Chapter 16 Managers As Leaders: Annotated Outline

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The quality of leadership is an important element in an
organization’s success, since leaders influence employees to work
together toward the fulfillment of a company’s mission and the
achievement of its goals.
Certain distinctions can be made between managers and leaders.
A. While managers are appointed and have legitimate power
within the organization, a leader is someone who can
influence others and who has managerial authority.
B. Leadership is the process of influencing a group to achieve
Researchers began to study leadership in the early twentieth
century and developed behavioral theories that focused on the
leader (trait theories) and how the leader interacts with his/her
group members.
A. Trait Theories
1. Research in the 1920s and 1930s focused on traits of
the leader, with the intent to isolate characteristics
that might by used to differentiate leaders from
2. Identifying a set of traits consistently associated with
the process of leadership proved to be more successful
than one set of traits that would always differentiate
leaders from nonleaders.
3. Seven traits associated with effective leadership are
described in Exhibit 17-1 and PowerPoint slide 17-
B. Behavioral Theories
1. Researchers began to hope that a behavioral theories
approach would provide more definitive information
about the nature of leadership than did trait theories.
2. Four main leader behavior studies are summarized in
Exhibit 17-2 and PowerPoint slides 17-8 and 17-9.
a. University of Iowa Studies. Kurt Lewin and his
associates explored three leadership styles:
autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.
b. The Ohio State Studies identified two important
dimensions of leader behavior: initiating
structure and consideration.
c. University of Michigan Studies identified two
dimensions of leader behavior: leaders who
were employee oriented and leaders who were
production oriented.
d. The Managerial Grid is a two-dimensional grid
used to appraise leadership styles using
“concern for people” and “concern for
production” as dimensions. (See Exhibit 17-3
and PowerPoint slide 17-14.)
3. Predicting leadership success involved more than
isolating a few leader traits or behavior. The lack of
success in attaining consistent results led to a focus on
situational influences.
A. The Fiedler contingency model, developed by Fred Fiedler,
is a contingency theory proposing that effective group
performance depended upon the proper match between a
leader’s style of interacting with his/her followers and the
degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control
and influence.
1. Fiedler developed the least-preferred coworker
(LPC) questionnaire, which measures whether a
person is task or relationship oriented. This
questionnaire contained 18 pairs of contrasting
adjectives. Respondents were asked to think of all the
coworkers they had ever had and to describe the
person they least preferred to work with, using the 18
sets of adjectives. Fiedler believed that a person’s
basic leadership style could be determined on the
basis of their answers.
2. Fiedler also isolated three situational criteria that he
believed could be manipulated to create the proper
match with the behavioral orientation of the leader:
a. Leader-member relations described the
degree of confidence, trust, and respect
subordinates have in their leader.
b. Task structure described the degree to which
job assignments are formalized and
c. Position power described the degree of
influence a leader had over power-based
activities such as hiring, firing, discipline,
promotions, and salary increases.
3. Next, Fiedler used the above variables to evaluate the
situation. He defined eight different situations in which
a leader could find himself/herself. (See Exhibit 17-4
and PowerPoint slide 17-17.)
4. The Fiedler model proposes matching an individual’s
LPC and an assessment of the three contingency
variables to achieve maximum leadership
5. Fiedler concluded that task-oriented leaders tend to
perform better in situations that are either very
favorable or very unfavorable to them.
6. He concluded that relationship-oriented leaders
perform better in moderately favorable situations.
7. Fiedler believed that an individual’s leadership style
was fixed; he concluded that leader effectiveness could
be improved in only two ways:
a. Bring in a new leader whose style fits better to
the situation.
b. Change the situation to fit the leader.
8. Research has generally supported the validity of
Fiedler’s model. However, some drawbacks are
associated with the model.
B. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) is
a leadership contingency theory developed by Paul Hersey
and Ken Blanchard that focuses on followers’ readiness. (See
PowerPoint slides 17-18, 17-19, and 17-20.)
1. Hersey and Blanchard propose that successful
leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership
style that matches the level of the followers’ readiness.
2. Readiness is the extent to which people have the
ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task.
3. SLT uses the same leadership dimensions identified by
Fiedler: task and relationship behaviors.
4. Each of the two leadership dimensions is considered
either high or low and then combined into four specific
leadership styles.
5. Research efforts to test and support this theory
generally have been disappointing, possibly because of
internal ambiguities or inconsistencies in the model
C. The leader participation model is a leadership
contingency model theory developed by Vroom and Yetton
that related leadership behavior and participation in decision
1. The leader participation model has changed as
research findings have provided additional insights; a
current model uses variations of the same five
leadership styles of the original model and now reflects
how and with whom decisions are made. (See Exhibit
17-5 and PowerPoint slide 17-23.)
2. In Vroom’s time-driven model, a leader determines
whether each contingency factor is high or low and
after assessing all contingency variables, identifies the
appropriate style. (See Exhibit 17-6 and PowerPoint
slide 17-24.)
3. Another model—the development-driven model—is
structured the same way, but emphasizes making
effective decisions with maximum employee
development outcomes and places no value on time.
D. Path-goal theory, developed by Robert House, is a
leadership theory that purports that it is the leader’s job to
assist his/her followers in attaining their goals and to provide
the direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are
compatible with the overall objectives of the organization.
(See Exhibit 17-7 and PowerPoint slide 17-26.)
1. Path-goal theory says that a leader’s behavior is
acceptable to subordinates to the degree that they
view it as an immediate source of satisfaction or a
source of future satisfaction. The leader’s behavior is
motivational to the extent that it makes subordinate
need-satisfaction contingent on effective performance
and provides the coaching, guidance, support, and
rewards necessary for effective performance.
2. Four leadership behaviors were identified by House:
a. The directive leader lets subordinates know
what is expected of them, schedules work to be
done, and gives specific guidance on how to
accomplish tasks.
b. The supportive leader is friendly and shows
concern for subordinates’ needs.
c. The participative leader consults with
subordinates and uses their suggestions before
making a decision.
d. The achievement-oriented leader sets
challenging goals and expects subordinates to
perform at their highest level.
3. The path-goal theory proposes two classes of
situational or contingency variables that moderate the
leadership behavior-outcome relationship:
a. Variables in the environment that are outside of
the control of the follower.
b. Variables that are part of the personal
characteristics of the follower.
4. The following hypotheses have evolved from path-goal
a. Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction
when tasks are ambiguous or stressful than
when they are highly structured and well laid
b. Supportive leadership results in high employee
performance and satisfaction when subordinates
are performing structured tasks.
c. Directive leadership leads to higher employee
satisfaction when there is substantive conflict
within a work group.
d. Achievement-oriented leadership increases
expectancies that effort will lead to high
performance when tasks are ambiguously
5. Although not every research finding has been positive,
the majority of the evidence supports the following
logic underlying path-goal theory:
a. Employee performance and satisfaction are
likely to be positively influenced when the leader
compensates for shortcomings in either the
employee or the work setting.
b. However, if the leader spends time explaining
tasks when those tasks are already clear or
when the employee has the ability and expe-
rience to handle them, the employee is likely to
see such behavior as redundant or even
The most current approaches to looking at leadership are discussed
in this section of the text.
A. The research thus far discussed has described the
transactional leader. What is the difference between
transactional and transformational leaders?
1. Transactional leaders are leaders who lead primarily
by using social exchanges (or transactions).
2. Transformational leaders are leaders who stimulate
and inspire (transform) followers to achieve
extraordinary outcomes.
3. Evidence supporting the superiority of transformational
leadership over transactional leadership is
overwhelmingly impressive.
B. Charismatic-Visionary Leadership
A charismatic leader is an enthusiastic, self-confident
leader whose personality and actions influence people to
behave in certain ways.
1. Five personal characteristics of charismatic leaders
have been identified. Charismatic leaders:
a. Have a vision
b. Are able to articulate that vision
c. Are willing to take risks to achieve that vision
d. Are sensitive to both environmental constraints
and follower needs
e. Exhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinary
2. An increasing amount of research shows impressive
correlations between charismatic leadership and high
performance and satisfaction among followers.
3. Most experts think that individuals can be trained to
exhibit charismatic behaviors.
4. Charismatic leadership may not always be needed to
achieve high levels of employee performance. This
type of leadership may be most appropriate when an
employee’s job has a significant amount of ideological
C. Visionary leadership is the ability to create and articulate a
realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that
improves upon the present situation.
1. If the vision is properly selected and implemented, it
can energize individuals to use their skills, talents, and
resources to fulfill the vision.
2. A vision differs from other forms of organizational
direction in that it uses compelling imagery, taps into
individuals’ emotions and energy, and creates the
enthusiasm that people need to bring energy and
commitment to the workplace.
3. The key properties of a vision are that it has
inspirational possibilities that are value centered, are
realizable, have superior imagery, and are well
4. What skills do visionary leaders have?
a. The ability to explain the vision to others
b. The ability to express the vision, not only
verbally, but also through behavior.
c. The ability to extend or apply the vision to
different leadership contexts.
D. Team Leadership
As work teams become more prevalent in the workplace, the
role of team leader becomes increasingly important.
1. The existence of work teams necessitates that
managers learn how to become effective team leaders.
2. Skillful team leaders master the difficult balancing act
of knowing when to leave their teams alone and when
to become involved.
3. A team leader has two priorities:
a. Managing the team’s external boundaries
b. Facilitating the team process
4. These two priorities can be broken down into four
specific leadership roles (see Exhibit 17-8 and
PowerPoint slide 17-31):
a. Liaisons with external constituencies
b. Troubleshooters
c. Conflict managers
d. Coaches
The concept of leadership is continually being refined. This section
of the text examines several contemporary issues in leadership.
A. Managing Power
Power is the capacity of a leader to influence work actions or
decisions. Because leaders must influence others, we need to
look at how leaders acquire power. French and Raven
identified five sources or bases of power.
1. Legitimate power is the power a leader has as a
result of his/her position in the organization.
2. Coercive power is the power a leader has because of
his/her ability to punish or control.
3. Reward power is the power a leader has because of
his/her ability to give positive benefits or rewards.
4. Expert power is influence that is based on expertise,
special skills, or knowledge.
5. Referent power is power that arises because of a
person’s desirable resources or personal traits.
6. Most effective leaders rely on several different bases of
B. Developing Trust
1. Credibility is the degree to which followers perceive
someone as honest, competent, and able to inspire.
2. Trust is the belief in the integrity, character, and
ability of a leader.
3. Research has identified five dimensions that make up
the concept of trust:
a. Integrity (honesty and truthfulness)
b. Competence (technical and interpersonal
knowledge and skills)
c. Consistency (reliability, predictability, and good
judgment in handling situations)
d. Loyalty (willingness to protect a person,
physically and emotionally)
e. Openness (willingness to share ideas and
information freely)
4. Given the fact that many organizations have moved to
self-managed work teams, establishing trust in the
leadership is critical.
5. Following are eight suggestions for leaders to use in
building trust (see Exhibit 17-9 and PowerPoint
slide 17-34):
a. Practice openness.
b. Be fair.
c. Speak your feelings.
d. Tell the truth.
e. Show consistency.
f. Fulfill your promises.
g. Maintain confidences.
h. Demonstrate competence.
C. Providing Ethical Leadership
1. Little attention has been given to the topic of
leadership and ethics.
2. Ethics are part of leadership in many ways.
3. Providing moral leadership involves addressing the
means that a leader uses in achieving goals. It
involves the content of the goals as well.
D. Empowering Employees
Another method of leadership increasingly used by
contemporary managers is the empowerment of employees.
1. The increased use of empowerment is being driven by
two considerations:
a. Quick decisions often need to be made by the
individuals who are most knowledgeable about
particular issues.
b. Organizational downsizing has given managers
larger spans of control, and in order to cope,
managers are turning to employee
2. Empowerment should not be considered a universal
panacea in problem solving; such a perspective would
be an anti-contingency approach. Rather,
empowerment should be used when a workforce has
the knowledge, skills, and experience to do jobs
competently and when employees seek autonomy and
possess an internal locus of control.
E. Cross-Cultural Leadership
National culture is an important situational variable in
selecting the most appropriate style.
1. Findings from research are provided in Exhibit 7-10
and PowerPoint slide 17-38.
2. The GLOBE research program (introduced in Chapter
Four) identifies universal aspects, including vision,
foresight, trustworthiness, dynamism, positiveness,
ability to provide encouragement, and proactiveness.
F. Gender Differences and Leadership
The contemporary leadership issue of gender and leadership
sometimes involves controversy. What, if any, differences
exist between male and female leaders and what implications
might such differences have?
1. Evidence generally has found that males and females
do use different leadership styles.
a. Women tend to adopt a more democratic or
participative style and a less autocratic or
directive style than do men.
b. Women are more likely to encourage
participation, to share power and information,
and to attempt to enhance followers’ self-worth.
c. Men are more likely to use a directive,
command-and-control style.
d. Men rely on the formal authority of their position
for their influence base.
e. Men use transactional leadership, handing out
rewards for good work and punishment for bad.
2. Is different better? The best managers (leaders) listen,
motivate, and provide support to their people. They
inspire and influence, rather than control. Generally
speaking, women seem to perform these behaviors
better than do men. (See Exhibit 17-11 and
PowerPoint slide 17-40 for a summary.)
3. However, gender does not imply destiny. The
effectiveness of a particular leadership style depends
upon the situation. Gender simply provides a
behavioral tendency in leadership style.
G. The Demise of Celebrity Leadership
Polls indicate that only 16 percent of Americans trust
business executives.
1. The average CEO salary is makes 531 times the
average worker’s salary, a figure that greatly disturbs
the public.
2. Further resentment occurs when rewards are given to
CEOs even when a company’s performance declines.
3. The demise of the “heroic leader” has been caused by
arrogance, greed, and hype.
4. The CEO’s role as organizational leader should be
5. Today’s CEO must be candid in addressing which
business practices are acceptable and proper. CEOs
should be prepared to take decisive action when
something wrong is discovered.
H. Substitutes for Leadership (See PowerPoint slide 17-43)
1. Certain individual, job, and organizational variables can
act as “substitutes for leadership,” negating the
importance of having an individual leader.
2. Possible variables of this type include characteristics of
followers (e.g., experience, training, professional
orientation, or the need to be independent).
3. Routine, unambiguous, or intrinsically satisfying jobs
may require little leadership.
4. Cohesive work groups, explicit formal goals, and/or rigid
rules and procedures may serve as substitutes for

For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the


31. Leadership is __________________.
a. the process of influencing a group toward the achievement
of goals
b. a group that achieves goals
c. the function of influencing a group towards the
achievement of goals
d. directing a group towards the achievement of goals
(a; difficult; p. 422)

32. Which of the following is not true concerning the difference between managers
and leaders?
a. managers are appointed
b. managers influence through informal means
c. leaders may be appointed
d. leaders can influence beyond formal authority
(b; easy; p. 422)

33. Persons who are able to influence others and who possess managerial authority
are termed ______________.
a. managers
b. leaders
c. organizers
d. visionaries
(b; easy; p. 422)

34. Leadership _____________.

a. has a requirement of at least five members to be led
b. is based on management direction
c. research has shown that it cannot be developed
d. has only been studied since the early twentieth century
(d; moderate; p. 422)

35. Early leadership trait research sought _______________.

a. to clarify the need for leadership traits
b. and found the traits status of leaders
c. identification of traits that leaders could use
d. characteristics that might differentiate leaders from
(d; difficult; p. 423)

36. The University of Iowa studies discussed all of the following leadership
styles except ________________.
a. laissez-faire
b. democratic
c. accommodating
d. autocratic
(c; moderate; p. 424)

37. A high-high leader achieved _______________.

a. high group task performance and satisfaction more
frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or
b. low group task performance and satisfaction more
frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or
c. high group task performance and satisfaction more
frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or
both on the short run
d. moderator group task performance and satisfaction more
frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or
both on the long run
(a; moderate; p. 425)

38. The Ohio State and the University of Michigan studies were
a. about the same time, but had different research objectives
b. at different times, but had similar research objectives
c. at different times, but had similar research findings
d. about the same time and had similar research objectives
(d; moderate; p. 425)

39. Research on leadership made it increasingly clear that predicting leadership

success involved _________________.
a. proper analysis of leader consideration for people and
concern for production
b. hiring managers that could demonstrate and develop trust
with workers
c. something more complex than isolating a few leader traits
or preferable behaviors
d. was more complex than a few leader styles
(c; difficult; p. 425)
40. Trait theory ignores __________.
a. the interactions of leaders
b. the characteristics of the group members
c. the interactions of leaders and their group members as well
as situational factors
d. situational factors in the leadership research
(c; moderate; p. 423)

41. In the behavioral studies, group members’ satisfaction levels were generally
a. higher under an autocratic leader in the long run
b. improved when the leader was considerate of the
c. maintained when the leader was autocratic on the short
d. higher under a democratic leader than under an autocratic
(d; difficult; p. 424)

42. The managerial grid uses __________.

a. a two-dimensional grid for appraising leadership styles
b. two behavioral dimensions of leadership style
c. a two-dimensional grid for determining leadership styles
d. a two-dimensional grid for assessing the dimensions of
leadership styles
(d; difficult; p. 425)

43. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as one of the three leadership
styles explored in the University of Iowa studies?
a. cultural style
b. autocratic style
c. democratic style
d. laissez-faire style
(a; easy; p. 424)

44. Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends to
centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit
employee participation?
a. cultural style
b. autocratic style
c. democratic style
d. laissez-faire style
(b; moderate; p. 424)

45. The _______________ style of leadership describes a leader who tends to

involve employees in decision making, delegate authority, encourage
participation in deciding work methods and goals, and use feedback as an
opportunity for coaching employees.
a. cultural
b. autocratic
c. democratic
d. laissez-faire
(c; moderate; p. 424)

46. Which of the following describes the leadership style in which the leader
generally gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the
work in whatever way it sees fit?
a. cultural style
b. autocratic style
c. democratic style
d. laissez-faire style
(d; ]moderate; p. 424)

47. According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of leader
behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his
or her role and the roles of group members in the search for goal attainment?
a. intelligence structure
b. psychological structure
c. Initiating structure
d. consideration structure
(c; easy; p. 425)

48. According to the Ohio State studies, the dimension of leader behavior that is
defined as the extent to which a leader had job relationships characterized by
mutual trust and respect for group members’ ideas and feelings is called
a. initiation
b. consideration
c. cultural
d. physical
(b; moderate; p. 425)


49. Research by Fiedler uncovered three contingency dimensions that define the key
a. situational factors for determining leader effectiveness
b. follower factors for determining leader effectiveness
c. leader behavioral style factors for determining leader
d. situational factors for determining follower effectiveness.
(a; difficult; p. 427)

50. Vroom and Yetton’s leader participation model argues that leader
behavior must __________.
a. reflect the needs of the followers
b. develop to the appropriate leadership style
c. adjust to reflect the task structure
d. depend on the situational variables involved
(c; moderate; p. 430)

51. Fiedler’s least-preferred coworker questionnaire seeks to measure what

leadership factor?
a. subordinate needs
b. leader’s style
c. situation
d. subordinate coworker influence
(b; moderate; p. 427)
52. Fiedler assumed a person’s leadership style was _______________.
a. contingent
b. relative
c. dimensional
d. fixed
(d; difficult; p. 428)

53. Fiedler’s dimension termed ______________ is the degree of confidence, trust,

and respect subordinates had for their leader.
a. leader-member relations
b. power relationship
c. task structure
d. authority
(a; easy; p. 427)

54. Which of the following are two of the three key situational factors Fielder felt
were important in determining leader effectiveness?
a. leader-member relations and maturity of followers
b. organizational success and position power
c. task structure and leader-member relations
d. maturity of organization and subordinates
(c; moderate; p. 427)

55. The degree to which the job assignments are formalized and procedurized is the
______________ contingency dimension according to Fielder.
a. position power
b. subordinate maturity
c. task structure
d. centralization
(c; moderate; p. 427)

56. Fiedler’s term ______________ refers to the degree of influence a leader has over
power-based activities.
a. leader-member relations
b. position power
c. responsibility
d. task structure
(b; moderate; p. 427)

57. Overall, the validity of the Fiedler contingency model could be described as
a. supportive
b. moderately supportive
c. inconclusive
d. unsupportive
(a; moderate; p. 428)

58. According to the text, the ______________ theory is a contingency theory that
focuses on followers’ readiness.
a. consideration leadership
b. situational leadership
c. passive leadership
d. active leadership
(b; moderate; p. 428)

59. Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides both
directive and supportive behavior?
a. telling
b. selling
c. participating
d. delegating
(b; moderate; p. 429)

60. The main role of the leader is to facilitate and communicate in which of the following
leadership styles?
a. telling
b. selling
c. participating
d. delegating
(c; moderate; p. 429)

61. Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides little
direction or support?
a. telling
b. selling
c. participating
d. delegating
(d; moderate; p. 429)

62. What leadership model is associated with Vroom and Yetton?

a. contingency leadership theory
b. situational leadership theory
c. path-goal model
d. leader participation model
(d; easy; p. 430)

63. Who developed path-goal theory?

a. Fielder
b. Blake and Mouton
c. Lewin
d. House
(d; moderate; p. 430)

64. According to path-goal theory, a leader who lets subordinates know what’s
expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to
how to accomplish tasks is termed _______________.
a. directive
b. achievement oriented
c. participative
d. supportive
(a; moderate; p. 431)

65. According to path-goal theory, a leader who is friendly and shows concern for the
needs of subordinates is termed _______________.
a. directive
b. achievement oriented
c. participative
d. supportive
(d; moderate; p. 431)

66. According to path-goal theory, a manager who consults with subordinates and
uses their suggestions would be exhibiting what type of leadership behavior?
a. directive
b. achievement oriented
c. participative
d. supportive
(c; moderate; p. 431)

67. A leader who sets challenging goals and expects very high performance levels
from subordinates would be classified as what type of leader, according to path-
goal theory?
a. supportive
b. participative
c. achievement oriented
d. democratic
(c; moderate; p. 431)

68. In the path-goal theory, which of the following is included in the class of
contingency variables termed “environment”?
a. task structure and formal authority system
b. locus of control and experience
c. perceived ability
d. employee satisfaction
(a; difficult; p. 431)

69. Path-goal theory identifies two classes of situation variables that moderate the
leadership-behavior outcome as _________________.
a. tact and relationship
b. path and goal
c. people and history
d. environment and followers
(d; moderate; p. 431)

70. Which of the following is included in the class of contingency variables termed
a. locus of control
b. performance
c. employee satisfaction
d. formal authority system
(a; difficult; p. 431)

71. Which of the following is not one of the hypotheses that have evolved from the
path-goal theory?
a. Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and
satisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks.
b. Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant among
subordinates with high perceived ability or with considerable experience.
c. The clearer and more bureaucratic the formal authority relationships, the
more leaders should exhibit supportive behavior and deemphasize
directive behavior.
d. Subordinates with an external locus of control will be less satisfied with a
directive style.
(d; difficult; p. 432)

72. According to the path-goal theory, directive leadership will lead to higher
employee satisfaction when there is ______________ within a work group.
a. cohesiveness
b. high structure
c. substantial conflict
d. internal locus of control
(c; moderate; p. 432)

73. Research on path-goal theory could be summarized as ________________.

a. negative support
b. inconclusive
c. positive support
d. very unsupportive
(c; easy; p. 432)

74. The Fiedler model was based on the premise that a certain leadership
style would be _________________.
a. effective dependent on the followers
b. more effective than concern for production
c. less effective than the behavioral styles models
d. most effective in different types of situations
(d; moderate; p. 426)

75. Reviews of the major studies undertaken to test the overall validity of Fiedler’s
model have shown __________________.
a. considerable evidence to refute the model
b. minor evidence to support the model
c. minor evidence to refute the model
d. considerable evidence to support the model
(d; easy; p. 428)

76. Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory is a contingency

theory that ______________.
a. focuses on the followers’ situation
b. depends on the followers’ situation
c. focuses on followers’ readiness
d. matches the situation with the followers’ ability
(c; difficult; p. 428)


77. Transactional leaders are leaders who guide _________________.

a. and direct groups towards their goals and tasks
b. and clarify the followers’ goals and task requirements
c. or clarify the group’s goals and roles
d. or motivate their followers in the direction of established
goals by clarifying role and task requirements
(d; difficult; p. 433)

78. Which type of leaders provides individualized consideration, provide intellectual

stimulation, and possess charisma?
a. transactional
b. charismatic
c. trait
d. transformational
(d; moderate; p. 433)

79. A leader, such as Bill Gates of Microsoft, who can inspire followers above their
own self-interests and can have a profound effect on their performance, are
known as _____________.
a. transactional leaders
b. directive leaders
c. informational leaders
d. transformational leaders
(d; difficult; p. 433)

80. Which of the following is an accurate statement about transformational leaders?

a. They clarify task requirements.
b. They focus on tasks and pay little attention to followers.
c. They are poor motivators.
d. They exhibit more than just charisma.
(d; difficult; p. 433)

81. The evidence supporting the superiority of transformational leadership over the
transactional variety is ______________.
a. inconclusive
b. moderately supportive
c. moderately negative
d. overwhelmingly impressive
(d; moderate; p. 433)

82. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors do researchers who are training
charismatic leaders not include?
a. leaning toward the subordinate
b. avoiding eye contact
c. having relaxed posture
d. having animated facial expressions
(b; easy; p.434)

83. ______________ leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic,

credible, and attractive vision of the future for an organization or organizational
unit that grows out of and improves on the future.
a. Visionary
b. Charismatic
c. Trait
d. Transactional
(a; easy; p. 434)

84. Which of the following is not an important leadership role for team leaders?
a. liaison with external constituencies
b. liaison with internal constituencies
c. troubleshooter
d. conflict manager
(b; moderate; p. 435)


85. __________ is the power that arises because of a person’s desirable resources or
personal traits.
a. Expert power
b. Referent power
c. Reward power
d. Legitimate power
(b; moderate; p. 437)

86. __________ to motivate others by transforming their self-interest into

organizational goals.
a. Women tend to use transformational leadership,
b. Women tend to use transactional leadership,
c. Men tend to use transactional leadership,
d. Men tend to use transformational leadership,
(a; moderate; p. 444)

87. All of the following are sources of power identified by French and Raven except
a. legitimate
b. status
c. expert
d. coercive
(b; easy; p. 436)

88. Which of the following, according to French and Raven, is the type of power a
person has because of his or her position in the formal organizational hierarchy?
a. legitimate power
b. coercive power
c. reward power
d. expert power
(a; moderate; p. 436)

89. ______________ is the power that rests on the leader’s ability to punish or
a. Reward power
b. Coercive power
c. Expert power
d. Referent power
(b; moderate; p. 436)

90. ______________ is the power to give positive benefit or rewards.

a. Reward power
b. Coercive power
c. Expert power
d. Referent power
(a; moderate; p. 437)

91. Your firm’s attorney has ______________ power when giving legal advice.
a. legitimate
b. status
c. expert
d. coercive
(c; moderate; p. 437)

92. ______________ is influence that’s based on expertise, special skills, or

a. Reward power
b. Coercive power
c. Expert power
d. Referent power
(c; moderate; p. 437)
93. When a young child emulates a professional sports star’s behavior, the star has
what kind of power over the child?
a. legitimate
b. expert
c. coercive
d. referent
(d; difficult; p. 437)

94. The most dominant component of credibility is ______________.

a. expertise
b. status
c. authority
d. honesty
(d; moderate; p. 438)

95. The dimension of trust that is used to describe honesty and truthfulness is
a. integrity
b. competence
c. consistency
d. loyalty
(a; easy; p. 439)

96. The dimension of trust that is used to describe reliability, predictability, and good
judgment in handling situations is termed ______________.
a. integrity
b. competence
c. consistency
d. loyalty
(c; moderate; p. 439)

97. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the differences between
gender and leadership style?
a. Males and females do not use different styles.
b. Men are more democratic than women.
c. Women encourage more participation.
d. Men share power more than women.
(c; moderate; p. 444)
98. According to the text, women tend to use ______________ leadership,
motivating others by transforming their self-interest into organizational goals.
a. transactional
b. transformational
c. situational
d. initiating
(b; moderate; p. 444)

99. According to the text, men tend to use _____________ leadership, handing out
rewards for good work and punishment for bad.
a. transactional
b. transformational
c. situational
d. initiating
(a; moderate; p. 444)

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