a function of x, h ( x ) say. Thus

Integrating again with respect to x yields

which gives x as an implicit function o f t .

Case 111: a. = f ( v ).
Here as in case I1 we set a = v- so that

which may be integrated with respect t o v t o obtain

6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 181

We need to solve for v explicitly as a function of x and thereafter proceed as in the second integration
in Case I1 to obtain x as a function o f t .
In the alternative we use

dt 1
which implies -
= -. Thus integrating with respect to v, we obtain

Once again we need to solve for v explicitly as a function o f t and thereafter proceed as in Case
Example 10
The acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is given at time t by a(t) = 2t 3t2. At time
zero the particle is at the origin and has zero velocity, Find
(i) the farthest distance the particle is from its starting point before returning there.
(ii) when it returns to its starting point.
Let the line along which the particle moves be the x-axis with origin at starting point.

Integrating with respect to t ,

Now x(0) = 0 cl = 0, therefore
i = t 2 -t3.
Integrating again, we have
1 1
x = -t3
- -t4
+ C2.
Using x(0) = 0, we obtain c2 = 0, so that

(i) At farthest point from starting point x = 0 i.e.

t = 0 gives the initial time. Hence

(ii) The particle returns to its starting point when x = 0 i.e.

182 Kinematics of a Particle

Hence particle returns after time 4 units.


Example 11
In one of the heats for the 1500 m race during the centennial Olympiad (Atlanta '96) a competitor
ran the first 100 m at constant acceleration, the last 200 m in 23 sec a t a (different) constant
acceleration, and finished the race at a speed of 10.6 m/sec. If he covered the remaining distance at
a constant speed, find
a. his initial constant acceleration,
b. the final constant acceleration,
c. his uniform speed, and
d. his total time for the race.

FIG. 6.6
Figure 6.6 is a velocity-time graph for the motion of the competitor. Since v = u + at for constant
acceleration, segments of the race run a t constant acceleration are represented by straight lines on
the graph. O A represents the initial 100 metres covered at constant acceleration, say, a l ( # 0), AB
the segment covered a t uniform speed say w , and hence zero acceleration, and BC the last 200 m
covered at uniform acceleration, say, as(# 0). Let t l sec, t 2 sec be the times for running the first
and second segments respectively.
Recall the equations governing motion under constant acceleration: v = u at, 6 = ut +
+ +
i a t 2 , v 2= u2 2as and s = $(u v)t in the usual notation.
let segment
Initial velocity = 0, final velocity = w, distance travelled = 100 m, acceleration a l , time t l .
w = O+altl (i)
w2 = 0 2a1(100) (ii)
2nd segment
No acceleration, speed constant at w m/sec.
distance travelled = 1500 - 100 - 200 = 1200 m. Therefore
1200 = wt2 (iii)
3rd segment
6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 183

Acceleration as, initial velocity w, final velocity = 10.6, distance covered = 200 m, time taken = 23

These are 5 equations for the five unknowns a l l a3,tl,t2 and w. Solving [for example w from (v),
then a3 from (iv), t2 from (iii), a1 from (ii) and t l from (i)] we obtain
a. a, = 0.23m/sec2
b. as=O.l7m/sec 2
c. w = 6.79m/sec
d. + + +
total time = t l tz + t3 = 29.53 17.73 23 = 229.3 sec or 3 min 49.3 sec. +

Example 12
Derive the formula v2 = u2+2as for linear motion with constant acceleration a by direct integration.

To introduce distance x we use the device in cases I1 and I11 of writing

when acceleration is f (x) or f (v). Thus

v- = a
Integrate with respect to x,
-v2 = ax
Initially x = 0 when v = u which implies

1 1
-v2 = ax + -u2 or v2 = u2 + 205,
2 2

Example 13
A particle moves in a straight line in such a way that x = -w2x where x is its displacement from a
fixed point 0 on the line.
a. Find an expression for z(t)
b. If w = 3 and the particle is initially at reet 5 unite from 0, find
184 Kinematics of a Particle

(i) its speed when it is 3 units from 0; and

(ii) how long it takes to reach 0 for the first time.
x=-W 2 x

~ ~ t $ =dv
- = - dv
- - dx - v-.dv Thus
dt dx dt dx

Integrating with respect to x, we have

Since v2 2 0, then -;w2x2 + c 2 0 also, so that c 2 ;w2x2 >_ 0, Thus c is a nonnegative number (it
must actually be positive unless x = 0 for all time, which is a trivial case). Taking c = io2a2

Therefore v = fwd-.
We now arbitrarily select the positive sign, so that

Integrating with respect to x gives

1 f dx

To evaluate the integral on the right, put x = a sin 6 3 dx = a cos6 d6 and

t = -8 + k, k a constant or 6 = wt - wk = wt + a say,

sin 6 = - = sin(wt a ) or x(t) = asin(wt
+ a). ( W
The right hand side of (IV) may be expanded to obtain

Equations (IV), (V) are alternative forms of the solution of equation (I). In each case there are two
constants of integration, a , a and A, B respectively, to be determined using the initial conditions for
the particle in any specified problem. These equations are called general solutions of ( I ) .
6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 185

Show that using v = - = -w
Js also leads to (V) so that the solution of (I) is
independent of the choice of positive or negative sign.
b. Here x = a sin (3t + a ) since w = 3 .
When t = 0 , x = 5 and x = 0 . Therefore

x ( 0 ) = 5 = a sin a and x ( 0 ) = 0 = 3a cos a

which imply that

n lr
cosa = 0 or a = - and 5 = asin- = a.
2 2
Therefore lr
x ( t ) = 5 sin (3t + -) = 5 cos 32.
(i) Speed v at any time is given by

Therefore speed v when x = 3 satisfies v 2 = 9(52 - 3 2 ) = 9(16) and hence v = 12.

(ii) Particle reaches 0 when z = 0

eo that
n nlr
6 3
and the smallest value o f t is -

Example 14
The acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is given by -v2 where v is the speed of the
particle. If initially the particle is at the origin and has speed v = 10, determine the position of the
particle for all time.

Integrating with respect to v , we have

t = - + constant

When t = 0 , v = 10 *0 = -1
+ constant 1
constant = -- Thus

10 dz 10
1 + lot which implies -
186 Kinerna?&:sof a 1 a -tide

Integrating with respect to 1, we have

dv 2 dv
Use v- = -v or - = -v so that
dx dx
ds 1

Integrating with respect to v , yields

where A is a constant (= e t c ) .
When x = O , v = 10- 1 0 = A . 1 . Hence

Integrating with respect to x yields

t = -ez
B. +
1 1 1
t = O 1 ~ = O ~ O = - . 1 + B ~ B = - - Hence t = -(ez - 1). Thus
10 10' 10

6.4.2 Motion in a plane

For the case of central orbits, the acceleration of the particle in space is always directed along the
line of the radius vector from the origin to the particle. That is,

where f (r) is some function of r = Jr(.

Taking the cross product of r with (i) gives

Note that

'Therefore (ii) implies -(r A i-)= 0.Integrating with repect to t we obtain
6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 187

where h is a constant of integration. Taking the scalar product of (iii) with r yields

which is the equation of a plane containing the origin and with normal h. F'rom (iii) h is perpendicular
to both r(t), i ( t ) for all times and in particular fort = 0. Hence a particle subjected to an acceleration
always along its radial vector moves in a plane defined by its initial position vector, ro, and velocity

Example 15
A particle m o v a in such a way that its acceleration is given by r = -w2r. If initially the particle is
at a point A distant a from the origin of co-ordinates 0 and has speed u perpendicular t o 02,find
the path of the particle.
The acceleration is directed towards the origin. Hence the motion of the particle lies in a plane
containing the origin. Take this plane to be the xy plane. Take OA as the positive x-axis and the
positive y-axis in the direction of the initial velocity. Then

x = -w2x and y = -w 2 y

By Example 13, these equations have general solutions

x(t) = A sin wt + B cos wt and y(t) = Gsin wt + H cos wt

respectively. But at t = 0, x = a , y = 0 and x = 0, y = u,

Thus x(O)=a=AsinO+BcosO=+ B = a
Also y(0) = 0 = GsinO+ HcosO =+ H = 0
~(0)=u=GwcosO-HwsinOaG= -
Therefore x(t) = a cos wt and y(t) = -sin wt

which is the equation of an ellipse or circle if u = aw.

Example 16
The radial and transverse components of the velohity of a particle moving in a plane are given by
krn, p / r 2 respectively. Find
(i) the equation of the path of the particle if it passes through the point (r, 0) = (1, O),
(ii) the radial and transverse components of the particle acceleration.
188 Kinematics of a Particle

By section 6.2, the velocity v of the particle is v = i e , + roee in polar co-ordinates where g , e e
are unit vectors in the radial and transverse directions respectively. Therefore

i = krn and T O' = P .

(i) For the equation of the path we need to obtain - and solve for r ( 0 ) .

do- --
- p 1 do
- or k- = p-("+').
dr k rn+3 dr
Integrating with respect to r gives

T-(~") + constant, n + 2 0

But when r = l , d = 0 therefore

O = ,u (2)
+ constant a constant = -'I

(ii) a = (i; - r e 2 )e, + ( r e + 2i9) ee.Now

Therefore radial component of acceleration, a,, is


Therefore transverse component of acceleration, ae, is

6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 189

Example 17
A particle moves in a plane with constant sped v . If the magnitude of its acceleration is v a / ( s a + 4)
where s is its distance along its path of motion, obtain an expression for s.

For a particle moving in a plane its velocity v and acceleration a are

respectively where e t ,en are unit vectors in the tangential and normal directions respectively (see
eection 6.2).
Since v = constant, d = 0 and a reduces to a = va-d' en. Therefore

Integrating with respect to s, we have

where cr is a constant of integration. Therefore

Exercises 6.4
1 The acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line at time t is given by a(t) = 10 - 2t. At
time zero the particle is at the origin and has zero velocity.
(i) Find the farthest distance the particle is from its starting point before returning there.
(ii) When does it return to its starting point?
(iii) What is its speed when it returns to its starting point?
2 The acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is the negative of its velocity. If initially
the particle is at the origin and has speed v = 25, determine the subsequent position of the
Kinematics of a Particle
The acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is -2
- where x is its distance from a
fixed point. If initially the particle is at x = 1 and has epeed fi,find its positlon as a fumtion
of time, t.
The radial and transverse components of the velocity of a particle moving in a plane are given
respectively by kr2,pr-' . Find
(i) the equation of the path of the particle if it passes through the point (r, 8) = (1, O),
(ii) the radial and transverse components of the particle acceleration.
In a 100-metre race on a straight track the acceleration a(t) in m/sec2 of an athlete is given
4 OSt53
0 3<t510
-12 10 < t 5 11
(i) the maximum speed of the athlete,
(ii) how long the athlete takes to complete the race,
(iii) the speed of the athlete as he breasts the tape.
(iv) how much further the athlete ran before stopping.
The acceleration of a particle is -a2z i 4 ~ r ~Its ~ initial
j. position and velocity are r = (0, b)
and r = (u, 0) respectively.
(i) Find the position of the particle as a function of time t .
(ii) Show that the path of the particle is the parabola y = b - - u2
The relativistic equation of acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line is given by

where m, c are constants. Find the distance travelled from rest in time t for F constant.
Miscellaneous Exercises
+ +
If the position vector, r(t), of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = (1- 2sint) i (2 cost) j
a. show that the path of the particle is elliptic and
b. find the velocity and acceleration of the particle.
If the position vector, r(t), of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = 3sint i 3 cost j 4k +
show that
a. the path of the particle is a circle;
b. the particle travels at constant speed; and
c. the acceleration of the particle is always directed towards the centre of the circle.
The position vector of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = sint i 2costj. Calculate the
speed v, the unit tangent vector to the path of the particle ei, the unit normal vector en and
the tangential and normal components of its acceleration.
Starting from x = r cos 8 , y = r sin 8, calculate x and y. By resolving the acceleration vector
along e, and ee obtain formula (3).
A particle moves along a path y = Asin wx in such a way that the component of ite velocity
in the x-direction is u where A, w and u are constants. Find its acceleration.
6.4 Motion under Variable Acceleration 191

6 In an 800-metre race on a straight track the acceleration a(t) in m/seca of an athlete is given
0 30<t590
-+ 90 < i _< 110
(i) the maximum speid of the athlete,
(ii) how long the athlete takes to complete the race (800 metres),
(iii) the speed of the athlete as he breasts the tape.
7 -
The acceleration a(t) of a particle is -4a2xi aZyj.The particle is initally at rest at the
point (a, b).
(i) +
Show that the particle oscillates along an arc of the parabola 2ay2 = b2(x a).
(ii) Find the velocity of the particle whenever it is at the points (a, -b) and (-a, 0).
8 The radial and transverse components of the velocity of a particle moving in a plane are given
respectively by krn ,prm, rn # n. Find
(i) the equation of the path of the particle if it through the point (r,0) = (1, O),
(ii) the radial and transverse components of the particle acceleration.
9 A particle is projected with speed u at an angle 0 above the horizon. For each of the cases
below, determine the time interval during which the particle is at least at a height h above its
point of projection.
a. u = 80 m/sec, 8 = 60°, h = 60fi rn. Take g = 10 m/sec2)
a. u = 50 m/sec, 8 = 90°, h = 10 m. Take g = 9.8 m/seca)
10 A particle is projected with speed u at an angle of elevation of 60°. Determine in terms of u
and g when and where its velocity is
a. inclined to the upwards vertical at an angle of 30°
b. perpendicular to its initial velocity.
11 By using vector methods, or otherwise, show that the time elapsed before a projectile is moving
perpendicular to its initial direction of projection (as in problem 1Ob above) is the same for
all. angles of projection.
12 A bullet is projected from a point A with speed 40 mJsec at an angle of 60° towards another
point B on the same horizontal level. Simultaneously, a second bullet ia also projected from
B towards A with speed 80 m/sec at an angle of 45O. If the distance A B '= 100 m and the
two bullets lie in the vertical plane containing A B ,
a. find the height of the first bullet when it is vertically above B ;
b. a t what instant are the two bullets in the same vertical lane; and
c: what is then the distance between them? (Take g = 10 m/sec2).
Dynamics of a Particle
In the chapter on the kinematics of a particle we discussed the motion of a particle subjected t o
specified accelerations. In this chapter we try to determine the sources (called forces) of these
accelerations. The mathematical model of the motion of a particle is based on Newton's three laws
of motion one of which relates accelerations to the forces which produce them. The model is called
Newtonian (model of) dynamics.

7.1 Newton's Laws of Motion

1 s t Law
Every object continues in its position of rest or state of uniform motion in a straight line unless
acted on by an external impressed force.
2nd Law
The rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the external impressed force, F.
The momentum, p , of a particle is the product of its mass m and velocity, v ;
that is, p = mv.
3rd Law
If one particle exerts a force on another particle, then the second particle also exerts a force on the
first; these forces are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and act along the line joining the
two particles.
This third law is often stated as "action and reaction are equal and opposite".
Newton's first law prescribes what the normallstandard state of motion of an object is, namely,
the state of rest or of unzform motion in a straight line. This state is also called eqlrilibrium etate.
Any deviation from this implies the existence of a force acting on the object. Note that the condition
of rest is stated explicitly merely as emphasis since it may be taken to represent uniform straight
line motion with speed of zero!
From the second law we have
(mv) oc F

where k is a constant. Usually by choice of units of force F, k is taken to be unity. Thus

7.1 Newton'sLawsofMotion 193

If the particle has constant mass then - = 0 and (2) reduces to

Example 1
A mass of 6 kg is placed on a horizontal shelf which ascends with
a. an acceleration of 5 m/sec2
b. uniform speed of 3 m/sec.
Find the force on the shelf due to the mass in each case.
a. By Newton's 3rd law, the force on the shelf = the force on the mass.

The force on the mass = mass x acceleration

= 6 x 5kg.m.s-2
= 30N

b. . Since the speed is uniform, the acceleration is zero. Therefore

The force on the mass = mass x acceleration

=6 x 0
= 0.

Applications of Newton's 3rd law are many. We mention briefly here two broad areas of application.
1. Objects (e.g. canoes, ships, submarines) which move on or in water do so by having the water
pushed backwards (i.e. action). The reaction of the water on these objects move them forward.
2. Jet propulsion in the air is achieved by pushing out a stream of hot gases from the jet engines.
The escaping gases produce a reaction on the aircraft which pushes it forward. A simple demon-
stration of this principle is to inflate a toy balloon, and then release it with its mouth open. The
escaping air causes the balloon to zigzag through the air!
The rest of the chapter will be devoted to illustrative examples of the use of these laws to solve
specific problems.
In diagrams we shall indicate forces by a single arrow +, and acceleration by two arrows -+.

Exercises 7.1
1 A 1000 kg car moving at a speed of 80 km/hr is brought to rest in 200 m by a constant braking
force. Determine
(i) the acceleration of the car
(ii) the constant braking force.
2 Suppose a body of mass 15 g which is initally a t rest is subjected t o a constant force. If it
attains a velocity of 40 m/sec within a distance of 60 m find the force acting on it.
7.2 Pulleys; Motion on Smooth Surfaces

Example 2
A particle of mass rn moves from rest on a smooth plane inclined to the horizontal at an angle a.
Determine the force exerted on the particle by the plane and the motion of the particle on the plane.
, ,

FIG. 7.1
When the particle is a t any point P on the plane there are only two forces acting on it. These are
the force of gravity mg vertically downwards and the force exerted by the plane (called reaction of
the plane, R, on the particle and this acts along the perpendicular to the plane as it prevents the
movement of the particle in that direction (see Figure 7.1).
If we take the positive z-axis'down the plane and the positive y-axis perpendicular to the
plane and directed upwards then the components of the equatioq of motion in these directions are

mx = mg sin a (i)
my = R - mg cos a. (ii)

However the particle remains on the plane throughout the motion so that y ( t ) = 0 for all 2 . Thus
y(t) and y(t) are both zero. Hence equation (ii) becomes

Equation (i) is equivalent to

x = g sin a
which implies that the particle slides down the plane at constant acceleration a = g s i n a .

Remark 7.1
The word 'smooth' means that the reaction force between the particle and plane has no component
(called fictional force) along the plane. F'riction normally opposes ttctual or potential motion.
7.2 Pulleys; Motion on Smooth Surfaces 196

Pulley S y s t e m s
Pulleys are useful devices which enable us lift/lower heavy
loads by using numerically smalles-fvrces t h a the weight of
the load. The basic component of a pulley system consists
of a grooved wheel over which a rope in tension passes. (In
Figure 7.2 this tension is produced by weights attached to
the ends of the string). A pulley system can consist of
many such components.
In real life the string moves without sliding over the
wheel and thus causes the pulley to rotate about its axis,
0. The tensions in the two halves of the string must be
B of
the pulley
since about
they provide
its axis.theThis
is no
for the
of a
particle and we must wait till we learn the theory of motion
A of large bodies before tackling such problems. However,
the assumption of a frictionless pulley greatly simplifies the
problem and enables us get (approximatel results about
FIG. 7.2 the working of such pulley systems.
If the pulley is smooth then the string slides over the pulley without turning it and so the wheel
need not rotate a t all.
Suppose in Figure 7.2 that the weight A, B are distances x, y respectively below the origin 0.
Since the string is inextensible, its length, 1, is constant and so

x + y + .Ira = I, constant.

Differentiating successively with respect to t , we get


Thus the velocities and accelerations of A and B are respectively equal in magnitude but opposite
in direction. .

Example 3
Two particles of mass ml and mz respectively are connected by a light inextensible string which
passes over a fixed smooth pulley. Obtain the acceleration of the particles and the tension in the
Since the pulley ie smooth, the tendons in both parts of the string are equal. Suppose the ml mass
moves downwards with acceleration a, then the m2 mass movee upwards with the same acceleration.
196 Dynamics of a Particle
Forces acting on the particle A of mass m l are T, tension
in the string and gravity mlg (see Fig. 7.3). Therefore
equation of motion of A is

m l a = mlg - T. 6)

Forces acting on the m2 mass B are T, tension in the string

and gravity m2g. Therefore equation of motion of B is

m2a = T - m2g. (ii)

Adding (i) and (ii):

+m2)a = mlg - m2g a = d m 1 - m2) , (iii)

fw? (ml m l + m2
FIG. 7.3
Eliminating a from (i) and (ii) or using (iii) in (i) say, gives

Example 4
A particle of mass m is at rest on the top of a fixed smooth cylinder of radius a. It is given a small
velocity u in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder so as to slide down the side of the
cylinder. Show that the particle will leave the surface of the cylinder. Find where it leaves the
cylinder and its velocity at that point.


At time t let the particle be at the point P on the cylinder. Take the cross-section of the cylinder
perpendicular to its axis and containing the point P: this is a circle. Let 0 be the centre of this
circle. The force8 acting on the particle are (i) its weight mg vertically downwards and (ii) the
reaction, R, of the cylinder on the particle in the normal direction, i.e. along the radial vector 03.
The equation of motion of the particle is then
7.2 Pulleys; Motion on Smooth Surfaces 197

where e is a unit normal in the vertical direction.

FIG. 7.4
Take the vertical OA through 0 as positive x-axis, the horizontal through 0 in the direction
of increasing 6 as the positive y-axis where 6 is the angle that O P makes with the positive z-axis
(Figure 7.4). Take the z-axis to complete a right-handed ceordinate system. Thus
R = R(cos 6i + sin Oj), e = -i, r(0) = u j and r(0) = a i.
The third component of equation (i) is
q t ) = 0.
Integrating with respect to t , this yields f ( t ) = cl. Since f(0) = 0, then 0 = cl and E(t) = 0.
Integrating again we have
%(t)= c2.
But z(t) = 0 =j cz = 0 so that z(t) = 0 for all t . Thus the motion lies entirly in the xy plane, the
vertical plane containing the initial displacement and velocity. Now use polar ceordinates. Since
r = Ir\.= constant, i = 0 and the radial and transverse components of acceleration reduce to -ae!
and a0 respectively. Also the components of the velocity in these directions reduce to 0 and a6
reepectively confirming that all motion is tangential to the radius vector so that v = a0.
Resolve the equation of motion (i) along the radical and transverse directions we obtain

-ae2 = -R - g cos6 (ii)
a6 = g sin 6 (iii)

.. de de d6 .dB ...
Y Using 6 = - = -- = 6-, (111) becomes
dt do dt do

= g sin 8.

Integrate with respect to 0 to obtain

1 .
-ae2 = -g cos 6
+ constant

At t = 0, a6 = u, 6 = 0, therefore
1 ua
-p(): 2
= -1 1 + constant =+ constant = --
2 a
+ g.
198 Dynamics of a Particle

1 . 1u2
Hence -a02 = --
2 2 a
+ g - g cos 0 or
a2@ = u2 + 2ag(1- cos 8)

Substituting (iv) into (ii) yields

= g cos 8 - - [u2
+ 2ag(l- cos O)]

The particle remains on cylinder as long as R > 0, it leaves it if R = 0. Thus

This is an acute angle since cosO > 0. So particle leaves cylinder at a = cos-' (u2 iiag) where
05a < $. However, since I cos Ol 5 1, this is a real angle if

If ua 2 ag, particle leaves cylinder immediately on projection.

To find velocity when particle leaves cylinder, we use (iv)

Exercises 7.2
1 Two masses 120 kg and 90 kg are connected by a light inextensible string passing over a smooth
fixed peg. .Find the distance, from rest, that they will describe in 4 sec and the speed acquired
by either mass in that time. Take the acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/sec2.
2 Two masses m l , mz are connected by a light inextensible string passing over a light smooth
pulley. If the pulley moves with an upward acceleration equal to that of gravity, g, show that
the tension of the string is 4mimzg
m 1 + m2
3 An object of mass 5 kg slides from rest down a 60°-incline of length 60 m from the top.
Neglecting friction and taking the acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/sec2
a. how long will it take to reach the bottom of the incline?
b. what is the speed with which it reaches the bottom?
7.3 Projectile Motion 199

4 A particle of mass rn slides without rolling down a frictionless inclined plane AB of angle a
and length I . If it starts from rest at the top A of the incline, find
(i) the ,acceleration
(ii) the velocity, and
(iii) the distance travelled after time t.
(iv) the time taken by the particle to reach the bottom B and its speed at B.

7.3 Projectile Motion

In this section we study the motion of particles projected into space and moving under gravity.
Consider a particle of mass m projected with velocity u which makes an angle 0 with the
horizontal plane. If we neglect the effect of air resistance then the only force acting on the particle
is that due to gravity. Hence its equation of motion is

where 6 is a unit vector in the upward vertical direction. Since g is constant, we have the case of
motion under constant acceleration and by section 6.3 this motion lies in a plane which we take as
t,he xy plane.
Take origin 0 at the point of projection, the positive y-axis as vertically upwards and the
positive x-axis horizontal so that 0 5 90' (see Figure 7.5). q

FIG. 7.5
The horizontal and vertical components of equation (i) are

x=O and y=-g. (ii)

Integrating with respect to t, we have

x = cl and ~ = -gt + c2
But at t = 0, x = u cos 0, y = usin 0 therefore

cl=ucose and usine=c2

200 Dynamics of a Particle

x=ucosfl 'and y=usinfl-gt. (iii)
Integrating once more yields

x=utcosfl+dl and y=~tsinfl--~t~+d~.

Since x(0) = y(0) = 0, dl = 0 = d2 so that

x = ut cos 19 and y = ut sin 8 - -gt2

The path of the particle is obtained by eliminating t between x and y, i.e.

y = usin0 ucose -
2 2
(-)u cos e

y = x tan 8 - -(I+ tan2 fl)x2.
This is a parabola which passes through the origin.
Maximum height
The particle attains its maximum height H when its vertical component of velocity 2j = 0. That is

u sin fl
usinfl - gt = 0 * t* = - 9
where t* is time to maximum height. Therefore

From the above expression we see that the overall maximum H,, for all 8 is obtained when sin 8 = 1,
that ia 19 = f. Thus H,, = $when the particle is projected vertically upwards.
Range on horizontal plane of projection
The particle is on the horizontal plane through the point of projection when its vertical height y is
zero. That is
y = ut sin fl - -gt2 = 0
1 2u sin fl
*t(usinfl- -gt)=O-t = O or -.
2 9
Ftange R = (T)
2u sin fl 2u sin fl
= ucosfl . -
2u2 u2
= -sin 19 cos 19 = - sin 28.
9 9
Clearly the angle of projection 8 to obtain ,maximum possible range R satisfies sin 28 = 1 =$ 20 =


Note that since time to return to level of projection is -which equals twice the time to maximum
height, then the time for upward motion equals the time for downward motion.
Hitting a target
We wish to obtain conditions on u, 8 for a projectile to hit a target with co-ordinates (a, b) say. The
point (a,b) should lie on the trajectory (v) above, that is

b = a tan 8 - - (9I + tan2 8)a2. (vi)

a. If 8 is specified, what will be the value of u for hitting target? From (vi).

u = a J 2(a + t a8n-2 b)
g ( l tan e ) or asece JT
2(a tan 8 (vii)

Since u2 2 0, then
g(l tan2 @)a2
2(a tan 8 - b) 2 0

Thus if 8 is given, subject to 0 > tan-' !, the required speed of projection is given by (vii).
b. If u is specified, what will be the value of 8 for hitting target? If a # 0, equation (vi) is a
quadratic in tan 8 giving the two possible angles of projection to hit the target. It may be rewritten


For real valuea of tan 8, the discriminant must be non-negative;

Completing squares in u2 we have

Taking square roots we have

202 Dynamics of a Particle


Therefore u2 - bg > 0 so that lu2 - bgl = u2 - bgr giving u2 - bg 2g m or

This is the minimum initial speed for hitting the target and tancu for the angle a of projection is
then given by the solution of (viii).

Example 5
A particle is projected with velocity 30 m/sec in a direction making an angle 30° with the horizontal.
Find its position and speed after 2 seconds. Take g = 9.8m/sec2.

FIG. 7.6
Take x-axis horizontal and y-axis vertical (see Fig. 7.6). Let the particle be at A after 2 sec.
Vertical motion:
i ( t ) = u sin a - gt = 30 sin 30' 9.81
= 15 - 9.8t

Therefore at t = 2, y(2) = 15 - 9.8 x 2 = -4.6 msec, y(2) = 15(2) - 4.9(2)2 = 10.4 m.

Horizontal motion:
x = ucoscr = 3 0 c o s 6 0 ~= 3 0 . - = 1 5 6
x(t) = 1 5 6 t
Therefore 4 2 ) = 15&(2) = 3 0 a . Hence co-ordinates of A are (x(2), y(2)) = ( 3 0 6 , 10.4). Also

Therefore v(2) = 26.4 m/sec.

Example 6
I .

A particle is projected with speed 2 m m/sec directly towards a wall 20 m away. If it just clears
the top of the wall which is 5 m above the horizontal plane through the point of projection, find two
possible angles of projection. Take g = 9 . 8 m ~ - ~ .

FIG. 7.7
Fig. 7.7 illustrates the path of the pa.rticle.
Since the particle just clears the top of the wall, then it passes through the point (20,5). Hence

we have

= 20 tan a - 7(1+ tan2 a )

( 7 t a n a - 6)(tana - 2) = 0

6 6
t a n a = - or 2 a = tan-' - or tan-' 2.
7 7

Example 7
A bird is flying with velocity of 14 m.sec-l at a constant angle of elevation of 60°. At the instant'
when it is 10 m vertically above a boy, the latter throws a stone a t it a t an initial angle of a to'the
horizontal. Show that for the stone t o hit the bird t a n a 2 2 + 4.(Take g = 9.8 m . ~ e c - ~ )
204 Dynamics of a Particle


FIG. 7.8
Take the origin as the point off projection, the positive y-axis vertically upwards and the positive
z-axis horizontal so that Oxy is in the plane of projection of the stone. See Figure 7.8. Let stone
be projected with speed u a t an angle a to the positive x-axis.
For motion of bird:

xb(t) = 14 cos 60 t = 7t
ya(t) = 10 + 14 sin 60t = 10 + 7 6 1
For motion of stone:

x,(t) = u c o s a t
1 2
y, (t) = u sin a t - Igt
Stone hits bird
e rb(t*) = r,(t*) for some t* > 0.
7t* = u cos a t* and 10 + 7 6 t ' = usin a t * - -gt*2
which implies .

7 = ucosa (i)
10 + 7 4 t * = usin a t * - -gt*2

These are 2 equations in the 3 unknowns t * , u , and a. The best we can achieve is to eleirninate
one of the variables between the 2 equations.. The answer requires a condition on t a n a so that a
should be retained. Also t* appears only in one equation and thus cannot be eliminated. Hence we
eliminate u.
7.3 Projectile Motion 205

Substitute for u from (i) into (ii)

-gt*2 ( 7 4 - 7 tan a)t* 10 = 0
4 W 2 7 ( 4 - tan a)t* 10 = 0 +
49P2 + 7 0 ( d - tan a ) t * 100 = 0

Since product of roots = = '00 > 0, the roots are either both positive or both negative. We
therefore need, two positive roots since t* > 0. But

-TO(& - tan a ) f J [ 7 0 ( 8 - tan all2- 4(49)100

t* =

This is of form t* = X f dm. TOhave any positive root at all, X must be positive

For real roots X2 - p2 2 0

That is
tana-422 or tana22+fi.

Range on an inclined plane

Suppose now that the ground is not horizontal but is inclined at an angle a to the horizontal. Let a
particle be projected up the plane with speed u from a point 0 on the plane in a direction making
an angle 6 with the horizontal so as to move in the vertical plane containing the line of greatest slope
of the inclined plane (see Figure 7.9). Using horizontal and vertical directions as the co-ordinate
axes, we see that the equations of motion arc as before.

FIG. 7.9
206 Dynamics of a Particle

Let the particle hit the plane at A when t = t' , say. Then

R c o s a = ucosOt* (i)
R s i n a = usinOt* - -gt*2 (ii)

These are two equations in the two unknnowns R and t*. Substitute for t* from (i) into (ii)

cos 8 - ig(-)
(-)Ru cos 2
a R cos a
R s i n o = usin8 u cos 8

- sin8cosa R - 1 cos2 a
-g R~
cos 8 2 u2 cos2 8
sin8 cos a 1 cos2 a
or sin o = R
cos 8 - Tg u2 cos2 8
cos 8
- sin a 2u2 cos28
R = (Sin8coso g cos2 a
2u2 cos2 8 sin 8 cos a - sin a cos 8
g cos2 a cos 8

That is
R=- cos 8 sin(8 - a ) . (iii)
g cos2 a

Time of flight t* is given by

t =-R c o s a from (i)

- 2u2 cos 8 sin(8 - a ) . - 2u sin(8 - a )
cos a - -
g cos2 a ucos8 g cos a

2u sin(8 - a )
t* =
g cos a

To obtain maximum possible range, &,,, up the plane, we differentiate R with respect to 8 and
set = 0.

- 2u2
- [- sin 8 sin(8 - a ) + cos 8 cos(8 - a)] = 0
d8 g cos2 a
7.3 Projectile Motion 207

Thus the maximum range is obtained by pro-

jecting in a direction bisecting the angle 5 - a!
between the vertical and the inclined plane.

But cos A sin B = $[sin(A + B ) - sin(A - B)].

2u2 7r
R,, = -. - [sin - - sin a]
gcos2a! 2 2
u2 1 - s i n 0 u2
-- -
g 1 - sin2 a g(l + sin a ) '

FIG. 7.10
Remark 7.2
To find t* without first finding R, either eliminate R using (i) or divide (ii) by (i) to obtain
Rsina! ~sin0t*-$~t*~
R cos a! ucos0t*
that is,
t a n a = tan0 - --t* 2
t* = -(tan0 - tana!)cos6.
2 cos 0 9
This is the same as noting that on the plane y(t) = tana!x(t) for all t.
Remark 7.3
We could have used the product formula cosA sin B = a [ s i n ( ~ B) - sin(A - B)] on R to obtain
2u2 2u2 1
R=- cos 0 sin(0 - a ) = -. -[sin(20 - a ) - sin a].
g cosa g cos2 a 2
This clearly has maximum when sin(20 - a ) = 1 20 - a! = % as found by calculus.

Projectile problems involving inclined planes may also be solved using inclined a x e s in which
the x-axis is taken along the plane and the y-axis perpendicular to the plane (see Figure 7.11).

FIG. 7.11
208 'Dynamicsof a Particle

Relative to this co-ordinate system, the unit vertical normal B is given by


The equation of motion is

r = -ge.
Taking components we have
jE = -g sin a
Integrating twice and imposing the conditions i(0) = ucos(6' - a ) and x(0) = 0 gives

( 4

x = -gcosa (viii)
so that imposing the conditions y(0) = usin(6' - a) and y(0) = 0 we have upon integration

y 1 2 cosa
= ut sin(6' - a ) - -gt (vii)

At A, y = 0 j ut sin(6' - a) - i g t 2 cos a = 0 and this implies

2u sin(6 - a )
t=O or

2u sin(6' - a )
Hence time of flight-2' = as before.
g cos a

2usin(6 - a ) 1 2u sin(6' - a)
Range = x(t*) = u cos(6' - a ) - -g sin a
g cos a 2 g cos a
- 2u2 cos(6' - a ) sin(6' - a ) - -2u2 sin2(6 - a)
- sin a
g cos a 9 cos2 a
2u2 sin(6' - a) [cos(6' - a ) cos a - sin a sin(6' - a)]
g cos2 a

2u2 sin(6' - a) cos 6'

9 cos2 a

Example 8
A plane is inclined a t an angle of 4 5 O to the horizontal. A particle is projected from a point on the
plane at ah angle tan-' to the line of its greatest slope. Show that the particle hits the plane a t
right angles.
7.3 Projectile Motion 209 'i


Y f Suppose the velocity of projection makes

an angle P with the plane. Then tan P =
3. +
Also the angle of projection 0 = 2 /3
and a = q,
x =UCOS~
x h=usinO-gt

At point of impact A on plane

221 sin(0 - a )
1!t =
= from l(iv)
g cos a
-- ,d sin
g cos % ' 2

x(A) = u cos(-
+ p) = u{cos -?r4 cos P - sin -?r4 sin p)


7r 2u sin P 7r 2u sin P
i(A)=ssin(-+P)-g - =u~in(~+P)--
4 (g-a) cos 5

Hence v(A) is inclined t o the positive x-axis a t an

angle of -5. Therefore its inclination to the plane
is - E - E - - T . Thus the particle hits the plane
a t right angles. ,
y =-
GW~ *=x
Alternatively Using inclined axes.
If the velocity of the particle a t A is perpendicular to the plane, then the velocity has no component
in the direction of the plane. Thus x(A) = 0. But

x(t) = u cos(0 - a ) - gt sin a by (vi)

2u sin(8 - a )
= u cos(6' - a ) - g sin a
g cos a
= u cos(0 - a ) - 2u sin(0 - a ) tan cr
210 Dynamics of s Particle

x(A) = u cos p - 2u sin P tan - for this problem.

Thus particle hits plane a t right angles.

Resisted vertical motion

We now investigate the effect of air resistance on the vertical motion of a particle. From our
experiences we can attest that air resistance is always in the direction opposed to the motion and
its magnitude is a function, f , of the speed v . We consider here only the case where the resitance is
proportional t o the speed so that f (v) = p v , say.
If we take the positive x-axis vertically upwards, then the fricitional force is given by -a2x.
This is because for upward motion x > 0 and -a2x < 0 so that the resistance is downwards; also
for downward motion x < 0 and -a2x > 0 giving an upward resistance. Thus -a2x always gives
the correct direction for the air resistance.
The forces acting on a particle of mass m projected vertically upwards with intial speed u are
gravity and air resistance. Hence its equation of motion is

where k is a positive constant. Thus

dt - -- 1
dv g +kv'
Integrate with respect to v


That is

which upon integration yields

7.3 Projectile Motion 21 1

At t = 0, x = 0, therefore
1 1
0 = --(g
+ ku) + B B = p(g + ku)
. Thus
x = ku) [1
At maximum height v = 0, which from (ii) implies

where t* is time of flight to maximum height.

From (iv), the maximum height H,, is given by

From (ii) we have that as t -,oo,v(t) + - f . Thus as the particle falls from its maximum height
(where v = 0) its downward speed tends towards f which is called its terminal speed. Note that this
value is never quite attained since for large t ,

for all finite time.

The particle returns to the point of projection when z = 0 that is

This is satisfied by t = 0 and is a transcendental equation for the positive value of t which also
satisfies it. Note that if in any problem we require only a relationship between v and x, this is best
derived by rewriting (i) as

which implies

This is integrable with respect to x. Now

. Thus
21.2 Dynamics of a Particle

and integrating with respect to x we have

At t = O , z = O , v = u hence


which simplifies to

In particular, at maximum height, v = 0 and x = Hmu Thus

as before.

Exercises 7.3
1 A particle is projected upwards in a direction inclined at 60° to the horizontal. Show that its
speed when at its greatest height is half its inital speed.
2 A gun whose muzzle velocity is 60 m/sec is fired to strike a bird perched at a point a horizontal
distance of 80 m and height 20 m from the mouth of the gun. At what angle to the horizontal
must the gun be aimed? Take the acceleratibn due to gravity g as 10 m/sec2.
3 A particle is projected from a point at a height 3h above the horizontal ground, the direction of
projection makes an angle a with the horizontal. Prove that if the greatest height attained by
the projectile is h , the horizontal distance travelled by the particle before striking the ground
is 6h cot a.
4 A mortar stands on a horizontal plane. It fires a bomb with velocity v a t a target on the plane.
When the angle of elevation is a , the bomb falls a distance a short of the target. When the
angle of elevation is ,d, the bomb falls a distance b beyond the target. ~ h 6 wth&t the angle of
elevation required for the bomb to hit the target is
a sin 2,d b sin 2 a

7.4 Simple Harmonic Motion

DEFINITION. Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is a linear motion of a particle in which the
acceleration of the particle is always directed towards a fixed point and is proportional to the
distance of the particle from the fixed point.
Equation of motion about centre of oscillation taken as the origin
Take the origin at the fixed point and the line of motion as the x-axis.
As shown in F@re 7.12 when the particle is a t P, its acceleration, being directed towardsdo, is in
the direction PO. Similarly, when the particle is a t Q, its acceleration is in the direction Q O while
7.4 Simple Harmonic Motion 213

its displacement is in the direction 03.

Thus the acceleration is always in the direction opposite
to the displacement, x . Hence -3 is parallel to x , so that -3 = w 2 x for some positive constant w Z
where the square is used to emphasize the positiveness of the constant. Therefore,

This is the equation of simple harmonic motion.


FIG. 7.12
Equation (i) has three variables, namely, x , t and v . To be able to integrate it we need to
rewrite it in terms of two variables only.

Hence (i) becomes

dv 2
v- = -w x (ii)
and integrating with respect to x , we have

where c is a constant of integration.

Since v2 2 0 we must also have -;w2x2 +
c 2 0 so that c 2 3w2x2 2 0. Actually unless x = 0 for
all times, c must be positive. Let c = $a2w2 > 0 so that

Note that a2 - x2 0 or 1x1 5 a so that the magnitude of the displacement of the particle does not
exceed a . When the distance of the particle from 0 is actually a , its speed v = 0 so that the particle
comes momentarily to rest at an extremity of its motion.
From (iii)
f w , / z F or
1 ,

so that
- f wdt.
The right hand side is immediately integrable and the left hand side may be integrated by making-.:
(iv) "

the substitution x = a sin 0, say. This yields

dx a cos 0 dB
a2 - a2 sin2 0
214 ~ ~ n a m i of
c sa Particle

Hence (iv) gives

where a is a constant of integration. Therefore

Since sin(a - wt) = sin[-(wt -a)] = - sin(wt - a ) and sin(wt - a + n) = sin(wt - a ) cos n + cos(wt -
a ) sin n = - sin(wt - a) then
sin(a - wt) = sin(wt - a + ?r) = sin(wt + @).
Therefore no matter what sign is chosen for w in (iv) 1 i e solution is of the form

where /3 is a constant of integration.

The motion of the particle is thus seen to be oscillatory in the interval -a. 5 x 5 a with
period 5 units of time. Note that since wt is an angle, w is measured in radianslunit time. The
origin towards which the acceleration is always directed is called the centre of oscillation and the
maximum displacement a the amplitude of the motion. The frequency, f , of oscillation is the number
of oscillations the particle makes in unit time. Thus
1 W
f=-=- or w = 2 n f .
period 2n
At the origin, the speed is maximum (= aw) and the acceleration is zero there.
The solution (v) may be expanded to obtain
x = asinwtcos@+acoswtsin@ or x = Asinwt + Bcoswt ( 4
where A = a cos p, B = a sin /3. This clearly shows that two constants of the motion A and B or a
and /3 must be determined to enable us obtain the motion in any specific problem.

Remark 7.4
An alternative method of integrating (i) is to multiply it by x to obtain
xx = -02 xx
which is immediately integrable with respect to t . This yields

as before. This method is called multiplication by an integrating factor.

Equation about origin different from centre of oscillation

If the origin of ceordinates is not a t the centre of oscillation the equation of simple harmonic motion
(SHM)has a slightly different form. Let 0 be the origin and A the centre of oscillation (see Figure

FIG. 7.13
7.4 Simple Harmonic Motion 215

Let x , s be the displacements of the particle at P from 0 and A respectively. If 1031

= k , then
x =k + s so that
x = s and x = s.
The equation of SHM
s=-W s
i -w2(x - k ) = -w2z + w2k.
As the motion is independent of the observer, this too is SHM. Thus the equation

2 = -w2x + constant
is also the equation of simple harmonic motion but with the centre of oscillation a t a point other
than the origin.
Conversely if an oscillation of simple harmonic motion is given in the form

2 = -w2z + b, b a constant,

we can determine the position of the centre of oscillation by a translation of co-ordinates.

Let x = y k where k is a constant to be determined. Then x = y, x = y so that simple harmonic
motion equation becomes
+ +
ji = -w2(y k ) b = -w2y b - w 2 k . +
For motion about the centre of oscillation (y = 0), we must have

Hence the centre of oscillation is at x = k = 3.

M o t i o n o f a loaded elastic springlstring
When forces are applied to the ends of an elastic string or spring, the stringlspring is stretched
and is said to be in tension as it now has internal forces tending to counteract the external forces.
According to Hooke's law the extension of the string, that is the increase in its length, is proportional
to the applied external force. When the force is removed the string reverts to its original length,
called its natural length. However, for each spring/string the above description is correct only for
extensions within a certain limit, called the elastic limit of the spring/string. Beyond its elastic
limit small increases in the applied force produce disproportionately large increases in the extension
of the springlstring. Furthermore, when the force is removed the string can no longer revert to its
natural length.
Consider an elastic string/spring of natural length I. For an extension, x, within the elastic
limit, let the applied forces induce a compensating tension T in the string. By Hooke's law

where k is a constant to be determined. Let A be the force which would double the length of the
string thus giving an extension of I. Then
216 Dynamics of a Particle

T = -2. (viii)
The constant X is called Young's modulus of elasticity.
Example 9
One end A of a light elastic string of natural length I and Young's modulus of elasticity, A, is fixed.
To the other end is attached a particle of mass m and the assembly hangs freely under gravity.
The particle is pulled down a further distance p and released, Show that initially the motion of the
particle is simple harmonic with period 2 n m . Determine its centre of oscillation and describe
the subsequent motion.

Let e be the extension of the string at EP

when the particle hangs at rest in equilib-
rium (see Figure 7.14). Let x, measured
downwards, be the extension of the parti-
cle beyond E P at time t and T the tension
in the string. At E P , T-mg = 0 since the
forces in the particle are a t equilibrium.
2 j D ~ u i l i ~ p s i t i m
1 (*I
When the particle is a distance x beyond
T = X(x e l .
FIG. 7.14
But the equation of motion of the particle is

where w2 = 5. This is the equation of simple harmonic motion with period % = 2r\/F and
centre of oscillation a t the origin of cclordinates. Hence the equilibrium position is the centre of
oscillation of the particle. But
v2 = w2(a2 - x2) from (iii).
Hence since v = 0 at x = p and t = 0 ,

x = p sin(wt + a),say.
7.4 Simple Harmonic Motion 217


x = p sin(wt + -)7r2 7r
= p sin(-
- wt) = p cos wt.

But the motion is simple harmonic only as long as the string is taut and has a tension. The particle
will where possible oscillate about E P with amplitude p. If p < e the particle does not reach as
high as N L in its motion about EP. The string remains taut throughout and the motion is entirely
simple harmonic. If p > e then when the phticle is at N L , it has a non-zero speed, there is no
tension in the string and the equation of motion changes to y = -g where y is its distance above
N L . It therefore moves like a particle projected vertically upwards to a maximum height where its
velocity vanishes. It then falls freely under gravity until it reaches N L with the same speed as before
but now in the downward direction. At this point the string becomes taut and the particle resumes
simple harmonic motion about EP. If p = e , the particle just reaches N L as its maximum height
(i = 0) at which point T = 0 but with the string taut. Although its velocity is zero, its acceleration
however is maximum and equal to pw2 downwards. The particle then moves downwards due to
this acceleration and T becomes non-zero. The entire motion is again simple harmonic although T
becomes momentarily zero at the highest point of motion.
In summary:
(i) If amplitude 5 e, the displacement produced by the mass, motion is entirely simple harmonic
with u2 = ;I.
(ii) If amplitude > e , motion is partly simple harmonic and partly projectile.
In the latter case the motion is still periodic and the period = time for projectile motion from N L
to maximum height and back time for simple harmonic motion from N L to maximum depth and

M o t i o n of a simple p e n d u l u m
Consider the following problem:
One end A of a light inelastic string of length I is fixed. To the other end is attached a
particle of mass m which hangs freely under gravity. The particle is pulled sideways through some
distance keeping the string taut and released. Show that for small initial displacements the motion
is approximately simple harmonic with period 2 . 7 r m . Determine the centre of oscillation.
Take the fixed point, A as the origin of co-ordinates. At any time t let the particle be at the point
P. The forces acting on the particle are gravity vertically downwards and the tension in the string
in the direction PL. Thus the equation of motion of the particle is
Take the downward vertical AB through
A as the positive x-axis (see Figure 7.15),
the positive y-axis in the vertical plane
containing A P and in the direction of in-
creasing 6' where 6' is the angle that A P
makes with the positive x-axis. Take the
positive z-axis pointing out of the plane
of the book to complete a right handed
co-ordinate system. Thus

T = T(cos6i+sin8j), g = g i ,

r(0) = I cos a i + I sin cr j, i(O) = 0.

The z-component of equation (i) is ~ ( t =

FIG. 7.15
BY x

) 0. Integrating with respect t o i yietds i f f ) = q.Since

r(0) = O,i(O) = 0 a cl = 0 and i ( t ) = 0. Integrating again we have z(t) = c2. But z(0) = 0
0 = cz. Hence z(t) = 0 for all t and the motion of the particle lies in the xy plane, i.e. the vertical
plane containing the initial radial vector.
Now, let us use polar co-ordinates for the motion of the particle. Since Irl= 1 = constant, 1: = 0
and the radial and transverse components of the acceleration reduce t o T 1 ~ 2 and l e respectively.
Also the components of the velocity in these directions reduce to 0 and 16 respectively confirming
that all motion is tangent to the string so that v = 16'.
Resolving the equation (i) along the radial and transverse directions, we obtain

-1e2 = g cos 6' - -T

l e = -gain8 (iii)
respectively. Using

equation (iii) becomes

16'- = -g sin 6'
which is immediately in.tegrable with respect to 8 t o obtain

x162 = g cos 0 + cs.
Initially 8 = a say, v = le = 0 3 6 = 0. Therefore

0 = g c o 8 a + c 3 - - r c g = -gcosa.


7.4 Simple Harmonic Motion 219

Since ea 2 0, then 2g(cw 0 - cos a ) 2 0 * -

cos 0 cos cr 2 0 or cos 8 2 cos cr * 181 5 cr. So the
particle oscillates in the range -cr _< 8 5 cr. Also cos 8 2 cos cr =3
-T = g cos 8
+ 1e2 2 g cos cr from (ii) and since 19' 2 0.

Thus the string remains taut throughout the motion.

To find the period of oscillation we solve for 9 from (iv)

so as to integrate with respect to 8. This cannot be done using elementary functions. However, if
0 is small ( 5 10' < 0.2 radians), we can obtain a good approximation, In that case sin8 m 8 and
equation (iii) becomes
lIj% -ge

This is simple harmonic motion of period 27r

Applications of simple harmonic motion

fi .

We give two areas of application of simple harmonic motion.

1 The simple pendulum is an instrument for measuring g, the gravitational acceleration. Since
T = 2 n a , then T 2 = 4n21Ig and a graph of T 2 against 1 gives g.
2 Simple harmonic motion is used in construction timing devices in mechanical clocks and
a. the simple pendulum is the timing device in so called grandfather clocks.
b. mechanical clocks without pendulums have as timing devices oscillating balance wheels
with heavy rims to which hairsprings are coupled (see figure below).
As the wheel rotates about a jewelled axis through its cen-
tre, the spring is coiled and produces a restoring couple
proportional to the twist from the unstressed or zero posi-
tion. Newton's second law in the form
rn- =F (i)
equates the rate of change of linear momentum to the ap-
plied force F. There is a corresponding equation governing
rotational motion of a particle.
DEFINITION.The angular momentum of a particle is the moment of its linear momentum
about the origin.
Take the vector product of (i) with r

220 Dynaanics of a Particle


Therefore (ii) may be written as


which shows that the rate of change of angular momentum equals the moment of the applied forces.
When dealing with a collection of particles, the equation (iii) is added for all such particles.
A particle of mass m on the rim of a balance wheel of radius a has no radial component of
velocity and a transverse component of a0. Hence its angular momentum is a(ma9)k = ma2dk where
its motion is taken to lie on the xy plane. Every particle on the rim has the same instantaneous
angular velocity. Therefore, adding for all particles we have

where M = total mass of wheel. For the wheel G = -pdk since restordhg couple is proportional to
the twist. Therefore equation of motion of wheel is

Thusitsmotionissimple harmonic

Remark 7.5
Because the rim of the balance wheel has a non-zero thickness and of the presence of spokes on the
wheel, the summation of angular momenta for all particles of the wheel does not give exactly Ma2
but M12 for some constant 1 close to a. The sum C, mr2 is called the moment of inertia of the
wheel about its axis of rotation.
Example 10 '
One end of a light'elastic spring of natural length 1.5 m and modulus 6g N is fixed. A particle of
mass 2 kg is attached to the free end of the spring and held so that the spring is just fully stretched
without tension and then let go.
a. Determine the amplitude and period of the motion.
b. When is the particle 0.75 m below its initial position?
We find the position of its centre of oscillation, EP,(see Fig. 7.16).
7.4 Simple Harmonic Motion 221

At EP,2g = +e = & e a e = t m .
At an arbitrary displacement x below EP, .

x = -2gx
which is the equation of simple harmonic motion
27r 2s
of period - FIG. 7.16
45 set.
Its general solution is -
x = ~ c o fsi t + + s i n f i t

so that

1 1
Thus --=A.l+B.O*A=--
2 2

Amplitude = lxmax 1 = m.
The particle is 0.75 below its initial position NL if x = 0.75 - 0.5 = 0.25.

Therefore 0.25 = -i2 cos &t Icoo f i t = -0.5

Example 11
An elastic string of natural length 51 and modulus A is cut into two parts of lengths 21 and 31. Each
part is tied to the same particle of mass m. Their free ends are tied to two fixed points a distance
71 apart on a smooth horizontal table. Find the period of oscillation when the particle is displaced
along the string.
of a Particle
222 Dynamarmcs


FIG. 7.17
Let the two fixed points be A and B. See Fig. 7.17.
Let the particle be at P, a distance x from A. The forces acting on P are TIalong P A and Taalong
PB. Let the string AP have natural length 21. Then the equation of motion of P is


which is simple harmonic motion of period 27r E,

Exercises 7.4
1 Show by direct substitution that x = asin(wt + P) is a solution of the equation x = - w 2 x for
arbitrary values of a and p.
2 Find the length of a simple pendulum if its period for small oscillations is 1 sec. Take the
acceleration due to gravity g as 10 m/sec2.
3 If the length of a simple pendulum ie increased by 1%by what percentage is its period for
small oscillations increased.
4 The length of a simple pendulum is 0.25 m and its maximum angle of swing is 8O. What is
the frequency of the oscillation?
5 A body of mass 4 kg is hung on a light spring and is found to stretch it 3 cm. The mass is
then pulled down a further 2 cm and released. Find the period of oscillation of the mass and
its maxinium speed.
6 An elastic spring extends a distance I when a given mass is attached to its lowest point. The
mass is pulled down a further distance a(< I ) and let go. Find the period of the simple
harmonic motion that ensues and find its maximum speed.
7.5 Impulsive Motion 223

7.5 Impulsive Motion

Each one of us may attest from personal experience that if a running person bumps into an object-
whether stationary or moving-the person feels as if he is given a blow by the object. At the moment
of contact between them, the person experiences a change of velocity but no corresponding change
in position or displacement. Indeed when two objects collide forces which could be very large but
acting for an extremely short period of time are generated. Because these forces exist for such brief
moments of time, it is difficult to describe or measure them directly: the only way to do so appears
to be in terms of their effect on the velocities of the colliding objects.
In this section we learn how the mathematical (Newtonian) model of dynamics handles colli-
A large variable force I(t) which acts only for a brief internal of time t l 5 t 5 tz
is called an impubive force or blow. The time integral of I, It'
I(t) dt, denoted by J is called its
If an impulsive force is acting on a particle, its impulse

= mv(t2) - rnv(t1)
= momentum immediately after impact - momentum immediately before impact
= change in momentum of particle due to impact

Effect of non-impulsive forces during impact

Consider a particle of mass m under the action of impulsive forces I(t) in the interval t l 5 t 5 t2 =
t l A, A very small. Suppose it is also acted bn by non-impulsive force F. Since A is very small,
F may be regarded as constant throughout the interval. The equation of motion of the particle is
given by

so that


As A + 0, AF + 0 and its contribution to momentum changes is negligible. Thus we consider only

impulsive forces during impact.
Conservation of linear m o m e n t u m
Consider two particles A and B of masses ml and m2 respectively. Suppose that they collide and
that A is acted on by impulsive force I1external to both particles whereas B is acted on by impulsive
force I2external to both particles. Let the impulsive reactions between the two particles be R o n A
and therefore - R on B by Newton's third law. If their velocities at time t ate v l and va respectively
then the equations of motion are
224 Dynamics of a Particle



Adding these equations we have

~ ( m i v t m m ) = 11 + 5 = I say (iii)

where I is the total impulsive force external to the system of A and B.

We note that the impulsive forces R , -R on A and B respectively are external when the
motions of A and B are considered separately. However when A and B are taken together as a
system, these internal (i.e. t o the new system of A and B ) impulsive forces cancel out.
Suppose the component of I is zero in a fixed direction a. Take components of (iii) in the
direction of a


equation (iv) may be written as

On integration this gives

a . (mlvl + m2v2)= constant
This result can easily be extended to a system of many particles. Thus
the component of the total momenta of a system of particles is constant in any direction
in which the components of the external impulsive forces acting on the system is zero.
This is the law of conservation of linear momentum during impact.
Collision of t w o s m o o t h spheres
Consider the collision of two small smooth spheres A, B of equal radii and masses m l , m2 respectively.
Let ul,u2 be the speeds of A, B respectively just before impact and vl., v2 their respective speeds
immediately after impact. Let the corresponding velocities make angles al, a2 and PI,p2 with the
7.5 Impulsive Motion 225

line of centres as shown in Figure 7.18.

Before impact I After impact

FIG. 7.18
In general the velocities before impact are known and the velocities after impact are to be determined.
The problem thus involves finding the values of four unknowns.
If both a1 and a 2 are zero so that the velocities of A and B before impact are along their line
of centres, we have direct impact; otherwise we have oblique impact of the two spheres.
Whether it is a case of oblique or direct impact, the only impulsive forces acting on the spheres
are produced by their reactions and act along their line of centres. Let these generate an impulse J
ee in Figure 7.18a.
a. Motion perpendicular t o line of centres
There is no impulsive force in this direction and linear momentum is conserved for A, B and A plus
B together. Hence
m l u l sin a1= mlvl sin PI for A
ul sin a1 = v1 sin P1
m2u2 sin a 2 = m2v2 sin P2 for B
u2 sin a 2 = v2 sin pz (vii)
mlul sinal + m2u2 sin a 2 = mlvl sin + m2v2 sin p2 (viii)
for A plus B together. Equations (vi) and (vii) show that the components of the velocities of the
spheres are not changed in the direction perpendicular 'to their line of centres, along which the
impact occurs. In particular for direct impact where a1 = a 2 = 0, the comporrents of velocities
after impact perpedicular to the line of centres remain at zero, their initial values. Equation (viii)
is equal to ml(vi) m2(vii) and thus is not different from these. Therefore not more than two of
them may be used at any time.
b. Motion along the line of centres
There is no impulsive force in this direction for A plus B together. Therefore

Thus by considering conservation of momentum we have three equations, namely (ix) and any two
of (vi), (vii), (viii). We need one more equation to enable us determine all the 4 unknown variables
ul 1 ~ 1P1, and P2.
226 Dynamics of a Particle

That equation is provided by an experimental law (credited again to Newton) relating the
relative velocities with which the particles approach and separate from each other along the line of
The law states:
the component of the relative velocity of the particles along the line of centres immediately
after impact equals (-e) x that immediately before impact.
where e is a constant with value in the closed interval [0, 11.
In terms of Figure 7.18 this means

v2 cos P2 - v1 cos Pl = -e(u2 cos a2 - ul cos a1) ( 4

Note that for collision to occur ul cos a1 > u2 cos a 2 and there will be no separation unless v2 cos p2 >
vl cospl. The constant, e, is called the coefficient of restitution or coeficient of elasticity. It depends
only on the two colliding objects. If e = 0 the objects are inelastic and ua cosp2 - v l cos& = 0
so that there is no separation and the two objecta move with the same velocity. When e = 1 the
objects are perfectly elastic. Finally, having found v l , v2, P1 and p2 we can now find the impulse J
between the two particles

J = rn2[v2 ccs P2 - zs2 cos ail from B

-J = ml[vl cos p1 - ul cos all from A
since change 4 = final 4 - initial 4 for any entity 4.

Example 12
A sphere of mass 40 gm is moving with constant velocity 20 m/sec. A second sphere of the same
size but with mass of 60 gm is moving along the same line as the first s p h ~ r eand with velocity 30
m/sec towards it. If e = $ find the velocities of the two spheres after impact. Determine also the
. impulse generated between them.
Let the velocities of the spheres be u, v m/sec respectively parallel to. the 20 m/sec velocity as shown.

,40gm mgin ,
After ,


This is direct impact, momentum is conserved for the two spheree together. Therefore

40u + 60v = 40 -20 + 60(-30) =$2u + 3v = -50 (0

7.5 .Impu&iveMotion 227

From restitution
3 3
v -u = --((-30)
- 2 0 ) --(-50)
a v - u = 30 (ii)
Solving equations (i) and (ii) simultaneously gives
v = 2 m/sec and u = -28 m/sec i.e. 28 m/sec in opposite direction.
60 6
J = -(2
- (-30)) = - 32 = 1.92. Newton
- sec

Example 13
Two spheres of masses 3 kg and 4 kg on a smooth horizontal tables are connected with a light
inextensible string of length a. Initially the string is slack and the 4 kg mass is projected along the
table with velocity 21 m/sec.
a. Find
(1) the velocity with which the 3 kg mass begins to move
(ii) the impulse generated in the string when it suddenly becomes taut.
b. Is there any change in the kinetic energy of the system?

a. While the string is slack the 4 kg mass moves in a straight line at constant speed 21 m/sec and
the 3 kg mass remains at rest. At the instant when the string becomes taut, there is an impulsive
tension along the string which jerks the 3 kg mass into motion.

The two masses now move with the same velocity (see the figure above). There is no motion
perpendicular to this direction since there is no impulsive force in that direction.
(i) Momentum is conserved for both spheres combined:

(ii) Impulse J = 3(v - 0) = 3 . 1 2 = 36 Newton-sec.

b. Kinetic energy before jerk = . 4 . 212 = 2 441 =.882 joules
Kinetic energy afte'r jerk = - 7 . 1 2 ~= 504 joules
Hence there is a loss of kinetic energy of 882 - 504 = 278 joules.

Example 14
An object of mass 6 kg moving with velocity 8 m/sec collides with another object of mass 9 kg
travelling with velocity 10 m/sec in a direction making an angle 60° with the velocity of the first
object. If the two objects coalesce on impact, find the velocity of the combined mass.
228 Dynamics of a Particle


6 kg 9 kt3

Let u, v m/sec be the components of the velocity of the combined mass parallel and perpendicular
to the 8 m/sec velocity (see figure above). Momentum is conserved for the system of two objects
together. Therefore
+ +
15u = 6 .8 9 .lo cos 60° = 48 9 . lo(-) = 93.
u = - = 6.2 m/sec

Example 15
A ball of mass 5 kg moving with speed 30 m/sec impinges on a second ball of equal radius but
with mass 15 kg moving at a speed of 10fi m/sec. If their velocities immediately before impact
are inclined at angles 30°,450 respectively to the line of centres at the instant of impact, determine
their velocities immediately after impact given that e = 4.

Let the velocity of 5kg mass A be u m/sec in direction IY to line of centres and let the velocity of
15kg mass B be v m/sec in direction P to line of centres.
Momentum perpendicular to line of centres:
7.5 Impulsive Motion 229

Momentum along line of centres:

5(u cos a ) + 15(v cosp) = 5(30 cos30°) + 15(10ficos 45")

v cos p - u cos a = --(lo& cos 45" - 30 cos 30")


Adding (iii) and (iv)

Dividing (v) by (ii) gives

?4+25 1 1
4cotp = = -(9&+ 10) cot p = -(9&+ 10).
10 4 16
Squaring (ii) and (v) and adding

Similarly using (i), (iii) and (iv) we solve for u and a.

It may be more convenient to use components of unknown velocities parallel and perpendicular to
the line of centres.


For example, if we use u l , ua and vl, v2 (see figure above) the equations above become (replacing
u cos a , v sin p by ul , v2 respectively)
u2 = 15 from (i) ( 4
va = 10 from (ii) (iia)
UI +3vl = 15&+10 (iiia)
230 Dynamics of a Particle

Adding (iiia) and (iva) yields


Collision w i t h fixed object

Consider the collision of a particle of mass rn with a fixed smooth object. The object thus cannot
move as a result of the impact. Hence its velocity both before and after the impact is zero. Let
the initial velocity of the impacting particles be u at an angle a to the line of impact and its final
velocity v at an angle 0 (see Figure 7.19).

Before After

FIG. 7.19
There are now only two unknowns v, 0 and hence we need just two equations involving these to be
able to solve for them.
Conservation of momentum: , .
There is no impulsive force perpendicular to the line of impact. Hence
musine = musina =$ usin0 = u s i n a

For motion along the line of impact

where positiveGis taken in the direction away from the fixed object. Thus

v cos 0 = ezr cos a. (ii)

Solve for v and 0. By division
tan0 = - tancr.
t .

Squaring and adding
v2 = u2(sin2a+ e2 cos2 a)
= ua cw2 a(tan2 a + ea)
v = u cos a Jo.-c'
Also I '9 . [l'

the impulse generated = m[v cos 0 - (-u cos a)]

= m[eu cos a + u cos a] from (ii)

= mu(1 + e) cos a.
The fixed object also experiences this impulsive force. If a steady stream of particles impact on the
fixed object then the latter experiences a force equal to the rate of change of momentum =
Thus if water from a hose impinges on an object at a constant speed of u m/sec, the force on
the object = mu(1 e) cos a Newtons.
Example 16 I .

Find the angle at which a smooth sphere must be projected towards a fixed'horizontal plane so that
the sphere is deviated through 90'. Take e = a. . T:

, \
c . \

Before After

Let the velcoity of the sphere before impact be u at an angle 0 to the normal to the plank [see the
figure above). If it is turned through 90° then its velocity v after impact is inclined at $ - 0 to the
Momentum parallel to plane is conserved ' '

vcos(- - 8 ) - 0 = -e(-ucos0-0) *vsin9= eucos0. (ii)
Eliminate v between (i) and (ii), for example by division ..

tanO=ecotB a t a n 2 0 = e = -3 3 tan$=-
d3 0 = tan-'
4 2 2 '

Loas of kinetic energy at impact ., ,

Since there is no change in the components of the velocity for either particle perpendicular to the line
of centres/impact, the changes in kinetic energy (KE), if any, must be produced by the components
of velocities along the line of impact.
232 Dynamics of a Particle

The KE before and after impact due to the motion along the line of impact are


"1 '"1 "2

Before After

for any ml ,m2, 41, 4 2 , we have

change of KE = final KE - initial KE

3 u t mlul coe a1+m2u2 cos a 2 = mlvl cosP1+m2v2 cosP2 by conservation of total momentum along
line of impact.
A h by reetitution
- -
v1 cosP1 v2cosP2 = -e(ul c o s q u2coaa2).
Substituting into (ii) for v's we have

change of KE = - m1m2 [e2(u1caa a1 - u2 coa all2- (ul coa a1 - u2 cos a2)']


Thie is negative eince e < 1. Hence there is a loss in KE of amount

The moet obvious application of collisions is in the game of billiards. Players must hit a ball lying
on a smooth table to impart to it the desired velocity to enable it collide with another stationary
bdl. After the impact the latter ball is required to move in a desired direction.
Another, application is in the manufacture of artillery gum. Before firing, a gun and the shell
(bullet) within it are both at rest. During firing the eyetem of gun and ehell together have no
7.5 Impulsive Motion. 233

external impulsive force acting on it in the horizontal direction. Thus their total momentum in that
direction remains constant at its initial value which is zero. However, since the shell on its own has a
forward momentum, the gun must have an equal backward momentum. Thus a mechanism (usually
springs) must be provided to bring the gun to rest and ready for the next firing.
Our final example is a weapon much beloved by the police. A stream of water under high
preseure when trained on a protester will knock the person down. The change in momentum of
the water impacting on the person produces a force or blow which has been known on occassion to
knock someone senseless.

Exercises 7.5
Two eleastic spheres each of mass m collide directly. If the velocity of one of them is exactly
reversed, show that the spheres were travelling towards each other.
A smooth sphere A of mass 4 kg is tied to a fixed point 0 on a smooth horizontal table by
a light inextensible string of length a. The sphere A is at rest on the table with the string
taut. A second sphere B of the same size but mass 5 kg hits A directly with velocity 10 m/sec
so that their line of centres at impact makes an angle of 30" with OA, the string remaining
taut throughout. If e = find the velocity with which A begins to move. Hint: Why is the
component of velocity of A zero along OA?
Two particles A and B of masses ml and mp respectively are connected by a light inextensible
string. The particle A moves on a smooth horizontal table and B hangs under gravity with
the connecting string perpendicular to the edge of the table. Just before A reaches the edge of
the table, the common speed of the particles is zc m.sec-l. Find the velocities of the particles
immediately A leaves the table.
A child is playing with two identical tennis balls, A and B say, on a smooth horizontal floor.
The child places the balls on the floor with B between A and a smooth vertical wall in such a
way that the vertical plane containing A B is normal to the wall. The child strikes A to impinge
directly on B . The coefficient of restitution between the two ball is $ and that between a ball
and the wall is ;. If A is given an initial velocity u , determine the velocity of A after its second
impact with the ball B.
The edges of a smooth horizontal table are raised. A small spherical ball is projected with
velocity v to impinge on two adjacent edges of the table. Show that iLs velocity after the
second impact is -ev where e is the coefficient of restitution between the table and the ball.
A ball impinges obliquely on another ball at rest. (i) Find e if the velocities of the balls
immediately after impact are at right angles. (ii) What can you deduce about the relative
masses of the stationary and moving balls?
A particle moving with a speed of u m/sec in a direction making an angle of O0 with the
horizontal strikes a smooth horizontal plane and rebounds. Find the velocity of the particle
immediately after impact if the coefficient of restitution is e.
A smooth ball of mass m moving at 8 m/sec is striken by a second smooth ball of equal radius
with mass 2m moving at 10 m/sec. If their velocities immediately before impact are inclined
at 4 5 O and 30' respectively to the line of. centres at the instant of impact, determine their
velocities immediately after impact if
(i) the balls are assumed perfectly elastic
(ii) the coefficient of reetitution between the 3.
234 Dynamics of a Particle

7.6 Motion of Particles with Variable Mass

Recall Newton'e second law of motion (see Section 7.1), namely

the rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional t o the external impressed
force F acting on it.
In equation form this is

where the constant of proportionality has been made unity by an appropriate choice of the unit of
force. For an object of constant mass m this reduces to the familiar equation

that we have used so far in this chapter. ~owe"er,there are systems of practical importance where
the mass of the particle/object is not constant. Some such objects are rockets, electrically charged
par&les moving a t high speeds, and motor cars. In the car, like the rocket, as fuel is burned the
mass of the object decreases. However for the car, unlike the rocket, the mass of the fuel is small
ixi comparison with the rest of the object and so the mass of the car is regarded as approximately
constant. The mass, m , of a charged particle is given by

where mo is a constant, v the speed of the particle and c the velocity of light. At small speeds
m R rno but this no longer holds a t high speeds.
We briefly discuss the motion of a rocket.
Motion of a rocket
The rocket was developed in response to military needs. We saw from the kinematics of a particle
that the maximum range of a projectile on the horizontal ground is u2/g where u is the speed of
projection of the particle and g is the acceleration due to gravity. However, an explosive mechanism
is needed for imparting the initial speed u. Since there is a limit t o the intensity of such devices,
there is a corresponding limit on the speed that can be achieved and consequently on the maximum
The rocket operates by providing a propelling force'to the particle over a period of time. Thus
much higher terminal speeds can be achieved before the particle moves freely as a projectile.
Consider a rocket which burns fuel (part of its mass) a t a constant rate of r kg/sec for t*
seconds. During this period products of combustion are ejected from it a t a constant velocity c
m/sec backwards relative t o the velocity of the rocket. After t* seconds the rocket travels freely as
a projectile.

Derivation of equation of motion
Suppose external forces equal t o F ( t ) are acting on the rocket at time t . In a small interval of time,
the change of momentum of the rocket equals the impulse on the rocket. Let the velocity of the
particle at time t be v. In a small interval of time, At, the velocity of the rocket increases to v Av
and the mags m breaks into two parts m Am, -Am with velocities v6, ( v - c)6 where 6 is a unit
vector in the direction of motion of the rocket. See Figure below.
7.6 Motion of Particles with Variable Mass 235

The impulse-momentum equation is

( m+ A m ) ( v + Av)&+ ( - A m ) ( v - c)e - mu&

= I+At F ( t ) dt

Note that since the mass is decreasing A m < 0 and1

thus ( - A m ) is positive. However, the standard
expression m A m must be used. Expanding the
above we obtain, for F = Fe
vG!fl nt+h - . "
, .

mAv + ( A m ) v + ( A m ) A v - A m ( v - c)
= I+At F ( t ) dt

Divide by A t ,
At At
Taking the limit as At 0
+ -vddtm dm
- -(v
- c) = F ( t ) (ii)

d dm
z(mv) = F(t) + -(v
- c)
. dm
= F ( t ) - r(v - c) since - = -r
-(mu) = F ( t )
+ r(c - v). (iii)
By comparison with the basic Newton's equation of motion (i) we see that the reaction of the ejected
gases produces an impulsive force called thrust of amount r(c - v ) on the rocket in the direction of
On simplification (ii) becomes

m = m ( t ) = mo - ~t for 0 < t 5 t* < -
where mo is a constant, the total mass of full fuel and payload of rocket.

There is another interpretation of the left hand side of (*). Suppose that during the time interval
[t,t A t ] a particle of initial mass m travelling with velocity vZ picks up additional mass A m a t a
constant rate and that the additional mass has velocity u6 = ( v - c)6. Let the combined velocity of
+ +
the m A m particle at time t A t be denoted by ( v A v ) ~Then . +
the change in momentum
236 Dyn-CB of a Particle

d i c h is exactly the expression in left hand side of (*).

Thus Am > 0 3 increase in mass as when a particle moves through a cloud of water vapour
which condenses on it.
Am < 0 decrease in mass as in rocket motion.
Solution of Equation of Motion
We consider the solution of equation (iv) for some specified values of F(t).
Case I: F(t) = -mg gmviiy with no resistance
Equation (iv) becomes

dv dm
m- = rc mg
- using - = -r from(v)
= rc g(m0 - rt)
m- .= rc - mog rgt
Since m > 0, the particle will rise immediately (at t = 0) if rc mog > 0. It will never rise unless
- +
rc mog rgt* > 0.
Now to integrate (vi):
dv dm dv c dm
dt dt
= -mg* -+--
dt m dt
- -9.

This last equation is integrable with respect to t. However in problems where 9 is constant, less
manipulative complexity is encountered when m is used as the independent variable.
-=- dv dm
. - = -r- dv and (vi) becomes
dm dt dm

Integrating with respect to rn we have

When t = 0, v = 0 and m = mo. Therefore

0 + clnmo = -mo
+ const. ,+const. = c h m o - -mo.
v + clnm = -9rm + 9
c h m o - -mo


-= -
Again using v = dx
dx -
dm = -r- dx this becomes
dm dt dm
7.6 Motion of Particles with Variable Mass 237

which on integration with respect to m becomes

/ln (g) dm = m in (E) / -
m(-) dm
integrating by parts

-rx + cm o n (g)
When t = 0, x = 0, m = mo and therefore

-- r x + cm (In (g)- 1) = l2r( m - ma)' - cmo

At time t* when all the fuel has been burnt, let v = v*, x = x* and m = m*. If we set the mass of
fuel when full to be Em0 where 0 < E < 1, then m* = (1 - E)mo so that

v* + cln (2) = 4(m* - mo) from (viii)

Note that - i).l( 0 since 0 < 1 - E < 1 SO that the first term on the right hand side of (x) is
positive as is x' itself (see Problem 1 in the Exercises).
Also from (ix)
rx* = cm* In(rno)
+ c(mo - m*) - -(m*9
- mo)l


238 Dynamics of a Particle

See also Problem 1 of the Exercises for verification that z* > 0.

The particle now moves as a projectile with initial speed v* from height x*.
Case II: F = -mg - kv gravity plus dmg/air resistance which is proportional to speed
Equation (iv) becomes

dv dv dm dv
Using - = - . - = (-r)- this becomes
dt dm dt dm


This may be integrated by multiplying by an integrating factor m - k l r , the derivation of which is

beyond the scope of this course. Thus

This last equation is immediately integrable to obtain

so that
v=- m+-+Amk/'. (xiii)
r-k k
dx dx dm dx
Setting v = - = - . - = -r- in (xiii) and integrating yields
dt dm dt dm


as the equation for x.

Exercises 7.6
x2 x3 xP
1 By using the expansion ln(1- x) = -x - - - - - . . .- - - . . . show that v* and x* are
2 3 , r
both positive.
7.6 Motion of Particles with Variable Mass 239

dv c dm
2 Starting from -
+ --
m dt
= -g integrate with respect t o t and apply the initial conditions
v = 0, na = mo a t t = 0 t o obtain

v + c ln (mo - r t ) = -gt + c ln(mo).

Writing v = x, integrate this again with respect t o t to obtain

Verify that this is consistent with equation (ix) of the text,

Miscellaneous Exercises
1 A particle is projected vertically upward with a velocity of u m/sec and after T sec another
particle is projected upwards from the same spot with the same velocity. Find where the two
particles will collide and the time at which the collision occurs.
2 A gun mounted on a cliff of height h m above sea level shoots a cannon with muzzle speed
U . Determine the farthest horizontal range of the gun measured at sea level and the angle of
projection t o achieve this range. Hint: Find point on sea which can just be reached.
3 A light inextensible rope passes over a fixed pulley. At one end of the this rope is a body of
mass M I . At the other end of the rope there is a pulley of mass M 2over which passes another
light inextensible rope with bodies of masses nal and m2 attached a t the ends. Prove that the
acceleration of the mass m l is

4 A gun fires two shots, the nozzle speed in each case being u . In the first case the shot is fired
at an angle of elevation a , and in the second case it is fired a t an angle of elevation P, with
a > p. Show that the time interval between the two firings such that the two shots will collide
2 u sin(a - p )
in midair is -
g c o s a + cosp,
5 Two smooth spheres of mass m each moving with velocity U in directions a t right angles to
one another, collide in such a way that the line joining their centres is the direction of motion
of one of them. Find the velocities of the spheres after impact if e = $.
6 A ball is dropped on the floor from a height of h. If the coefficient of restitution between the
ball and the floor is el find the height of the ball a t the top of its nth rebound.
Answers to Exercises
Chapter 1
Exercises 1.1 (Page 7)
1 6

5 ST2= T R +~R S ~i.e. 40 = 8 + 32 =+LR is a right angle.

7 (9,5)

Exercises 1.2 (Page 11)

1 324 sq. units
2 Area is zero
3 (i) S(21,13) (ii) area = 165 sq. units.
4 C(-14,20); angle B is a right angle; area = 369 sq. units.
5 lPQl = lSRl = m, fQRI = IPS] = m; area = 10 sq. units.
6 Area = - i ( t l - t2)(t2 - t3)(t3 - t l ) # 0 if t1,t2,t3 are distinct.
7 Area = (tl -t2)(1 +t1t2) = 0 if 1+t1t2 = 0 or t l = t 2 .
8 Area = 423 sq. units

10 Area = 1343 sq. units.

11 Area = 554 sq. units.

Exercises 1.3 (Page 24)

1 (i) 3x+y= 1
(ii) 3y - 72 - 5 = 0
(iii) (tl + t 2 ) y - 22 = 2at1t2
(iv) -
a(cos e 2 - cos 0l)y - b(sin e2 - sin O1)x = ab sin(O1 82) or
a s i n ~ y + b c o s ~ z = a b c o s ~ .
2 x-2y=4
x Y
-7/3 + -
= 1 intercepts are -;,-5 on 2- and y-axis respectively

. (ii) - -
+ Y
= 1 intercepts are -$, c on x- and y-axis respectively
(iii) - -
+ Y = 1 intercepts are - f , -$ on x- and y-axis respectively.
4 y + x1 x = 5
5 Slope = +, y-intercept = 7
Answers to Exercises 241

6 x+y=l
8 2 = &J-. All points of the curve are the same distance from the fixed point (g, f).

Exercises 1.4 (Page 42)

arctan 7

(i) LABC=90° (ii) L BA C = 45O

(i) 8y-x=O (ii) 52 - y - 13 = 0

(iii) 152+21y-47=0 (iv) 3y-3x+7=0

Rewrite equation as 2x+ y - 5+ t ( x + y - 7) = 0; fixed point is (-2,9) the point of intersection

of the two lines 2 x + y - 5 = 0 and x + y - 7 = 0.
k = 2 o r -4
+ + +
1202 - 20y 11 = 0 is perpendicular to x 6y - 7 = 0; 40% 60y - 73 = 0 is perpendicular
to 32 - 2y 2 = 0.+
(i) 22 - y = 0 and 22 + y = 0
(ii) 22 y = 0 and x - 3y = 0
(iii) y - x + 2 = O a n d y + x + l = O
(iv) 3 ~ - 2 y + 3 = O a n d x + y - 7 = 0
(i) xy - 4y2 = 0 (ii) 3x2 - 8xy - 3Y2= 0
(iii) y2 - (m + n)x + nmx2

arctan 9
tan 8 = in each case (8 = angle between lines).

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page 43)

4 + + +
(k2 - 1)x2 (k2 - 1 ) ~2(k2~ + 1)x - 2(k2 - 2)y 2k2 - 5 = 0; straight line; 42 + 2y - 3 = 0.
5 --4 , 1,6 6 x2-6y+9=O

11 A = tan-' (I;i?) = 57.53O, B = tan-' (y)= 74.74O, 6 = tan-' ( G ) = 47.73O

12 (i) 3y = 122 + 4
(ii) 4y=3x+1
(iii) 12y = 33: + 1
(iv) aY=3x+1
242 Answers to Exercises

14 (i) x = 2; y = -3
.(ii) x-y+2=0; x+y+2=0.
(iii) 22- y + 1 = O ; x + 2 y - 1 = 0
15 tan-' - = 36.87'
16 Point of intersection = ( - 2 , l ) ; angle between lines = 60'.
18 +
2y2 - 7x9 - 2x2 lox - l5y 20 = 0. +
19 Equation reduces to (y + x sin a ) 2 + (x cos a + a)2 = 0. This gives a pair of lines y + x sin cr =
0, x c o s a a = 0 except when cr = *;.
Chapter 2
Exercises 2.1 (Page 47)
1 Centre (i, 1)) radius = +I/@
(ii) Centre (2,3), radius = 2
(iii) g),
Centre (1, - radius = $m
(iv) Centre (-1, !), radius = fi
(v) Centre (1,2), radius = 6.
2 (i) No; imaginary radius.
(ii) No; coefficients of x2 and y2 are not equal.
(iii) (x - - (y + 3)2 = 2. No; negative sign between squares.
(iv) (x -
+ (y + -I2 - 17 , Yes.

Exercises 2.2 (Page 50)

1 5x2 + 5y2 - 11x - 9y = 12
2 y=-2x
3 (11-6)
4 +
2x2 2y2 - 412 +7 = 0
5 x2+y2-6x+4y=O
6 x ~ + ~ ~ + ~ x + ~ ~ + centre
c = O (-1,-l),radius
7 x2+ya-32:+2y=O
8 x2+y2-4x-lOy+16=0
9 +
4x2 + 4y2 212 - 27y - 14 = 0
10 ( x - x ~ ) ( x - ~ ~ ) + ( ~ - Y ~ ) ( Y=- oYo~r )x 2 + y 2 - x ( x 1 + x 2 ) - ~ ( ~ 1 + ~ 2 ) + x 1 ~ 2 +=~0.1 ~ 2

Exercises 2.3 (Page 63)

Answers to Exercises 243

7 2 units

8 units
9 x+2y+4=0, y+2x-1=0
10 Their gradients are 2, -+
11 32-4y+7=0, 4~+3y-1=0
12 y=fi
13 x-3y+17=0
14 + +
x y 1 = 0 chord of contact; tangenh y - 2x = 5 , x - 2y = 5
15 2~+3y-3=0
16 From origin: hx + k y + d = 0 ; from ( h ,k ) : 2hx + 2ky + h2 + k 2 + d = 0
17 ( 0 ,-1) and ( 3 ,-2)

Exercises 2.4 (Page 72)

1 x2 + y2 - 2ax - 2by = 0

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page 75)

1 k=24
2 ~ ~ + ~ ~ - 4 x - 4 y - 9 = 0
3 +
7 x 2 + 7 y 2 - 61x - 25y 52 = 0
5 ~ ~ + ~ ~ - 2 ~ - 1 = 0 a n d x ~ + ~ ~ + 6 ~ + 7 = O
6 b = 5; lines intersect at ( 3 , l ) ;tangent to given circle is 4y - 3x + 5 = 0.
7 ~ ~ + ~ ~ - 2 x - 3 y = O
(i) circles through vertices of a traingle taken in pairs. Circumcircle is common to all 3
(ii) take four distinct points on a circle: there are six coaxial systems passing through pairs
of the four points. The original circle is common to all the six systems.
9 A = -5, p = 5. Circumcircle is 3 ~ ~ + 3 ~ ~ - 6 3 : =
- 80y. Centre of orthogonal circle is ( 1 ,-!),
with equation 2x2 2y2 - 42 3y = 0.+
y = ( 1 + - a ) z and y = ( 1- - m ) x or 5x2 - 24xy + 12y2 = 0 as a line pair. Angle between
1 1
6 6
them = arctan &a.
244 Answers to Exercises
16 (a+X)x+by+h+e=O; p* =(-a,+),a2 b#0

17 (12+m2)x2+(12+m2)y2+2(hm2-mk~l+n1)2+2(kl2+nm-lmh)y+d(l2+2)+2(n-lh-k)n =
18 +
ax2 ay2+ 2(ha - r21)x + 2(ka - r2m)y
+ cda - 2r2n = 0 where r2 = h2 + ka - d and
Chapter 3
Exercises 3.2.1 (Page 80)
1 16x2+ 19y2+ 4xy - 42 + 2y - 1 = 0
2 x2 +"y 22y - 122 - 12y - 12 = 0
3 11x2 - 96xy + 39y2.+1202 - 210y + 75 = 0
4 9x2+ 5y2- 182 - 4y - 19 = 0
5 z2 - 42 - 2y + 7 = 0 or x2 - 4x - 18y + 103 = 0
6 25x2+ 16y2- 2002 - 96y + 144 = 0 or 25x2+ 16y2- 2002 - 296y + 1744 = 0
7 (1- e2)z2+ y2 - 2 ~ 3 +
: c2 = 0.

Exercises 3.2.2 (Page 84)

1 (2 + f12 (Y - $I2 = I
ellipse: centre (-i,%)
1/2 3/4
(I/ + ;I2 - (x %)2 + =1 hyperbola: centre (-; , - B)
1/36 1/48
3 (2 - 4j2 (Y - I)=
4 10 - 1 ellipee: centre (+,I)

4 (y- 4)2 - (2 +)2 = 1

----- + hyperbola: centre (-4,4)
1 3
5 (y- = -3(z + 1)
i)2 parabola: vertex (- 1, i)
6 (3:+ 2)2 = $(y - f) parabola: vertex (-2,f)
7 5(x + 2)?+ 6(y - $)2 = 0 single point: (-2, i)
8 10(z + 2)2 + 12(y - = -30 i)2 empty set.
10 y = 2a(x - a).
Exercises 3.3 (Page 97)
Equations of directrices
Answers to Exercises 246

2 Equslions of directtices: X = f-$J

Equations of aeymptotes: Y = &fix

Equations of directrices: X = f9

Equations of asymptotes are Y = &AX k*, Y

Equations of directrices X = f

Equation of directrix is Y = -2
246 Aoswers-to Exercises

6 Equation of directrix is X = -2 Y - "

Equation of directrix is X = 1

Equations of asymptotes are Y = f+X

Equations of directrices Y = &-&

Equations asymptotes: Y
directrices Y =
Answers to Exercise* 247

Equations of asymptotes are X 2 0, Y = 0

Equations of directrices X + Y = f 1

Equations asymptotes: X = 0, Y = 0
Equations directrices Y - X = f2

Vertex (0, $)
Equation of directrix Y =3sy =2

Rewrite as
(Z + +)=+--( g - -1
1 2
Centre (- $, 1)
Equations of dire~tricesY = f2 y = 3 or -1
248 Answers to Exercises

14 Centre C(2, -3) Y, 'k

Asymptotes: X = 0 x = 2 and -%, *.
Equations of directrices: ( = f
= y =
r x + y = - I f .\/Z
where X = ( + q, Y = ( - 17

15 '\
*. Centre (-! , 4)

'. Equations of asymptotes: X = 0
a n d ~ = 0 ~ ~ = 3
z = -3
. 2

Equations of directrices: [ = f&

-'. c 0
+ x
\ >. *. * X =
- ~ = h t J z ~ . + r = - l ~ ~
3 + J i I-&
'. '.
%\ \'*.

'\ *.
%,, '\

\'. '.
16 Centre(-1,-1)
Equations of asymptotes: Y = &2X
Equations of directrices: Y = f$6
= ' y = - l5+ o rE-1J-66

Y 3 sfi (2 - 3)2 (Y+ 412 1
17 f / 4(T,T-4) Rewrite ds - 25/4

Centre C(;, r 4 )
Equations of directrices: Y = ~tqfi
= y = - 4 f $4.

Exercises 3.4.1 (Page 100)

1 Tangent: y + x = 0;Normal: y - x = 0
Answers to Exercises 249

2 + x = 8; Normal: y - 42 + 15 = 0
Tangent: 4 y
3 Tangent: 16y + 3 s = 6 ; Normal: 9y - 482 + 361 = 0
4 Tangent: y = 1; Normal: x = 2
5 Tangent: 255x + 189y = 587; Normal: 1701x - 2295y = 2467
6 Tangent: x = 1; Normal: y = 3

62 3
Tangent: x = :(-I + a);
Normal: y = $
dx 6-4y'

dy 6 - 6z
10 -=-. Tangent: x = Q; Normal y = - ga
dx 5+6y1
6y + 10
11 -dy= -
d~ 2y(4x - y + - 6 2 - 4 ; Tangent: 7 y + x = 9; Normal y - 7 2 + 13 = 0.
Exercises 3.4.2 (Page 104)
1 Tangent: 4y - x + 8 = 0; Normal: y + 42 - 15 = 0
2 Tangent: 3 2+ 16y - 6 = 0 ; Normal: 482 - 9y - 361 = 0
3 Tangent: y - x + 2 = 0 ; Normal: y + x - 6 = 0
4 Tangent: 39y + 532 - 147 = 0 ; Normal: 6892 - 637y + 2123 = 0
5 Tangent: 42 + 3 y + 16 = 0 ; Normal: 122 - 16y + 123 = 0
6 Tangent: y = 6 ; Normal: x = -1
7 Tangent: 2 f i y - x + 8 = 0 ; Normal: +
y 2 4 x =3 8
8 Tangent: f i y - z = 1; Normal: y + f i x 4 4 = 0.+
Exercises 3.4.3 (Page 108)
1 a. y - 52 = 5 and y + 5 2 = 5 b. ( 2 , -5) and (-2, -5) respectively.
2 a. 4 y - x + 8 = 0 and x = 4 b. ( 2 , -;) and (4,O) respectively.
3 a. 2y = z + 3 and y + x = 0 b. ( 5 , 4 ) and ( 2 ,-2) respectively.
4 No tangents as equation for m, 123m2 - 244m + 128 = 0 has no real roots. Point (-a, 1 ) is
on same side of hyperbola as focus.
5 + +
No tangents. as equation 3m2 2 m 8 = 8 has no real roots. Point ( 1 , l ) is inside ellipse.
6 a. 8y+2x-l=Oand y + x = 2
b. (1,-$) and ( 4 ,-2) respectively.
7 +
No tangents as m 2 - m 2 = 0 has no real roots. Point ( 1 , l ) is on same side of parabola as
its focus.
8 a. +
2y - 5 x 20 = 0 and 18y - 52 - 60 = 0 b. ( 2 , -5) and (-6, g)
9 c = O ,, m # 0 (Tangent not possible if m = 0 ) .
250 Answfirs to Exercises

Exercises 3.5.1 (Page 112)

1 z = 2cos0, y = 3sinO 2 z =2t2, y =4t

Exercises 3.5.2 (Page 116)

1 (i) (g, 6) and (-2, -2) (ii) 26
(0,4) and (14g T)
, (iii) (0.4) and (-+,0).
3 Tangent: 5 4 + 42 = 52 + 1 0 d ; Normal: 4y - 5 6 x = 8 - Yfi
4 Tangent: &+ 22 = 18; Normal: 2y - f i x = 5 f i
5 Tangent: y = &x + 3 - 6 6 ; Normal: fi + x = 12 + 3&
6 Tangent: y = 32 + 2; Normal: 3y + x + 4 = 0
7 Tangent: 4y - 22 + 1 = 0; Normal: 4y + 8z = 9
8 Tangent: y = x + (2 - %)a; Normal: y + z = $a
9 Tangent: y + (fi - 1)z = b; Normal: ( A- l)y - z + 3 ( f i - l)b = 0
10 Tangent: y + (2 + &)z = 2(1+ 6); Normal: (@+ 3)y - z = 0

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page 117)

1 24z2 - y2 - 1502 + 2y + 224 = 0
2 17x2 - 2xy + 17y2 + 842 - 96y + 198 = 0
3 5y2-10y-x+4=0

4 -
+ ( Y114+ $ ) ~= 1; ellipse; centre (1, -3).
(y - 1)2 = -3(z 1
- -); parabola; vertex ( & , I ) .

6 ( Z + $ ~
- ( y - f 1 2 = 1; hyperbola; centre (-i,
Answers to Exercises 251

7 Vertex (- 4 , O )
Equation of directrix X = -2 E x =.-i

Centre C(3, -2)

Equations of directrices Y = f5

Centre C(-$, 4)
Asymptotes: Y = f&X
= y = 51f ++ + $1
Equations of directrices: X = f%
= x = ~2 o r - 2

10 Tangent: y = 0;Normal: z = -1
11 Tangent: x $. y = 1; Normal: y - x + 1 = 0
12 a. 2y-x+l=O; x+p+2=O b. (2,;); (-4,2).

16 Tangent: 2g - 32 =,12; Normal: 3y + 22 = 6.

252 Answers to Exercises

Chapter 4
Exercises 4.1 (Page 124)
2 (i) a s i n O y + b c o s O x = a b and bcosOy-asinOz+a2e2sinOcosO=0
(ii) atanOy-bsecOx+ab=OandbsecOy+atan~x-a2e2secOtanO=0.
3 Equations of bisectors a t ( x l , yl) are (A - B ) x + (A + B)y + C - k = 0 and (A + B ) x - (A -
+ + +
B)y C - k = 0 where A = ax1 $by1 g, B = abzl cyl + + f , C = gxl + f y l + d and
+ +
k = (a - c ) z ~ y l ;b(x: - y:) gyl - f x l .
4 (z+2a)y2=-4a3
6 The same as for the ellipse.

Exercises 4.2 (Page 128)

2 1
1 r= e=- ellipse
1 + $c0sO1 2'

2 -3
3 r= e = 2, hvperbola 4 r= 2 hyperbola
1- 2cosO' l+/cosO1 e=I'
Answers to Exercises 253

5 r=
e = 1, parabola , 6 r= Q e=-
l+-e9 ~ + ~ c o s ~ '3 '

1 - 1
7 r=
1 + fisin(6- $)
- l+fisind
e = h, hyperbola.

Exercises 4.3 (Page 134)

a = -.
1 7t2 - 3$ = 20
2 a = E.
t2+ 5 $ -4t-4&= 0

a = -.

t2- 4712 + 167 - 20 = 0
a=-- x2+fiv=0
a = -. ~ ~ - ~ ~ - 2 f i ~ = 2
= -' 4q2-5ht+fiq+8=~
No. When b # 0 no rotation a can simultaneously make B = 0 and A = C.
discriminant A <0 ellipse
discriminant A > 0 hyperbola
discriminant A = 0 parabola.
254 Answers to Exercises

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page '134)

4 1
2, r=
+ isine' e= -5' ellipse r-=
1- s i n e '
e = 1, parabola

r= e = 4, hyperbola.
1+ JZsin(e + 5 )'

9 discriminant A < 0 ellipse

10 discriminkt A > 0 hyperbola

Chapter 5
Exercises 5.2.2 (Page 150)
4 r(t) = (1, - , 2 ) + t(-12,4,3)
(i) t = 2
(ii) (3, -%, z)
(iii) h ( 5 + a,
-15 - 3 6 , 1 0 + 2 6 ) and -&(-5 + ml15 - 3 K 4 , - 1 0 +2 a )
Answers to Exercises 255

6 JAC1 = 106.2 km; C is in direction N41.72OW from A. If i is east and j is north then
A>= -50&i+50(3- &) j
7 a. 57.69 m b, swims upstream inclined at 67.38' relative to the bank.

Exercises 5.2.4 (Page 159)

1 (i) -2i+4j-10k (ii) 16i-8j-16k
2 (p~q).r=Oorr=cup+fIqwithcr=l, p = - 1
3 The set in (iii) is coplanar.
4 (i) 23 (ii) -102 (iii) -126
5 x+y=3
6 x+z=2
7 -x+y+4z=4
8 (r-a).(b~c)=O
9 (x, y, z) = A(-2, -1,l) where X is any real number.
10 (x, y ,z) = A(2,1,0) where A is any real number.

(i) cos-' (-$) = 112.39' (ii) cos-' (-$) = 91.82'

14 (i) %(4i+2j-3k)
15 Component of c - a perpendicular to line is -(-I9 i + 11 j - 4 k). Foot of perpendicular
= -(I3 i 7 j + 16 k).

Exercises 5.3 (Page 163)

1 +
(e' sin t et cos t ) i + (e' cost - et sin t ) j + 3et k
2 sint+tcost
3 2sinti+(2cost+3) j+(tsint-cost)k
1 1
2 3
r(t) = -t2 i -t3 k
5 Velocity v(t) = -2 sin t i + 2 cost j + k; speed = fi;acceleration a(t) = -2 cost i - 2 sin t j.
6 Displacement or position vector r(t) = (100t - 5t2) k; r = 500 k when velocity is 0 .
7 a. d(-sin8,cosfI)
b. a(-sinOcos4 ~ - c o s 8 s i n $ ~ , - s i n 8 s i n $ ~ + c o s 8 c o s $ ~ , c o s 8 ~ )

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page 163)

1 r = -i+3k+(5i+3j-4k)t; (+,%,0).
2 22-3~+42=13
4 (i) 8 (ii) 5 (iii) -23i+lOj-12k
256 Answers to Exercises

6 a. -3;
scalar projection = vector projection = - i ( i - 2 j + 2k); angle between them
= cos-I - 3 10 = 137.55O. '

b. 62
scalar projection = -T; vector projection = -%(-3 i + 4 k); angle between them =
cos-I(-%) = 143.13O.
7 (i) x+5y+z=5, (ii) y+z=3.
8 (3,-1,-1)
9 -2sintcosti-(sin2t+2tcostsint)j+(sint+tcost+~os2t-sin2t)k
10 +
velocity = i 4t j; acceleration = 4 j.
11 v=6cos2ti-6sin2tj+2k; a=-12sin2ti-l2cos2tj
12 r ( t ) = (ut cosI9,utsinI9 - i g t 2 , 0 )

Chapter 6
Exercises 6.1 (Page 169)
1 velocity: 6t i + 2 j + 3t2 k;acceleration: 6 i + 6t j
2 velocity: u cos I9 i + (u sin 0 - gt) j; acceleration: -g j
3 +
velocity: pe-Pt i (1 - pe'Pt) k ; acceleration: -p2e-Pt i + p2e-Pt k
5 b. secttanti+sec2tj.

Exercises 6.2 (Page 175)

1 Tangential component: 1 8 t / . \ / m ; normal component: -61 d m .
2 v = 2t; et = j; tangential component: 2; normal component: 0.
3 v = 1; et = - cost i - sint j; tangential component: 0; normal component: 1.

4 v=JTTGF;et= d -;aa2i - 2 c4c2t2

tangential: ;-/t
d W = ' .
6 acceleration: a = (x, y) = (0, -288 cos 32).

Exercises 6.3 (Page 179)

7 (i) 720 m (ii) 12 + 5d8 sec (iii) 504.
8 maximum height: 562.5 m; range: 2250 m.

Exercises 6.4 (Page 189)

1 6) (ii) 15 (iii) 75.

4 (i) r - 3 = 1 - -9
(ii) radial component: 2 k 3 P - transverse component: 0.
Answers to Exercises 257
5 (i) 12 m/sec (ii) - sec . (iii) 12 m/sec (iv) 8 m.
6 (i) r(t) = (- - sin a t , b cos 2at)

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page 190)

1 b. v=-2costi-sintj;a=2sinti-costj
costi- 2 c o s t j , 2 s i n t i + cost j
3 v=dcos2t+4sin2t; et= en = tangential compe
dcos2 t 4 sin2t + dcos2 t 4 sina t +
3 sin t cos t 2
nent : ; normal component: -
dcos2 t 4 sin2 t dcos2 t 4 sin2 t ' +
4 ~=i;cosO-2i6sinO-r~cosO-r62~osO;ji=~sinO+2i6sinO+r~cosO-r~2sinO
5 (0, - u 2 u 2 ~ s i wx)
6 (i) 10 m/sec (ii) -
110 1 0 4 sec (iii) 5fi m/sec.
7 velocity at (a, -b) = 0 ; velocity at (-a,O) = fabj.
k(m -
8 (i) rm-" -
(ii) radial component: nk2r2"-I p2r2m-1; transverse component: kp(m + l)rm+""

1 0 0 d - 125 metres

Chapter 7
Exercises 7.1 (Page 193)
13 (i) --100
m/sec2 (ii) 1234.6 N
14 -N-
Exercises 7.2 (Page 198)
80 40
1 distance: -7
m velocity: -7
3 a. 3.72 sec b. 32.24 m/sec.
4 (i) g sin a (ii) gt sin a (iii) igt2sin a
(iv) time = d-, speed = d G
268 Answers to Exercises

Exercises 7.3 (Page 212)

2 20.65" or 83.3g0

Exercises 7.4 (Page 222)

2 -
= 0.253 m
3 0.4988% % -%
4 1.007 Hz
5 0.3444 sec; 0.365 m/sec.
6 2 d G da.
Exercises 7.5 (Page 233)
- m/sec perpendicular to OA and making an angle of 60" with the velocity of B.
For A: vertically downwards and horizontally in the direction of its original motion.
m l + rn2
For B: rn2U vertically downwards.
m1+ m2
(i) e=- rnl where m l , mz are masses of moving and stationary balls respectively.
(ii) rnlsrnz.
speed = dcos2 6 + e2 sin2 6 inclined at angle tan-'(e tan 6) with the horizontal.
(i) Formassrn: i(20fi-4fi)i+4fij;Formass2rn: 5(54+8fi)i+5j
(ii) For mass rn: 5 f i i + 4 4 j ; For mass 2m: i ( 5 f i 4 4 +
) i 5j +
where i is taken along the line of centres.

Exercises 7.6 (Page 238)

1 v* = -(cr - rnog) + ~6 ; cr - rnog > 0 is condition for rocket to rise
x = -(cr
- mop) +

Miscellaneous Exercises (Page 239)

u2 1 u 1
1 - - - g ~ 2above point of projection; time: - + -T.
29 8 9 2
2 maximum horizontal range: Ed-.
5 +U along line of centres; !U in direction making ahgle tan-' $ with line of centres.
6 e2"h.
Greek Alphabet 259

Greek Alphabet

Name Greek letter Name -

Alpha Nu
Beta Xi
Gamma Omicron
Delta Pi
Epsilon Rho
Zeta Sigma
Eta Tau
Theta Upsilon
Iota Phi
Kappa Chi
Lambda Psi
Mu Omega
260 Index


acceleration vector 167 dot product (see scalar product)

angle between two circles 64 eccentricity 78
angle between two lines 25 elastic limit 215
bisector of 33, 38 ellipse 77, 82, 88
angle between two vectors 151 equation of a straight line
angular momentum 219 intercept form 17, 19
area of polygon 10 parametric 22
area of triangle 8 slope-intercept form 17, 18
asymptotes 92 tangent form 17
axes equation of circle 45
rotation of 129 standard form of 45
translation of 85 external division 2, 4, 5
billiards 232 focus 78
central orbit 186 frame of reference 165
centroid 7 friction 194
chord of contact 59 gradient 12
circle homogeneous equation of second degree 37
centre of 45 Hooke's law 215
equation of 45 hyperbola 77, 82, 91
orthogonal 64 impulse 223
radius of 45 impulsive force 223
systems of 64 impulsive motion 223
through three points 47 internal division 2
circumcircle of triangle 47 intersection of circle and line 51
coaxial circles 70 kinematics 165
coefficient of restitution 226 line
conic 77 distance of a point from 31
parametric equations of 109 parallel 27
conic section 78 pencil of 35
coordinate planes 135 perpendicular 27
cross product (see vector product) vector equation of 145
cycloid 110 major axis 88
cylindrical polar coordinates 171 median 6
determinant 8 midpoint 5
direct impact 225 minor axis 88
directed distance 136 moment of inertia 220
direction cosine 140 momentum 192
directrix 78 natural length 215
displacement vector 165 Newton's laws of motion 192
distance between two points 1, 2 Newton's second law 141, 192
Index 261

normal speed 167

circle 58 tangent
conic 100 chord of contact 59
curve 98, 172 to circle 51, 52
plane 155 to conic 100
normal component to curve 98, 172
null vector 137 length of 57
oblique axes 129 pair of 55
oblique impact 225 tangential component 171
orthogonal circles 64 terminal speed 211
parabola 77, 83, 87 thrust 235
parabolic motion 176 trajectory 166
parallel axes 86 translation of axes 85
parallel lines 27 transverse component 170
parallelogram law of vector addition 143 triangle law of vector addition 142
parametric equation of conic 109 vector 137
particle 165 addition 142, 145
particle path 166 parallelogram law of 143
pencil of straight lines 35 properties of 143
vertex of 35 triangle law of 142
perfectly elastic object 226 component of 139, 147
perpendicular lines 27 equality of 139
plane polar coordinates 170 final point of 137
polar equation of a conic 124 initial point of 137
polar of a point 60 line segment representation of 137
pole 60 magnitude of 137, 140
position vector 138 orthogonal 152
power of a point 68 parallel 141
projectile 199 position 138
maximum height of 200 scalar component of 153
range of 200 unit 141
radial component 170 vector component of 153
radical axis 68, 69 vector function 160
radius of curvature 173 continuity of 160
rectilinear motion 176 derivative of 161
reference point 165 integration of 162
reflecting property 118 limit of 160
reflecting telescope 123 vector product of two vectors 156
rotation of axes 129 properties of 156
scalar 137 vector triple product 158
scalar product of two vectors 151 velocity vector 167
properties of 152 vertex of ellipse 88
scalar triple product 158 vertex of hyperbola 94
second degree equation 128 Young's modulus of elasticity 216
simple pendulum 217 zero vector 137
slope 12
' 4 .


7 ISBN 978 175 373 0

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