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Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2008; 18:111–112

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adaptive approximation based control: uni- Chapter 1 provides introduction to the book.
fying neural, fuzzy and traditional adaptive A brief discussion on the problem of adaptive
approximation approaches. Jay A. Farrell and approximation-based control methods which unifies
Marios M. Polycarpou, Wiley, New York, 2006. No the typical adaptive fuzzy and neural control
of pages: 440. ISBN 978-0-471-72788-0
approaches and the state-of-the-art in addressing
Since the 1990s there have been significant develop- the problem is given.
ments in the control of highly uncertain, nonlinear Chapters 2–4 investigate the fundamental aspects
dynamical systems and there has been a tremendous of adaptive approximation-based control which
amount of activities in neural control and adaptive include approximation theory, its structures, and
fuzzy control approaches [1–4]. These methods parameter estimation methods. All these preliminary
include intelligent control, neural control, adaptive knowledge will be referenced throughout the re-
fuzzy control, memory-based control, knowledge- mainder of the book.
based control, adaptive nonlinear control, and Chapter 2 introduces approximation theory with a
adaptive linear control, to name a few. Although motivating example around which a few important
these methods have different names with different issues are discussed. Generally speaking, function
perspectives, there is a common objective among them approximation can be divided into offline and online
that the practitioners are to design a controller that is approximations. An understanding of offline func-
guaranteed to be stable and achieve a high level of tion approximation is necessary before delving into
control performance for systems with poorly mod- online approximation. In particular, this chapter
elled nonlinear effects or with changing dynamics motivates why various issues should (or should not)
during operation. To this aim, it is very desirable to be taken into account when selecting an appropriate
develop approaches within a unifying framework. The approximator for a particular application.
book by Farrell and Polycarpou presents adaptive Chapter 3 discusses several neural, fuzzy, and
function estimation and feedback control methodol- traditional approximation structures in a unifying
ogies that develop and use approximations to framework based on linear and nonlinear models of
portions of the nonlinear functions describing the parameters to be determined. The function approx-
system dynamics while the system is in online imators include polynomials, splines, radial basis
operation. It examines some fundamental control functions, cerebellar model articulation controller,
problems in a systematic manner. The book starts multilayer perceptron, fuzzy approximation, and
with an explicit description of function approximation wavelets. The motivation and properties of each
and nonlinear control system. For function approx- function approximators are illustrated with a de-
imation, several conventional function approximators tailed example.
are introduced in detail. For nonlinear control Chapter 4 is devoted to parameter estimation
systems, various control problems are stated. These methods, including the formulation of parametric
problems include linearization, backstepping control, models for the approximation problem, the design of
robust control, adaptive control, etc. With these online learning schemes, and the derivation of parameter
preliminary knowledge explicitly described, the book estimation algorithms with certain stability and robust-
proceeds to address adaptive approximation-based ness properties, for adaptive function approximation in
control for scalar nonlinear systems and higher-order a continuous-time dynamical system. The methods will
nonlinear systems. Analysis tools are also provided provide a foundation for the adaptive approximation-
for performance assessment of existing control based control approaches to be developed in Chapters
systems with uncertainty. More specifically, the book 5–7. Several examples are worked out to show the
is organized into the following eight chapters. detailed procedure of parameter estimation methods.

Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised

Chapters 5–7 cover nonlinear control systems where and comparison of alternative techniques. Without
Chapter 5 addresses some of the dominant methods that doubt this book represents a significant contribution
have been developed for nonlinear control design such to the important research topic of analysis and
as small-signal linearization, feedback linearization, design for control systems with uncertainties. Results
backstepping, robust nonlinear control design methods included in the book, along with an extensive
and adaptive nonlinear control. It sets the foundation bibliography will prove to be an important resource
for the use of adaptive approximation to improve the for researchers in this area as well as researchers
performance of nonlinear controller operation in the interested in entering this area. The adaptive
presence of nonlinear model uncertainties to be approximation-based control approaches in the book
discussed in Chapters 6 and 7. The main focus of will prove equally valuable to practicing engineers
Chapter 5 is on tracking control problem and the with different backgrounds and can be viewed as one
regulation problem of systems with the full state being of the available tools that a control designer should
measured. For each method, one illustrative example have in her/his control toolbox. Although the
is given. mathematics involved in the book is on the heavy
Chapter 6 brings together different topics in side, all the analysis and design algorithms are
Chapters 2–5 in the synthesis and analysis of adaptive explicit. All the results are illustrated with fully
approximation-based control systems with the focus worked out examples and/or simulation.
on scalar systems with unknown nonlinearities. A This book is particularly a good text for a
general framework for modelling of dynamical graduate or advanced undergraduate course. Short
systems, design of feedback control systems, and courses or training courses for control engineers to
evaluation and testing of the overall, closed-loop gain knowledge in approximation-based control
system is presented. Stabilization of scalar systems is would be another avenue for this book.
discussed with nonlinearities being both known and
unknown. Several other aspects of the adaptive
approximation-based control problem such as the
effects on closed-loop performance of the learning 1. Bhatnagar S, Kumar S. A simultaneous perturbation
rate, feedback gain, and initial conditions as well as stochastic approximation-based actor-critic algo-
rithm for Markov decision processes. IEEE Transac-
tracking problem, and stability and robustness
tions on Automatic Control 2004; 49:592–598.
properties of the closed-loop system are also studied. 2. Mekki H, Chtourou M, Derbel N. Stochastic
Chapter 7 considers adaptive approximation-based approximation based adaptive neural control for a
control for higher-order dynamical systems and class of nonlinear systems. Control and Intelligent
provides a rigorous stability analysis of the resulting Systems 2005; 33:190–198.
3. Skafidas E, Fradkov A, Evans RJ, Mareels IMY.
closed-loop system in parallel to Chapter 6. The design Trajectory-approximation-based adaptive control for
and analysis of adaptive approximation-based control nonlinear systems under matching conditions.
in this chapter is applied to two general classes of Automatica 1998; 34:287–299.
nonlinear systems with unknown nonlinearities. One is 4. Song Q, Spall JC, Soh YC. Robust neural network
the class of feedback linearizable systems; the other is tracking controller using simultaneous perturbation
stochastic approximation. Forty-second IEEE Con-
the class of triangular nonlinear systems that allow the ference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, 2003;
use of the backstepping control design procedure. 6194–6199.
Chapter 8 presents detailed design and analysis of
adaptive approximation-based controller applied to a
benchmark problem: fixed-wing aircraft. DERONG LIU
The book is very well written. The topics chosen Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
are all fundamental control problems and are treated University of Illinois at Chicago,
in depth. The primary objective of this book is to Chicago, IL 60607, U.S.A.
present the methods systematically in a unifying
framework called adaptive approximation-based SANQING HU
control which unifies neural control, adaptive fuzzy Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester,
control, learning control, and approximation-based MN 55905, U.S.A.
control, facilitate discussion of underlying properties (DOI: 10.1002/rnc.1218)

Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2008; 18:111–112

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